
By Kent's Friend

Published on Apr 26, 2001


Kent 15 - Morning

Years of playing team sports taught Brian to be efficient in the shower. I heard the water go off just as I was preparing to join Aaron in front of the computer. Instead of heading into the front room, I pulled a U-turn in the hall. I had only a few steps between me and a naked Brian.

The bathroom fan was masking most of the noise behind the bathroom door, but the sound of Brian singing quietly to himself was discernable to the careful listener. I stood just short of the door for a moment. He wasn't anywhere near horrible. In fact, he was a decent singer.

I jumped a bit as he grasped the doorknob and twisted it. The cheap hollow door, warped from the steam, stuck briefly and pulled clear of the fame with a shudder. On the other side stood Brian. His short hair hadn't met the comb yet today, and was better for it. He had a ratty towel draped over his shoulders and nothing else on him but a pleased expression.

"All yours," Brain said.

"Hmmm. And I'll take it too. Every bit of it." I never let such an opening slip away.

Brian yanked the towel off his shoulders and made like he would snap it at me. I took the moment to slip past him, grazing my hand over his firm thighs as I passed. The bathroom door closed behind me, no more agreeably than before. I was alone for the moment. As I wiped the mirror to get a look at my sleep-deprived self, I saw a small treasure. Slumped in the corner where the tub meets the wall, momentarily forgotten, were Brian's fresh jockeys.

I took a seat on the throne and picked them up. Marked on the band were the initials "BF." That's my Brian, all right! I considered my options. My dick was rapidly deciding for itself. I slipped a hand downwards to seek its advice on the matter. Whatever opinion was forming down there was very firmly held.

I stood up and draped the briefs over my stiffening cock. I let them just hang there, waistband behind the head of my meat, leg holes open to the air. My hard dick could hold up a pair of jeans. The light briefs didn't challenge its strength in the least, but the idea of them wrapped next to my most sensitive skin sent more blood rushing in. I leaned back and listened to the drone of the fan. The steamy air hung in the room, uninterested in the portal in the ceiling. Everything seemed closer and hotter.

I reached down to my manhood, happily shrouded in Brian's shorts. Instinctively I started stroking it. How much sex could I take in a day? With this guy, no limit. None at all. I peeled the briefs back and took a look at myself. The first dollop of precum was already up, so I dabbed at it with the fresh cotton fabric. It soaked in readily as I worked the fabric over my head.

"Shorts, dude!" There was an insistent knock at the door. "Hand them over."

I opened the door to see Brian, without the towel this time.

"Take your shower and come look at the web page. You won't believe this, really!" Brad snatched the briefs out of my hand, traced around the band, and stepped into them. He made no attempt to adjust himself. The band snapped against his shaft, which was eagerly pointing up towards his smile. He took no notice of the damp spot over his ass.

I pulled the door open only a bit more before he caught it and opposed my motion.

"After your shower. It will still be there for you and all the world to enjoy." Brian had a point. The door closed in its cranky fashion.

I stepped into the shower and blasted as much hot water as I could stand. My skin reddened as the water stripped away the remnants of the night. I was still hard, and he had seen me in this jubilant state more than not over the past hours. As the water pounded my scalp, the drone of the fan became lost. I soaped up. The pleasure of navigating around my body with the soap bar was as entertaining as ever. My desires were boiling over again, not abated by Brian's interruption. A hand found the direct path to my crotch.

I ran the bar through the thick blond bush, working up even more lather. The knowledge that I was sharing this bar with at least Marcus and Brian helped my erection in no small measure. I could resist no longer. I dropped the bar, letting it bounce off the floor of the tub and began to pound my meat in earnest.

I squeezed my rod until just short of discomfort. When I want to come fast and hard, that's the trick. My head was fully in the shower stream, exhilarating in the embrace of the water.

"Hey! Don't use up all the hot!"

The shower curtain flew back. I was facing Aaron, my back arched and hips forward, going for broke.

"And don't waste any of that either! I think you are going to want it later." Aaron mockingly scolded me the way an old friend would.

All I could do was grin and try to hide in the shower stream.

"Time's up! Move it!" Aaron didn't as much get into the shower with me as displace me from it. He must have brothers, ones that beat off in the shower and use up all the hot water. He kicked the soap in a way that banked it off the base of the tub, and then snatched the bar from its ascent. Even naked, perhaps especially naked, his every move was graceful. As for the soap, its enviable list of dates grew longer.

I dabbed at myself with a towel, knowing it was next to pointless in the humid bathroom. Following Brian's example, I took it with me to the drier climate in the rest of the apartment. Brian was now seated on his towel, still quite happily naked and staring intently at the computer screen.

"Will it rain today?" I asked as if I expected him to know.

"Guys going down on me." Brian replied.

I wandered over to see what he was talking about. Either we were in for a very peculiar weather phenomenon or he was not looking at the online campus paper.

"People pay ten bucks to look at this! Can you believe it?" Brian never took his eyes off the screen.

