Kate's College Days

By Jan None

Published on Sep 28, 2012




This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading, pleasure, or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them on your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2010 Jan, All rights reserved

Please mail to janmay696@yahoo.com if you have any suggestions for future stories.

Kate's College Days



My parents were very religious people. I was named Kathleen, but everyone calls me Katy. They believe every word in their bible is the gospel, to be taken literally. As a result I was raised in a very strict household. I had not been allowed to date boys all the way through high school. The only way I was allowed to leave home was to attend the University of Maryland, and only allowed to do so by living in the home of a trusted family with an impeccable reputation that had lived in our community for many years, named Mr. and Mrs. Harris.

It was a traumatic experience for me to leave my home for the first time. I was a small girl, at only five-feet one, but not the skinniest girl around. I definitely have meat on my bones, if you know what I mean. My hips and butt were and are meaty, and my bust measures 34-C. I envied women and girls with those large areolas and plump nipples, because mine were small and the nipples are inverted. My hair had only been trimmed of split ends, so my brown hair was very long. I think my brown eyes are my best feature, because they are very expressive. When I arrived in the community where my host family lived I was assailed by new sights and smells. I became accustomed to the sights and smells quickly. The house was very much like my parent's home. The parlor even had framed pictures of Christ and the lithograph of Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane facing each other on opposing walls.

It was almost overwhelming getting used to my new living arrangements and getting enrolled in college classes. I felt like a lost lamb. I had to take some introductory classes that applied to general educational requirements, but I did want to take an art class for the fun of it. I had to find my way around the campus before the fall semester started, just so that I would be sure to be in the class on time, so that I could not be dropped for not being in class when the professor gathered up all of the cards to be sure that we were. Any absentees allowed the professor to fill the empty billets with anyone wishing to add the class.

I felt like a fish out of water, because I felt like I didn't fit in. My clothes were more conservative than the vast majority of my fellow students. My being enrolled in only four classes seemed foolish, because I only had three classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and two classes on Tuesday and Thursday. But I quickly learned that the classes required an exorbitant amount of time spent doing homework, requiring research, memorization, and writing of papers. The only time I had to relax was in the beginning painting class. The woman teaching the class was a very free spirited woman. She encouraged us to experiment with unexpected things. Looking at everyday items and distorting them into unrecognizable objects.

Her class was on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the other class was not until later in the afternoon, so I went to the library to study and to the restaurant on top of the main hall to a meal before my second class. I began to see my art teacher at the restaurant. Her name was Lilith, and I found her very appealing, with her dark hair and features. She was a tall woman, and very assured of herself. She was sexy, without pretention about her looks, and was such a personable woman that there was always a clique of students gathered around her, as she held court. There were a few times that we were in the line together, and she invited me to join her. I became a regular at her table.

There was a lot of discussion about art and politics being bantered around the table. I found the radical ideas exciting and disturbing at the same time. As they argued the merits of everything from the corruption of our political system to the church's moral position on issues like abortion, gay sex and even evolution, I began to question the things I had accepted without question at home.

One evening I had stayed late in the library doing research for a class. When I finished I made my way to the bus stop to head to the home of my hosts. As I sat waiting for the bus Lilith pulled up alongside the curb in a little red Mini Cooper. She offered to give me a lift home. I hopped into the passenger seat, and away we went. The back of her car was filled with artist supplies. The car smelled of turpentine and linseed oil. When she asked me where I was staying, she told me that her home was on the way, and asked if I would like to drop by for a drink. I was flattered that she wanted my company. I had always felt so intellectually inferior to the other people gathered around her dining table. I accepted her offer without mentioning that I had never tasted alcohol before. It didn't take long to reach her home.

I had never been in a home like hers before. The rooms were not only colorful there were paintings of nude girls everywhere. It embarrassed me to catch myself staring at the paintings of naked girls. Most of them were typical of the kind of paintings in art books, but there were a few of them that were very erotic. It was obvious the paintings were of teenage girls were masturbating, and that embarrassed me. Not having so much as met Lilith's other guest. There was another girl already in her living room that I recognized from the art department.

