Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Dec 29, 2017


Ken and I - Part 33

I'm not sure how long we laid there like that, me on top of Ken, my bottom half still straddled across his waist. Our breathing had subsided to a normal rate, but still neither of us seemed ready to say anything else; I'm not sure what Ken was thinking, but I felt like I was in something of a dreamlike trance. It was a slight tickling sensation that finally caused my senses to return to the present moment. The sensation was coming from my balls, specifically the back of my balls, like someone was lightly running the tip of their finger from the base of my sack down to where my balls hung. I knew Ken hadn't moved, his arms and hands were laying at his side.

I realized it wasn't a finger at all, it was fluid; some of Ken's semen had been slowly running from my hole. Without thinking I rolled off Ken and laid on his sheets. I looked over and saw that some amount of it had dripped and matted down in his pubic bush. It occurred to me that in my present position, it must also be pooling into a wet stain on Ken's sheets. I rolled over onto my stomach and clenched my butt.

"Ken", I said, "hey uhm ... can you grab something so I don't wet your sheets entirely?"

"Huh? What?" Ken replied, clearly still somewhat dazed by the experience.

"Grab a little towel or my briefs or something ... I'm uh .. y'know, your jizz is running out."

Ken looked over at me and started to chuckle as he realized I was trying to hold it in. He reached up and pulled a small hand towel from between his mattress and headboard; of course I knew it was his cum rag, but it appeared relatively clean and felt soft, likely because it hadn't seen any action during the course of the week. I stuffed it between my cheeks, causing Ken to grin and laugh a little louder.

"Fuck you", I said, slightly embarrassed by the messy aftermath of what we'd done.

Of course I should've realized ahead of time that what goes in must come out, but I hadn't thought quite that far ahead. At least I'd cleaned myself out, so the thought of it running from my ass didn't seem gross. I began to roll over again onto my back, intending to have the towel beneath me so it would catch Ken's spunk dripping from me.

"Wait", Ken stopped me, "wait a second."


"I wanna see."

"You what? Are you serious?" I asked.

"Just let me see", he said, rolling over on his side and into a kneeling position next to me. He grabbed the towel, pulled it away from my ass and pushed it down between my thighs, which he proceeded to straddle.

"Hey", I said, as his hands spread my cheeks apart.

"Woah, geez Martin", he began, "you should see this."

"See what? How the fuck would I be able to see my own ass like this!" I said, somewhat indignant at the way I was being handled.

"Damn, it's your hole ... it's like wide open and kind of pulsing ... woah, and man, yeah, my cream is totally leaking out", he said, sounding both fascinated and somewhat proud.

"Fuck, well duh you dope, your thick cock was just in there ... what'd you think it was gonna look like?"

"Well I don't know, not like I've ever done this before", he said, "so uhm, will it like ... shrink back closed again? I mean, if it doesn't, then ..."

"Oh my god, of course it's gonna close again ..." I said, and before I could stop myself, added, "it did with the ..."

It took a moment for what I'd almost said to process in Ken's brain, "It did with what? What did you do Martin? Oh shit ... did you ... did you stick something up there?"

My cheeks felt like they were on fire as I confessed to Ken about the experimentation with carrots.

"Fuck, you didn't?" Ken asked, "Holy shit, you did ... damn."

"Geez, I'm so embarrassed ... promise you'll never mention this again?" I pleaded.

"Hell Martin ...", Ken began, "... it's kinda fucking hot actually ... I uh ..."

Ken didn't finish his thought, instead I felt him rub his rapidly re-inflating cock between my cheeks and over my still quivering hole. I moaned.

"Damn Martin ... you really want this, don't you?" he said, as he continued to rub himself on me, using his own jizz as lube.

All I could was moan again; even though I felt slightly sore from the recent penetration, I was also still in a state of arousal as I thought about how it had felt, even briefly, to have Ken's cock sliding in and out of me.

Ken pushed the head of his now fully erect teen prick against my open hole, "You want this Martin? Tell me ..."

"Yessss", I hissed, "fuck yes, I want it."

"Fuck yeah, you do", he lustfully groaned.

I could feel Ken letting his body lean into me, pushing his cock slowly, but steadily into me until he was laying on top of my back, fully buried. I grimaced slightly, but also moaned loudly, as he slowly lifted his ass and let it fall again, his fleshy young cock sliding out and in. Ken maintained a slow, steady rhythm as he fucked me again. At this point I couldn't yet think of it as the two of us making love; this was more about embracing a raw sexual need than a tender shared intimacy. With each of Ken's thrusts into me, a moan would escape from my lips, more like a small yelp of pleasure as Ken's movement and weight on me forced air out of my lungs.

I was aware of Ken's head next to mine, his voice a husky whisper, "Fuck Martin, this is ... this is the best ... you like my hard cock inside you, don't you."

"Mmm, yes", I replied between moans, "I love your thick hard cock fucking me."

"Yesss", Ken groaned, beginning to move more rapidly, driving into me harder with each of his thrusts.

My moans and yelps had turned into a steady mewling as Ken pounded himself into me with ever increasing speed and force. He groaned loudly and announced that he was going to cum again. A final heavy thrust buried his teen tool deep inside me, his movement morphing into short bursts synchronized to the contractions that were spewing a fresh load of his hot cream inside me again. My own cock was hard, but trapped between me and Ken's mattress; I wasn't cumming, but I felt incredible nonetheless, like an orgasm of my mind and emotions rather than a physical eruption of jizz.

