Kaytlins Dreams

By Suzi Wright

Published on Oct 17, 2007


This story contains descriptions of lesbian sex between two females. The names were changed to protect the innocent, as well as the guilty. If lesbian sex offends you, you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. This story belongs to the author and may not be reproduced or published in any way without permissionof the owner.

First Weekend

Friday evening finally arrived. We hadn't seen each other during the week but we had both masturbated more than once and talked about it. On Wednesday night we had a mutual masturbation while on the phone. I couldn't believe I was doing phone sex but the conversation we were having just led us into it and we both got some needed relief.

We went out to dinner. I wanted for us to feel at ease together being out in public. Seafood was her choice so thats what we had. We ate, talked, laughed and just had a great time as we relaxed and forgot about the rest of the world.

Back at the apartment, relaxing in front of the TV, I suddenly got up and onto my knees, straddling her legs. I started kissing her like a maniac of some kind. We were still fully dressed except for shoes. I was wearing a mid-thigh skirt that worked its way up to my hips when I spread my knees. Kaytlin's hands began rubbing my bare thighs and found their way to the wet crotch of my thong. She put both hands between my thighs and pulled my thong down a little by grasping the wet section covering my pussy but she only pulled it enough to get her fingers to my lips. All the while we were having a tongue war she was working fingers into me and something felt very strange about it. Soon I realized that she had not fingers in me but both thumbs pushing into me. She had slid one hand on each side past my thong and extended her thumbs so one was pushing in and and the other out of me in short alternating strokes. Just the thought of what she was doing was extremely erotic. I had never been fucked with two hands at once like that. I leaned my upper body back a bit and looked down at her hands. She was watching too as she pushed deeper and then finally as deep as they would go. I put my hands on her shoulders and leaned back as far as I could while she drove those probes in and out. I closed my eyes and soon was enjoying a nice orgasm brought about in a new and unusual way. I later thought of asking what prompted her to do it that way but then I decided that I didn't need to know everything. At least not yet. We kissed a few more times and I moved away from her and laid back against the arm of the sofa with my body twisted a bit and my feet on the floor.

I looked into her face and she was glowing. She does that a lot.

I said "You have a very happy look on your face."

"I'm always happy when I am with you, Rae. I have thought of this moment almost constantly since we were together last."

I got up, reached for her hands and pulled her up with me. I turned and headed for the bedroom tugging her along. When we got to the bedroom I told her to keep standing. I kissed her and began to slowly undress her. Her breathing rate was speeding up as I slid her thong panties down her legs to the floor, making her completely nude. I stepped back two steps and just stood, staring, enjoying the beauty in front of me. The lights were on and I could see the sparse, light colored pubic hair that outlined her slightly puffy mound. Soon I would be nuzzling my face into that area and making love to a gorgeous female body. I quickly removed my own clothes and we fell onto the bed in each others arms.

She rolled so she was on top of me, kissing my face all over. I could feel her pelvis pushing against me and was aware that our breasts were trying to spear each other with rock hard nipples. Suddenly she stopped, raised up on her knees and moved up over my face where she lowered her gorgeous puffy lips to my mouth as she steadied herself with her hands on the headboard. I began to lick and work my lips against her but it was unnecessary as she moved her hips forward and back fucking herself with my face. I put my hands on her waist and just let her go at it. Her wetness had my chin, lips and nose lubricated and she was on a roll. It wasn't long until I knew she was getting close from her breathing. Her head was back, her arms were stiff and she was pressing hard against me as she rolled her hips. When she came, she snorted like a horse, pushed against my face even harder and the hip movement stopped. As she sucked air through her nose it made a whistling sound. Then when she let it out through her mouth it was just a 'whooooosh'.

Finally she moved off and laid beside me. She turned her head toward me and said "Thank you, Rae."

"No need to thank me. I didn't do anything. I was trapped."

"Oh... I'm sorry about that. I just ....."

"Don't be sorry. I'm not complaining. You have nothing to be sorry about."

"Well, I just got carried away and it felt so good I couldn't stop. I had been thinking about this weekend almost constantly and..... and I have just been so horny for you."

"I know exactly what you mean, Kaytlin. I have felt the same way. I dreamed of us together and would wake up with my fingers inside me and then finish my masturbation while consciously thinking of you."

"Now..... you just relax. I want to show you how much I love you, Rae. Lay back and enjoy my loving you."

