Kayla and Tracy

By iluminati99

Published on Nov 20, 2008


Hey, everyone! This is a return to an old friend of mine, an alter-ego character of sorts. I would like to give special thanks to the long-time fan who gave me the inspiration for this story (and who is featured as a character herself). If you want to check out more, please visit the website at http://www.asstr.org/~BrettLynn. I reserve all commercial and electronic rights, so don't copy without my permission, OK? And hopefully, this is typo free. =)


Kayla and Tracy strode across the marble-floored lobby, their heels clicking across, and suitcase wheels rolling across, in rhythm as they walked up to the desk. They seemed incredibly out of place in the relatively quiet hotel room. Kayla, of course, always stood out, especially when platform heels can add 6 inches to her already Amazonian 6'5" frame. Her toned, athletic legs reached out from her sequined black mini-dress and matching fur coat. Her huge fake tits threatened to jiggle out of her dress as her face revealed a bit of her exhaustion.

"You got the vouchers, right?" Tracy said as they made their way in line for the check-in desk.

"Damn right, I got them," Kayla said in return. "After all, I didn't expect to be stuck in Dallas after the freakin' plane broke down."

"Ah, don't worry K," Tracy said as she tossed her shoulder-length, curled under hair. "Maybe a trip to the Forum Shops tomorrow will calm you down. Who knows? Maybe we can buy a set of matching fur coats and dresses to go with what we got on!"

"Shut up. You think I knew the plane was gonna fuck up? I blew a day yesterday getting these platinum blonde braids put in, so don't act like this is smooth for me. Besides, you think we should have gone to Vegas in sweats and sneakers?"

"Excuse me, ma'am. Could you step up?"

Kayla walked up to the hotel clerk, placed her clutch on the counter and fished out the room vouchers. "Ma'am, the airline gave me these vouchers for some rooms for tonight? The flight is supposed to leave tomorrow morning, but the plane issues are holding us up for the night."

"Sure, can I see some ID?"

The two women pulled out their driver's licenses for the woman to see. After some perfunctory checking to see if they were real, she proceeded to type their information for the rooms. She grabbed the printout out of the printer, and then folded it into a brochure with the room keys.

"Here you go Ms. Stanford and Ms. LaRue," handing Kayla the brochure and the keys. 'You're in Rom 736, a single King. Is that OK ma'am?"

"I guess. Is there some sort of a hotel bar around here or something?"

"Sure, it's right on the other side of the lounge there. See that neon sign over there?"

"Kinda...oh, I see it. Thanks!"

Miss K walked around the grand atrium of the hotel, enjoying the high glass ceiling and the reflection off the windows of the various rooms. She rued the fact that her weekend bender was going to be interrupted, but would soon be glad to get something to eat.

"Hey K! You almost missed the place!"

Kayla minced her steps, then looked into the bar. While it wasn't dead, it wasn't the liveliest spot in town either. There were a few business types at the bar and clustered around the tabled, but the place was more or less subdued. Smoothing back her braids with her hand, she muttered to herself, "at least I can get something in my belly after all this time."

Off in the corner, Toni sat off in the corner sipping a bottle of Corona, her feet propped up on an adjacent chair. It was another long day in the kitchen, as her sweat-glazed face and the grease stains on the sleeves of her shirt could attest to. Her short hair was matted down underneath her hat as she contemplated what her weekend would bring. Lo and behold, she saw what looked like an Amazon wearing a long fur coat and a set of white-blonde braids. Transfixed by the striking form this woman cut, she couldn't help but notice a set of toned legs that seemed impossibly long and a set of tits that threatened to pour out of the top of her dress. Her friend wasn't too bad looking either. Her less-dramatic curves were balanced out with the softest face she'd seen in a while, making her squeeze her thighs together thinking about how that would feel between her legs. As the ladies took a set at the table, she saw them take their coats out to reveal their figures. It was then she saw how much those dresses covered as they took their coats off, with the cartoonish curves of the tall one competing with the lithe, soft frame of her friend. She couldn't help but sit up and take a swig of her beer as she got a closer look at the two, their body language reveal the two to be a couple. As they waited for a waitress to show up, she noticed something about the taller one's hand as they tapped on the table. "Something's interesting about those hands," Toni thought to herself. "At least from the short nails, I can tell she knows how to finger a girl."

"Hey, you notice that chick over there," Tracy said. "Looks like she's feeling us," she said as she spied the waitress making it over to them.

"You might be right, but I need some food," Miss K said as she spotted something she wanted on the menu.

"Hello, I'll be your server tonight. May I get you something?"

"Yeah," Kayla replied. "Can I get a Seabreeze and some chicken tenders?"

