
By Maverick

Published on Dec 3, 2003


KAVOS maverick's eighth story

Copyright (c) maverick 2003. All rights reserved.


Chapter 2

Our last full day at Kavos was pretty much the same as all the others. We woke up at twelve, took a quick shower hoping the water would stay vaguely warm, went around to wake up Jase and Willows who were usually still asleep, ate a full English breakfast in one of the tavernas, had four hours on the beach, then went back to get changed and to go out for the night.

It seemed to be the routine that most of the lads staying at the resort had got themselves into.

The only thing that distinguished that day was what happened after we'd gone back to our room after the clubs had grown dull. We knew the ropes pretty well by then: it was obvious none of us had a cat-in-hell's chance of pulling and so we stocked up on copious amounts of booze to while away the post-club hours.

That night we'd bought a few bottles of dirt-cheap vodka. Unfortunately, it didn't mix too well with the beer we'd had in the Kavos bars and the four of us were soon so pissed that we could hardly stand up.

We arsed around doing all sorts of the stuff that pissed lads do, most of which I can't remember. I vaguely remember fun-fighting with Jase on Paul's bed and throwing a pair of Paul's boxer shorts over the balcony at some lads who were walking home.

But other than that it's a blur. Maybe we saw the guy in the room opposite shagging another of his conquests, but I don't think so.

We must have settled down at about six in the morning, the four of us collapsing around the room on the beds and chairs. I think Jase tried to at least go through the motions of walking back to their hotel to sleep in his own bed, but he was so pissed that he couldn't open the door and the rest of us just watched him and giggled.

I seem to think that I must have drifted off to sleep while Paul and Willows were talking. Jase was slumped unconsciously on my bed and so I took one of the chairs. It wasn't that comfortable but I couldn't be bothered to kick him off my bed.

At some point while they were chatting, I think I nodded off.

Next thing I remember it must have been an hour or so later. I awoke feeling really thirsty.

I walked to the bathroom door and found that it was closed.

I glanced around the room to see who wasn't there so I could work out who it was in the bathroom. If it was Paul, I'd barge in. He wouldn't care if I walked in on him taking a crap or something; we'd seen it all before. But if it was Jase or Willows I'd have to risk waking everyone up by knocking.

It was then that I realised that both Paul and Willows weren't in the room with me.

I put my ear to the bathroom door and heard a gentle rhythmic sound coming from behind it. It was a wet sound, almost like someone chewing, with occasional soft slapping noises. There was a groan; it sounded like Willows.

I pulled back and thought, "Willows is having a wank in there."

But then, "So where's Paul?"

I'd noticed since day one that the door lock on the bathroom door was broken. The dial which should have read "Vacant" and "Engaged", or their Greek equivalents, was missing and so there was a hole below the door handle. It hadn't struck me as anything significant - like I said, Paul and I were comfortable enough with each other not to bother locking the bathroom door - but now I was grateful for the opportunity it presented.

I knelt down and looked through the hole.

I saw Paul's face bobbing in and out from Willows' crotch. Willows' shorts and underwear had been pulled down and his cock, looking larger and thicker than I would have imagined possible, curved upwards from his dense bush of blond pubic hair. His equally hefty wrinkled balls swung around beneath it in time with Paul's face.

I thought, "Oh my God. Paul is sucking Willows' cock!"

I really couldn't believe it: I'd known Paul for years and, although that week he'd seemed intrigued by the idea of gay sex, I guess I never seriously expected to find him having sex with another man.

I wondered if maybe Paul was bisexual but then remembered the stuff he'd said earlier in the week about how good it would be to have sex with other straight men as neither of you would want commitment.

And I remembered Willows' jokes, betraying his own obvious fascination.

As straight guys go, they were well-matched!

At that point, Paul stood up and for a couple of seconds his cock poked upwards against Willows'. As I'd observed a couple of days earlier, Paul's was much smaller - a good two inches shorter and much thinner.

