Kaytlins Dreams

By Suzi Wright

Published on May 15, 2006


This story contains descriptions of lesbian sex between two females. The names were changed to protect the innocent, as well as the guilty. If lesbian sex offends you, you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. This story belongs to the author and may not be reproduced or published in any way without permissionof the owner.

Kaytlin's Dreams

Part 1

Being alone is not my first choice. In fact it wasn't my choice at all. A few months ago, when we graduated university, Megan and I had a wonderful, loving relationship. Or so I thought anyway. About a month after graduation, the lure of a job in another city took her from me. She never even asked if I would go with her and try to find a job there for myself. I was devastated, confused and quite angry. She left and I have not heard from her at all. Obviously she was ashamed, or afraid I would try to stop her. She moved out on a weekend while I was visiting my parents. Arriving back on a Sunday night late, I found the apartment dark and quiet. An envelope was on my pillow and contained her goodbye letter to me. After two years living together I would have expected more from her but then, do we ever really know other people? I wonder.

We had met in the business school of the university when we were both 19. Friendship grew from our acquaintance and after that school year, we rented an apartment together. Kitchen, living room, bath and one bedroom. One bedroom was all we needed as we had been having sex together since about two months after we met. It was hard to do in the dormitory rooms but we found time and ways to be together.

After Megan left me, I could no longer stay in the apartment we had shared. It was just too empty and cold without her. So I moved to another apartment similar in size but across town. I obtained a position with the local newpaper where I had interned on a part-time basis while I was in school. I had worked as a full time employee during the past two summer breaks. I was now an assistant manager of the sales staff and had additional duties as an assistant editor of the "Home and Health" section of our newpaper.

I lived alone and really could not bring myself to date anyone. I was trying to avoid getting close with any of the women at work or any I encountered as clients. I had not dated a boy since senior prom in high school and that date was only because I couldn't go alone and couldn't go with another girl. Warren knew I was lesbian but it didn't matter to him. He was a bit nerdy but really a nice guy who had trouble relating to anyone, especially girls, although he was not gay. He and I were friends and we got along quite well, I suppose since we were both a bit different from our peers. So now my nights were solo and my releases were delivered through my fingers and my penis shaped vibrator.

Living alone makes meal time a bit of a drag as well. In the mornings I would usualy have cereal and fruit or maybe a bagel and fruit. Lunch was usually taken at a very nice cafeteria near the newspaper unless I was out with a client and lunched at a cafe somewhere. In the evenings it was mostly soup or a sandwich and maybe some salad. One large meal a day was my limit. I had to maintain my figure in case I ever went back out "on the market" again. What is my figure like? I am glad you asked. I am 5 feet 6 inches tall, olive complexion, dark brown hair, almost black which just drops on my shoulders and can make a nice pony tail, light blue sometimes almost lavender eyes and full lips. I try to maintain my weight between 110 and 120. My legs are shapely but my calves are a little larger than they should be compared to the rest of my body. Not big, just fuller in proportion. I think they look very nice when I wear heels. My breasts are only average I guess. I am a 32B and I am a might slim in the hips which makes some think I am athletic, which I am not at all. Am I pretty? I would more likely call me "attractive" as I do get my share of following looks from most of the guys. My hips sway nicely when I walk without my concious attention or trying to be noticed.

Oh...... I almost forgot. My name is Lynda Rae. Lynda Rae Martin, twenty three years old, single and not looking at the present time. I am Rae to my friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Part 2

On a beautiful Friday evening, after working through without lunch, I decided it was time to get out in the fresh air. So, I decided I would go to "Marnie's" for dinner. Marnies was a sort of family type restaurant with an Italian theme near my apartment that I had never tried before. There was no wait line and I was seated immediately at a small booth against the wall of the main room. Several tables were occupied but the place wasn't nearly full. At the round table closest to my booth sat a family of four. Appeared to be father, mother, teen age daughter and a younger girl of maybe 12 or 13. I ordered tea and began to peruse the menu. When I raised my eyes, I was looking directly into the face of the teen age girl who was obviously looking at me.

I thought "Oh oh..... did that skirt ride up to much?"

I was wearing a denim skirt that ended about 4 inches above my knees. Naturally, it rode up some when I sat but only to about mid-thigh. I looked down to check its position and decided it was alright. When I looked up again she wasn't looking at me so I passed it off as a coincidence and went back to the menu. In addition to the denim skirt, I wore a red sleeveless top with a low scoop neck in front showing a small cleavage and the bottom didn't quite reach the belt line of the skirt, subsequently showing some flesh in between. On my feet were 2 inch wedges.

The waitress came with my tea and took my order of eggplant parmesan and a small Italian salad. When she walked away, without moving my head, I rolled my eyes toward the family table and the older girl was looking my way again. I turned my head to look the other way but the only thing there was a blank wall. Looking back again, she was still facing my way, then she smiled shyly and turned her attention to her plate.

While waiting for my food I felt an urge to use the ladie's room. I slid out of the booth, stood and looked around. She was watching me and pointed toward what looked like a hallway in the back. I smiled and nodded as I headed that way. It was larger than I expected, having 2 stalls and 2 basins. I also noticed a deadbolt lock on the door. Since I was not shy about such things, I ignored the lock and entered the first stall to do my thing. Before I finished, I heard the door open, a shuffle of feet and then a loud "CLICK".

I opened the stall door and stepped out to find that same girl at one of the basins washing her hands.

She looked into the mirror at my image from behind her and said "OH... hi."

"Hi" I said in return "May I ask why you locked the door?"

"Did I? ... habit I guess."

"Could be,...... or maybe on purpose?"

"What ever do you mean?" she asked in a kind of impish tone.

