Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Sep 19, 2017


Once again, thanks to everyone for continuing to read this series. As usual, I'm not always sure where the overall story is going. At times I feel like Martin is telling me the story and I'm just writing it down for him. In any case, please keep reading and enjoying. And don't forget to donate a little something to Nifty, it's a lot of work to maintain and we all appreciate it.

Ken and I - Part 27

My mouth was filled with Ken's hard young cock; the rhythm of my bobbing up and down controlled by his hand on my head, applying gentle pressure to prevent me from rising too far up and to encourage me to take more of his length on the way down.

"Fuck yess, Martin", Ken encouraged, "mmm yeah, take my cock! I know you love this cock in your mouth!"

My own dick had become engorged and started throbbing at hearing and feeling Ken take command of the situation; I moaned in agreement as I continued to service him. I wanted to reach down and grasp it; it was begging to be stroked hard and quick, but I was too busy with Ken's cock in my mouth.

Ken's fingers were now entwined in my hair, and he tightened his grip, pulling and pushing my head up and down his fleshy pecker; a few times the head hit the back of my mouth and I'd feel my gag reflex kick in just as he'd pull back. His breathing was becoming harder and faster, and it seemed that he was matching that rhythm with his hand. My own hands were holding on to Ken as he thrust and fucked my mouth. My left hand was holding his waist; my right hand had reached between his legs, trying to grasp the tight flesh of his ass.

His cheeks were slick with the sweat; my fingers slipping into the crack trying to find some hold. Ken's virgin hole was equally slick and I couldn't keep from rubbing my middle finger over it. I felt him clench his ass and thrust himself forward as I continued to rub and gently probe. For a moment I thought that his clenching was a signal that he wasn't ready for this, but then he let out a deep moan and pushed himself back against my finger. I pressed harder and felt the tip slip in, the muscle of his sphincter gripping it tightly. I pushed harder until the full length of it was buried inside of him. His pucker pulsed around my finger and he groaned deeply as he bucked against it while still wanting to keep his steely hard teen prick buried in my mouth. I'm not sure what I touched, but Ken's entire body stiffened.

"Oh Fuuuck, yeah Martin, that feels oh my god ... sooo good, mmmm, suck my fucking cock, take it", Ken groaned, "you gonna swallow my load Martin? Hmmm, yeah, I know you wanna taste my hot cum, fuck yeah, you gonna take it all? You better get ready ... mmm fuck, get ready ... fuck gonna ... here it cumsss!"

Ken held my head down with the head of his cock practically at my throat; I felt his hot load spurting and gushing, filling my mouth and running down my throat as I tried to swallow while breathing through my nose and continuing to rub my finger inside his tight boy hole.

"Oh my god mmmm", Ken continued to groan as his dick pulsed and released the last of his thick sweet boy juice.

The pressure of Ken's hand lessened as he finished unloading his spunk; I took a deep breath as my head came off his softening dick, letting my finger slip slowly out of him.

I had barely caught my breath when I felt another hand grip my hair!

"You're not done Martin", I heard Jamie say.

I hadn't heard or realized that he'd come into Ken's room. He was standing at the side of Ken's bed, his pajamas pulled down, holding his young stiff rod, the end wet with his obvious excitement.

"You fuckers .. you planned ..", I tried to say before Jamie had pulled my head towards him, pulling me against his crotch.

"Shut up and take this", he urged, trying to take the same tone that Ken had used just moments earlier, pushing his hips forward so that his sweet little cock slid against my lips.

My head was spinning, trying to process what was unfolding. I couldn't resist taking him in my mouth; I could still taste Ken as his little brother's cock pushed its way in and along my tongue. Jamie held my head as he thrust himself in and out of my cum slicked mouth. I could barely believe this was happening; they had clearly planned this and I hadn't had a clue. I trembled at the thought that I was cock slut to a couple of hot teen brothers using me to service their sexual needs. My cock throbbed and pulsed, and I could feel precum running out of my piss slit.

Jamie's hand pulled my hair as he thrust his young smooth flesh into my mouth; I don't think he'd intended to pull hard enough for it to hurt, but at the moment I didn't care. I was ready to give in to whatever he wanted and needed from me.

I was kneeling awkwardly on the edge of Ken's bed, my head pulled tight against him. I was about to try to reposition myself when I felt Ken push my legs apart slightly. The next thing I felt was his hand between my cheeks and I shivered as his finger rubbed on and around my pulsing pucker. I would've whimpered if my mouth hadn't been full of his brother's throbbing boy cock. Ken's finger was pressed against my hole; I let my ass push down against it, feeling the length of it slide into me. I groaned around Jamie's sweet boner as some deep sexual instinct took over to ride Ken's finger. One of his hands was now pushing down on my lower back as he used the other to counter my bucking of my ass. The rubbing of Ken's finger inside me seemed to complete some circuit and it felt as though an electric current coursed through me, culminating in the very tip of my cock head. I knew I was leaking copiously and that it wouldn't be long before jets of hot jizz would fly from it.

As aggressively as I was thrusting my ass in rhythm with Ken's finger, Jamie was equally forceful in pushing himself into my mouth. I could feel his pace become frenzied.

