Kasey with a K

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 6, 2024


Chapter 77



It all went to plan, and yes I messaged him and of course he was naked and face down on the bed when I got home. We languished for ages then he wanted to get back to work. I changed and then grabbed some rags from the linen closet. I sort of thought there would be a lot of dust. The attic was accessed from a hidden staircase, wide enough to get furniture up it and through the double doors at the top. I looked around and the room was huge and went around the corner on both sides of the house. Chairs, wardrobes, tables, and bureaus adorned the walls with stacks of cartons and traveling trunks, up against other walls. Where the hell do I start? I knew there weren't any valuables stored up here, so there wouldn't be any glittery jewellery popping out of the cupboards.

I opened one carton it was full of old ledgers, after looking through them I deemed they were the household expense accounts that had been kept. The museum may be interested in them to compare them with current accounts. I put it aside. With a black felt pen I had taken from Sam's room, I wrote what was in the carton on it. The next six were the same dating back to the early nineteenth century, I made a neat stack in an area that had more room.

I walked over to the corner and went around it to see if there was any more room, I decided that I should have started back there and worked myself around the huge rooms.

I shoved a wardrobe against a wall then an ornate hall stand out of the way, it was then I saw it. I nearly wet myself, standing there amongst a lot of cartons was a perfectly preserved rocking horse. It was superb, not a hair out of place and in mint condition, it had been covered with plastic which I quickly pulled off. My first idea was to place it in Sam's room he would love this, but then I thought he might scratch or break it by using it too roughly. Whoever it belonged to had looked after this gem. I looked at it closely the saddle was handmade and a perfect replica of a real one, same with the stirrups and reins, the hair was of course long horse hair, and he was light brown with with blonde pools all over. After stacking the heavy boxes out of the way I had a better view of him so I took a photo and sent it to Kasey.

Moments later I could hear him coming up the stairs.

"Where are you?"

"Around the garage side," I called back, he appeared with a big smile on his face.

The first thing he did was scream.

"Wow, wow wow!"

"He's a beauty isn't he?"

"He sure is, Sam is gonna love him."

"I was unsure, he's in mint condition I don't want it treated badly."

"Not our son, he wouldn't do that Adam, we have rules don't you forget."

I dusted him down a bit and he moved back and forward, it took all my willpower not to mount him for a ride.

"He's beautifully crafted, made in England maybe." He said.

"What kind is he?"

"I saw a lot of them in cowboy movies I think a Pinto but I'm not sure."

"He's gorgeous."

"Help me take it down to Sams's bedroom."

"I'll stack those boxes out of the way first."

He helped me stack the many cartons to the side then he opened one. That was it, the frenzy started.

"OMG OMG! Look a train set Adam I have always wanted one of these. He was almost in tears when he took another box and opened it, it looked brand new and untouched by human hands.

"There's got to be a story behind these toys Kasey, I think we should ring Jimmy, maybe they were made for Johnny, but why wouldn't he have used them?"

"I don't know but I know this is going to be set up in the basement."

"Maybe we had better research it."

"It's the Lionel brand hand-crafted metal, there's so much of it here Adam, wow. Let's get the horse into Sam's room first then we can ring Jimmy."

We finished stacking the cartons by the wall and I guess that will be a project for Kase and Joe I hope they include dad.

We struggled to get the horse down the stairs and into Sam's room, it was set to one side and I continued to dust it off. The magnificent beast almost smiled at me when I brushed my hands through its long mane.

"Kasey, are you really going to set up the train?"

"You bet your bloody last dollar I am, I can't let that one go to a museum."

He took his phone out and rang Jimmy, I could hear laughing coming from the hallway.

"It's ours Adam Jimmy said we could have them." I have never seen Kasey so excited since I gave him his first blow job.

"So it's not valuable?"

"Oh yes, they are valuable but not that rare we can't play with it. The rare thing about it is it's still in its original boxes and we can put them aside."

"And the horse?"

"It belonged to Johnny, he didn't use it much he thought it was creepy. Fred stored it in the attic that's why it's in great condition. He wants Sam and Billy to use it as much as they want. The train set was payment for a job Fred had done. Johnny didn't know it existed because he was already into his sports and music he had no interest in toys. Win win Adam, I get to play with it with our son." That grin was priceless and now he's run off to find a big space for his new train set.

