
By Kent's Friend

Published on Feb 27, 2000


Kent, Chapter 3. Version

The semester break dragged by, followed by January's bleak grayness. During the second week of classes, I had a message from Kent on my phone. He was planning a movie party for Friday night. No big deal, he said. Just a few guys, a couple of the new movies the house had bought, and drinks.

Before I could reply, Jim called. Amidst the small talk I let him know that I'd be there.

"Good!" Jim seemed earnest in his tone. "If you'll go, I'll go. I wouldn't mind seeing you again." I thought to myself that he just wanted to recall what I'd done for him after Kent had reamed my ass in the locker room. I wanted to see him again too, though. Even if I had to get past that awkward moment of acting like we'd barely met.

On the night of the party, I showed up a little early. Derek greeted me at the door. "Come on downstairs, Kent and Jim are there already, and I'll introduce you to Mike. It's just the five of us tonight." We made our way downstairs. The movie room had the same worn furniture as the rest of the place, along with a wet bar and keg.

Mike seemed to fit right in with this crowd. He didn't get up as we traded hellos, but I could see how long his legs were as he sat on the sofa. Mike was a tall one. He had an overgrown crew cut. His thick, brownish blond hair deserved more exposure in my opinion, but there was a definite sexiness to his choice. The loose sweats he was wearing left the rest for guesswork.

Something, though, was odd about him right from the start. Kent's friends were always ebullient. They'd either greet you like a lost brother or tell you to get lost, there was no telling which, but you could plan on a lively response. This seemed to be the culture of the place. Mike was a different story. I took him for quiet and turned my attention to Jim. Mike took another gulp of beer and held up his empty cup.

As Jim and I made small talk, Derek called out from the bar. He was filling Mike's cup and wanted to know if I wanted anything. I nodded and pointed to the stack of cups as I told Jim that I had not been back to the gym building lately. He cracked a wry smile

"Too bad." Jim gave me the once over twice and continued. "The place hasn't been that much fun since."

"I'll bet it hasn't," I said with a bounce of my eyebrows.

Kent interrupted, as usual, before I could carry the conversation further. "I picked two movies. One is a short that one of the guys did for his film class." Everyone groaned.

"There ought to be a law about that!" blurted Mike. "Can't we just fast-forward it and...."

"No way." Kent barked. "It's short. You'll live."

I caught Derek's eyes and he shrugged. Apparently it wasn't his creation. Jim was still smirking from our earlier conversation. I took a good look at him. Kent did keep nice friends around. A few days of stubble was no problem at all. His high cheekbones and broad smile did well with a little bit of coarse beard. I was staring, and Jim knew it.

"Just put it in." Jim piped up. We settled in as the VCR ate the cassette. Kent was in a recliner to my left. Jim and I took the sofa. Mike to another swig and belched. He was drunk. The television screen sparked to life, unrolling an image as the VCR started to whir.

"Oh fuck!" I turned around to look at Kent, who was holding the remote in one hand and a beer in the other. Jim and Derek were laughing already. Bright on the screen was a nicely centered picture of me sitting in profile in front of a row of lockers.

"Hey Jim, ever seen Kent get a blow job?" I asked from the television.

In unison, Kent, Derek, and Jim replied, "Only in pictures, and that was plenty hot."

"I love that line." Kent backed over it a couple of times. I sat there, surprised as hell but fascinated by the fact that he'd done it again. By the third time through, I was starting to crack a smile as well. What the fuck, after all. I'd survived the photos. How much worse could it get?

"We haven't been properly introduced. " I leaned forward and called over to Mike. "I'm Kent's boyfriend!" It was fun to stretch the truth.

Before Kent could object, Derek called "Down in front, and shut up!" He was back at the bar, mixing something potent. By that time I'd stood up and was putting on the jock Kent had handed me.

Mike has slipped down into his chair a bit, but he wasn't looking away from the screen for a second. He kept looking directly at the tube.

"Shit, I can see that!" Mike slurred his Ss badly. "Some art classes you have here!"

"Kent, you fucking stud!" I congratulated him on pulling this off. "You just love having other guys see you get serviced, don't you."?

"Almost as much as you love doing it," Kent waved the remote control. "Shall we skip to the best part?"

