Karma's a Bitch

By Kyle Soderberg (Ujinmo)

Published on Sep 28, 2006


Hey everyone if your underage don't read this. If it's illegal to read there where you are then stop. Now that is out of the way lets get down to business. I think you guys are not liking where I'm going with this story after the last two chapters I've only gotten a limited response from a few guys that have been really supportive. But at the same time I'm not getting any complaints. I know this isn't the traditional college roommate story that is up on this site. I'm trying something new and hope you guy's stick with me and enjoy it. As usual all comments whether good or bad are welcome they really do help with the writing process.

This chapter is dedicated to my good friend Rob he has been really supportive to me while I've been going through some things. As I've said before I like to base my characters on real people and this is no exception for him cause he really is a horny security guard. Now I hope he doesn't get pissed at me for mentioning that.


"Making up and moving on"

It was getting late. Lisa and Kyle were the last ones to leave. After a long night they were left to lock up it had been busy all night and they were very tired. Lisa invited Kyle out for a nightcap to finish out the stressful night. With a peck on her check Kyle declined the invite just wanting to get home for a nice hot shower and get into bed. Kyle was not sure how he got home he couldn't remember actually getting into his car. But there he was sitting in the drivers seat staring out the windshield at his building. He got out of the car and just as he closed his door he felt a sharp pain to the back of his head. Kyle fell to the ground and with a deep groan he rolled onto his back. He heard someone laughing from one side of him and whispering from someone else to his other side. He tried to open his eyes to look at his attacker but his vision was too blurry to make out their faces but thought he recognized the laugh. It was Dave and judging by the short blurry shadow the other guy had to be Leslie. Dave leaned down to get in his face.

D "I told you this wasn't over asshole. Not over by a long shot."

Leslie then gave Kyle a swift kick to his ribs. He doubled over in pain and coughed up what tasted like blood. Dave stood back up and took a few steps back pulling something out of his pocket. Kyle heard a distinct click and shook his head to focus his eyes. Dave was there holding a gun while Leslie kicked him one more time before taking his place next to Dave. Dave looked crazed he couldn't keep his hand steady shaking the gun but keeping it pointed at Kyle. Leslie on the other hand looked calm and collective his face a mask of disgust.

L "I told you we needed to talk guess you should have just listened to me."

D "This is what you get for ruining me."

Dave fired the gun...........


Kyle woke with a start bolting up upright hitting his head on the bottom of Ross's bunk. He fell back with a loud yelp waking Ross up. He turned his head looking at the clock; it was only 4:00am. Ross jumped down from his bed shaken from being woken up this way.

R "Man are you alright, you scared the shit out of me?"

K "Ya I'm fine just a nightmare. I hit my head when I woke up that's why I yelled."

Ross turned on the little desk lamp and leaned over to check his roommate's head. What he saw wasn't pretty there was a large gash across Kyle's forehead and blood was all over the pillow. Kyle seemed oblivious to it. Ross jumped up and ran to the bathroom and wet a cloth to put on the cut.

R "Come on get up I need to get you to the hospital."

K "What are you talking about it was just a bad dream."

R "Well you hit your head and your bleeding pretty bad."

Ross put the wet cloth to his head and helped him sit up and get some clothes on. Kyle was looking paler and paler by the minute. As they walked down the hall to the elevator Kyle collapsed. Ross ran up to Taz's door and banged on it till Taz and Leslie opened up.

R "I need your help Kyle is hurt and I need to get him to the hospital!"

Taz rushed out and helped Ross carry Kyle to the elevator and out to his truck. The whole time Leslie just followed dumbstruck and looking a bit green. Ross jumped in the driver seat while Taz held onto Kyle to keep him steady trying to get him to come to. Leslie stood outside of the open passenger door still unsure of why he was there.

T "Are you coming or not its not like we have all day to wait for you."

L "Oh sorry I didn't think you would want me to come."

Leslie jumped in and before he could get the door shut Ross was flooring it out of the parking lot they make it to Henry Ford in less then five minutes. The guys carried the unconscious Kyle into the ER and he was rushed to a room. Since none of the guys were family they had to stay in the waiting room they spent the next hour filling out forms and answering the nurses questions. The nurse asked the guys to get in touch with Kyle's family they need to get all his history and information the boys couldn't provide. Leslie was the one who came through since they went to school together he knew how to get a hold of Kyle's parents.