"I'll take a cosmo, and the same as my friend here."

"Coming right up!"

Kayla started to look for what Tracy was talking about when she found someone leaning forward, nursing on a beer. Once this person put her beer down, she felt the woman look her up and down, especially at her overflowing bosom. Enjoying the attention, she tugged down her dress just a bit more, letting the very top of her areolas peek out for a movement before they were recovered. The woman on the other side of the room unconsciously licked her lips, and Kayla thought how that would feel on her.

"Tsk, tsk. Always trying to pick up the White chick, huh?" Tracy laughed as she saw what was going on.

"Well, that's why I have you, Trace, to hide my ever- raging jungle fever. Didn't you know that?" Miss K snapped back in return. "Besides, snow bunny over there might be our consolation prize for what we could have gotten in Vegas. Like how that sounds?"

Tracy tugged Kayla's hand underneath the table and between her legs, where she felt how wet Tracy already was. "I think you know my answer, now, right?"


The waitress arrived with their drinks and food shortly after, and they minds were blinded by the first bit of sustenance they've had in hours. Kayla herself just about inhaled her plate, just thankful for something, anything to eat.

"Smart move there."

"Huh?" Kayla said as she looked up at who said that. The woman in front of her was a bit shorter and smaller framed than she would have guessed from across the room, but she did have a pleasant smile and a decent set of hips. "Who are ya?"

"Just think of me as someone who knows better. Besides, the cook at the bar is a bit of a bum. My name is Toni. What's yours?" she said as she offered her hand.

"Kayla, and this to my left is my running buddy Tracy," Kayla replied in turn as she shook her hand. She noticed that Toni put her fold-up bag down on the table, took her hand and ran both of her hands around it.

"Gee, you have such strong hands, yet they're so smooth. How do you do it," Toni said with a gleam in her eye.

"Well, I work out a lot, then deal with my manicurist once a week," Kayla replied, deciding to play along. "Want to have a seat?"

"Sure," Toni said as she looked Tracy up and down again. "What's your name again?"

"Tracy, pleased to meet you," Kayla's friend replied as they shook hands.

Toni took her seat, and said, "Can I say that you two women are the prettiest women I've seen in here in a while?"

Tracy smiled, then replied "you already have. We saw you staring at us across the room."

"Not that we mind," Kayla said with a laugh and an arm around Tracy's shoulder.

"So what brings you to into this bar?"

"American fuckin' Airlines," Kayla said, remembering her earlier anger. "The plane had trouble. Then, they took seemingly forever to tell us what the heck was going on with the plane. At least they gave us vouchers to crash at your fine establishment overnight until we can get on the road to Vegas."

"Cool! Does that explain the dresses?"

"Yeah," Tracy replied. "Just don't let K start whining about her damn braids again."

"Brat!" Kayla replied with a stuck out tongue. "But anyway, how do you know so much about the food here. Not that I actually tasted much, but still..."

"I work as an apprentice chef in the hotel restaurant. I just got out of cooking school not too long ago. What do you do?"

"Well, let's just say I'm independently wealthy," Kayla said as she looked over at Tracy, then at Toni. "So, Toni...are you good with deserts?"

"Can I say that's the shittiest pick-up line ever?" Toni said with a laugh. "That said, I definitely know how to cook with all kinds, especially with different ingredients."

Kayla shot a look at Tracy, who looked at Toni, who had her eyes in Kayla's cleavage. The three just sat there sizing each other up, not sure what to say next.

"Your place or mine?" Toni finally answered.

"Thought you'd never ask," Kayla said as she stood up on her towering heels and picked up her coat. She fished a $50 bill out of her purse, then chucked it on the table. "You don't think the waitress would mind this, right?"

"Fuck that, K! Let's get going!" Tracy said as she clicked her heels out of the bar, coat and rolling suitcase in hand. The other two ladies caught up with her with their various possessions, then made their way to the bank of elevators. Miss K took the initiative to press a button for an elevator, and the three moved with a purpose onto the elevator. The air was tense, as all three looked straight ahead, afraid to say something, lest the mood be broken. When the doors opened, Kayla led the way out, looking at the sign to point the way to her and Tracy's room. When the door was reached, she fished the room key out of her purse, plunged the key into the slot, then heard the lock click open. The room was pleasantly appointed, comfortable if not particularly luxurious. Through the parted curtains, one could see across the atrium and potentially down to the floor below, but it was the farthest from anyone's mind as both Kayla and Tracy dropped their suitcases near the door and walked into the hotel room. Kayla fell out flat on the bed, her tits sticking up from her body like balloons, before she sat up and saw Toni standing in front of her, arms crossed with a Cheshire grin on her face.