"Well, I saw you looking at me from your table. Are you going to rob me? I don't have a purse." I laughed.

Looking down quickly she said "I see. No. No robbing. I thought I was being sneaky and you wouldn't notice me looking at you."

She continued "I just thought you looked very pretty and I was admiring your skirt and top combination."

"Umm huum.... thank you.... I think. How old are you?"

"Seventeen. Seventeen today. Today is my birthday. That's why we are here tonight. How old are you?"

"I am 23 and my birthday was 5 weeks ago."

"My name is Kaytlin. K-A-Y-T-L-I-N. What's your name?"

"I am Lynda Rae, but most of my friends call me Rae, R-A-E."

"Then I think I should call you Rae 'cause I feel like your friend already."

"OK, that's fine with me. I had better get back to my table, my food should be there by now."

"Yeah... true.... You go ahead. I will be another minute here. Bye Rae."

"Bye Kaytlin... and happy birthday."


I unlocked the door and left without looking back. As I walked to my table, I couldn't help but look at their table. Dad was a rather handsome man, tall with dark hair. The younger girl was an younger version of Kaytlin. Mother was what Kaytlin was going to be in about 20 years. The resemblance was striking. I had to smile seeing such a beautiful family.

I sat to a table with no food yet. I looked up to see Kaytlin returning and as she sat down she looked my way, smiled and winked. Just then the waitress arrived with my food. I was starving and the aroma made it even worse. After cutting the eggplant and putting a bite in my mouth, I chewed and my thoughts ran to Kaytlin. She was pretty for someone so young. Is seventeen really that young? I thought to myself. I didn't think so when I was that age. My mind went on, she is easy to look at with her long reddish blond hair, longer than mine. She had clips on it behind her ears to pull it back and hold it from her face. Her lips bore just a hint of color with a gloss coat. Her height was less than mine... but...we might be quite close since I had on those wedges and her feet were in beach style leather thongs. Her tight, smallish pink top had white lace around the bottom hem and on the short sleeves. The neck was open but not nearly as low cut as mine. The low cut, hip hugging, full length jeans were quite tight against her body. She was slim, but shapely with a nice flare from her waist to her hips. Her breasts were not prominent. Probably a 30A I supposed to myself as I took a bite of salad. Musing, I recalled myself at that age. If not for my darker complexion and hair, that could have been me.

Probably fifteen minutes later Kaytlin made another trip to the restroom taking her purse with her this time. In a couple of minutes she was back and a sliding of chairs brought me out of my pseudo-trance. They were leaving and Kaytlin was trailing the pack. She smiled sweetly as she passed my booth.

Then I heard her say "I'll be right there Mom, I want to get another sip of my tea. I'll catch up."

She went back to the table, picked up her tea glass and took a big drink while she looked at me. She sat the glass down, pulled something from her jeans pocket and just held it in her hand. She stepped from their table toward mine never losing sight of my face. She extended her hand with a small piece of paper in it and said "Here, this is for your eyes only, Rae."

I took it but before I could say anything at all she quickened her pace and sped away from me to her family by the exit door. They left and turned the direction where I could no longer see them or which way they went. I cautiously unfolded the piece of paper. I read "Kaytlin's cell phone- 666-1616. CALL ME tonight after 9:30. PLEASE." I just stared at it, not knowing what to think. I was certain her parents wouldn't approve of this. But then too, I thought "what the hell. I was 17once and I did silly things too. Maybe I will call her and just wish her a happy birthday again. She will be disappointed if I don't call. "

I finished my dinner, topped it off sipping a small glass of port, then paid my tab, left the waitress a generous tip and headed home. Only I didn't go straight home. There were some shops along the street so I slowly walked both sides of the street just window shopping, and enjoying flashbacks of Kaytlin smiling at me. I shook my head and told myself, "You have to get out more. You're imagination is overloading your brain."

I turned at the corner and made my way home and was inside in about 5 minutes. I kicked off my shoes and stretched out on the sofa. But first.... I retrieved Kaytlin's note from my pocket and put it by my phone. Looking at the clock I found that it was 8:43. I closed my eyes and Kaytlin's note was all I could see. The next thing I knew I was startled awake by an auto horn. I jumped and went to the window to look out and it was just someone who had hit the wrong button and triggered their alarm. I turned and saw the clock which now announced it was 9:37. Guess I had dozed. Then I noticed a wetness in the crotch of my panties. Bringing my hands to my face I could smell my sexy juices on the fingers of both hands. I was still a bit groggy and not quite awake as I tried to remember.....did I dream...... of Kaytlin? I racked my brain but nothing came to me. I turned on a lamp and the flash of light caused me to close my eyes and when I did, my dream hit me. I had been dreaming of her. She was fingering my pussy as she smiled and winked at me. That was all I could remember. That was TOO much to remember I told myself. Now the clock was showing 9:44.

I sat back on the sofa and looked at the phone....the note was beside it.....I looked at the phone. Then I picked up the note and unconciously put it to my nose. It had a faint perfumy aroma. I read it again. It still said the same thing but all I could see was "CALL ME". I can't do this. Shouldn't do this. What the hell am I thinking? She is seventeen and just barely that. Then I began trying to rationalize that I should do it. It is her birthday. She might consider a call to be a birthday present since that is what she asked me for. I don't owe her a present my mind told me. But why not be nice and call her anyway?

It is 9:50, if I am going to call I should do it before 10:00. I pick up the phone, then put it back. Then 10 seconds later I pick it up again and hear the dial tone ... begging me to push a number button to silence it. I did. I dialed her number. I was nervous and my hand was sweaty on the phone. I heard the phone on the other end ring one time. Actually I don't think it even finished the first ring before I heard a click.

