Kasey with a K

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 17, 2020


Chapter 13

Almost a week later, we went downstairs to greet our guests. Kasey looked magnificent in his jeans and shirt, I spent a lot of time on his hair, Eva would be proud of me. Maree and Chris were the first to arrive, we had decided to eat at the café in our building. The parents are on their way in a cab, I had dressed down for the evening but Kasey made me change, in fact, he insisted I be myself.

"You look nice tonight Adam, it's great to see you again," Maree said as I hugged her.

"Are you nervous brother." Chris had Kasey's ear.

"A little Chris, it's been two years since I have seen them. I hope he doesn't start in on how wonderful the military is. It will do my head in, but it will be so good to see mum again."

"Well you have us as a backup, how is the salon coming along Adam?"

"We have one almost halfway through the guys are working their buts off, and the damaged one has got its new roof on, the guys are starting on the fit-out next week once the plumbing and electrics are finished."

"A terrible thing to happen to you all, but we are glad it's all coming together for you both, and thank God no one was seriously hurt." Maree smiled.

I saw a large man and a small woman come through the door, then I heard Kasey moan.

"And let the show begin."

His father looked a bit like Kasey but a lot older and maybe a little shorter and quite out of shape, his mum was very pleasant and by the look of it she has spent the afternoon in a salon somewhere, she was perfectly groomed, she gave me a smile when she looked my way.

"Dad, mum, good to see you both, this is my best mate Adam, he's the one I board with upstairs." I shook both their hands and then his mum moved over to hug Maree and Chris. His dad was looking around the restaurant with his hands behind his back then he said.

"I hope the food is good here I'm starving. Any news of your deployment yet son?" Kasey rolled his eyes.

"No dad, it's all settling down over there now, and I have plenty of work to do here in Australia." He harrumphed and Kasey started ordering drinks.

"What would you like to drink mum?"

"Have they got any scotch? just a small one with ice if they do son."

Kasey laughed as he told the waiter what to get. We had already ordered our drinks, his father kept looking at me like he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut.

"I believe you're a hairdresser Adam, I should have come to see you instead of going to the hotel's salon."

"I am Carol, they did a very good job on your hair, maybe next time you come to see me, and I will give you a really good makeover." I smiled at her, and she did look nice.

"So you're not living with the team then?" His dad looked at Kase.

"No dad, they are in one of the flats above this restaurant, Adams is too, he's got plenty of room to spare." He was sipping on his drink because I think he didn't want to say too much.

"Have you two settled on a house yet Maree?" Thank god he's noticed the others at the table.

"Not yet dad, but we have our eyes on a nice property we are going to look at next week if we get time, nearly there." She smiled at her mum, his dad wasn't interested he collared Kasey again.

"While I'm at it, what's with all the buying you have been doing on your account lately Lance, a new car something called hair care distributers. I noticed it the other night when the statements came in. You have spent a lot of money in the past couple of months"

"I needed a car, and the other stuff was for Adams salons, his insurance hasn't come through, and the men wanted to start setting it up. He will repay it when he gets the money, and what statements go to you dad?"

"The investment ones, I take your mothers when they come in, it saves me asking." Kasey looked at Maree, I think they both had the same thoughts, they will ring the accountants and cancel that extra one tomorrow if Carol agrees.

The menus were passed around and then we all decided we would have the roast beef special, it was a no brainer for Kasey and me, and being from the country his folks agreed it was a good choice.

"Well I still have contacts in Canberra I might give them a call and move it on a bit."

"Move what on exactly dad?"

"The deployment of course" he almost bellowed.

"I wish you wouldn't interfere, dad let it run its course. I'm not reenlisting anyway."


"My contract is up in under twelve months and I'm about to start University online." His mum smiled then she noticed I was watching her, she also gave me a small wink and mouthed.

"Thank you." I didn't know what she was thanking me for, but it was nice to know she accepts me as I am.

