
By Kent's Friend

Published on May 5, 2000


Kent Chapter 6 - Payback

The argument had left everyone quiet, not exactly the way to start an evening of frolic. "Mike, Get our friend here a drink!" I commanded. "It's going to be quite a night, so whiskey and water if you please."

Kent plunked himself down on the open chair and wasted no time with the drink. A few more of those and he'd be just fine. After a minute, Kent looked up at Mike and said, "Okay, I'll do it. I'll pay off my bet. But you guys breathe one word of this and shit will hit the fan like you never knew."

We nodded, and Mike refilled Kent's glass and found one for me.

"And turn off the damn heat already! It's a sauna in here." Kent looked back towards the thermostat as if it should be glowing red.

"Oh, if you're too warm you should take something off, Kent." I briefly grabbed his shoulders on my way to the wall.

Mike leaned forward from across the counter. He had started sporting a seductive little grin. "Come on, Kent. The shirt comes off." By the time he finished the words, he was smiling as broadly as he could while still being able talk. If nothing else, Mike was very playful. He seemed content to go with the prevailing wind, at least when it came to sex. Right now the wind was blowing his way, and he obviously liked that.

Kent looked down for a moment and obliged by pulling off his sweatshirt. He lost his tank top in the process as well. As usual, this was a mouth-watering show. As he reached up and crossed his arms behind his head his expression molded into a pout. Each hand grabbed onto the thick fabric around his shoulders and began to lift away the veil surrounding his beautiful torso. With a toss of his head, he ducked his chin into the shirt and began to hide his face.

Briefly the tank top hung in an open space between his abs and the receding sweatshirt. As it swung and fanned his stomach, I was once again consumed by the urge to change the rules. He was such a stud, albeit an increasingly drunk one as his tired muscles discovered the alcohol. The shirts fell to the floor.

I dropped onto the pile of shirts on the floor at the base of Kent's chair, and helped myself to a foot. Soon the shoe was gone, followed by the sock. Kent did have great feet. The high arch and long toes suited his solid build. The dusting of fine blond hairs on the top of his feet sparkled even in the harsh fluorescent light of Mike's kitchen. I ran my hands over his foot, playing with the contour of his arch and following the line of his toes. He wasn't minding this at all.

"Hey Mike, what do you like best about this guy?" I asked. "He is a fine sight."

"Hmmm. Shoulders, I guess," Mike answered without a trace of hesitation. He'd been looking. I wondered what "lesser prize" they'd settled on. What had Mike been thinking of as we walked back from the game? What prize had he won?

"Check them out. Kent likes the attention," I suggested. Kent turned the stool halfway around so that his bare shoulders were open for Mike to try. I exposed the other foot and began to work it like I had done for its mate. Mike moved around and put his hands on Kent.

Kent's response was not what I expected. He leaned back into Mike's hands and stretched his feet towards me. With his arms folded across his chest, he looked content. "I like how this is starting out, guys. Why don't you two guys admit that you belong on the end of my dick? You want me." He was right, of course.

"You never quit, do you?" Mike spoke up. "You'll even the score for what you did to me, forcing me to suck cock, your cock, your friends' cocks. And what about what you did to our buddy here? Geez, you rode his ass and took a videotape to show off to your friends!" Mike had stopped rubbing Kent's shoulders and was lightly pressing his thumb into Kent's shoulder blade. He must have been hitting just the right spot for Kent.

"Keep that up and you can fuck me all night!" Kent said as he dropped his arms to his sides. He wasn't serious in his tone, but it was the first time I'd heard Kent say anything sexual that didn't involve being on top.

I rewarded him by pulling on the drawstring to his sweats. "Don't worry, buddy. We'll do it nice and easy, and take you on a ride only another guy can give you." I said to Kent.

"Hey, I'll take care of that!" Mike blurted. "Stand up."

Kent slipped off the chair and turned to face Mike. He folded his arms across his chest again. His sweats, free of their cord, drooped loosely about his waist.

"Pull off his sweats for me," Mike said to me with a smile. In a moment Kent was down to his running shorts. "Now spread your feet a little bit," Mike said as he tapped on the instep of Kent's left foot with his toe. "Good. Now you feel out his basket. Give him a good workout."

I reached between Kent's legs and wrapped my fingers around his meat. Even packed in as it was, his meat filled my hand. I folded my thumb and little finger into the sides of his pouch, forcing its contents against my other fingers. Kent kept his arms folded and looked ahead at Mike. I closed my grip on him, squeezing the nylon wrapped package as I slid my fingertips down. I felt his hair yield to my fingertips, and once across it had a solid grasp on the stud meat that drove me crazy.

