Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Jan 28, 2018


Ken and I - Part 34

I fell asleep next to Ken, and as I slept, I dreamt.

Late again for school. What a stupid reason to have gotten detention. At least I was done now; I packed my books into my backpack, hung it on my shoulder and walked out into the hallway. They looked different, empty of students; wider, longer and darker. I wandered aimlessly, finding another long hallway instead of the exit every time I turned. Where the hell were those doors? I was beginning to get nervous; there weren't even any teachers around anymore. What time was it?

A noise to my right startled me; hands on my arms and my back, pulling and pushing me. The lights of the locker room were bright after the dimness of the hallway. I stumbled as I was pushed into the middle of the room. I still hadn't seen who had grabbed me.

A voice spoke, "Got you now!"

Another voice, "We heard all about you!"

A more familiar voice this time, "David told us all about you!"

Strong hands on my shoulders pushed me down; I tried to resist, but found my legs had turned rubbery weak. My heart was racing and I was beginning to sweat. David. I couldn't believe David had told them about me. I was on my knees and I let my head hang down; I wanted to cry.

"Look at him, what a pathetic little shit. David said he'd get on his knees for us without any trouble", the voice from behind me said.

I looked up and for the first time saw who was in the room with me. It was Jeff, one of the guys on the football team.

I slowly looked around at the others, there were four of them that I could see. Jeff. Colin. Ian. Paul. Plus whoever was behind me, their hands still on my shoulders even though I felt I had no strength to get up. They were dressed in their football uniforms. I could hear water running and steam billowing from the showers. The room smelled as it always did; a lingering odor of musky sweat from years of boys getting changed. Had there been a practice? The guys were looking at me, smirking, their eyes revealing the brash confidence that comes with youthful indifference to consequences.

"Well?" the voice behind me said, taking one hand off my shoulder and grabbing my hair, "who's first?"

The boys grinned viciously as they looked at each other; it was Paul that stepped forward first. He stood in front of me and I felt the hand in my hair push me into Paul's crotch.

"Go ahead Martin, do it, take it out and do it", the voice behind me commanded, "take out his cock and suck it!" I swallowed hard, but couldn't move.

"Do it!"

I lifted my hands from my sides; they were trembling so hard I had trouble getting a firm hold on the buckle and laces, fumbling until the front of his pants were undone.

"Fuck, he's actually gonna do it", Paul announced loudly to the others as I pull the pants down.

The sweaty scent of his jock filled my nostrils as he told me to hurry up; I pulled at the jock, revealing his semi-hard cock as it was released from the confines of the plastic cup.

"Open your mouth", the voice behind me commanded, tightening the grip on my hair.

As I obeyed, Paul grabbed his teen prick, gave it a couple of tugs and pushed it into my mouth. I was afraid, but my mouth betrayed me as it enveloped his dick. I felt it swell in length and thickness as my tongue tasted the saltiness of sweat and dried piss.

"Fuck yeah", I heard him say as he thrust himself in and out of my mouth.

As I sucked, I looked around; the other boys had undone their pants and where openly massaging their cocks, grinning luridly at one another as only fourteen and fifteen boys can when confronted by the prospect of sex. My hands were holding Paul's hips as I sucked his ample cock; I looked up and saw him watching me with a mix of lust and fascination. I'm not sure how much time had passed, but he was now holding the base of his stiff dick, jerking himself as I continued to lick and suck the head. He groaned as jets of his hot spunk filled my mouth.

"Damn", I heard one of the other boys say, "he's fucking cumming in his mouth!"

I swallowed as Paul pushed his prick to the back of my throat a final time before pulling it out.

I didn't even have time to wipe the small amount of jizz that had spilled out and down my chin before the next boy stuffed his hard cock into my mouth. Jeff. Any remote thought I'd had of trying to get away had left me. I knew that the faster I got them off, the faster this would be over. As I sucked and worked his dick, my fear mixed with a growing excitement; I felt my own cock rise and become erect inside my pants.

"Fuck look at him go on that dick, fucking queer boy really likes it."

"Damn yeah he does, look at him, he's got a fucking hardon!"

Before I knew it Jeff grunted and released a flood of his teen semen into my mouth; he was hardly done when Colin pushed him out the way and shoved his throbbing dick at me.

"Fuck, hurry", he said.

Colin grunted the moment he felt his cock slide into a mix of my saliva and Jeff's still warm cream. The sensation on his dick must've been overwhelming as he immediately started squirting short bursts of hot thick cum into mouth.

