Keep America Gay

By Pike Mence

Published on Jun 5, 2019



Keep America Gay

Wrote this and put iton another forum but the fags there got their panties in a bunch and couldn't handle it. I expect better things from you here.

"Sandy!" a blonde woman shouted from the remote corner of a Starbucks, waving at me. I waved back, before approaching the counter to order my Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino, smiling as the bright rainbow cup reminded me of the glorious Pride month. The beautiful black barista handed me my cup with a smile and I told her to keep the change — after all, it was my privilege.

"Hey Hill." I finally said as I joined my friend in her table. "How's it going?" I asked as I took a sip from the cup, grimacing slightly at the taste of whole regular milk. I forgot to specify I wanted soy milk, but I didn't want to bother the poor woman and force her to undergo further labour. The taste of regular milk just reminded me of the poor cows suffering for our selfish human needs.

"Deplorable," she sighed as she rolled her eyes. "I found out my superior earns twice of what I do. It's so unfair even though he's been there for ten years! And then people bother to say the wage gap doesn't exist. That's why I just didn't bother to come back after lunch time, maybe they will learn the lesson. I bet the CEO is a Republican."

"You're right," I said, forcing myself to take another sip from my frappuccino. "I can't believe we still live in this misogynistic world where men make decisions about women's wages. I think the CEO should step down and let a strong woman take charge."

"Shout it louder for the ones in the back!" Hill cheered, clapping once as she did so. Everyone else in the coffee shop clapped as well. "That's the tea."

"Soon we're going to change this. The election is tomorrow. And this time it is HER turn!" I yelled and stood up while I shouted it, the entire coffee shop erupting in louder claps and cheers.

"You alright, white boy!" a black man in sunglasses pointed at me with a smile.

I blushed. I had already slayed my day.

Hill and I kept chatting over important affairs that meant a lot to us. Gender pronouns, safe spaces, the importance of diversity and why people of colour founded every society until racist white devils enslaved them all. It was very important to speak about these things with someone who shared the exact same opinions as you. After all, challenging opinions with wrong ideas was very dangerous and a serious threat to our democracy. I was glad that no one in the coffee shop had different opinions, or else I would have had no choice but to go outside and wave a sign that says "Hate has no home here."

"By the way, how are things going with that fucking white male?" Hill asked, which made me drop my coffee cup. I almost had a panic attack, but the sound of an empowering Cardi B song about drugging men in hotel rooms and stealing their money prevented me from having a triggering PTSD moment.

"Ugh, don't talk about him." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

Hill was referring to my college roommate, Ronald. I was on my last year of studying Marxist Feminist Dance Therapy, and due to a mix-up in assignments (I had specified for a person of colour so I could be daily reminded of how much of an oppressor I was with my whiteness and be able to apologize for it daily), I had been paired with that walking trigger warning. Ronald was a proud conservative, and the poster boy for the Republicunt Party: blonde, blue-eyed, 200lbs of pure muscle and testosterone. He always wore that damned red "Make America Great Again" hat, along with a star-and-stripes tank top that did nothing to hide his bulging arms. It was clear that he was a nationalist, which disgusted me as he clearly did not want to acknowledge the fact that we live in the worst country in the world, and the only country that has ever committed atrocities. Since we shared a room, I was forced to wake up every morning with the sight of our disgusting flag (to which Ronald swore the pledge of allegiance to every day, proving his racism), along with a picture of him in red shorts with an eagle resting on his arm. Worse, he had a framed picture of himself posing with the so-called "President." (I refuse to acknowledge that man as such. After all it was her turn). I tried to throw it out once, but I was afraid he would kill me and no judge would sentence him, since homophobia is protected by every single judge, even the gay ones. Everyone knows this.

"We should do something about him." Hill said. "After all, the election is tomorrow. Poor oppressed people will be disenfranchised from voting if they see him!"

"I know, but what do you want me to do? As a minority, I have no power over him. He rules society as a straight white male, and no straight white male has ever gotten in trouble!"

"How do you know he's straight?" Hill asked me with a curious tone. "Maybe he is in the closet!"

"He brags about fucking the p-word every day!"

