Kaytlins Dreams

By Suzi Wright

Published on Oct 21, 2006


This story contains descriptions of lesbian sex between two females. The names were changed to protect the innocent, as well as the guilty. If lesbian sex offends you, you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. This story belongs to the author and may not be reproduced or published in any way without permissionof the owner.


What a whirlwind weekend this has been. Back home in my apartment enjoying a glass of Merlot, I began to play back in my mind the events of the last 24 hours of my life. Wondering if Beth was going to be trying to take advantage of Kaytlin now that the ice is broken. I wonder that because I feel that Beth is a stronger more aggressive personality that Kaytlin, possibly because she is the second child and has been given her way more and spoiled a bit more than her older sister.

My memory drifted farther back in time to Megan, wondering if she was happy. Is she with someone? Do I care? Do I? No. She is a chapter of the past and even though it wasn't that long ago it seems eons have passed since she left. And left she did. No warning, just a disappearing act. I don't care anymore.

Kaytlin's face faded into the pictue in my mind covering Megan completely. This gorgeous young girl who has come into my life and brought me happiness at a time when I needed some brightness. Is that what this relationship is? Therapy for me? To bridge me away from memories of my time with Megan? No. She is much more than that. She just happened to appear at the right time. I have never been obsessed with anyone the way I am with her. Not even Megan. Megan was my first real love but first loves don't always last. I know that. I need a wine refill. To the kitchen I go and pour another Merlot.

I look at Kaytlin's phone number still stuck under the rubber foot of my phone. I pick it up and put it to my nose. No smell. Just a piece of paper. What did I expect, to smell her on it? Maybe I didn't need the second Merlot.

Why am I second guessing everything? Kaytlin has made me a very happy person. I want her. I want her with me. I want to be with her. What does she want? Am I just a fling or am I truly the girl-of-her-dreams?

I am the girl of her dreams. I know that. Her enthusiasm was too real for that not to be true. The look on her face and in her eyes was just too intense to be anything but real. Yes. I am hers and she is mine. And I have had too much wine. Ha ha ha.... my poetic self emerges once again. I am going to call her but first I need a short nap.

I set the wine glass by the phone and laid my head back on the arm of the couch as I stretched out for a much needed and well deserved nap. Not to mention the narcotic effect of the wine.

I slept. I dreamed. I dreamed of Kaytlin and I making love. Making love as Beth watched and waited. Waited impatiently as she paced and frowned because we were taking so long with our lovemaking and she wanted her turn. Kaytlin was ignoring her but she was a thorn in my side. Pacing and glowering at me.

Beth told Kaytlin to move it along. She was waiting and Kaytlin was holding her up. Kaytlin did not respond to her at all. Her attentions were all on me. It was like Beth wasn't even there. She came and pushed Kaytlin away from me and tried to move into the place Kaytlin had been. I pushed and pushed but Beth wouldn't budge.

I woke up, lying on my side facing the back of the couch and my arms pushing at it trying to make it go away.

I shook my head as I came fully awake. I thought, what a stupid dream. Beth loves Kaytlin and wouldn't do that. I need to talk to Kaytlin. I need to hear her voice. Tell her that I love her.

I went to the bathroom. When I returned, I picked up the phone and called Kaytlin's number. It rang four times and went to voice mail. I left her a message to call me as soon as she gets the voice mail.

Shortly my phone rang. I answered and was greeted by Kaytlin's sweet voice.

"Hi Rae. I am sorry I missed your call. I was in the shower and didn't hear it ring. What's up?"

"Nothing's up. I napped and had a really stupid dream and I just needed to hear your sweet voice."

"What was the dream?"

"Oh..... it was really a stupid nothing."

"Come on now. I told you my dreams. You can tell me yours."

"Yeah.... but yours came true. We don't want this one to come true."

"Oh oh.. must have been a bad dream."

"Well, I wouldn't call it good. It was you and I making love. That part was good. But Beth was in the background waiting for us to finish so she could have me. She got impatient and pushed you away and tried to take your place. That's when I woke up. Struggling with her to keep her away from me."