But the glare he got from his father was pure evil, I hoped Kasey had the nerve to hold his own with him.

"That won't do, no, not at all, I will ring Canberra tomorrow and get the wheels turning."

"Dad you left the army nearly twenty years ago, you really shouldn't interfere. I'm not interested in going overseas anyway, just let it run its course."

He picked his glass up and winked as he grinned. He wasn't listening to his son at all.

"What are you doing online son?" His mum asked.

"I'm going to become a lawyer, this military thing was dad's idea, but it's not me at all. So I'm joining up to study the law."

His mum smiled and nodded her head, but again said nothing much. I think this woman has been beaten into submission, she holds her tongue very well.

"Okay Kasey can you call the waiter I think we had better order our meals." I tried to smile and distract them.

His dad had deliberately pushed his way into the seat beside his son.

I knew he was mad because he was making a fist with his left hand. When he was settled he placed his right hand over Kasey's and from where I sat I saw him squeeze it violently, Kasey almost yelped but he held his own, but I knew it had hurt him because his face was beetroot mad.

I couldn't stand it any longer, I called a waiter over and started ordering our meals, his father said he would like a double helping I nearly fainted because I know the serves are big here. My actions took the pressure of Kase as his father buttered a roll and ate that in one bite then he took Carols and ate that too. If he wasn't so serious it would have been funny, we all sat back and watched him act like a pig.

"Had enough Dad?" Maree said.

"Yep, for now, grab that waiter back and order some more rolls, Chris." Which he did, and our meals arrived when the extra rolls were placed on the table, they were shifted in front of the selfish moron.

He started eating before anyone else had picked up their knives and forks, drowning it in tomato sauce he was the epitome of gluttony. The food was piled on his plate and he sopped up the gravy with many rolls, this was before we had taken our third bite. He looked over at Carol and maybe had second thoughts about helping her out and Kasey kept very quiet. I could see he was upset but was holding his tongue. Our guests were still shocked at his blatant meanness. Kasey got up and went to order a big cheese platter, and when that arrived that pig of a man started making cheese rolls for himself. I looked over at Kasey's mum she was embarrassed to the point her chin was nearly resting on the table, thankfully Chris started a conversation with her about house hunting.

When he finished his picking at our leftovers he once again squeezed Kasey's hand then patted it. He got up from the table and shook his phone at him as he walked out onto the street.

"I'm so sorry son, he's been a lot worse since you left, I will try and reason with him tomorrow, but kids I have to tell you now while he's out of earshot. I am starting divorce proceedings when we get back home, I can't go on like this anymore. I stayed for you kids and now it's time for me to go and find myself again."

"You can come and live with us mum, cant she Chris?"

"Bloody too right sweet thing, just let us know when to organize the moving van. My lovely wife we had better buy that house sooner rather than later."

"You don't mind kids?"

"Not in the least, it will be so good to have you around again." Chris was a genuine sort of bloke, he will see that no harm comes to his mum in law.

"Maree and Chris if I am to do that, see if you can buy a house with some land, I will build a granny flat out the back so I'm not in your way."

"No need mum, but if it will make you feel more independent that's okay with us." Maree hugged her.

His father came back with a big grin on his face he ordered another drink and sat as I seethed but held my tongue.

"Done, there's a deployment leaving in three weeks you're on the list, I can't wait to tell the boys down the pub." I dropped my jaw and the cheese knife, everyone stared at me. I shook with rage and I couldn't hold my tongue any longer, someone has to do something about this pig of a man.

"You would put your son in mortal danger because you want bragging rights? What a wonderful loving father you are." My mouth dripped sarcasm.

"None of your business gay boy, he's my son and he does what he's told." I got a sour look.

"I might be gay, but then again I might not be, but I survived a military pig like yourself harassing me, and the explosion he placed in my shop to kill me and my friends. Do you think Lance would deliberately put himself in danger because, YOU want it to happen, how old do you think he still is, five?" He tried to outstare me but he didn't win I was ropeable by this time, and I continued my tirade.