Lilith introduced me to the student not much older than me, named Ashley. I had seen her around the campus. She was one of the regulars at Lilith's dinner table. She was quite outspoken about every subject. I had always been intimidated by her outspoken and aggressive manner. I thought she was strangely attractive. She was only about five-foot three, with short brown hair, deeply set brown eyes. She was a slender girl, with breasts that were no bigger that a 12-year-old girl's. I thought her figure was almost boy like.

When Lilith sat down in her obviously favorite chair Ashley proceeded to wedge her body between Lilith's legs. She was dressed in her typical short skirt and jersey tank top. You could tell that she didn't wear a bra because her nipples left an obvious impression through her top. While we were talking Lilith wrapped her long legs around Ashley's waist, and placed her calves between Ashley's thighs, which spread her legs open, exposing the fact that Ashley had on very thin white nylon panties that allowed me to see the dark shadow of pubic hair through the material. It disturbed me to see such an immodest display. I'm sure that I was blushing like a child.

Lilith was drawing attention to the fact that I didn't participate much in the dinner discussions.

I had to tell her, "I come from a very conservative religious family. I had never been exposed to open discussions about the validity of the Bible and the nature of the world. Politics was not discussed in my home. I have never questioned my parent's beliefs before. As the table topics challenged everything my family believed in, with what I learned was indisputable facts, I have been forced to think about everything I thought was true."

While I was explaining myself, Lilith was stroking the bare arms of Ashley with her fingertips gently. It was as if she was trying to tease me. I watched as if transfixed as Lilith circled Ashley's small breast with a fingernail. She deliberately toyed with the nipple.

Lilith continued talking as casually about such things as religion, while she placed her other hand right on Ashley's crotch.

Ashley leaned back as if to demonstrate her approval of what Lilith was doing to her. Her actions also gave me a better view of Lilith pulling aside Ashley's panties, and stroking her pussy. Ashley turned her upper body sideways, so that she could kiss Lilith on the mouth. The sight of the way they were kissing and the way Lilith was playing with Ashley's body was shocking to me. I was stunned to the point that I could hardly breathe, let alone move.

Ashley started squirming around before she let out a squeal, and screamed out, "OH MY GAWD...I'M CUMMING!"

When she calmed down Lilith helped her to her feet, and told her, "Let me talk to Katy alone, honey!"

Ashley said, "I get sloppy seconds!" as she pulled her panties back in place, and left the room.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Lilith got up out of her chair, and came across the open space to sit down next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. She used the same hand that she had been using to rub Ashley's pussy to turn my head towards her. I could smell the odor of Ashley's pussy permeating her hand. She pressed her lips against my mouth. I was powerless to resist her.

Lilith said, "Did my playing with Ashley disturb you so much that you could never trust me?"

I said, "Everything I have learned while at school disturbs me, because it attacks everything I had grown up believing was right and wrong. I have been so confused, because my parents would lock me in my room if they knew what I have learned. If they didn't do that, they would disown me, and never talk to me again."

Lilith was stroking my arm the same way she had started stroking Ashley's arm. My body felt like ants were crawling all over my skin. Lilith was starting to circle the shape of my breast. My arms were dangling limply at my sides. I had no will to move them. Lilith started unbuttoning my dress. When she had five buttons undone, she slipped her hand inside the dress to feel my breast through my slip and brassiere. When she withdrew her hand my breast felt as if it were even more naked than if my clothes had been removed. She stood up, and pulled me to my feet. She led me by the hand to her bedroom, where she proceeded to remove my clothes. After removing all of my clothes she placed me in the middle of her bed, before proceeding to remove her own clothes.

I watched her pulling her boat neck jersey T- shirt over her head, exposing her large double D breasts encased in a lace purple tinted brassiere. Then she sat down long enough to remove her leather tennis shoes and socks. She unfastened the top of her form fitting designer jeans. She leaned back against my body long enough to pull the tight fitting jeans clear of her feet, and discarding them. When she positioned her body on her knees beside my body, it was obvious that her tight fitting hip-hugger panties matched the purple tinted bra. She leaned over me and started kissing me, while feeling my breasts. My heart was beating like a bass drum.