I wondered if he felt a little inadequate in front of Willows' larger cock. I wondered also, and couldn't understand why the question had never presented itself to me before, if such comparisons caused problems in gay relationships.

Almost immediately Willows fell to his knees and I saw the side of his face as his mouth engulfed Paul's cock. He feasted on it, pulling his face away and thrusting it inwards with long, rapid strokes.

I even saw his right hand reach up and play with Paul's balls as his mouth did its thing. Willows was obviously totally comfortable with the idea of sucking another guy's cock.

A voice inside my head said, "And why not? It's the same equipment as he's got himself. He knows exactly what to do with it..."

"But it's disgusting," I responded. "It's another man's knob inside your mouth..."

And the voice replied, "But just a couple of minutes later, it's yours inside his. You know how good a mouth on your cock feels... does it make any difference if it's some pissed guy's mouth as opposed to some pissed girl's?"

I felt my cock stirring inside my boxer shorts. The possibility was intriguing.

Willows pulled back from Paul's cock and looked up at him.

He asked, "Just say no if you don't want to, right... but would you let me fuck you if I let you fuck me?"

Paul was already whispering, "Shhh! For fuck's sake, you'll wake them up..."

Willows grinned. "Sorry" He pulled one of Paul's pubic hairs out from his mouth.

Paul surprised me by saying, "We'd have to wear condoms."

Jesus, he was actually considering it. I hadn't expected him to say anything but an outright no. But then, I hadn't expected to find Paul taking it in turns to suck cock with another guy in the bathroom.

Willows nodded. "Yeah, of course."

He stood up so that their cocks poked into each other again.

Paul said what I was already thinking, "Yours is pretty big. I dunno if I'll be able to take it."

Willows paused briefly. "I'll try and fuck you first, then. If it hurts too much, we'll forget it."

"Yeah, okay."

They didn't touch each other or kiss or do any of the other things I'd regard as standard when I'm preparing to have sex with a girl. I kind of liked the fact they didn't: sex purely for the sake of mutual relief rather than as any pretended expression of attraction. My cock was now semi-hard. I felt a little uncomfortable to have got into this state as a result of finding Paul and Willows getting it on together, but it was happening nonetheless.

Paul said, "If I can't take it, d'you wanna just wank each other off?"

"I'd prefer to suck again. Maybe get down on the floor and sixty-nine or something..."

Paul's cock lurched upwards in his excitement. "Yeah. That sounds good."

I loved the fact they were talking so openly together about sex. It was a similar scenario to that I'd seen in the toilets: almost like a business transaction, two men were stating their preferences and negotiating on what they would be prepared to do to the other to achieve their own relief.

Paul moved towards the door. "I've got some condoms in my suitcase."

I realised what this would involve and turned to crawl as quickly as I could towards the chair I'd been sleeping on.

As Paul opened the bathroom door and the light flooded out, I was halfway across the room.

Fortunately, he spent a couple of seconds fumbling with the pull-cord of the bathroom light, trying to turn it off. He didn't see me clambering across the room on all fours in the weak dawn light coming through the balcony doors.

I accidentally nudged into Jase who groaned in his disturbed sleep, but by the time Paul had come out from the bathroom, I was slouched in the chair as if deeply asleep.

He walked over to his suitcase on the floor of the wardrobe, and unzipped it as quietly as he could. I opened an eye discretely and saw that he'd pulled his boxer shorts back up. The front of them were poking outwards with the rod of his stiff cock: the anticipation of what he was about to do was clearly exciting him.

He pulled out a pack of condoms and a tube of lube, and walked back over to the bathroom. Having closed the door as quietly as he could, I heard the light click on and saw its glow in the hole in the door.

Willows said something and Paul laughed loudly, causing Jase to groan in his sleep again.

I thought, "Oh fuck. Don't wake up, for Christ's sake. I've got to see them doing this."

