Keith and Andy

By Dusty Timbers

Published on Mar 21, 2011



This is a work of fiction. Please send comments to

Part 1: Andy Rides a Stiff Surfboard

Andy had just moved to California, and he wanted to learn how to surf.

Andy was handsome. He was 20, with beautiful coffee skin and eyes like liquid chocolate. He had long, sexy eyelashes and a boyish face. His lips were full and smooth. His hair was straight and soft, like strands of silk.

Andy knew he liked guys, but he had never had sex before. He wanted his first time to be romantic, with someone he cared about. Andy had a big heart.

Andy brought a surfboard, but he had no idea what to do with it, so he booked surfing lessons at the local beach. The person on the phone told him his appointment was at 11am, and told him where to meet the instructor.

On the big day, Andy arrived early. He was nervous ? he knew he?d probably embarrass himself the first time he tried to stand up on the surfboard ? but he was excited to get started. He was wearing orange board shorts, a white t-shirt and flip-flops.

At exactly eleven, Andy looked around, wondering where the instructor was. He felt a tap on his shoulder and whirled around.

?Hi, I?m Keith,? the man said, extending his hand to shake. Andy was instantly mesmerized. Keith had long, black hair that hung in curls around his face. His eyes were brown, like Andy?s, and his smooth white skin shone in the bright sunlight. He was 22.

Andy couldn?t help it; his eyes flicked downward. Keith was wearing a wetsuit, and it clung to his chest and legs flatteringly. Andy noticed the wetsuit fabric bunched up around his crotch, and he felt a warm tingle in his lower belly.

Suddenly Andy realized that he was openly staring at Keith?s crotch. He looked up. Keith?s hand was still outstretched, and he had a little smirk on his face.

?Um, hi,? Andy muttered, embarrassed. He felt his face turn red and as he reached out and shook Keith?s hand. ?I?m Andy.?

Keith pointed downwards and said, ?VERY nice.?

?Huh?? Andy said, thinking Keith was pointing to his crotch.

?Your surfboard,? Keith said. ?That?s a quality brand.?

?Oh, thanks,? Andy said. He wondered if Keith had noticed his blunder.

?Ready to surf?? Keith asked.

?Definitely!? Andy said.

?Ok,? Keith said, ?let?s get you into a wetsuit.?

In the bathroom, stripped down to just his shorts, Andy struggled with the wetsuit and realized he didn?t know how to put it on. The bathroom door flew open.

?Need help?? Keith asked.

?Oh,? Andy said, ?well, yeah.?

Andy already had his legs in the wetsuit, so Keith helped him put his arms in. Andy couldn?t help but notice that Keith?s hands lingered on Andy?s arms a little longer than necessary ? almost as if Keith was caressing him.

Keith zipped up Andy?s wetsuit and squeezed his shoulder. ?All set. Ready to surf??

?Yeah ? let?s go!?

Two hours later, and Andy was exhausted. He didn?t realize how physically taxing surfing would be. His whole body hurt ? arms, legs, back, shoulders, neck. It didn?t help that he felt constantly embarrassed the whole time ? losing his balance and falling, over and over, in front of someone he considered so hot.

As they were leaving the water and heading towards the boardwalk, Keith turned towards Andy and said, ?Hey, I?m having a party tonight? would you like to come??

?Sure!? Andy said. He didn?t really like going to parties, but he wasn?t about to pass up the chance to hang out with a guy he thought was so attractive.

?Cool,? Keith said. He smiled at Andy and told him the address.

Later that night, Andy pulled up outside Keith?s apartment. It was a nice building, right near the ocean.

Andy stood in front of Keith?s door and adjusted his collar. He was nervous. Even though Andy had no idea if Keith liked him back (or if he was even gay), he wanted to make a good impression on him.

Keith opened the door and caught Andy smoothing his hair down with his fingers. Keith raised his eyebrow and grinned.

?Hi,? Andy said, dropping his hand down to his side.

?Hey Kev,? Keith said. ?Come on in.?

Andy walked in and immediately noticed that there was nobody there. ?Where is everyone?? he asked.

