Kasey with a K

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 22, 2022


Adam 45


This was a different farewell from the last time, mum and dad had arrived early to drop Billy off and collect Kasey. The boys screamed up and down the apartment while mum gave me instructions, which I didn't need, but I listened anyway.

To combat the kiddy rush of seeing each other I put the cartoon channel on, and then they seemed to settle down. Kasey was in his lawyer's uniform and dad his full general's outfit, I had packed his duffle bag and placed a photo of all of us taken at Eva's wedding so he wouldn't forget us. My nerves were on edge and I pushed myself to be pleasant and understanding as I hugged and kissed my way through the three of them. The kids were kissed and tickled and then the door closed behind them, it was that quick.

After making myself another coffee I then sat with the kids, they didn't seem to be worried so I felt the next five days will be more about them than myself. I went to make the beds then do a wash, then I showered and dressed for my day. I was thinking I may take them to the cabin on the weekend just for a night or two and Trish said she will come with us. Tomorrow I will take them both to kindy but today is a free day off.

I looked at my table, Kasey had cleared it a little as he collected paperwork and slipped it into a folder, he is taking a lot with him.

Billy was laughing at something when my doorbell rang, it was Jimmy so I let him in.

"Good morning Adam, did he get away ok?"

"Yes Jimmy, all done. Hopefully, he will get what he has to do out of the way and will be home as planned." He rolled his eyes and said.

"I feel for you, now which one is which?"

"This is Sam our son and this one is my little brother Billy." He saluted them and they did the same back then he handed them a paper bag each. Inside were a few war planes each, they will have fun with them.


"Yes please, Adam then I have to get to a meeting."

"You sure do go to a lot of meetings Jimmy, I mean for someone that's semi-retired." He grinned it was nice to see.

"One of the tenants wants us to retile the roof on her rental property, so the trust has to vote on it."

"Trust?" I lifted my eyebrows.

"As if that man of yours hasn't thoroughly checked me out, and yes, my cover has been blown." he laughed and so did I.

"So Adele put you in charge of the family trust then?"

"I have always been a member of the board Adam, Adele felt that because I was to marry Johnny I was family, and when he passed she installed me on the family trust board. I have my instructions and I adhere to the


"It all makes sense Jimmy." I smiled.

"It was Adele's husband and his parents that made the money and it was agreed when Johnny passed I should get his share. Amongst his share were the two penthouses and a few other properties that were signed over to me."

"I thought Cody Mitchell's grandparents owned this building or built it."

"His grandfather did the plans his grandmother did the fitting out. Meryl's father in law built this building."

"Really? that's awesome, so he made his money in property."

"Correct, when he passed Meryl's husband took over the construction business and built more." He smiled.

"I am now the sole owner of a few of the apartments, not the one you bought downstairs but some of the others."

"So you're not short of a dollar then?"

"No of course not, thanks to Adele and Johnny, his will left everything he owned to me, and Adele piled more onto me. Like you, I didn't want it either. But she insisted I be included. So I get to go to a meeting once a week and catch up with Bill Walsham and associates." He grinned.

"I see, just for my interest, who lives in the other penthouse?"

"It's been kept empty, has been for all this time. I didn't feel like sharing the lift with anyone else so left it the way it was,"

I made the kids a drink and put some biscuits out for them, they were too interested in their planes to even worry about our visitor.

"He's a beautiful little boy Adam, hearts will be broken along the way."

"He certainly is, just wait until he warms up to you, then you won't be able to shut him up."

"I believe that's the way all kids are."

"It is."

"What are your plans for the cabin?"

"Just to push the lounge room out onto the balcony then do a new one. Kasey is doing all that with Wilson downstairs who is doing architecture, it will be the same but with the kitchen and lounge extended, they wanted to put in a glass floor on the new balcony, but I put my foot down. It would look awesome but I would feel unsteady."

"It sounds great, we would have done that but I didn't want to go out that far and I liked the intimacy of the cabin."