Willows called out, "Bend over, big boy!" and cackled. Paul shushed him but it was too late.

Jase turned over, muttered something, and then sat up.

I thought, "Oh you stupid fucking bastards! Why couldn't you just keep it quiet in there..."

He looked over at me and I closed my eyes tightly.

After a few seconds, I opened one eye cautiously and saw that he was looking around the room, no doubt going through the same thought processes as I had done a few minutes earlier.

Paul voice rang out quite clearly from the bathroom, "If I say pull it out, you've got to, okay..."

And Willows replied, "Actually I thought I might butt-rape you..." Then he laughed, "Come on, Paul. What do you think I am? Of course I'll pull it out, you stupid dork..."

Paul said something else and Jase stared at the bathroom door, no doubt wondering what the hell was going on in there.

He looked over at me again and I feigned sleeping.

Then he got up and walked over to the door.

I thought, "Shit, he's going to walk in on them. Disturb them and make a scene like he did when they were wanking."

But he didn't.

Just as I had done, he knelt down and peered through the hole below the door handle.

At that moment, Paul gasped. He said, "For Christ's sake, slower..."

Willows laughed. "Sorry... I'm a bit impatient..."

There was silence for a few seconds and then Paul gasped again.

Willows said, "You okay? Do you need to take a crap or something, before we get started?"

Paul chuckled. "No... I was gasping in surprise... that actually felt quite good..."

I saw Jase's hand go down to the front of his shorts, his eye straining to get closer to the small bright hole.

Paul sighed again.

Willows said, "I'm about halfway in. Is that okay?"

"Yeah... it feels good... my cock's stiff as hell..."

"I'm gonna start fucking you. Tell me if it hurts..."

Paul gasped and there was the distinct sound of a fart.

Willows giggled. "Sorry, mate. I came out... I'll try again..."

There was a pause and Paul sighed a long groan, full of either pleasure or pain.

Jase glanced over at me and I closed my eyes again.

When I opened them, he was hitching down his shorts and releasing his stiff cock from his briefs. Its size was similar to my own: halfway between Paul's thin six-incher and Willow's engorged monster.

He returned his eye to the hole in the door and started slowly masturbating. His left hand grabbed his balls quite tightly and his right hand worked at his cock. His eye peered in at the two men in the bathroom, his tongue darting out of his mouth occasionally to lick at his lips.

The sounds from inside made it clear he was watching Willows fucking Paul; watching his friend fuck mine.

His hand grew faster on his cock following the developing rhythm of Paul and Willow's gasps and grunts from behind the door.

Then he stopped and I realised Paul and Willows had too.

Paul was saying, "Chuck it in the loo but don't flush it 'til we've used the others..."

Then Willows: "How many have you got?"

"Two more. I only pulled one packet out from my suitcase."

"Okay. You cum in my arse, then, and I'll fuck you again with the last one."

"Yeah... I guess... but you've got to let me take my time inside you. To make it fair."

Willows chuckled.

As they repositioned themselves, Willows asked, "Have you ever done this with Daz?"


"You think he'd be up for it?"

"I dunno. I've wondered about it all week. But we're good mates. We have to see each other a lot when we get back to England. It might mess things up between us..."

Willows considered this and then asked, "Do you think he'd be up for it with me?"

"I dunno... I think he's desperate for a shag just as we are. So maybe..."

Then Willows grunted. "Fuckin' hell - you could have warned me..."

"Sorry. I just kind of saw an opening and went for it..."

The grunting and gasping noises continued as Paul eased himself into Willows' arse. I realised that most of the noises were coming from Paul: Willows seemed quite comfortable at receiving Paul's cock. I guess Paul's smaller size had its own advantages.

A wet, rhythmic slurping noise started up -- the sounds of Willows' arse being fucked. I smiled and thought, "Nice."

My cock was aching inside my shorts, demanding the same attention that Jase's was getting.