"Yea. What do you want?"

"Let me see that fat dick I know you have."

Kayla was taken aback at first, and then a look of confidence washed over her face. She looked over at Tracy, who arched her eyebrows, then nodded in approval. "Hey, it ain't like there was going to be bible study in Vegas, after all."

After pausing to think for a moment, Kayla got to her feet, staring down Toni like a piece of meat. She then shucked her black mini dress over her braids and tossed it behind her, revealing her huge tits, her small waist, her round hips and ass encased in a black lacy sheer pair of boyshorts and her tones body. She then sat back on the bed, leaning back on her elbows and spreading her impossibly long legs to reveal her crotch, where a thick tube formed an obvious bulge. She reached up with a hand and started toying with one of her nipples.

"If you want it so bad, you know what to do."

Toni tossed her hat on the dresser, then got her on her knees between Kayla's legs. She pushed aside the crotch of Kayla's panties with one hand and pulled out the thick chocolate dick with the other before taking a lick. She held the limp dick in her hands and swirled her tongue around the head, looking up at Kayla biting her lip. She closed her eyes and took about half of it in her mouth, just enjoying the feel in her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. Little by little, she sucked on it, tugging on the stirring dick and feeling it grow in her mouth. As it pulsed and filled her mouth, she used her free hand to grasp the thick member, in awe as it grew in its power. She backed off all but the tip and pushed it back into her throat, not taking it all for fear of choking. When she finally looked down at the dick, she was amazed that it even fit in her mouth, so wide were her lips stretched. She grabbed onto the base with both of her hands and fucked her mouth on the other half sticking out, letting her spit and phlegm coat the hard, pulsing dick.

She pulled it out of her mouth to see how much she had covered when the huge dick looked like a melted chocolate bar, with Kayla's nipples looking like Hershey's kisses. She licked all around the shaft, trying to lick up all of her spit when she felt someone rub her crotch. She left a warm pussy moisten and rub against her ass while that hand unbuttoned her pants and slipped into her cotton panties, following the landing strip to her hard clit. She gasped, squeezing onto Kayla's dick for dear life as she felt that touch expertly shine the hardened nub of her clit, a warm breath in her ear and some stray hairs sliding underneath the handkerchief around her neck. She felt Kayla start choked her with her huge dong, while Tracy was behind her rubbing her pussy on her pants while sliding her hand deep into those panties and a finger deep inside her. Her chef jacket was being unbuttoned as she lost control of her head, tears and spit starting to flow off her face from the fucking it was taking. As she felt her tongue in her ear, she felt her chef jacket being unbuttoned, then pulled off of her as she was being held vulnerable to the thick tower from the busty Amazonian shemale. Suddenly, her arms were free and so were her tits from her sports bra, though they were quickly captured in Tracy's hand, her fingers tickling the nipples.

"Hey, K, wanna fuck her tits? Tracy said as she presented them up to her friend. "I wanna see how these look wrapped around your dick."

"I don't think they'll do much, but you're free to watch."

Kayla laid back on the bed some, letting go to Toni's head so she could wrap her tits around her dick. The spandex was kind of rough on her, but it seemed to contrast nicely with the soft, creamy flesh around her. Ash Toni kept going, she felt her tip first bump into Toni's chin before her little fuck toy adjusted and slipped her tip into her mouth. She felt Tracy slide in behind her as her hard cock was being jacked off by Toni's boobs, Tracy's tongue in her ear and her hands on her nipples. She closed her eyes and grabbed onto the bedspread, humping herself into Toni's mouth and shaking a bit when Toni's teeth caught her tip just so. She fell back into Tracy, just letting Toni do her thing while she thought of what to do next. She pulled Toni up off of her dick, then stood up on her high heels, her dick eclipsing half of Toni's face and her balls on Toni's chin.

"Lay down on the bed, Toni. I want to go stretch that pussy of yours out."

Kayla got up off the bed, then staggered over to her suitcase, where she kept her condoms. She managed to pull one out, then tip-toed back over to the bed where she saw Toni prone on the bed, legs spread open and pussy hair matted from her wetness.

"Are you ready for this?"

