Kaytlins Dreams

By Suzi Wright

Published on Oct 19, 2006


This story contains descriptions of lesbian sex between two females. The names were changed to protect the innocent, as well as the guilty. If lesbian sex offends you, you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. This story belongs to the author and may not be reproduced or published in any way without permissionof the owner.

Kaytlin's Dreams: Coming Out

After a much needed sleep for us both, I awoke to a dark room. Groggily I got up and looked out the window to see that it was dark outside as well. Turning to look at the clock I found that it was almost 8PM. I was almost in a panic as I went to wake Kaytlin. She should have been home or at least called home 2 hours ago. I could just envision her Mother accusing me of abducting her or something. I kissed her on the cheek as I rubbed her arm and she stirred, opened her eyes and just looked at me like she was in a trance.

"Kaytlin, wake up. We have to get you home it is way past dinner time and your Mother will be worried."

She sat up and looked around the room to orient herself. Then she reached for me, kissed me and then smiled that beautiful smile of hers.

"This wasn't a dream was it? All of it really happened. I am so happy, Rae. Dreams do come true don't they?"

"Well, I guess they do in your case, but did you dream what is going to happen when you get home?"

She got off the bed and went to the phone. After dialing she listened for a bit then said "Mom, I am sorry I am so late. After a particularly tiring afternoon, I fell asleep at my friends house and just woke up."

Listening and nodding she continued "I know and I am sorry......no I haven't had dinner. OK, I will be home in about a half hour. Yes, I will try. I love you too, Mom. Bye."

Turning to me she said "You are going with me aren't you?" as she came and sat beside me on the bed.

"Oh....I don't know if I should. She is going to be upset with you and it might not be the best time to bring me into the picture."

"Nonsense, Rae. I want everything out in the open and this is the time to do it. Meeting you and seeing how happy we are together will help her to understand. Don't you think so?"

"Maybe.......but I am six years older than you. That is quite a bit and may not set too well with her. How old is your Mom?"

"Her name is Pamela. She is 34 and Elizabeth going on 16. Mom was 17 when I was born so I am sure she will be understanding about the urges I have been feeling. She may not approve but I will work that out with her later if I have to."

"My, she is young .... and very pretty I might add. I remember from last night that you look a lot like your Mother. Your sister is going to be lovely as well when she matures."

"So....will you go with me.... please, Rae?"

"OK....OK... I will but if it gets uncomfortable for me I will leave. Understood?"

"Yes, I understand but I just know it will all be fine. I will be the one doing most if not all of the talking. I just want you there for the moral support as well as meeting Mom and Beth."

"Fine.....now get your cute ass off of that bed and get dressed. We have work to do."

She got up on her knees and hugged me, then kissed me so tenderly on the mouth before she broke away and looked into my eyes and said "I love you, Rae. I love you, I love you, I love you."

"You don't know me, Kaytlin, so how can you profess love like that?"

"I know all I need to know. I love you and I know you love me back. Thats it."

I kissed her and said "I do love you, Kaytlin. I don't understand all of it yet but I somehow feel that we were meant to be."

I smacked her ass with my hand and said "Let's go face the music together."

Arriving at Kaytlin's home, her Mother met us at the door. She kissed and hugged Kaytlin as she said "I am glad you are OK. I was beginning to get a bit concerned. I saved some dinner for you and there is plenty for your guest as well."

Kaytlin said "This is my Mother, Pamela."

I was introduced as "Rae, a new friend."

Pamela and I expressed our pleasure of meeting each other before we were ushered into the kitchen and seated while she got plates and served us some pot roast, potatoes and green beans.

"I remember seeing you at the restaurant last night. How did you two get together?"

Kaytlin spoke up "We ..... no..... I.....am going to tell you all about everything. When we finish eating that is. It is going to be a rather long session as I have to go back to being twelve years old to start."

"Well.... when you and Rae are finished, just leave the dishes and come to the living room."

I whispered "Just what are you going to tell her?"

"Everything. All about me from puberty to right this minute. I am not going to leave out anything."

"You're going to tell her how you propositioned me? How you seduced me?" I snickered.