I decided I had enough today and the kids would be home soon so I locked the attic and went downstairs to make coffee. No sign of mum but Natalie was there cooking up a storm.

"Hi Nat, I see he's got you slaving away again."

"I love to cook Adam, I like to impress people." She laughed.

"Well you certainly do that, we appreciate it." I looked at the big pot on the stove it smelt wonderful.

"Pea and ham soup and freshly baked bread, there's chicken spaghetti in the crock pot for the kids."

"Sounds and smells great."

"It's an easy meal, is Kasey around?"

"In the basement, finding a place for his new train set."

I told her what I had found in the attic, and I could see she was hanging out to help him set it up.

Mum arrived with two screaming boys, they wanted to go swimming but Kasey heard them and ran up to the kitchen, he wanted to show them our surprise.

Mum rolled her eyes and asked if I could help her with her shopping. She didn't have her hair done she went shopping instead, Trish and I can do it tonight.

"Show me the train Kasey," Nat said.

"Not yet."

"Show me now."

"Sam and Billy can you go to Sams's room I think you both have a visitor."

"We never get visitors poppa, are they nice?"

"Very nice son, he's waiting for a new name."

They looked at each other and ran off to greet their new friend. Mum and I followed Nat and Kasey upstairs, all we could hear was screaming coming from Sam's room. When we got there he was hugging Kasey and almost in tears he loved his new friend. Billy was already having a ride and I took a video to send to Jimmy. Mum was smiling and Nat was like me she wanted to mount that pony so badly. It was Sam's turn, he started slowly then he went from trotting to full-on racing.

"You be careful son, treat him good."

"His name is Patch Poppa is that a good name Billy?'

"Yes, Sammy very good." They both giggled.

"We go now." Kasey took Nat's arm and raced towards the attic stairs. I didn't go up with them, I went to help mum unload her car.

"Play nicely baby, I'm going to help granny."

I got the death stare from mum.

"Daddy, can we have some apples?"

"We are all out."

"What do we feed him?"

"Nothing he is made of wood." I chuckled, there is no way they are bringing food up here.

I think mum has gone overboard, the boot was full.

"What the hell did you buy?"

"Some dresses, there was a sale on last year's models, so I got a few for the price of one, some face painting items, some Lasagna from that wonderful takeaway shop, we can have that for dinner tomorrow night or freeze it. I got your father some very nice shirts and pants and the boys some bright board shorts. Just a few things Adam." She smiled and I was pleased she didn't hold back.

Nat and Kasey ran past us and into the basement. They will need tables, and a lot of them by the looks at all the stuff that's up there.

Trish and Joe came in and I looked at him and said.

"Kasey and Nat are in the basement but I suggest you go up to the attic and take a right-hand turn first, theres something there they are interested in, that you might like also." He looked at me and didn't move.

"Full-on vintage electric train set, still in the boxes. His eyes lit up and he raced upstairs.

"I thought that might shift him." Mum and Trish giggled.

"Trish Cody was having a sale so I got you some things."

"Oh wow, he never has sales."

"Last year's creations, don't worry I have good taste."

We took the bags to Mum's. I didn't stay because there were more in the car so I walked off to get them. My home was full of running adults and screaming kids today, and it was happy to have us humans inhabit it again.

When I arrived back there were dresses everywhere and Trish was trying some on, they were a perfect fit for her she looked lovely, and so did my mum. The food was placed in the fridge and the stuff for the boys was set aside, I doubt we will be seeing them before dinner time.

"This bag is for you and Kasey, Rory was having an underwear sale I hope I got the sizes right." She grinned.

"Thanks, Mum." She wasn't buying for herself, she was buying gifts for all of us, I was happy and she looked so relaxed.

I went to find the bigger kids, they were hauling the boxes downstairs, so I beelined into Sam's room dodging the pain of carrying boxes. They were sitting on the floor talking to Patch, I think they were trying to entice him to go for a swim.

"Did poppa tell you the rules babies?"

"Yes daddy no food, no cutting his hair, no rough playing because he doesn't like it."

"Good, now are you going for a swim?"

"Can Patch come?"

"And no swimming for the horse."

"Okay daddy." They both giggled. They followed me downstairs, Nat grabbed me and asked if I could get mum and Trish to check the stove. I figured she will go home late tonight, Cindy will not be very impressed.