The image of Kent's lips sealed around Marcus' shaft, with his cheeks pulled in and nose deep in Marcus' coarse pubic hair, filled the screen. There wasn't quite enough of Kent's face for anyone who had not studied it to recognize him, I imagine, but I knew instantly.

"Can I just leave two fives on the table?" I asked. Kent had not been telling the entire story.

He flipped to another picture. Tony. Or Brad. In any case, here was a goatee blending into Marcus' private hairs. Forward to Jim, with more face, enough to identify him. I did not recognize the next guy, a beefy build with short, curly black hair. He definitely was not at the party last night. Clad only in a jock, he was squatting before Marcus and clinging to his thighs. Marcus had his hands on the guy's shoulders. The photo was taken facing Marcus. I settled in next to Brain to take in the view.

"He has hundreds of photos here. He gets served somehow in every one." Brain sounded awestruck. "Check you out." He flipped forward until I appeared.

By this time I wasn't as overwhelmed as I had been with the first image, but the notion of a picture of me feasting on Marcus on a pay website was still powerful. This view showed his dickhead just about to vanish completely into my mouth. He had clipped the shot about mid-nose, leaving me some small shred of anonymity.

"That's indecent. And what about you?" I asked.

As Brian raced through the photos, I saw that Marcus had made friends with redheads, a couple black guys, someone who looked a little like my freshman chemistry lab partner, and, not least, Brian. The words "Real College Cocksuckers" alternated with "Jocks Who Eat Cocks." What it lacked in professionalism it repaid in authenticity.

"How can you be sure that is you?" I asked.

"Because," came the reply, "it follows this one." With a dramatic tap on the mouse, Brain hit the screen's left pointing pecker icon.

"Hey, I know that guy! It's Brian!" I threw an arm over his shoulder. This shot was certainly worth the price of admission. With baseball cap backwards and wearing a white jersey with red trim and pinstripes, here was Brain deep throating Marcus.

"That's easily the best of show, at least in the cocksucking pages," Aaron said with a tone past complimentary and approaching reverent. I had not noticed his arrival, towel clad like the rest of us.

"Look at your eyes. Were you about to gag?" I asked.

"As I recall, I nearly threw up. He had it crammed all the way in and was wiggling around. I was trying just to take it but I couldn't. He is so damn big...." Brain's voice trailed off. This photo mesmerized him. I stole a glance at Aaron, who was taking the moment to check out Brian's state of satisfaction. Brain was standing at full attention.

"Do you like the thought of guys, some right here on campus, seeing you suck dick?" Aaron asked.

"Ever think that there might be guys who see you on the quad and feel they know you from somewhere, only to realize where after you've passed them?" I positioned myself in front of Brian.

"You don't suppose Marcus has told anyone you know about his website, do you? Like maybe the assistant coaches, think they know you suck dick?" Aaron had mastered a slightly excited tone, suggesting interest and discovery. It was working on Brian.

"Aw, fuck. I bet Clark knows. He started giving me this grin a few weeks back. Shit, guys, I might as well go down on him now too. Bet they all know." Brain kept looking at the screen.

I leaned forward and pinched some of Brian's skin between my lips, taking the part which joins his ball sack to his shaft. I rolled it between my lips, causing his member to bob slightly off its upright Aaron watched approvingly. I moved on rapidly, using my lips to playfully pull the skin on his shaft as I made my way up.

"Wonder what would happen if we looked at the fucking pages now," Aaron mused.

I turned to look at Brian's direction, and saw something that took my breath away for a second. Under the heading "First time bottom boys" was a splendid photo. Marcus' muscular arms were holding a well-developed set of shoulders to the floor. Ample blond hair poured out of the cap, while sturdy thighs held a firm, beautiful ass aloft for Marcus to plunder. Everything about the bottom boy radiated the tension and anticipation of giving it up for the first time. I was drawn to look at the guy's feet, straining under the weight of two.

"Bet he didn't tell you about this, huh?" Brian asked. "Look closer."

I thought for a moment that it might be, but no. Kent hadn't bottomed before Mike.

"Say, what are you going to do when he goes to Italy for the semester anyhow?" Brian asked.

"Marcus is going to Italy?" I asked.

"No, dickbreath." Brain tapped on the screen at the blond boy. "Kent is going to Italy."

They were right. I don't know why it didn't register earlier. Here was Kent, and based on his longer hair from a time before I met him. There was a little more to the story than he had shared with me. There were also some current things I did not know.

"I guess I will have to consider my choices." I replied. I turned away from the screen and gave Brian a little consideration.

Aaron broke in. "You guys want to bail on the pancakes and eat here?"

"No." Brian pulled his cock away and closed the browser. "Let's go. We can look at these later."

Minutes later we were at Mike's door. I had a few questions for Kent. Brian wanted to know more about Marcus' little business. Aaron just wanted to eat.

Thanks for your emails. Such encouragement has brought you another chapter.

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