I'd started running my other hand across the band of Kent's shorts when Mike said, "Drop your arms. Show me your chest." Kent did, and on the way brushed his fingers over my hand. Mike took advantage of Kent's exposed chest by lightly rubbing Kent's nipples. We were all standing very close together. The scent of men was intoxicating.

Mike was still wearing his basketball shorts. I wanted to reach out for them. Restrained as he was, I could not tell if he was aroused yet. I imagined so. He was working Kent's chest a little harder now, exploring the muscles with both hands. Kent leaned his head back and rested it against mine, clearly enjoying this treatment. He'd stiffened considerably in my hand, inviting me to rub my hand up and down. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feel of the slightly damp nylon against the stuffed jockstrap. The thin seam of the shorts slipped in and out of the grooves in the jock as I rolled my forefinger across it. Kent rolled his head slightly from side to side, saying nothing but clearly in deep pleasure at being worked by the two of us.

"He likes this." Mike stated the obvious. A range of responses came to mind. So do you, I thought. Or maybe I'd say that anyone would, or more to the point that I would very much like to trade places with Kent. Mike's slow assumption of his rights to Kent was incredibly sexy. From that and Kent's simmering manhood, I was well past ready. Earlier, I'd flipped my dick upwards and into the band of the jock I was wearing. It's good that I did, as I was fully hard and probably oozing precum. I pressed my hard on against Kent's solid ass and took the occasional grind against him. I imagined being in the middle, with Mike browsing across my body on his way to taking my ass. It was incredibly hot. I was already thinking of a second evening together, but my cock was very much in the present.

Kent picked up on my motions and started rocking himself into my grip. "Oooooh, I think everybody's happy," I eventually said. With that, Mike checked for a string at the top of Kent's shorts. There was none.

"Time for our boy to get some exposure, don't you think?'' Mike asked. I nodded as Kent rolled his head to the side. Four hands then started to work against the elastic band which held up Kent's shorts. In a moment, there were six as Kent joined our efforts.

"Get me out of these things!" Kent implored. "My rod is about to bust out."

I could feel what he meant. His dick was pressing against the pouch of his strap so hard that it pulled the fabric away from his torso. This left openings next to his balls, which I could not resist exploring as we all eased the shorts over Kent's bulge. The shorts fell to his feet, and Kent happily stepped out of them.

"Oh, yeah!" Kent barely whispered. We'd moved away to strip off his shorts, so Kent took a more open stance. He was flexing his knees and twisting his hips a little. Mike put his hands on Kent's shoulders and looked him square in the face.

"Down. Get on your knees." Mike was forming a smile as he finished the words. Kent complied, kneeling over his recently lost shorts.

Without warning, Mike threw Kent's head forwards into his shorts. Kent had broken his fall by grabbing Mike's knees. He had turned aside so that his left cheek was pressed against Mike. I closed in from behind and placed my palms on Kent's upper back. I could feel his strong, quickened heartbeat.

"Kiss it." Mike moved his knees out slightly, taking Kent's hands along. "No, take it in, as much as you can. Tell me you suck dick."

Kent paused and looked up. Mike snapped the exposed piece of band on his jock and pointed to his package. "Say it, Kent."

Kent sat back on his heels, and bellowed the response. "I suck cock!" He exhaled with a burst on the last word, and then took a deep breath. A moment later he continued, "I'm gonna suck your cock." He looked directly ahead, focused on the bulge in Mike's shorts.

Mike took a step backwards. "Okay, buddy. Take the last of it off. Strip for me."

I pulled back as well, and took the chance to kick off my shoes. Kent rose up to a wider stance and hooked his thumbs into the elastic band of his jock. I had a fine view from behind as Kent started to speak up.

"Is this what you want? You want to see the shaft that fucked your mouth?" Kent inched the strap slightly lower in the front, though it stubbornly clung above his muscular ass on my side. "You got plenty of practice sucking guys off the other night. You should just do it again."

With that, Kent pulled the band of his jock down and seated it under his balls. His meat sprang free, sticking slightly upwards. I moved to the side for a better view, half sitting on the back of a sofa. I could see his balls, supported from below and thrust up against their neighbor. The smell of sweaty dick began to fill the room. If I were Mike, I would have yielded. Kent's sexy arrogance was working its magic. He had a great body, and a superior piece of meat. He knew it, and he knew how to push it. It had worked on me before, and it was working now.

Mike was standing with his hands to his sides, slightly tensioning those glorious shorts. The glossy material pulled against his pouch, which for the first time I noticed was full and proud. He was enjoying the show as well, but he wasn't falling for it. "Kiss here." Mike demanded as he pointed to his left nipple. "Put your hands up on my shoulders and taste my chest."