Lilith kissed and licked her way down my neck to the cleavage between my breasts, before taking my left tit into her mouth. While she sucked greedily on my nipple, she ran her hand down my body all the way to my crotch. No one had ever touched me down there before, and her light touch sent an almost electric shock throughout my body. It felt like my bladder was full, and I was about to pee. I tried to hold my bladder shut. I had no idea that my pussy was leaking lubricating juices. Lilith sat back on her heels, and smelled her fingers, before sucking her fingers very erotically. The idea that a woman would actually enjoy sucking on her fingers covered with smelly pussy juices was unbelievable to me. When she positioned her body between my legs, and spread my legs before bending over to actually place her mouth right on my hair covered pussy, I started crying quietly, because of my guilt for enjoying it so much.

It was beyond anything I had been taught about right and wrong, at the same time the feelings she was inducing in my body felt so good that I had no desire to stop her. I laced my finger through her hair. My first thought was to push her head away, but when I did that, and felt the cold air on my wet pussy I pulled her head tightly against my pussy. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Lilith actually stuck a long finger up my asshole. I immediately started bucking my butt off of the bed. At some point I blacked out for some unknown time.

When I recovered I was aware that Lilith was kissing my eyes and face. As soon as Lilith was aware that I was awake, she moved her body up over me, so that she was dangling one of her breasts over my mouth. I knew what she wanted, and as soon as she lowered her heavy tit down, I started sucking like a hungry baby on her nipple. I could feel the heat emitted from her body, and smell the erotic fragrance of her perfume. Just when I was satisfied wallowing in my own decadence, Lilith sat up and moved back down my body, so that she could wrap her arms around my thighs, and pulled me bodily down to the middle of the bed. Then she straddled my body, and walked her way up my body until her knees rested next to my ears. I was looking up at her lace panties. I could make out the dark shadow of her pubic hair through the material.

I couldn't believe how much the smell of her pussy excited me. I lifted my head and started sucking on the material of her panties. Her panties were soaking wet. I had a faint taste of ammonia, but it definitely was not urine. The juice had very little taste at all.

Lilith continued to control the activity by sitting back on my chest, as she straightened out her legs, she pulled her panties down her legs, and free of her feet. When she was unencumbered of any clothing, she sat on my face again. The way her vagina flared out covering my face from my nose to my chin, I was unable to breathe at all. I felt her juices trickling down to my nose and throat. I probed her vagina with my tongue. I stuck out my tongue so far that the ligament under my tongue was raked against my lower teeth until I tasted my own blood. I had to struggle to turn my head to the side enough to catch my breath. As soon as I filled my lungs Lilith pulled my head back around to cover my mouth again. Just when I was about to have to move my head again to breathe, I felt cold hands on my legs, spreading them again.

It had to be someone else spreading my legs, because both of Lilith's was gripping my hair. I panicked, and started jerking my head to catch my breath, and trying to see who was molesting me.

Lilith lifted her body to adjust her pussy over my face, and I got a quick glimpse of Ashley down there lapping at my pussy while clinging to my thighs. Lilith lowered her body back down onto my mouth. I was being forced to suck Lilith's pussy, while Ashley was sucking my pussy. I have no idea how long Ashley sucked my pussy before I came, but it took Lilith even longer to satisfy herself. When they were finished using me they helped me get dressed, because I was as weak as a baby.

Lilith drove me to the home of the Harris'. She cautioned me not to mention what had taken place, as if that were necessary. I knew if I were to admit to the Harris' what had taken place, they would contact my parents, and I would be taken home. I would have to make a public confession at church. The result would be terrible; everyone in the community would know that I was a sinner. I would be shunned by the congregation.

When I entered the house I was met by Mrs. Harris. It was her custom to kiss me on the cheek upon greeting. It never occurred to me that I had not washed my face after the sex. I did notice the way she sniffed the air after she pecked my cheek, but didn't pay much attention, because my mind was occupied with thoughts about Lilith.

I met with Lilith several Tuesday and Thursday nights for a couple of weeks after that, and had sex with her until I had to get back to the Harris' home. One Thursday night I got that look from Mrs. Harris again.

