Kaytlins Dreams

By Suzi Wright

Published on Mar 31, 2007


This story contains descriptions of lesbian sex between two females. The names were changed to protect the innocent, as well as the guilty. If lesbian sex offends you, you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. This story belongs to the author and may not be reproduced or published in any way without permissionof the owner.

The Next Morning

I thought surely we would wake up and make love again during the night but we both slept soundly through the night. I woke up lying on my back away from her. She was on her side facing me but there was space between our bodies. I smiled and thought about how happy I was to have her with me like that. I slipped out of bed, went to the bathroom and then to the kitchen to make coffee.

While I was looking to see what we could have for breakfast, I heard her voice.

"You really look cute from behind all bent over like that. Wish I had my camera."

"You better know better than to take a picture of me like that, Girl."

"Just kidding, Rae. Good morning. What a beautiful morning. I am rested and the girl of my dreams is here with me. What could be better?"

She walked up beside me and we kissed pressing our bare bodies together. It was a long kiss, not overly passionate but a very loving kiss. We just stood and hugged afterward.

She whispered into my ear "Rae, I know it can't be done in one day or one weekend but eventually I want you to teach me everything you know about making love with another woman. The oral sex with you is absolutely mind boggling, but I know there is a lot more to lesbian sex life than that. I want to learn it all so I will be able to demonstrate my love to you in as many ways as I can."

"Kaytlin, I don't know it all. I know what I like, what I like to do and what I like to feel from someone else. You and I will experiment, try new and different things and learn together what satisfies US."

Before she could absorb that and respond, I said "Let's eat. We have cereal, toast and strawberries to top the cereal."

So we sat and ate. She too is a coffee drinker which pleased me. So much to learn about each other. After the dishes were in the dishwasher, we just automatically headed for the bedroom. It was like a magnet drawing us in.

She pushed me onto the bed and literally jumped on top of me and started kissing me everywhere. I got one leg in between hers and she began to hump against my hip. I opened my legs a bit more and her thigh was against my mound. I raised my hips just a bit and began to rub against her. Our intensity and force increased and we rubbed against each other's wetness like that until we both came at almost the same instant. She was about 5 seconds ahead of me. We lay there panting still in our locked legs position. We were both sweaty and wet but made no efforts to move away from each other.



"That was great. I had no idea something as simple as that would feel so good. It was kind of like masturbation but a hundred times better."

"And .... you have already found another way for us to make love."

"One thing.... I remember you said..... about using your vibrator when you masturbated. Could you show me.? I don't mean for you to use it. I just want to see the vibrator and you can tell me about it."

"Sure. You can see it."

I lifted her leg off me and rolled to the side of the bed. I got up and went to the dresser drawer and brought out the vibrator. It is about seven and a half inches long of the usable part. Overall it is about nine inches including the balls and switch etc.

I held it up straight as if it was an erection and heard her gasp a little.

"THAT'S HUGE !! I had no idea. I thought vibrators were little plastic things like an overgrown tube of lip gloss or something like that."

"Well, they come like that and like this and in all sizes and shapes in between. Some are just hard plastic, some are softer silicone rubber and some are like this. Shaped like a real penis and the cover is very much like real human skin. Would you like to hold it and see?"

She reached out with no hesitation. Her hand gripped it midway between head and balls. It really did look huge in her small hand. I had to smile. She rolled it around in different positions and looked it over from every angle.

I said "It can be used without turning on the vibrate mode, just using it like a dildo or fake penis."

"Pretty versatile isn't it?"

"Yes it is. Turn the switch on the bottom end. It has three speeds. Just turn it to the first position."

She did and it began to vibrate and the way she was holding it the head began to wobble back and forth a bit since it was not restrained in any way. She was mesmerized. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open as she just felt up and down the length, noting the way it felt as it vibrated in her hands.

She turned the speed up but she missed the medium position and went all the way to high. I could hear it buzzing and she almost dropped it from the surprise. She quickly turned it off and we both laughed about it.

"So you use this sometimes?"

"Yes, sometimes. I presume you have never seen or used any toy such as that?"

"Nope. I have heard of them and seen some stuff on the internet but ..... seeing it for real is quite a bit different. Tell me how you use it. Do you put it up inside you? or rub it around the outside or..."

I interrupted her "It can be used in many ways. Put it inside and work it in an out, just hold it against your lips and clit area, rub it around. You can use it on your breasts while you masturbate with the other hand or if you ever wondered what it would be like to suck on a man's penis, you can use it that way too. I am sure there are many other things a person could do with it too."