I decided to try something a little bold. I was fairly sure my gamble would pay off and thought that the rewards, if it did, were well worth the risk.

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom door.

Jase didn't see me until I was almost right next to him.

Then he looked up at me, with a stunned expression, and froze.

I knelt down beside him and released my cock.

He looked at it and saw that it was in a similar state to his own.

I gestured to the hole in the door and he let me take a look. As I did so, I started masturbating.

In the bathroom, I saw Willows' large cock bouncing around stiffly between his legs and his balls bobbing up and down. Behind those, the muscles of his buttocks rippled with each slapping thrust Paul's hips made towards them. Behind the round cheeks of Willows' arse, Paul's cock was sliding in and out, its condom-ensheathed stem slick with lube. And behind that, Paul's own arse, having so recently experienced the same sensations that Willows was now feeling, tensed and flexed in time with his motions.

Willows asked, "Do you fuck girls like this?"

"Not really." Paul sounded breathless.

"How do you fuck them, then?"

"I dunno... faster, I suppose... rougher..."

"Well fuck me like that."

"I thought I might hurt you..."

"Fuckin' go for it. I'll tell you if it hurts."

Paul gripped Willows' waist and started hammering his cock more aggressively into the other man's arse.

Willows gasped, "Yeah... that's it..."

Paul was grunting in time with his cock. "You like that?"

Willows chuckled. "Not really. But it means I can do the same to you when it's my turn."

Paul was enjoying too intensely it to care. "Yeah... okay..."

I felt something wet on my cock and looked downward. Jase was sucking at my bell-end as I masturbated. He looked up at me and smiled quizzically.

I nodded and he grinned and returned to it. I released my hand and he started gently moving his mouth along the length of my stem.

I heard Willows say, "You gettin' close?"

Paul laughed between gasping for breath. "Nowhere fuckin' near..."

"Come on mate... we haven't got all fuckin' day..."

"Hey - you're getting two goes on my arse. It's only fair I get enough time to enjoy myself..."

Willows sighed, "Jesus..."

Paul slowed his pace down and suggested, "Maybe if you stand over the toilet. Put one foot up on it. It'd give me a better angle."

Willows complied, moaning, "Christ, trust me to pick the expert in butt-fucking..."

Paul laughed as they manoeuvred themselves into their new position. "Stop moaning... it'll be your turn in a minute... or five... or ten..."

Willows repeated, "Jesus..."

Willows bent over the toilet, and Paul bent over the top of him, hugging his body closely as we'd seen the guys doing in the alleyway at the beginning of the week.

Because their backs were facing us, I could see Paul's arse clearly. As he bent over Willows and started fucking him, Paul's cheeks opened up and I saw his arsehole looking bright pink and wide open, still wet from the lube he'd applied to himself.

I thought, "You've just lost the last part of your virginity, Paul, mate... you've got an arsehole as wide as a coke can..."

It might sound a bit weird, but while I felt excited at seeing Paul like that, I also felt a little sad. His arse was gaping open so lewdly and promiscuously: the friend I'd known and cared about for years had just been buggered right in front of me and now his arse was gaping open like a whore's pussy.

But I didn't have time to dwell on such thoughts.

Jase pulled away from my cock and, when I looked to see why, he gestured to his own, poking expectantly upwards from his briefs.

Time for payback.

I bent over and moved my face near to his cock. It smelt different from my own: sharper and more pungent. I worried momentarily that this might be more difficult than I'd anticipated.

Jase's face went back up to the hole in the door. As he did so, perhaps sensing my sudden uncertainly, he gently eased my head down onto his cock.

In spite of its smell, it tasted pretty bland. The head was a little wet from his precum and tasted, if anything, salty, but the stem tasted of nothing. I realised the thick smell from him came from his balls and his pubic bush: their smell from spending a day inside his briefs.

I started sucking him as he had done me, and he stroked my hair in encouragement.