I would not have dinner with Lilith until next Tuesday, so I had another four days to think about what had happened. Sleep was slow in coming. I found the only way I could get to sleep was to pull down my underwear and masturbate several times before I would drift off to sleep. At least I had plenty of homework to keep me busy over the weekend. When I got home from school on Monday I was met by Mrs. Harris. She demanded that I follow her to the laundry room.

When we entered the room she picked up a pair of my underwear, and smelled the crotch before handing them to me. She announced, "You have been playing with yourself, and you obviously had your face in someone's pussy for the past couple of weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays. What would your parents have to say if I called your parents, and told them that you were having sex with a girl?"

I almost panicked, because I knew just what would happen. She knew exactly what would happen as well as I did.

Then she dropped it on me, "The only way this remains just between us, is that you have to do to me what you did to your girlfriend."

She obviously thought that I was having sex with one of my classmates. I was not about to tell her that it was one of my teachers. I stood there and watched her pull up her long dress and sit down on the pile of unwashed clothes. I couldn't believe that she was actually naked under her dress. Her pubic hair was thick and spread out across the front of her body almost all the way to her hips, following the crease of her legs. I surrendered to my fate, and dropped to my knees. I placed my hands on her knees as I bent over. The smell of her pussy was much stronger than Lilith's. She pulled my head down and forced me to suck her pussy until she covered my face with her wet juices. It was only when she was satisfied that she let me up. I spent the rest of the evening trying to study, but my mind was filled with nothing but pictures of Mrs. Harris making me suck her pussy.

That evening when it was bedtime I showered and got ready for bed. When I was about to get in bed Mrs. Harris entered my bedroom wearing her nightgown. It was a modest thing befitting a woman of the church. She took hold of my hand, and made me lay across the bed on my back, with my head dangling over the edge. Then she lifted her nightgown and backed over my head, and sat on my face. She directed me to lick her pussy and almost smothered me the way Lilith had done to me. When she finished using me, she pulled up my nightgown and fingered my pussy until I had an orgasm. Sleep was hard coming after she left my room.

The next day at school I couldn't wait for the end of the art class to tell Lilith about what had happened. I insisted that we go to her office, and told her everything that Mrs. Harris made me do to her, and that she wanted to meet my girlfriend.

Lilith thought for a moment, "She doesn't know who your girlfriend is?"

I assured her that she thinks it is one of my classmates. She told me, "I have an idea, and we will discuss it this evening at dinner." We returned to class, and I wondered what she had in mind.

The rest of the day seemed never ending, but eventually I made my way to the dining hall, and went through the cafeteria and made my way to Lilith's table, where she was already holding court. As I sat down she explained to them that my host was blackmailing me with threats of exposing my relationship with an unknown classmate. The girls gathered around the table wanting to know what Lilith had in mind.

Lilith turned to one of the girls that was studying telecommunications, and told her to bring all of her equipment to her home on Wednesday. Then she turned to Ashley and told her to give Mrs. Harris a call, and tell her that she would be happy to meet her, but only at your home. Then on Thursday give her my address. We will set up a little trap for her. I know just the girl to invite to spring the trap on the bitch. Ashley and I wanted to know what she had in mind, but Lilith was coy about who she was going to use.

When I got home that evening Mrs. Harris was waiting for me. She wanted to know when she was going to meet my girlfriend. I assured her that Ashley was going to call shortly. While we waited, she made me suck her pussy. As usual she had on one of her conservative house dresses with knee high nylons and practical oxford shoes, but when she pulled up her dress she didn't have any panties on. I knelt in front of her, and started sucking her hairy pussy. She was not satisfied with me just licking her pussy, because she wanted me to lick her asshole too. I serviced her until she was happy, even though the only time I had ever licked an asshole was when Lilith had rubbed her pussy and asshole over my mouth and nose the previous week.

I was still busy lapping at her hairy asshole when the phone rang. Mrs. Harris picked up the remote phone, while still holding my head against her ass by my hair.

I heard her say, "Hello...Yes, Katy tells me that you are her girlfriend. I want you to come to my house. Okay, what time and where?"

She picked up a pad and pencil to scribble down the address while holding her phone between her shoulder and ear. When she sat down the phone, she pulled my head up from between her legs and said, "Thursday night we are going to your girlfriend's for a talk. Then she had me sit on her lap, so that she could play with my tits and pussy until I had a strong cum.

