Kathys Boyfriend

By Expat Stud

Published on Nov 7, 2006


For a while after university I worked at a Subway sandwich shop in the Cincinnati area while looking for something that would use my degree. You had your typical type of fast-food employee-mostly teenagers, the occasional 40-year-old drunk who liked to work the closing shift so he could go out back and drink. And then you had the single mothers. Kathy was one of those.

Kathy and I were really tight, even though she was about ten years older than me. We were on the phone every day, and we tried to get our shifts together (easy enough to do, as she was the assistant manager of the shop). She was a very sexual woman-she'd seduce delivery guys and customers both, even though she had a live-in boyfriend, Simon, who worked in insurance. He was about the same age as Kath, so at the time he must have been in his early 30s. In hindsight he was young, but when you are in your early 20s anything over 30 seems like middle age. And this tale is about the night I had sex with him.

Kathy and Simon fought a lot. He liked to drink and get high, and he was always in and out of work. I often asked her why she did not kick him out and she would always come back with that he was too much fun to be around, and that the sex rocked. I knew she was right on the first part-I had hung out with both of them on numerous occasions and Simon was indeed a blast, especially when he was drinking. He'd be goofy, flirty, he'd totally open himself up (when he was not drinking he was generally jealous of my friendship with Kath.) The sex, well apparently he had an insatiable appetite and a big old fattie that made it worth Kathy's time. She said it was not too long, but it was wide enough to make her grunt when he fucked her. And he had this thing about always wanting to have anal sex with her-very common for straight guys I think, but she would never let him as she was afraid he'd tear her up.

One night I got a call from Kath, she and Simon had broken up yet again, he was staying at his parent's house in Amelia. It was winter time, starting to snow, and already she was worried about him. But, she did not want to call him herself-she was not ready to forgive him just yet. Would I call to check up on him? Of course I would do anything for Kathy (I've always had one close female friend my entire life), so I called Simon's parents to speak to him.

Simon's mother was a nice woman-she and her husband lived near Eastgate, not too far from my apartment in Withamsville, and I had met them once at Kath's place. She told me that Simon was terribly depressed, just morose since the split the week before, and wondered if I could be so kind as to take him out to cheer him up. I got him on the phone and quickly realized that he had been drinking a bit (not too drunk yet, fortunately). I asked if he wanted to come to my place to watch a video or something, to just hang out a bit, maybe smoke a bit of weed, and he agreed. Since he had been drinking I agreed to pick him up.

I hopped in the shower and cleaned up-who knew, maybe we would go bar hopping in the area-and went to get him. The snow was starting to pick up, but the roads were not quite cold enough yet to make it stick. I arrived at his parent's place in no time, and then we left.

Simon did not want to go bar-hopping-too expensive, and he was in between jobs again. We stopped at a local gas station to get some beer and cigarettes, and I immediately knew that something was up. Simon had never been so friendly to me before-not just friendly, fresh. He was a bit drunk (and he kept telling me just how drunk he was-in hindsight, I think he was exaggerating it to give him an excuse for his behavior.) He kept touching me, saying how nice it was that I was such a good friend, how nice it was that I would help him out, etc. He kept putting his hand on my leg, he'd reach over and pinch my nipple through my sweater-things he'd never done before. He kept saying how nice it was that we were able to spend some time alone together, that he'd wanted to hang with me for a while and glad that I wasn't upset with him over Kath.

Now, I am not complaining about the attention-Simon was a looker! Probably about 6' 1", narrow waist, big hairy chest. He worked out a bit. He had beautiful teeth and skin and had very good taste in clothing (Kathy always said that he spent more time getting ready in the morning than she did). And he had a nice crotch-Kath had told me that although his dick wasn't long, it was fat, even when soft, and he would arrange it for maximum effect). I normally would have jumped at the attention, but this was my best friend's boyfriend-a complete no-no in everyone's book.

When we got to my place we popped in a video, cracked open some beers and fired up a bowl. Pot always makes me mellow, and in no time I was completely relaxed. I was sitting on the floor, Simon lying on the couch. It was really cold out, and the apartment was chilly, so I had my one blanket over me. Simon was getting cold as well, so he sat on the floor next to me and got under the covers to get warm. I've always been quite na‹ve-I tend to take everything at face value-and this was no exception. He seemed to be acting quite buzzed from the weed and alcohol, and he was being very emotive ('you're such a great friend', or, 'I'm so drunk', or 'I'm so lonely'.) And then he put his hand on my thigh and started to nuzzle me.

As I said, normally I would be all over this fellow, but he was Kathy's boyfriend still (they always got back together eventually-I think she liked to give her vag a break for a week or so). I told him to calm down, that he was drunk, to quit being silly. He told me that he knew I was gay, that we had some friends in common that I did not know about. Besides, it had been over a week for him and he was horny. And Kath wouldn't know unless I told her about it. And besides, when else would I have an opportunity to play with something like what he had to offer?

He grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch, and boy howdy! Kathy was right after all, he had a regular sausage in there. And it seemed pretty long to me. I really did not want to betray my friend, but my hormones overruled my heart. In no time we were kissing and I was taking Simon's clothes off as well as my own. His cock was throbbing and leaking in his underwear-I remember being fascinated at how much it flexed, and at how thick and hard it seemed-and he asked me, he begged me to suck on it.

I realized that at this point there was no going back, that I had already gone too far with Kathy's boyfriend (he could always claim that he was drunk and high and that I took advantage of the situation.) And besides, it was just a blowjob.

