
By Kent's Friend

Published on Sep 3, 2000


Kent 9

Kent had rocketed out the door after discovering that Mike had taken the film, but I was in no hurry to leave. Maybe Mike would come back, I thought as I stepped into his shower. As the hot water stripped the dried cum away, I ran the previous night through my mind. It might be dismissed as a dream, but the dull pain from my ass offered proof that it all had happened.

Kent had helped himself to a great time, energized by his own submission to Mike and by sharing me with him. Kent had been a surprise in the preceding hours, and delight for Mike. Despite having seen Kent conquered, though, it still felt great to have him on top of me. I'd be hurting even more if Mike had taken me directly. Kent must be.

As I dried off, Kent's predicament came to mind. Mike's use of my camera certainly made for some hot photos. I couldn't wait to see them. Even more, I eagerly wanted to see them with the other two. I wasn't worried that Mike would spread them around, and was past caring if he did. After all, it had happened before and for the better. Not so for Kent. He was squirming right about now, and Mike would work this for all it was worth.

If I were Mike, what would I want from Kent? That was easy. More interestingly, where would I want it from Kent? Back at the frat would be high on the list. I'd certainly take him there. Mike knew about the locker room. Maybe that would work. Anywhere, actually, sounded appealing.

I dressed in yesterday's clothes and stepped out into what little there was left of the morning. This was going to be a good day.

A couple of days later I ran into Kent, along with some of his crowd. He was all smiles and jokes, as ever, but something was up with him. When his other friends went on their own way, I got right to the point.

"What do you suppose Mike is going to want?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter. He'll get it," replied Kent. "He called me and said the pictures would be ready today. What an idiot I am. I meant to get up early and get them before he did."

"Then you could have added them to your collection, selectively, of course." I said. In the absence of a reply I went on. "Mike is a reasonable guy. You'll probably have to swallow a few of his loads, maybe take it up the ass again now and then. No big deal."

Kent looked around nervously while I continued. "Maybe he will do to you what you did to me, you know, making me serve you in front of a couple of interested friends. It's pretty hot, if you ask me, and I do know all about it. I hope I get to watch."

Kent was not going to ask anything. He was looking forward and steaming straight ahead. Talking about man-to-man sex in broad daylight was too much for Kent. Maybe that was what Mike needed to demand. As much as these two liked to talk it up in bed, carrying on in the light of day might be just the thing to fire them both up into a frenzy. I'd suggest it if I got the chance.

Late that evening Kent called. "Mike want us to meet him for a few beers tomorrow." The instructions made their way into my wallet. I couldn't wait. I asked Kent if he had any other news. "Same old," was all he'd say.

After I hung up, I climbed into bed. I was determined not to whack off, but that resolve lasted only a few minutes. The thought of meeting Mike for "beers" was too hot to ignore. My dick wanted to explore the idea. As I slipped my hand under the band of my briefs, I heard keys in the door. I gave myself a few quick strokes and left it at that.

"You owe me ten bucks, and one hell of a good explanation," Jason said. He had been at work tonight, and I had completely forgotten to stop him from printing my film.

"Would you believe we were shooting an ad brochure for rush week?" I asked.

"No. Not even a little bit." Jason kicked off his shoes and tossed the envelope onto my bed.

"How about a complicated bet over a basketball game?" I said.

"Better, but still not convincing," Jason said.

I fished one of the photos out. Kent was on his knees in front of a jockstrap-clad Mike. For a rare moment I had absolutely no words at my disposal. My chest tightened up. These were great.

"I would, maybe, believe that my roommate is a cocksucker, like these guys," Jason said. "And I'm absolutely sure that I am going to get a blow job, from you, now." As he spoke he popped open his belt and motioned to his crotch. This was not any Jason I knew.

He took two steps forward. "Come on. Suck it. I've been waiting all night for this. I should have had you figured out long ago."

