Ken and Roy

Published on Jun 14, 2005


Ken and Roy, Part 2 By

Ken, Roy, and I had had an evening of hot sex together, and woke up eager to experiment further. I guess one of us woke the others by stirring in the big queen size bed we'd shared at Ken's house during the night. The bed had also served as a launch pad for our fun the previous evening. When I opened my eyes I looked around and saw three heavy-ended cocks turgid with blood because of our full bladders. Mine was rigid, with the big head straining against the full foreskin that covered it right to the end, and flat against my stomach because I was lying on my back. Ken was lying on his back to my left, his erection slightly longer than my six inches, and the outline of his helmet was clearly visible through the distended foreskin. Roy was on his side to my right, and his big pink mushroom was totally exposed because it had pushed through his short foreskin. The hood was drawn back tightly along his shaft, and except that he had no scar ring, it looked circumcised. His long slit parted the big round dome of his cock-head, and I remembered how the lips had gaped when I'd seen him pee the night before. Overall, his erection was about the same length as Ken's, measured from the pubic bone to the end of the swollen glans. "I don't think I can pee with this hard-on," Ken said sleepily. "Neither can I," added Roy. "How about you, Jack?" "Only if it goes down a little," I replied. "I think we should do something about this before we get up." "You first, Jack," said Roy as he wrapped his warm fingers around my straining erection and began pumping my foreskin with a practiced stroke. Ken spread a towel over my stomach to catch my juice, and then cupped my tight sac, gently pulling downward on it as Roy stimulated my glans with the long foreskin. Ken was on his knees next to my left hip, and it was an easy reach to his cock. Ken's fingers kneaded my tight sac, and I reached for his stiff prick with my left hand, wanting to give him some good feelings too. His foreskin slid easily off the swollen head, as it was looser than mine, and I heard him sigh in delight. Ken's penis was different from mine in several ways, and the most significant one at the moment was that he had a thick gee-string, the strip of flesh that connects the foreskin to the bottom of the triangular groove under the head. Each time I pulled his long foreskin fully back to expose the head, the tugging of the gee-string made his glans dip down towards his knees. When I pulled his foreskin forward over the head, the ring of skin compressed both his flaring rim and his gee-string. Thus Ken's prick was capable of receiving more varied stimulation than mine, because my gee-string wasn't big or thick, but barely visible, and never pulled the head down when tugged. "I like the way that long foreskin of yours goes completely over the head," Roy said as he worked my penis. "Mine used to be that long when I was a kid, then my tip grew faster than my skin." "Man, did it grow," I said. "That fat mushroom of yours is bigger than the shaft." Roy's rim stood at least a quarter-inch higher than the neck of his penis, with the foreskin drawn tightly back. "Yeah, but when I was a kid, I had only a small tip. It was completely buried under my tight hood." "Mine was always a helmet shape, but my whole cock was small before I hit puberty," I replied. Roy slid my hood back to bare the big purple helmet right down to the flaring rim. "Feels, nice, really nice, but look at Ken's too," I said as the gentle friction tickled the buds in my head and hood. I felt the nerve endings in my foreskin stretching deliciously as Roy pulled it back over the tapered swelling of my glans. "Man, I just love that big helmet shape," he said as the purple glans slid into view. I reached for his shaft and pulled the tightly-drawn foreskin in short tugs up against the rim of his tip, knowing that the shocks against the base of his glans were his favorite type of stimulation. I really didn't know which of us would come first, but it didn't matter, as we both urgently needed relief. However, the way I was administering long hard strokes to Ken's erection, I wondered if he'd come first. "I think Jack's close," Ken said. "Pump that foreskin hard, Roy, and make him cream. Then I'll do you while he's resting." Roy's warm hand stroked me faster, and I felt the excitement building up in my cock-root. Although I was trying to relax, the pressure in my bladder wouldn't let me, and I knew I'd drop my load before Roy did. Ken's prick was rock-hard between my fingers, though, and his breathing had deepened. I watched my hand stroking his prick, drawing the hood back to bare the glorious purple helmet, then tugging on the skin to tense his gee-string and make the head dip, then watching the head bob back up as I pulled the hood forward all the way, running it