"Ugh, that's so transphobic. You're supposed to call it a front hole. I hate people like that!"

"Me too!"

"I know! Tell him that if he votes tomorrow, you will expose his details on Twitter. I am sure we can get the resistance to do something about him!"

I grinned as I finished my drink, before taking out a pack of edible insects, my new main diet to combat climate change. Hill grinned back at me and we started devising the perfect plan.

The next day, I waited until Ronald came back from his classes to put the plan in motion. I knew he and his macho friends would only vote as a group to try and oppress and marginalize many powerful resistance fighters from voting for the only correct option, and he had left his voter ID, another tool of the oppressive Republicans, at home. After all, undocumented humans are Americans too!

I almost got a heart attack, panic attack, stroke and heat shock when Ronald barged in through our room door, breaking consent as he always did by not knocking first. The first thing he did was to rip out a fart and oppress me with his loud sound, before he saw me and apologized.

"Sorry, buddy!" he exclaimed, flashing an oppressive pearly straight white smile at me. "Had been holding this one for ages. Ate too much Indian in the cantine." Of course he would eat ethnic food and appropriate their culture.

I merely rolled my eyes in silence to express my disgust, putting down my "We Should All Be Feminists" book.

"I'm going to the polling station now, buddy. Do you want a ride?" he asked as he picked up his car keys, of course being one of those savages who drove a gas-guzzling car instead of taking public transport like everyone else should.

"I'm not going to be seen together with a fascist like you at the polls!" I shouted back with venom.

"C'mon man. I know we don't see things the same way politically, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"You want to force poor, helpless women to bear parasites inside them for nine months!"

"Aw little man, that doesn't mean I'm against all abortions. Republicans aren't a hivemind. But fine then, I'll just go on my own."

"Don't call me that! That's is a gendered term and it's sexist!" I shouted again, before finally shaking my head and standing off my bed. I was 5'11' short and weighed 110 pounds, which I was glad about, because it meant my size didn't oppress and intimidate women.

"Fine, I'm gonna go then." Ronald said, beginning to turn around, before he turned back. "Oops, forgot this," he said, opening his bed stand drawer and grabbing a gun, which he safely deposited and locked in his belt. That was the final straw for me.

"You're not going anywhere!" I yelled, my voice squeaking slightly. That certainly shocked him, because he turned around to face me. "You are not going to go vote for a sexist oppressive misogynist racist transphobic fatphobic homophobe fascist nazi authoritarian rich megalomaniac shithead who is also ORANGE. No! You are going to stay in this room with me until the end of the day!"

"Why would I do that?" Ronald asked, unable to suppress a chuckle.

"Because if you don't, I am going to expose you on Twitter and doxx you. That's right, I will tell everyone where you live and personally finance a GoFundMe so they can purchase soy milkshakes to throw at you! So you better not step out of this room!"

"Aw man." Ronald complained with a sad tone. "You can't do this to me. How will I find some pussy to score if I can't leave this room? That's unfair!"

"DON'T TALK ABOUT WOMEN'S BODIES LIKE THAT!" I screamed with a high-pitched tone, before realizing how offensive my statement could be. Not all women have vaginas after all. There are women with feminine dicks.

"Who ever said anything about women?" Ronald asked with a sly grin, which made me pause.

"Wha?" I asked, before the sudden realization hit upon me. No, it couldn't be.

Ronald took a step towards me, his grin growing upon his thin lips, typical for all white people. He didn't stop until my face was at the same level with his chest, golden body hair peeking out from under it in a familiar toupee shape.

"If I am going to stay in this room, I might as well get some pussy."

"B-But... you're straight! You're always bragging about the pussy you score!"

"Am I?" Ronald chuckled, resting two big hands on top of my shoulders, which made me gulp, knowing what having big hands meant. "I should have been more specific about the kind of pussy I love. Boypussy."

"B-but you're not in the LGBTQAI2S+ society!"

"I said I'm gay. Not a fag," he laughed, his hands teasing my nipples, making me wince and moan as he did so. "Nice tits," he commented.

"P-Please don't-"

"Don't worry, chum. I'm not gonna hurt ya. Here, let this clear your head." Ronald grinned as he grabbed his red hat.