"Ooooh...... I see. Beth and I talked a long time today after you left. About what we did to you and everything. She was really ecstatic about all her new knowledge. But she is well aware that it will never happen again with either you or me. Rae, I love you. I love my sister too but she is my sister and I wanted to help her that one time to learn some of what I learned from you. She is a pretty head-strong girl and I knew when she said she was going to you with or without me that I had to go with her. I knew she was going to do her darndest to go down on you. I think the fact that you returned the favor was a complete surprise to her. And to me. But I am not upset or unhappy about that either. It was such a joy for me to watch both of you. Fear not my love. Beth will be seeking her own partner somewhere else. She understands."

"I am so glad to hear that. I was afraid that she would be wanting to take advantage of your sleeping in the same room. Also that she might not truly understand our feelings and would want to be included sometimes when you and I were together."

"Nope. Ain't gonna happen Rae. Put it out of your mind. You are MINE and mine alone. And I am yours for as long as you want me."

"That brings me to what I wanted to discuss with you."

"Oh.. more than the dream? I thought that was it."

"No. I talked to your Mother this morning while you were sleeping. I want to make sure you and I get to spend time together so our relationship can grow. Did she say anything about this to you?"

"No, she never mentioned it."

"OK. I suggested that you should spend one overnight with me each week. Since you are in school I thought Friday night would be best. That way we could stay up late and sleep late. What do you think of that?"

"I think that is a wonderful suggestion, Rae. Knowing that I was going to spend Friday night with you would be the perfect way to end every week. But...... I have an additional thought on that. I would like for us to have a whole weekend together at least once a month, like from Friday after school to Sunday just before dinner, if that would be alright with you. If it is I will bring that up to Mom and make sure she knows it is my idea."

"Kaytlin..... I must tell you what I told Pamela. I told her that I would gladly let you just move in with me right now but with you being still in high school and the fact that she needs you there with her sometimes, I would be willing to do the Friday thing. She understood my feelings and agreed with me. So.... if you want to expand it to a weekend then I am all for it."

"Wow.... wow....wow..... that is awesome Rae. You really want me there all the time?"

"Of course. Don't you want to be with me that much?"

"OH YES!!! I do. But I can grasp what you said to Mom also. In about six months I will graduate. If you still feel the same way then....... you better rearrange your closet and make room for me."

"You will be going to the university here won't you?"

"Yes. I have scholarships to provide for all my expenses all four years. Even though it is right here in the city, I have a full deal including room and board money in addition to books, fees and tuition. My higher education is fully funded so I can pay my own way and won't burden your budget."

"Sweetheart, you wouldn't be a burden anyway. But we will work it out."

"I am so happy. You make me happy. I can't wait for Friday afternoon to get here. I am sure we will talk between now and then won't we?"

"Absolutely. If I don't call, you had better call me, Kiddo. I want to talk to you every day."

"Me too. Now I need to hit the sheets so I can be perky at school tomorrow. 'Mmmmwuhhh'. I love you. Good night."

"Goodnight Kaytlin and sweet dreams. 'Mmmwuhhh' until I can give you a real kiss. I love you too."

I went to bed and slept like that proverbial log. When my alarm called me I wasn't ready to get up but I felt refreshed and rested. So I got up and showered, ate some breakfast then got dressed and headed to the office. Along the way I saw a hardware store. It was open and I stopped there, went in and had them make a copy of my door key. Guess who that is for? Then I stopped at a gift shop and found a key ring with a pink, heart shaped fob. Finally I made it to work. But before I actually did any work, I put the key on the key ring, wrapped it in some tissue and mailed it to Kaytlin with a note saying that if I wasn't home yet on Friday when she gets there, to just go on in and make herself at home.

We talked that night before her bedtime, about nothing important and I didn't tell her about the key. She would probably get it on Tuesday. But when we talked on Tuesday evening she didn't say anything about it and I didn't either. I just assumed the mail was a little slow or something.