The boys ran for the pool they had no shame today and had forgotten their shorts, so naked swimming was the go for them. I checked the soup and then turned it off, it was well and truly cooked.

I couldn't find any freshly made bread but there was a big bowl of dough on the window sill, I guess it's still rising.

I went to watch the boys and dad was sitting with mum by now and I did the same to him.

"Big surprise in the basement, you had better go and see what they are up to."

He was on his feet and walking towards the house in no time.

The kids were playing horsies in the pool and mum had their swim shorts ready to give them. They were too quick for her this time.

"I will go and see to dinner." She said.

"Done, I turned it off. I don't know much about bread baking so we can leave that to Nat if she ever reappears."

"I can do that, but not now it's too early."

"The kid's meals are ready when they want it."

"She's a good cook son."

"I hope she's a good train driver too." I laughed.

"She won't stand a chance, not with your father around."

"And Joe and Kasey."

Trish appeared with her bags of clothes.

"You did well mum, what do I owe you?"

"Nothing Trish, it's all on that free cash card Kasey gave me." She giggled.

"Well thank you for thinking of me."

She offered coffee and we accepted, and then she sat with us.

"Is the train set big?"

"I think so, theres heaps of boxes but I suppose it's the whole kit and caboodle, people, stations, traffic lights."

"It will be awesome all made up, I suppose that's the last I will see of Joey."

"That's possible Trish, luckily you have a phone full of photos to look upon."

"And you."

"And me," Mum said as we looked at her.

"You didn't invent it, son."

It was a half hour later the boys came out and we grabbed towels to dry them off. They were hungry now and they planned that after they were fed, they would need another ride on Patch.

"Have you got any homework?"

"Yes mummy, but we did it at play time," Billy said.

"Then I will check it. Now you two I got you some new swimmers put them on."

"Where's poppa?"

"In the basement baby." I slipped and before I knew it they were off and running.

"I guess it's just us three tonight."

"Come on, we had better go and see how far they have gotten." Trish stood up and we followed.

The boys were screaming again, and dad had taken over, he was looking at the list of contents they had found. Nat was having a close look at the train it was a magnificent beast for sure. I saw cabooses carriages tracks for miles and open boxes everywhere.

My husband and Joe were trying to make room for it, all they had was the covered billiard table to work on.

"It's not big enough I tell you." Joe insisted.

"We can make it smaller just for tonight Joey."

"No, we put it all out and then we don't have to do it again."

"There must be miles of tracks." I was sure there wasn't, but in Kasey's mind there had to be a lot.

"Why don't you have something built? Surely you can run it along the walls down onto the floor and over a few tables, but keep it out of the way."

Mum was looking around the rooms and I guess trying to help.

"Yes Adam, you're right run it above the doors and then across the floor in the cinema room, it's the biggest of the three rooms. On the floor in front of the screen make up a station and village, something like that."

Kase and Joe rushed off to look.

"We want to get it going now," Nat yelled, the boys screamed.

"Of course, the ideal spot for it is in the attic, there will be plenty of room up there when it's cleaned up."

"Yes I suggested that but they want it going now." Nat looked hopefully at me.

"I see, so how does Cindy feel about that?" She looked at her watch and said.

"Shit, I had better run."

"Pussy whipped or what?" I laughed.

"We will talk tomorrow, see you all later got to run, oh hell, the bread?"

"I got it," Mum said.

"One eighty at thirty-five minutes Alice good night boys."

They hugged her and she left telling Kasey and Joey not to play with it until she is here.

"Now, you all need to settle down, nothing will be achieved tonight so why don't you sleep on it, dinner in thirty-five minutes? Boys get your homework and meet me out the back." Mums are good at giving orders.

Thank God they gave up trying to get it running, they came when called and the excitement around the table was electric. It's going to take me ages to get Sam settled for bed. The food was awesome and the bread was so light and tasty.

"Joe and dad we have to have a meeting sometime tonight."

"What's it about?" Joe asked.

"Investors." Kasey didn't elaborate on the subject.

"Is Jimmy still coming for dinner Friday night?"

"Yes mum, he leaves Saturday."

"Are you going to the airport with him?"

"No, he wants to go alone, he hates long goodbyes."

"Okay, we can have that lasagna I got today."

"Don't forget Susan and Steff are coming Saturday the food will be Italian."