Toni mewed and nodded her approval as Kayla climbed onto the bed. She tore open the condom wrapper and quickly rolled it down her dick as Tracy looked on, idly rubbing her shaved pussy. She positioned herself between Toni's legs, bracing herself with her left arm as her right hand guided her hard dick against Toni's lips. She flexed her hips to push the labia open, then gently pushed a few inches in, feeling those pussy muscles flutter away and grip at her. She fed the kitty inch after inch of her sweet meat, stopping when she was about 2/3rds of the way in, then leaned over, sticking her nipple in Toni's mouth. She drove her hops in and out, letting Toni get used to having such a huge dick inside of her, when she felt Toni begin to moan around her tit. She kept u a series of slow, smooth strokes, easing her way along as Toni began to hump back at her. She picked up the pace a bit, getting comfortable in that soaked cunt as she worked that velvety sleeve, the warmth of which was obvious through the latex. She loved how Toni undulated underneath her, how her tongue seemed to flutter over her nipple until stopping every time she hit the right spot enough times. She reared back on her legs while keeping inside the cunnie, making her dick tilt up and rub the G-spot with every stroke and painting Toni's skin with sheen and flush. She looked down into her eyes and saw how black and huge those eyes were, the mouth gaping and panting with each stroke.

Toni felt herself empty out with a slight pop, with both sets of lips gasping for air. She moaned into someone's mouth, then felt someone grab her hips and flip her over onto her stomach. She realized that Kayla was on top of her when she felt her nipples and a stray braid or two drag along her back, but shivered as she felt that huge dick along the crack of her ass. Bucking her hips as Kayla's dick slid back down her body, she wailed as she felt the slick shaft knife into her buttery cunt. She groaned and bit her lip as that thick dick dragged along her sugar walls, feeling herself begin to lose herself with each stroke and her pussy drip its juices down to the sheets below. Then, she felt Kayla shift her weight back onto her thighs and her large dick angle up inside her, hitting all the right spots at once, and she lost it. She bawled like a baby as she felt Kayla work her magic inside of her, stroking back and forth with an almost mercenary efficiency. She jumped when she felt Kayla's dick break rhythm, assuming that Tracy was doing something from the weight shift on the bed. She felt her coochie sting as she felt Kayla pull out of her once again, causing her to recoil a bit and roll on her side. As she got her bearing, she saw Kayla kneeling over Tracy as she sat up on the bed licking that shaft clean, humming to herself as she enjoyed the taste.

"Hey, Toni!" Tracy said as she shucked the condom off and jerked Kayla's dick. "You taste good! Let's see how you taste all the way at the bottom."

Toni then proceeded to see Tracy suck down to the last few inches at the base that were left bare by the condom, then pull herself back up to the tip. The second time around, Tracy sucked down as much dick as much as she did before, then opened her mouth up more and took the rest of it down to the base with a gurgle. As Kayla held her head there, Tracy moved her tongue slowly around the base, licking up the stray juices before falling off the dick after Kayla let go, banging her head on the headboard.

"Woo, that was tasty," Tracy panted as she wiped off the spare bits of spit from her chin. "Peach and chocolate...two of my favorite flavors!"

"Wow," Toni said, mesmerized by the scene in front of her. "How the fuck did you do that? And how big is that thing?"

"12 inches long by 9 inches around. Best investment I ever made."

Toni squeezed her legs together and had a small orgasm when she realized how much dick she just took. "That's the biggest things I've ever had, and I've...just wow! How do you do it Tracy?"

"Practice, practice, practice, girl! You think I took all of this dick from day one?" Tracy said as she grabbed the dick one more time and licked the tip, making Tracy shiver a bit. "Although I do have my tricks to make her squirm. Why do you think homegirl was jumping inside you?"

Toni laid there slack-jawed, surprised this skinny girl with nice-sized tits could do something to someone big enough to practically swallow her. She looked down from Tracy's round tits to that tiny waist and tight abs to that chocolate honey pot and wondered how good they would feel against her lips.

"Tell ya what Toni. How about I take this monster in my hands for a ride while you watch? Perhaps that'll clarify some things for ya?"

Toni watched as Kayla sat down on the edge of the bed, her huge naked form visible to her for the first time. She saw how the platinum blonde braids contrasted with her dark skin, her broad shoulders with her tiny waist, with her wide hips and her huge tits spreading out from the sides. In front of her, Tracy was standing there, stroking huge dick with her hands.

"C'mon Toni. Get behind me on the floor. I want you to get a look at this."

Toni rolled off of the bed and down on the floor onto her knees. She took the time to put the marker that fell out of her pants pocket, then got on her feet and walked around to the other side of the bed. She sat down against the wall and watched as Tracy straddled Kayla on the bed, her hard dick in her hand as she looked over her shoulder at Toni.

"You ready for this, girl? Watch this..."