Two hours later they were allowed back to see Kyle. When they walked in Kyle was awake and alert but looked totally embarrassed. There was an IV in his arm and four butterfly bandages across his forehead.

K "Thank you so much guys I cant tell you enough how much I appreciate this."

R "Hey what are friends for I knew you would have done it for me."

T "Ya besides how often to I get to hold a hot guy in my arms. Even if he did bleed all over me."

Ross glanced over at Taz for a second and thought, maybe what Dave said was true and they had messed around. But then pushed it away these guys are my friends who cares if they are screwing.

Leslie caught the comment to and he thought that this turn could make matters worse for him but maybe he could use it also.

K "Well Ill make it up to you somehow. Some good news though, the doc said I can leave as soon as he finishes my paperwork."

T "That's great news cause I need to get back to sleep and those chairs out there are to uncomfortable."

R "Got that right I'm exhausted."

K "You guys didn't have to stay I'm in good hands here?"

T "We couldn't just leave you here were all buds and need to look out for one another."

K "I can't tell you how much that means to me. I've got an idea though."

R "And what would that be?"

K "How about you come to my restaurant tomorrow and Ill make you guys dinner?"

T "I'm sure the three of us would love that."

K "Um Taz I'm the one that hit my head shouldn't I be seen more people then two of you?"

Taz stepped to the side and Kyle finally saw Leslie standing behind them only half way in the room trying to make himself invisible. Kyle immediately remembered the dream that started this fiasco. It instantly made him uncomfortable and visibly shivered.

K "What is he doing here?"

L "I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

R "Relax he has been really helpful. If it wasn't for him it would have took us all day to get a hold of your 'rents."

Kyle looked into Leslie's eyes he could see the hurt there. Maybe the kid had changed. Just maybe he should give him a break. Kyle sighed and tried to relax putting a small smile on his face.

K "I guess I owe you my thanks then as well?"

L "No its ok there was nothing else I could have done I was pretty useless."

K "Ill make it up to you. Come to dinner tomorrow night with the guys."

L "I don't want to intrude just promise me we can talk later."

K "Ok we can but later I need to get out of here I've spent way to much time in hospitals over the years."


About two hours later the Ross's truck pulled into his usual space. Next to it was a campus security truck the yellow lights still flashing on top. When they made their way up to the rooms a campus cop was standing outside of Ross and Kyle's open door taking notes in his pad. Taz and Leslie bid their farewells and left for bed. As they approached the cop they took him in. He stood about six foot three towering over both of them. Ha appeared to be about 40 in decent shape with glasses and the beginning of a receding hairline but still quiet attractive. His nametag said Officer Reynolds. The cop studied Kyle's head noticing the butterfly bandages.

OR "This room yours boys?"

R "Yes officer."

OR "Mind telling me what's going on we got a call this morning about some commotion and a call from Henry Ford a while ago letting us know you were being discharged."

They explained what had transpired that morning while he continued to take notes asking questions when he needed more details.

OR "Well everything seems like its on the up and up, but next time anything like this happens you have to call us first. We are trained to handle situations like this."

R "I'm sorry Officer I didn't think of calling you guys I just knew I had to get him to the hospital with him bleeding like that."

OR "You can drop the officer crap just call me Rob everyone else around here does. I'm also an EMT so Ill drop by when I am getting off my shift to check on you. In the meantime I have to go file this report you boys take it easy now."

K "Thanks Officer... I mean Rob. Goodbye."

By the time they had Kyle's bed cleaned up and sheets changed it was 11:00am. It only took a few minutes for them to pass out exhausted for the early morning ordeal.


Kyle woke up to the sound of Ross arguing on the phone with someone. Ross hung up and started getting dressed he was in a big hurry.

K "What's going on?"

R "My sister's car broke down out in Novi and she cant get anyone else to go out there and help her."

K "Novi? Where is that?"

R "About an hour from here. I told her to dump that asshole. Now she finally does it, but no she couldn't just pick up the phone she had to go out there and see him.

K "Want me to go with you?"

R "No you need your rest. Ill be fine, she wont once I get my hands on her. By the way a Lisa called for you. I answered your phone since you were still out of it and she said to take the night off cause of what happened."

K "Thanks, I better still call her though she is going to be pissed if I don't let her know I'm alright."

R "I'm out of here Ill see you sometime later tonight."

As Ross was leaving he passed Leslie in the hall. He was caring a few cups of something from Starbucks.