"Sorry Jimmy, kids need space."

He laughed and said I wasn't to worry about it, and said he will come up to look it over when it is all finished.

We talked about Admiral Thomas, and he said they were just good friends, but were having a great time catching up on old stories. He also said in a way it is making him feel less lonely and more human again. They were having fun. He had to leave and the boys gave him kisses and hugs then I decided to take them downstairs for lunch.

They had to bring their planes and played with them while their meals were readied. I spied some military guys come in and it was Billy that jumped up and ran over to them saluting. Sam was a bit slower but eventually laughed his way through the mission. They were nice guys and talked to them for ages, then they saw me and waved. I didn't know them but they knew me by name, maybe some customers, but it was nice they remembered me.

Food arrived and it was time to eat, I listened to their rundown on who makes the best spaghetti, and mum won, I got a mention.

Now for my next surprise, I took them for a bus ride to nowhere specific, just a long ride up and down the city. They screamed and made faces at passing people with their noses up against the windows. It was on the third trip they began to quieten down, so we alighted in front of our building and it was time for a nap.

Kasey had rung from the airport, he was boarding a military plane and wanted to hear my voice. I told him to ring me when he gets there. I wanted to be on this journey with him and ringing seemed like a good idea, for a change. He said he will face time us later tonight if he gets the chance, if not in the morning. That put a downer on my day once again, so I opened a wine after getting the boys settled and sat watching tv, something I don't do that often.

The boys finished their nap so I let them have the tv, Trish arrived around five she had shopping and was going to do pizza for us tonight, we talked about our day out and Kasey's call.

"I hope he keeps in touch this trip Adam, I will be pissed if he doesn't."

"He will, mum has her instructions and I feel better she's there with them."

"Did you search around for those extra plans Wilson handed Kasey?" I laughed because I had forgotten all about that.

"No, he placed them in his briefcase, I have no idea where they went from there, and if you look in his office you wouldn't know where to start."

"Well from what Eva was saying it will look fabulous, I believe it will be wall-to-wall glass at the back."

"Tell me, stop dropping hints, Trish?"

"Put the oven on Adam, and I will try to remember what she said. Oh yes, the current lounge will be pushed out and the new deck will be bigger than what you wanted with ceiling-to-floor glass enclosing it."

"It will be hot in summer." I turned the oven on and started cutting up the mushrooms while she rolled the dough out.

"Well it will be air-conditioned and at the push of a button or the going down of the sun, the windows automatically change from daylight to nighttime."

"Sounds posh Trish I had better supervise that build."

"Sounds awesome Adam, I can't wait to see it all done."

"I agree." I laughed again.

Billy's phone went off and he answered politely, it was mum checking in. He started telling her about the bus trip and lunch and the army boys he met, he didn't take a breath just rattled it all off, then Sam's phone rang.

"Hello, poppa?" I winked at Trish and said.

"Heads up, don't ask about the bus trip."

"Got it, boss."

She had four pizzas ready to go and the boys were still talking, I think Billy is now onto his daddy and Sam keeps looking at me.

He said his goodbyes and handed the phone over so I got to talk to my man again today, this is nice.

His news was he's been installed into a luxurious villa and will send photos later on, he's been given some paperwork to do while he's there but not much. He tells me it's really interesting and believes it's only a teaser to get his interest happening. I told him no staying there and that if they want him to work on it, they can send it here.

He laughed and I listened it was good to hear him having some fun He said mum was going to drag him to one of the thousands of shops to buy the kids a present tomorrow. But he has an award or thank you medal to pick up tomorrow night, so he will ring during the day.

Everyone was happy in our home tonight and the pizzas did their job well, it was after Trish went home and I cleaned up Sam dragged out the sleeping bags, I guess they are camping out. I was invited, sort of told, when they ran into my room and grabbed my pillows then they jumped in one bag and watched some more tv.