"UGH... why would I want to suck a man's penis? I have no desire to even kiss a man so I am sure I wouldn't want to do that. I have seen that on the internet too and it looks so gross when they squirt all over the girl's face. Why do they do that?"

"I can't answer that one. I have never done anything like that either and I don't have any plans or desire to try it. I will leave that to the other women of the world. To each their own. I am a lover of women."

"So am I. I guess I was just more or less thinking out loud when I said that. Does that thing hurt when you put it inside you? It looks awfully big."

"Well..... It isn't my first one. I have had two others. One was just a vibrator like you imagined. Small and easily hidden in a purse. The second was like this one only smaller, less than six inches long and not as big around. It was only one speed. I bought this one after Megan left me as I had thrown away eveything that reminded me of her."

"I guess someday I will graduate to something like that but for now I am totally satisfied with what you and I have done and I can masturbate once or twice during the week between our visits."

My mind was on 'race' as I was thinking of another gift for her. He He He. Yeah, I am a pervert in many ways but I knew she would like a vibrator if she had one. I was surprised she didn't ask if she could try mine but I think just the size made her shy away from that.

"Maybe next time I come here....... or maybe on my first full weekend...... you will show me what you do with it."

"I will. It can make you feel good if you use it and let your mind work along with it. But it isn't a replacement for anything. It is just used as a helper or a temporary substitute."

I dropped the vibe back into the drawer and returned to the bed. We both sat Indian style facing each other.

"Tell me about you and Megan."

"Oh I don't really think you...."

"Yes I do. Please?"

So I told her the hightlights of how we met, some of the things about our life together for 2 years and about the way we parted. She sat listening and not interupting at all.

When I was finished, she said "Are you really over her? I noticed a couple of times your voice broke a little."

"Yes I am. My voice broke because it upsets me so much to remember how I was treated by her. She called me Thursday evening. First time I have heard from her since she left. She is going to be in town here next week and wanted to have lunch with me. I totally refused, was very cool to her, almost cold, and told her that I didn't want to hear from her again."

"How did she take that?"

"She hung up on me, harshly I might add as she told me to have a great life."

"Hmmm.... all that sounds pretty final."

"It was final for me, Kaytlin. I could never go back with someone who treated me that way. Never."

"Well,.....if you did you would have to take me with 'cause I will never let go of you."

I moved over to her and hugged her tight against me. My face was on her shoulder and I turned to whisper in her ear.

"I don't want you to let go. I am so crazy about you it is really scary, Kaytlin. All this has happened in such a short time but I know what I feel and......it is just scary to me."

"It is scary to me as well Rae. Knowing that I am a bit shy, not that forward and aggressive, can you imagine how scared I was to face you the way I did in the restroom last week? And then to hand you that note?"

"I am glad you did. You don't know how close I came to not calling you that night."

We then kissed, softly and lovingly, over and over.

Then I told her "We are going to really get to know each other. We can't and won't spend all our time together hugging, kissing and having sex. We are going to go places and do things together and really build this relationship. Especially we will concentrate on that when we have a whole weekend together."

"You mean we can't spend the whole weekend in bed making mad passionate love?'

"NO. There are many other ways to show our love."

She made a fake whimper and when I looked at her face, her lower lip was jutting out in a big pouting gesture.

I started laughing and so did she.

Then I pushed her back onto the bed and started smothering her with kisses as I reached between her legs and began rubbing her slightly wet lips.

She said "So much for that statement. Now we make love," and then she snickered.

I said, "This is our first time to really be together. We should make the most of our short time."

She opened her legs for me and I inserted two fingers with my thumb was resting on her hood exerting just a slight pressure. I heard a soft moan escape from her throat as her knees closed and her thighs captured my hand.

"Oh....Rae.... I don't think I ...... oh... maybe I can....." as she began to work her hips with me.

Then she added "Can we do that 69 position again with me on top this time?"

How could I refuse a request like that? So I rolled onto my back with my legs straight and together. She turned and got above me on her hands and knees. I was looking up into that lovely slit of hers. The lips were together mostly with just a small separation right in the middle from her legs being spread to straddle me. It was glistening with small droplets of wetness. I looked a little higher and saw a very enticing puckered spot with virtually no hair anywhere. I logged that into memory for future excitement.

I felt her face on my thighs so I opened up and raised my knees. Her hungry mouth found the folds of my outer lips and she began to lightly lick all around the outside edges without getting into the slit between. As her tongue worked its way into me I opened my legs wide for her. Her hands gripped the backside of my thighs as she put more pressure on and her stiff tongue slipped in as far as it could go. Her head bobbed as she fucked me with her tongue and I responded with pelvic movement as I felt my oozing fluids lubricating both of us.