Then I heard Willows say, "Jesus, Paul. You're gonna have to get more johnnies. I need to fuck you, mate. You're taking too long."

There was a slurp and a fart as Paul, panting, withdrew.

Then a tear as the last packet was opened and Willows commanding "Bend over."

More grunts and gasps as Paul was re-entered. Paul calling out, "No... no... it fuckin' hurts..."

Another slurp as Willows pulled out.

The bubbling squirt from a tube being squeezed; the gentle wet rubbing of lube into Paul's arse.

Willows saying: "Do you think that'll be enough?"

Paul grunting his assent.

More moaning and sighing, but this time Willows being allowed to continue. A fairly rapid, rhythmic fucking noise starting up.

Paul saying, "Ah... yeah... that's pretty good this time..."

I pulled my head away from Jase's cock and looked up at him. He looked a little offended, like it wasn't yet the end of his turn to receive.

I surprised myself by whispering, "D'you want to try what they're doing?"

He nodded quickly and eagerly, almost automatically. Then he smiled.

I stood up and pulled off my boxer shorts. He did the same with his shorts and briefs.

Then I went over to my rucksack and pulled out a couple of packs of condoms. Unlike Paul, who'd had bad experiences with girls being too dry, I didn't pack lube. But a squirt of my hair-gel seemed like a good substitute.

As I smeared it around my arse, I looked over at Jase. He looked a little bewildered but his cock was still stiff in his hand.

I smiled and threw him a condom, saying, "Your turn first, if you like..."

He unwrapped the condom and rolled it down his stem. "Yeah... whatever..."

Then I got onto the bed and knelt over on it on all fours. The metal bed-frame squeaked but the sound didn't seem to disturb the grunting and panting sounds coming from the bathroom.

Jase climbed on it behind me.

To my surprise I felt his fingers probing around my arsehole. (If it had been my turn first, I'd have just shoved my cock between his cheeks and hoped for the best) He pushed one inside me and gasped, "Fuckin' 'ell, mate... you're a bit tight down there. I don't know if I'll get it in..."

"Those two are managing it." The noises from the bathroom were becoming louder as Willows enjoyed Paul's arse to the full.

"Yeah, I suppose..."

He lined his cock up against my hole and pushed.

I felt my ring being forced open by him and it hurt like his cock was made of red hot metal.

I gasped, "Jesus..."

He said, "Do you want me to stop?"

"No... keep going..."

He pushed a little further in and the pain subsided.

I could feel the end of his cock filling the inside of my arse. It was thick and hot and I swear I could feel it pulsating gently, clamped in the grip of my rectum.

I said, "Jesus, I'm actually being fucked..."

He grunted, "Uh?"

I smiled, knowing he couldn't see me. "Sorry... I was kind of stating the obvious. It's just that... I dunno... I guess you'll find out how it feels when I do it you..."

"Is it good?"

I let out a long exhale of breath. "I dunno yet... I'll let you know when you get started..."

He pushed in a little further, holding onto my hips, and then reached round me and grabbed my cock. I was half-limp from the initial shock of his intrusion.

He said, "I kind of like the fact you're a guy... I mean, I've buttfucked girls, but it turns me on a bit that you're a guy..."

"Your gay side?"

"No I don't think so... I love women and wouldn't be without one... it's just that it's different and so I guess that makes it interesting..."

My cock lengthened in his hand as he drove the last few inches of himself into me.

He added, "I guess it's like you said... you'll know what I mean when you fuck me... but shoving your cock into another guy is totally... well... different..."

He started gently fucking me, the two of us slowly rocking back and forth in time with the light bucking of his hips.

I smiled. "That's actually quite nice."

His hand was still on my cock, now almost fully stiff. "Yeah... I kind of realised that..."

He started masturbating me as he gently fucked me. The bed occasionally groaned but his motions were too controlled for it to make any serious noise.

We heard Willows say, "Fuckin' get more johnnies, mate... two more packs..."