There was no story tonight they were dead to the world when I crawled into the spare bag. I loved this one it was Kasey's when he was living in the car park. We all had a restful sleep and only one boy went to the toilet during the night. I had to get up because Billy was still half asleep, but had to pee. Little boys tend to miss the bowl when half asleep.

They were up and playing quietly in Sam's room when I woke up, I put the coffee on and then made them some toast. They were excited today because Bill will go to kindy with Sam and meet some more mates who have been looking forward to meeting him.

They wanted to wear their uniforms but I said no, we don't want to frighten them. Kasey had sent photos of the villa and it was very nice, mum and dads next door was the same. I let the kids scroll through them then grabbed a bowl and warm water to wipe them down and dress them. I did their hair and when Trish called by she put some hair spray on them. They were armed and ready to go their backpacks loaded with toy planes and sandwiches. I walked Trish out to the front, she was going to work and we both carefully saw the kids across the road. She went one way I went the other and will meet her back at work.

Bill was made a fuss over and I had to call them back for my kisses because they were raring to go and have some fun.

I picked up buns and opened the salon door then breathed in my smells. Trish was looking through the bookings and she informed me I had three wash and sets and a few military cuts that had been booked in. I went to make another coffee and buttered a bun. My phone went off and Kasey started with the I am missing you like crazy talk. I reminded him I was at work and a wank over the phone is impossible, he moaned and I then got the lowdown on what he was doing today, a tour of the main sights had been organized then he was to sit at the computer until his big ceremony tonight. I told him the boys were happy to go to kindy and I will pick them up at three. I missed him so much but I didn't cave in I don't want him to think I'm needy.

The day went quickly and we had a caller by the name of Admiral Peters. He didn't need a haircut today, just a slight trim but wanted to know how Kasey was going all the while looking at Gloria.

"How do I do this Adam?"

"Do what Markus?"

"I want to ask Gloria out, but I don't know her that well, she may be offended."

"She won't be, but if you like I can ask her if she's interested in having a date with you, and let you know if it's safe to ring."

"Thank you, that sounds a little better she sure is a nice-looking girl."

I won't say anything but I will talk to her now I have the go-ahead. I fussed over his hair with my tub of gel, then he was good to go. On the way out he smiled and said hello to her and Anne, Eva got a wink and Trish another smile, no charge for him today, all I did was make a fuss over his hair, but I did bone up a bit. It was time for my lunch and I went to unwrap a piece of cold pizza I had snaffled last night, putting it in the microwave I sat and fingered the pages of a beauty magazine. As luck had it Gloria was to have lunch with me today, she had sandwiches and sat opposite me then asked about Kasey.

"He's going good Gloria, they have set him up in a very nice villa, he will be touring the city today and receiving his medal tonight."

"Good, he deserves one after all that work he did for them. I was happy to see on the news a lot of children have been saved and the smuggler's rings are being busted throughout Asia. Is he going to continue down that line of work Adam, it sounds like he's very good at reading people."

"I don't think so, he's got one mission he has to finish first before he takes on the world, he has to get his lawyer's certificate. I doubt whether he will have any trouble getting that but it's all the little jobs he takes on that does my head in."

"Well don't let it get to you, what will be will be, he's a smart cookie and will be in high demand I think."

"Now speaking of high demand, I have a request for you?"

"Do tell I am all ears?"

"Admiral Peters, you know the spunk I just fixed up."

"Oh God, he's gorgeous I could do him on the salon floor anytime." She laughed.

"So would I." I laughed back.

"And the rest of the staff, what a hunk."

"Now, he has asked me to ask you if you would go on a dinner date with him."

"What? bloody hell Adam, give me a bigger shock will you."

"Well, he's asked me because he doesn't know you that well, I said I would pass your number to him if you are interested."

"Interested, my God of course I am."

"So now here's the thing, he doesn't know about you, are you good to go with that?" She went silent and I thought I had offended her.

"I'm sorry Gloria, I shouldn't have said that." I apologized.

