Kenny McCall

By Tom Stone

Published on Jun 20, 2008



Kenny McCall

<><><><><><> Don't read this if you are too young to read this. Don't read this if you are in a place/country/state/municipality that reading it will get you into trouble. Be Safe and sane. <><><><><><>

Like most 16 year olds I had some pretty funny theories. One was that if you were too drunk and stoned Like I was at the start of this story - you should go running - cause the increase in blood flow would get you sobered up real quick.

Here's the scene: I've got the popular car, it is a 73 Capri, pale green, it had a sun roof, a great cassette tape deck, and reclining vinyl seats - top of the line for cars made in the 70's. It was the party car. We were blasting Rush, or (early) Adam Ant or John Cougar; drinking whatever alcohol we could get a hold of from whoever's parents liquor cabinet, and smoking lots and lots of leafy pot. It is a warm summer night, the year is 1979, we are in the woods behind our high school, there are maybe 6 of us - it's hard to know that night, because this is what we did every warm summer night.

I was getting too wasted. So, I told everyone I was gonna run and I took off in a flash. I didn't know Kenny had taken off with me, until I heard him, or glanced back or whatever, but I ran even harder when I realized I had company. I wasn't on any team - not much of a sports guy, but I have always been in pretty good shape - Kenny would run track in high school. He was going to be freshman, I a junior. He was keeping up with me, So, I pushed myself a little hard.

I looped the full football and baseball fields and stopped at the far end by a set of monkey bars. Winded, but still needing to do more I leapt to the monkey bars and crossed them quickly, hand over hand, spun and started coming back, knees folded so as not to touch the ground, when Kenny, grabbed me around the waist. I didn't know if he was trying to wrestle me or to pull me off the monkey bars, but I held tight. He looked up at me in the eye, and before I knew what was happening he had lowed my zipper, pulled my cock out and sunk his warm wet mouth over it. I hung there. Apparently getting a blowjob.

This wasn't the first time my cock had been in a boy's mouth - that started when I was 13 (but that's another story), but it is the first time it had been in a long time - at least since I had moved to the east coast. My dick started to get hard inside Kenny's mouth. And I knew from before, that I liked to have my dick sucked everyday, so I knew that I had to play this so that I could. Kenny was, from the way he was getting into it... very into sucking dick.

So, I dropped the half a foot I was above the ground and put my hands on my hips, Kenny dropped to his knees, and leaned in taken my momentarily free cock back into his needy maw. I let him go at it for a short while then put my hands on the side of his head... taking control of the blowjob... depth... speed... intensity. You could tell he wanted to control all that, but I shifted it to me.

I pulled out, pushing him a way a little, he tried to get back on my joint, and I held him a way. He looked up at me, sad... scared that I would kick his ass or tell everyone what he did.

"what are you doing?" I ask.

He hems and haws, "don't tell anyone and I can make you feel good." He says finally.

I don't say anything for a while, considering... "you are sucking my cock?" I ask.

"Doesn't it feel good?" he asks.

"What do I get?" I ask, he looks really confounded... "what do I get out of it, if I let you suck my cock?" confounding him deeper. "and I don't tell?"

He looks worried now. "oh, man please don't tell anyone, Tom. please?"

Good, he is starting to beg. I don't say anything.

He is on his knees still, my hard cock just inches from his hungry mouth. I slowly lower my moist dick to his lips, just to his lips and only for a few seconds. His eyes and face reg

ister need.

"look," I eventually say, "before I moved here, I got my dick sucked everyday after school, and I fucked ass a little too." Calmly, matter-of-factly. "if that is something we can arrange I could probably keep your secret." I loosened my grip slowly and let go of his head.

Kenny smiled up at me "everyday...?" a quick lick of precum, "we might be able to work that out".

"Good." I said, then, "But, you need to know, I don't suck dick - I have no interest in it. And we'll work up to you getting your ass fucked, it won't happen tonight, we have to get back... but soon." I promised.

He did look a little worried, but before he could voice his concern I put his mouth to other use. Re-grabbing his head and pushing it back over my cock.

So, standing there... my high school track field, by the monkey bars, I began to fuck Kenny's mouth with determination. He was pretty good that first time, but he would get better and better, and I was happy to

offer him the practice he needed.

I was all too happy to offer him the tips that made him all that much better a cocksucker.

"Lick my balls. Take it deeper. Swallow my load"

All too soon, I was ready to explode in his mouth. I was holding on to his face, driving as much cock as he could take that first time, in and out of his warm moist mouth. I was moaning slightly. Telling him to swallow my load... "take it, take it", was my chant.

And then I was there, unloading in him, watching as he struggled to swallow it all, the look on his face told me that he had not swallowed before and it repulsed him a little. Good, I thought... were gonna make him do a lot more things that he might not be comfortable with at the start, but he would certainly warm up to. It is all about not giving them a choice.

Kenny had become my personal Cocksucker, and I planned on taking full advantage of that.

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