"Mmmm yah, oh fuck yessss", he groaned, "are you gonna eat my spunk the way you swallowed my brother's? Fuck yesss, fucking take it, fucking take it!"

His cock exploded, gushing hot cum that coated the inside of my mouth. I could taste it as it pulsed and splashed across my tongue; I swallowed hard trying not to waste a single drop. Jamie's hand was still in my hair, and he pulled my head back and off him. A small rope of cum drooled from the end and ran down to my chin as his cock slipped out of my mouth.

I raised my upper body and moaned loudly, unable to contain myself any longer. Ken's finger was firmly lodged inside me, rubbing and continuing to send electric shivers through me. Without a single touch my cock began to twitch wildly, bobbing all around as ropes of my sticky seed splashed in all directions, much of it splattering against Jamie's legs and down into the pajamas that were still bunched at his feet.

We all fell on to Ken's bed, feeling exhausted.

"I can't believe you guys!" I said.

Ken, grinning at Jamie, said to me, "You're not mad are you?"

"Oh my god, are fucking serious? How could I be mad at you guys? This was ... I can't even tell you ... this was unbelievable!"

"You're telling me", sighed Jamie.

"I still can't ... I mean how did you plan all this?"

"Well we didn't have all the details worked out", Ken started, "but we just figured that the next time you stayed over ... I figured I could keep you busy while Jamie snuck into the room."

"Well damn, feel free to keep me busy anytime", I grinned.

Both Ken and Jamie began to laugh, and pretty soon all three were laughing so hard our sides began to ache.

"All right squirt, time for you to hit the road", Ken said to Jamie.

"Awww, how come I can't stay here with you?" Jamie pouted.

"Because we don't mom and dad to think anything weird is going on. And besides, they saw you go to your own room earlier."

Jamie continued to pout so I added, "Well maybe next time we can camp out by the TV, that way it won't seem so odd."

"Okayyyyy", Jamie whined as he got up from Ken's bed, nearly tripping because he'd forgotten to pull up his pajamas.

He made his way to the door, but before leaving turned around, looked at me, grinned and pushed down the front of his pj pants, "You better be ready take this anytime I want from now on!"

I laughed, grabbed a pillow and tossed it at him, "Don't get too cocky you little smartass, I can still take you down ... and shove MY cock down your throat!"

Jamie stuck out his tongue and slipped out of Ken's bedroom, closing the door behind him. Ken and I pulled up our briefs as we began to settle. Now that our horsing around was over, I began to think about what we'd done. More specifically I thought about how I'd behaved, letting both Ken and Jamie dominate me in that way. It had seriously excited me, but I was feeling a little embarrassed. I didn't want either of them to think of me as a sissy, I sure as hell wasn't one of those guys that we'd snickered about. Of course I knew that neither Ken nor Jamie would say anything to anyone, after all, they'd been as much a part of this as I had. The difference being that they'd been in control of me. Whenever the jocks at school joked about some fag sucking their dicks it was like it was okay; no one ever accused them of being fags for talking about letting a guy suck them off. Was it because in the way they talked, they were the ones in control? Did that make it okay?

"Hello?" Ken broke me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?"

"You got all quiet ... are you okay? I mean ... are you sure you're not mad at us or anything?", Ken sounded anxious, "we just thought ... I mean I thought that you know, you'd be cool with this? That maybe ... I guess from the way you'd talked before it seemed like this was something you wanted?"

"What? God no ...", I replied, "I'm so not mad ... and I'm cool with it, I was just ..."

It was weird. I had just had a seriously intimate sexual experience with Ken, and his brother, and yet I was still struggling to share how I was feeling. Not just about my sense of embarrassment, but also about what I had nearly told Ken earlier. Love. I just couldn't share that. Not yet.

"You were just ....?" Ken prompted me to continue, not letting me off the hook.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about ... y'know, what the three of us just did, and ...", more quietly adding, "... how I let you guys ... I mean, you don't think I'm girly or weak ... do you?"

Ken laughed, "Oh my god Martin, sometimes I have no idea how your brain works ... you can be so smart one minute and then ... well then you can be sooo stupid."

"Heyyy !"

"No seriously, Martin, did it seem like Jamie or I thought that at all? I mean ... hell ... didn't you see how much we both loved it? Why would we think anything bad about you?"

Once again I was taken by Ken's sense of maturity; for all his goofing around and the potential for him to turn into one of those stereotypical jocks, he always seemed to have this way of calming my anxieties in a real grown up kind of way.

"I don't know ... I guess, maybe I am stupid. It's just all kind of confusing, y'know?"

Ken took a deep breath before speaking again, "I know, it's confusing for me too. It's like ... the guys at school, on my football team, they'll start talking about girls, y'know? How they've been out on some date and got head. They'll describe in detail how they get their cocks out and the girl sucks them off. Or if they're really lucky, or maybe lying, how they got to fuck some girl. They'll brag about how tight her pussy was or how they got her so wet, how they hard they boned her. And ... and all I can think is what it must have felt like ... but for the girl? I think about their dicks. And ... I get scared that I'm gonna get caught staring because most of the guys will get hard when they talk about this stuff, y'know?"

