Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Feb 1, 2017


Ken and I - Part 14

My last class of the day passed uneventfully. As I had hoped, no one paid much attention to me slipping into class after the bell had already rung except our teacher who gave me a look that clearly said let's not make a habit out of this.

It was also a class without Ken which meant that as soon as it was done I could bolt for home without having to walk with him. At this point I wasn't wanting to avoid Ken out of anger, but it fit into the plan that had been building in my mind for the past hour. I wanted to avoid Ken as much as possible for the next little while to make him feel anxious about what had happened. I figured that if I could make him feel guilty for what he'd done to me, he'd be easier to manipulate and less likely to suspect I was up to something. It sounds really cold and mean to think about now, but to my hormone addled teen mind it seemed like a perfectly rational thing to do.

I managed to generally evade Ken for the next few days; at school I'd keep my eyes open so that when I did see him I could slip down another hallway or loose myself in a crowd of other kids. I made sure to arrive to our common classes just after him and sat at desks across the room; at end of class I'd try to be first out the door. I could tell that Ken was trying hard to catch my attention, and I knew that I obviously couldn't avoid him for the entire week. At some point Ken was going to park himself somewhere and wait for me so I couldn't possibly avoid him.

And that's exactly what happened on Wednesday. The mid part of the walk home passed through a lightly wooded area that separated where we lived from the school and the houses immediately around the school. Ken had skipped his last class, and as I turned a corner on the path he stepped out from behind a tree and blocked my way. It was so unexpected that I just about screamed and nearly wet myself. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along a little ways off the path, further into the trees and bushes.

There was a mixture of anger and confusion on Ken's face as he started, "What the hell Martin, why have you been going out of your way to avoid me?"

At this point any trace of anger I'd had at Ken over what had happened in Monday's class had passed, but I knew that to make my plan as effective as possible, I'd have to play it up a bit. I just hoped I could be reasonably convincing.

"Look, I know you were embarrassed, and I guess you have a right to be mad at me, but É well, it isn't all my fault. I can't help it if you were that horny, I never figured you'd y'know, jizz that easily during class. And well É I'm pretty sure no one else noticed, it's not like anyone laughed or said anything. C'mon Martin, I'm sorry okay? Please? I really want us to be friends again."

Almost under his breath, he added, "I miss you."

I could hear the sincerity in Ken's voice, and for a moment his simple, genuine statement made me question what I was doing. I knew that if I played this wrong, I could permanently mess up my friendship with Ken. But of course at 14 years of age, that sort of thinking didn't always lead to making solid, sensible decisions.

"Yeah, well maybe they didn't notice, " I started, trying to inject the right level of emotion into my voice, "but É it was mean, and É and, "I sniffed.

"I would've been humiliated if they had. Fuck, those guys would've made my life miserable! Remember how they teased that kid that wet himself in gym class last year? That went on for months!"

Ken could barely look me in the eye, "I know. I said I was sorry, okay? I didn't mean for it to happen like that anymore than you did. C'mon Martin. Come over to my place tonight okay?"

Ken's eyes were glistening as he looked up at me, and trying to put on a playful smile, added, "Or maybe a bike ride?"

His overall reaction couldn't have been better, not even if I'd written a script and asked him to act it out, "I É Ken, look, okay? I É I can't tonight, we're going over to my cousins' place. I wanna be friends again too. But I don't wanna talk about all this here, now."

I paused before continuing, trying to make it seem as though the next part had just come to me, "Saturday morning. I'll meet you at the boxcar at 11:00. Okay?"

"Saturday? Geez Martin, why do we have to wait all the way until then. What about Thursday night? Or Friday? C'mon, this can't have been that big of a deal, can it? I already said I was sorry. And É and É you said you wanna be friends again too."

Of course part of me wanted nothing more than to meet Ken tonight. Hell, if I'm being honest, I'd been eyeing Ken's crotch, the way his jeans practically hugged his body and gave you a real sense of what was underneath. Even though we were still relatively close to the path that a lot of kids used, I'd have dropped to my knees right here and now, pulled his pants and briefs to mid-thigh and sucked his cock until it blasted a hot creamy load into my mouth and down my throat.

Damn it, I had to control those thoughts or my stiffening dick would give it away. "Saturday. I've just got some thinking to do. It's not just about class É it É it felt weird when you were gone the whole weekend."

Ken's hopeful smile practically slid off his face. I didn't want to push Kent too far, I didn't want him to think that I was `breaking up' with him. Not that we were a couple. The truth was that it had felt weird while he was gone, and even though I'd messed around with Jamie, I had genuinely missed having Ken near me. I wasn't really sure what I'd been feeling; we'd already admitted that we liked each other. Was this turning into something way bigger than that?

"Hey, it's not like that. I already said I wanna be friends again. And É and I missed you too, okay? I just want some time to think about what I wanna say to you, okay? It's like when we're together, I can't really think straight." And it was true; when I was with Ken, my already normally muddled mind turned to complete mush. Ken's look, feel, touch, smell É everything about him overwhelmed me when we were together.