L "Hi Ross I got some hot chocolate for everyone do you want yours?"

R "Sure thanks I could use it for this trip."

L "Is Kyle up yet I was hoping we could have our little chat."

R "Ya he is up but I am going to give you the same warning I gave to that Dave guy. If you do or say anything to hurt him there is nothing that will be able to keep me from hurting you. Got it?"

L "Dave was here? Why would he do that? Oh shit what has he done now."

R "Whatever you just better not mess with Kyle."

L "Don't worry I wont."

Leslie made a quick trip into his room to give Taz his hot chocolate then high tailed it to see Kyle. He knocked gently on the door just in case Kyle had fallen back asleep but heard him say come in. Leslie walked in and Kyle was sitting at his desk talking on the phone. He paused for a moment when he saw Leslie walk in and his face dropped.

K "Don't worry I'm Ok yes, yes Ill take it easy Its just a little cut I didn't even need stitches. Ok Lisa Ill see you tomorrow. Bye babe."

L "I brought you some hot chocolate. I know it's our favorite."

K "How would you know that?"

L "There's a lot I know about you. Listen I'm not sure how to tell you any of this so Ill just get it out in the open."

K "Get what out in the open?"

L "Um, for the past three years well up until just after graduation I was sleeping with Dave."

Leslie got it out all in one breath and it felt like a great weight had been taken off him but at the same time he was terrified what Kyle would do to him now. For the moment Kyle's expression hadn't changed he just sat there holding his hot chocolate totally impassive.

L "Did you hear me?"

K "Ya I heard you."

L "Well say something, anything please."

K "What do you want me to say? What's done is done nothing can change that now."

Kyle took a sip from his drink and set it down. Leslie started giggling to himself. This just confused Kyle, he thought what is wrong with this kid.

L "Heh heh, boy to think I've been so scared to tell you."

K "Oh and why is that."

L "For years Dave told me that you were kind of dangerous. He said that you could get really angry sometimes and when you did you couldn't control yourself."

K "For one you shouldn't believe everything someone tells you especially when it comes to someone who is two-timing you and the other person. And for another when have you ever seen me hurt someone?"

L "There was that one time at the mall when you knocked out that guy in the parking lot."

K "That was different. The guy was following Vanessa and me around and wouldn't leave her alone then tried to grab her when we were leaving. No one messes with my friends. The guy just couldn't take no for an answer."

L "That I didn't know. The rumor was the guy just bumped into you cause he didn't see where he was going."

K "Once again you don't get the facts from rumors. Anyway how long did you know he was with me?"

L "Pretty much the whole time. I was out walking my dog and caught you guys kissing at the park. I found out later that was your first kiss with him."

Kyle expression finally changed now he looked thoroughly annoyed. He sat up and took a long drink. Leslie backed away a bit still not sure what to make of Kyle's attitude. Kyle pushed out the other desk chair.

K "Take a set this could take a while. Ok if you knew that whole time why did you end up fucking him?"

Leslie took the seat but still stayed as far away from Kyle as he could.

L "It's complicated. See I was confused it was almost a year after I saw you guys kissing. I thought I might be gay and since I saw that I wanted it. But other then the cruel high school rumors I didn't know of anyone else who was gay. You were always big and intimidating not to mention older then all of us so I was too afraid to talk to you. I ended up cornering Dave one day. I told him I knew about you guys."

K "Gee I bet that went well. I'm surprised you still have all your teeth."

L "At first he denied it of course. He accused you of telling me. But I told him how I saw you guys. He just told me I better not tell anyone else or he would make me pay."

K "And you still ended up with him? That's pretty fucked up."

L "I look back on it now and I realize that but at the time I needed someone anyone. About a week later he showed up at my house wanting to talk. He told me that you were not much to him that he was only with you cause you always did stuff for him and were always giving you things."

K "That son of a bitch! So all that time that's all I was to him! Oh he is so going to pay. You knew all this and let it happen. Just goes to show how much you cant be trusted."

L "Whoa whoa whoa slow down. It was still a while before we did anything and you have to remember right from the start he told me to stay away from you. He kept drilling it into me that you would hurt me bad if you ever found out that I knew about you guys. I've been terrified of you for years. Remember when we got paired up for that oral report in history? I faked getting sick so I didn't have to work with you. I ended up being taken to the doctors because my mother thought I was dying the way I was complaining and moaning that whole week."