I'd never really heard Ken talk like this before. I don't know why, but I never thought of Ken struggling with the same things I did. He seemed to have it so together: he was popular at school, athletic, on the football team, always smiling. It was the first time he'd talked about the guys on the team. That he thought about their dicks. Not that I hadn't, but he was on the team, he'd been with them in the locker room and hotel rooms on their out- of-town games. It must've been difficult for him in those situations. I don't know if I could've handled it. In all likelihood I'd already have been found out. It seemed like a good reason to avoid team sports.

"Geez Ken, I never knew that ... that's gotta be tough for you."

Ken sighed, "Yeah ... it's probably not any easier for you?"

"Not really. I mean ... it's not like I'm on any team like you are. But yeah. For PE class ... getting changed, y'know?

And like even during classes and stuff. If I even see anything that looks like someone's got a boner?"

Ken laughed, "Yeah. You ever been caught staring?"

"No. I don't know, maybe? I mean I try not to be obvious about it. Especially in the bathrooms ...", I let the thought hang there.

"You mean ... you look when you're taking a piss?"

It felt good to be able to talk to Ken about this. I'd never had anyone with whom I'd shared these particular thoughts and feelings. It still felt like I must've been blushing ten shades of red as I admitted these things to Ken.

"Yeah. At the urinals ... don't you?"

Now it was Ken's turn to blush, "Geez ... yeah. I ... I can't help it. But I bet a lot of guys do, don't they? It doesn't mean that they're ..."

It seemed like neither of us was ready to say the word gay yet, "No ... but they're probably not thinking about wanting to suck it."

Ken grinned, "I guess ... you ever seen any good ones?"

"Good ones?"

"Yeah, I mean, you know ... big ones and stuff?"

"Hah, you like'm big huh?" I teased.

"Shut up."

"You must. I know you like mine!"

Ken teased back, "I meant really big ones."

"Asshole", I replied, "... okay well, you know David Pruitt?"

"David? You mean that weird loner guy?"

"Hey, watch it, I'm a loner too y'know!"

"No you're not. Okay well, maybe a little bit." Ken teased.

"Anyway ... yes, that David. It happened during the last week of school before summer break. I was taking a piss and he came into the bathroom. He stands at the urinal right next to me! There's five urinals in that bathroom and we were the only ones in there, and he stands right next to me."

Ken interrupted, "Like I said ... he's weird."

"Yeah well, he stands there and says hi to me as he unzips and pulls it out. It was kind of awkward, but I looked over y'know? Because he said hi? And I see he's looking at me and I sort of get out a hi and then I can't help but glance down and holy shit!"

"What holy shit?"

"I swear it must've been at least six inches long with a huge head on it ... and it was soft! And then I realized that I was being obvious and I looked back up and he just grins at me."

"Oh man, busted! What did you do?"

"What the hell do you think I did? I didn't even finish pissing, I just squeezed it off and zipped myself up as quick as I could. Fuck, I didn't even stop to wash my hands."

Ken pulled a face, "Ewww that's gross!"

"Whatever, like you always wash your hands after you piss."

Ken laughed, "So that was it? I mean ... did you see him around later at all?"

"To be honest I sort of tried to avoid him ... I mean geez, like I need him going around telling people I checked him out at the urinals!"

"Honestly Martin, you're being stupid again."

"How do you figure?"

"Ahh hello! He stands next to you even though there's three other urinals he could've used? He says hi to you while you're pissing? And then he grins when he catches you looking at his dick?"

"What's your point?"

"Geez ... don't you think it's obvious he was trying to show it off? Maybe he's hot for you!"

"Shut up, he is not ... you really think he did it on purpose?"

"It sure sounds that way to me. I mean ... who does that?"

"You did say he was weird!" I pointed out.

"Well yeah, but ... not that weird, that would be like ... super weird! And really? He was that hung huh?"

I laughed, "Oh my god yeah, I can't even imagine what that thing must look like when it's hard!"

Ken grinned, "Hah, I bet you've tried to imagine it though!"

"You mean the way you imagine your football buddies?" I retorted.


We both laughed. I started thinking about David. Would a guy really do that at school? Purposely show another guy his dick? It was weird, wasn't it? No wonder no one hung out with him. Still, it started to fascinate me that someone might do that. David wasn't a horrible looking guy. Mostly kind of plain really: he was tall and skinny, slightly pale with a few zits. His hair wasn't greasy, but it just kind of hung there, it was obvious he didn't bother much with combing it after washing. Was this something he did with other guys too? Or had he picked me on purpose? For a moment I was slightly flattered to think so. Then I had a moment of panic; did he pick me because it was obvious I was interested in looking at guys?

My mind was swirling. I was going to ask Ken what he thought, but when I looked over I saw that he'd fallen asleep. I watched Ken for a few minutes; he looked so peaceful and almost innocent that I found it hard to believe that he and I were messing around.

I got out of bed to turn out the light and settled back into bed next to him. I pulled the bed sheet up over both us and began to drift off; as hard as I tried, I couldn't get David out of my mind.

Next: Chapter 28: Ken and I 28

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