?Oh,? Keith said, following Andy inside and shutting the door. ?Actually, they couldn?t make it.?

?Oh,? Andy said, and frowned. ?Do you want me to come back another time??

?Definitely not,? Keith replied, grinning. Andy couldn?t help it; he grinned back. He couldn?t believe he was going to hang out with Keith alone, without a bunch of people getting in the way.

Keith sat down on his couch. It was a loveseat, with only two cushions. Andy looked around but didn?t see any other chairs.

?Have a seat,? Keith said, patting the cushion next to him. Andy smiled at sat down.

?So, how did you like surfing?? Keith asked.

?It was fun,? Andy replied. ?I mean, I fell down a lot.?

?Everyone always does their first time,? Keith said. ?You?ll get better.?

?I hope so.?

?Do your arms hurt from paddling out so many times??

?Actually, yeah,? Andy said. ?My whole back hurts too.?

?Hmm,? Keith said. ?Well, how about I give you a backrub??


?I?m really good at giving backrubs,? Keith insisted. ?Here, lay on the floor.?

?Well? okay,? Andy said. He didn?t know if Keith was just being friendly, but he didn?t care. He laid down on the floor on his stomach, with his face turned to the side.

Keith sat down on Andy?s rear, ran his hands up along Andy?s back, and then started massaging his shoulders.

?Mmm,? Andy said. ?That feels really good.?

?You?re really stiff,? Keith said in a low voice.

?Oh really?? Andy said.

?Yeah,? said Keith. He moved his hands lower and rubbed Andy?s middle and lover back.

Keith slid down a little bit, so now he was sitting on top of Andy?s upper thighs instead of right on top of his butt. Then Andy suddenly realized that Keith?s cock was hard; it was straining against the fabric of his jeans and pressing right up against Andy?s butt.

Andy felt a ripple of excitement run down from his stomach all the way down to his balls, and he started getting hard.

?You know,? Keith said as he kneaded Andy?s lower back, ?I saw the way you were looking at me earlier.?

?You did?? Andy asked.

?Yep,? Keith answered. ?You were looking at my crotch.?

?Oh? sorry about that,? Andy said.

?Not at all,? Keith said. He leaned down and whispered in Andy?s ear, ?I liked it.? Keith moved his hands downward and started massaging Andy?s butt.

?Unnhh,? Andy said. ?Wow.?

Keith slid off Andy, grabbed his sides, turned him over and straddled his crotch with his knees.

?Oh, Keith,? Andy sighed.

Keith looked into Andy?s eyes and slowly bent down. Andy?s heart started beating faster.

When their lips met, Andy was in heaven. Keith give him a couple slow smooches, and then slid his tongue in Andy?s mouth.

?Mmm,? Keith groaned. ?You?re so hot, Andy!?

?Kiss me again, Keith,? Andy begged. Keith did, more vigorously this time. Keith was a passionate kisser; he massaged Andy?s tongue with his own, and gently nibbled his lower lip.

?You?re lips are so soft,? Keith whispered. He moved his head down and breathed on Andy?s neck. His breath was hot and moist, and Andy shivered with excitement.

By this time, Keith and Andy were both rock hard. Both of them could feel each other?s cocks rubbing up against each other through their jeans, and as Keith kissed Andy, he gyrated his hips against Andy?s.

Keith sat up and put his hands on Andy?s side, under his shirt, and then lifted it off. Andy went to move his arms back down, but Keith grabbed them and pinned his hands over his head.

As Keith ran his eyes over Andy?s chest and stomach, taking in every inch, Andy blushed. He wasn?t used to being stared at in such a sexy way while half-naked.

Andy?s blush made Keith even hornier. He bent down and ran his tongue down the center of Andy?s chest, from his neck to just below his navel. Then he moved back up and ran his tongue over Andy?s nipple.

Andy gasped.

?You don?t like it?? Keith asked.

?No, I do,? Andy said. ?I just have really sensitive nipples.?

?Oh really?? Keith said. He grinned, then bent down and gently nippled Andy?s right nipple while he squeezed his left one between his fingers. Andy moaned and arched his back.