"If what you imagine will happen by making a phone call is true, then the military seriously has to rethink who they are taking their orders from. Lance will make a fine lawyer and listen very carefully to me, you're not the only one with clout in the military, my father is General John Sutton and unlike you, he's still in charge of the Australian troops and doing a fine job of it. One phone call from this maybe or maybe not gay boy will see you arrested for interfering in military matters. Did you hear me, or will I repeat it all." I was leaning across to him by now, and I was giving the orders tonight.

I looked at Kasey his jaw had dropped and then I pulled out my wallet and found the photo of my dad in his military uniform with me proudly standing beside him. I took it out and placed it in front of him, he grumbled a lot as he pulled himself upright and pointed to Kasey.

"We are not finished yet, you will be going overseas boy. Get your shit together Carol, we are going home."

All eyes went to her.

"No, you can go on your own, I want to catch up with my family." The death stare again and he stormed out of the restaurant, all eyes were on him because the other diners had been watching the show.

We saw him hail a cab then we all let our breaths out and sighed. I ordered myself a stiff drink and flopped down at the table and said.

"Now, if anyone's still hungry I can order up more food, but I think we might benefit from going somewhere more peaceful." Kasey was still staring at me as I downed my drink then signed the bill.

"Coming? our place isn't far Carol, just an elevator ride away." I smiled.

I escorted everyone upstairs and Carol started looking at my trinkets, she kept nodding her head and smiling as I passed her another scotch. We sat at the table because Kasey had changed the sofas around so they faced the TV so it wasn't a good conversation nook anymore. He was looking at me and still hadn't said anything, that was until after he had the first sip of his drink.

"What the hell was that all about Adam? why didn't you tell me about your father?" Kasey was confused.

"Sorry, Kasey oops Lance, between the fiancé that you were going to maybe marry or maybe not, and all that hidden wealth, I didn't have time to tell you Kasey with a C or it a K? I thought it best to let sleeping dogs lay." He blushed.

"A General what the hell did he do to deserve that?"

"Loads of things Kasey, he was deployed overseas seven times and his medals compounded after each mission, why do you think I watched so many war movies, I was watching them with dad, he's career Military through and through."

"But they are talking about making him a Lieutenant General."

"That's correct, and he will be awesome in that job too." I give credit where its due and my dad would be good at that job.

"What fiancé Lance? when were you going to tell me?" his mum said.

"There was no fiancé mum, I made it up to get to know Adam a little better, I lied about having one in other words."

"Oh, I see, because it threw me a bit son, I always thought you were gay."

"WHAT?" Poor Kasey he's getting a good education tonight. Chris and Maree were sitting there laughing their heads off.

"Well, Maree and I would talk about it sometimes. I didn't want you to join up, but I had to hold my mouth, my life was shit back then, but I think I got a bit stronger after you left home I missed you so much, all three of you." She grinned and took Kasey and Maree's hands.

"Mum there's something I have to tell you."

"No there's not son, I already love Adam, he's got good taste, with himself, and his boyfriends." She moved over to my side and took my hand.

"But mum!" Kasey didn't get it, his mum was a wonderful flower and she is blooming tonight.

"Hush son, now I'm just going to sit here and look at you all, I think I am going to like my new life and welcome to the family Adam?"

"Kasey, another drink?" Chris laughed at my boyfriend's gaping mouth. He then looked at me and grinned from ear to ear.

"I knew you would be so good for me Adam with an A."

"And you are the source of many laughs my Kasey with a K."

"It's Kasey with a C Adam." Carol laughed.

"You will stay here with us won't you Carol?" I offered.

"Thank you Adam, but If you don't mind can I go and stay at Maree and Chris's place, we have so much to talk about, and Lance, don't worry, your father has no clout with the Military at all, he annoys them on a daily basis, I think he's got a screw loose." She laughed.