There was no need to answer. Kent was rolling the rubber down his cock. Visible from the elbows down, his muscular ass was hanging off the edge of the screen. This was a terrible loss. I was completely off until he pulled me back into view. The camera had been in the locker. Kent was lining up his shots, both for his camera and his dick.

Jim's instructions went by, and the moment of penetration came. My ass tightened a bit as I watched Kent thrust forward. I later wished that he had a view of my face. I'm always interested in the expressions of the guy taking it up the ass. Surely mine was worth catching as I lost my cherry. Jim and Derek cried out as Kent skewered me, and again as Kent backed us up to see it again.

"What do you think, Mike?" Kent turned and asked our quiet companion. "Have you decided yet?"

Mike didn't answer, still fixed on the images of Kent's sheathed cock disappearing between my cheeks.

"What you guys don't know is the Mike and I had a bet going, and he lost." Kent stole everyone's attention away from the tube except Mike's. "I whooped his ass in a little one on one tournament last week. I won an evening of sex, and I gave him two choices. Tell my buddies what they are, Mike."

Mike cleared his throat and tried to begin. No words were coming out. The light from the television lit up his face as he tried again. "Either I let Kent fuck my ass while you guys watch, or I...." Mike swallowed again. "Or I suck all of you. And I'm choosing...."

The television grabbed the moment with the words "...let you cum in his ass!"

"I'm choosing to suck all of you," Mike declared, and looked a little relieved with the choice behind him.

On the screen Kent was about to come. In the room, the rigid attention had broken down into a hail of cheers. Kent's climax was lost to three of us arguing who got to go first.

Kent stood up and ended that discussion. "Put on your hat, Mike." Kent commanded and motioned for Mike to come over. "I want to see that stupid Braves hat at my crotch where it belongs." Kent turned to the rest of us. "There's one more part of the deal, guys. You don't get to talk about this, except with each other. And there aren't going to be any pictures this time."

"Oh sure!" I said as I looked at Derek, "keep an eye on this guy."

"No, there aren't going to be any." Kent snapped off the television. All the action there had moved off screen. "Mike is keeping his part of the deal. We will keep ours, right?"

Everyone agreed as Mike adjusted his hat and settled on his knees in front of Kent.

"Okay, Kent. Show me how to... suck dick." Mike was weaving a little as he lined himself up with Kent's crotch. In a moment, Ken's prick was free of his briefs and swinging half hard in front of Mike. Kent turned Mike's hat around as Mike leaned his head backwards a bit and parted his lips.

"Yeah, this is what I like best," Kent explained to nobody in particular. "A stud on his knees in front of me, waiting for me to breach his manhood with my meat. You ever tasted dick before, Mike? Have you ever submitted to another man like this?"

"Just do it to me," Mike pleaded. "No, I've never done a guy. You're the first. Is that what you want? You're the first guy to make me go down on him." Mike let his knees slip apart a bit, which tightened the fabric of his sweats against his crotch. He wasn't hard. Just huge.

"Open up," Kent reverted to the slight snarl I knew perfectly well, "and stick out your tongue." With that he slid his cock down the waiting tongue and into Mike's mouth. Mike closed his eyes and sealed his lips around Kent's shaft.

Kent buried his meat into Mike and announced, "Welcome to the club. Every man in this room has gone down on me! Give these cocksuckers a good show!"

I turned first to Jim, then to Derek, who had joined us on the sofa. Jim had his usual grin.

"Do you remember that Kent told you that he'd bet me you'd go down if he got you into his room?" asked Derek. "As far as I know, he hasn't lost a bet yet."

I settled back into the cushions and stretched my arms across the back of the couch. Each hand found a shoulder.

"Can't complain about the company!" My mind was busy calculating the possibilities of this revelation, but I soon lost track and resigned to watching the show.

Mike's big jaws let him take Kent with ease, but it was clear there was no joy in this for Mike. I knew this position, and I knew that Kent must have been pressing against the back of Mike's throat. Mike kept up the motions perfectly. He may have been new to this, but he'd had his share of blowjobs at least.