Clearly having played with his dick for a little too long, Ian stepped next to Colin and started unloading ropes of jizz on my cheek, lips and the shaft of Colin's cock.

"Fuck man, what the hell, wait your turn", Colin yelled, pulling his cock back and smearing a trail off cum along my other cheek.

Ian quickly shoved his cock into my mouth, letting the last of his cream splash into my mouth as I worked to swallow it all as best I could.

The boys looked smug and satisfied, and I hung my head. I was embarrassed that I had done nothing to stop them. Embarrassed that I'd gotten caught up in the sexual heat of the moment. Embarrassed that my body had responded to them, that I was getting pleasure out of being used.

The person behind me had moved around to stand in front; he pulled my hair to force me to look up.

My voice cracked as I gasped, "Why?"

Ken looked down at me, "Because this is what you want. This is what you've always wanted."

My dream shifted. I was still on my knees, but I was naked and Ken was behind me, thrusting himself into my ass. Not slowly or gently, but hard, so that his balls slapped against me every time he buried himself deeply inside. The other boys were standing around watching. Not just the boys that had used me, there were others too, various kids from school. I couldn't hear them, but I knew they were laughing, making rude comments to me and each other. All I could hear was Ken grunting behind me as he continued his assault on my hole.

I could see the boys smirking and pointing as my cock lurched, streaming jizz on the floor below me even though I hadn't touched myself. And there, standing near the back of the group, was David. Why would he have betrayed me like this?

I woke up sweating, my heart pounding, unable to speak. I was trying to process what was happening. I was cumming hard into Ken's mouth.

"What the ...", I started to say.

Ken pulled off me and grinned as my cum stopped gushing into his mouth, "I fell asleep last night before I could get you off. I woke up and well ... your cock was hard and hell ... you were even leaking precum in your sleep, so I ..."

"But I ... you and ...", I fumbled for words as my dream began to unravel into reality.

"I can't believe you were asleep that whole time! I thought for sure with all your thrashing and groaning that you were gonna wake up. You definitely looked like you were enjoying it!"

"I ... it was all so ... real ... and intense", I replied, referring to my dream, but realizing that Ken was simply talking about the blowjob.

Of course he was; he had no clue as to what I'd been dreaming while he was going down on me. I didn't feel like I was ready to share it with him. At least not right now. I knew it was just a dream, but I didn't want Ken to think that maybe I was regretting what we'd done or that he'd somehow made me do it. If anything, it had been the opposite.

Ken rolled onto his back, "You're welcome!"

It was barely 8 am, far too early for two 14 year old boys to be getting out of bed. Even more so since there was no one making us breakfast. We laid there not speaking, but it wasn't an awkward silence. In a little while I heard Ken's breathing change, and looking over at him, I could see that he'd fallen asleep again.

Sleep didn't take me again, mostly because I was trying to think. Thinking about everything: the dream, losing my virginity to Ken, my growing attraction to David, even how Jamie and Daryl fit into all of this. I also thought about what I was not telling Ken. It made me feel guilty; he'd been the first boy I'd trusted enough to do anything sexual, so shouldn't I be able to trust him with anything that I was thinking or feeling? Or done? We'd messed around as a group, him, I and Jamie, and he knew I'd messed around with Daryl over the summer. So it wasn't like he seemed concerned about any sort of exclusive relationship. Would that extend to include David?

What exactly was the nature of our relationship? I questioned whether what I had started feeling for Ken was love. Or whether he felt that for me. Maybe in a way we did, as two friends sharing the excitement of sexual discoveries. It didn't feel like romantic love, not that I really knew what that was anyway. I assumed it was something like what I'd seen with my parents, not that I was eager to involve them in these thoughts. But I would see them sometimes, holding hands as they walked, snuggled together on the couch watching TV, or saying I love you. I didn't even know if that was something I would want right now. Was it something that I could handle?

And how were my relationships with David, Jamie and Daryl different?

Jamie was probably the easiest to figure out. Sure I liked him, but it was purely fun; if he weren't Ken's younger brother he wouldn't even factor into any of this.

Daryl. He was harder to figure out. He and I had been best friends for so long, and of course I loved him as such. But I also knew there was something more to it than that. In fact, if he hadn't moved away, I had no doubt that he would've been my "Ken" - my first boy with whom to share puberty, sex and everything that came with that. Would any of that have developed into something more though? Daryl had certainly matured as a person when I saw him this past summer, but I had trouble imagining him and I being "romantic".