"Hi Rae, I was beginning to think you weren't going to call me," I heard from her sweet quiet voice.

"Hi Kaytlin. How did you know it was me?"

"I just knew. It had to be you. I would have just died if you didn't call."

"Oh come on, you would not. You don't even know me. I just wanted to tell you happy birthday again."

"Thank you again, Rae, but please don't hang up yet. Talk to me for a few minutes?" she asked.

"Well....OK... if you insist."

Giggling she said "I insist....its my birthday you know."

"OOOK.... what do we talk about?"

"hmmmm....... talk about you?"

"Why me? It's your birthday."

"I want to know more about you."

So I quickly told her about going to college and working at the newspaper. She listened without interruption which I thought was adultlike of her.

She then said "I...mmm.... I have a question."

"Go," I replied.

"Are you busy tomorrow? Do you have to work or anything?"

"Why on earth would you ask that?"

She laughed and said "You aren't supposed to answer a question with a question."

"Not busy, no work, how's that?."

"Much better. May I come to visit you tomorrow...... say about 11?"

"What? Why?"

She giggled and said " You left out ..where, when and who... aren't those the basics for newpaper people?"

I laughed too and said "Well, yeah.. for reporters I guess. You are a smarty."

"Thank you. Now....may I visit you?"

"My you are persistent aren't you? ........... I guess it is OK. Just don't show up with your suitcase."

"Oh.... thank you, Rae. You have no idea what this means to me. No suitcase. I promise. Not this time.." she snickered.

"How are you going to find me?"

"I know where you live. It is about a 10 minute walk from my house. When you called me, your number showed on my caller ID and I looked it up on the internet."

"I see. Did you find out anything else about me on the internet?"

"No. I didn't look for more. I hope to learn more about you tomorrow during my visit."

"Are you a budding reporter?"


"OK. Then I shall expect you at 11. Don't be late, young lady."

"No way. I may be early."

"Goodnight, Kaytlin."

"Goodnight, Rae. Sweet dreams."

The phone line went dead. She didn't give me a chance to repond the the dream thing. Does she have psychic powers or ESP or something? Why in hell did I agree to let her visit me? I think she has put a spell on me. Ahhh.. no... I am just lonely and she is such a fresh spirit and is offering me a bit of friendship that I have been missing. Time to hit the bed for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Part 3

I slept but not all that soundly. Sleep was racked with dreams, seemingly all night long. Mostly dreams of my childhood and school friends. Also I remember dreaming of happier days with Megan. One I recall, woke me up but I fell right back to sleep I was so bushed. Megan and I were just kissing in that dream. Kissing and kissing. When we stopped and I looked at her, it wasn't Megan. Yep. It was Kaytlin. Remembering dreams sometimes isn't as great as the dream itself. What is happening to me? I just saw this girl for a few minutes last night and she is invading my most secret dreams. I lay with my eyes staring at the ceiling but not seeing anything. My thoughts were all over the place. Megan, me, Kaytlin, Kaytlin's Mom all ran through my mind. I shook my head and decided to get up. It was only 6:30 but I wasn't going to sleep anymore. I made coffee, poured some orange juice and fell into the sofa after I turned on the TV.

"I should have put on some clothes," I told myself as I always sleep nude. Old habits are hard to break.

I headed for the shower while the coffee was dripping. After a wake up shower, I pulled on a bra, a mint green thong, tank top and baggy flannel shorts. Then I became obsessed. I had to straighten up this place since Kaytlin is coming later. I didn't want her to think I was a messy housekeeper...... even though I am a bit lax most of the time. So I put things in order. No cleaning since the place was clean. I just had mags and newspapers strewn about and a few dishes in the sink which I deftly hid in the dishwasher. Then I went in and made the bed such that even my own Mom would have been proud of me. Dirty clothes in the hamper was the final touch and everything looked shipshape. Why was I trying to impress this teenage girl? Why indeed.

After my coffee and some cereal with strawberries, I just relaxed and got into an old movie on the TV. It went off at 10 and I began to wonder if she was really going to come over. I knew she would. I just knew she was serious about that.

At a few minutes before 11 I heard my buzzer sound. I knew who it was so I didn't even say anything , I just hit the button to release the lobby door and waited for her knock at my door. I was a bit nervous. I can't lie about that but I am not sure why I was.

I heard a peck, peck, peck on the door. I waited about 10 seconds before I opened it even though I was standing right by it. I didn't want to seem too anxious. I opened the door and I am sure she heard me suck in my breath.

There she stood, a veritable vision of loveliness, wearing a green baseball cap on her head with her hair in a pony tail out through the back of the cap, a pale yellow t-shirt with Old Navy across her chest, green capri pants that stopped just at her knees and white sneakers but no socks. When I really looked into her face the first thing I saw was her mesmerizing smile with a ton of beautiful white teeth showing through. Then I noticed her eyes. Why had I not seen these eyes last night? They were an unusual shade of light green but I thought maybe that was because of the cap and coloration that clothing can cause sometimes. Later when she removed the cap her eyes remained that same color. She was prettier than I remembered but last night at Marnie's I had no reason to be quite so observant.

"Hi Kaytlin. Please come in," I said with a smile.

"Thank you" she said as she stuck out her hand as if to shake hands with me.

Automatically I took her hand in mine. The immediate effect was something that is hard to explain. It wasn't a shock. It wasn't electric in any way. It was.... I don't know.... more like just a pulse of energy of some kind being transferred from her to me through our touching fingers. I just felt it ripple through my body like a .... like a shiver from a cool breeze.. but followed by a warm glow that engulfed my whole body...kind of like blushing all over. It was weird.