She laughed a bit and said "Yes...but....seduction is like dancing the Tango....it takes two. But I will downplay your part."

I looked at her with a knowing grin, knowing that is that this girl was wise beyond her 17 years.

After we had eaten, we moved to the living room.

Kaytlin started in with "Mom, you know I have always been a bit different from other girls my age. No matter what I say and what you think of it or me or Rae, I want you to know that I love you very much and would never do anything to intentionally hurt you or anyone in the family."

Pamela was wide eyed. I am sure she was quite curious about what was going to follow an opening statement like that but she said nothing.

Kaytlin continued as she relived her childhood in words and explained her feelings at different ages and stages as she led us through to her puberty and her onset of womanhood. Her statements were confident and very matter of fact. When she came to her high school years and began to explain the absence of boys in her life, Pamela stirred and sat up a little straighter. She went on with her feelings and desires that possessed her as she had mingled with the other girls at school in various situations. Her explanations were well thought out and very clearly delivered. Her Mother had not uttered a word during all this although she had nodded on a couple of occasions. After revealing her personal secrets of masturbation and self satisfaction she moved right on into her dreams and told of them in great detail. The recent frustrations caused by the dreams were described and of course led to the events of last evening in the restaurant. The rest of her delivery was quite detailed and left no doubt even to me that she, Kaytlin, had been the instigator and aggressor in the events of today.

Pamela started to say something but instead rose from her chair and came to sit beside Kaytlin. She put her arm around her shoulder and hugged her.

Looking at me she said "I know Kaytlin has never been attracted to boys. Mothers see and know things that their children never suspect or give them credit for. I hoped against hope that she would develop into a young lady with so-called "normal desires". But I knew...... I knew..... from my own past that it was more likely to turn out as it has."

"What do you mean Mom?"

"When I was younger, I was just like you Kaytlin. My attraction to girls was something I fought because it just was not the way things were supposed to be. I gave in to my feelings just as you did except my love was another girl in my high school. She moved away in our junior year and we never saw each other again. I soon met your Father. He taught me the ways of hetero love and I became pregnant with you. We married and lived a good life until..... my old feelings crept back into me. I met a woman at a dress shop who had "that aura" about her and it fueled my true longings. We got together, had an affair of several months which ended when your Father walked in on us one day. He and I talked and talked but nothing was resolved so we divorced. That brings us all up to date, I guess. At present I have you and Beth and that is enough for me although I am sure my love life is not finished. I don't want it to be finished but I still have responsibilities that I must see to. Someday, I will meet someone.... someone who hopefully will sweep me away the way you were swept up by your dreams and your desires for Rae."

Just at that instant we all heard a sound from the stairs and looked that direcion. It was Beth attempting to make her way back up the steps. She had apparently been listening to our conversations from there and was trying to get away undetected.

Pamela called to her to come down which Beth sheepishly did.

"And how long have you been there eavesdropping on us?" she asked.

"Well... uh.... almost from the beginning I guess. I started downstairs and Kaytlin was talking so I quietly sat down and listened."

"So you now know all about all of us?"

"Yes, I suppose I do. But I already knew Kaytlin was only into girls. I watched her at night sometimes in our room when she thought I was asleep. I could hear her whispering to herself as she masturbated and stuff."

Pamela stood and paced across the floor and back again obviously in deep thought. Now Beth, Kaytlin and I were all on the sofa. Pamela came to us and knelt in front of Beth.

As she looked into Beth's wide eyes, she asked "And what do you think of all that you have learned about us?"

"What do you mean? What should I think?"

"I am not sure either what you should think. Do you feel betrayed? Do you feel sorrow? Do you care that the three of us are lesbians? Are you ashamed of our family?"

"Geeez... NO Mom. Not at all. I love you all and always will. I am sure I will grow to love Rae as well. What I need to tell you though is..... uh...uh.... oh hell..... here it is...... I am just like Kaytlin. I have no feelings for boys at all. The girls in school, in the locker rooms, walking down the halls.....I watch and admire them like a boy would do. It makes me feel all funny inside, makes me want to hug and kiss them. And..... many times I have felt my panties get wet in front when I think about things like that. You know...like seeing them naked...or being naked with them. Touching each other and kissing. Those are the thoughts that excite me. Not boys. And.....a few times I have masturbated at the same time as Kaytlin only she didn't know it. I would close my eyes and imagine we were doing it to each other."