I'd be going down on Jason, though I couldn't be more surprised about it. Jason was 100% straight, as far as I knew. He never even masturbated. With eyes like his, there was no need. He could pick a girl out of a crowd at a party and be talking to her five minutes later about where she wanted to go for breakfast afterwards. He wasn't doing this every night, but when he wanted it, he got it.

He was about 5'10", with trim build. His dark hair stood out against his fair skin, and I had no idea about his meat. I'd never seen him naked on account of his ever-present bathrobe. Now I was about to.

Jason popped open the buttons on his fly. I scooted over to the edge of the bed as Jason rolled down the elastic band of his briefs. The sexy trail of hair from his navel led to a thick forest of hair. Jason had an incredible mantle of pubic hair. The base of his cock was just beginning to emerge as he spoke.

"Check it out," Jason said. I took a glance as his dick flipped up out of his briefs. He wasn't Mike, or even Kent, but he'd be fun to suck. With his erect meat exposed, he just stood there for a few moments. I looked up at him.

"You're actually going to give me head?" Jason asked.

"That's what you want, right? And I do owe you one," I said. I felt like I was going to have to talk him through it. I enjoy a man who knows what he wants, and this was not sounding much like that anymore. We were back to the nerdy and insecure Jason. Shit.

"Don't know. I was fantasizing about it, but I kinda chickened out." Jason admitted.

I reached out of the bed and latched onto Jason's waist. As I pulled him forward, he tumbled clumsily onto the mattress.

"Hello, roommate!" I said. "I'm really sorry that I haven't been paying as much attention to you as I should have been, and I think we should get on much better terms with each other. Would that be okay?" I positioned Jason next to me and pulled the sheets over both of us.

"Uh, yeah," Jason stammered. "I though you didn't like me."

"Just never got to know you, buddy," I said. "Now I want you to slide a hand into my briefs and grab my dick, just like we're best friends and you just help yourself all the time." The commanding Jason that had stormed into the room had apparently left. Instead, I felt a gentle hand find my navel, and then head south in search of prick. He found it.

"Nice to meet you," Jason giggled and he closed his grip around my shaft. I tensed the muscles under my ass to make my dick jump in his hand, and reached over to latch onto his member. He was as hard as steel. As I leaned up to nip his ear lobe I wanted to whisper that he was a sweet kid, and I'd be doing my best to make his night memorable.

Instead I told myself that by morning, I'd have fucked his mouth and busted his cherry. He pushed towards me as I kissed his ear. Oh, Jason. I know what you need. Before long, he was warmed up to the idea of doing for me whatever I did for him.

As Jason took off his shoes and got the pillows from his bed, I quietly dug out the lube, towels, and rubbers. He asked questions about everything. Did I swallow? Who was my first, and how old was I? What if someone finds out? Do most guys do it? Okay, so I lied on a few of them.

The questions stopped as I put a lip lock on his dick. I gave him just a few strokes before I tasted precum.

"Jason, I don't want you to cum yet. This isn't a race. We should make it last as long as we can," I said.

"I can't help it. I'm good for a few times, though. It's okay. Do some more!" Jason said.

"All the same, I think you'll have to do me for a while now. It's a lot more fun to go down on a guy's dick before you blow your load, because you're so much hornier then," I explained. "A guy's dick feels great when you both need to cum, but are holding back."

He didn't need any more encouragement. I looked down my chest to see my little Jason positioning himself in front of my crotch.

"Okay. Here. I'm ready to try it. You, I mean. I'm..." Jason lost his word as I crammed his head down on my cock.

I went into lecture mode. "When, you're with a guy there's no need to babble. Chicks might like it, but guys want one thing and one thing only. Talk only to encourage him. Got it?" I pulled his head off of my shaft long enough for him to reply, but not long enough to apologize.

I kept going. "You must get a lot of blow jobs, Jason. Either you have been paying attention or you're a natural at cock sucking." I said. "Yeah, you know how to please a guy. Squeeze it with those lips. Suck me like you mean it."

