Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Feb 27, 2018


Ken and I - Part 37

Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for continuing to read my story. When I started, this was only going to be a few short chapters, so I'm amazed that it's come this far.

And thanks to Nifty for hosting and posting all those great stories for all of us to enjoy. It doesn't come for free, so please consider making a donation to keep this going:

Cheers, and on with the story ...

Friday at school was dragging on forever; concentrating during any of my classes was a big no-go. I kept thinking about going to David's that night. I wasn't exactly nervous, but in my mind I definitely kept anticipating what was going to happen. I kept having to slide down in my seat during classes and hold my books in front of me in the hallways to hide the almost perpetual boner I had. By mid-afternoon I thought I was going to have to lock myself in a stall to jack off just to ease the tension. I managed to resist that temptation, but I did go to pee and found a large wet spot in my briefs, and longs strings of precum drooled off the end of my dick as I stood at the urinal.

I knew it just my imagination, but I kept thinking that everyone was looking at me and knew what I was going to be doing. The end of day bell rang at long last, and I made my way to my locker to pack up my stuff. As I was standing there, I saw Ken walking down the hall with a few of his football buddies. I also saw David heading towards me as well. I stared into my locker, pretending like I hadn't seen either of them.

David slowed as he passed behind me, and turned his head, "Hey, see you later Martin."

He walked on and I turned just in time to see Ken give me a slightly puzzled look and a grin. Clearly he'd heard David, but at least he wasn't stopping to ask me about it. I knew at some point I'd have to face Ken, but for now I tried very hard to put that out of my head. I took a deep breath, closed my locker and headed for home.

I got home, threw my stuff onto the floor in my room and laid down on my bed. I must've fallen asleep; I woke up with mom shaking me and telling me that she and dad were heading out and that she'd put a pizza in the oven for me. She said she'd set the timer and that I need to get up so that I wouldn't fall asleep again. It was just after six when the timer went off; I sat quietly as I ate my pizza and then decided to have a quick shower before it was time to go to David's place. My erect dick was begging to be stroked during my shower, and I decided it would be safer to just let soap run down over it rather than using my hand to wash it.

As I dressed I began to wonder if I shouldn't have jacked off after all; at this rate I'd probably cum in my pants from the barest of David's attention. I giggled, thinking that David might find that hot, and I knew that even if it did happen, I'd be able to cum again without problem. I looked at myself in the mirror; I'd chosen my tightest pair of jeans, which showed off my bulge and tight ass, and a nice collared shirt, rather than just my usual choice of tee shirts. I was glad that my folks were out; I'm sure they would've wondered why I was getting so dressed for a sleepover. It looked more like I was going out on a date. I guess in a way this was a date, except for the fact we weren't planning on going out anywhere. I smiled at the idea; I'd never really thought about getting together with a boy as a date before. Was this another sign that I was developing feelings for David; even though I'd felt a level of emotion with Ken, maybe even thought I might love him, I'd never really thought of it as a date when I'd met him anywhere, at his house or elsewhere.

I looked over at my radio clock and realized it was already seven. I hurriedly through a few things into my backpack and headed out, locking the door behind me. I quickly debated whether to hop on my bike, but decided I'd walk instead. It would take a few extra minutes to get there, but I didn't want to get all sweaty in my clothes before I got there. It was just shy of 7:30 when I got to David's. I rang the bell and he answered, smiling at me.

"Hey Martin. I don't see your bike. Did you walk over? Come on in. I like that shirt, it looks really good on you."

I couldn't help but smile in return; I knew it was just the way he talked, but it sounded to me like he was talking just a bit quicker than normal. I thought maybe he was excited to see me. Or maybe he was a little nervous as well.

"Hi David, your mom already left for work I guess?"

"Yeah, she starts her shift at eight tonight. Did you eat before you left? I was just cleaning up from supper, but there's still some chicken and rice if you want it."

"I'm good thanks, I had some pizza at home."