Pamela reached out and hugged Beth to her. They embraced and rocked back and forth, side to side as they comforted each other.

Kaytlin turned to me and smiled as she said "I had no idea my confessions and coming out were going to evoke such a turn of events. I am sorry Rae, to drag you into all this."

"Nonsense Kaytlin. I am glad to be here and learn first hand about your family. I feel a part of it already since we are all alike in our feelings and desires. We will not be admonishing each other for the things we feel and do. At least any snooping, spying and the sort have been eliminated and we can all be totally open with each other."

Pamela spoke without easing her embrace of Beth, saying "I had no inkling of what Kaytlin's coming out was going to bring about. I really did not have any suspicions about Beth, probably because she is younger and my main concerns have been about Kaytlin. I don't mean to diminish the importance of your feelings Beth. I am just explaining that it came as a pretty big surprise. Since I know all about the kinds of things you are both feeling, I can sympathize, empathize and be ecstatically happy about it all at the same time."

She continued "It is quite late and I don't think Rae should be striking out for home alone at this hour. So, Rae, I offer the comfort of our home and you may stay with Kaytlin if that's what you both want. Beth can sleep in my room and I will use the sofa which also makes a bed."

Before I could say anything Kaytlin spoke up "Are you for real, Mom? I can't believe all that has happened so quickly. Will you stay, Rae?"

"Well, I guess I don't have a choice. Pamela isn't going to let me leave so I suppose you are stuck with me but I don't want to cause any problems. I could sleep on the sofa and no one would have to move from their familiar surroundings."

Kaytlin spoke up "I hate to say this but....maybe that would be better Rae. We are both super tired and I am sure that neither of us would get much sleep if we both sleep in my bed tonight. I know I wouldn't want to sleep."

Pamela asked "Then it is settled? Rae will take the sofa?"

I said "Yes. That is the most reasonable arrangement for now. Assuming I will make other visits to your home, we can make changes then."

"OK.... I will get bedding for you while Beth goes upstairs and you and Kaytlin can say your goodnights to each other."

Kaytlin and I were immediately into a tight hug as she whispered to me "See... I knew Mom would like you....but I had no idea it was going to turn out to be such a revealing evening."

I kissed her lightly and said "You just never know when the time will come to share things like that. I am glad it all happened. You and Beth are now in the open, as is Pamela and all is well in that department."

"I guess Beth and I got Mom's genes, huh?"

"Yep, you did."

"Rae,.......I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"You are going to think I am nuts. Maybe I am. I have been in love with you....well with your vision.... for several months. Today was the culmination of so many new things for me. My mind is boggled. What I want to ask is this..... Beth is my little sis..... I am sure she has never done anthing but masturbate. I would like for her to learn from me about the wonders of sex between two females. Are you upset with me for feeling like that? I don't know if she is ready but I think she is. Would you feel I had betrayed your trust if she and I have sex tonight?"

I responded after about 30 seconds, "I think I understand your feelings, Kaytlin. I never had a sister so I can't truly identify with that. But.......you and I have only been together a few hours and our time was very intense. I love you too but who knows what may happen in the near future. I am not concerned about losing you to your sister. As it is now, she needs someone and I don't have a problem with you being with her like that. If it were a neighbor girl or a friend from school.....yeah I would be upset. Teach her well."

She squealed and then put her hand over her mouth. "Sorry about that," she said.

Pamela's voice from upstairs said "Cool it you two. You have a whole life ahead of you."

Kaytlin kissed me hard as we sucked tongues and pressed our bodies together.

Then she said "Goodnight, Rae, I love you more every minute," as she turned and went up the stairs.

"I love you too, Kaytlin and you are the girl of my dreams too."

Pamela came down with bedding for me. We made the sofa bed and then she offered a hug as we wished sweet dreams to each other.