I yanked his briefs off him and his fat cock bobbed around like the toy in a jack-in-the-box. That fucker was fat and hard-I couldn't touch my fingers together as I gripped it. And I could tell Simon was really proud of it. I realized now why he had such a cocky attitude. If I had something like that hanging between my legs, I would strut as well. He was leaking quite a bit as well, and he told me that it was happy to meet me. He had nice balls too-he kept them shaved and they were really floppy-he and Kath had not had sex in a week, so I figured he would be extra horny (especially since they fucked at least once a day, and she normally blew him before going to work in the mornings.)

I leaned down to get a better view of what I would be tasting and Simon just lost control. 'Oh man please, just suck it, I'm so fucking horny, I really need my cock sucked.' And he grabbed my head and rubbed his cock helmet all around my face, finally stopping on my lips, which were busy lapping up all of that yummy juice that was oozing everywhere. He tasted great! In no time I had my mouth open and he started feeding me his fat sausage-it was difficult, as it was just so fat. But hey, I figured that since we had gone this far I may as well do the best job possible. I see my cocksucking as an art, and I always try to deliver the best service possible.

Simon had difficulty getting all of his cock in my mouth, no matter how hard he tried, and my mouth was getting quite sore. He was so big around I couldn't get all the way down to the base (his cock was about 7.0 - 7.5 long, I would say.) He kept moving me around the floor trying to make it more comfortable for both of us but it just did not work. Finally he decided that we should go to the bedroom and lie on the bed.

I lay on the bed, and he moved me around so that my head was hanging over the edge-basically giving him an easy shot into my throat. Simon assumed his power position and started to fuck my throat, going in much deeper than before. I did my best to relax and to breath so that I could accommodate as much of him as possible-worked brilliantly too, as he was soon down to the base and his big balls bounced off my forehead.

Simon kept this up for a good ten minutes at least, and he was very verbal and very loud. 'Goddam, you know how to suck cock', and 'Man, I have wanted you to suck my cock since I first met you', and 'Keep that up and you'll get a nice surprise.' I'm not sure what I was to keep up-I just had my mouth open, but I was contracting my throat muscles and swallowing a lot, and every time I swallowed my throat would squeeze, would milk his cock, and I would be rewarded with another fat dollop of his precum. And I used my tongue a lot, swirling around the fat head. He was in heaven, moaning away, rubbing his chest. It was incredible.

He was pounding away at my mouth, balls bouncing against my nose and forehead, shouting out observations about how well I sucked a cock (all of which I am certain my neighbors had heard-I was surrounded by other apartments!) Simon suddenly yanked his cock out of my throat and begged me to lick his balls. He started dunking them against my mouth-sort of like teabagging-and I savored their texture and nursed on them for as long as possible. I would work my way to the back of his ballsack, and before you know it I was licking the space behind his balls, then he would move forward some more and I would be licking near his ass, and finally I WAS licking his ass, eating him out, munching on his hole, darting my tongue in and out. I could feel his heavy cock bouncing around, tapping my chest. He started to beat off while I was rimming him, and I could tell he was getting close. Suddenly he shouted, 'Face or mouth?' I had no idea what he meant, so he screamed out a second time, 'Do you want me to shoot it in your face or your mouth???' (what my neighbors must have been thinking.)

I did not respond, so he made the decision for me. He backed up, pushed my head back down and rammed his cock into my throat again. 'Oh man, I am going to shoot this one in your mouth!' Simon was plowing away, panting, sweating, body shaking, and suddenly he just erupted into my throat. I swallowed as quickly as I could, and he backed his cock out a bit so that he was shooting just under my tongue. ''I know you guys like to taste it,' he said, and he continued to feed me some of his juicy delight. And it was delightful-very thick, very strong, and very voluminous. Damn, but he must have built up a lot of cum.

As he was shooting I grabbed hold of my own cock, hard as could be, leaking like crazy, and jacked away, moving my foreskin up and down over the wet head. It felt heavenly-I love beating off as a guy shoots into my mouth-and before long I, too, was shooting, and shooting hard. Simon was hot, he had a hot cock, and it was shooting his hot spunk in my mouth-I was so turned on that my jizz flew up in arcs, splashing all over my chest and even my upturned chin. We were both dripping with sweat, smelling of sex. Simon finally took his cock out of my mouth and rubbed it against my face, and it was burning up, and still heavy. Talk about basking in the afterglow.

He scooped up some of my jizz and rubbed it on his cock, then stuck it back into my mouth. 'Goddamn, you really get off on sucking cock, don't you?' he asked. I couldn't help but laugh, and mentioned that he was lucky that I did not have tonsils or an epiglottis (the little bit that hangs in the back of your throat-I needed all the extra space possible to get his cock in my mouth.) He kept scooping up jizz and feeding it to me, talking about how great a cocksucker I was, how he wished he had known that I was hot for him, that he always had enough to spread the love around.

It was really snowing hard outside at this point, and the roads had gotten cold enough for the snow to stick. Simon told me he should probably crash at my place, and besides, he was still horny and that he had lots more love to give me (laughing all the while.) He asked me to turn over so he could see my ass and I told him not to get any ideas, that there was no way I could take that hog up my rump. He laughed, grabbed hold of his cock, shaking it at me (it was already fluffing up), and said something like, 'There's no way you would pass up something like this, man. And if you think I can fuck a mouth, you should see what I could do to an ass like yours.'

The night was just beginning!

And now I am so horned up from recounting this that I need to yank a load. I'll recount more when I get a chance. Peace! epxatstud@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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