Keep the change

By Benjamin Nimajneb

Published on Mar 24, 2019



Well, it's not like I did not know my boyfriend F. prefers to be a slightly submissive bottom, but we both did not know from each others kinky bedtime reading.

At least so I think while I am writing this story down.

And we are not even very secretive as individuals.

For example he told me his access code for his mobile phone for like about a millions times and I continue to forget it, although he never changed it since he told me the first time.

And I do not even have one for mine.

Yeah I know, it's not very smart in case of theft.

But somehow I never fell victim to something like that and maybe it is because I am a tall guy or more likely it is because I never buy the expensive stuff.

So one time when my phone was charging and he gave me his so I could do some proper research on google on another topic we were politely arguing about I made a discovery by just typing in the letter "n".

Could it be that I am not the only one who is reading those marvelous stories? Do we have the same kind of taste when it comes to Does he know I am reading those too or is he reading them because he saw them on my phone?

A lot more questions came to my mind and I had to keep wondering.

Sure, we are honest and forthright enough to talk about this, but I wanted to make an approach that is more creative than this, so that I started to write this down and put it on for everyone to see who seems interested while I am hoping just one special guy will react.

He still is this sweet and funny guy I met on our first date but somehow he became more than that and that is a change that I want him to keep, just like his need for a lot more loose cash in bed although he is not bothered about a calamity.

to be continued soon...

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