Kels Journal

Published on Jul 18, 2023


Entry 12

September 10

I wanted to fill you in to the most interesting assignment I got on the first day. Homework on the first day? Yeah, I know. It's normally not interesting, but this was a different story.

In English class, our teacher told us that we would start the year with a unit on creative writing. She told us it was important to be able to find a medium to express ourselves. And for the first homework assignment, she wanted us to write about something important to you to share with everyone else. She wanted us to share something that few people knew, since opening up to others is key to great work.

I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't talk about being gay. That's a bit TOO private for my classmates. But then I thought about my trip to the Poconos with my family. That trip was about much more than R&R.

I learned a lot about my parents. I also learned about myself.

Sometime around 8:30, the idea sprang into my head. I wanted to talk about the bond of family. To me, it was important. In a time when many of my colleagues are embarrassed to even be seen with their genetic links, I relish the chance to be with them. I wrote this long thing about the importance of learning about your parents. I see parts of them in me, including flaws. My mom is constantly wanting the best for us, since she felt she kind of quit on herself. And my dad's trouble with alcohol was a warning. He had gotten into pressure from others. He was consumed by it, and soon consumed by his problems. I knew much better, mainly because I lived through his recovery. He openly talks about how stupid he was to even get involved in the kind of drinking he went through. I really wanted to talk about this stuff, since I though I had a great life lesson. I OK'd the whole thing with my parents, because this was very personal. Not just about me, but about them too.

That day in English class was very interesting. Our teacher wanted us to read our writings aloud. To be honest, a lot of people had horrible stuff. A lot of basic stuff, like embarassing moments or something like that.

After about 12 or so people, I stood up to read my story. I got a lot of silence when I was done. That worried me. Was it good enough?

"Thank you Kel," Miss Trulio said, "that was what I was looking for. I hope you're parents knew about this."

"Yeah. I made sure they were okay with me saying this."

"See what happens when you open up people? Sometimes we learn our lessons best from those with experience."

The last person in class to go was Billie. But her story even put mine to shame. She took an excerpt from her diary. It was about her mother. I know bits and pieces of the story, but she had never told me in entirety. Nor did I want to ask, since I knew it would upset her. She teared up a number of times during the reading, and a few other people did as well. It was just so sad. And just at the end of the story, I started up. I was just about the only guy to cry. I know a few guys were laughing at me, but I didn't care.

"Don't worry about them Kel," I was told by Michelle. "Those dorks don't have the same kind of compassion you do. Girls like guys who can cry anyway."

"Thanks, Michelle."

I decided today to walk out of English with Mark. We hadn't talked since our walk in the park yesterday, and I wanted to catch up.

"So what's up Mark?"

"Oh, not much. Parents and sister ignored me again."

"Screw them anyway."

Just as we were walking, who should show up but his Assholiness, better known as Greg.

"Oh look, it's the fairy. So how was your summer Mark?" Greg was being his normal charming self.

Mark just tried to ignore him.

"Huh? Don't you talk faggot?"

I interrupted. "While don't you just back off Mark?"

"Oh, if it isn't my old buddy Kel! So how's the sister doing?"

"She's great. Better than when she went out with you."

"By the way, I know you're responsible. Don't write checks your ass can't cash, Hutchinson. I wouldn't try to be the guardian to this cocksucker anyway. You know you'll be going down with him. Or should I say, going down on him?"

I started to get angry. "Listen, Greg. Just because you're rich and got connections doesn't give you the right to pick on people! You know you're lucky Daddy's on the school board. You deserved to be expelled more than the other kids. You were the ringleader."

"Why you little prick!" He looked pissed.

But talk about good timing Sarah came up behind us just as he looked ready to really be bad.

"Hello Greg," Sarah said. "Do you have a problem with my brother?" She just talked in a bit of a holier-than-thou attitude, but that just how to take him on.

"Not at all. Just tell the little jerkoff to be careful. Associating with Mark Spencer will only lead to his destruction."

"All right. I'd love to chat, but we've got a class to get to. Mrs. Hall is pretty strict about getting class on time, even for study halls."

With that, we followed our sister over to study hall.

"Listen guys, if you have any problems with Greg, let me handle it. I know how big a creep he is," Sarah suggested.

I decided to be macho. "It would be best for me to handle my own battles."

"Kel, I know him better than you. He'd beat you up if he had the chance. But he wouldn't lay a finger on a girl like me."

"Sarah, he would lay hands on you. But unlike a fist to my mouth, it would be grabbing at the chest." We both laughed at that one.

"Hey Mark," my sister said, "Are you okay?"

He looked a bit distraught. "Yeah. It's just that I always get afraid around him."

"Don't worry. We're here. He's already in the bottom of the ninth, down 0-2 in the count with two outs. He doesn't have anymore chances. If he even swings at you, he'll be expelled."

"Right." He went to hug Sarah. I wish he hugged me, but she's definitely the safer choice. "Thanks you guys."

"Hey Mark, what are you doing this weekend?" I decided to ask.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Why don't you come over our place. If you like football, you can watch the game with us."

"Only one condition: Can we watch the Eagles?"

"Thank you! We have an open seat on the couch with me and my dad. We're huge fans."

"I don't know how big your dad is, but you're not huge."

"Ha ha. So funny."

We both went about our business during study hall, but near the end of the period he asked me something. "Won't it seem a little suspicious that I'm spending so much time with you?"

"Don't worry about making the inner circle seem uncomfortable. But if you don't want to hand out on Saturday, I'm sure we can meet somewhere. Billie's got a game on Saturday. Maybe we can hang out there."

"All right."

The only other major happening of the day was chorus. Billie and I really wanted to be in the revue, so we decided to do a duet. We made it our mission to find a song by the end of next week, so we can start practicing. The tryouts are two weeks from today, and I'm really excited.

But all in all, the best thing that happened today was the arranging my first date. Okay, you really can't call it a date. Mark doesn't know it's a date, but it's as close as one than I've ever had.

Will it turn out to be an official date? Read on to find out. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at .

Also, catch some extra features to the story on my site, .

Next: Chapter 13

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