She stepped through and I closed the door but she never released my hand. She took advantage of that, came close and put her arm around me and hugged me before I could stop her. Then I was glad I didn't. She and I were really the same height. I was barefoot and she in her sneakers put our faces at the almost exact same level. I turned my head slightly and her head went past mine with her chin over my shoulder while we hugged. I was quietly aware of our breasts touching as well. Yes... I participated in the hug. How could I not? The hug ended uneventfully though.

"I am so glad you let me come, Rae."

"Well... I was not sure it was a good thing because of our ages and not really knowing each other but you were so convincing, I decided.... why not."

With a little smirk she said "I can be convincing sometimes." as she pulled off her sneakers and sat them by the door.

"But now..... you are going to have to let me know why you were so convincing and why you even approached me at all last night. Let's sit here while you fill me in."

"Let's just talk a while before we get to that, OK?" as she pulled off her cap and laid it on the floor by the sofa before we sat down.

So we talked about school, families, likes, dislikes and things in general. The man at Marnie's was her uncle instead of her father. They are divorced and that is her mother's brother.

"So.... just why are you here today?"

"OK, but before I start, I want you to know that I am not a nut. I am not goofy or demented in any way. I am studious and smart. I have never had less than an A on any report card so my GPA is a 4.0 and I am lesbian."

"WHOA GIRL!!!!.... lesbianism is not a religion you know. It is a serious genetic flaw that some females are born with. What makes you think you are lesbian and why aren't you having this conversation with your mother?"

"I know. I will get back to that question in a bit."

She didn't give me a chance to say anything as she continued "For about the past 2 months I have been having these dreams of......let's say of being in the presence of another female. They don't occur nightly but maybe once or maybe twice a week. Totally I have probably had maybe a dozen dreams like that. It has always been the same girl."

"Then, last night, when I saw you walk into Marnie's, I almost fainted. You are that girl, Rae. You are the 'girl of my dreams' so to speak."

"Oh crap Kaytlin. You are making this stuff up. How could....."

She cut me off in the middle saying "No, Rae. It is true. Please don't say that. I have had so mamy of these dreams, I could never forget the way she looks. It is you. Not only the face but the body, hair, eyes and......even your legs. I knew exactly what they looked like before I ever watched you walk to that restroom. I absolutely am NOT making up any of this."

"OK..... assuming that I believe you.....about being lesbian and having these dreams, why do you insist that it is me in them? Dreams are usually pretty vague and sometimes really hard to describe accurately."

"I know, but I have had this same dream with this same person so many times, it is firmly entrenched in my mind and memory. It is you. I have no doubt but I don't know why it is you."

"Kaytlin, .... I am having a really hard time with all this. I know you are adamant about it and believe that I am your lesbian dream girl but..."

She got up, turned to look at me and said "I guess I made a mistake by coming here like this. You are never going to believe me and...... oh hell... what's the use..."

Tears welled up in her eyes and overflowed as they streamed down her cheeks. She started actually sobbing as I rose from the sofa and went to her. I put my arms around her for comfort and she pushed me away. She sobbed even harder. Again I put my arms around her and this time she allowed me as she put her arms around me and her face to my shoulder. I could feel the wetness of her tears as they soaked the shoulder strap of my top. I didn't want her to go.

I whispered "Kaytlin, I am sorry but try to put yourself in my position here. It is so weird what you are telling me and expecting me to believe but I want somehow to give you some comfort and understanding. Please. Sit with me and let's talk some more."

"Ok.....uhh....I will (sniff sniff)...Rae."

"Can you tell any reasons you think you are lesbian?"

She was looking toward me but past me as she started "Oh I KNOW I am. Ever since I was 12 when I started my periods, I have only had eyes for other girls. When I was in 7th grade a boy hugged me and tried to kiss me. It actually made me sick to my stomach I was so upset. I have since learned to control myself a little better but I have no feeling for boys at all even though I am able to be friendly with them. The times at school in the open shower rooms after phys ed class are hard for me. All the other girls are parading around nude, in the showers all wet, drying themselves off, spreading their legs to dry down there with their breasts bouncing up and down from the movements....."

I turned my head a little to look directly into her face. Her eyes were wide and kind of glassy while her mouth displayed a slight smile as she was relating her innermost feelings which I am sure I was the very first person to ever hear from her. I must admit......unless she is on hell of an actress.... she has strong lesbian tendencies. Unfulfilled tendencies I am sure. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her sideways and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I understand, Kaytlin....but I need to know more. Are you up for more questions?"

"Yes... I think I am over the hump with what I just revealed to you. Go ahead and ask."

"So I assume you have never dated or been alone with a boy?"

"NO WAY !!!!" she blurted.

"Do you masturbate?"

"Yes........more now than I used to. Often when I have that dream, I wake up fingering myself and I am all wet and the it gets wetter when I have an orgasm."

"Have you ever done anything at all with any other girl?"

She thought for a few seconds, smiling like she was remembering something pleasing to her before she said "Two times, two different girls. The second was almost a year ago now."

"Can you tell me what you did...in detail?"

"I think so. I want to tell you. This is so hard to admit all this to you but I know it would be 1000 times worse trying to tell Mom."

"Go ahead if you're ready."

"OK... the first time, I was 15 and so my friend Angela was staying over on a friday night. Mom dropped us at the multiplex cinema. We bought tickets but didn't go to the movie we bought them for. We sneaked in to an "R" rated movie that I had heard had at least one lesbian scene in it. We didn't get caught in there so we watched the whole movie. Mom picked us up and never knew. Later when we were in my bedroom, I asked Angela what she thought of the sex scenes. She admitted that she liked them and they were interesting. A little later, lying on the bed in our panties and t-shirts, I asked her if she would like to try anything like they did in the movie. She wasn't sure, but I convinced her that we could try kissing. She was OK with that so we kissed. And then we kissed again and 2 or 3 more times. When I put my tongue to her lips she opened her mouth and let me. When I stopped, she said I had kissed her just like a boy. So I kissed her again using my tongue but when I reached and tried to play with her breast, she squirmed away and told me to stop that. Then she said we should stop and go to sleep. So that was the end of that and we never got together again like that."