I put my arms up over her hips and pushed my face into her wet lips with my nose by the lower portion of her butt. I kept it there, enjoying the stimulating aroma, and I serviced her as she did me. Whatever she did I was trying to do at the same time to follow her lead. But she didn't have her nose in my cleft. Of course that would have been more difficult for her since she was on top.

Kaytlin was becoming an excellent licker. My legs closed on her head and she licked harder, working toward my clit. It had already been well stimulated by the rubbing action of her chin and when her hot tongue tip found it I was ready to blow. In a few seconds I was pushing hard against her face as I squeezed really hard with my thighs. She managed to get her fingers in me while she rode out my bucking orgasm with her tongue pushing on my clit.

All the while I was smothering myself with her beautiful pussy in my face and the heady aroma of her anal zone in my nose. She began to hump me really hard and I knew she was getting really close to coming. I slipped two fingers inside her and pumped them in and out . I had two motives for that. One was to help her get off. The second was to get at least one finger nice and slick because I had another place for it.

I pulled my fingers from her and reached around to her gorgeous butt cheeks, I worked my fingers between them and found her darker puckered entrance. I placed my wet fingertip on it and just put a little pressure on it. She moaned and pushed against it. I worked it in a little circle around the indented opening. Then I turned my hand so the finger was pointed at an entry angle. I pushed gently and the tip went in to about the first joint. I wiggled it back and forth to relax and loosen her a bit. She was moaning and calling my name as she gasped for air. I felt her pushing back against my hand and I increased the pressure. My middle finger slipped in more but not all the way. I pulled it back a little, plunged it all the way to my knuckles and stroked it in and out as her orgasm began.

She screamed "Rae.....oh.....oh....Rae..... I'm .......coming. Mmmmmph.....Mmmph.... ooohhhh.."

I felt her just go limp as she let out a big rush of breath she had been holding. I removed my finger from her and just wrapped my arms around her hips and thighs as I squeezed her to me. I knew how she felt and I was going to keep her excitement level up as long as I could. Her mound was now pressing against the top of my sternum and I was squeezing her against it.

Then I thought.....I came before she did.......first time for that and it just goes to prove......she is learning quickly and that is great for both of us.

We rested a bit after that episode before it was time to get her back home. I didn't want the first overnight to become a sticking point with her Mom. We showered quickly, dressed and walked to her Mom's house. As we walked along I was scanning the buildings and store fronts. I thought I had remembered seeing an "Adult" shop on one of the side streets on one of my walks but I didn't see it this time. I will have to check the phone book for it.

Her Mother had prepared dinner and insisted that I stay and partake with them. I tried to politely refuse but she was insistent and I finally conceded. Her brother Paul was there as well as Beth. The conversation was light and simple with no mention of my relationship with Kaytlin.

After dinner we sat in the living room and talked a while. The clock chimes announced the hour was eight o'clock and prompted me to get up and tell everyone how much I had enjoyed my visit but I had best be getting home.

I got hugs from Pam and Beth, a handshake from Paul and Kaytlin said she would walk out with me. So, out on the small porch Kaytlin and I hugged and kissed several times in the twilight, not being concerned at all about anyone seeing us.

As I walked along, not hurrying, my mind replayed the recents events in my life. I was daydreaming and when I cleared my mind I realized that I had walked four streets past where I should have turned to reach my apartment. Traffic was almost nothing and as I found myself in the middle of an intersection, I turned to head back the other direction. As I looked down the side street, I saw a familiar storefront. I quickened my pace and walked the short distance to the store with windows obscured with white paint and displaying on the door, a sign which read "Adult Magazines, Movies and Toys". It had a sign which read "closed, family death" but I know where it is now.

I made my mental notes and arrived at my apartment in about 15 minutes. I was tired so I took a bath, soaking for about an hour, adding hot water now and again to keep the temperature up. The aroma of the minty lilac bath oil filled my nostrils and just added to the dreaminess of my memories.

I dozed off. I woke up and the water had cooled a bit so I knew I didn't nap very long. I got out, dried off, strolled to the kitchen for a glass of wine and sat naked on the sofa while I sipped it.

Kaytlin and I talked on the phone almost every evening for a few minutes to catch up on the days events. We discussed the coming weekend and how wonderful it was going to be to spend a whole weekend together.

............to be continued..........

Thank you for reading my story.

Comments? Complaints? Suggestions?

Send them to....."Suzi" at .......... Storeegurl@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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