downhill to cover the glans completely. As I did this, his slit drizzled a steady stream of lube onto my encircling fingers. "The head's getting darker," Roy warned. "You're right there, ready or not." I knew Ken was close too, and wondered who'd explode first. "Close," I muttered. The tickling feeling in my rim had spread all over the head, and now was changing to the familiar hot tingle that always preceded my orgasm. The Ken's prick pulsed in my fist and I heard him cry out as the heavy shock wave of orgasm coursed through his body. This triggered mine. I sucked in my breath, tensing for the explosion, then my eyes closed as the first wave hit me. My world closed in on me, and my attention centered on the delicious sensations in my penis. I heard myself crying out helplessly in the distance as an irresistible tightness pervaded my groin, and a rushing stream of hot fluid filled my urethra. I felt Ken's prick pulse again, and mine jerked a split second later as another jet of hot lava burned its way up my tube. Our moans filled the room as the frenzy of orgasm ravaged our straining bodies. I felt Roy's insistent fingers massaging my foreskin the entire length of my glans, urging me to discharge more cream, as I pumped Ken's throbbing penis. My prick was still throbbing, but only a thin seepage oozed from the end of my glans when I opened my eyes. Ken's cock had stopped shooting as well, but was still dribbling juice through the end of his foreskin, which I'd pulled forward to cover the precious head. We were both dazed as an after-effect of our biological storms, slowly relaxing as the tension left our bodies. Ken was the first to speak: "That was a good one, Jack. For a moment I thought I was going to fall over backward." Roy had let go of my cock and was watching us recover from our orgasms, and his prick was still uncapped and pink-headed in its stiffness. He was ready for his climax. "Here, Roy, let me do you," Ken said. "Then we'll shower and I'll fix breakfast." "No, don't. You'd better get into the bathroom and get cleaned up. We're going to be ready for breakfast real soon." "Okay, I'll do that. By the time you guys finish, and then get out of the bathroom, breakfast will be almost ready." Ken got up and went into the bathroom. "Okay, now you just relax, Roy. Clear your mind and leave it to me." I wrapped my fingers around his erection again, unaware of exactly when I'd let go of it during my orgasm, and began pumping his shaft skin the way he liked, bringing it up to bump the rim. On the back-stroke, I pulled down hard because I knew that he too had a thick frenulum, and I wanted to make his glans dip. Roy's blunt mushroom jerked downward as I yanked back hard on his skin, and I saw the lips of his pink glans part as a large drop of lubricant oozed between them. I was staring at the underside of the fully exposed mushroom head, with the thick frenulum filling the triangular groove underneath. I snapped the index finger of my other hand against the thick gee-string and heard him grunt in surprise and delight. "That really got to you, huh?" I asked as I continued stroking his tightly-drawn shaft-skin. He'd begun to moan softly as the intense sensations filled him, and as I pushed his foreskin forward against his thick rim he grunted. When I pulled his skin back and made the big head dip, he grunted louder. I kept up the rhythm, knowing that after having witnessed Ken and me come, he was primed for release. His balls had drawn up tightly against his body. The big tip became shiny, even at the end that normally stuck out of his foreskin, and turned a darker shade of pink. As I let the skin draw back from his rim, I saw it had turned light purple, and when I reached the bottom of my stroke the head dipped again, bringing a louder grunt from him. Roy's eyes were closing as I bumped his ridge again with the collar of skin, and the flow of lube had become a steady seepage that ran down over my fingers. I heard the toilet flush as I yanked his skin down again, my eyes fixed on the magic dark mushroom that was the seat of his pleasure. Roy was grunting steadily now, caught up in the sensations, and his entire tip darkened to purple as I heard the shower start. No doubt, his full bladder was adding to the tension in his body, as it had done to me, and I knew he wouldn't be able to hold off much longer. His jaw clenched, and his entire body tightened as his excitement built. With my other hand, I pulled the towel over to catch his discharges. Now I pulled his skin up harder, compressing the rim as the shaft-skin stretched, then yanked it down again to make the big mushroom dip. As the head dipped fully, I felt his shaft throb hard, and heard him howl. A thick stream of white cream shot from between the lips of his glans onto the towel, and I pulled up on his skin. When I pulled down hard again, a second jet hurtled from his