Wednesday came and my day was a disaster at work. Nothing seemed to go right and I was SO glad when it came time to go home.

I put my key in the lock and opened the apartment door. The wonderful odors of food cooking met me. I turned the corner into the kitchen and there was Kaytlin. The table was set, a vase of flowers in the center, and she was at the stove stirring a pot of something.

"About time you got here Rae. Everything is hot and ready to eat so go wash your hands for dinner."

"Yes, Mom." I said with a laugh.

But before I did that I went to her and we shared a long, loving kiss. She looked so cute. Her hair was in a pony tail. She was wearing a pink tank-top, black shorts, her gorgeous legs looking prettier than before and barefoot. I didn't care if we ate or not but I knew I would have to.

When I came back to sit at the table I asked "What are you doing here? This is not Friday."

She turned with her hands on her hips and said "Well, .. I didn't want to wait until Friday to try out that key and find that it didn't work. So, I decided to try it today to be sure. After I got here I had this thought about preparing a meal. I nosed around and found everything I needed and went at it. You aren't upset with me are you?"

"Of course not. It was just such a surprise. A very welcome surprise that you were here. The food is secondary you know."

"Thank you so much for the key, Rae. I could not imagine what was in that envelope. It had no return address but when I read the note, I knew and I actually squealed with joy."

"I have had a truly trying day at work and your being here makes it all seem so trivial. I am very happy and glad you wanted to try the key."

We ate. She cleaned up everything while I went to change clothes, look at my postal mail and relax on the sofa. She came in and sat beside me, turned and kissed me on the cheek and just hugged me to her. I laid back on the sofa with my head on the cushioned arm. She got off and onto the floor on her knees and smothered me with kisses.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. It felt so good to have her in my arms again. I thought.....Is this what it would be like to have her here all the time?

She pulled away and sat back on her feet just looking at me and smiling. I guess I was doing the same thing to her from my reclining position on the sofa.

"Rae, I know it isn't Friday. I can only stay about another half hour. I have gobs of homework I need to do but I just had to see you for a short while. I want to be with you so much. Actually I am kind of glad you are tired tonight because it makes it easier for me to leave without making love with you. So I am going to sit with you and we can cuddle, talk and kiss for a while but let's not get too carried away with it OK?"

"I don't deserve you Kaytlin. You are unbelievably sensitive but yet you have control of yourself. I am impressed. I would love to throw you down and ravage your body but I have to respect your committments as well. I know you have homework and your education must be taken care of. Friday will be here before we know it but it won't be soon enough for either of us I am sure."

"I knew you would understand, Rae. This isn't the only frustrating moment we are going to have but together we can handle it."

She moved back up on the sofa with me and we kissed, hugged, rubbed each other's back, massaged butt cheeks and she gently rubbed and squeezed one of my breasts. I kept my hands away from her breasts and pelvic area. I knew what would happen if we both got worked up so I made myself stay away. Her face was glowing. She looked so beautiful it was painful to not go after her. She took my hand and put it under her shirt to her breast. It was bare. She was braless, which she can do easily because of her smaller cup size. She kissed me long and hard with her tongue.

Then she pulled away and said "I must go. I love you Rae and will be here waiting for you Friday when you get home."

She pulled on her sneakers which were by the entry door, fastened the velcro straps, blew me a kiss and she was gone.

I laid there for another five minutes just thinking of her. Then I had to go to the bedroom. I found my penis shaped vibrator right where I had left it. I threw it on the bed and stripped completely. Onto the bed I went and had a session with the vibrator giving myself two orgasms while my closed eyes were seeing Kaytlin's face as she smiled knowingly while I serviced myself. Damn... will Friday ever get here? I was spent and I fell asleep.