"Well that is lesbian like but not unusual for teenage girls."

"The other time, about a year ago, I was staying over with another friend named Beth. We had kissed one time, at her birthday party when she turned 16. I kissed her and told her that now she wasn't sweet sixteen anymore. Of course she told me that only related to boy kisses and that one didn't count. Anyway, we were in her room watching TV this other time and a hot kissing scene came on. I reminded her of her birthday kiss. She remembered and admitted that it was a nice kiss. I told her that I enjoyed it and would like to kiss her again. She agreed and we kissed, rather hotly I might add. I thought it was really going to go somewhere. We kissed several times and she let me play with her breasts. She squeezed one of mine just once. We had some tongue kisses and I reached down to her ...her.... genital area. I was so nervous but I wasn't going to stop unless she made me. I pushed my fingers between her legs and she moved them apart a little for me. I began to rub her down there. I pushed her panties aside and touched her bare vagina. I heard her moan when I did that and I started rubbing my fingers on her. She told me to put my finger inside and I did. I started pushing it in and out and she was like going wild. Then all of a sudden she just stopped and told me to stop. So I did. It was all over. She said she didn't want to do anymore and we should go to sleep. I knew my fingers were wet from being where they were. I put my hand to my nose and sniffed. I thought it smelled a lot like mine. So, next thing I licked my finger. It tasted a lot like mine too but yet it was different somehow. I stuck my finger in my mouth and sucked and licked it until the taste was gone. Then I went to sleep. Beth and I never had another sleepover either."

I just sat there. I was thinking "WOW... I am beginning to think she really is lesbian... or at least on her way."

I told her "That sounded like a pretty hot encounter. You were pretty much the aggressor so maybe you really do have lesbian feelings."

"I DO. I am lesbian.........like I told you before."

"OK. So..... don't you think your mother should know? How are you going to break it to her?"

"I.....uhh......I was hoping......you could help me with that, Rae."

"ME? How could I help you with THAT?"

"You could tell me how you handled it."

"What do you mean? How I handled it?"

"How did your mother find out about you being lesbian. You just have to be. I know you are."

I thought "OH SHIT. What do I do now?"

So I said "You think I am lesbian? What makes you think that?"

"You are. You are the one in my dreams. You are real and so are my dreams. If my dreams are real and you are real then you have to be lesbian. Besides that, when you walked into that restaurant, ... you aren't gonna believe this either... before I saw you, I felt your presence. I know that sounds like bull but it is true. I knew somehow that a lesbian was close by and then you turned the corner. I don't know how I knew.... but honestly, Rae, .... I knew. I just felt it and I knew."

My mind was racing. I knew what she was talking about. I didn't sense that she was there but I have on a couple of instances been able to detect something similar. Most call it "Gaydar" and I am not convinced that it exists but then I certainly would not totally deny it.

I still had my arm around her shoulders through all this. I pulled her in tightly to my shoulder and she just nestled up against me.

My shaky voice was merely a whisper as I said "I don't know what to say, Kaytlin,.............. you have touched me deeply. Your intuitions, awareness and sensitivity are incredible. Yes, I am lesbian and have been all my life I guess. You obviously have some special something that gives you insight that most people don't have. I believe you and I believe you are lesbian."

She raised up and looked at me wearing a smile that could only be described as a 'full face grin'. She said quietly "I knew. I really knew and I was right. The feelings I have been having just couldn't have been wrong being as strong as they were."

I could tell from the look in her eyes that she was going to kiss me. I was powerless to move or stop her. My mind was a bit of porridge at the time. I wanted her to kiss me. Her lips met mine in a tender closed mouth kiss that was electrifying to me and I suspect to her as well. It was a short kiss and she pulled back and was looking into my eyes when I opened them. I pulled her back for another kiss of the same kind only a bit longer with some moving around of the lips but no tongue. I broke away and just hugged her to me and we sat there embracing for several minutes in total silence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Part 4

Finally, I realized I had to move away from her. If I didn't I knew I was headed over the edge and there would be no escape, no rescue and.... no going backward. So I took my arms from around her and she sat up straight as I moved to get up from the sofa.

"Where are you going, Rae?"

I lied "I just had to move, I was beginning to feel a bit stiff just sitting like that."

She said "I'm sorry if I have caused you to reveal your secrets. But....in my mind....I had to try to figure out what has been going on with me and those dreams."

"I don't try to keep my lifestyle a secret. I just don't flaunt it either. That is a personal choice of mine. I would not have told you anything like that if I thought you were going to broadcast it."

"Don't worry. Letting that information out is for you to do. Just like mine is for me to do."

"What did you tell your mother you were going to do today? Does she have any inkling of what you might be all about?"

"I told her I was going to walk over on Edgewood and just window shop, maybe go to the park and have a bite of lunch while I was out."

"Then get up and let's go. I don't want you lying to her. We will go window shop, walk in the park and have lunch."

She looked at me and laughed.

"What is so funny?"

"You had better go change to another pair of shorts before you go out in public."

I looked down and the crotch of my shorts was soaking wet. I felt a blush engulf my whole body as my internal temperature immediately rose about 20 degrees. I ooze a lot and feeling dampness is just a way of life with me but this time....I didn't realize just how much I had released.

With a big silly grin on her face, Kaytlin said "Looks as if you like me a lot more than you thought." followed by a wink.