"I don't mind or we can do a casserole, he likes them,"

"He also likes pizzas." I grinned.

"Have it your way son."

"We can have yours on Saturday, less cooking for Nat."

She had checked the boy's homework and Kasey and dad went through it with Billy and Sam, Kasey, as usual, explained every detail and Billy rolled his eyes at dad.

"It's okay son, your homework is correct." He kissed my little brother.

I leaned over and closed the exercise book then asked Kasey if it was correct.

"Yes Adam, but I was explaining an easier way to do it."

"Sam your homework is correct, now go and get ready for bed."

Kasey wasn't put out he even gave me a small smile, he moved his attention to dad when mum took Billy inside to get him ready for bed. I thought maybe I would leave some bed clothes for Sam in mum's house, it will save him traipsing up the stairs to get ready.

"It's done general,"

"Good, I will talk to the commander tomorrow, he can start moving."

"Is that the offices Kasey?"

"Yes Adam, everything is on track."

"What are you going to do about Steff and the investments by the way?"

"I have it on good authority that the offer is good but they will want three seats on the board."

"Is that a problem?"

"Just a minute Adam." He picked his phone up.

"Joe, can you come out the back?"

He hung up, I guess I have started something. Joe and Trish both arrived, she made the coffee and Kasey called the meeting together.

"I thought we were having this later."

"No, the later meeting is about how we handle the situation."

"I love a little intrigue." Joe moved his chair over to Kasey's side.

"Okay, thanks to Georgio and his detective contacts we have found out the Bartoli family aren't as trustworthy as we thought and might have treason in mind." He smiled.

"That was the folder he passed to you?"

"Yes, Adam. Now they are going to make a more than generous offer but they want three board seats for their money."

"And that is a bad thing why?" I asked.

"They will almost hold the balance of power, they have already played their first hand and I have fixed that."

"Which hand was that Kasey?" Joe has to know everything.

"They were the ones that were holding up the final council plans, they have a mole in the local planning department. I went there earlier with three military lawyers and threatened to sue them for obstruction, thanks dad."

"You're welcome son."

"It turned out to be a distant Bartoli relative that worked there, she has been suspended and the plans, that were approved two weeks ago have gone through. We can start building immediately."

"What a dreadful thing to do." Trish said.

"Yes Trish, they invest heavily, get seats on the board vote me out as chairman, and then put one of their men in, in short they take over."

"They can't do that, it's our project." Joe protested.

"They can, but they won't. I don't want to do business with that family." He stressed family.

"So Steff won't be able to invest then?"

"He can personally, for your sake Adam. I doubt Susan knows, so I have to give him the benefit of the doubt but I will only entertain his investment, not his families."

"If Susan does know I would be very surprised," I said.

"So they planned to hijack the venture?" I added.

"Yes and no Adam, what they really want is the secondary parcel of land next to the docklands."

"But there's an old shipping dock there."

"That old dock that takes supertankers the only one in the north, the only one that will take the bigger Bartoli ships." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You bought it?" Joe's jaw dropped.

"Same time we bought our land."

"Do I own it too?"

"No, Adam Sam and I own it through the Banks Casey entertainment corporation, the deal was done the same day as the other one, thanks to Dad."

I looked at my father and thought he wasn't a security man but he is a powerful negotiator. No wonder he's been in talks with Kasey all week.

"They will pretend it is the build they are interested in, but what they really want is the dock. It has been owned by the government for years, and they wanted to offload it at a very special price, thank you again dad."

"So what do we do?"

"Leave it to me Joe, they won't get their hands on either project, I don't think the Bank's trust will invest any more money, I will tell them not to. But Jimmy has money to burn also if we need it."

"He's coming tomorrow night."

"Bikini bathers for everyone tomorrow night." He laughed.

"My God, what a headache." Joe was gobsmacked.

"Are you sure you don't want a job on the milk board?"

"That would be so boring Joey, I love the drama of it all."

"So we vote the offer out, and I can stick it to them?" All hands went up.

"Good, now for my next problem. Joe, Trish is holding almost eight mil in her accounts. I want to know if she would like to invest it in the building project first before I go looking for others outside the family, Chloe is already heavily invested." He looked at Trish, she was speechless.

"What do you think my lovely lady Trish?"

"Nothing to do with me Joey, it's your money."

"What do you think Kasey?" He asked my man.