Kent didn't let Mike's distaste for sucking cock slow him down. He was thrusting hard and alternating his hands from Mike's shoulders to the back of his head. I knew this routine. Kent was going for broke right away. A minute later, he pulled out and started stroking his meat. With his free hand, he rotated Mike's cap to face forwards.

Kent looked down and let go of a deep breath. With that, a spurt of his thick cum crashed into Mike's hat. Before the second pulse, Kent swung his stiff rod below the bill of Mike's hat and into his left eye. The semen pooled on his eyelid and ran down his cheek. I counted five shots; Kent was definitely having a grand time with his new subject. The left half of Mike's face was plastered with Kent's cum.

"Taste it!" Kent nearly whispered to Mike as he pressed his swollen dick head against Mike's tightly pursed lips. Mike stuck his tongue out slightly.

Kent's hand blocked my view as he wiped across Mike's cheek, towards his mouth. As Kent's cum covered forefinger probed between Mike's lips, the large amount of jism accumulated in heavy globs. Kent withdrew his finger and wiped across the slightly parted lips once again, forcing more cum inside. Mike swallowed.

"You're a natural." Kent steadied Mike as he let his penis begin to soften in front of Mike's face. Mike looked at the dick before him, and up at Kent's face. He looked ill.

"Take your sweatshirt off and wipe yourself off," Kent said. "Use the inside so you can wear it home tonight."

I looked over to Jim and confided that I found that incredibly hot.

"We'll talk later." Jim said as he popped the top button on his jeans. Jim would be next.

Mike stood before Jim as he continued to undo the buttons on his fly. Jim slipped his pants down to his ankles, leaving just his boxers. His knees swung apart.

"Turn that hat back around and get down here," Jim directed. Mike was on his knees for Jim right away. He clearly wanted to get this over with. "Now dig it out and eat it all."

Mike pulled Jim's meat out with his left hand, holding the slit in the boxers open with his right. The apprehension he'd showed earlier was gone now. His eyes lit up a bit as Jim unbuttoned his shirt to show off his abs. Mike nursed off Jim's mushroom shaped head as Kent stood behind him and watched. Just as with me, Jim was ready to come in just minutes.

As Jim arched upwards, Mike let the cock spring from his mouth. From behind, Kent pushed Mike forward, his nose pressing between Jim's nuts. A very respectable load skittered up Jim's chest to his right nipple. Without prompting, Mike offered his sweatshirt.

"Not just yet," Jim moaned. He lifted his dick to Mike's lips. "Clean it off." He bounced his meat against Mike's tongue, causing a late glob of semen to flip into the open mouth. As Mike captured the gleaming head, Jim let out a groan. "Yeah, lick it. Lick it just like that."

Kent spoke up. His softened dick hung over the elastic of his briefs. "Good job. You learn fast. We'll go on in the same order I got these guys." He guided Mike's shoulders towards me.

"Lose the hat," I said. "Now drop your sweats." It felt good to be in control for a change. It felt really good. I looked at the young man before me. He was quite a stud, and his mouth was going to be mine.

Mike looked down as he untied the cord around his waist. The sweatpants fell partway down, revealing a good amount of hair and the beginning of a broad shaft.

"I think I want you on your back," I said as I unzipped my jeans. "Take this cushion and lean back on it." I handed him a cushion from the sofa. As he slid back onto it, his sweats stayed behind. Mike was every bit as endowed as Kent, but with a much more generous bush of hair.

I toyed with the idea of a change in plans for a moment. He did have a great cock, but that would have to be for later. Instead knelt over him on one knee. The other leg was beside his head. As I began to run my right hand through his short hair, I told him "Start by working my balls."

Mike opened his mouth as I moved forward. He sucked in one, then both, rolling his tongue under them as he closed his lips. I was already dripping precum onto the bridge of his nose, having thoroughly enjoyed the success with the other two guys. This would not last long. He rested his head against my thigh, as I pulled my balls out of his mouth.

Mike practically grabbed my meat with his tongue. He gulped half of it and began to suck in earnest. He kept his eyes open as his cheeks pulled in. I obliged by working my pelvis. As he clamped his hands on my ass, I knew I was soon going to loose my load.

"Paint his face!" Kent directed. I pulled out and gave myself a few quick strokes. Mike shut his eyes and waited for me.