K "Ok I get it. I guess I got to give you some credit for coming forward and telling me now. But why did he end up having sex with you? I never pressured him but let him know I was always ready and willing for him. He was the one who never wanted to mess around I can count on my fingers the number of times we actually did it. Most of the time I just ended up blowing him and going home frustrated."

L "When we started fooling around he said you were no good in bed and could never satisfy him. That and you were um, well, very small."

Kyle stood up yanked down the front of his shorts. Leslie just gasped turned a deep shade of red unable to look away. Kyle just laughed and sat back down.

K "Does that look like its very small?"

L "No I guess not, like you said I shouldn't believe everything I'm told."

Kyle stood back up stepped over to Leslie and picked him up. Leslie stiffened as Kyle wrapped his arms around him in a hug. Kyle laid his head on Leslies shoulder and spoke softly into his ear.

K "I don't blame you we were both used. Now we have to move on. I can't promise anything but lets just forget about him. He will get what's coming to him be it one way or another. Just be careful Ok?"

Kyle pulled back and held Leslie at arms length the boy was still standing stiff.

K "See nothing to be afraid of I'm just a big teddy bear."

Leslie just started crying Kyle didn't know what to make of him anymore.

K "Why are you crying everything is going to be alright."

L "I just don't know what to say. I can't believe I've been so worked up about all this. And now there's nothing left but to do what?"

K "Just move on go put yourself out there, find someone that will like you and not just use you."

Leslie stopped crying and just let out a laugh. He tried to straiten himself out.

L "Ok I will but maybe could you help me out. Ya know show me the ropes."

K "We will see about that for now let just wait till classes start and we can work something out."

L "Ok we can do that. But I have to ask you. Are you and Taylor a couple?"

K "Taylor? Who's Taylor... Oh wait you mean Taz. NO no we are just buddies."

L "Ok then do you know if he is single?"

At this Kyle laughed his ass off.

K "Kid you don't stand a chance with Taz. No offence but way out of your league."

L "But you can't blame a guy for trying can you?"

Both guys grinned at each other it looked like things really would be Ok after all. There was a loud rough knock at the door startling both of them. Kyle composed himself and told whomever it was to come in. And in walked Officer Rob dressed down to some jeans and a button down blue shirt. Kyle thought wow classic handsome not many guys can pull off that look anymore. Leslie swallowed the first thing to run through his mind was what a hunk.

OR "I'm not interrupting anything am I? I told you I would check on you before I headed home for the day."

K "No your alright thanks for coming. I appreciate you checking up on me I don't need anymore trips to the hospital."

OR "Not a problem let me take a look at your forehead."

Rob took Kyle's chin in his hand and turned his face into the light. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the other boy watching him intently. He is cute Rob thought. To bad he is probably straight I could teach him a thing or two.

OR "Well it looks like its sealed up nicely. There shouldn't be much of a scar if you do end up with one. But just to let you know since you did hit your head so badly you really shouldn't drink or engage in any recreational activities for a few days if you know what I mean.

Rob held up his thumb and forefinger up to his lips signaling the sign for pot.

K "No worries there I don't drink or do anything like that I'm about as clean cut as you can get."

OR "Ill choose to take your word for it cause I don't want to know. I like you guys even though you're already causing trouble around here I think you guys will make this an interesting year."

K "We will try to keep our trouble making to a minimum."

OR "I hope so. Your friend here doesn't talk much does he? Your not in any trouble already are you?"

K "No he is just the shy quiet type."

OR "Ok well you guys take it easy Ill see you around. I work the day shift in this area so give me a holler if you need anything."

K "Ok will do Rob."

After Rob left Leslie made his excuse to leave. He and Taz were going out to dinner to get to know each other better. Leslie invited Kyle to go but he declined saying he need to still call his dad and wanted to get some shopping done.


Later that night Kyle had another dream. This time he was driving and came to an intersection. Standing in each road was someone he knew. To the left was Dave, in front was Taz, and to the right was Leslie. A choice has to be made but Kyle didn't know why he was choosing. So he drove forward made a U-turn and went back the way he came it seemed this was the only choice that wouldn't end up hurting him anymore.

So was anyone expecting all of that? I feel somehow relieved to get this chapter done. I have had a hard time coming up with how I wanted to do it. But now that its done I'm satisfied in how it came out. Now that you have some more back story and some foreshadowing into what may happen between some of the characters you'll be more interested in what will happen next. Any way get back to me and let me know what you think at ujinmo@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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