The next day I delayed going home by going to the library and doing some research, but eventually I had to go home. At least her husband was home. When it was bedtime she did come in to say good night. She felt me up, until I was horny, then she sucked my pussy. She finished up by sitting on my face, and fucking my mouth and nose with her smelly, hairy cunt! When she was satisfied sexually, she left my room.

The next evening when I got home she had me direct her to Lilith's house. She thought it was the home of Ashley, of course. I hardly even noticed that she had on one of her usual conservative dresses, hair up as usual, but she had on dark nylons and high heeled pumps.

When Ashley answered the door, Mrs. Harris was pleased with the sight of Ashley, because she looked no older than me. All Ashley had on was a very transparent chemise. Mrs. Harris could see Ashley's nipples and dark patch of pubic hair with no trouble at all. She was obviously impressed with her body.

She shook Ashley's hand as we entered the parlor. Mrs. Harris told Ashley that her name was Faith Harris. As Faith surveyed the room, she couldn't take her eyes off of all of the oil paintings of the naked girls on the walls. Ashley made a point of sitting down on the couch with Mrs. Harris, while I sat in a chair facing them.

Mrs. Harris started the conversation by saying, "I understand that you have been teaching Katy about lesbian sex!"

Ashley played it cool, "There is nothing more beautiful that the love between women! I have not been forcing Katy to do anything she didn't want to do."

Mrs. Harris pulled some bobbie-pins out of her hair, and then shook her head, as she put the pins in her purse. Her hair came down, falling over her shoulders in waves. Her hair was longer than I would have suspected. She placed her arm around Ashley's shoulders, at the same time she was unbuttoning the top of her own dress. She exposed plenty of cleavage. Then she leaned towards Ashley, and kissed her on the mouth. She also placed her hand on one of Ashley's little B sized breasts.

Ashley made no effort to stop the woman. Mrs. Harris found the opening of the chemise and placed her hand on the naked little breast. She bent over and took the little nipple into her mouth and started sucking on it.

Ashley said, "Faith my dear, knowing your interest in young girls I have a little surprise for you, which I think you will just love!"

Mrs. Harris lifted her head, as if to ask what she was talking about. I had no idea what was going on either. Ashley called out, "Amy my love come in here!"

I was as surprised as Faith when a young girl entered the room. I suspected that the girl was no more than ten or eleven years old. She was dressed in a little party dress with black Mary-Jane's and ankle socks. Her hair was pulled back with a matching colored ribbon tied around her hair. Her makeup was a little more mature than a school girl would normally have on. She posed coyly in front of Ashley and Faith.

Ashley stood up and placed Amy's hand in Faith's as she directed them towards the bedroom. Ashley and I followed them towards the bedroom. We fell back to allow the two of them to enter the room. Faith was overwhelmed by the sight of the photographs decorating the walls. They were of naked girls making love to each other. Amy held back a little, forcing Faith to pull her into the room. When they reached the bed, Faith unbuttoned her dress exposing the fact that she had on a black corset with a built in supporting bra that didn't conceal her areolas and nipples. The look on Mrs. Harris' face was pure lust. The bottom of the corset had garter straps attached to the tops of the dark nylon hose. She did not have panties on, so her thick pubic bush was visible. Ashley and I were watching from the doorway. Amy was quite the actress, as she looked shocked at the sight of the older woman looking so much like a dominatrix from a men's magazine. All she needed was a whip.

Faith was all over Amy. She peeled off the girl's clothes like a hungry wolf. When she had removed Amy's delicate little full slip and lace panties, she could not get enough of that sweet young flesh. She picked up the little girl and placed her on the middle of the bed. She breast fed her while finger fucking her little snatch. She just had to go down on her and suck on that swollen little cunt. Amy placed her hands on the top of the woman's head and pushed like she was trying to move the head, while not really working too hard.

Ashley and I took off our clothes too. We stood there in the doorway rubbing each other's pussies, while we watched the woman ravishing the young girl's body. The sight of Faith mounting the little girl head to toe so that she could feed the girl her nasty old cunt while she lapped at that sweet little hairless pussy was very erotic.