She got to her knees, put my arms above my head then kissed me, tongued me and then kissed all over my face, neck, ears, eyes, nose and back to my mouth. I was breathing harder already. Her face moved down my chest to my erect nipples which she toyed with using only her tongue tip and her lips. I could feel the wetness oozing out of me and my breasts felt so tight they almost ached. I think she licked ever square inch of my breasts, over and over. My god I was hot. I wanted her to suck my pussy right then but I knew she was on her own schedule and by the time she got to that part I was going to be ready to explode. On down she moved, to my navel where she played with it using only her tongue tip, around the edge, then probing and rotating her tongue around it.

Using the flat of her tongue, she licked down to my mound where she kissed and licked everywhere except into the top of my slit. My legs were spread wide open and she kissed and licked that zone between my lips and my thighs, not actually touching my lips. I was finding it extremely difficult to lay still and her hands were on my hip bones pushing me back against the bed. I wanted her hot wet mouth on my pussy. I reached for her.

"Keep your arms above your head. This is my show."

So I put them back over my head and let her continue. And continue she did. Kissing, licking, nibbling the insides of both thighs as she worked her way down my legs. Her soft warm hands massaged my calves as she licked my knees. Kissing on down to my feet as she held me by my ankles. She kissed each toe of each foot, one at a time all the while looking up at my face as I was watching her. She stopped and just looked at me watching her, smiled and then began to suck my toes in between her lips and nibble them lightly. It was so erotic I thought I was going to come way too early. Then she licked to the tops of my feet and started back up my legs.

I thought to myself "If she doesn't stop and lick my pussy, I am going to grab her head and smash her face into my sopping lips."

She moved up at a faster rate and the way I was twitching and squirming she knew I was ready for some real contact. Finally she made her way to my feverish crotch. She kissed just at the top of my slit, then pulled back and went down to the bottom just near my butt cleft and with the flat of her tongue, licked hard all the way to my clit when she just pushed as hard as she could with her tongue. Needless to say, I was just about out of it.

Her tongue rolled into a spear and she dragged it down my slit with just enough pressure to spread my puffy lips slightly. Up and down like that several times penetrating a little more with each directional change. I felt her stiffened tongue penetrate my entrance as she tongue fucked me and I pushed against her face. That drove her to viciously attack my dripping pussy with her lips and tongue as she licked me all over, in and out and back again. I was making sounds but I am not sure what they were. Moans, groans, guttural grunts I am sure emerged from my throat as my hips rose and fell to the movements of her mouth and tongue. Then I felt her fingers tugging at my clitoral hood and I knew she was getting ready to move there. Her tongue slid up to my clit and I think I screamed her name. Several fngers penetrated my pussy entrance and began to slide in and out in a forceful rhythm with my thrusting hips.

Her lips and tongue were lashing my clit as I felt my body being engulfed in intense heat. I felt like I was on fire as my orgasm erupted. I felt my legs automatically close on her head, my hands went to the back of her head and I pulled her into my wetness as I humped her face with an absolutely vicious attack from my hips. In a short while the pulsating waves of orgasm began to subside but she was still there licking and nibbling my clit as her fingers almost punishingly slid in and out of me. I felt another orgasm rolling up and I think she knew. Her efforts seemed even more forceful as the second one washed over me. It didn't last as long and when it faded, so did I. I just collapsed and laid there with her mouth still on me. I couldn't move. I was totally spent and my breath was coming in short, gasps of inhalation which didn't seem to be helping me much.

Finally she stopped licking and sucking on me. Her fingers left me empty and she rose to her knees and just looked at me with a smirk on her face. She moved to lay beside me, put her leg over mine, pushed her wet mound against my hip and nestled her face into my hair.

"How do you feel now, Rae?"

"You are.........an animal...... Kaytlin" I managed to say between short breaths.

"Whatever do you mean? You didn't like what I did?" as she lightly kissed my ear.

"Baby, I loved it. Every lick, every suck, every touch. It was just overpowering. So much so that I don't know when I am going to be able to return any of it to you."

"I don't need anything. At least not right now. I had a pretty good orgasm myself while you were enjoying your first one. I was so happy for you and loved knowing what I was doing for you that all of a sudden I was coming too. What a feeling I had. So........ we can rest, just be close and enjoy the afterglow."

