Keepers of the Flame

By Lambodara

Published on Apr 7, 2022


Keepers of the Flame Chapter 2

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects his/her personal morals or beliefs when relating to relationships between minors and adults. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Two

Davy had been with me a full two weeks when we saw Dooley's boat coming toward us with our supplies. We scrambled down to the landing and waited. I slipped my arm around Davy's shoulders. I noticed after waving at us, Dooley turned and moved something from a box behind him into one of our supply boxes but I couldn't tell what it was. I asked Davy to go up and roll out the two empty drinking water barrels and hoist them down so we could exchange them for the ones Dooley had brought. He climbed up the ladder and disappeared.

"What's the surprise you tossed in our goods box?" I asked Dooley.

"Well, now, you don't miss a thing do ye?" he said chuckling, "I put you a tub of lard in there. I just imagined it might come in useful." He winked at me and slapped me on the back.

"Well, it looks like you don't miss much either, you old salty dog" I answered, smiling.

"I take it your help IS working out? If not, his brothers and old man would be quick to take him back off your hands" he said.

"No, they'll have to shift their needs onto his next of kin, I plan on keeping Davy here with me" I said.

We set about unloading the provisions and hoisting them up to the living quarters. As we were getting done Dooley said "The weather's changing. I was talking to a sailor just up from Mexico who said he went through a hell of a storm. Keep your eyes on the horizon and be prepared to batten your hatches."

"How long ago when you talked to him?" I asked.

"Early this morning, he came through the storm yesterday, so you probably have a day's warning" he replied.

"Thanks, we'll get on securing the place before bed tonight in case it gets here early" I said.

"You two take care of each other. See you in a couple of weeks" he said as he turned his boat back toward the shore.

Hurricanes were the worst part of this job, but they made it even more important. In a driving rain, ships needed to know where the channel was so they didn't run aground. After a quick lunch I started showing Davy how to secure the place. We closed the shutters inside and out, then barred the `front' door so there was only one door open now. As it started to get dark, I could see lightning flashing way out on the horizon. Davy was getting scared, I tried to ignore it; when you feed fear it only grows larger. As darkness settled in, a light rain began to fall. We lit the beacon and started to bed. Just as I was getting undressed, I heard something; or more accurately someone. I unbarred the door and walked outside.

"Ahoy! Ahoy! You in the lighthouse!" somebody was yelling. "Can you help me? I'll never make it to shore before this beast overtakes me."

"Tie your boat off and come on up, we'll make room for the night!" I yelled back.

The stranger made haste tying his boat securely and then hopped up the ladder to the deck. The rain was coming down hard by the time we got in and barred the door. Inside Davy was making a pot of coffee.

"Doubt there'll be much sleeping tonight" he said. I nodded and we sat down at the galley table as he poured.

"What's your name stranger, and how is you're out in a storm such as this" I asked.

"Karl Mason. I was fishing for snapper in the Gulf when I saw the first flashes of lightning. I thought I could outrun her but she's moving too fast" he said.

"Karl, I'm the keeper, Sam Pritchard and this is Davy, my assistant" I said.

I could feel the wind sneaking its way through the cracks around the window frames. A hard gust blew and the trap door in the floor rattled, Davy looked rattle as well. I got up and moved one of the water barrels on top of the trap door to make sure it didn't blow open.

"I better go up and check on the light, its going to really be a job tonight with all this wind" I said. Davy made to get up.

"It's okay son, stay down here with Karl, I'll see to it and be back in a minute" I said.

I climbed up and checked the light; it was holding so far. I started back down and felt the building sway ever so slightly. I hoped our guest had kept Davy's attention off the storm. If he noticed the shaking, he might leave me on the next boat. When I came back into the main quarters, my assistant and our guest were looking calmer. It was then I noticed the bottle of rum next to the coffee pot; seems Mr. Mason had spiked coffee for the two of them. Well, at least Davy was in better spirits.

"Might I join you in your nerve tonic?" I asked.

"Why certainly" Karl said, "Help yourself."