"Cool", David said as he turned to go back into the kitchen to put the leftover food into the fridge and finish up the last of the dishes in the sink.

Like me, David was wearing a collared shirt, it was fitted and really showed off his slim physique. The tight jeans he wore accentuated his ass. There was a faint odor of cologne; I wondered if David needed to shave already or whether he'd worn it just because. In either case, I liked it as it seemed he'd made as much of an effort as I had. I decided to comment on how we'd chosen similar clothes, "Funny that we both picked the same kind of stuff to wear tonight."

"My mom wanted to know why I was getting dressed up. I only wear shirts like this on special occasions. She wanted to know if I had a date. She said if I did, I ought to put on some cologne as well to make me smell nice. Do you like it?"

"Yeah ... uhm, you smell real nice actually, I mean not that you don't normally smell nice and all, but uhm ... well you know what I mean."

David laughed, "Yeah, I know what you mean. You smell nice too. Do you ever wear cologne? Do you shave yet?"

"No. My dad put some on me one time when I watched him shave. But I don't shave yet. Do you?" I said, blushing slightly that I wasn't mature enough yet for that.

"Not often. Maybe once a week, but it's not much, just a bit around my chin and my upper lip. Is your dad hairy?"

I'd never really thought about whether my dad was hairy or not, or what that might mean for me, "Uhm, no, not really I guess. I mean I guess he shaves every morning, but he doesn't look hairy to me. So today is a special occasion?"

"What? Oh, the shirt you mean", David paused a moment before continuing, "yeah, today's special."

Although he hadn't been specific, I had to assume that he meant tonight was special. And he'd put on cologne after his mom had suggested it, so did he think of tonight as a date?

My mouth was dry and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get the words out, "So uhm ... is uh ... so is this ... I mean you put on the cologne so uh ... is this a uhm ... date?"

David had finished washing the last dish, put it in the drying rack and turned around to face me. It was the first time I'd ever seen him hesitate; he was smiling nervously and I thought I detected a slight flushing of his cheeks.

"Would it be bad if it was?" he asked, turning the question back around to me.

I hadn't expected that; David was normally so brutally straight forward.

"I uhm ... I guess not", I stumbled through my reply, "I mean uh ... well, we did plan to get together tonight so uhm ... that's like making a date isn't it? I guess uhm, I never really thought of a sleepover as a date before."

"But still you wore a special occasion shirt like I did. Not the cologne though. But that's okay. So I guess it is a date then. You ever been on a date before?"

I blushed, "No. Never. You?"

"Yeah, sort of. Not like this. Not with someone I like."

"You like ... wait, you went on a date with someone you didn't like?" I asked, deferring my other question for the moment.

David laughed, "Well, no, I just meant it wasn't a date like this, it was just I went to a wedding as a date for my cousin's friend. That was different."

"So this is ... I mean, so ... you like me?", I looked off to the side, not quite having the courage to look him directly in the eyes as I asked.

"Well yeah. I wouldn't have invited you over if I didn't. Don't you like me?"

He'd said it, but I still wasn't exactly sure how he meant it. Did he like me the way you like a friend, or did he "date" like me? I wasn't sure if I should push the issue, not because I didn't want to know the answer, but maybe because I was a little afraid that the answer would be yes and that he'd want to know the same from me.

I'd come this far, so I took a deep breath and pushed forward, "Yeah, uhm ... I like you, I was just wondering if ..."

I wasn't quite sure how to ask the question. I wasn't going to use the other "L" word, so how did I ask what I really wanted to know.

"I guess I was wondering if uhm ... you liked me in uh .. y'know .. special way?" I asked, looking down and feeling the heat rising from my flushed cheeks.

David had stepped directly in front of me and I looked at him as he spoke, "Martin, look at us. We both wore our special occasion shirts. I put on cologne. We're both ... nervous? I'd say we both like each other in a special way, don't you think?"