Toni sat there amazed as the tip, then half the shaft, then the whole thing was swallowed up between Tracy's lips. She rocked up and down the dick slowly, cushioning each stroke on Kayla's heavy, smooth scrotum as their moan wafted through the room. She idly caressed her labia as she saw Tracy lean forward and slide her cooch up to the tip on the dick. She then heard her suck on Kayla's tits as she rode her ass hard on that huge head, making Kayla fuck up deeper inside of her. Eventually, Kayla squeezed that ass hard and started fucking that tiny cunt from below, stretching those tiny gripping lips into paper thinness as she pounded away and making its nectar shine her balls. Finally, she saw Tracy stiffen up, shaking as Kayla's hard dick buried itself balls deep. Tracy let out a huge wail as Kayla getting stroked her dick through those sugar walls. Toni sat there gently rubbing her tender parts as Tracy pulled herself up and off Kayla's dick, then rolled off of on top of her friend and sat up on the bed. She wrapped the sweat from her brow and some stray hairs out of her face, then reached down to pull her clear stiletto heels off.

"Now that's how you handle that dick, girl. Just enough to get that good cum out, ya know?" Tracy said with a proud smile.

Tracy then crawled down off of the bed and sat down next to Toni. She gently caressed inside of Toni's thigh below the knee and licked her ear. "You know, you might be ready to handle a dick like that someday" Tracy seethed. She took another lick as her hand crept up Toni's thigh, then continued, "But it's obvious you can't do that now. Look at you, all a mess after one weak fuck. You know that you're that dick's bitch now, right?"

"Uh-huh," Toni answered as she felt Tracy's fingers brush her labia.

"And now," Tracy whispered, "I'm going to show you how turned out you are."

Tracy plunged two fingers inside of Toni and started finger fucking her hard as her thumb rubbed the clit and she frenched her hand. Those fingers were a blur as she made Toni stiffed in lust, her cunt squeezing and milking the hell out them. Tracy decided to go in for the kill, swirling her tongue around Toni's areola before going for the kill, fluttering her tongue on Toni's nipple as she her fingers twisted like mad on the poor girl's G-spot and her thumb rubbed the clit. In moments, Toni was screaming, bucking her hips on Tracy's hand as she began to ramp down, her point made. She looked up at her friend to see that Kayla had finally removed her boyshorts down to her ankle, stroking herself as she watched the scene in front of her.

"Damn, that's a hot little scene," Kayla said as she held onto her balls and stroked her long shaft. "You got our little guest Toni open, huh?"

"But she looked so tasty there, with her pussy all red and her eyes all open," Tracy said with a giggle.

"C'mere. I want to fuck that tight asshole of yours open."

Tracy got to her feet, then started to climb onto the bed.

"Nuh-uh. I want you to ride me with your asshole. I got an idea, and I think our friend here can take hints."

Tracy stood there a bit confused, but then the light went off in her head. "Damn, you know how to make shit like this fun," Tracy said as she got between Kayla's legs, then turned around and bent slightly. She stuck two fingers inside herself, then reached back and coated the head of Kayla's dick with her secretions. As she grabbed onto the base, Kayla grabbed on just below the head as Tracy eased the mushroom head through her sphincter. Tracy then grabbed onto the thick shaft with her other hand as Kayla let go, slowly guiding the huge dick as she impaled herself onto it When she was finally balls deep, she felt Kayla's tits press against her back as she nibbled on her neck and her hands toyed with her nipples. She started to rub her clit hard as she ground her hips on her friend's, her pussy dripping down onto her asshole and Kayla's balls. She closed her eyes and moaned, grinding her hips and loving how filled her felt with a giant chocolate bar pushed up her ass. As she was working those hips, she felt some soft hair rubbing between her lips, that dick inside of her pulsing as she looked down to see Toni lick her juices off of Kayla's balls.

Toni gently cleaned off any juices from Tracy off of Kayla, gently sucking on one, then the other testicle and savoring the sticky sweetness. Look up at how wet Tracy was from grinding Kayla's dick inside her ass, she made one long lick from Kayla's balls to Tracy's clit, then began to suck it hard. She lapped at that honey pot wildly, leaving as much spit as she got in wetness. She reached around, grabbed onto Kayla's thick ass and buried her tongue inside of Tracy, thrashing around and licking up as much wetness as she could before she started fucking that pussy with her tongue. She felt Tracy grab onto her head as she worked her hips between the huge dick working in her ass and the tongue that was caressing her insides perfectly. Then Toni reached up, took Tracy's clit between her teeth and began to suck.

The stimulation got Tracy to jump, finally confident enough to ride that huge dick inside of her hard. She held on tight to Toni's head, almost suffocating her as she bucked her hips against the tip of her tongue. As Kayla began to drive her dick forcefully deep inside her, she began to thrash and scream, overwhelmed by the mix of her feelings. She rode Toni's mouth hard, damn her asshole, pounding herself up and down on the thick cock as the feelings on her clit made her pussy flutter and clench. Once she felt a couple of fingers return the favor from earlier, it was all she could to stay upright, though a near-rip inside her colon got her conscious enough to maintain balance. When she felt Toni slide up between her legs, she reached around, held her tight and tongued her down, moaning as she felt Kayla and Toni pump away down there. When she felt Toni push some of her fingers in her mouth, she grabbed the hand and sucked it hard, tasting all of her juices, cooing in enjoyment.