straining tip, and he howled again. His head was thrown back, and I pumped his prick again to make him shoot another jet. Roy shot a total of six jets before I felt his throbs weakening, and I slowed my stroking. By this time my erection had completely subsided, and I was aware that I needed to pee urgently. I tightened my crotch muscles as I needed to stay with Roy for another half minute or so. I lightly stroked his skin, just moving it up and down the shaft without bumping his rim or making the head jark down. Now I let his penis flop onto his towel-covered stomach, watching the persistent seepage from his slit. The color of his glans lightened, and I saw his erection begin to soften as he relaxed. I leaned over him and when he opened his eyes I kissed him tenderly on the lips. Then I moved down to kiss his precious tip, tasting the fluid that oozed from his body. His penis has shrunk enough for the foreskin to begin covering the head again, drawn into place by his tight gee-string. I got up. Ken was just coming out of the bathroom, heading for the kitchen. "Man, I heard Roy howling even in the shower," he said with a grin. "He must have really unloaded." I pointed to the towel, soaked with our cream, that I was lifting from Roy's stomach. "Ready for a good hot pee?" I asked. "I sure am." Roy got up and hugged me tightly before breaking away and heading for the bathroom. We got into the shower and turned on the water. The hot water coursing over our bodies intensified the urge, and within seconds my crotch muscles had relaxed enough so that a thick yellow stream splattered out of my foreskin's thick nipple. Normally, I'd draw the skin back to let the hot water hit the glans, but now the intense pressure in my bladder made it impossible to hold back as the water sluiced over my penis, and my thick gush flowed freely. Roy's fingers immediately pinched my nipple, and my hood began to distend. Roy's stream had also begun, a thick neat stream that flowed unobstructed from the long lips of his slit because his foreskin covered only the back half of the head. I pinched the end of his glans, stopping the stream for a second to build up back pressure in his urethra, then let go. We kept it up, pinching each other 's cocks, enjoying the sensations of our bottled-up streams, until we'd finally drained ourselves. We soaped each other's bodies, then rinsed down, while Roy made sure to skin back my hood to rinse the head underneath. We dried ourselves and went naked into the kitchen, our heavy-ended cocks swinging from side to side with our movements. Ken greeted us with a big smile, announcing that the meal was almost ready. He had on an apron as protection against spattering grease, and he removed it when he sat down with us at the breakfast bar. Sitting in line gave us a view of each other's crotches as we ate and talked. We enjoyed the bacon, eggs, and toast, while we spoke between mouthfuls. "That was a good way to start the day," Ken said. "Dropping a load even before taking a pee was a good idea." "Together," Roy corrected. "Yeah, together," I said. "That made it even better." "I really enjoyed watching you guys come," Roy added. "I enjoyed making Jack come, because I felt his cock throb while it was shooting." "You made me come," I said, addressing Roy. "Ken came at the same time. I felt him come too." "I love the feel of a guy's cock when he's creaming," Ken said. "I love giving him pleasure. It's a thrill for me." "Same here," I said. "I also enjoy the variety in cocks, and how they can be handled different ways." Feeling a guy's penis pulse between my fingers as I gave him the supreme pleasure was a major turn-on for me. Each needed different handling, because of variations in anatomy, and this added to the thrill. "Yeah," Ken said. "You were really stroking me hard, pulling down the head on the back-stroke. That was impossible to resist." "Jack did the same to me," Roy said. "He pulled back hard on my skin the way he did to yours. Seeing his hand do that to my cock was really hot, and that feeling of the gee-string stretching and stretching the head down pushed me over the edge." "Same here. That gave it an extra hot feeling, making the head dip. He was stretching and jerking my gee-string, and that made me cream." "Watching your long skins go completely over the heads was something else," Roy said. "That must feel wonderful, that long stroke, covering and uncovering those big helmets." "Well, you two have something I don't have," I contributed to the interchange. "Those thick gee-strings. Mine's so small it doesn't pull the head down, no matter how hard you pull back on my skin." As we talked, I gave an occasional glance to their crotches. The night before, sex talk had aroused us, and now discussing the mechanics of how to stroke each other's cocks, was having the same effect. Their cocks had been limp and shrunken when