"I think Trish would be a valuable investor, and she makes good coffee."

That got him a backhander from my Trish.

"Trish the offer is a seat on the board with full voting rights, so you get a say in how this project is coming along with Dan, Cody, and us. If you think it is beyond your capabilities you can give Joe your voting rights."

"Joe?" She stared at him like a lost puppy.

"You have no idea how much I love you Trish, and yes it's the perfect investment for your money."

Tears arrived, and I swept them away.

"Is that all, I have to go check on Sam?"

"One more vote, do we allow Trish to invest?"

We all said yes.

"We have enough and some for the kitty if we need it, thank you, everyone."

"Has Jimmy said yes already?"

He showed me his phone, I think we just had our first conference call, Jimmy's smiling face was on the screen he was waving.

"Yes, I vote yes." He laughed.

"Welcome aboard Trish. You did very well general, I am looking forward to working with you all in the future," Jim said.

Everyone eventually left after some convincing from Kasey that all was on the up and up. We checked Sam, he was fast asleep amongst his bears, so we kissed him good night and then we went to our bed.

"That was very sneaky Kasey."

"What sneaky is that my Adam?"

"The way you steered the meeting to Trish joining the board."

He giggled.

"All Joey's idea, the money was given to her so she could invest it in our project. He doesn't want her to miss out."

"The dock, are we just going to hang onto it?"

"Not only hang onto it we are going to develop it."


"Later on, after our build is finished maybe. I want to turn it into a mega dock. Shipping companies pay big money to use them, Adam."

"How come I don't see any of that money?"

"Because you don't need it, you got me and Sam."

"One day I will sit with you and you can tell me what I am worth."

"You don't want to know Adam, can you scratch that itch in my balls?'

"I can do more than scratch it my Kasey."

"Good, I was hoping we were on the same page."

The screaming and thumping feet on the stairs told me my son was awake and my brother had arrived. I have no idea what they find to talk about but the chatter started not long after. Kasey moaned and I let him rest as I went to the toilet. After dressing I went downstairs to see what the racket was all about.

Two men were at the front door, and mum was talking to them.

"In the basement boys next to the pool table." She showed them where to go.

I kissed her cheek and asked what the fuss was all about.

"New table ordered online for the train."

"I see, so it's going to be set up in the billiard room?"

"It is son, coffee?"

"Yes please."

"Kasey your tables here." She yelled up the stairs.

Joe poked his head out and smiled.

"Joe can you supervise the delivery, I got to get the kids organised." She asked.

"Sure." He followed the two men and showed them where to place it.

Kasey was coming down the stairs and I walked with mum out the back.

Trish was sitting there staring into space and the kids as usual were in the pool already and dad was with them.

"Good morning my lovely."

"Your husband cost me a Lamborghini Adam, thanks very much."

"Be happy with a Honda Trish," I laughed.

"Joe didn't have to do that, he could have done it himself."

"Tax wise I think he did baby, your future husband is very clever."

"Will it all work out Adam, I'm worried it all may go belly up."

"It won't, we have this." I was pretending I knew all about it, but in reality, Kasey lost me after his first sentence at last night's meeting.

"Bull, you don't have a clue." I laughed so much mum came out to see what the matter was.

"Did dad tell you what happened?"

"Yes son, it's all very confusing."

"One day we will get Kasey to sit down and tell us what the hell is going on." I laughed again.

"All I know is I spent a shit load of money last night and I have nothing to show for it."

"You will triple your money Trish be happy."

She glared at me because I am prone to telling fibs when it comes to Trisha's money."

"Ask Kasey if you don't believe me."

I got up and made some toast. I can't help Trish because I don't know what's going on either. But I have confidence in Kasey.

Natalie was nice and early, she didn't have to ask I just told her they were in the basement and she rushed off.

Kasey tried to explain everything to me later on and I begged him to simplify it.

"You Sam and I own the production company and the dock property outright. We also own the build property through the Banks Trust loan, and are also personally heavily invested in it, so is Joe, Trish, Jimmy, Sam, Cody, Chloe, and you, there's more, but that's enough for now."

"And dad?"

"Adam, he gets paid very well from the Banks Trust and the build company. If there was any way I could shift money into his bank account undetected, I would have done that ages ago.

"Thank you." He kissed me and then he scrubbed my back.