Looking at her as she sat with her legs stretched straight out in front of her, I said "Well.....it doesn't seem that you liked me very much. You don't have even a drop showing."

"I am just as wet as you are, Rae. I know I flow a bunch when I get excited. So,..... I anticipated that I might get excited being close to you and I wore a panty liner inside my panties. It is soaked but doesn't show through."

"Smarty aren't you?" I flipped with a grin as I headed for my bedroom.

I went in and pulled off my shorts and thong and threw them in the hamper. I went back to the bathroom to rinse off my sticky mess. Then I returned to my bedroom to find more clothes. I pushed the door to close as I went through but I didn't hear it latch. I went over to the dresser where I keep my underwear, opened the drawer and proceeded to fumble through my collection of panties with my back to the door. When I raised up I was facing the mirror and I saw Kaytlin leaning against the door frame as she stood in the doorway, looking directly at my bare ass and at my front in the mirror.

"I didn't invite you," I said in a determined tone.

"But you didn't close the door either," she quipped as she came in and sat on my bed.

I still keep myself cleanly shaven even though my love life has been non-existent for the past several months. So there I stood, facing her, holding my panties in my hand, hairless and nude from the waist down.

"You can't be in here, Kaytlin. We can't do anything.... nothing... together. If we did and your mother found out she could have me arrested. You are underage."

She got up and walked toward me as I stood like a statue. She put her arms around me and her face to my neck. She was still fully clothed.

"That's not so, Rae. I researched that on the internet this morning to confirm what I already knew. In this state the legal age of sexual consent is seventeen. As of yesterday, I am as legal to consent to sex as you are. The age difference is not a barrier either."

I wasn't hugging her... yet. My arms were at my sides and I was just kind of stunned I guess. I said nothing.

She put her mouth to my ear and whispered, "Make love with me, Rae. Be my first. Teach me. Teach me to make love to you and please you. You,.... who are the girl of my dreams."

I just plain fucking melted on the inside. I wanted her at least as much as she wanted me. I knew then that it was going to happen. She wanted it. I wanted it. It was like a runaway freight train coming down the track, with Kaytlin and I in front of it, in each others arms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Part 5

We kissed. Softly at first but it soon turned into a wet passionate duel of lips and tongues. I felt her hands on my ass cheeks as she held us against each other. I thought to myself, "She may be inexperienced but she has great intuition."

Her hands came up and under my tank top as she pushed it up and pulled it over my head. I thought it was time I got some of her clothes off as well. I took hold of the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it up as she raised her arms straight up to help me remove it. I reached behind to unhook her bra but it had no hooks. It was one of those stretchy sports type bras, so I just pulled it up the same way as the shirt. I put my hands on her shoulders and held her at arm's length so I could see what I had just uncovered. While I was staring at her bare chest, she reached to unhook my bra, which had its hook in the front between the cups. It fell open and she pushed it back and over my shoulders as I lowered my arms and let it drop to the floor before I returned my hands to her shoulders. She touched my breasts and lightly ran her fingers all over them and across my nipples as well. I shivered at the tenderness she showed me.

Her small breasts were absolutely beautiful and .....oh so perfectly shaped. Her areolae were almost circular, about the size of quarters with a small but protuding nipple standing about one-fourth inch high on each one. I slid my hands down to just touch and cover her breasts with my palms. That was their size. Like the palms of my hands. I heard and felt her take in a breath and hold it as she shivered just a bit. Her eyes were closed and I kissed her on the end of her nose. She exhaled as I kept my hands on her breasts, exerting a slight pressure against them. Moving my hands to her sides just beside her breasts, I lowered myself to kiss the top bulges of her breasts. I touched her flesh with the tip of my tongue as I dragged my tongue tip to her left nipple. Her soft moan was music to my ears. I sucked the nipple gently before moving to the right one and gave it the same pleasure. I held both breasts with my hands underneath them as I rapidly licked and kissed both alternately moving from breast to breast and from flesh to nipple and back again. Her moans were louder and often and just then I felt her body tremble and her knees almost buckled but she maintained her standing posture as she was overrun with her first orgasm to be brought about by another person. The first of many I hoped to help her experience.

I held her tightly to me as she settled down from her spasm and rapid breathing . I dropped to my knees, unbuttoned the waist band and pulled down the zipper of her capris. They were snug on her hips so I had to tug a bit to get them down. They fell in a jumble at her feet as I held her ankles and helped her step out of the pants. I looked up and had to smile. She was wearing a thong also and it was almost exactly the same color as the mint green I had chosen early this morning for myself. I hooked my fingers in the elastic at their top and gently pulled them down and over her hips as well. She spread her legs a few inches to help the crotch area move freely. She stepped out of them by herself. I picked u[ her panties and held them to my nose. Her aroma excited me even more. The liner was definitely soaked. She was right about that.

I walked backward on my knees a couple of steps to look at her. She was truly a pretty girl. Her face, her body, her small perfect breasts. Stunning. Her legs were perfectly shaped and proportioned. Not like my fleshy lower legs I thought. As I continued my path down her body with my eyes, I came upon her pubic mound. It was covered with a thin patch of hair, the same color, but a little darker hue, as the reddish blonde hair of her head. I reached out and just lightly ran my fingers through her pubic hair. It was soft and silky. Then just as I withdrew my fingers, she moved forward and pulled my head to her and my chin was resting at the top of her slit. I could smell her sex and it was such heady aroma. Just imagining that soon I was going to be tasting it almost took me over the edge. Her outer lips appeared to be just a little bit puffy, probably because of her level of excitement and recent small orgasm.

