Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Jul 8, 2017


Ken and I - Part 18

Taking Jamie by surprise, I jumped on the couch, straddled his chest and pinned him down.

"What the hell?", he squealed, trying to thrash up with his legs.

"I'll tell you what the hell, you dirty little perv!" I said, taking Ken's cum soaked briefs and pressing them to Jamie's mouth and nose.

Jamie's eyes went wide and he struggled as I could see his cheeks beginning to flush; I couldn't quite tell if from embarrassment at having been caught or from the exertion of trying to push me off.

"C'mon, get off", I heard Jamie say, his voice slightly muffled by the cotton briefs on his face.

"I guess it'd be fair if I got off," I replied, "since you already got off on these. Did you know they were your brother's when you wacked off into them or did you think they were mine?"

Jamie turned quiet and the flush in his cheeks bloomed as I continued, "I bet you knew they were Ken's, right? I bet this isn't the first time you've done this. Do you sniff and lick them while you're jerking yourself? I bet you do, don't you?"

I found this situation very arousing; knowing that I had Jamie in my control right now caused my cock to lurch in my shorts as it quickly hardened into a full blown erection.

"C'mon Jamie, just tell me the truth and I'll let you go," I said, "you love the smell of your older brother's briefs don't you? When he's worn them all day, maybe jerked off with them on or maybe had a wet dream?"

"Yes", Jamie quietly said, hardly able to look at me.

"Yes, what?" I pushed, wanting him to say the words, knowing that hearing him say it would arouse me even further.

"Yes ...", Jamie started, "I ... I do, I ... I like doing it with his underwear."

"What do you like to do with them Jamie? Tell me ..."

"Fuck Martin, you know already ... I ... I like the way they smell and ... I lick them when I y'know ... jerk off."

I was so turned on at hearing Jamie's little forced confession, I was about ready to open my shorts and have him take my dick in his mouth, when I heard a slight noise to my left. Jamie and both turned to look; I'd been so engrossed in teasing and messing with Jamie that I hadn't realized Ken had come out of his bedroom. I hadn't really thought this through, and to be honest, I hadn't initially intended to do anything with Jamie other than tease him. But of course my teen hormones and stiff prick always seemed to take over. Looking down at Jamie I thought that he was about to start crying.

I was frozen in place when Ken said, "Fuck. I can't believe ... I ... you two are fucked." With that, he turned around, went back into his room and slammed the door.

I slid off Jamie and sat on the floor next to the couch, "Shit ... shit, shit, shit!"

I was trying to process what had just happened. What was happening. I might have just wrecked whatever I had been building with Ken. All because of my stupid stunt with Jamie. It also hit me that I might've have really messed things up between Jamie and Ken. Ken's guilt at having had Jamie jerk him combined with Jamie's confession to masturbating with Ken's briefs was a mess.

I looked at Jamie. His face seemed almost blank, like he was a million miles away.

"Oh God, Jamie, I ... I'm so sorry ... I didn't mean to", I babbled, "I didn't think ... I was just teasing."

"He's going to hate me," Jamie stated in a flat calm voice, "he's ... he's going to hate me."

"Don't say that ...", I started, "look, he's ... I'll talk to him, I'll fix this, okay Jamie? I promise. I'll fix this."

I didn't actually have a clue at how I would fix this. What could I say to make this better? I thought I'd helped Ken start to deal with his guilt, and truth be told, I had secretly wanted to make something happen that included all three of us. But this. This was too soon, I should've waited.

"I don't know Martin. You don't know him like I do. He can be stubborn ... once he didn't talk to me for two weeks all because I'd accidentally ripped the cover of one his comic books."

I had expected Jamie to be angry with me, his calm scared me a little. It was like he'd already accepted that Ken would never forgive him.

"Jamie, look ... this is ... this is all my fault, right? I mean, I tell him that, okay? None of this would've happened if I hadn't ... you had nothing to do with this."

"Well ... I had maybe a little to do with it", Jamie said, a thin smile breaking through.

I let out a long breath. And was shocked when Jamie slid down next to me and gave me a tight hug. We stayed like that for what seemed like a long time, just holding each other, each of us retreating into our own minds. Trying to think this through.

Jamie finally broke the hug, "I'm going upstairs."

That left me sitting there on my own. I knew I had to do something. It took all the courage I had to get up and knock on Ken's door.

Hearing nothing, I knocked again, "Ken?"

After a minute, I heard a quiet response, "Go away."

My heart sunk. It was like my worst fears had come true; I had messed up my relationship with Ken. Just when I thought that things were going well, I had gone and ruined it.