I turned my face to hers and we kissed several times before I turned my body to hers and our legs rubbed together as our breasts and nipples made contact as well. We hugged and kissed for several minutes before we stopped and decided to go wash up and then get some sleep.

I don't think either of us woke up all night. When I woke up I turned my head to look at Kaytlin and she was awake too, lying on her back looking at the ceiling and smiling.

"Why are you looking so happy this morning?"

"If everyone in the world was as happy as I am right now, it would truly be a wonderful world, Rae."

While I was just watching her gorgeous face, she said "Ok. You won't let us stay in here all day. What are we going to do?"

"Well.... we are going out to breakfast... actually Saturday brunch since it is ten o'clock already or it may just be called lunch by the time we shower and get dressed. Then we are going shopping and buy a few things for you to keep here. You know, toothbrush, hair stuff, maybe a few clothing items and.... who knows. We will have dinner out again and then come back here. Do I hear any complaints?"

"No Ma'am. I wouldn't dare." she snickered.

So after showers, a few kisses and hugs, we finally got dressed and left. We stopped at a fast food place and sat in a booth while we gobbled burgers and fries. Then we went shopping.

We found the items we had on our list and looked at a few clothes. I bought her a pair of capris and a couple of really cute tops to go with them then picked up a pair for myself. I thought maybe they would make me look younger for her.

Then my mind wandered to the Toy Store. The adult toy store that is. On our way back home, I steered us in that direction. When we were just about there I said "Oh, there's that store I couldn't remember where it was. Let's go in. Try to look 18 years old? If they know you are 17 you won't let you stay."

"OK, I'll be good."

So I held the door for her and in we went. Of course you can't seen in from outside, and can't see out from inside. We slowly walked around the perimeter just looking and talking in whispers about the things on display. I had to explain some of it for her but I think she was genuinely interested.

There was a woman, probably the proprietor, sitting at a desk behind the sales counter. She had looked up when we came in but turned back and paid no more attention. While we were surveying the stores wares, a very attractive dark haired young girl came through a doorway in the back. She was tall, long dark probably naturally wavy hair, slim and walked with a .... no she glided instead of walking as she came toward us.

"Anything I can help you with?" she asked quietly.

I was standing between her and Kaytlin. When we both looked her way I could see a change in her expression.

"Kaytlin?" she asked.

Kaytlin gave her a quick once over and replied "Beth? Gosh, its been a while. You look so .... so.... older I guess."

She stepped past me and stood close to Kaytlin as she spoke softly "You aren't 18 are you Kaytlin?"

"No I'm not.... and neither are you."

"Sshhh.... I need this job. I fibbed about my age. I will be 18 in a couple of months though."

"Well, I won't tell if you don't. OK?"

"Deal. Introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh, I'm sorry.. yes...Rae this is my friend Beth that I told you about. Beth this is my close friend, Rae."

We said our greetings and glad to meet you things but Beth's eyes were fixed on Kaytlin. I wondered what was up but I wouldn't ask until later.

Kaytlin turned to me and said "What are we looking for Rae?"

"Nothing in particular unless you wanted to maybe get your own vibe to leave at the apartment."

"You've already spent a lot of money today. Maybe we should wait on that."

"It's up to you. We can keep looking around since you haven't been here before if you want."

"Yes, let's do that and I will think about it."

I looked at Beth and she was looking at me and I wondered if maybe she didn't approve of Kaytlin and I being together. I smiled as I took Kaytlin's arm and we moved along.

Beth came with us and I heard her ask Kaytlin, "What did you tell her about me?"

"Very little. Just about the last time I stayed at your house overnight. I'm sure you remember that."

"Of course I do. Why didn't you ever come back? or call?"

"I didn't think you wanted to see me again from the way you acted and since we went to different schools everything just kind of faded away I guess. You could have called me you know?"

Beth just looked at her a few seconds before she said "I guess we both were a bit shy about that night and kind of let things put a fence between us."

"I guess so. But... I am with Rae now and even though you and I maybe should have kept in touch.....I guess the past is the past."

I listened intently to the conversation, mainly because Kaytlin was holding my arm so I couldn't get away. I wondered if there was more to the story of Beth and Kaytlin than she had told me.

Kaytlin picked up a penis shaped vibe kind of like mine and held it out to me saying "This is kind of like yours only smaller isn't it?"