Which left me with David. Out of all of them, he was the one I was finding the most difficult to figure out. As a person, he was the most different from any of the others. I had spent far less time with him and yet the connection between us, at least in my mind, was already deeper. Maybe that wasn't fair to say; maybe not deeper, but definitely with an emotional edge that was greater than I would've thought possible in knowing someone so little. It was also weird to think of it that way given David's matter of fact style; he didn't strike me as being overtly emotional, and yet I had sensed an emotional sensitivity from him that I hadn't with the others.

Ken was still sleeping when I rolled out of bed. I got dressed and then thought I'd head to the kitchen to find something to eat. I decided a bowl of cereal would be the easiest thing; I sat and ate quietly, tired of thinking. When I was done I went back downstairs to Ken's bedroom; I wasn't sure what I'd expected, but Ken was still out. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but for some reason I didn't feel like waiting around for him to wake up. I found some paper and a pen, and left Ken a note saying that I needed to get some things before school started on Monday. It wasn't an outright lie; I hadn't quite gotten everything I needed last time I was at the mall. Maybe hitting a few shops would take my mind off everything. As long as I didn't run into David again.

I left and walked across the street. As I walked into our house, I saw that mom was just clearing the breakfast table.

"Oh, you're home early, I didn't think we'd see you again until Sunday night", she smiled jokingly.

"Ken was still sleeping and I remembered that I really need to get a new pair of gym shorts before school starts. My old ones are getting a bit tight."

"Well, you are a growing boy."

I started to blush; in my head I immediately thought about my dick and balls being stuffed into an undersized pair of gym shorts. Of course my mother was only making a general comment about me growing. I'm glad her back was to me and didn't see the flush in my cheeks. Sometimes it felt like everything I heard sounded like it was loaded with sexual innuendo.

"Yeah, well, I thought maybe I'd go to the mall and get a new pair. I still have some of the money that you gave me when I bought clothes last time."

"Well do you want me to go with you?"

"Nah, I'm okay going on my own", I said, not even taking offence at what lately I'd normally perceive as an attack on my maturity.

I went to my room to put on a fresh set of clothes. As I got undressed I thought it might be better if I washed, given the rather active night I'd had with Ken. After a quick shower, I got dressed and ready to go. I got to the stop just as the bus arrived, and within a half hour I was at the mall.

I was in no hurry, so I just wandered around.

"Hey mom, look, it's Martin! Hey Martin!"

I knew that voice. Michael. Mikey was the son of a friend of my parents. I wouldn't say I hated when they visited our place, but Mikey could be annoying. He wasn't a bad kid really, he was just ... well, a kid I guess, always after me to play with him. Which I did. Sometimes I felt a little bad for him. His siblings were significantly older than him, and his dad wasn't around, so it was mostly just him and his mom. I knew he was a little bit lonely and mom told me one time that he looked up to me, kind of like an older brother.

I stopped and turned.

"Hi Martin", his mom said.

Mikey hugged me. I didn't really mind being hugged, but for some reason I felt awkward being hugged in public.

"Hi", I said, "how are you?"

"Good, thanks", she said, "we're just doing a little back to school shopping. Hard to believe Michael is starting 6th grade in two days."

"Pretty neat, huh? What're you doing here?" Mikey asked.

Mikey was 11, a few months shy of his 12th birthday. I could see that he'd grown some since the last time I'd seen him, although still nearly a foot shorter than I was and still very slender. He had a mop of blond hair, and a set of probably the bluest eyes of anyone I knew. He was definitely cute.

"Yeah, it is pretty cool", I said, "I'm doing a little back to school shopping as well."

"Is your mom around or are you here on your own?" his mom asked.

"I'm here on my own today, I really just need some gym shorts."

"Alright, well I guess we should let you get on with it. Say hi to your folks for me, tell them we need to get together soon."

"I will."

"Yeah, cool, then we can play."

I couldn't help but smile, "Ok Mikey, we can do that", and turning to his mom, "I'll be sure to tell them I saw you." As we parted I could hear Mikey talking quickly and excitedly to his mother, I didn't catch all of it, but did hear him say something about his birthday and wanting to invite me. Just what I needed, to spend an afternoon with a dozen 11 and 12 year olds. Mikey times twelve. God help me. Somehow I had the feeling that I'd be busy that day.

Next: Chapter 35: Ken and I 35

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