That slightly wicked grin and twinkle in Ken's eyes that I had come to love made an appearance for the first time that week. "Maybe that's because all the blood rushes out of your brain to power your little head."

"Fucker, watch what you're calling little!" I retorted with a grin on my own face.

Ken smiled, "Okay then. Saturday morning at 11:00. I'll meet you É now can we walk home together? Or do I have to wait for that until next week?"

"Nah, c'mon," I turned to head back towards the path, "let's just make sure no one sees us coming out of the bushes together. It'll be weird."

"Why?" Ken laughed, "Because they know you're a big cocksucker?"

"Fuck you! Besides, they've seen you in the locker room, so if anything, I'd be a small cocksucker."

We both laughed as we got back onto the path. No one was around and we headed towards home. Together. I realized how much I'd been missing the way we teased and bugged each other. I guess when you're 14, this is what passes for the typically unspoken `I like you' between boys. Kind of like punching a girl in the arm when you're 10 means the same thing.

None of this changed the plan that had now come fully together in my mind. If anything, I was more resolved to see it through. I'm not sure why, but somehow our little exchange had encouraged me to believe that I could pull it off without losing Ken.

We walked home, chatting about school and Ken telling me about his football weekend which included pranks like locking each other out of their rooms in just their underwear, dumping buckets of cold water on guys showering, and pantsing around the hotel pool.

While none of it was intentionally sexual, the thought of Ken and the boys on the football in their underwear, showering and having their pants or swim shorts pulled down was like fuel on the fire that was beginning to build in my groin. I knew that if Ken noticed and said anything, I'd likely give in and go to his place. Luckily we were only minutes from home and once safely in my room, I could take care of some business that I hadn't had time to that morning before school.

Ken said, "I'll see you on the way to school tomorrow?" to which I shouted yes as I quickly made my way across the street to my house.

When I got inside, I was anxious to get to my room. There was a note pinned to the corkboard by the door where we kept our keys, calendar and various other odds and ends. Mom had gone out shopping, and dad was going to meet her after he was done work; they wouldn't be home for at least a couple of hours. If I was hungry, there was some leftover pizza in the fridge. But right now, pizza would have to wait. Walking into my room, I didn't bother closing the door. I stood in front of the full length mirror that hung on the wall next to my closet. Like many boys my age, I was often self-conscious about the way I looked and the way I was developing. My skin was relatively clear, although zits had a way of showing up at the most inconvenient times, usually before some major social function, or at least what passed for major social functions in my somewhat limited social circle of primarily nerds, other than Ken.

I examined my face as I started to unbutton my shirt. My teeth remained relatively straight. Nothing above my lip or under my chin that suggested I'd need to start shaving anytime soon. Not that I was in a hurry for that; I'd seen some of the older boys at school with nicks and cuts, or those that simply let the scraggly growth sit there. As I let my shirt fall to the floor, I looked at my chest. I wasn't scrawny, but neither was I particularly fit. Just average I guess; not quite as developed as Ken, but then I wasn't into sports quite the way he was. No hair on my chest, but a slight trail of hair was forming from my belly button, leading down into my pants. I lifted my arms and saw that the whisp of pit hair that had started forming last year was now becoming fuller and thicker.

Although I had started puberty somewhat earlier than most of the guys I knew, other than pubic hair, I had remained fairly hairless for quite a while. My pit hair was now another sign of my overall development, and I felt that it was a good amount; not overly thick, but enough to make it obvious I was becoming a man. I had also noticed that the odor from my pits had been getting stronger and that `magically', underarm deodorant had shown up in the bathroom I used. I was still trying to get used to the habit of using it on a daily basis, and if I had to be honest, the odor wasn't entirely unpleasant to me. Turning my head, I inhaled and began to imagine what the guys on Ken's football team must smell like. Not that rank odor of having just come off the field, dripping wet with sweat. Just what it must be like in their shared hotel room, four boys together, horsing around, their skin glistening slightly, their combined scent hanging in the air.

Fuck, I knew I was getting turned on as my mind wandered from reality into fantasy. Without even realizing it, my dick had gotten fully hard, pressing awkwardly against the fabric of my jeans. In the mirror I could see it bulging out; my arms immediately came down and my hands fumbled with the button and zipper, trying to keep some semblance of control rather than just ripping them off. As I opened them and began to slowly slide them down, my briefs tugged slightly down as well, revealing what I felt was a rather impressive bush. It didn't spread wide, but it had a good shape, was reasonably full and dark, and stood out well against my smooth pale pink skin. As I tugged my jeans down further, I could see a wet spot forming and spreading where the tip of my dick pressed against the fabric of my briefs.

I slipped back into the fantasy forming in my mind. For some reason I was part of the weekend football trip. I wasn't sure if a `locker room towel boy' went on these kind of trips, but for now that seemed like a reasonable thought. The accommodations at the hotel hadn't worked out evenly, so I had been put in a room with four of the players. We had all come back from a late dinner at the hotel buffet and were beginning to get ready for bed. As I was getting undressed, one of the larger boys glanced at me and noticed that I was tenting my briefs and had a noticeable wet spot on the front. Laughing, he pointed and got the attention of the other guys, "Damn guys", he would say, "looks like we got ourselves a queer in our room." I blushed and tried to cover myself, but it was too late as they surrounded me and two of them pulled my hands away to either side. "See, I told you", the leader of this little group would say, "check out that boner. Fuck, looks like he might've creamed himself already."