"No, it's ok boss. I haven't gotten this far without many disappointments. I can only tell you the way it works with me."

"Okay. I am just worried you may get let down."

"Adam, listen to me. I have dated a lot of men. I do get let down a lot. I am hopeful that someday I will meet someone that doesn't want kids, and wants a loving everyday relationship. You see when I tell them about me they are fine with that, but when they question kids, that's when it all unravels. Sometimes I'm just someone they want to hang out with or a novelty to screw and leave. I know them all, and I am good at weeding through the bull."

"Well, he said he liked your look and wanted to get to know you."

"How many times have I heard that at the strip club? I could have had any man I desired, but I didn't Adam because that's not the life I want."

"Well done, I am not judging just worried about you that's all."

"I know, and I thank you, please give him my phone number, and please tell him I'm post-op trans, that will clear up any confusion then leave the rest to me. He will probably ask me for a date, then he will go away. I'm fine with a chat about myself and a free meal with a hunky Admiral. If you don't want to do it I will tell him when he calls."

`Okay let me think some more on it, I might tag along just in case."

"You do and I will never speak to you again."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Adam, give him the number tell him about me and we will go from there. If he's only after a screw I will know within ten minutes, and Adam."


"I won't screw him, it makes the salon look bad. He may get the wrong impression and ask Anne out next week, and that's not nice."

"I get it, thank you. He has three kids, by the way, previous marriage." She rolled her eyes and then giggled.

We left it at that, I was a bit of an admirer when I left to go do some work, she has it all worked out, and why did I even think she didn't have a plan, she's no novice.

I winked at Trish and she handed me the next client, a lovely young girl that needed her roots done. We chatted away and I found out she worked in the fed building. I hadn't seen her around but she said she was working in the basement sorting out the mail. She is dating one of the detectives from Luca's offices and they plan to marry in the new year.

She got mates rates and skipped off to see her man before she had to get back to the mailroom. I took a few more clients then it was my time to go pick the kids up. I asked Trish what she was having for dinner but she said Evans will be home his shift changed today. I invited them both anyway and in the meantime, I have to ring Marcus and find those plans Wilson gave to Kasey.

They jumped up at me and I grabbed them kissing where ever I could, they had a great day and couldn't wait to tell me all about it.

I walked them slowly back home they only talked with each other because they wanted to tell me about their day when we got there.

The first thing I did was take the makings of spaghetti out of the fridge then I gave the boys some milk and biscuits while they stared at me.

"Okay, you can start now." I smiled.

They sat at the table and started their, word-for-word, account of their day. It was all kid's stuff and I got it, Billy was a new face and he was welcomed by everyone. The thing is when their favorite cartoon came on the screen they left me to it, mid-sentence. They chatted with each other and laughed at the mad cat's antics on the screen.

I started cooking a load of spaghetti, then I rang Marcus.

"Hi, it's Adam."

"How did you go, or should I say, how did I go?"

"You went over very well, she would be happy to go for dinner one night with you. Marcus there's something I need you to know I have Gloria's permission to tell you."

"This sounds like you're about to reign my enthusiasm in."

"No, of course not, it's just that Gloria isn't what you think she is. I mean she's a beautiful girl and a wonderful human."

"She trans." That's all he said.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Adam I have been around the block a few times, I work with gay and trans people, it's my business to know who works for me. I guessed with Gloria but I still want to date her she's gorgeous. And no to your next question I don't want to just fuck her, I want to know her."

"Here is her number Marcus, I can see I wasn't needed after all."

"No, you did a good thing it saves her the embarrassment of telling me over dessert. Adam, I am well aware that having a beautiful woman hanging off my arm might attract the wrong attention, but I doubt anyone will be guessing Gloria's secret all they will see is what I see a gorgeous woman."

"Thank you I will let her know to expect a call."

I wasn't put off I was so proud of Marcus, he certainly is one of the good guys. Now I have to rid my mind of any images of him asking me for a date, sorry Kasey.