I took it from her and looked it over. The penis part was barely six inches and it was only about one inch in diameter. But it had balls and a two speed switch. I handed it back to her and she held it in her hands as she looked it over again.

"If you think you like that one, you may have it. I think every girl should have a vibe."

"OK, Rae. This one it is. Yours is bigger but mine is prettier, " she said with a smile.

So she picked up one in an unopened package and we journeyed to the pay station where I presented my credit card for payment. Beth took it, scanned it and in a few seconds handed me the receipt to sign, which I did and handed it back as I put my receipt into the bag with the vibe.

"Nice seeing you again Kaytlin and meeting you Rae. Thank you and come back in soon," Beth said walking us to the door.

I went out first and went down the two steps to the pavement when I realized that she wasn't right behind me. I turned around and Kaytlin was standing in the open doorway and Beth had her hand on Kaytlin's arm just below the elbow. I couldn't hear what what was being said.

Kaytlin only nodded as far as I knew. She came down the steps, put her arm in mine and said "Let's go home."

We walked quietly for a while before my curiosity got the best of me and I had to ask.

"Did you and Beth have more of a relationship than you told me about?"

"Yes.... but it really wasn't much... not really a relationship. We were just friends. We had talked a lot and hugged frequently. When we would leave each other's home we would hug and sometimes a quick peck on the lips. We had talked about boys of course, which I had no interest in, and girls as well."

"I see."

"I'm not finished yet Rae..... I guess I kind of led the conversation a few times and we talked about girls and sex and boys and sex. I revealed to her that I was more attracted to girls and had no interest in boys at all. It didn't seem to bother her and she revealed that she liked seeing the other girls at her school in the locker rooms. But she never made any mention of a sexual attraction to me or any other girl."

"That was shortly before the episode that I told you about. I had a crush on her. You saw how pretty she is and I truly wanted to have a relationship with her. I thought that we were on our way to something but when she made me stop and then acted as if she was appalled by what we had done, I just figured it was over and .... I never called her and she never called me."

"The way she looked at you Kaytlin,.... I'm not sure its over... at least for her. Do I need to ask about your feelings?"

"No Rae. You don't. I love you."

"I love you too Kaytlin."

We walked in silence for a couple of minutes when I had to open my big yap again.

"Kaytlin,... I have to ask.... what did she say to you at the door as we left?"

"I wondered if you were going to get to that....... she told me that she had thought of me often and now that I knew where to find her.... if I ever wanted to talk.... I could call her there at the store or come by and see her."

"I noticed that you only nodded and didn't seem to say anything back to her."

"No I didn't actually give her any kind of answer. I only nodded to let her know that I understood what she meant."

I stopped her by taking hold of her arm. I turned her toward me and kissed her right on the mouth. We hugged and kissed on the sidewalk, in the daylight, neither of us caring who might see.

Back at the apartment we had a quick show and tell with our new clothes and in the end we were both naked, sitting on the sofa in the living room.

I said "Do you want to try out your new ..... uh... plaything?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Well.... you should at least check it out and see if it works ... and... see how you like it."

That bag was on the kitchen table. She went to get it and tore the package open. She brought it to me with the battery. It held one AA battery. I looked at it and figured out that the base just twisted a half turn and came off to expose the battery spot. I put the battery in, closed it up and turned the switch. It buzzed and vibrated. I turned it off, handed it to her and she held it in both hands as if it was going to try to escape.

I pushed her back against the arm of the sofa. She turned on the vibe and just held it up.

I said "You do it. Do anything and everything you think might feel good to you. You won't hurt it and it won't hurt you. Just have fun while I watch and enjoy seeing you pleasure yourself."

She rubbed it on her belly and up toward her ribs. I saw her shiver a little but I also saw something else. It was dragging against her skin. I told her to hold up a minute. I went to the bedroom and got some K-Y and went back and applied a very light coat to the vibe so it would slide better.

She rubbed it all over her front with it buzzing. Over her navel, up to her breasts, around the nipples which stiffened immediately to what I thought was an even higher erection than I had seen before on her. Her breathing was speeding up, her eyes were closed and we were both enjoying her first encounter with a sexual toy. She brought it to her face and her tongue slipped out to caress the end of it a little.

I said "I thought you said you weren't interested in anything like that.'

"This is not a boy. This is mine..... and sometimes will probably be yours too. Not the same thing." as she slid it into her mouth and closed her lips on it.