I stood up and our bodies met as we kissed. The strength in her hug was...well...unusual...as it seemed like she was trying to squeeze the breath from me. I switched my concentration to the touching of our breasts. Hers were firm and I could feel them pressing into me as mine are larger and somewhat softer. I could feel her mound pressing against me. It felt like an oven against my bare, shaven pubis. I moved my knee to push between her legs and she began to rub herself against me.

I held onto her and walked her backward to the edge of the bed. With my hands on her hips, I guided her to sit on the bed. I helped her lie back and then scoot and turn to get her head on a pillow and lie lengthwise on the bed. Oddly, since she had whispered in my ear, neither of us had spoken a word. All this was done in total silence with just touches and motions directing us. It was weird yet exciting in it's own way.

I climbed onto the bed and got my knees against her hip before I rocked back and sat on my lower legs. I started at her feet with my eyes and slowly scanned up to her face. She was watching me, learning, absorbing the knowledge of my every move. She smiled that impish smile of hers. Her eyes were smiling too. I could see nothing but happiness anywhere I looked.

Then she broke the silence as she said softly "Rae?.... I was right about everything wasn't I ?"

"Yes, Sweetie, I suppose you were. I said you are a smarty didn't I?" as I leaned over to kiss her teasing, smiling lips.

I kissed all over her face, her eyes, forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, then to her neck as I butterly kissed both sides before moving down to her collar bone and on down to the upper bulges of her breasts. I began kissing, tongueing and sucking her nipples, which now, seemed even more firm and a little taller than they had previously. Her hands found my head and entwined their fingers into my hair as she applied pressure to force my head lower on her body. I knew what she wanted and ...how much she wanted it but it wasn't time yet.

As I resisted her efforts, I whispered, "Patience Baby. Patience."

She relaxed her grip and just lightly held my head as I moved back and forth on her breasts.

"I feel like I am going to come again Rae."

"Go ahead. Don't try to hold back. Let it go."

I reached with one hand to the inside of her thigh. I squeezed it just about the knee and then ran my hand up and down a couple of times stopping just short of her wetness. I dragged my fingernails up and down as well with a slight pressure on her tender skin. I could feel her responding to my touch. I moved my had to her soft hair above her slit and just pressed for a few seconds before I began to rub back and forth. My lips and tongue were rapidly sliding all over her breasts and nipples. I could feel the beginnings of her orgasm through her labored breathing and her moans, which were getting pretty loud.

I heard "Oh oh.... oooohh Rae........ Rae.... oh.. uummph..... it's coming Rae."

I kept up what I was doing for about 5 seconds more. Her body was telling me she was right at the edge.

I moved my fingers too her slit, extended my middle finger and just rubbed up and down between her lips. As I felt her contortions begin, I pushed my finger inside her and slid it in and out several times before I added my index finger to give her even more feeling. My mouth descended on the nipple I was licking and I closed my teeth around it and gave it a little bite.

She screamed very loudly as her hips and pelvis humped my hand and fingers. Her breathing was more like the snorts of a race horse at the finish line.

"Rae.....Rae.... Rae..... oohhh.......mmmph......Rae..... coming.........uuunnnnnnnh," and then she just went limp and motionless.

I pulled my hand from her sopping pussy. Her juices dripped from my fingers and fell onto her outstretched thigh. I licked my fingers before I leaned down to lick the glistening drops from her legs. I moved up to her face thinking she had passed out but found her eyes open along with her mouth which was open and still sucking air. She managed a smile and tried to speak but couldn't.

I put my finger to her lips and said "Just relax a minute or two."

She nodded. I kissed all over her face as she was in 'recovery'. She just lay there as she settled down somewhat.

I couldn't leave her alone. I couldn't stop. I was on a roll for the first time in several months. She was so enticing, so pretty, so young, so willing, so......so loveable. I got back to my knees and began kissing her breasts again, working my way down her torso, licking her navel, trying to push my tongue into it. I got to her soft pubic hair and just kissed and nuzzled my mouth and nose into it. It felt so good against my face even though I usually don't like hair in that area. It was hers and right now that made all the difference. I moved over with my knee between her legs and she responded by spreading her legs for me. I placed my hands under her legs just below the knees and raised her knees into the air as I spead her feet apart even more. I licked up and down the inside of her thighs. My nose touched her wet lips and her body jerked just a bit at the contact. I touched her lips for the first time with the tip of my tongue and just ran it down and back up the slit, not trying to penetrate them. She was moving more now, moving her hips, trying to push against me. I reached under her legs and placed my thumbs at the sides of her pussy and pulled to open that gorgeous morsel. It was such a beautiful pink inside with all the glistening wetness making it even more delectable. I could see the tiny hole buried deep inside that led to her most sacred secrets. I lowered my face to her and began to lick her inner lips, up and down, back and forth, increasing my pressure as her moans finally penetrated my ears. I was on automatic now. Her total satisfaction was the only thing occupying my brain. I drove my tongue into the crevice and licked all over, hard, pushing with all the tongue muscles I could find.I felt the tip of my tongue entering that forbidden zone as I rolled my tongue into a spear and pushed forward. Her moans were now just guttural noises, grunts and groans that were totally unintelligible. I licked and sucked and engulfed her lips with my lips as I gently pulled on them. The movement of her hips was making it difficult to keep the contact where I wanted it. I moved my fingers to the upper zone and searched for the entrance to the folds that protected her clit. I pulled the covering skin up and apart and when I looked, I could see that sensitive button looking back at me, begging for some attention. I was pleasantly surpised at its size. Not big but quite a bit more than just a pimple size. Definitely it is suckable I thought to myself as I moved my face upward on her and replaced my tongue with 2 fingers inside her. My tongue touched her clit and her body just seemed to quake. I licked and licked, gently at first as I ran my tongue tip around the area. I moved right on top of her clit and just pressed against it with my tongue before I started licking harder and faster. My tongue receded into my mouth and my lips surrounded the protuding nubbin and I sucked it like one of her beautiful nipples.