I was so tired. I didn't realize how zonked I really was. I started undressing and thought "I don't have any sleepwear of any kind. Oh well, I will just sleep in my bra and panties. How uncomfortable would that be for me?" So I stripped completely, turned off the lamp and slipped into bed.

It was extremely dark. No lights on in the house and all the shades were closed and almost no light from outside could get in. My eyes finally adjusted but making out any objects in the darkness was almost impossible even then.

I pulled the sheet up to my shoulders and closed my eyes. A couple minutes later I decided that it was too warm in there even for the sheet so I threw it aside. That is the last I remember of being awake. I dreamed of Kaytlin and of Pamela but it was all just a blurry mish-mash of disconnected images.

I dreamed of someone touching me. Touching my legs. It seemed so real. I opened my eyes but of course no one was there and the house was quiet. I almost immediately went back to sleep.

The same dream returned. Total darkness surrounded me. I could feel a hand lightly rubbing the inside of my calf up to above my knee and back again. Each time progressing closer and closer to my shaven mound. I tried to see who it was but nothing was visible without light. I felt soft touches on my breasts, caressing touches on both of them at the same time while the sensations on my leg continued. A face pressed against my cheek. I was frustrated at all the happenings and the fact that I couldn't see anyone. I felt the hand on my leg move all the way up. My legs were spread and the hand found my wetness. All of a sudden a blurry face appeared to me. Kaytlin. Kaytlin was with me. I relaxed and my dream continued knowing all was well.

In essence, I was dreaming that I was dreaming. Stupid huh? I allowed myself to be rubbed and fingered. My breasts were also being manipulated as I was into a sexual dream of being ravaged by an unknown assailant. I sensed lips and tongue touching my vagina. The tongue was hot but only lightly touching me. Then at the same time I felt lips on mine. I was being kissed in two different places at the same time. I was confused but I couldn't wake up. I struggled against the tongue which felt so hot upon me. My breasts felt so hot and taut it was painful. I heard myself cry out "Kaytlin ...oh....Kaytlin."

Then I heard "Yes Rae, I am here," being whispered into my ear.

But my foggy dream, my foggy mind, all was a blur. How could she whisper in my ear while she was licking me somewhere else? It's a dream. Then I felt a sucking sensation on my breast. It felt so good. I felt like I was going to come. I had never actually come during a dream before but I knew I was going to. Just as my orgasm began I woke up. I was moaning and calling Kaytlin's name out over and over.

"I am here Rae. Let yourself go."

But it wan't a dream anymore. It was real. I was really receiving oral sex from someone but it wasn't Kaytlin. In the middle of my sleepy orgasm I couldn't think straight. Then I felt fingers on my clit which pushed me over the edge as I humped and worked hard against..... BETH !! It had to be Beth. I opened my eyes as my orgasm subsided a little and I was looking into Kaytlin's smiling face. I looked down toward my feet and saw the top of Beth's head as she was still licking and sucking me through the final throes of my orgasm. She raised her head and I could see her smile at me in the dim light of the early morning. Kaytlin kissed me as I gasped for air. I hugged her tightly to me and reached for Beth with my other hand. My fingers entwined into Beth's hair and gently tugged to cause her to move up beside me with Kaytlin on the other side.

So there I lay with sisters cradled by each of my arms and their heads nestled against my shoulders. I was still in some sort of stupor. I knew what had happened but I was still in that stage of wondering what the hell was going on.

I turned my face to Kaytlin and started to speak but she covered my mouth with hers and we engaged in a long wet kiss.

When it ended she beat me to the speaking part and said "I hope you aren't angry or upset with me, Rae. I will try to explain everything."

I didn't say anything as I waited for her to continue. She put her arm across my body to Beth's arm and pulled her as close as she could get. We were a very tight sandwich made of three hot sweaty bodies.

Kaytlin began "It is about 5 in the morning. Beth and I have not been to sleep at all. We went to our room and after the lights were turned out, I got up and went to Beth's bed and got in beside her. We kissed and hugged and she wanted to know all about you and what happened between us yesterday. I told her everything in great detail. While I was relating those events to her we were making the first intimate touches we had ever shared. As I told her things, she or I or both would play out the action as it was told. Of course you know what happened and I don't need to explain those details to you. We had a wonderful lovemaking session as Beth experienced her first lesbian act from her older sister who loves her very much. She insisted on returning all that love to me when she recovered her composure."