I smiled and offered a faint "Yes", as David leaned his face in and kissed me, tentative at first until he felt me respond, then our lips pressed tightly together, our tongues finding each other, arms around each other. I assumed that things were getting as tight in David's pants as they were in mine.

We separated, both somewhat out of breath. David took my hand, leading me through the bathroom to the door and stairs that went up to his bedroom. I followed like a child, willingly and without worry. My hand in David's made me feel safe, knowing that whatever happened next, David would never hurt me.

At the top of the stairs I looked around. David had set up a series of small lights, casting a moody, shadowy glow all across the room. Like last time, everything seemed neat and tidy, maybe even a bit neater than I remembered. There was a faint scent in the room, not unpleasant, but not something I immediately recognized. As we approached the shelves that had held his books, records and stereo, I saw a shallow bowl with smoke rising from it; this appeared to be the source of the scent and David noticed me looking at it.

"It's incense. My aunt gave it to me. Is it okay? I can put it out if you don't like it."

"It's fine", I said, "I've just never smelled any before."

Now that I knew what it was, it reminded me of a time I'd been in a store with my dad. There'd been incense sticks as well as little cones, the kind that David appeared to be burning. I'd asked my dad what they were; he'd told me that hippies used it because they thought it covered the smell of their pot. This had been a few years ago, and I had naively asked him what they cooked in the pot that made it smell; my dad had laughed, but not explained further. Of course, I knew now what it meant, and it made me wonder if David smoked pot. I knew some of the kids at school talked about it. I wanted to ask, but decided not to; he'd clearly gone to some trouble to set up his room for me and I didn't want to ruin it by insulting him. I didn't recall smelling any the last time I'd been in his room, but then realized that I probably didn't actually know what it smelled like.

David let go of my hand and knelt down to turn on his stereo. Although he'd told me he'd gotten some new records that I thought we were going to listen to, he put in a tape and hit play. I'd expected he would play some disco music, as he had last time.

David held me close as the first song began to play: "Kiss You All Over". We moved slowly, holding each other; it was hard to even call it dancing, but it didn't matter. What followed were a slew of songs to which we swayed and kissed: "Come Sail Away", "More Than a Feeling", "Magnet and Steel", "Because the Night". It didn't matter that some of the songs were about guys singing to their girls, it didn't matter that we made no effort to match the pace or rhythm of the music. At that time nothing else existed or mattered outside of David's room. I didn't think, I simply felt and let those feelings guide me.

David pulled his face away from mine and looked at me as he began to unbutton my shirt, one slow button at a time. I mimicked his actions, including pulling his shirt up out of his pants to undo the last couple. He placed his hands on my chest and moved them slowly up to my shoulders, and then down my arms; my shirt moved with this hands and fell to the floor. I did the same to him, noting that when my right hand was on his chest, I could feel the pounding of his heart and the rise and fall of his breath. He drew me back in for another kiss as both our hands dropped to unbutton and unzip each other's jeans, pushing our hands down into opening and running them over our throbbing hard cocks. The cotton fabric of his briefs was wet where the head of his cock was trapped; I knew he was feeling the same on mine.

We separated just long enough to slide our pants, briefs and socks off. Although I'd seen David's large cock before, I still marveled at its size. David took my hand and gently pulled me towards his bed; he laid me down on the soft sheets and then laid himself on top of me. The tips of our wet cocks touched first and it was though an electric current surged through me; I gasped loudly and then felt the weight of David's body on mine. His lips grazed my neck and cheek before locking down on mine again. Our kissing grew in intensity as our bodies rocked against each other, our fleshy hard teen dicks grinding between us. I moaned as his lips left mine and began grazing their way down my young teen body, now glistening with sweat.

His lips found the head of my swollen hard cock causing me to groan loudly; I felt it slip into his velvety warm mouth and was instantly overcome with wave after wave of pleasure deep in my groin. My thick boyish cream gushed into David's mouth as my entire body tensed in an almost painful contortion. David swallowed every drop and showed no surprise at the quickness of my orgasm, nor was I embarrassed by it. It had felt amazing and I knew it wouldn't be the last one I'd have tonight.