I poured myself a half and half and sat back to sip the concoction as another blast of wind shook our shelter. The gusts had been going on for around a half hour when the wind force began to lessen. Within an hour, though it was still somewhat windy, it was mostly heavy rain as the bulk of the storm had moved ashore. According to my clock, it was 11:37 and the three of us were quite tipsy. I stood up and staggered toward the stairs but Davy caught up to me and said he would check the light this time. I acquiesced and sat back down, letting the youth go up. Karl yawned and asked about the sleeping arrangements. I hadn't really thought about the fact that we only had the one bed, since lighthouses didn't really have company. Davy came swaying back into the room and reported that the light had successfully remained lit even through the gusts.

"We can't have our guest on the floor, Davy" I slurred, "would you mind making a pallet for yourselves and let the old men have the bed?"

"Of course, Sam, not a problem. I feel like I'll sleep like a log anyway with the cobwebs I have in my head" he said.

"Well, that's settled then" I said. We shifted to the bedroom and I pulled extra blankets and a pillow and made a makeshift bed for Davy, then began to undress for bed.

Mr. Mason was a step ahead of me. He had removed his shirt and had a chest full of thick auburn hair on display. The carpet of hair continued across hit stomach and disappeared into his trousers. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Davy, whose timidity was gone due the drink, climbed naked into his bed of the night. As I was unbuttoning my trousers, I notices Karl had already removed his and laid them on the dresser and was absentmindedly scratching at the dense bush of auburn hair surrounding an ample thick todger. I threw my pants over the chair and moved under the covers. When Karl slid in, I could smell the spicy smell of his body next to mine, and my penis which had heretofore been behaving began to chub up. I tried to ignore the situation and turned toward Karl to ask if he was ready for me to douse the light. When I looked over, there was a large tented spot in the covers even though he looked to be asleep already. I blew out the light and tried to go to sleep but the thought of what lay beneath the sheets kept me awake for a long time.

When I awoke later, it was still dark and Karl was gone. I assumed he had to answer nature's call as did I, so I got up and tiptoed out onto the deck to relieve myself. The moon had come out after the storm passed and, in the moonlight, I could see the stream of piss arching out over the rail into the sea below. I nonchalantly stepped up beside him and let loose my stream as well. As I shook off the dribbles, I felt his big hand rub up and down my naked back. I looked over at him and he smiled.

"I had a feeling you were one of my kind" he said, his hand wandering down precipitously toward virgin territory.

"I have always believed it is better to give than to receive" I said jovially.

"Hmm, then we are at an impasse, I subscribe to the same philosophy" he laughed.

"There are still things we could do you know..." I said, trailing off as my hand encircled his engorged tube. Karl, like Davy had ample foreskin hanging far past his head. I peeled it back and lay the head of mine on top of his, then pulled the skin back over both; stroking us as our cockheads rolled one around the other inside the skin.

"I think I'd like to taste you" he said quietly, disconnecting us and going into a stoop in front of me. Once he'd pulled my skin all the way back, I felt the burning heat of his mouth engulf me. He focused on the end for a while then, quite by surprise, he dove down and I felt the muscles of his throat contract around my shaft as he buried me deep down in his neck. Afterwards, he went back to sucking on the head while pulling my skin back and forth. When he went down the next time his middle finger circled my rosebud and gently attempted to enter. As he pulled off, I filled his mouth with my juices. He stood up and grabbed the back of my head and drew me to him, sharing my own essence with me. I reached for his manhood and found it drawn tight against his stomach. It was my turn to drop down to my knees and return the favor he just bestowed on me. I buried my nose in the auburn thicket and inhaled the manly, musky odor there as I gently sucked in one ball, then the other before licking up to the tip of his peter.

As I pulled the skin back, I could smell the mix of his natural musk and that of the seminal fluid I had deposited there earlier. I tried to copy the actions he used on me but whereas I was more average sized, Karl must have been around nine inches in length and thicker than me as well. I tried to swallow him several times but started gagging each time. Finally, on probably my fifth attempt when I pushed down, he pressed my head firmly and I felt the thick head start moving into my airway. It was a tight fit and when I started backing off to breath, the monster starting firing jet after jet of thick warm liquid into my gaping maw. Following his lead, I stood and met his kiss to feed him his juices. Finally sated, Karl went back to bed and I checked the fuel on the lamp one final time before settling down. When I got into the bed this time I could tell from his heavy, regular breathing that Karl was fast asleep.

"I saw what you did" came a whisper from the dark room. I pretended to be asleep until sleep finally obliged me. This situation could wait until morning.

Lambodara 4/5/21

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Next: Chapter 3

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