Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Aug 12, 2014


Ken and I - Part 04

"That was wicked." I said as I was catching my breath.

"Fucking wicked," Ken agreed and laughed "but it looks like we've made a big mess". Ken was talking about our cum having splattered across the front of our jeans and up onto our shirts.

"Fuck, you're right," I responded, looking at the wet patches of jizz that had by now soaked into our clothes. "Guess there's nothing we can do about it now."

I hoped that it wouldn't be too noticeable by the time I got home so that I could dump them among the other dirty clothes in my room. To be honest, I was still riding high off what we'd just done to really care too much about it.

Pulling ourselves together, we mounted our bikes and headed back towards home. Getting back, we stopped at Ken's place. I stood with my bike as Ken pushed his into their garage. Jamie, Ken's younger brother, was hanging out in their backyard when we arrived.

"Where'd you guys go?" he asked as he walked over to me.

"No place. Just out for a ride." I responded vaguely. Looking down I noticed that although our cum had dried from the ride, it still seemed visible under the afternoon sun. Knowing it was there and thinking about how it had gotten there started to give me a boner. Looking back up, I saw that Jamie's eyes were staring directly at my growing lump and the cum stains just below the zipper of my jeans.

I had never thought of myself as an exhibitionist, and at the time didn't even know there was such a thing. But the thought of Jamie being aware of my growing arousal made me horny and I did nothing to cover or hide the bulge at my crotch. Jamie was clearly embarrassed at not only having been caught looking, but by the obvious way his hand dropped down to his crotch in an attempt to hide the bulge at the front of his shorts.

I was lost in my thoughts, wondering if Jamie was as curious as his older brother, when Ken came back out.

"Hey squirt, what's going on?" he said to his brother as he grabbed him and wrestled him to the ground. Without his hand free, he could no longer hide his boner. I doubted Ken was aware of it, and although I didn't think he and Jamie had ever done anything, the sight of the two of them on the ground with Ken straddling his younger brother as he struggled to get up, only added fuel to my horny thoughts.

I could feel my fully hard cock twitching in my pants and I was sure that I must be leaking precum into my underwear with every throb. Soon enough Ken's mom shouted at them to stop and to get ready to go shopping. Both of them groaned at that, but she said they had no choice and that was that.

It was my cue to leave, and Ken and I exchanged a knowing look, grin and smile.

"Call you later." Ken shouted as I pedalled off across the street. The pedalling action did nothing to ease my erection; in fact, the motion combined with my tight jeans pushed and pulled at my dick in an exciting way.

I dumped my bike in the backyard, opened the back door and headed straight for my room. Now I had to hope that neither the stains nor my boner would be noticed. As I passed the kitchen mom asked how the ride was and I grunted a non-committal "Fine" without turning around.

Safely in my room I began to strip out of my cum stained shirt and jeans. As I pulled them off I could see that a wet spot had started to form where the white cotton of my underwear was pressed tightly against the head of my obscenely hard cock. As I pulled them down and off, a long string of sticky precum drooled from my piss slit. The smell of my sweaty body and spunk filled the air in my room. I couldn't get the vision of Ken and Jamie wrestling around out my head, and I urgently grasped my cock in my hand and began to stroke as the vision shifted to them wrestling naked on Ken's bed.

Pumping my cock in my tight fist, I realized that I was standing naked in the middle of my room on the verge of another orgasm. Not wanting to jizz all over the carpet, I aimed my cock down at the heap of clothes I had just shed. There was a knock on my door just as the first rope of my teen spunk shot down on my briefs and jeans. It was then that I also realized that I moaned rather loudly.

"Are you OK honey?" my mother asked from behind the door. She had learned not to come in unannounced anymore after having caught me in an awkward position humping my pillow about a year earlier.

I tried to control my ragged breathing and managed to grunt out a reasonable "Yup. Good." as I continued to climax and rain jism down on my already stained clothes.

"All right, well. Come have some cookies when you're ready."

"Okay," I said as I milked the remaining cream out of my balls and dick. Gathering up my once again cum soaked clothes, I dumped them in the pile with the rest of my dirty laundry. I also opened a window to let the smell of my sex air out. I got dressed in a clean pair of shorts and a shirt, and after a few minutes went to the kitchen to have some cookies.

I'm sure mom had to know what I'd been doing, but she didn't let on and I wasn't about to bring it up. She'd been pretty cool about it when she'd caught me humping my pillow. It had happened one morning a year earlier, before school. I had woken up with morning wood as all 13 year old teen boys tend to do, and feeling a bit horny, had started to enjoy my favourite new way of getting off. Rolling over on my stomach I had pulled my pillow down between my legs and begun a slow grind, pushing and pumping my boner into it. I was well into it, and beginning to feel that amazing tingle in my balls. Lifting my little butt into the air, I reached below me and pushed my pyjama pants down far enough that it and my young cock were out. I just started to pump more quickly into my pillow when my bedroom door opened and my mother came in.