Jason was bobbing up and down furiously, his own hard soldier stabbing at my shoulder. I leaned over and took him in. Jason moaned without relenting. Four a couple of minutes the silence was cut only with a slurp or hum form one or the other. I wasn't ever much of a 69er, preferring to concentrate on my work or reward, but this was great.

Suddenly, Jason quit and pushed me away from him.

"Hold off. Oh shit!" Jason exclaimed as he drew deep breaths. Nothing happened but a pearl at the slit of his member. "Too close. Hey, you're right about going for it when you really need to cum. It was great."

Both of us fell apart, lying on our backs. Nothing was said for a while, as both of us deflated a bit.

Jason started in. "So those guys in the pictures, do you give them blowjobs?"

"Yeah. The blond one especially. He's got a great dick, and he likes it any time he can get it. The other guy is straight, but he'll let us do it for him. He really likes to fuck the blond guy, though. Fuck him hard too, like he's into dominating him as much as getting his rocks off." I had moved my hand to Jason's stomach, and I felt it twitch as I described one man ass-fucking another. I decided to wait for the question.

"Do you ever get, uh, let some guy have you ass?" Jason asked. More twitching, and his words trailed off like his throat was closing up on him.

"Yeah, Jason, I did. Kent, the blond baseball jock, fucked me in the gym locker room while one of his buddies watched. He came up my ass and made me blow his friend for an encore. Now that was hot." I said.

I thought poor Jason would do a sit up the way his stomach jumped. I moved my hand to his balls.

"Doesn't that hurt? I mean, this Kent guy has got a big one!" Jason wanted to hear it all, and I was ready to tell him a story.

"No way, just at first. Once he's inside the hard part is over. You just get consumed by the fact that you're taking it from another guy and you forget the initial pain. Next thing you know, there isn't any. It's just you, and him, and moving together. It's a real turn on, far better than a blowjob. Best of all, all that action inside you makes you cum like you never have in your life. I can't even find where my wad went half the time. It's fantastic." I said.

Spilling my guts to Jason had reinspired me. I'd started stroking myself as I talked, all the while keeping a grip on Jason's balls. He'd spread his legs apart for me as I grasped him, and I took the opening to start massaging him behind the nuts. He was hairy there too. All this added up to a hard rod, pointed right at Jason's chin.

"Let's do it," I said. "I'll treat you to a nice and gentle first fuck, and later you can see if you like being on top of a guy." I propped myself up on one elbow and looked squarely at Jason's face. "I'll teach you how, so that if you ever get a chance of a lifetime like these two guys in the photos, you'll know what to do."

"I gotta go first?" Jason asked.

"Yeah buddy, that's the way it goes. I teach you, then we see if you learned anything," I said with a smile. All the while I was giving his nuts a gentle tug. His rod was answering for him.

I didn't wait for verbal confirmation before I'd torn open the package of a condom and started sliding it down my dick. Jason just watched. I explained the lube, and told him that it was time to get him prepared. I got him up on all fours, and steered his head into the corner at the foot of the bed. After stuffing the pillows under him, I pulled out the drawer under the bed and fished out one more treat.

"Here, this is Kent's," I said as I handed him the jock. "Hang onto it. Pull on it. Chew it. Pretend you are over at his frat, getting it in front of a dozen guys. Whatever you like," I said. "This is about getting to your deepest fantasy. You don't have to tell me about it. Just let your mind go."

Jason took the first fingering without a whimper. I cautiously advanced a second, and got only a mild groan as I loosened his ass.

"You are going to do just fine. Breathe deeply. Take it in," I said as I reached for a towel. "Let it out," I said and moved my hand to his hips. I led him through a few more breaths. He had his nose buried in the jock.

"Take it in." I said. With that, I leaned forward and guided my penis towards Jason's tight hole. As he began to exhale, I pressed forward. He shot out a quick breath and started to gulp another. I felt his warm muscles part around the hard head of my cock. I kept up the pressure, forcing my way in.