"Please Ken", I pleaded through the closed door, "please let me talk to you."

"Just go away, I'm ... just go home.", Ken's voice sounded strained, almost as though he'd been crying.

I pleaded with Ken for a few more minutes, but all I got in return was silence. I pressed my ear to the door; again I couldn't be sure, but it almost sounded as though I heard some sobbing. I guess I could've just gone in as Ken's door didn't have a lock on it, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it. Part of me was afraid of what I'd find on the other side, that any conversation we would now have in his room would only make things worse.

"Ok, I'll ... I'll go, but ... look, you have to know, just that I'm sorry and ... well, this is all my fault, so don't be mad at Jamie, okay? Please? He thinks ... that you hate him now. And ... well just don't, okay? You can hate me if want, but don't hate Jamie."

With a final sigh and look at the closed door between us, I went upstairs and let myself out. I stood outside of their backdoor for a long time before I slowly walked back to my house. I realized that my backpack was still at Ken's, but there was no way I could go back there and get it now, I just hoped that mom didn't notice that I was coming home without it.

I had planned to walk in as quickly and quietly as I could, wanting to go to my room and bury my head in my pillow.

Mom was cleaning dishes when she heard me come in, "Martin? Is that you? You're home early."

"Yeah", I mumbled, walking past the kitchen towards my room.

"Is everything alright?" I heard her say.

"Fine", I mumbled again, continuing to head towards my room. Closing the door behind me, I fell onto my bed.

Everything that had just happened came crashing down on me and I started to cry into my pillow. Mom knocked on my door, "Martin?"

I didn't answer, I thought if I didn't respond she'd think I'd fallen asleep and would go away.

"Martin? I'm coming in okay?" she said, as she slowly opened the door. She always knocked these days. And always opened the door slowly, even if I had told her to come in. I guess seeing my naked ass humping my pillow once had been enough for her.

I felt her sit on the bed next to me, and her hand on my back.

"Did you and Ken have a fight?" she asked, waiting patiently for me to say something, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I had stopped crying, "No."

"Oh sweety", mom started, "I don't like seeing you this way. You can talk to me when you're ready, okay? I know you and Ken have become really good friends and it hurts when you fight with a friend."

I pushed my face harder into my pillow; I didn't want to hear what mom had to say right now, and I sure as hell wasn't going to talk to her about it. I didn't even know what I'd say to her.

"I'm sure whatever it is, you'll both get over it and by tomorrow everything will look different, okay?"

With a final rub of my back, she got up and stepped back out of my room, closing the door behind her. I laid there for a long time. In fact, I'd fallen asleep, and it wasn't until dad knocked on the door to tell me that dinner was ready that I woke. I picked at my food in silence, giving my parents one-word answers as necessary and asking to be excused as soon as I had eaten. Clearly mom had told dad about earlier, and dad had tried to get me to talk about it until mom told him to leave it.

The next couple of weeks were dreadful, with Ken barely acknowledging my presence when we saw each other at school. I had tried a few times to talk to him when I saw him at school after that weekend, but other than a quiet "hey", it seemed that he had little to say to me.

The most he spoke was on the Tuesday when he'd brought my backpack to school and handed it to me at my locker, "Here, you forgot this."

"Ken, I ...", I began, but Ken had already turned and started to walk away. He didn't come across as angry; more it seemed like he was sad. I wasn't sure if that meant I'd have a chance to make things right with him at some point, but clearly he wasn't ready for anything like that.

At home I kept my distance from Jamie, we'd wave at each other across the street if we saw each other, but neither of us said anything. My big mouth had gotten me into enough trouble, I figured I'd just keep quiet. Later in that first week I did notice that Ken and Jamie were on their bikes, riding together. I regularly saw them, and at least it seemed like maybe the two of them had worked things out. I'd like to say that made me happy. I should've been happy for the two brothers. And part of me was, but a bigger part of me was jealous. It seemed like my exit had brought the two of them together again.

The last day of school before summer holidays had arrived, and the only thing left to do was clean out my locker. As I headed toward the doors, I passed Ken at his locker.

"Hey", I said, not really expecting much of a response.

"Hey", Ken replied, turning back to emptying his stuff into a backpack.

I turned to walk away, when I heard him say, "Maybe I'll see you around in the summer?"

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned to Ken, not sure what to say, "Uhm ... yeah, I guess?"

"Cool", Ken said, giving me the first faint smile I'd seen him give me for a long time.

"Yeah, cool", I replied as I turned and walked out. Maybe things were going to be okay.

Next: Chapter 19: Ken and I 19

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