"Just to make sure, I will talk to my commander tomorrow, to put my mind at ease. Adam, are you going to call your dad?"

"You know I won't Kase, but I can threaten to if I have to." I kissed his sweet lips. I grabbed a pen and paper and made another list I ordered a platter or cakes from downstairs for dessert, there's ice cream in the freezer. Kasey was staring at the photograph and I thought I heard him sigh.

"I will tell you all about it later." I smiled at him.

The night went well, and I learned a lot more things about Kasey I didn't know, his mum was very forthcoming about everything. I told her I couldn't wait to do lunch with her one day, and she will have to tell all. Kasey just smiled and I could tell he was as pleased as punch his mum is moving to town.

She laughed. "Do lunch, it's been years since I have done that, Adam you will have to choose the restaurant I don't know Brisbane at all." She was so excited.

"I want to get stuck into your hair first, I am going to give you a total new look, then I will take you to lunch in the alleyways, you will love it there." I grinned she beamed.

After they had left fully stuffed with food Kasey had me in the bedroom, of course, clothes weren't an option.

He waved the photo at me, I suppose I had better tell him.

"I was nice and tight back then, virgin butt, tight as, and ripe for plucking."

"What?" he looked me in the eyes.

"My ass was virginal in that photo, I even remember what I was thinking at the time it was taken."


"I was thinking that the photographer was a hunk, and was wondering if he had a big cock to stick up me."

"But you look so young in that photo."

"I was fifteen and my hormones were going bat shit crazy." I giggled.

It didn't take him long to go for a pony ride, I helped him out by moaning into his neck and blowing warm breaths over his gorgeous face. I then snuggled in to get a good night's sleep with my perfect mate.

The spring was back in Kasey's step, he had been sitting at the table making yet another list when I came out.

"What you doing?"

"List of things to do today baby. I have to go see the commander, then I have to go buy something special for someone."

"And what would that be?" I sat with my coffee and grinned.

"Something and I also have to ring my accountant and stop those statements going to mums place."

"Good idea, it's none of his business anymore."

"No, it's not, the money came from mums gran, not his. His family didn't have anything it was all mums money that has been helping them live."

"Good, maybe she will stop all that."

"He will go for a share in the divorce, but he can't touch the big money, mum will still have tons left and she's always got us to fall back on."

"So where are you going shopping?"

"Down the alleyways, and no, you can't come."

"Oh? so what am I doing then?"

He handed me a piece of notepaper and I looked at it.

Go to the new salon

Get lunch

Be naked and hot when I get back

Love me.

Thank you for everything my Adam, with a heart drawing.

Well, it all sounded so simple, I think I can do that today. I laughed and gave him a big smacker of a kiss, he was starting to rise, and I was trying to look at his list.

"Can you do me a favor before I leave?"

"Anything Kasey with a K."

"Can you bend over the chair on the balcony and give me one of your finest shows?" He blushed.

"When do you want it?"


When he left he had the biggest bad boy smile on my face and his legs looked a little unsteady as he waved me goodbye. I will take the car today and go see what has been done in the old salon, then head for the new one. I hope he sees the commander first because I was desperate to find out if he had been added to some sort of secret list. I wouldn't trust his father or any of his so-called contacts in the military.

After visiting the old salon I deemed it ready for the fit-out, the ceiling was high and new beams had been installed to hold the now finished roof on, that is all the insurance company will do, they will send out a cheque for the rest. I parked outside the new warehouse and looked it over, it was a mirror image of my old one out the front, the guys had found a big solid doorway that had come from an old Victorian shop front, it looked wonderful. I opened the door and found them hard at work, they had done quite a lot.

"We are nearly finished here Adam all we need is another six days and its done, the cleaning crew will be here in a few days to polish everything up." He smiled at me and I placed my hand on his shoulder and I turned and thanked them all sincerely for all their hard work.

"God, you must have worked through many nights, this is amazing."