I would blush furiously, "C'mon guys, leave me alone, I'm not a fag."

"Yeah, right," he would say, "that's why you're always checking us out, you probably like to sniff our jocks while we're in the shower." All the boys laughed as he continued. "I don't know about you guys, but my girlfriend's been real stingy with her pussy lately, wouldn't even suck me off before the trip." He was rubbing his crotch while he spoke, "He's here anyway, and I bet his mouth would feel as good as anything else." One of the other guys spoke up, "Yeah, ha ha, better than the hand you were gonna use later tonight."

"Fuck you," leader boy said, "or you'll be next. So c'mon Martin, why don't you be a good little fag and get down on your knees for us." All the boys looked at each other, nervous, but laughing, and I could see their underwear beginning to tent out.

"I'm not É", I began as I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, pushing me down on to my knees.

"Sure you are", leader boy said, "don't worry, we won't say anything as long as you do as you're told, right guys?"

I was scared, but excited. Rather than softening, if anything, my dick had gotten even harder and more precum leaked into my briefs. On my knees, leader boy stepped in front of me, pushing his heavily bulging crotch into my face. I could smell a mixture of sweat, piss and what I was sure was dried cum. I could feel my mouth watering, and as leader boy put his hand on my head, I stopped resisting and opened my mouth, tasting the front of his briefs.

"Fuck boys, I knew it," he said, quickly pushing his briefs down to his knees. His thick hard cock bounced into view, and he stepped back towards me, the cut wet head sliding against my lips. I let him push it into my mouth and I began to rhythmically slide my mouth up and down the shaft, using my tongue all around the head.

"Holy shit," one of the other boys exclaimed. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the other three watching intently as I sucked their friend's large cock. No one was holding me down anymore; they were all rubbing their own packages as they could only look on to the sight in front of them.

Within minutes, leader boy grunted, "Fuck he's good, I'm gonna cream!" and immediately I felt his cock throb against my tongue as gush after gush of his thick hot load blasted into my mouth. There was so much that I could barely contain it, and some of it spilled out and down my chin as he continued to pump his dick into my mouth. I could feel my own cock lurch, still trapped inside my own briefs, as a spurt of precum pushed its way out.

Pulling his spent cock out of my mouth, I had no time to even swallow what was in my mouth before one of the other boys had stepped in to take his place. Briefs pushed down under his balls he slid a slightly smaller but just as hard dick into my mouth. I swirled the first load of cum around the head and shaft of his dick as I began to blow him. My hands and arms, which had felt frozen in place, loosened and moved up to grasp him at his hips. Although I knew he wouldn't back away now, I felt some small measure of control in holding him there. His hips began bucking and a steady stream of moans escaped his lips.

"Fuck, you're liking that a little too much," leader boy laughed as the boy in my mouth began to unload his own load of cream. Barely finished, the third boy practically pushed him aside, and his dick dragged out of my mouth it wiped thick rope of cum across my cheek.

"Geez, take it easy dude," he said as the third boy's cock stabbed into my mouth. He must've been rubbing himself the whole time his two other buddies had been face fucking me because in less than a minute he unleashed a flood of jizz into my mouth and down my throat. I could see that the last boy already had his briefs pulled down, stroking himself steadily while repeating "Oh fuck, oh fuck" over and over under his breath. Before his buddy had a chance to pull his cock out of my mouth, the last boy was standing next to him, grunting as ropes of thick hot jizz erupted from his cock all over my face.

"You dirty fuck, at least let me get out of the way before you blow your wad," his buddy said as he took a step back. I eagerly turned my head, and putting a hand on the last boy's ass I pulled him towards me and into my mouth as the last of his ejaculation spilled out onto my tongue.

I was dragged back into the reality of my room as an powerful orgasm gripped my body. Looking in the mirror I could see that at some point during my fantasy my pants and briefs had fallen to the floor, bunch around my ankles. My rock hard cock was throbbing and twitching in my hand; the intensity of my ejaculation sprayed rope after rope of cum, splattering against the mirror, running down towards the floor. I was trembling, and my legs were beginning to feel like rubber as I unloaded what felt like an insane amount of cum. The last of it was running out of the head and falling down onto my briefs and pants as I tried to keep from falling over. I also became aware that I was rather loudly grunting and moaning, and in a moment of panic hoped that hours hadn't passed and that my parents had already come home. Leaving my pants and underwear in heap, I let myself fall onto my bed. A glance at my clock radio showed that barely twenty minutes had passed since I'd gotten home from school. I smiled to myself and let out a deep breath as I laid there trying to slow my breathing and my pounding heart, before I could get changed and have some pizza. My thoughts returned to Ken and I smiled again thinking about Saturday.

Next: Chapter 15: Ken and I 15

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