David moved his mouth back up to mine and I could taste the tangy sweet remnants of my cum on his tongue. My hands moved to his shoulders and I pushed him up and to the side so that I could roll on top of him. I imagined that he must be as close to release as I'd been and I wanted to make sure that I tasted his teen essence. My tongue started at the base of his ample cock, moving slowly up the thick hard shaft to the large head that glistened wet with precum. I let the tip of my tongue dance across the bottom edge of his piss slit, tasting salty sweet goodness before taking him into my mouth. I let my head bob up and down the first few inches, making sure to use my tongue all around the head.

David moaned loudly, "Martin, fuck yessss, don't stop!"

Of course we both knew I had no intention of stopping. I worked his cock with my mouth for maybe a minute or two when I heard him gasp repeatedly as volley after volley of his hot load spurted into my mouth, which I was only to eager to taste and swallow. As had been the case last time, there seemed to be no end to his warm boy juices and it began to spill around the edges of my lips. I continued to suck and lap it up until David gently pushed me up, saying that his dick head had become too sensitive to continue.

His hand wiped cum off my mouth and chin, and he was about wipe it off in his bed sheets when I took his hand and licked it clean. David smiled at me and pulled me back up on top of him. We kissed before I laid my head on his shoulder, my body resting on his, both of them hot and slick with our teen sweat. Neither of us spoke for the moment; words seemed unnecessary. Although our dicks had softened slightly, they were still plump with lust. We laid like that, letting our breathing settle as we recovered. David let his hands slide across my back, his fingers tracing the contours of my shoulder blades and down along my spine. It gave me goose bumps and I shivered.

David noticed, "Are you cold?"

"No, it was just ... your fingers made me feel tingly."

"And now?" David asked, as the fingers of his right hand slid between my ass cheeks and rubbed lightly over my hole.

I moaned; my nerves were in overdrive and it was like I could feel every ridge on the tips ripple across my smooth pink boy pucker. David brought his fingers to my face; I could smell and taste my sweaty musk on them as he played them across my lips, finally pushing one into my mouth. I sucked and wet it before he withdrew it and let it move back down. I gasped and shook as he slowly inserted it into my ass; my cock swelling back into a fully throbbing erection.

"Hmm, I guess you like that", David teased as he continued to gently invade me. I don't know if David assumed I was a virgin in that way; I hadn't told him about anything I'd already done with anyone, including Ken and Jamie fucking me. It didn't matter. Given David's size, I thought I might as well have a virginal boy hole.

I moaned again and lifted my tight young ass to push back against his finger, showing him I was eager. David moved, causing me to slide off his body. Rolling me onto my stomach, he knelt between my legs, causing them spread and giving him full access to my teen ass. He bent forward, bring his hand to my face again, pushing his finger into my mouth again, making me taste my own musky boy hole. I sucked and licked his finger, leaving it dripping wet. He brought it back to my ass, letting it slide down my crack before pushing it back into me. I moaned, loud, knowing that we were alone in the house. I wanted to push back up with my ass but David had his other hand on the small of my back, holding me down.

I squirmed, but David held firm, "Mm Davidddd, let me ..."

"Shh, no Martin, let me."

I felt empty when he pulled out his finger and was about to protest when I felt something else. Warm. Wet. I gasped and moaned as he flicked the tip of his tongue across my hole. I wanted to thrash about on the bed, but David now had both his hands on my ass cheeks, holding me down and keeping them spread apart so he had better access to my pink rosebud. This was something entirely new that I hadn't even imagined, and it felt out of this world.

"Ohhh my fucking godddd David, fuckkkk that's ... ohhhhh", I groaned loudly.