we'd sat down to eat, but were now half-hard. Roy continued the discussion: Those long skins keep your cock-heads always covered," he began. "That's why they're all shiny when you skin back. Mine's shiny around the rim, but the front's always exposed, so it's dry." "I think my head's so sensitive all over because it's always completely covered," Ken said. "You said your head's mainly rim-sensitive, didn't you?" That might be because the front's dried out from being always exposed." "I know it is," Roy replied. "I remember when I was a kid and the head was all covered, it was all sensitive. Then, when my cock grew and the skin didn't grow along with it, the front got less sensitive after being exposed." Roy's cock had extended fully now, and the entire glans had slipped forward out of its covering. I saw that his corona was smooth and shiny like mine and Ken's, but that the front dome was dry and slightly leathery in appearance. "Roy's all hard now," I commented. "That big mushroom looks really sexy." I reached out to touch a finger to the pink mushroom's broad upper surface. At my touch, it jerked upward slightly. "It's sensitive to touch, all right," Ken laughed. Now a large clear drop parted the lips of Roy's long slit. "His slit's as long as yours, Ken," I said as I moved my finger down to touch the drop. I moved my wet fingertip in small circles around Roy's slit and heard him sigh deeply. "His tip's sensitive enough," Ken continued. Roy's cock-head bobbed several times as I continued to trace wet circles around his slit. "See the way the head's moving up and down?" Roy reached out to grasp my foreskin nipple as he finished his last slice of toast. He twisted gently, producing a gentle friction against my glans and stretching the nerve endings in the skin. My cock twitched. "Yours too," Roy said. "It doesn't take much to get a reaction from your cock." Now he exerted traction, pulling my long nipple out away from my body as I continued working my fingertip around the front of his mushroom cap. "We'd better get back to the bedroom," Ken said as he stood, his penis standing out straight in front of him, the long nipple sagging slightly at the end. "Watching you guys got me all worked up." We followed Ken and arranged ourselves on the big mattress, fingers touching and squeezing each other's erections. "My cock looks cut when I'm hard," Roy said as we sat on the bed. "Remember last night, Jack, when you asked me if I was cut?" "Yeah, I did ask that. At first I thought it was." "So did I, when I first saw Roy's cock," said Ken. If you look at it, though, there's no thick brown scar." "I see that," I said. "Just the big mushroom sticking out." "Does wearing a condom bother you, Roy?" Ken asked. "A condom would fit perfectly over your cock. The big head would keep it from slipping off, no matter how slippery it gets inside." "No problem, but what do you want me to do?" "Let's try a round of Princeton," Ken suggested. "You slip your prick between our thighs. Maybe the pelvic thrusts will give you a nice hot orgasm." I knew exactly what Ken meant. I'd found that thrusting my prick, whether into a woman or between a guy's thighs, produced a hot orgasm because of the muscular tension. "Princeton sounds good," Roy replied. "I'm not into anal at all. I don't even like a thermometer in there." "I don't either," I said. "Anyway, between the thighs feels really good for me, and I knew Ken feels the same way." "Okay," Roy said. "How do we do this? Who wants to take me?" "Well, maybe you could start with me," Ken said. He reached into the drawer of the bedside table and withdrew a foil package, tearing it open to reveal a latex condom. "I think you're the best one to wear a condom, since your skin's all the way back, and you leak enough so you won't need any additional lube." I knew that when I'd put on a condom, I'd always needed to pour a few drops of Astroglide into it because I don't seep much natural lubricant. "Let me do that for you," Ken said as he unrolled the condom about and inch, then fitted it on top of Roy's big mushroom cap and began unrolling it. The thin ring snapped down into the groove behind Roy's mushroom glans as he spoke. "There, I've given you a little slack so you can move inside it." I grasped Roy's shaft and steadied it so that Ken could roll the condom all the way down. When he'd fitted it around Roy's penis, Ken lay on his left side and lifted his leg. "Here, Roy, get behind me and slip it in." Roy lay down behind Ken, carefully fitting his penis between his thighs, up against his perineum. Ken lowered his leg. I crouched in front of Ken and began twisting his foreskin as Roy began to move gently. "The rubber's a little tight, but once I lube a little more it'll feel just right," Roy said. "Yeah, and the rubber will protect you against hair burns," I added. "Just take it nice and easy. I'll take care of