"God, I taste good!" Tracy moved before Kayla turned her around for a kiss, pounding her asshole hard as they swapped spit and Kayla toyed with a nipple.

"Like you don't know, my little bitch...Ow!" Kayla replied just as Tracy gave her balls a hard squeeze. "Though that reminds me...Did you bring the lube?" Kayla said as she stopped moving.

"Mmmhmm K. What's up?"

"Go get it, along with my condoms."

Tracy gently eased her way off of Kayla's dick, pulling off as her asshole remained gaping wide open. As Tracy stepped away, she saw Toni standing there, her eyes looking down as her slick dick.

"Get down on your knees and lick me clean."

Toni got down on her knees and started to lick from the base, her face overlapped by the huge dick. From top to bottom, she licked, tasting faint bits of musk from Tracy's back passage. As she got to the top, she grabbed on with one hand and licked from base to tip, admiring how huge this tool in her hand was. She even took the head in her mouth one time, swirling her tongue around the head and making Kayla gasp

Kayla snapped to when Tracy tapped her shoulder, then placed the condoms and tube of lube in her hand. "Have fun!"

"Don't I always Trace? Stand up, Toni."

Toni got to her feet, standing with her gaze still fixed on that huge dick.

"Lean your hands against the window and stick that ass out."

Toni walked over to the window, stuck her ass out as told, and gazed out into the atrium. While it was quiet, there were still a few people here and there milling about. Of course, there were the people in the various rooms who could see in here. "What the fuck is about to happen?" she thought to herself, horrified at all who could see her.

Then, she felt a strong arm grip her around her waist.

Toni felt the slickness of the lube on her asshole, then gasped as she felt herself pried open, the burn from the friction relieved by the coolness of the lube. When she felt the head pass through her sphincter, she felt herself get slowly impaled on the invading member, her body surrendering and her legs nearly giving out as her ass loss the battle with each thrust. When she felt her balls just kiss her pussy lips. She gasped in shock as she felt her insides blasted open by that massive manhood forced through her ass. Then she felt Kayla's tits on her back and her own breasts and face pressed up against the glass as Kayla pushed forward.

She felt her body empty out a bit on each downstroke, shocked when it filled her back up again. As Kayla stroked in and out of Toni's colon, Toni whimpered as she realized how deep she was penetrated and how much she was filled. She came hard on the dick, her mind blown by being physically dominated by such a huge dick. When she felt her body pounded on the glass from Kayla's hard strokes, she gasped and looked out into the atrium, surprised how much she could see. The next thrust made her close her eyes and submit to the pounding her ass began to take. As the pace picked up, she felt her ass turn red and hot as her body became a fuck tube for her busty dickgirl partner, her pussy dripping its wetness down to the carpet. When she felt Kayla's hand tub her clit and finger fuck her pussy, she screamed, pounding her hands on the glass before her legs buckled, forcing herself deep onto Kayla's huge cock. As Kayla pulled out, Toni fell to the floor, sobbing as she realized how empty her ass felt.

"Please put that dick back inside of me....PLEASE!"

"Just shut the fuck up and suck my dick," Kayla said as she took off the condom, got to her knees and stuck her hard dick in her mouth. She stroked herself as Toni sucked on her tip by reflex, then pulled out to smack her face with it.

"Man, are you a slave to a big dick! Aren't you?"

"Mmmhmm, yes Kayla. I love that dick Kayla."

"I'm impressed," Tracy said as she sat on the bed dumbfounded. "I've seen you work a lot, but that's some shit. Pity we can't take her to Vegas. She can dish almost as well as she can take."

"I c-can't"

"What do you mean Toni?" Kayla asked.

"Go to Vegas with you. I want to, but I can't. What time is it? I need to be home."

"Like 1, 1:30," Tracy said as she looked over at the nightstand clock.

"Well, since you do have to go back, can you take us with you?" Kayla said as she stepped away from Toni slumped down at the wall. "Besides, I'd like to have some fun with you before I have to fly off."

"Hold on, hold on," Toni said as she sat up and pulled her sports bra back into place, settling her boobs just so. "Let's get dressed, and you can follow me to your car, OK?"

Kayla lent a hand to get Toni back onto her feet, and they along with Tracy went to scrounge up their clothes in the scene from the living room and generally straighten up. "It's amazing how horny equals messy at times," Kayla said as she pulled her boyshorts back on.