Since I went to sleep rather early, I woke up early. Good thing because the alarm hadn't been set. I went to the shower and took the vibe with me. I thought about using it again but decided I had better just wash it off and put it away. I had plenty of time before work. I leisurely had breakfast and then went to get dressed. While deciding what to wear, I began to assess the closet space. It was a large double closet but my things were spread out all across it. I could envision condensing my usage to make room for someone elses things. That would be a project for me to complete before long. I felt the space would be needed .... soon.

Thursday was just a workday. Nothing unusual at all. When I got home and opened the door I was so disappointed. The apartment was dark. No cooking odors. No Kaytlin. I really didn't expect her to be there but I had hopes she would be.

After a light dinner of soup and salad, I did a little house cleaning and picking up, readying the place for Friday and Saturday. Later I took a shower and while I was in there I began to stretch out my arms and figure if there was room for two of us in there. I decided there was room but closeness would be totally necessary as it wasn't a big shower. I dried off, grabbed a couple of magazines and flopped on the bed. Having trouble concentrating on what I was reading, my mind kept wandering and wondering. Wondering about Kaytlin of course. What was she doing? What was she wearing? Was she thinking about me and tomorrow night? Maybe I should call her. Nah, she will call me tonight. I am going to call her. Now. As I reached for the phone on the night stand beside the bed, it began to ring just before I touched it. I jerked and almost fell off the bed.

I grabbed the phone and instead of saying "Hello" I said "Kaytlin? I was just getting ready to call you."

"Uhhh.....no..... it's Megan."

"Oh. I don't know anyone named Megan."

"Well you could sound more receptive couldn't you?"

"Why? After the way you left me I should just hang up."

"Yeah, I guess I could have been more considerate but at the time I knew that would have extremely difficult for both of us."

"You think getting dumped like a bag of garbage isn't difficult?"

"I really am sorry, Rae. But you knew from the beginning that I was Bi and not Lez. I loved you dearly and I still do. It's just that I knew I longed for a different lifestyle and knew it would impossible if I stayed."

"You could have stayed long enough to tell me that before you left instead of running away like a rat leaving the sinking ship."

"I am trying to apologize Rae."

"Not working and not necessary."

"Brrrrrr. That's cold."

"You of all people should know about cold."

"So you have a new love and thought I was her calling?"

"Yes, I do."

"I see. I guess that's all the info I get?"

"You don't deserve that much."

"The main thing I called about is..... I am going to be in your town on business next week and I was hoping you and I could meet for lunch but I sense that is out of the question."

"Yep it is. Completely out of the question. And.... I would prefer you don't call again."

"Have a good life." followed by a loud click as the phone went dead.

I felt that closure with Megan had finally come to me. I was furious that she had called but I was relieved at the same time. I would never have called her because she did the leaving. It was her place to call if any calling was done. But as soon as I heard her voice, I knew, I knew I would never see or speak to her again and it just plain didn't matter to me at all.

I picked up the phone and called Kaytlin. She answered right away.


"Hi Kaytlin, guess who?"

"Gee.... I have no idea. Could it be the President's wife inviting me to dinner at the White House?"

"Ha ha ha.... you are so enchanting. I must have a dialed a wrong number."

"Phffsffft (as she stuck out her tongue). You'd better not be calling any other girl's numbers."

"I know it's getting late but I just wanted to call, say Hi and I love you very much, Kaytlin. I am so hyped up about tomorrow night, I am just antsy."

"Me too Rae. I wish it was right now. I love you so. I was going to give you ten more minutes and if you didn't call me, I was going to call you."

"I just had to call."

"Rae.... last night, after I left.....did you....uhhh....did you masturbate?"

"KAYTLIN!!!.... that's personal."

"You did didn't you? I can tell. I know you did. I did too. In the shower. It has the shower thing on a flexible hose. I put it on 'pulse' and aimed it on my clit while I used my fingers. I read about doing that one time and I decided to try it. Tell me about yours."

"I used my fingers and my vibrator. I was so worked up when you left I had to relieve myself. Oh how I wish you could have stayed."

"I know. I wished the same thing."

"Sweet dreams, Kaytlin. See you tomorrow about 5?"

