Keiths Choir College Experience

By moc.loa@00ioBJNC

Published on Jul 6, 2005


Copyright 2005-Tenor LK.

This story is about 2 men creating a romantic bond that will include sexual activity...If you are uncomfortable with this activity, you should click the back button on your browser's toolbar now and not read on. Furthermore, if you are under the age of 18 (or 12 in some states and areas) and are on this site you should also do the same...although; it is your hide...if you read's your fault...not mine!

Keith's Choir College Experience Chapter 2 By Tenor LK

He was running pretty fast across the Great Plains. Pretty much, that's what we called the large field between the DIPS, Seabrook Hall, and the Library. The three buildings created this open u shape and the driveway in front of Seabrook hall helped to seal off the rectangle shape it had. Its purpose was to give the students a great place to sit and bask in the sun, or play Frisbee, or football...once the male population had become more heterosexual then homosexual.

But where was I? Yeah, running...I should had told Steve about my athletic past before he started his sprint from in front of the rehearsal hall...that I ran for fun...two miles, and sprinted 800 meters for fun...I caught up with him in no time flat.

"Steve," I said, grabbing a hold of his arm and turning him to face me, "Wait up a minute...I'm not done speaking to you yet."

"What else do you have to say to me?"

"A lot...for starters, I could care less that you are gay...specifically because I'm gay...and secondly...because you have an awesome talent...and I would love to hear how you discovered it...and maybe in the process...gain a guy who could have a relationship with me."

I think Steve tried to pass out on me at this point...he looked like he could fall at any moment...and it was a good thing I was there...cause he did!

I caught him, and carried him to the closest bench in the Great Plains...and grabbed his water bottle...I sprinkled a little on his face and he started to wake up...

"Um...I think I really just embarrassed myself..." he stated, sounding extremely tired and out of sorts.

"I don't think so, although I did get about I take you to your room?"

"Sounds like a plan...thanks."

I helped him stand up, and we walked into the dormitory. Unfortunately Seabrook did not have a elevator in we trekked the stairs, which were no problem at all until we reached the third set, which led up to the 2nd Floor...Steve was slowing down, and I started to get concerned again until I heard his next words...

"You're gay...Keith, you're gay"

"Uh...yeah...I told you that"

"I just wanted to make sure I heard you correctly...cause I want you to know that I noticed you today...better then I ever noticed a person before...when I heard you sing...the...most amazing sounds I have ever heard before...why aren't you going into performance?"

"Because...I like education...and maybe after being here a semester or two...I'll think about double majoring...but I don't think that is our main concern now...we need to get you to your room!"

So I watched him climb the stairs, and we made it to his room...he gave me his keys and I unlocked the door and let him in. his room wasn't much different then mine...a bunk bed set on the left wall, two desks set up on the opposite wall, with shelving and closets, tile floor and one large window, with a view of the great plains and the side of the Library.

"Which bunk is yours babe" I asked.

"The Bottom one...I'm a little afraid of heights..."

"Ok, get in...I'll grab you some soup."

While I went to make him soup, his roommate, Mike...showed up.

Mike saw Steve lying in bed, "Steve, Are you ok? I heard what happened during dinner and rushed to see where you were"

"I'm fine Mike, if it wasn't for Keith; I would probably still be lying out there on the ground."

"Ah, is this the hunk you were telling me about over this morning after breakfast?"

"Yeah, he'll be back in a minute, he just went to grab some..."

I walked in and interrupted "Soups on!"

"Thanks, man...I really owe you one...this isn't the dinner I expected us to have" Steve commented.

"Keith, I'm glad you found little miss pass out here...I was worried" Mike said. "At least I know he was in good hands"

"Ah, I'm Allstate now, huh?" I joked.

"Hey, you definitely are, the way you carried him in your arms to the bench...I didn't know tenors had strength like that in them" Mike shot back. "Being a Bass...I can't help but show my voice"

We all laughed at his pitiful joke, while Steve and I ate soup. Mike and mentioned that he wanted to get some practicing in before tomorrows Voice we wished him happy practicing.

"So, does Mike know about you?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's the only one, besides the RA. Mike and I were talking over breakfast...he saw me sitting alone, and wondered why...and I told him that I was afraid of letting anyone in...letting them know about me...and he simply have to let them know...or more importantly, him know...I had went to him for advice...on how to get to talk to you."

I couldn't believe my ears...he wanted to talk to me, "Steve...I will always be here for you to talk to, no matter when, and I hope, that you will come and talk to me not just when you need advice, but whenever you feel like seeing me."

"Well, there might be a problem with that Keith...I want to see you all the, what about it...will you consider not only getting to me better as a friend...but as a boyfriend, a lover...a mate?"

Whoa...I was blushing again...I seriously need to get this under control..."I would be delighted to." and with that...I reached for his face, and slowly, gently kissed him full on the lips.

The next few moments seemed like forever as we kissed for the first time...and I noticed it he parted his lips slightly to allow me to massage his tongue with mine...the gentile bits and sucking in my bottom lip that he does so well...and when it left me dumbstruck, ecstatic, and most importantly...fulfilled. We pulled apart to breathe, and without hesitation, we kissed again...this time more urgent, as if we needed to confirm what we both felt in our first kiss together. It wasn't fitful or erotic, it was beautiful.

I quickly noticed my member within that second kiss, and not wanting to go too far at once, I ended our kiss,

"Steve, I want this to mean something to the both of us...I want whatever develops form here to be because its what we both apologies, no regrets...can you handle that?"

"Yes, Keith, I agree with you fully"

And we spent the rest of that night kissing and holding each other...spending our first night as a couple wrapped up together.

The next morning, I woke up and immediately noticed that I couldn't move, at all. I opened my eyes and noticed a brown haired cutie lying on my bare chest. He must have felt my attempt to move, because his eyes darted to me instantly.

"How did you sleep Sweets?" Steve said to me, smiling and beaming like Sylvester having finally swallowed Tweety whole.

"Well, very well babe...but I have to get voice meeting is at 10."

"Ok, can we have breakfast at least before you head voice meeting isn't until 3 this afternoon, but I have the Piano Screening Exam at 10:15."

"Sure...I'll run and shower and change...and I'll meet you in the lounge in half an hour."

"Sounds like a plan.", and with a quick kiss...I ran down to my room to get ready.

As I walked down the stairs and into the lounge, I saw him...wearing an awesome blue short sleeve button up shirt and a pair of khakis that accented everything a hott man should have talking to Cloie.

"There he is...Steve was just telling me that he was waiting on I'll let you go on your way...I'm waiting on Jackie...maybe we can catch up at lunch?" Cloie said, with her irresistible smile.

"Sure thing...laters!" and my boy and I were off.

Walking into the Cafeteria, and up the staircase, holding hands with Steve was more then I could ever hope and wish for. He was supremely confident, so not the uncomfortable guy I saw yesterday evening out in the great plains...he just seemed so damned attractive now more the never before...I'm so lucky.

"Whoa, I know you someone around here betta' start tellin' me what's goin' two are beamin' like the sun today!" Sheila quipped at us while we swiped our cards through the machine.

"Well, some mornings are just too beautiful to be sad" Steve said.

I just couldn't agree more.

Authors Rant:

Well, another chapter has come and gone...and I am so happy that there are people out there who really love the story. Thank you for your wonderful comments...keep them coming!

If you are reading, and haven't sent me a comment, what are you waitin' for! Sheila would be very upset with you and tell you to get yo'self togetha' and write me at!

Until Next Post!

Tenor LK.

Next: Chapter 4

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