Paul: "We'll just suck... it'll be okay..."

"No, I wanna fuck. Come on, mate... it's been a fuckin' week without any action. Don't bottle on me..."

Paul muttered his reluctant acquiescence.

Then the bathroom light clicked off and the door slid open.

By now it was fairly light and Paul saw us immediately.

He said, "Jesus!"

I felt Jase grin but he didn't miss a beat, neither inside my arse nor on my cock.

I turned from looking at the pillow in front of me to looking at Paul. He was wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

Jase said, "What's good for the fuckin' goose..."

A grin slowly spread over Paul's face.

He repeated, "Jesus!"

Willows emerged from the bathroom, already smiling and with his huge cock standing upwards from his body like an extra limb.

He laughed, "You 'orny little fuckers! You dirty little bum-boys!"

Jase and I laughed back.

Paul asked, "How long have you been at it?"

Jase said, "Not as long as you two, but we're fast learners, aren't we Daz?"

I smiled and reared upwards from the bed, falling backwards into Jase's chest. My cock arched upwards in front of me, proudly announcing my own excitement, still being worked by Jase's fingers.

I liked the feeling of being fucked in front of Paul and Jase. Maybe it was because I felt I was paying them back for having watched them fucking; maybe it was just that I like being an exhibitionist.

Willows laughed, "I tell you what would be really fuckin' cool... two of us fucking the other two, standing up, side-by-side..."

We all went quiet, the only sound being the gentle squeak of our bed-frame as Jase continued fucking me.

Paul laughed and said, incredulously, "Ah... why?"

Willows was insistent. "I don't fuckin' know... it would just be really cool... believe me!" He walked over to us and pulled Jase away from me. "Come on, lads. Stand up. Side-by-side..."

Jase's cock slid out of me and my arse slurped and farted like Paul's had done.

He complained, "Aw, come on, Willows. I was really enjoyin' that..."

Willows waved him quiet. "This'll be much better... come on, Paul, mate. Get the fuckin' johnnies."

And so that's how the four of us started.

We didn't finish until about eleven o'clock in the morning. Even then, we'd have probably kept going but the coach to take us to the airport was due at half past.

The side-by-side idea worked pretty well. I fucked Jase and Paul fucked Willows, the two of us standing next to each other as our partner's bent over Paul's bed.

Jase had been right: it did feel weird fucking a guy. The sensations were all the same -- a warm, wet, pleasant sensation around my cock -- but the fact it was a guy's body that I was sliding into gave everything a totally different angle. The lack of any affection between us seemed to give the pleasure a new edge. The experience was purely sexual with none of the emotional complications of the heterosexual encounters I'd had.

Boiling it down, it felt so good because we were having sex for the simple, unadulterated reason of achieving pleasure. None of us wanted any more or less.

I suppose it took me a while to realise that. At first, I was too blinkered by my own heterosexual past: I assumed that I was enjoying fucking Jase because I was, kind of, his friend. Maybe the liking we'd developed for each other over the past week was fuelling our desire for one another.

But it was when -- after an hour of the four of us going at it hammer and tongs on each other -- Paul came around behind me and pressed his cock against my now wide-open arse, I realised that I'd got it completely wrong. Our lack of serious friendship was what was enabling this to happen between Jase and I: we could only enjoy each other if we knew we would never meet again.

Paul wanted to fuck me but I shook my head. He looked surprised but I smiled and said, "We've got to see each other just about every day after this... if we do this, we'll fuck that up."

And he looked down blankly at my chest for a few seconds, as if reading the subtitles of what I'd just said, and then looked back up to my face and, with a nod, returned my smile. Only his was much warmer.

So I only fucked two of the three arses in the room that night, and was fucked by only two of the three cocks.

It was good to stand alongside Paul, each of fucking another guy's arse: looking down at our own cocks sliding in and out of another man's bum-cheeks; looking across at each other's cocks as if comparing technique; and then looking up at each other's faces, smiling and making jokes.