Ken." I stretched Ken's long foreskin nipple away from his body, stretching its nerve endings and making Ken sigh as Roy continued to thrust. I imagined his long slit pouring copious drops of his natural lubricant into the condom, making it wet and slippery inside, and providing intense sensation as he thrust into the tightness of Ken's thighs. Crouched as I was, I had a good view of Ken's ball sac as it began tightening against his body under the avalanche of sensations he was receiving from front and rear. I also saw Roy's low-hangers begin to draw up as he continued thrusting. "Now it's getting nice and slippery," Roy said as he increased his pace. The condom lay immobile between Ken's thighs and Roy's penis moved freely inside the lubricated channel. I tugged on Ken's sac with my other hand, stretching the tightening skin, because I knew he enjoyed the sensation. I also began pushing Ken's foreskin back in small jiggles, first exposing the long slit at the front of his glans, then drawing the skin forward to cover it again. I pushed back more the second time, until the edge of his foreskin had stretched to a dime-sized opening, before pulling it all the way forward to form a thick pucker at the end, wet with his seeping lube. I dipped my finger into the wetness and lifted it to my mouth, smelling it and tasting its salty flavor. Roy noticed what I was doing and spoke: "Hey let me have a taste of that, Jack." I pressed my finger against Ken's wet pucker again and held my finger to Roy's lips. He sucked hard on my finger, almost drawing it into his mouth. "Delicious," he said. "I love that taste of Ken's lube." I skinned Ken back slightly, exposing the weeping slit, lowered my head, and inhaled deeply of his rich masculine aroma. I knew all three of us enjoyed the delicious musky odor of wet glans and foreskin. Roy was thrusting faster now, becoming caught up in the hot sensations, so I concentrated on stimulating Ken. Tugging a bit harder on his now tight scrotum, I pushed his foreskin back farther over the head, revealing the front dome of his big purple helmet through the opening that was the size of a quarter. I saw that Ken's slit was seeping steadily, lubricating his foreskin and glans, and I pulled the hood forward again over the head. I swept my finger over Ken's slit, caressing the sensitive nerve endings and wetting my finger for another taste. I licked my finger, then brought my hand down again to tug on Ken's sac. "This is really good," Roy panted as he thrust harder. I knew he'd be exploding soon, but it didn't matter if he came first, as I was going to give Ken his orgasm with my fingers. I pressed my index finger into the hot spot under Ken's glans through the skin before pushing the hood back until it almost reached the rim. Ken's sexy purple helmet was almost completely out, waiting for the next cycle, when I'd push the skin back to expose it in all its naked glory. "Go ahead, Roy, go for it," Ken said. I saw the muscles in his thighs tighten as he squeezed Roy's thrusting penis. Roy longed forward, reaching for the new sensations, and I felt the tip of his penis nudge Ken's ball sac. "I felt that," Ken panted, and then I pulled his foreskin all the way out for a final lengthwise stretch. I paused for a second to press against his hot spot again, then firmly pushed the long loose foreskin all the way back, stretching it over his wide, flaring rim and making it snap down into the deep groove behind the helmet. I let go of Ken's sac for a moment to push a towel in front of his penis, then resumed tugging. Now I pushed back hard on Ken's skin, stretching his gee-string, and watched Ken's helmet dip down towards his toes. "OOOOHHHH! Feels soooo good," Ken murmured. I admired the beauty of Ken's hardness, with its big purple helmet surrounded by the thick collar of his retracted foreskin. I felt Ken's fingers close around my penis, moving the skin slightly, and knew he was deriving pleasure from the feel of my warm staff. "Here I go... I'm close..." Roy shouted, thrusting wildly between Ken's thighs, the big mushroom bumping the tight sac. I slipped my left hand between Ken's thighs and found the hot spot under the head of Roy's thrusting penis. When I pressed my fingertips into the triangular groove to trigger his orgasm, Roy yelled and grunted. He hugged Ken tightly as he lunged forward in a frenzy, his straining body on automatic as the sensations peaked and his hard swollen mushroom began to throb against my fingers. Ken grunted as he felt Roy's hard thrusts, and I added to his sensations by running my wet fingertips over his fully exposed helmet. Roy grunted as he lunged again, big tip bumping Ken's balls, and I twisted my fingertips around the straining head of Ken's penis. Ken's eyes closed and his tip turned darker purple, a beautiful shade of burgundy, as it hardened and swelled under my fingertips. I