I said "I know and can understand what a beautiful thing it was for both of you. Sharing something like that with a sister must be an awesome experience. As I said before, I have no sister so I can't totally relate to that but I can imagine. But...... what I want to know now is what prompted this .... this....THIS.... I don't know what to call it."

Beth kissed me on the cheek and I could feel the stickiness and smell myself on her face.

Then she said "Kaytlin, let me tell and you can fill in any thing I leave out or whatever."

"OK, go ahead."

So Beth started "As you know, I have thought for a while that Kaytlin was lesbian and I knew how I felt about boys and girls. Being in the same room with her, seeing her and knowing she was masturbating just across the room from me made me fantasize about her and about us having sex together. Then tonight happened. All the revealing accounts I heard while sitting on those steps boggled my mind."

"When Kaytlin came to my bed tonight, I almost passed out from the joy I imagined was about to be bestowed on me. After we made love and we were cuddling in each others arms talking, I began to think about the fact that it was really you, Rae, who had made all this possible. You are so pretty and the way Kaytlin told me everything, the way I was feeling at the time knowing how happy she was, I thought that my making love to you would be a way to show my appreciation. Kaytlin was not in favor of it. She didn't think you would allow it in the first place and she was a bit reluctant to share you with me. Anyway, we discussed and argued a bit and finally I told her that I was going down to see you whether she approved or not. That's when she decided that I wasn't going to change my mind so she would go with me."

"You were asleep and obviously dreaming as you were mumbling a bit. I started touching you and the way you responded we both thought you were awake and just playing like you were asleep. So I continued and Kaytlin soon joined in to help me. Well, you know what happened from there. But I want you to know it was all my idea and my determination that caused it. I think Kaytlin knows she could not have stopped me except by force."

I didn't say anything. They both kept looking at me expecting me to explode or whatever. I was calm and in deep thought. I wasn't mad at Kaytlin or Beth. I was still experiencing a very warm afterglow. I pulled Kaytlin in for a kiss. Then I pulled Beth closer to me and pulled her leg across mine.

"Kiss me Beth."

She did. And did an excellent job I might add. It was a long wet kiss with my juices intemingled with her saliva. I sucked her tongue and I felt Kaytlin's hands between us reaching for my breasts. My temperature was rising again,... rapidly and I knew what I was about to do. So did Kaytlin.

I tugged to get Beth on top of me. She straddled my hips on her knees. I reached for her butt cheeks and pulled her as she knee walked toward my head.

"More, Beth. Come close... all the way..... up above my face. Put your hands on the back of the sofa."

She moved up and I could see her beautiful young slit. It was too dark to see if she had the light hair on her like Kaytlin but it didn't matter. I had my hands on her hips now and pulled my face to her wet outer lips. I licked the full length of it and swallowed what my tongue had collected. I reached for her breasts which were actually about the same size as Kaytlin's although she is younger. The nipples were not quite as prominent yet as Kaytlin's but enough I could pinch. She moaned as I squeezed a nipple between my thumb and finger. My other hand was on her butt with my fingers in her crack to hold her against my face as I began to lick harder and force my tongue a little deeper between her lips as she began to rock back and forth with me.

Kaytlin left my breasts and I felt her moving around. Then her hand and fingers found my still wet crotch. Beth was moaning and humping my face now and my tongue was penetrating her as I held it stiff for her to work against. My hips were beginning to move with Kaytlin's fingers sliding in and out of me. I thought to myself.... what am I doing? I have never done anything like this before in my life. I have always been a one on one person. But these two waifs had me under their control and I can't really say I didn't like it.

I was beginning to moan into Beth's pussy and I am sure she felt vibrations from it. She herself was getting quite loud with her moans. I heard Kaytlin tell her to keep it quiet. My hips were moving up and down in rhythm with Kaytlin's strokes and Beth was almost violent in her humping my face but that just made me push harder against her humps. I heard her breathing change to short gasps and gulps for air. Kaytlin could hear it too.