She pulled it out just as quickly saying "Oh god.... that's awesome. That tingle..... but I could never do that with a boy."

I just smiled and watched. She was like a baby taking her first steps. Her fingers went to her mound while the vibe played with her nipples again. Then she dragged it down, down , down to her crotch where she opened her lips with her fingers and ran the vibe up and down her open wet lips. She rubbed it up and down her slit, holding it with both hands. Her knees were up, her legs spread and I saw her hunch up at the vibe a few times.

I leaned over her and kissed her soft warm lips and then whispered into her ear "You can push it inside you if you want and it will give you an unbelievable feeling if you later slip it up onto your clit."

She just nodded without saying anything or opening her eyes. I could see she was getting on down the road to satisfaction and I wanted so badly to help her but I resisted because I wanted her to do it all herself.

Just then she pushed it inside her, all the way to its balls. Her hips pushed up off the sofa and her hands pushed the vibe in and out of her wet pussy as she fucked herself with it. I mostly watched her facial expressions as she masturbated with it still using both hands. Her eyes were tightly closed, her mouth was set and she was snorting as she breathed in and out of her nose. Then her left hand moved from the vibe to her clit and she rubbed it wildly as she continued to pump the vibe in and out.

She arched her body from the sofa and as her orgasm soared through her body, she whimpered, moaned and made unintelligible noises. She let go of the vibe but it was still buzzing and sticking inside her but as she moved around it began to slide out. I reached for it and turned it off as I pulled the last inch or so out of her.

Her arms reached for me and pulled me to her face. She kissed me and kissed me until I thought I was going to faint from lack of oxygen.

I broke away as she said "Ohhh.. Rae.... now I know why you have one of those. That was really great. But... you are so much better for me than that toy is."

"Good. I use mine when you aren't here. You may take yours with you and use it at home if you want. In fact, I wouldn't care if you let Beth.... and I mean your sister Beth... use it on herself."

She laughed and said "My sister Beth would love using that. I will take it with me tomorrow when I go back to Mom's"

"I noticed you said 'back to Mom's' ... instead of back home."

She thought for a second or two then said, "Rae... this is my home. This is where I belong. Where Mom and Beth live is the place where I stay when I am not home with you."

I pulled her off the sofa to the floor with me. We kissed and hugged over and over. I was so captivated by this young beauty, I couldn't keep my hands off her.

We soon were in a 69 on the carpet with her on top. We licked and sucked each other until I could see she was getting near another orgasm. I had already enjoyed one of my own and was concentrating on her.

I reached over to find the vibe which was on the floor. It was still slick with K-Y and her juices. I picked it up and held it by the base as I licked and sucked her pink, wet pussy while it slid around on my face as she rotated her hips.

When she was just at her orgasmic edge, I pushed the tip of the vibe against her rosebud. She moaned and I pushed a little more. It slid in just a bit. I waited a couple of seconds and pushed again as I felt it pop past the sphincter and she squealed a little. I turned the switch on to low speed.

She screamed, her orgasm rumbled over her and her body shook like a leaf in the wind. The vibe was up to its balls in her ass. My tongue was all over her pussy and I had hold of her hips with my hands. She had stopped licking me and I didn't care. She was laboring for breath. I took one hand to the base of the vibe and began pushing it in and out of her ass as her orgasm continued. Her grunts and almost screams continued for a few more seconds until I quit servicing her pussy and then gently pulled the vibe from her ass before I turned it off.

She fell against me and just laid there, almost lifeless but I could hear her still gasping for air. Finally she stirred and rolled off of me onto her back beside the sofa.

"Rae... you are gonna..... kill me...."

"No I'm not. I am going to make you a very happy girl."

"You mean I could be happier than I am right now? That isn't possible."

I laughed and moved over to kiss her but it was a short kiss as she still needed air.

I pulled myself to standing and reached for her. I helped her up and escorted her weak body to the bedroom. I pushed her onto her back on the bed, grabbed some tissues and blotted away gobs of liquid from her pussy lips and also from between the cheeks of her ass.

After flushing that down the toilet I returned to the bed. She was lightly snoring. I slipped in beside her, turned to face her and watched her sleep until I fell asleep myself.

..................to be continued..........

Thank you for reading my story.

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Send them to....."Suzi" at .......... Storeegurl@yahoo.com

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