David continued his oral assault on my ass, licking and munching my hole, at times trying to force his tongue inside of me; I was in ecstasy. I'm not sure how long he kept it up; I lost all track of time, only becoming aware when he stopped. As when he had stopped fingering me, I wanted to protest, but then felt him move and push his engorged wet cock head against my hole.

"Ohhhh god David, yesssss", I moaned.

"Mm Martin, let me make you feel good", he whispered hoarsely as he gently pushed down against me.

I moaned as his thick tool pressed insistently on my hole before I pushed back and felt the head slip in. I was glad for my previous experiences, both with Ken and with the carrots, but it still felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Okay Martin?" David asked, holding himself where he was, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Mm I'm fine David ... you're not hurting me, please fill me."

David gently pressed himself further into me and moaned, "Martinn, mm, this feels soooo good."

The slight uncomfort I'd felt gave way to increasing pleasure as David pulled back slightly before pushing forward again. We both moaned as he slowly fucked me, pushing himself a little further into me each time. We both sweating heavily now. Finally I felt his body pressed entirely against my ass and I knew he was all the way inside of me. God, there were eight inches of hard teen cock in my ass. My head was spinning and all I could do was push my ass up against him every time he fucked himself into me.

I loved feeling him fully in me and the weight of his body on me, he wasn't just fucking me, I imagined this is what it felt like when I heard adults say they were "making love". Our bodies were moving as one and I was glad that we'd both already had one orgasm, otherwise this would've been over sooner than either would like.

Suddenly I felt David let his cock slip out of me, "David ... mm, what ...?"

"I want to see your face Martin, I want to see what you're feeling", David said as he rolled me onto my back. I smiled; I wanted to see David's expression while he was inside of me as well. He got back between my legs and lifted my ass to position his cock back against me. We both moaned as he pushed himself back into me. I could see the pleasure on David's face as his cock buried itself deep inside of me, and he smiled as my face told him I was enjoying him immensely.

We resumed our rhythm, David pushing himself into me and me pushing myself against him. I saw his expression begin to change as he began thrusting harder and faster; I moaned loudly, the sensations inside of me becoming almost overwhelming. My cock was harder than it had ever been and I saw copious amounts of precum leaking out onto my belly.

"Oh fuck Martin ... oh ... oh fuck ... I'm ...", David practically screamed as he thrust into me in short quick bursts, his face contorting into a mix of pleasure and agony.

I knew with every halting thrust he was cumming; I could feel his cock quiver and flex with every contraction that was spurting more of his hot teen seed into me. After what must've been eight or nine bursts, he let out a deep breath and collapsed on top of me.

"Fuck Martin ... that was ...", David started, apparently at a rare loss for words.

"Mm yesss David, it was ...", I smiled, "it sure was."

"Oh god, I'm an ass", he suddenly said, "you haven't cum."

"It's fine David, I'll ...", I started reaching for myself, but David cut me off.

Now that he'd said it, I realized just how hard my cock still was, and there was an aching need for me to release my own seed. David reached down for my cock, his fingers quickly becoming slick with my precum. He used two of his fingers to barely rub just under the head, the very sensitive part where my foreskin attached to the shaft. I immediately arched my back and thrust up, my eyes closed as a surge of pleasure coursed through my body; I had been so on edge from his fucking me that I started squirting thick ropes of my teen jizz. My cock twitched wildly with every spurt, causing my cum to spray on him, on me and all over his bed. I was gasping, fighting for breath, feeling like I might actually pass out from the stimulatory overload.

I crashed down on his mattress as air finally filled my lungs again. My heart was pounding and I was sweating profusely. I opened my eyes to see David looking at me with the most amazing smile; it was like his whole face was smiling. A smile spread on my own face; he leaned down to kiss me before he gently laid down, partly on his bed and partly on me. We were a mess, but we didn't care, we didn't even make a move to clean up.

Exhausted, we simply lay there, enjoying the feeling of each other's hot bodies. I couldn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. And right in that moment, it didn't matter. I just laid there, enjoying it.

Next: Chapter 38: Ken and I 38

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