"Nooooooo!" I pleaded, frozen with fear, but it was hopeless.

"No means yes!" Ronald laughed. As soon as he placed his hat on my head, it was as if it fit instantly. My mind cleared with peace and Ronald consumed me in a tight hug, patting my back. "Mmm... a bit too skinny for my tastes, but you'll fit," he commented, before his hands trailed down to squeeze my ass cheeks roughly. "You know what they say. Grab'em by the-"

He couldn't finish his sentence, a notification from my Xiaomi sounding. He merely grabbed my phone and turned it off. I would usually be triggered by him infringing on my personal space, but right now it was like... I didn't care as much.

"Now, where were we? Ah, I remember now. Let's Make You Great Again."

Ronald nonchalantly threw me onto my bed, where I landed on my Rainbow Flag sheets, of course having bought a new version that included the black and brown stripes to welcome people of colour and show their importance. I gasped when Ronald pulled back my short jean shorts and Lady Gaga underwear in one go, smacking my pale white ass as he did so. I couldn't resist turning around and see as he pulled down his own shorts to reveal his erect white Washington Monument, logically uncut because he supported that anti-semitic anti-circumcision movement.

When his cock filled me up in one go, I let out a moan like I had never done before. It felt sublime, amazing, filling me with a sensation of pure bliss and raw pride for my country.

Wait, pride?

"What's the greatest country in the world?" Ronald asked with another smack that left a scarlet-striped American flag mark in my other ass cheek. The answer was obvious and immediate.

"America!" I shouted, feeling his dick now buried in me to the hilt, an inch inside me for each Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

"That's right, bro!" he exclaimed with a laugh as he started thrusting his hips, each thrust filling me with more joy than I had ever felt in my life. There were tears in my eyes of pure happiness, and as I looked up in my wall to see my autographed Glee cast poster, I realized how tacky it looked. Out of nowhere, his hand smacked the wall, gluing a print of the flag there. "Recite the pledge!" he commanded.

"I pledge allegiance... aah!" I moaned as he gave me another hard thrust. How did I know these words? I always refused to utter such racist sentences when I was the student council president in school, having proudly been elected as the first gay president! "The Flag of the United States of America, OH GOD!" I moaned even louder as he slammed hard against me once more. I had never said that word before, being a proud amazing rational atheist and now he had me "With liberty and justice for... ooh... ALL!"

By the time I had finished repeating the pledge, Ronald instructing me on reciting it word by word and helping me fill the gaps, I had a wide grin on my face and was drooling against the sheets, a complete look of ecstasy in my eyes. The need to cum was rising inside me, but Ronald suddenly stopped, as if sensing it, turning me around.

"You're not getting off until you say it," he stated, beginning to fuck me hard again.

"No... don't make me say... AAH!" I pleaded, but began moaning like I was in heat again, almost able to swear I was seeing stars. The words came to me in my mind, but I tried my best to not say them, knowing that would be the end of me.

"Say it, buddy..." he repeated with each thrust. "Say it." Another thrust. "SAY IT!"

"LET'S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" I finally shouted and with that came with such a violent orgasm that almost knocked me out, my cock shooting ropes upon ropes of cum that landed all over my hair, face and chest.

"LOW ENERGY!" Ronald shouted back, as he came with his own orgasm, his cock filling me up with so much proud, 100% American seed that it dripped out of my ass like an oil leak that would get me invaded if anyone found out. He then pulled back from me and grabbed his American-made iPhone X, connecting it to his speakers to blast loud country music tunes and then pointing it at me, capturing various pictures of me in my horny state.

"Wha...?" I asked, still panting, as he turned his phone to me. He then uploaded the pictures to a website, turning his phone and letting me be aware that I was the newest MAGATwink.

"It's not just you, bro. You're gonna meet loads more like you. Now, get dressed. We gotta go vote. And I am sure you will make the correct choice now." Ronald laughed, opening his closet to reveal an American flag tank top that was just the perfect size. He handed it to me and I put it on proudly, before I grinned back to him.

"Let's Keep America Great, bro!"

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