"Yes, unless you get there earlier. I will be there before 5. Sweet dreams to you too, Rae. Goodnight."



Friday at work was just kind of a foggy blur. I couldn't keep my mind on track. Not only was Kaytlin's image ever present, but I had this great feeling of freedom now that Megan's last page had been turned .

I managed to get away a bit early and I stopped at a little jewelry store on the route home. I bought a thin gold chain and found a heart shaped gold loop with a "K" in the center to hang on the chain. I had it gift wrapped and I was off for home.

When I opened the door the place was quiet, dark and did not smell of food. I wondered about Kaytlin. No shoes by the door. Nothing. I kicked off my shoes, laid my purse on the kitchen table and headed to the bedroom. Kaytlin was sitting up in my bed, covered with the top sheet up to just above her breasts. Her hair was pulled back and away from her ears but not in a pony tail, just like the first night I saw her. Her green eyes were shining and her smile would have melted granite.

I just stood and stared for several seconds. Then I went to her and as I reached to hug her, the sheet fell to her waist and her bare breasts and small but erect nipples were uncovered. I sat by her and we kissed, softly at first then with increasing ardor as it continued. My fingers found her nipple and as I rolled it between finger and thumb, she moaned into my mouth and I thought she might have an orgasm right then. I broke the kiss and her breathing was deep gulps of air.

"Kaytlin, you are beautiful. So beautiful. I was afraid you weren't here when I first came in."

"I know.....I just wanted to surprise you, not scare you. I'm sorry, Rae."

"No, no, no, no, no. Don't be sorry. You look as if you belong in that bed. What a lovely sight."

"Ma'am you have waaaayyyyy too many clothes on. Undress and come to me, Rae. I want you. I need you."

So I undressed and started for the bed when I remembered the necklace. I turned to go get it and she said "Where are you going/"

"Be right back, Hon. I need to get something."

I came back holding the small package behind me. I came close and held it out to her.

"What's this?"

"Silly girl. You have to open it to find out."

She gingerly pulled the paper away but the plain white box it was in had no label or store name so that gave her no clue. Lifting the lid exposed the tissue covering the necklace. She lifted the tissue and I could hear her gasp as she saw the heart shaped pendant with the K in the center.

"Oh Rae. It is beautiful. And so delicate."

"I thought it was perfect for you. You are beautiful and delicate as well. Let me put it on for you."

She handed it to me and turned so I could put it around her neck. It was a shorter chain, which I liked because it held the pendant up high near the top of her breastbone where it would not dangle much and could be worn during intense lovemaking.

As soon as I got it hooked, she got to her knees and turned to face me. Our breasts touched as she neared and put her arms around me. We kissed long and passionately.

"Thank you so much, Rae. I never expected a gift. I love it. I love YOU. I love you. I love you. I love you."

I almost had to laugh, her enthusiasm was so intense. I held her to me and felt her shiver a bit even though I could feel the heat radiating from her body. I lowered my head and gently licked her left nipple, then the right one as they both seemed to stiffen and protude a bit more. They were small but so perfectly shaped, sitting atop her quarter sized, dark pink areola. I licked all around each one several times while she loosely held my head and ran her fingers through my hair as she moaned through her enjoyment.

As I moved up onto the bed she laid back and then raised her hands to my breasts as they hung down while I was on my hands and knees. She brought her mouth to my nipple as I had done to her. She licked and sucked it into her warm mouth where her tongue flicked back and forth over it causing to stiffen to almost painful proportions. Moving to the other breast she repeated the action. Then she sucked hard, very hard and it was a little painful but I didn't let her know.

She pushed me over onto my back and got to her knees as she was kissing me all overy my face and neck and down to my breasts and navel. I tried to reposition her so I could reach her too but she refused to let me.

"I want to go first this time. Just relax and let me make you feel good."

I didn't say a word. I just dropped my arms to my sides and gave in to her wishes. She continued kissing me, lower and lower she went, on down to my ankles and then my toes. She kissed each toe of each foot and sucked each of my big toes like it was a man's cock. I didn't think she thought of it like that though.