"Uh, K, aren't you going to try tucking that thing?" Tracy asked. "We are going out in public, ya know."

"You try tucking a hard dick into your panties sometimes and see how you'd do it," Kayla said as she found her dress tossed on the dresser and slithered back into it. "Remember, this is 100% are natural buck-o!"


"Hey, Kayla," Toni said as she found her panties kicked underneath the bed, then slipped them on yet. "You didn't cum yet, right?" she asked, hoping it wasn't true.

"Actually, no," Kayla replied as she slipped on her fur coat, then picked up her purse from next to her rolling suitcase. "Though you might get it if you act right. Oh, do you mind if I go pee?"

"Sure," Toni said. "So, what the fuck is the drill between you two, Tracy?" Toni said at a whisper.

"Well, homegirl came to me built as is, after all those surgeries she had some years back. Plus, she did have some of the stamina. But the rest is from lots of practice."

"How long?"

"Like 6 years now. It's weird, though. We're a couple, and we're close and stuff. It's just I know she does her, and I do me and sometimes...you know what just happened, feel me?"

"Wow," Toni said as she shrugged her chef's jacket back on her shoulders. "I know I've done some wild shit in my day, but that's totally cool. Are there any secrets to this?"

"Tell her, and I'll shove a hard dick up your ass," Kayla said as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"Like that's a threat K."

"Fair enough. No cash at the Forum Shops when we make it to Vegas."

Tracy sucked her teeth in jest and said, "Yes Ms. Stanford!"

"Thanks for the last name, Tracy."

"Why Toni?"

"So I can call the Texas Rangers to report the Mack truck that plowed into my ass. Don't you realize how gaping I am?"

Kayla and Tracy had a snicker at that remark, then cleared the way for Toni to lead them out of the room.

The three ladies were on the highway cruising along in Toni's station wagon in short order, making the not- too long drive out to Toni's place. Tracy lay across the back seat, legs spread just wide enough to let her pussy peak out, while Kayla sat in the passenger seat, checking out Toni as she drove along.

"So, what made you peg me?"

Toni looked at Kayla out of the corner of her eye, a bit surprised at the line of questioning. "What makes ya say that?"

"You were looking at me like a piece of meat. Not that I mind, of course. I've kind of made myself like this for a good reason, and that is a lot of attention as a sexual object."

"Man, do you think a lot of yourself!" Toni said with a smile. "But for one, you're like 7 feet tall in those heels. Then, there was something about your body, perfect, but too perfect, ya know? I mean, I've had my fun with some of everyone, including girls like you, and when I saw your hands, I knew it would be fun. I just didn't think you'd have so much more fun down there than the...special ladies I'd been with before."

"Look at the tranny sex doll, now with 50% more fun! Brought to you by KaylaCo," Kayla replied with a fake TV announcer voice."

"Corny!" Tracy screamed from the back.

"Fuck you!"

"Ya just did!"

Kayla just rolled her eyes and got a good laugh out of that last line. "I swear Tracy's the best comedy partner there is," she said as she shrugged her fur coat off of her shoulders.

"So how did you end up like you are? I mean, did you ever cross-dress? You said you were rich before, right?"

"Believe it or not, I'm not exactly a gender transgressive, at least in the traditional sense. I remember in the early days after all the surgeries going to this support group back home in New York. Nice ladies, but I felt out there even in that bunch."

"Really?" Toni replied surprised. "This I gotta hear."

"Well, you know how I mentioned I was rich, right? I lucked in on the dot-com thing in the right time frame and got the heck out of Dodge right before the big shootout, so to speak. So, I got all of this money and free time, so I figure, hey, we live in a society where femininity is the ultimate in sex objects, so why not go for that? I mean, I'm not exactly going around thinking I'm a dude and stuff, but this," Kayla said as she pushed her tits up to overflow the top of her dress, "is cool. Don't you think?"

Toni looked over at Kayla half-reclined in her seat, her mammaries looking full and heavy. "Or is it that phallic symbols catch your attention?" she continued as she lifted the hem of her dress, pulled the crotch of her panties aside and let her semi-hard dick drop out onto the seat.

Toni hit the right turn signal, then drifted across the low-trafficked highway to the shoulder. She then put the car in park, unbuckled her seatbelt, and buried her face between Kayla's tits. She pulled the dress down beneath them, framing them perfectly with the top of the dress, and began nursing on those mocha-hued nipples. She wetly sucked from one nipple to the other, trying to devour as much of them in her mouth as possible and sliming them with a thick layer of spit. She reached down to Kayla's thigh as she kept sucking, easing her hand up to touch Kayla's dick until her head was suddenly pulled off.