For a couple of seconds, nobody moved. Mike flicked off his sweatshirt and mesh top in a single fluid motion. He pointed again, and then reached out for the back of Kent's neck. As Mike pulled the blond stud towards him, Kent bent his knees a bit and closed in perfectly on the spot Mike picked.

"Yeah, jockboy, kiss it." Mike hissed. "Paint it with your tongue."

Kent had stalled an inch short of his target. He parted his lips slowly, and extended his tongue. As he made contact with Mike, I imagined a blue static spark racing between the two studs. Mike sighed with the first brush between them, and put his other hand up on Kent's back. This led Kent to practically dive forwards, taking a mouthful of Mike's chest between his lips.

"That's it, that's right. Eat it up for me." Mike had raised one hand into Kent's hair and was playing in it. Kent was bent forwards, with both hands on Mike's waist. With the boys busy, I moved back behind Kent and started softly bucking into him from the rear. Mike gave me a big smile.

"Do you think he can admit that he wants it? Look at him go for it, dude. Won't be long before Kent here is a cocksucker, no not long at all." Mike asked without need for an answer. "Tell me you want it, Kent. Tell me a story."

Kent pulled away from Mike's chest and looked down at Mike's bulging shorts. Standing back up, Kent addressed Mike eye to eye. "You won. Make me suck you," Kent replied quietly.

"No. You want it. You really want it. Tell me how much you want to taste me, Kent." Mike looked right into Kent's eyes as he fed him his lines.

"Mike, you fucking stud! I want to suck your jock meat. Yeah, fuck my mouth, you jock! Give it to me!" Kent barked his response.

"Yeah, that's right. You'll get what you need. Now drop to your knees and get ready to serve my rod." Mike ordered Kent down and pushed on his shoulders to make his point. Kent folded up and came to rest on his knees, sitting on his heels. His collapse seemed much more natural this time.

A slight damp spot was working through Mike's shorts. The foreplay had him leaking readily, and I wondered if Kent was about to find a gusher waiting for him.

"Do it! Pull them down." Mike again strummed a thumb over the top of his shorts. "Yours too." He looked for a moment at me before returning his gaze to Kent. I paused first to watch Kent roll Mike's shiny shorts down, exposing his well-stuffed strap and releasing another round of musky sweet smells into the air. Mike rested his hands on his waist and stepped an inch of two forwards. Without loosing sight of the show, I stripped off my pants and tossed them aside.

"Bite it. Take my basket into your mouth." Mike ordered.

Kent moved forward, and turned his head to one side as he parted his lips.

"Open wide. You'll need it." demanded Mike.

Kent closed in on Mike, grasping as much of the stuffed basket as he could between his lips. With that, Mike had accomplished the incredible. The stud who'd fucked me both ways in front of his friends now had a dick in his mouth! My balls pulled tighter with the sight of it.

For the next several minutes Mike directed Kent through a thorough tongue job on his jock. Kent remained fully erect, braced upwards by his own strap, as he worked Mike's shaft and balls. Mike had Kent suck on the saturated fabric near the tip of his cock, giving Kent his first taste of his juice.

"You like that, I can tell. You like licking up after me, but you'll have to wait for it." Mike said, and pushed Kent away from him. "I'm taking a break. Now that he's warmed up, you try him." Mike did not need to ask me twice.

I stepped aside of Mike. "Recognize this one, Kent? It's your strap, from our night in the locker room. You know what to do for me."

Kent looked up at Mike in protest, but Mike's expression ended the discussion. Kent turned towards me.

"I want you to look me in the eyes the whole time. You can find your way around with your mouth." Kent's eyes, the same eyes that drew me to him in the first place, locked onto mine. He leaned forward and formed his lips around the head of my dick. I was in ecstasy.

"That's the jock he made you wear when he fucked you up the ass, in the video? That's so hot!" Mike was hissing again. Mike appeared to be right, too. Kent was doing a great job. He'd certainly had enough blowjobs to be an expert at what works, but I didn't expect he'd be so eager to please. I clasped my hands behind my back and stared down at Kent. There's Kent, with another cock in his mouth.

After quite a while, Mike stepped over again. He'd dropped his jock when I wasn't looking, and was bobbing freely in the breeze as he walked over. He had softened a bit, but was still nothing short of majestic. Easily eight inches, he seemed as long as Kent's face. He was cut very neatly, with a heavy growth of dark, curly hairs that trailed up to his navel. This was a cock Kent could be proud to suck. I looked forward to bragging about it myself someday, but not tonight. This was Kent's night.

"Pace yourself, buddy. We have just gotten started," Mike said to me. "Kent, why don't you help him out of that thing." My jock was gone in moments. I stood half facing Mike, pointing to Kent with my own meat.