I was squirming about by then as she began her ascent back up my legs, her tongue lapping me as she went. When she got to my wet puffy lips, she pushed my knees apart as far as they would go with her hands as her face lowered to kiss my wetness. I felt her tongue flick out with just the tip of it penetrating my outer lips as she ran it up an back down the length of my slit.

I put my feet behind her arms as her hands reached around my thighs to pull my lips apart with her fingers. I was spread wide as she pushed her face into me and began to lick rapidly up and down and around and back again. Over and over and I was turning to mush as this beautiful neophyte demonstrated her talents to me. I raised my legs and put them both on her back as she settled in to a constant licking with one hand working to uncover my clit. I felt her shudder a bit as I was moaning while her tongue was on my clit. I thought she must have had a mini-orgasm the way it felt. But it didn't slow her at all. She kept up the pace and I was working hard to keep up with her when I felt that familiar rumble deep in my body and I knew it was close. I closed my eyes even tighter and clamped my jaw shut as I forcibly pushed my hot, wet sex to her face and she brought me to a wonderul orgasm that sent bright flashes of light through my closed eyes. I collapsed beneath her as my spasms subsided. She almost immediately collapsed on top of me. We were both panting as if we had just run a three minute mile.

After a minute or two, I took her face in my hands and kissed her tenderly on the lips. They were wet and sticky but who was I to complain. It was my wetness and stickiness. Her lips responded but the rest of her just wasn't up to it. I was sure then that she had an orgasm too.

"I thought I felt you have an orgasm too Kaytlin. Did you?"

"Yes..... a .. little ...one. I couldn't stop it."

"Oh baby, I didn't want you to stop it. Never stop one. Let them roll over you whenever you can."

"I'll remember that."

"Do you think you can get on your hands and knees or would you rather stay there on your back?"

"Stay here.... I .. think."

So I moved over her but I got into a 69 position with me on top of course. I told her she didn't have to do anything but lie there and enjoy it.

Once I got going though, I felt her hands on my hips and I knew she was going to come after me again. I kept at her sweetness and I could tell she hadn't completely recovered from her first release. Her juices were flowing and I tried my best to keep up with her. The taste was driving me on. It was a wonderful mixture of sweet, tart and salty. I loved it and swallowed all I could capture with my tongue and lips. She was working hard with me and that just made me that much more determined to bring her off knowing that this one would hit her a lot harder than the first. I felt her tongue licking at me again but lacking the fervor of a few minutes ago. It felt great anyway. I doubled my efforts on her and soon had her bucking against my face as I pushed my tongue in and out and then licked up and down as my fingers opened her to me. Her clit was standing at attention and I licked it hard. She cried out in pain. But I knew it was a good pain. So I did it again a little more gently and she pushed up to meet my stiff hot tongue. I felt her fingers dig into the flesh of my butt cheeks as she pushed her face into my wet crotch. She humped my face....hard and fast and I knew she was close so I stopped licking , put two fingers inside her and continuously licked and sucked her clit until she screamed my name and her body went stiff as she pushed against my face. The flow of her sexual honey was even greater now. I didn't think it was possible. It ran out and down through the crack of her butt onto the sheet in an almost continuous stream. She shook like she was having a siezure of some kind. She thrust against me again and again as I kept licking at her clit until she stopped her thrusts. I was sure she enjoyed multiple orgasms from the way she reacted. I had not come myself but I felt tremendus joy knowing what she was feeling. I finally gave in and moved off to lay beside her with our heads on the same pillow.

"Are you alright Kaytlin?"

Between gasps for air she said "I'm.... not sure. Ask me.....again.... in about... five.....minutes...if I'm still.....alive."

I laughed and she smacked me on the arm with a limp hand.

We just laid there a while as we recovered from a strenuous exhausting lovemaking session. After several minutes she rolled on her side to face me. I turned my head to look at her and she had a huge smile on her lips. Her eyes were wide and bright.