I am none the wiser and soon, maybe at work I will make a sort of family tree and place everyone on it, just so they know where they all stand.

Sam and Billy were eager to get to school today, their swimming instructor is coming later in the day and they once again have the correct homework to hand in. We all started off to work and school, less Kasey and Joey. Trish didn't know where she stood but I did think our little talk helped her. Natalie stayed with the boys and so did dad. I guess that train set will be up and running by the time I get home.

What Kasey is going to do about Steff I had no idea, if his family is trying to stiff us I do know he won't allow it to happen.

I have to worry about Jimmy, will he be safe over there, will he ever come back home? I have questions I hoped to get an answer for tonight.

We hugged and kissed the boys, and with mum they walked down the alleyway, well the kids ran and mum tried to control them. Trish and I got buns today and we both smelled the wonderful aroma of the salon when we got inside.

"By the way baby, Kasey told me he can't shift your money until a week after you get married. It all has to do with tax, and legally that investment is yours, no one can touch it not even Joey."

"He said something like that, he said I should be happy because his wedding present to me will double. I told him you said it would triple."

"Just a guess my lovely."

"He couldn't stop laughing."

"He knows me well."

"So I have to invest after we get married?"


"We had better get started on it soon Adam, and we have to go to the cabin to see Eva and bubs. I believe they have already settled in. She will start to think we have abandoned her."

"Next weekend okay with you?"

"Of course, what about the others?"

"If they are busy then it will be just us mum and the kids."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

The staff started to arrive and we received hugs from all of them, Tim was smiling from ear to ear and I pulled him into the salon.

"Okay spill the beans." He laughed.

"Keith told me last night he was approached by Kasey and the general to head up a new security company."

"Is that good?" I asked him.

"Oh yes, he is well and truly over the military and is on top of the world that Kase didn't forget him. He leaves the military in three months it's going to be fantastic to have him around some more." I hugged Tim and had a feel of his awesome muscles while I was at it.

"What about you, can we do something nice for you?"

"Kasey has just done that, and if you think I would leave you all to go do security then you've lost your marbles, theres no way I would ever leave here."

"Good, that is the right answer my friend."

"Keith is walking on clouds at the moment, Kasey has lent him the start-up money at a very small interest rate, he also handed him contracts for the new build and the docks."

"Very good, so you're not announcing it?"

"No, I have been silenced but you're okay I can trust you." He was grinning now.

"Aww thank you, and congratulations."

Anne, Tim, Trish, Ethan, Gloria, James, Marko and our Lynnie get the job done with my help. I will talk to Trish about getting someone else in but now Anne is back I really don't think we need more staff. My salon was buzzing today, I did three recruits and a Major all wanting their hair left longer. One gasped when I snipped the first strands off, I told him I would shape it but he will still have his length, it's allowed in the military to have it longer nowadays.

He said that he overheard the others talking about this salon and the stylists were the best in town.

"Well you make sure you come here and we can tame this hair into a different look, just for you."

"Thank you Adam, I'm new in town so didn't know what to do." I went about telling him about the two cafes across the road then the alleyways. I gave him a mental grand tour.

At lunch time Joe and Kasey turned up. I sent Lynnie across the road and they were telling me that the train set is nearly finished, they had left Nat to do the villages and people.

"There was more than enough but what we set up was just right."

"Did you test it?"

"The first thing we did its amazing, Sam and Billy are going to love it."

"Trish is bringing the wedding forward I think Joey." She looked at me and bristled.

"Good, then we can get started on the build." He rubbed his hands together and thanked Trish.

"Kasey I want to say something before it all starts, two things actually."

"Yes, Adam."

"Firstly I don't want you spending all your time at the build, you have to step away and relax."

"Done deal Adam, I have two building managers to oversee the operations, and I will only go there to check on what's been done. I have other projects to work on."

"Such as?" I wasn't happy I wanted him to spend more time with us.

"The dock needs to be lengthened and I thought it would be a great place to put in a shopping centre."

"No way, there's no way you are doing that, you need to spend more time with us."

"Okay, and what's the next problem?" I clicked my lips and said.

"Next weekend we have to go to the cabin." He took his diary out of his briefcase and looked at it.

"Yes, I have it penciled in, anything else?"


He kissed me and Joey kissed Trish, bloody copycats.

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Next: Chapter 78

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