"Not quite, Adam, we had loads of help from other crews, they had nothing better to do and they don't mind. All we had to do was the electrics and water, the carpentry guys did the front and installed the stations and tea room, it all went together pretty fast. There's still a bit more to do, but at the moment it's on track."

I looked around and everything was in its place, there was still plenty of room and the barbershop was almost looking like it just stepped out of an old-time magazine. Trish knew two women that will lease that from us, they are trained in men's hairdressing and grooming. When the guys left to go look at the other salon I sat at my station and looked around trying to find something out of place, but there was nothing. I had to have a giggle to myself, I let the cat out of the bag last night about my father's job, but I didn't tell Kasey my real secret, hopefully, I will never have to, I kind of liked being me.

I rang Trish and told her it will be all done by next Monday if she wanted to slip back into work, she said she would let the others know.

I wanted desperately to get back home, I needed to hear what Kasey had to say about his father's interference, and I was intrigued by his need to go shopping. I left to go home, on my way I did a shop of my own, then I left the keys to the parking bays with John and he handed me a check for six months' rent, I didn't expect it so soon but was pleased to know there are some honest owners in the building. I have never attended a body corporate meeting, I left it up to the corporate people to vote for me if there was anything important, but I must attend the next one to get the other owners thoughts on my alterations, I will need their votes to go ahead with it all.

No Kasey when I got in, so I planned what we were having for dinner and started cutting things up. He came in just as I had turned the TV on, one minute I was relaxing on the sofa the next I was face down on the bed. Not even a do you mind? just some gentle kissing and stripping then a bit of tongue play.

"What did the commander say?"

"He rang Canberra and had dad banned from calling the base, some guys will go around and let him know to stop making unwanted calls. I think that will piss him off completely and I don't care either. Keven said there are no plans to deploy anyone to the east they are pulling out soon, but you didn't hear that from me."

"So your safe then?"

"Yes, he seems to think if we do go over there it will be to train the Iraqi guys up to do it if need be, but he said there are three teams and mine is on the bottom of the list we are needed more here."

My heart leaped a little and I could see the stress has left Kasey's face, he looked more relaxed and younger.

"So you will join the online University then?"

"Yep, I will now that's out of the way. I have a few other things to tell you, Adam, with an A."

"Okay, hit me with them." I steeled myself for another shock.

He reached over to his jeans and pulled something out of the pocket, he fiddled around for a minute or two and I felt him slip a ring on my finger. I moved to one elbow and held my hand up, it was dressed up with a beautiful deco diamond and sapphire ring, it was bloody superb.

"Your mate in the jewelry shop helped me, he said you often looked at his rings, do you like it, it's not too feminine is it?"

"I love it Kasey, it's perfect, like you." I couldn't stop kissing him and a few tears fell down my face, he was smiles for miles, he had done very well and I just adored it.

"Something else." His face dropped he didn't look at me. "What's up?"

"I've been told I am getting a bravery award for my part in the bombing."

"You what? that's fantastic and well deserved too."

"I knocked it back, all I did was try and defuse it, it is my job after all."

"You did a lot more than that Kasey, you did a hell of a lot more. You cleared the salon saving many lives, took the full blast of the explosion, and were personally damaged in the process. I think you're the bravest person on the planet, and my staff will back me up one hundred percent. Take the award Kase, please for all of us." I was almost begging him to reconsider.

"I don't work alone Adam, I have a team to back me up, and they did."

"Then take it for them too, you can all share it, when do you get it?"

"I will have to go to Canberra, do you want to come with me?"

"Try and stop me, I certainly will be there for you, in person."

"I will think about it, that's all I have at the moment do you want to check if I'm randy again?"

I slipped down the bed and gave him his reward for giving me some wonderful information and a gorgeous present.

I started dinner while Kasey went online, my ring glittered in the downlights and I had to wiggle my finger several times to watch it twinkle, he was tapping away wildly and then I saw him pull out his credit card.