"I love you, Rae. I have never felt so completely satisfied as I am right now. Of course I can't move because am totally out of energy. But such a magnificent feeling I have inside me. Thank you."

"I should thank you, Kaytlin. I think I am as happy and as satisfied with everything as you are. Basically I am a pleaser and knowing that I pleased you so much makes me all warm and gushy inside. I love you too and the way you brought me over the edge earlier was awesome."

Then I said "We really made a mess of this bed. The sheets are soaked with both our juices and will have to be changed before we try to sleep later."

She laughed and said "I know. I could feel it running out. I told you before I flow a lot when I get excited.

She kissed me but the fire was gone. For now anyway.

I said "On a different subject....... I didn't smell any cooking odors when I came in. Are we going out for dinner?"

"No way. We would have to get dressed and I planned to spend the whole evening with both of us nude and just enjoying ourselves as we learn more and more about each other. I brought tuna salad for sandwithes, tomatoes, low fat chips and ice cream for dessert."

"Sounds wonderful to me. I am starved, how about you?"

"Yep.....making love with you really makes me hungry."

I thought a second and said "We are both pretty sticky from sweat and 'other things'. Maybe we should shower before we get to the food? We can go together to save time."

"Hah..... with both of us in the same shower? That might take longer. I'm not sure I could resist even as tired as I am. You go ahead, Rae, while I arrange some things in the kitchen."

"Nope. You go with me. I promise I will keep you under control.....as well as myself. I just want us to be together."

So we both went to the shower and it was a bit close but we worked it out. We washed each other and hugged and kissed but resisted what could have been.

By the time we finished eating and cleaning up it was almost 9 PM. To late to go anywhere so we turned on the TV. Nothing on. Kaytlin went to the entertainment center and started rummaging through the DVD movies. About all of them were carryovers from my life with Megan.

She came up with an older one called "Haunted" with Kate Beckinsale. I didn't remember ever seeing it myself. So she slipped it in the player and we sat back, both still nude to watch it. Eventually it came to scenes where she was nude and thats when things started all over again between Kaytlin and I.

She first said "I wish my boobs were bigger like hers. Or like yours. Mine are so small."

I said "Big breasts are not necessarily sexy you know. Yours are perfect. Beautifully shaped, perfectly matched and .....they are firm so you can go braless if you want."

"But look at her nipples. They are so big compared to mine. I almost don't have any."

I reached for her breasts and started massaging gently. Then I lowered my head to the left one and sucked her nipple into my mouth. I sucked hard and long as I kept flicking it with my tongue.

When I removed it from my mouth I said "Look now. You have a nipple on this one."

She looked and said "But that's only temporary. It will go down to where it was shortly."

"But... I think repeated treatments like that will eventually cause it to be permanently larger."

She said "I hope so. Do the other one so I am in balance."

I did. She laid back on the sofa as I did and the next thing I knew I was kissing down toward her steaming pussy. I couldn't help myself. I had to do it. This gorgeous creature had me on a leash and didn't even know it.

I sucked and licked her to another orgasm as the movie played and nobody watched. It was nowhere near as intense as her last orgasm but it definitely left her almost helpless. Kaytlin has strong orgasms. I do too but not like hers. It is so satisfying to me to evoke such a response in her.

By now it was after 11 and we were both tired so we decided to off the TV and go to bed. Spend our first whole night together. She was excited and so was I.

"Which side of your bed do I get Rae?"

I pointed and said "You mean our bed don't you? I usually sleep on this side but it may not matter. I suspect we are both going to migrate toward the middle and sleep next to each other."

"Probably. Will that be ok?"

"We will see. Neither of us is accustomed to sleeping with another person so it will be different for us."

So, we climbed into bed, turned on our sides to face each other, hugged front to front and shared a long, wet goodnight kiss. She turned on her side and I spooned against her back with my arm over her, holding her hand.

..................to be continued..........

Thank you for reading my story. Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Send them to....."Suzi" at .......... Storeegurl@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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