Andy?s moan made Keith?s dick throb, and he decided to stop fucking around and get to business. So he moved ran his hands down and started groping Andy.

?Keith,? Andy moaned. ?That feels so good!?

Keith unbuttoned Andy?s jeans, unzipped his fly and pulled them off. Now Andy was lying on the floor below Keith in just his underwear.

Keith kissed Andy again, and then leaned in to his ear and whispered, ?I can?t wait to see the heat you?re packing.?

Andy laughed nervously, and Keith reached down and took off Andy?s underwear. Andy?s cock sprang free and pressed up against his stomach. Now Andy was naked and vulnerable, and Keith was in control.

Keith took a good long look at Andy?s cock, then looked into his eyes and smiled. ?Beautiful,? he said. Andy blushed.

Keith bent down and rubbed his nose against Andy?s crotch. Then he stuck out his tongue and ran it slowly up along the underside of Andy?s penis, from his balls to his tip.

?Oh, yeah, Keith,? Andy moaned. ?Don?t stop!?

Keith licked Andy again, and then put his mouth over Andy?s penis and slid it down his throat. Andy loved it; he squirmed around and moaned while Keith blew him.

After a couple minutes, Keith bent his head a little lower and started licking Andy?s crack, then rubbed his tongue right up against Andy?s anus.

?Oh yeah Keith,? Andy moaned. ?Don?t stop.?

Keith massaged Andy?s button with his tongue. His tongue was hot and wet, and it sent waves of pleasure rippling through Andy?s body. Andy opened his legs wider to give Keith easier access.

That was the signal Keith was waiting for. Keith thrust his tongue inside Andy and started licking him from the inside.

?Oh,? Andy moaned. The waves of pleasure intensified. His button started contracting with pleasure while Keith thrust his tongue inside him. He grabbed his own cock and started jerking it.

Keith decided Andy was ready. He ripped off his clothes, put on a condom, and spit into his hand and lubricated his dick with it. Then he started rubbing his mushroom tip right against Andy?s button.

?Keith,? Andy moaned. ?I can?t wait any longer. Put it inside me.?

Keith was happy to oblige. He pushed his tip against Andy, and after a second it slid in about an inch.

?Ooh,? Andy moaned. It hurt more than he thought it would. ?Go slow, Keith.?

But Keith didn?t want to go slow. He shoved himself the rest of the way in, and Andy yelped with surprise.

Keith didn?t move for a minute, to let Andy get used to him. Andy could feel Keith?s cock pressing up against his insides, and it made him feel full, and warm.

Keith bent down and kissed Andy. As he nippled Andy?s lip, he slid himself almost all the way out.

Andy didn?t like that. He wanted Keith back inside him. So he grabbed Keith?s butt and pulled him forward, so Keith slid back inside.

That was all the signal Keith needed. He started fucking Andy; slow at first, and then faster.

Andy was in so much pleasure that he started breathing in short gasps. This sent Keith over the edge and he started fucking Andy with all the force he had.

?Keith,? Andy yelled. He started thrusting his hips towards Keith as Keith thrusted forward; Keith went deeper and deeper inside Andy, faster and faster, and Andy felt waves of pleasure rippling from his insides all the way up his chest and back, to his neck.

Keith reached down and started jacking Andy off. Andy was so horny that he immediately had to orgasm.

?Keith ? I?m gonna cum!? Andy said.

Keith bent down and bit Andy, hard, on the neck right as Andy was cumming, and Andy screamed with pain and pleasure. Andy?s yell made Keith lose all control, and he yelled, ?Oh Fuck!? as he came in Andy.

Keith thrust in Andy a few more times, then pulled out and collapsed on Andy?s chest. Andy put his arms around Keith and rubbed his back.

Keith pulled his head up and kissed Andy. The kiss was slower this time, more romantic, and Andy sighed with contentment. His body didn?t hurt any more, even after the raw abuse Keith had dished out; he felt warm and relaxed.

It had been his first time, and it was better than he ever thought it would be.

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