"Are you up yet? Breakfast is ready," she said. Although my back was to the door, I could practically see her stop dead in her tracks as she would have observed her sweet little son's naked ass pumping up and down on his bed.

"Ohhh," she slowly stammered. Turning and closing the door behind her without missing a further beat, she said, "Just come for breakfast when you're ready."

Much like had just happened, I was too far in to let the interruption stop as nature had already taken control of my brain. Although normally at this point I would have rolled onto my back so as not to cream all over my pillow, it was already too late. My balls contracted as squirt after squirt of my young jizz erupted into the soft folds of my pillow. I lay there spent, my face burning hot into my bed, both from the orgasm as well as the knowledge that I'd been caught.

I had laid there for what seemed to me like forever, not quite sure how I could possibly face my mother. However, I knew I'd have to leave my room eventually. After getting dressed, I quietly walked into the kitchen, unable to look her in the face. I was sure I was about to get a talk or perhaps a lecture about leaving stains on the sheets and such. My mother did neither of these and carried on as though nothing unusual had just happened.

My mother pulled me out of my thoughts as she placed a plate of cookies on the table in front of me.

"You and Ken seem to be spending a lot of time together lately." she said as she sat down at the table with me.

"Oh my god. She knows." my suddenly panicked mind thought.

"That's good. He seems nice. It'll be good for you to have a friend right across the street."

My panic faded as I realized she was simply making conversation. The boy that had been my best friend for a long time had moved about six months ago. Although I couldn't have put it into clear words at the time, Ken was filling a void that had been left in my life. Although I was not unpopular at school, I was also not part of the "in-crowd" and so didn't exactly have a ton of friends.

My mother's observation made me feel good. After spending the next half hour talking about school and other various things, I went downstairs to watch TV while my mother started worrying about making dinner.

Not long after dinner there was a knock at our back door. Back in front of the TV, I heard my mother answer it.

"Oh, hi Ken."

"Hi. Is Martin home?" I heard him ask.

"Aren't you two tired of hanging out today?" my mother laughed, "He's downstairs, go on."

Ken came bounding downy the stairs and practically tackled me on the couch. "What's going on? What're you watching?"

"Nothing," I laughed as I punched him in the arm. "Did you have fun shopping with mommy?" I teased.

"Fuck you," Ken whispered and laughed.

"What'd you get?" I asked.

"Some clothes. Pants, shirt, underwear, the usual."

"Good thing," I said, "since you keep fucking creaming all over your other ones."

Ken laughed and launched himself at me in a new attack, "You're so dead!"

We wrestled on the couch and eventually fell onto the floor making a loud thump.

"Take it easy down there boys, don't break the furniture." my mother shouted down.

We had stopped rolling around at this point, with Ken squarely on top of me, my arms pinned under his legs. Reaching down behind him, he grabbed my shorts and gave my crotch a squeeze.

"What's this?" he asked, feeling my semi rigid dick through the cloth.

"Fuck. Don't." I hissed quietly, "My parents are upstairs."

"Awww. Don't tell me you're getting shy?" he teased as he continued to knead my now fully hard cock through the cloth, "you didn't seem that shy earlier in front of my brother."

"What're you talking about?" I tried to bluff without much success.

"Don't fuck with me," he said grinning at me. "I saw you flaunting your boner in front of my brother while you were on your bike. You like showing off that big cock to little kids, don't you?" he teased.

My cheeks were burning with embarrassment at having been caught like that, especially with it being Ken's brother. I was praying that I hadn't somehow fucked up what had just started between Ken and I.

"It isn't like that," I tried to stammer out, but Ken cut me off.

"Sure it isn't, you pervert." I was momentarily mortified, but then that sly grin of Ken's spread across his face again. "Perverts need to be taught a lesson," he whispered as he continued rubbing me through my shorts.

My dick was hard and aching, and even though I had already cum twice that day, I knew that if Ken carried on for much longer that a third load would soon soil yet more of my clothes.

"Don't," I quietly protested, but I already knew the fight had left me. I knew that I could neither stop Ken, nor to be honest did I really want him to. Despite my parents being upstairs, Ken had an overwhelmingly intoxicating effect on me. And again, without really knowing it, the idea of being an exhibitionist and the risk of getting caught were also playing their part.

"You dirty fucker, you're enjoying this." Ken hissed down at me. "Are you going to fucking squirt in your pants? I bet you do it all the time, don't you Martin? Do you play with your cock at school and cum in your pants during class?" Ken continued.

His filthy language was creating vivid images in my mind. Although I'd had plenty of boners at school and squeezed under my desk now and then, I had never actually cum during class. But Ken's continued kneading of my cock and the thought of doing it in class, especially with Ken sitting next to me was too much for me to take. I could feel my cock lurch in my shorts and squirt after squirt of my teen semen began to to fill them. My eyes nearly rolled back in my head as I tried to stifle a loud groan.

Ken watched my face with a mixture of bemusement and arousal at what he had just made me do.

Next: Chapter 5: Ken and I 5

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