wanted to bring Ken to climax right away, so that Roy would feel the rhythmic contractions of his thigh muscles as he came, thereby adding to his sensations. Ken wailed as his glans throbbed hard between my fingers and the first hot jet spewed from his slit, slamming through the lips to splash into the towel. His hand clenched hard around my cock. Roy groaned loudly as Ken's thighs tightened around his thrusting penis. Both were now caught up in the full frenzy of orgasm, their bodies straining against each other, as I pressed my left hand's fingertips under Roy's glans and twisted the fingertips of my right hand around Ken's throbbing tip. Their faces were flushed, their eyes closed, and they were aware only of the magic moment and the intense sensations they were sharing. As I watched these two hot guys disgorging their sperm, vicariously enjoying their orgasms, I felt a tickle in my cock-root, then a slight spasm, and a drop of lube began crawling up my urethra. I wasn't close to coming, but I was lubing in my excitement. Roy and Ken grunted again, and I felt both engorged cock-heads throb against my fingertips. Roy's glans was sliding within its latex sheath, while Ken's hot hard head jerked within my encircling fingers as it streamed another torrent of cream that fell onto the towel. Ken's hand still held my foreskin over my cock-head, and I felt, but did not see, the large drop of clear fluid that seeped from my orifice. Ken and Roy howled again and spewed more juice, Roy's building up inside the now distended condom and Ken's pouring onto the towel. Roy's thrusts were slower now, and he took several deep breaths as his orgasm came down off its peak. Ken's next jet was weaker, and I felt they were close to the end of their orgasms. Roy stopped moving, and I knew his tip was too sensitive to absorb any more friction, and that Ken must be close to that point as well. I released Ken's still-throbbing glans, and let the sensations play out. Ken's slit was still gaping as more fluid emerged, seeping instead of spewing, dripping onto the towel. Ken's fluid was not as milky, more prostatic secretion than sperm, because he was drained. Roy pulled out from between Ken's thighs, fingers around the base of his penis, dragging the condom with it, to avoid spilling into Ken's hairs. I saw the end of the condom sagging, filled with his ejaculate, as he pulled away and flopped onto his back. Ken rolled over and embraced him, planting a tender kiss on his lips. I lay down beside Ken and threw an arm over him, my hand feeling his heartbeat through his chest. I was still rock-hard, my penis pressed against Ken's back, the big helmet sliding around inside the lubricated foreskin, but I felt no urgency. I could wait until they'd fully recovered. Right now, they were both dazed by their orgasms, and they needed a couple of minutes to recover. I heard their breathing slow as they came back to normal. Roy spoke first: "Okay, Ken, now that we're finished let's both work on Jack. Let's give him a real hot one." He got up on his elbow, looking at me. Ken sat up and turned toward me. "Yeah, Jack, now it's your turn. Lie back and leave the driving to us." Ken sat on my right side and Roy got up to move to my left, and their hands went for my crotch. "I'll take care of Jack's prick," Roy said. "You take care of the rest." Roy grasped my penis around the shaft with his left hand, bring it up to point at the ceiling. He slowly draw my foreskin back, and as soon as the front dome of my glans was in view he placed the palm of his right hand flat over it, moving it in small circles. I felt Ken begin to pinch and twist my nipples, first one, then the other, as his other hand gripped my tight sac, tugging on it gently. Roy dragged my foreskin back farther and he kept palming my lubricated glans, pouring delicious sensations into it. "Jack's really wet now," Ken said. "I've never seen him lube so much." "That's because watching you guys get off was a really hot turn-on," I replied. "That had me seeping even before you came." As I spoke, I felt my cock-root contract again, and another drop crawled up my urethra. "Look at his slit, Ken," Roy urged. "It's really different from ours." "When Jack gets hard, his slit opens up, like a teardrop," Ken said. "I've seen that before." Ken's fingers continues to tug on my scrotum, exerting more traction, stretching the thick tight skin and sending a delicious thrill into my groin. The fingers of his other hand had worked my nipple erect, and now he traced small circles around their peripheries, producing a gentle tickle that aroused me further. Roy had dragged my long foreskin back most of the way now, baring the broad upper surface of my straining glans, and he worked his palm over the top of the head, sending hot thrills down my shaft. He gave a final tug and I felt my thick foreskin snap down behind the high