And it was good to bend over the bed alongside him, each of us getting fucked. We'd look at each other's faces, both of us moving steadily against the mattress to the rhythm of the hips of the guy behind us. Then we'd look down at our cocks and joke that whichever one of us was getting fucked by Willows' monster knob seemed, for some mysterious reason, to be not quite as stiff as the other guy.

Paul tried to get fucked by Jase while he was fucking Willows but that didn't work.

I tried the same and it did. Paul called me a loose-arsed whore and laughed.

Then Paul fucked Jase and sucked on Willows' cock. That was a bit more successful for him: he came buckets up Jase's arse.

I came about twenty minutes later while Jase was fucking me. He loved to wank me while he fucked me gently and I guess I got a little overcome. Willows, who was wanking in front of me, cried out in horror as I came.

He shouted, "You bastard! I wanted to make 'im cum! Jesus..."

But my seed was shooting geysers onto my chest and belly and the damage was well and truly done.

Afterwards, Jase and Willows took turns at each others' arses on the bed while Paul and I cleaned up a bit. They didn't seem to have thought ahead to how they were going to feel about what they were doing when they got back home.

As we cleared up the layer of slimy brown condoms littering the floor, Paul muttered, "Jesus, Daz -- all those condoms I brought with me. Used in one night!"

"And a quarter of them ended up going up your own arse!"

He chuckled and then muttered, as if only slowly having realised the truth of what I'd said, "Jesus, you're right... oh my God!"

As Willows was fucking Jase for about the fifth time on my bed, which was now squeaking like a rat in pain, Paul said, "I'm gonna open the balcony doors, guys. It smells of shit in here..."

Willows, hugging onto Jase's chest as he fucked him, panted, "I wonder why that would be!"

As Paul opened the doors, I said, "Hey -- looks like we're giving the guy opposite a show..."

He was standing on his balcony, smoking a cigarette, and looked over at the movement of the balcony doors.

His idle, wandering gaze changed to a fixed, hardened stare when he saw Willows buggering Jase on the bed.

Willows turned and grinned over at him. Then he and Jase both gave him thumbs-up signs without missing a beat.

The guy on the balcony did one back and kept watching.

Paul went to take a shower and I sat in the chair, still naked, watching as Willows turned back to Jase and began fucking him with new-found energy. Willows rose up from Jase's back, gripped his mate's hips firmly and started making long rapid strokes into his arse, using almost the full length of his large cock. He was obviously enjoying being observed.

Jase gasped, "Fuckin' hell, mate. Remember how big that thing is..."

Without his gaze leaving Jase's back, Willows asked, "Is he still watching?"

I turned and looked through the open doors. "Watching? He's entranced!" I laughed, "Actually, I think he's playing with his dick behind the balcony. His right hand's definitely doing something..."

Willows grinned and kept fucking Jase with firm, sweeping strokes.

Jase grunted and opened his legs wider on the bed. Willows muttered, "Atta boy... "

As I sat and watched them, my cock, which had been hanging over my balls completely limp, began gradually hardening again.

By the time Paul came out from the bathroom and Willows and Jase were swapping positions on the bed, I was completely stiff.

I went for a shower to clean myself up, thinking, as I closed the door and was alone in the white tiled room, "What the hell have we been doing tonight...?"

When I came out, five minutes later, and walked back into the bedroom, Paul was in front of Willows, who was still being fucked by Jase, having his cock sucked.

I laughed, "New lease of life?"

He smiled at me. "It would have been impolite not to give the guy over there are return show. After all the times we watched him..."

I looked over at his balcony and saw that he was still watching our room, his hand now clearly working at his cock as events unfolded before him.

I finished drying myself, watching the three of them going at it: Willows feasting on Paul's upward-curving cock while Jase slammed his own manhood into Willows' arse. I was soon fully hard again.