The food bubbled away and Trish and Evans both arrived, the kids thought about it but didn't say anything about their day, I think they were waiting for Trish to ask them. Evans was looking well and he did say he was loving his new job, he doesn't have to do much just make sure everything is running to plan.

They talked about going to the cabin one weekend and I told them I would be there for the next one and they had better get their act together because it will be extended and not available for some weeks.

"Did you find the plans?'

"I have no idea where to look, Trish."

"Try the filing cabinet under p for plans." I stared at her and nearly called her a smart ass but instead I got up and walked into the office. Cabin plans were stored under c for Cabin, I guess Kasey was hiding them from me. I took the folder and went back to the table. They were very professional and I could make out the new bit and it was just as Trish explained it. A bigger lounge kitchen and a sort of family room that looked like a glass box, with a wooden floor, but the outside frame of it all around were toughened glass windows, Sam will have fun with that as his viewing area.

"It looks great Adam, and doesn't detract from the original cabin," Evans said.

"Yes, I am wondering if it's going to be a bit too much though."

"Not at all, it's not huge and I think it's mainly there to show off the Forrest. It doesn't seem to serve any real purpose."

"No." I agreed then I saw something.

"What are those things coming through the floor Evans?"

"They look like pipes."

"He's putting a big bath in the middle of it," Trish said.

I smiled, because the cabin doesn't have a bath and this will look awesome, I can bathe almost in the forest.

"Wow, am I going to love that,"

"It looks like there are stairs over to the side, somethings up, are there any more plans?" Trish is on to it.

"No, that's all there is."

"Maybe a viewing platform on the roof?" Evan offered.

"Then that will ruin it all. And anyway I don't like the idea of bathing where everyone can see me. What if mum and dad are there, or the kids from next door? No privacy, I would be washing no more than ten feet away."

"What's this?" She pointed to a note on the bottom.

I looked closer and read it.

'Adam I have the plans with me, but enjoy these and maybe write some suggestions on them, I love you Adam with an a.'

"Prick, it's a setup." I laughed.

"So what Eva told me was a load of bull also."

"Probably, now we have to trust that Kasey will do the right thing, by the cabin." I started laughing then my phone rang.

We talked for a while and he said he was flying to Timor tomorrow to catch up with his friend Ti. The medal ceremony will start in two hours, and he was nervous, mum had taken him shopping just up the road and he got Sam some cool things. He misses us and then my son wanted to talk to him because he was pushing my leg and giving me sad eyes.

Billy was also on the phone with his mum, and I noticed he had tears.

"I think I will take them to the cabin early Trish, get their minds off things."

"Good idea, we will come and stay Saturday night if we can."

"Good another pizza and wine night." I smiled.

"Evans, take the time off," she ordered him, he saluted and kissed her.

I sat with Billy and explained why his mummy was overseas, he was a little sad for a moment but he understands, then I told them both we will be going to the cabin early, their friends will still be at school but we can organize a sleepover if they would like it. The cabin will take that amount of people the kids don't take up much room, they will be sleeping on the floor anyway.

I had spoken to mum and she was a little upset also but I told her I would ring in the morning just to update her.

There were so many cuddles coming from us and Evans starred because he gave them a marching routine to practice, which took their minds off everything as they giggled through the exercise.

"Gloria is going to date, Marcus."

"This is interesting Adam."

"He knows about her, but still wants to get to know her better."

"Awesome, she will have a battle beating the ladies off, he's gorgeous."

"I don't think that's his problem Trish, maybe he thinks he will be the one beating the men from her." I smiled.

"When are you going?"

"Tomorrow after I pick them up from kindy, I will ring George and see if they can have a sleepover tomorrow night."

"Will Billy be okay?"

"Yes, I think mum's voice made him feel a bit lonely. Hopefully, they will be home Sunday night and in the meantime, I will try to keep him occupied."