flaring ridge, lodging in a heavy collar behind the head. Now my helmet was totally bared to his gaze and touch, and he worked the palm of his other hand around its surfaces, the delicious friction adding to my delight. "Work on that sensitive head," Ken urged. "That's what really turns him on. "You'll make him cream soon." "I'm trying to relax," I muttered. Despite my effort, I felt the excitement build inside, and I knew they'd draw the orgasm from me soon. "His head's getting darker now, Ken," Roy commented as his stroking palm sent hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my glans. I felt the head engorge more as I neared the peak as Ken worked on my sac and Roy stimulated my penis. Ken began working on my scrotum with both hands, stretching the skin down tight while his other hand gently kneaded my testicles through the thick covering. The insistent friction of Roy's palm produced a pleasant ache in my engorged helmet, reinforcing my need for release. I felt more drops of lube emerging from my orifice, to be immediately swept up my Roy's palm as it moved over the sensitive surface and spread it over the hardness of my glans. The lubricant softened the sensations, slowing my rush toward the brink, but now I felt a tickle in my glans wherever Roy caressed it, a pleasant, soothing feeling that spread down my shaft and into my cock-root. I was beginning to float in a sea of sensations, content to let Roy and Ken perform their miracle on my prick, secure in the knowledge that they'd being me to the brink soon. "He's close, look how dark the head is," Ken said. His fingers pulled and kneaded my scrotum, stretching the skin, and I began to quiver. Roy's firm grip on my shaft tightened, compressing the veins, increasing the blood pressure in my prick. "That's making the head even harder," Roy explained to Ken. "I can feel it against my palm." "It's really wet and shiny now," Ken said. "He's ready." Roy's palm swept around my glans, caressing the rim, the moving to the broad upper surface, the in circles around the swollen front dome, and finally under the head, stimulating the twin lobes there the two halves of the rim meet underneath. The tickle in my glans changed to a hot tingle, and my eyes closed as I began moaning, swept away by the intensity of the sensations. "AHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHH!" I was crying out, even before the orgasm started. I was totally captivated, totally enraptured, by the intense feelings in my groin, the big helmet throbbing as Roy swept his palm around it, and my entire world was in my cock. My body shuddered, and I felt the thud-thud-thud of my cock-root as it began to pound. A sharp tickle deep inside sent sparks all over my body as the first hot jet splashed into my urethra, burning its way up like a gush of hot lava, as I dissolved into blissful agony. I heard myself grunting loudly as the hot fluid forced its way out of my meatus and spread between my glans and Roy's palm. As the thick liquid buffered the sensations, Roy's fingers closed around my rim and his hand twisted around my glans, adding to the friction. My cock-root convulsed again, and another thick gush filled my urethra. My glans was throbbing and tingling, and my scrotum was beging pulled, prompting another torrent of juice that shot up my tube to spew through Roy's fingers. "Man, look at the big cock shooting," I heard faintly in the distance, unsure whether these were Ken's words or Roy's. I cried out helplessly as another spasm made my penis throb, the big glans rubbing against Roy's fingers. My cock jetted again, and then another spasm, weaker this time, wracked my body. I was aware that Roy was now just holding my penis, letting my orgasm wind down, because he knew that any moment my tip would become hyper-sensitive. Now my spasms had become smoother, the fluid just rolling up my tube in a steady stream, oozing rather than gushing, as I slowly came down off the high. My glans still throbbed, but less intensely, and the fluid just oozed from my orifice. My ragged breathing became more steady, and I was beginning to relax, more aware of Ken's and Roy's warm bodies pressing against mine, as I came back to the real world. I lay there dazed, eyes still closed, as I felt someone's tender lips press lightly against mine. I opened my eyes to see Ken's face, and it vanished from my field of view as Roy leaned over to kiss me. "Thanks," I whispered weakly, still ravaged by my biological storm. The hurricane of sensations that had swept through me had left me disoriented, and I was still tingling from the effects of the high-pressure jets that had blasted through my penis. I lay inert for a long while as Ken and Roy lay down, sandwiching me with their warm bodies. We fell into blissful sleep, most of the weekend still before us.

The end

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