The scream she let out was deafening. Her body was shaking, her hips were out of control and making it difficult to keep in contact with her clit but I hung on. She screamed several times as a violent orgasm convulsively racked her entire body. When her movement finally slowed, I removed my fingers from her, raised my face from her clit and rubbed lightly with my fingers over the outside of her clit hood. Her hips were still rising and falling in obviously uncontrollable spasms. I just watched her as she returned to consciousness. What a beautiful sight. What a wonderful and satisfying feeling I had inside me, knowing that I had fulfilled her most secret desires.

I laid down beside her and she turned her head to look at me. Her eyes were glassy but she had a smile on her lips.

Weakly, she said "Kiss me."

I did. With all the gentleness and love I could muster. Yeah... I said love. This girl had taken control of my life and I didn't even seem to care.

We lay like that for several minutes until she began to move and I asked her where she was going.

"I have to pee. I will be right back."

"Are you wobbly? Do you need me to walk with you?

"No, I am OK. Just stay there." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Part 6

I ran my fingers through the sopping wet spot on my bedspread comforter. I smiled and licked my fingers. She was on her way back to the bed. She seemed somewhat rejuvenated. Youth.

Up onto the bed she came and straddled me with her legs and sat on my thighs.

"Test time." she said with a big grin.

"HUH?...what does that mean?"

"I have been tutored and now it is time to see what I learned. Don't you dare try to stop me either."

I said "Kaytlin, you have to be bushed after your third orgasm. You don't have to do this. I am fine with just pleasing you which is really all I needed."

She put her hand on my mouth, looked into my eyes, trying to look tough and said "Be quiet. I am in control now."

She rose to her knees and leaned to my face and kissed me long, hard and deep with her tongue. Her hands found my breasts and she expertly fondled my flesh and nipples as I closed my eyes and I knew that I was going to pleasantly surprised at how much pleasure she was able to deliver after only one "lesson".

She pretty much followed what I had done with her, but she put in a few variations too which pleased me to no end. She went to my pussy early and smeared sticky stuff on my breasts so she could lick it off. She did the same to my navel. Interspersing kisses to my lips with her other activities was a stimulating touch as well. Definitely, her attentions were getting to me. I was pretty hyped up anyway after the pleasure I got from pleasing her but she was surely a good student and I was breathing harder and squirming a bit.

My slick lips were very wet as I could feel a bit of liquid slip out and run down through the cleft of my ass. Her hand found its way in between my lips and she inserted her finger, then another into me. Her fingers were long. I liked that. Her thumb found the top of my slit and massaged over the clit hood. I was humping against her hand now as her mouth found my breasts again and began to suck and nibble at my tender, lately unused nipples. Damn... it felt so good... and she seemed to know just what to do and when to do it. Her fingers were pushing in and out in a regular rhythm and with each push in, her thumb rubbed up over my clit and back down as she pulled her fingers back. I was getting that feeling way back in my pelvis as well as my mind. I knew she was going to help me to an orgasm on her very first try. And I was going to help her do it.

I increased my humping of her hand and she bit down on a nipple.... a little too hard and I cried out....she relaxed her bite but didn't stop. Determination... I like that too. Just then she left my breasts and began licking a trail down my abdomen. I knew what was next. Since I had no hair for her to play with, she just licked all the way down and right on to my now gaping slit. I had my knees apart and my feet spread wide on the bed.

Her mouth descended to my pussy lips and I felt a wave of heated pleasure course through from my toes to the sweaty dark hair on top of my head. Her open mouth covered mo'sst of my outer lips as she sucked gently. Her tongue pushed against me and went past to my inner lips which she licked and sucked with her own lips. Her fingers were keeping me spread wide open and her tongue was diving deeper and harder with each lick. Her fingers moved up to my hood and fumbled to find their way in as I also felt her tongue tip sliding up there as well and it went under the protective skin and touched my engorged clitoris. I felt a strong tremor work its way through me. She kept the hood pulled back with one hand, while she licked around it and pushed her fingers inside me again. There were 2 of her long fingers deep into me as she began the rhythmic motion in and out as she also serviced my clit. Her tongue was hot against my clit as she licked it directly now sending sensations .... almost painful sensations though me. My orgasm was boiling and my body was responding as she brought me along the path to ecstasy. I erupted with a long, loud moan that probably rattled the windows. My breath was coming in short gasps as I worked with her and then it hit. I am sure I screamed her name but I didn't hear it. My mind was so attached to the pleasure I was feeling that I couldn't have heard anything. I convulsed and shook and I remember squeezing her head with my thighs as I pushed them together in the uncontrollable throes of my orgasm. My first orgasm with another person in such a long time. My first orgasm with Kaytlin, and what an orgasm it was. I think I wanted that orgasm more than any I have ever experienced. I settled down in a bit and she licked me all over as she made her way back to my face and mouth, delivering a long wet kiss to my lips before she laid down beside me.

We just stayed there for a bit, hugging, kissing now and again as we both enjoyed the afterglow of such intense love making. Love it was. I had no doubt about that. It just seemed that we were destined to meet and get together like this. And... now that it had happened,.... I felt more happiness than I had ever known. I looked at her and the glow on her face and in her eyes told me that she felt the same way.

I was listening to her breathing and knew that she had dropped off to sleep. A well deserved sleep at that. Her body had to need some rest after three orgasms and then her efforts to make sure I had an orgasm too. In my own relaxation, I turned to spoon against her from behind and soon I too fell asleep with my arm draped over her body.

Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Send them to....."Suzi" at .......... Storeegurl@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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