"Uh-uh-uh! You can't touch that until you do one thing."

"What, what do I need to do?"

Kayla reached down and pulled her cell phone out of her purse, then handed it to Toni. "Punch your number in here."


"Just trust me on this one, OK?"

Toni took the phone from Kayla's hands and typed in her number, looking up nervously into Kayla's eyes. As she punched in the number, Kayla took the phone and pressed send, causing Toni's bag in the back seat to chirp. After that, Kayla closed her phone and replaced it in her purse.

"Walk around to the other side of the car and open the door."

Toni looked at Kayla with some fear in her eyes and opened the door to step out. She walked around to the passenger's side and opened the door for Kayla, who got up out of the car, her tits and dick exposed to anyone who could have seen her in the dark.

"Get on your knees."

Kayla pushed down on Toni's shoulders until she was down on her knees and her mouth was level with her dick. She took off Toni's hat, tossed it in the front passenger seat and guided the tip of her dick to Toni's mouth. She grabbed onto Toni's head with one hand and braced herself on the car door frame with the other as Toni hungrily sucked on the thick chocolate bar, letting it inflate in her mouth. As she got harder, she started to fuck Toni's mouth, making her gag with the incredible girth of her dick. She enjoyed how the gagging tickled her glans, the sucking pulled on her shaft and the look in Toni's eyes made her blood boil. She tried to gag Toni some more to get more spit on her dick, then pulled it out, making Toni gasp. She grabbed her partner by the hair and bent her over the side of the car. She reached around to unbuckle and unzip her pants, then quickly pulled them down to her knees when she noticed a sharpie flutter out of a pocket. She tucked it behind one ear, then spread Toni's ass cheeks with one hand as she pushed her dick into Toni's ass with the other. She slid inside of Toni's ass with relative ease, though the friction got to her dick good. She grabbed onto the base of her dick with one hand, keeping it from going all the way in. As she started to fuck Toni with her huge duck, she stroked herself with that hand, making herself pulse inside Toni.

"You know I got that raw dick inside you? That you're about to become my little cum dump? Are you ready for that slut?"

Kayla could feel Toni's response as she clenched down on her dick and whimpered in pure pleasure. She pressed Toni's torso flat to the hood of the car and started pounding away, Toni's round ass punctuating each stroke into that tight, bottomless ass. As she fucked harder, she just relaxed and felt herself go, her tip flaring, her dick swelling and her balls tightening. As she gave a few last strokes, she drove in deep, feeling Toni's ass cum on her dick and let go, shooting what felt like rope after rope of cum deep inside her. As she felt herself slow to a trickle, she slowly pulled out, trailing some cum along with her as she finished. Wiping the last bit of her cum on Toni's asshole, she leaned back on the hood of the car, blissfully ignorant of the chilly night. She came back to when she felt a tongue swirl around her tip.

"I knew that would snap you out of it,' Tracy said as Kayla straightened up off the hood of the station wagon. Tracy slid a finger down below Toni's asshole, then looked at it in the ambient moonlight. "Damn, you filled her up good, K. Her asshole looks pretty when it's all filled with cum."

"Which reminds me," Kayla said when she pulled the sharpie from behind her ear. "Let's write a little remind for the next one who gets after this ass of who they're dealing with." She proceeded to uncap the marker and slowly write the word CUMSLUT in huge letters across her lower back.

"Glad that the whole world will know what you are, slut?"

Toni nodded her head in agreement, and then reached to pull her pants back on.

"Nah, keep them down. I want to see if we can chance someone seeing you when we go back to the hotel, with your cum-filled slutty ass" Kayla said as she shot her a look that guaranteed obedience. "You're driving us back now, right?"

Toni shuffled along with her pants down around her knees back to the driver's seat. Meanwhile, Kayla straightened herself back out, getting herself decent before she got back into the car.

"Damn, K! You got this girl open, huh? How did you guess she'd be into such wild stuff?"

"Just a hunch."

"Save those for Vegas," Tracy said as she got up and opened the back passenger door. "Maybe I can get jewelry like Liberace with the proceeds."

"And maybe you'll give me anal like him too!"

"Stupid fool," Tracy said with a headshake as she climbed back into the car, with Kayla following not too long after.

The station wagon pulled onto the highway, Kayla's cum seeping out of Toni's ass into the car seat upholstery. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but though of what it would be like to walk across the hotel lobby with the world being able to truly see how much that tranny's huge dick got her open. She gripped the steering wheel hard, shaking as she had one last orgasm on the sheer thought.

Questions? Comments? Email me at hugequeensman@yahoo.com

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