"Well here goes nothing." He put his numbers in and pushed pay. He sent the emails to my printer and went to grab a stack of paperwork from it, then he started reading his instructions. I shuffled a few of his papers around to set some places at the table, he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"They are all in order, can we eat outside?"

"Okay but tomorrow we organize a filing cabinet for you, we need to put all this in order, in a cabinet."

"Point taken, do you know where we can get one?"

"It will be delivered in the morning, I bought it on the way home today."


"Yes of course." I grinned.

He grinned back and started to move my way.

"Oh no you don't, we have to have dinner first then you can tell me where you're up to with this Uni thing."

He put his naughty boy face on again, then his phone rang, it was his mum.

He looked at me after listening for a few minutes and said.

"Can mum stay with us for a week?"

"Yes." I didn't even have to think about it.

He kissed and thanked me after he hung up. Maree and Chris had miraculously found a house with enough land for a bungalow, she said she was going back home but only to pack up her things. She did ask Kasey if it would be okay if she stayed with us for a while, Maree's flat was a bit small, and they want to pack it all up for the move.

"Just think about it Kase, girly talks when you're not here, boy am I going to love picking her brains." I laughed, he kissed me to shut me up, then he went back to his reading.

Life was getting better for both of us and it was even better when I opened the new shop, I stepped inside and smelt the newness, no perfumes yet but I'm hoping by the end of the day there will be plenty. I went to the tea room and placed the buns in the new Tupperware container then turned the urn on, it was like meeting an old friend from the past.

I grabbed a couple of handy wipes to do the tables and the chairs because the dust was still settling on everything, didn't matter how much we cleaned it still appeared. Trish was first in then the girls that were running the barbershop, we will become firm friends and I'm sure the guys will love two sexy girls fussing over them. They went to make coffee then started to clean up their work stations. The candy stripe light went into work mode and both our closed signs were turned to open.

Janice Tim and Trev Anne Eva and ourselves were on board, we didn't think we would need the part-timers as yet, but when the new salon opens they will be made full time. I was waiting for a client to come in because we are new there weren't any bookings as yet, I sat in the tea room and was admiring my ring in the light and having a bun when Trish walked in.

She screamed.

"Why haven't I seen that before?"

"Seen what?"

"That ring, show me." Eva poked her head in to see what all the fuss was about, Trish grabbed my hand.

"Kasey gave it to me last week, I'm sure you have seen it before I haven't had it off my finger."

"No, and you didn't show us either," Eva said.

They both looked at it in the light, then I had to take it off so they could both try it on.

"Don't worry girls, yours are on the way I'm very sure of that."

Eva made me walk around the salon to show everyone the ring, Janice laughed so much Trev had to pull her into line, It was then she lifted her finger and sitting there was a single diamond on a gold band.

"Last night." She grinned at Trev then kissed him, he was a very proud fiancée. The party started at once, and we hugged them both.

I looked at Trish and lifted my eyebrows.

"There's no way I want to sit in a farmhouse raising loads of kids Adam, I turned him down."

"Oh, that's no good I thought you loved him."

"Not enough to turn my life upside down, we have an understanding and at the moment it suits us to be good friends, with benefits." She smiled.

"You should point him towards that University, he might want to learn some agricultural stuff while he's waiting around for you."

"Maybe I will."

It was then our first customer came in for a wash and cut, Eva took that one and I spied a man in the barbershop wanting a cut also, the business has begun and by the end of the day we had a whole new kind of clientele to look after, life was good.

Kasey will be back at work tomorrow, he hasn't had his nose out of that computer all week, except to make love sleep and eat. After the filing cabinet arrived I helped him sort his paperwork out, but there was still a small stack left on the table, he needed that for some reason or other.

"Are you finding out loads of stuff?"

"Yes baby, it's so interesting I can't wait for the first class to start I reckon I'm going to blitz this."

Next: Chapter 14

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