"Oww! Stop! It hurts!" Jason pleaded.

"Stay with me, buddy. You can do it. Gotta get past this part," I said. "Chew the strap."

Jason pushed himself up and turned back to look at me. His face showed surprise and fear. As he began to speak, I pushed down on his shoulders. I shifted my weight forward and felt him collapse under me. He was lying prone, except for his ass, which was sticking up in the air. I kept grinding forward, his sphincter having failed to keep me out.

Realizing his helpless situation, Jason wrapped his arms up above his head and stopped protesting. I could feel myself probing deeper, until the hairs on his butt began to tickle my thighs. With one final push, my torso was welded against his. I held there for a second, arching by back slightly to drive in every last bit.

"Welcome to the club, Jason," I said. I reached around in front of him and grasped his cock. It was only half hard, having lost some of its steam to the trauma of anal entry. "Now let's get to the fun part."

He didn't say anything, but raised himself up again onto all fours. He didn't look back, choosing instead to face the wall in front of him. As he moved, I shifted my hands back to his waist. My grip secure, I started to plunge in and out.

Jason pursed his lips and blew out in a long, deliberate manner. "Yeah, this is better," he said.

"You like this, don't you? I think we found your fantasy," I said as I started to gyrate my hips in a circle. "Now you know what you want, don't you buddy?"

Jason could only manage an "Uh-huh" as I'd gone back to plowing him deeply into him.

"Yeah, Jason," I said. "You can take it like a man. You're hot stuff for the chicks, but you really shine when you are with a guy like me." I pulled out except for my dickhead. "You hot stud, you're going to make me loose my load. But you're going to cum first."

I wanted a change of pace, so I asked him to stay with me as we climbed out of the bed. It didn't work quite right, and I fell out as he got ahead of me. I pulled open the closet door, on the back of which was a long mirror.

"I want you to watch this fuck-boy as I pound him to orgasm," I said as I motioned to the mirror. "Now put your hands on the door." I slid a foot between his and forced them apart. "Just like - there." I guided him to the right height, allowing me to come at him from slightly above for maximum leverage. Our eyes met in the mirror. The fear was gone.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Make me hit the wall," came the reply.

I did not hold back. Jason watched himself as I bounded into him from behind. Occasionally he would let out a grunt or a labored breath, but mostly he just watched his jewels swinging as I rode his ass. Soon I reached around him and grabbed a nipple. I gently worked it as I pulled him against me. I was working up a sweat and was starting to stick to him. Anyone in the hall would have heard plenty.

"You're going to have jizz up your ass in a minute, roomie. Next time you see yourself in the mirror, you'll have a prick going off inside you," I whispered into his ear as I picked up my pace.

"I'm going to cream too!" Jason said as he let go of the door and grabbed for his meat.

"No way!" I said as I grabbed his wrist and put his hand back on the door. "Me first, right...NOW! Ugggh." I'd crossed my arms in front of him and had a hold on both nipples. "Yeah, you're mine now, bottom boy. Got your tight ass full of cum, look at you!"

As we both looked up at the mirror, Jason finally exploded. He winced once, and then the sound of his wad splattering against the mirror surprised us both. Jason flashed a smile, and launched a second spurt no smaller than the first.

"You stud!" I growled. "Shoot it!"

Jason's hands had slid down the door. He stepped outwards and bent his knees so much that I had to squat down to follow him. In addition to spreading his ass before me, the pose aimed his spasming cock downwards. A couple of spurts fell to the floor before he trailed off with a sizeable dribble.

We both looked at the mess he had made. I eased my dick out of his ass, and he chuckled.

"I have never come like that. You weren't kidding," he said.

"Hey, I'm impressed," I said as I wiped his ass with one of the towels. I pulled off the rubber and showed him the load at the tip while he mopped up the floor.

"Let's hit the showers," Jason said. "I'm really my horniest in the mornings."

Next: Chapter 10

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