Kaytlin pulled her hand from me and next thing I knew was her tongue lapping at my wetness. I raised my knees a little more to give her more access and she moved in for the finish. She was licking and sucking as I bucked against her face. Beth was moaning and her body was basically out of control as she writhed against my face and her orgasm flooded through her body and soul. Kaytlin continued to lick me through my orgasm as well.

Beth collapsed and rolled to my side. Kaytlin licked me until I stopped flowing then she came to my other side and laid with me and Beth.

After we all three settled down and came back to reality, I told them that they should get back upstairs to their room before their Mother gets up. They didn't want to but reluctantly did as I suggested. I couldn't believe they wanted to stay and be there with me when Pamela got up. I couldn't imagine what her reaction would be. Also it is hard to believe she slept through all that went on in the past hour.

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back to the living room, I heard a noise in the kitchen. I went to peek in and Pamela was there, wearing a robe, in the process of making coffee. I don't know if she heard me or just sensed that I was there. She turned toward the door and apparently without surprise, said "Good morning, Rae. How did you sleep?"

I said "Rather fitfully I am afraid. I dreamed a lot of crazy stuff. I guess all the confessions we had and my sleeping in a strange bed just kept me on edge."

I detected a slight, knowing grin on her lips but it disappeared quickly. She came over to me and it was then that I realized I was still nude. I know I turned red all the way to my toes.

She put her arms around me and hugged me as she said "I don't know about the dreams, but I know those daughters of mine played a role in your not getting a lot of sleep. I didn't look but I could hear everything that went on down here. Don't be afraid. All is well. I am not going to say a word to either of them and I ask that you not tell them that I know. OK?"

Hesitatingly I said "OK. I didn't think you could have slept through that and not know what was going on. I won't tell them you know. I am sorry Pamela but you must know that, at least in the beginning of that episode, I was actually a victim."

"I know. Don't worry, I don't blame you. I don't blame Kaytlin or Beth either. It has been such an eerie unusual weekend I guess we should blame the weather or something. At least I know who they were with and I don't disapprove."

I wiped the back of my hand across my forehead and said "PHHHEWWW... thank you, Pamela. I was a bit worried. Especially because of Beth's age."

"She is as old as I was when I started. I guess I don't have any basis for a complaint." she said smiling at me.

"Pamela, I know that especially now, that I am not going to be able to spend any more overnights here. I need to avoid providing any opportunity to Beth. I can't control what she and Kaytlin may do but because of her age .... you understand."

"Yes. I do. I won't be able to control what they do either but I can see, when you look at her, how you feel about Kaytlin. Beth needs to remain just a little sister."

"I have a request. I would like to have Kaytlin overnight with me one night during each week, possibly Friday night would be best because of school. Frankly, I would love to have her just live with me but I realize she is still in high school and you need her here with you as well. I don't think she will disagree with an arrangement like that but I would like your approval before I present it to her."

"Well, that would allow both of you to have privacy as well as keep contact with Beth to a minimum for you. It sounds reasonable to me and it will provide time for you and Kaytlin to work your way into the relationship. Kind of like dating as I see it."

"Thank you for being so understanding and reasonable, Pamela. I will discuss it with her."

"You're welcome. But you had better get dressed before I wake the girls for breakfast."

"Yes I should. I would like to take a quick shower if I may. I.....uh.........feel the need to freshen myself a bit."

She snickered a bit and said "You have time. Use the shower in the bath off my bedroom."

When I came out all three of them were at the kitchen table waiting for me. Kaytlin met me with a hug and a kiss. Beth hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Pamela smiled at eveything and said "Let's eat it before it gets cold."

After breakfast was cleaned up, I said my goodbyes and Kaytlin walked me outside. On the porch she started to apologize for what happened with Beth but I stopped her and said "Not to worry. I know it will never happen again but I understand and I am not upset or angry with you or anyone. I love you Kaytlin and I will talk with you later this evening. I still have your cell number you know? And....I have something important to discuss with you."

I kissed her on the nose and the cheek before I bounded down the steps and waved as I strode down the side walk.

..................to be continued..........

Thank you for reading my story. Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Send them to....."Suzi" at .......... Storeegurl@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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