"I recall hearing about a little dick whipping going on," Mike continued. "I've never had the pleasure. Show me."

Kent had taught me this too, of course, and I delighted at returning the favor. Mike and I proceeded to prod, poke, and lightly thrash Kent's face, ears, and hair. Mike wiped a drop on Kent's nose. A short while later, I left a little in the hair behind an ear. Through all this, Kent maintained at least a semi.

A few times I managed to bounce into Mike. I've never thought of myself as cheated in the dick department, but compared to Mike I was small. Once out shafts crossed and I was able to gain a sense of his girth. Kent was in for quite an initiation.

"Take a rest, buddy. It's my turn again." Mike moved directly in front of Kent. "I think I'd like a blowjob while on my sofa." All three of us sauntered over to the sofa. There was plenty of time left in the evening, and now with everyone comfortably stripped we could take it easy.

On the way over, I fished a box of mints out of my camera bag. I handed six to Kent. "Here. Suck on these while you eat that big thing. He'll love it."

Mike had sprawled himself over the sofa. Kent obligingly positioned himself between Mike's knees and popped the mints into his mouth. A friend had bragged about a peppermint bj back in high school. There was plenty of truth to it, according to Mike's expressions and wriggling. Kent was doing a damn fine job, so much so that Mike pushed him off from time to time. If Kent's plan was to suck us to orgasm early and get this over with, Mike was doing his best to foil it.

Kent had wrapped his hands behind Mike's ass and was spending much of the time bobbing up and down the long shaft before him. He would never quite take it all, but I could tell by the way he cautiously worked in the last of Mike's engorged rod that he was trying to take it all the way in.

I'd sat on the end of the sofa for a nice view of the action. During one of the breaks, I asked Kent a question. "You suck like you know how, Kent. What's the story on that?"

He wiped saliva off his lips, and spoke mostly to the tower in front of him. "I've gotten head at least once a week since I was 17, and plenty before that. Girls mostly, but I learned to spot a hungry guy too. Guys just naturally give good head." Kent's explanation offered more detail than I expected.

"You lucky stud!" I said as I reached over to tousle Kent's hair. "But you don't suck like a first-timer. Remember how I gagged on you?"

Mike cut in. "My girlfriend still gags. Come on, buddy. Spill your guts."

Kent's reply surprised all of us. "You'll get beat up if you breath a word of this, and so will I. But I gotta tell you." Kent paused. "Marcus made me suck him. I mouthed off to him once too many times during a game last spring. Afterwards he gave me a choice, either suck him off or watch my back and wait to get my ass split open."

Kent swallowed hard. "I spent a night with him, learning how. That's why I can handle it. Now he's all nice to me. He never made me do it again, but neither of us forgot it."

"Well he taught you good!" Mike said as he bounced his prick in front of Kent. "Now I'm going to teach you about what he didn't get around to showing you." Mike stretched his arms up over his head, exposing his hard earned stomach. Judging by Kent's response, snapping to his feet with a semi proudly flying. Mike could spot a hungry man too.

Mike dispatched Kent to the shower, and invited me to join him in preparing the bedroom. I made some noise about catching him in a minute, and slipped into the bathroom just as Kent was stepping into the shower.

"Hey Kent." I started in a soft voice. He did not respond. "Take my word for it. Soap up and slip a finger of two up your ass here in the shower. Mike's a big guy. You'll need it." With that I left.

I walked into Mike's bedroom to find condoms and lube by the side of the bed. My expression must have been telling.

"My girlfriend likes it once in a while. I know what I'm doing." Mike confided.

"I see that," I said. "You have everything you need." I took a good look at Mike's shaft, still at halfway. "You are one well-off stud. That's what I call locker room dick. Glad it's not my night to give it up."

"Thanks. It's a crowd pleaser, all right. But I'm not so sure you regret not being on the bottom. There's still time to change your mind, you know." His tone was light, but there were moments earlier this evening I'd have taken him up on the switch.

"No, I really want to see you take Kent's ass." I smiled and gave him an admiring look. The shower water stopped.

"You want a turn after I'm done?" Mike asked. "You'll owe me one, but it gets you into his ass."

"Sure. Count the blowjob and I owe you two now." I'd just signed up for a night like Kent's, trying not to sound too gleeful at the proposition.

The door opened. Kent stood before us with a towel over his left shoulder. His short hair was wet and spiked. A single drop made its way down his ballplayer's chest towards the trail of hair near his navel. His prick hung quietly before his powerful frame. He had come here to submit to Mike and get fucked.

"Mike, my ass is yours. I'll do anything you want." Kent awaited his fate.

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Next: Chapter 7

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