I walked over to Jase and slid my finger into his hot, wet, loose arse. I could never have done anything like that before that day; even as I did it I was surprised at myself.

I said, "Room for another in there?"

He laughed, still fucking Willows, "Room for fuckin' pony by the feel of it..."

I sheathed and lubed myself up and, smiling over at the guy on the balcony, penetrated Jase as he fucked Willows.

He almost shouted, "Aaah... Jesus!"

I stopped pushing and said, "Does it hurt?"

He pushed back against me, "No, no... it feels good! Keep fuckin' goin'!"

I slid myself all the way and he gasped.

I tried to coincide my rhythm with his, pushing into him as he pulled out of Willows, but after a few unsuccessful attempts, he said, "Just stand there, Daz. Let me do the fuckin'."

After that I held my cock steady and he worked his hips forwards and back: my cock sliding into him as he withdrew from Willows; my cock emerging from him as he pushed back in.

He looked up at the ceiling, smiling and with his eyes closed. He was groaning with the pleasure of simultaneously fucking and being fucked.

At one point he whimpered, his hips speeding up, "It feels so fuckin' good..."

Paul laughed, "I've got to try that..."

Willows immediately suggested, "You get in front of Jase and then fuck me. The four of us in a chain... it'll be so fuckin' cool..."

But before we could do that, Jase grabbed Willows hips firmly, preventing him pulling away, and promptly orgasmed into the condom inside his friend's arse.

It was then that Paul noticed the time and we had a mad half-hour getting everything packed before we had to be out of there. Willows and Jase, who were booked onto a later flight, realised they were getting in the way, and so showered and left us fairly promptly.

As he left with Jase, Willows grumbled, "It's fuckin' typical... I was the one who started it, but I was the only one who didn't get to cum."

"C'est la fuckin' vie," Paul chuckled and slammed the door.

They were handing out complimentary copies of `The Daily Star' on the plane which flew us back to England. I leafed through it with irritation and handed it to Paul.

He seemed as impressed with it as I had been.

"How can being given this be called complimentary? A fuckin' chimp would be insulted..."

But then he lingered over the centre spread.

He gestured for me to take a look at it.


Beneath it were photos of a couple of women with ridiculously large breasts frolicking with pale-skinned scrawny lads wearing Union Jack shorts.

A smaller headline, in bold, read: "No holds barred in Kavos clubs."

And: "Three women take on one guy on stage."

Paul snorted with irritation. "I wonder which Kavos they're talking about, 'cause it sure as hell wasn't ours."

"It says 'Kavos, Corfu' but there aren't any beaches like that anywhere on Corfu, from what we saw of it," I agreed.

Paul sneered contemptuously at the newspaper article. "It's all a fuckin' con by the Greek tourist board. That's what it is. Just to keep mugs like us bookin' our tickets to Kavos."

A woman sitting in the seats in front of us turned to throw us a pointed look. She had a young daughter with her who she obviously didn't want hearing the more colourful aspects of Paul's language.

We mouthed our apologies and went quiet, as Paul read the article and I flicked through the airline magazine.

After a few minutes, I said, "Even if we were ripped off... the holiday was okay, wasn't it?"

Paul smiled. "Yeah. There were some pretty cool bits." I looked at him and his smile broadened. "Actually, come to think of it, there were some very cool bits."

I smiled back. "Yeah. Some of it was... er... kind of fun."

Then, after another short pause, I added, "I mean, I'm not saying that I'd be rushing to go back there..."

Paul looked at me and grinned again. He finished my sentence for me: "Well, at least not for another year..."

I broke into a smile of my own. "Another year? That long? Remember we get a fortnight off at Christmas..."

"Hey, we've a week's lieu holiday to take before then..."

We both laughed.

And we had the tickets booked within a week of getting home.


website: http://maverick.remoworld.com e-mail: maverick_feedback@yahoo.co.uk

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