After they calmed down Ashley and I joined them in a daisy chain between the four of us. Mrs. Harris retrieved her big purse, and fished out a big strap-on dildo. While she stepped into it the three of us girls argued over which one was going to get fucked first. Mrs. Harris was so enamored with Amy she just had to fuck her first.

I couldn't believe a girl so young could actually take a huge man sized rubber cock into her pussy, but Amy loved it. She was making all kinds of animalistic sounds. After she fucked Amy, she fucked Ashley and me in turn. While she was actually fucking me, she had Amy stand astraddle of my body, so that she could eat her little pussy.

Just when I thought it was over, Amy presented her little pink asshole to Mrs. Harris. Ashley and I watched as the woman licked the girl's little pink asshole. Mrs. Harris took that slimy dildo in hand as she stuffed it into Amy's tight little asshole. Again I couldn't believe that Amy could take that tool into her asshole. Mrs. Harris fucked her while dripping sweat all over Amy's back. When it was over I got to inspect Amy's body, her little prepubescent pussy was puffy and swollen. Her chest only had those swollen little bumps that promised that she would have breasts in the near future. She was the sexiest nymph I had ever seen.

There came a time when everyone was spent. Mrs. Harris and I got dressed and returned home. She was very pleased with herself. She wanted to see Amy and Ashley again. I teased her about maybe being able to set up another date so soon.

Of course I was waiting for Lilith to tell me what to do. Lilith and the girl from the telecommunications department were editing the DVD they had made from the hidden mini cams throughout the house. By splicing in various angles of the sex, they had made a video that was designed to tell a different story. They took great pains to show Mrs. Harris fucking Amy. They wanted to be sure everyone seeing the video would recognize Mrs. Harris and know that the girl was a minor. When they were satisfied with their efforts, they made several copies.

We waited until Mrs. Harris' husband would be out of town on business before we let her know that we were going to have another party. Of course Mrs. Harris wanted to know if Amy would be there. I assured her that she would be there.

That Saturday I was well aware of the way Mrs. Harris had anything on under her conservative dress, I had also gone commando under my dress. Mrs. Harris and I arrived in front of Lilith's home at the appointed hour. When we knocked on the door, Lilith and Ashley opened the door and invited us in. Mrs. Harris was surprised to see an adult woman greeting us. She looked a little apprehensive in the presence of such a commanding looking woman.

The parlor was full. Lilith's cohorts were scattered around the place. They were all drinking and smoking while they chatted among themselves. Faith was surprised to see an older woman from the founders committee, known as the 'Silver Circle' at our congregation, consorting with other half clothed women. Amy was there with a circle of women around her, and they were all feeling up the girl. Amy obviously loved the attention.

Lilith got everyone's attention by making an announcement that the guest of honor had arrived. She told the gathering that Mrs. Faith Harris was my host while I was attending college, and she had made a little video a couple of weeks ago for Faith's benefit. With that she slipped a DVD into the player. The 60-inch wide screen LCD went from azure-blue to a picture of Faith meeting Amy. Ashley and I were conveniently absent from the picture.

The women present were hooting and hollering. They were commenting on what an innocent little darling Amy looked like. When Amy resisted Faith's efforts to pull her into the bedroom, it looked like she was afraid of Faith. When Faith stripped off her church going dress to reveal the sexy costume, the women cheered Faith on, as she stripped the reluctant Amy. Throughout all of the sex, the camera would show close-ups of Amy's face, she looked terrified. Everything on the video gave the impression that Amy was being raped.

The audience was complimenting Amy on her acting skills. Lilith told Faith, "You can have the DVD, but there were several copies that would find their way to the Silver Circle should she ever try to blackmail Katy again. You will also support Katy getting an apartment of her own next year!"

Faith was crushed. She was stunned the rest of the evening. Oh...The woman from the Silver Circle made a point to fuck Faith in the ass with a big strap- on dildo, while belittling her for trying to blackmail such a sweet young girl. The woman may have been a silver haired skinny woman, but she was a sweetheart to me. I knew that whenever I had to return home that I would be visiting the estate of the woman.

I hope you enjoyed the story, and if you have a story you would like told, please send your mail to janmay696@yahoo.com.

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