Once more we collapsed in an exhausted, sweaty heap. With Ken laying on my back this time, his cock remained partially inside of me despite it softening after he'd unloaded again.

"Fuckin' hell Martin ... I'm ...", Ken said haltingly, looking for the right words, "... that was amazing, how come ... I mean, why'd you ... with me?"

"I've been ... I guess I've been thinking about it for a while ... and, well, you know that I uhm ... like you and I don't know, I guess if there was someone I was going to try this with then ... y'know, it was you."

I was glad Ken was on my back and not looking directly into my face; I was blushing as I struggled to share my feelings. Not because I was afraid of expressing love, which of course I was. It was more because I was beginning to doubt whether that's how I truly felt about Ken; after all, if I did, I'd be able to tell him, wouldn't I? I didn't seem to have any problem sharing physical intimacy with him. Unlike when we first started messing around, I felt no sense of awkwardness about it afterwards. It had just become a normal part of our friendship, as limited as that had started to seem to me. In fact, messing around seemed to be the whole of our friendship, more or less. Even when we weren't doing anything, it was either because we hadn't started yet or were taking a break from it. In that moment I decided that I wasn't prepared to tell Ken about what had happened with David.

"Well wow, I'm glad you did", Ken laughed.

Ken rolled off me and laid on his back next to me. My hole was still pulsing, and although I somehow felt empty without Ken inside me, I was also somewhat glad as I was now definitely sore. I grabbed the hand towel and laid it underneath my ass as I rolled over as well.

"Martin ... I ...", Ken started quietly, and then hesitated.

I was afraid of what Ken might say. I was afraid that he'd chosen this moment to tell me how he felt. I was afraid that he'd tell me that he loved me. Most of all, I was afraid that I might say it back, not because I meant it, but because I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. Being with Ken had seemed simpler before meeting David. I might not even have questioned my feelings for Ken, as I was doing now. I remained silent.

"I uhm ... well, it's just that there's something I ..."

Damn, here it comes I thought; my stomach suddenly felt like a tight knot.

"I'm not sure how to ...", Ken began again, finally blurting out, "are you gay?"

I wasn't prepared for that question. At all. I remained silent.

"Martin?" Ken said after a minute, "I'm ... sorry, I didn't mean to ... forget it, okay?"

I took a deep breath, "No, it's okay ... I just ... I guess I don't know, I'm not sure how that should feel? It's ... well I guess I've thought that maybe ..."

"It's okay Martin, we ... we don't have to talk about this."

"No, it's ... okay, I ... do you think you are?"

Ken thought for a moment before replying, "I ... I'm not sure either, I ... I've kind of been wondering about girls? Sorry."

I laughed a little, "You don't have to be sorry for that, if that's how you feel."

"It's confusing, y'know?"

"Tell me about it!"

"Do you think ... that you might ... I mean, would try it? With a girl I mean."

"Uhm ... I ... I kind of don't think so? I mean I've ... I've never really felt like I've wanted to. They don't really pop into my head, y'know? I mean not unless ... well", I grinned, "I mean not unless I'm thinking about some straight guy doing his girlfriend."

Ken laughed, "Yeah. The guys on the football team talk about girls. A lot. About stuff that they've done, y'know? And I guess ... I don't know, they really like it so I wonder if ... if I'd like it. And ... well if I did ... what would that mean ... would we have to stop messing around?"

"I ... I don't know, I guess ... I guess that would be up to you. I mean if you ended up with a girlfriend or something?"

Ken laughed, "Yeah, I guess then you'd just have to jerk off thinking about me shoving my thick dick into her pussy."

"Yeah, okay, asshole", I laughed and joked, "and maybe I'd hide in your closet to watch you do it."

"Ha, ha, uhm ... that might actually be kind of hot y'know ... knowing that you're watching ... stroking your hard cock ...."

I laughed, "Pervert."

We laid there in silence for a few minutes, before I announced, "I need to take a piss." I rolled out of bed, making sure to take and hold the towel as I went; I didn't care too much about Ken's bedsheets, but I was pretty sure his mom wouldn't appreciate me dripping her son's cum out of my ass all over the carpet. To be honest, I also wanted a break from our conversation. I just wasn't sure I was prepared to say anymore than I already had. I wasn't sure Ken was either.

I decided to sit on the toilet to pee so that more of Ken's jizz would run out. It wasn't that I cared about having his cum inside me, I was just tired of needing to hold the towel to keep from making a big mess. After wiping and flushing I returned to Ken's bedroom. I tossed his towel into his dirty clothes heap, figuring that he'd want to have it washed rather than stuffing it back between his mattress and headboard.

Ken was still quiet, and as I got closer to the bed I realized he'd fallen asleep. It wasn't really late yet, but I guess he'd expended a fair bit of energy since I'd gotten there.

I laid on my side next to him, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. As I did, I wondered what the future held for us. And how David fit into that. I also thought about Daryl. And more pressingly, I wondered what Monday at school would be like. Had I made the right choice to not tell Ken about David.

Next: Chapter 34: Ken and I 34

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