They helped me settle them into the sleeping bag and I made Evans sit on the couch and tell them a story.

"He will make a good father Trish."

"He would also make a good husband for someone also."

"Not you?"

"Still thinking about it Adam, I don't think the enthusiasm is there."

"Gone off him have you?"

"No I meant him, he's not quite fully committed," she whispered.


"Yes oh."

I wanted to help Trish and Evans although they both don't seem fully committed and don't act like two people in love, maybe I can have a word with Kasey so he can find out Evans's feelings. I got a message from mum that had a photo of Kasey receiving his thank you medal, he looked so handsome in his uniform that I nearly cried. She asked how Billy was and I told her it was just a moment and I will be taking them to the cabin tomorrow afternoon. She said they may fly home earlier, his dad misses him also.

Trish and Evans left when the boys went to sleep, I locked up and crawled into my bag on the floor. I thought about Kasey and his medal and I was proud of him then my hand snaked down my body.

They were all smiles when I woke up and were waiting for their morning tv program. I peeled myself out of the bag and kissed them both good morning, then I went to get coffee and warm milk for them. I will pack a few clothes for Bill but Sam already has his clothes up at the cabin, we left some spare ones there so we don't have to overcrowd the car. I will try and get there a little earlier and will talk to George, face-to-face about the sleepover.

I cleaned up a bit, showered then did the boy's hair, with spray. I will drive them today it's a bit chilly outside and I wanted to lock up and leave straight from work.

I smelled my smells and went to the tea room to do my jobs, I had thrown a duffle bag full of stuff into the car and will do a shop when I get there, but tonight I will shout the kid's pizza which will make it two nights in a row because Trish and Evans will be there with me.

I may not even cook much which is welcome, but I will need eggs and bread for our breakfasts. Small toys were packed and my salon bag because someone will want a haircut and it's better to be ready for anything.

I was thinking about Kase and his visit to Ti today, he will be pleased to see him I guess, I hope it's not an overnighter anything could happen.

The day went slow, the weather wasn't the best and I looked at Trish and said I would see her tomorrow. I left just after lunch and picked the boys up, we can stop at Mcdonald's on the way, then a supermarket. They were excited to see their friends and I was happy to get away.

They screamed when we finally got there, and the tv was the first thing they turned on. I lit the fire it was most welcomed, the cabin was cold and then I turned the kettle and hot water on, so the kids can have a shower later on. Billy was excited and I saw no signs of being homesick, they started making plans as soon as they snuggled under a blanket one eye on the cartoon, one on each other.

I sat and looked around then I wanted to see the cabin from another perspective so I went outside and walked down the path into town. The balcony is cantilevered only four or five feet off it, then there is a fifteen maybe twenty-foot drop to the forest floor under it. I leaned up against a tree and looked trying to imagine a bigger balcony and lounge room, it would work. It came to me as I flicked a leaf off my shoulder. Wilson's idea of a glassed-in room was pure genius, but he should put it under the balcony down the gully wall. A new bedroom for us and a freestanding bath would give us some more room without doing minimum damage to the cabin itself.

That way we would be among the foliage with a balcony for a roof.

When I got back inside I grabbed some paper and started drawing it up, it looked great and very contemporary, not taking anything away from the little wood cabin. I stopped suddenly and thought about Sam, the fire, his camping and he would be sleeping above us and I didn't like that idea very much, so I shelved my plan.

I rang George and told him we were here he came over ten minutes later with June. I sat her at the table and started trimming her hair and making a fuss over her. By the look on George's face, they were getting there.

"How is the family coping George?"

"Very well Adam, they seem a lot happier than they were two months ago."

"You both look happy also." I smiled.

"Yes, we are together Adam if that's what you want to know. The extended family is happy for us, and the boys. There are no negatives and yes we are in love." June said.

"Good, because you both need to move on, and in the end, it was the boy's decision, and I think you have had their approval many times over."

"We have Adam, how's that man of yours going?"

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