Most of my load ended up on his nose and chin. I was breathing deeply, and surveyed the globs on his face. Slowly I began to smear them around with my sensitized head. No wonder Kent was into this. It felt great, and I was getting a real rush out of spreading my seed over this stud's face. When I'd made my mark, I did as the others had and pressed my head against his lips. Mike admitted it without a struggle, and ran the tip of his tongue gently over my slit.

I wiped his face clean with one of the few dry patches of his sweatshirt. For good measure I gave his meat a squeeze just before I got up. Nice, very nice. I settled on the sofa again, next to Jim.

Derek was the last to go. I guess he'd settled with Kent after our first session, making him the newest member of the club until tonight. Derek wanted it standing, so Mike got halfway up and began to serve.

Since Derek had his back to me, I never did see his cock. Nor did I see his ass, as he decided on being sucked out of his jeans. Mike's meat, though, was in plain view. He wasn't the least bit hard, so I wondered if he would grow or just harden with the right conditions. I made up my mind to find out.

"Your girlfriend taught you good." Mike's balls were swinging as he picked up speed on Derek. Kent had returned to the recliner, and was gently massaging his meat while watching the last of his men get blown. Jim had his head back, and was watching through half closed eyes.

"Awww!" Derek clasped Mike's ears and pressed his knees to Mike's sides. Just as well, I thought. There wasn't much left uncovered on that sweatshirt.

"Swallow!" Kent said with a grin. I watched Mike close his eyes and saw his Adam's apple bob. With that he stood up, and pulled his sweat pants up. When he had finished tying the cord, I tossed him the sweatshirt.

"All four of you guys got your cum into me. Guess I can wear it too," Mike said as he turned the sweatshirt inside out and carefully pulled it over his head. He quickly gave that up and just yanked it on. Strips of semen stuck to his hair.

"You'll need your hat," Jim said as he extended it to him.

As Mike pulled it down onto his head, he looked to Kent. "I've kept my bargain, so I'm going to go now. You guys keep yours." Standing at his full height again, he did not look like someone to cheat.

"Yeah, I'm going to bail out too. I've had plenty of entertainment tonight, thank you. I'll pass on the second feature. Can't compare to the first." I stood up and looked around for my coat. Jim had it in hand already as he was finding his. "Nice to spend the evening with you boys," I said as I slipped into my coat.

"You know the way out, I think." Kent had no intention of getting up. The elastic on his briefs was beginning to swallow his relaxed cock. Jim and Derek waved.

"You boys rest up now. No fucking in the bushes," Jim chattered as we went up the stairs. "Come back real soon!"

As the door closed behind us, I told Mike that I was walking him home. Before he could protest, I told him that there were a few things I'd like to tell him.

"First off, I want to return the favor. You deserve it and more," I offered.

"Thanks anyway. I have a girlfriend for that. I only did this because I had to," Mike protested and picked up his pace.

"Your girlfriend won't be wearing one of Kent's jockstraps when you fuck her. I will." I decided to risk it. "Besides, I have a couple pictures of Kent that you might like." Mike stopped and turned to me.

"Really, no. I've had about four more guys than I want," Mike objected again.

"You want to get back at him, don't you?" I wasn't making much progress and decided to go for broke. "So do I, and I wouldn't be surprised if the other two didn't as well. Let's work together on this." The beer was talking.

Mike gave me a pause. He was hearing what I said, and finally I'd said something he liked.

"Can you remember a phone number until you get home?" I asked.

"Tell me," Mike said coldly. "I'll think about it."

I told him and decided to repeat it. "Just remember 3242. All the dorms have the same prefix." With that, I backed away. "Call me when you are ready to talk," I added as I turned away and headed home. I'd decided not to remind him there was cum on his hat.

I took an indirect route home. My head was spinning from the incredible night, and I needed to come up with a plan to turn the tables on Kent. It was no use. I'd have to wait for another time. I was still too keyed up from the evening.

By the time I got home, my message light was flashing. I had a very good idea who that was, but decided that I'd relish that in the morning.

More is on the way, thanks to your encouragement and suggestions. Write yours to

Next: Chapter 4

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