Karma's a Bitch

By Kyle Soderberg (Ujinmo)

Published on Sep 8, 2006


The usual disclaimer applies if you shouldn't be reading this then don't. All comments are welcome I need to know if I should continue working on this or just give it up you can contact me at ujinmo@yahoo.com. Thank you.


"This is going to work out, Right?"

About mid August Kyle called Ross back up to let him know that Kyle would be coming to WSU the next week to get settled in. Ross told him no problem that he would be there so they could move in at the same time and work out the arrangment of their room. Kyle was bringing a small microwave and his TV since his was the biggest. Ross was bringing his sterieo and a minifridge. And both had their own computers good thing the rooms had cable internet. They got extremly lucky with this room. Each floor at the dorm had an odd number of rooms because of the stairs and elevator and between each room was a bathroom that 2 rooms had to share. But the rooms at the end of each hall was a bit larger and had its own bathroom with a stand up shower, toliet, small cubby space, and sink. Whoever designed this place was either a genious who cared about the students or a total idiot when it came to space management. When you opened the door there was a short entrance that faced the bathroom door with an opening to the left that lead to the room itself. on the imediate left was a large closet with sliding mirror doors which made the room look so much bigger no need to feel clostraphobic in here. and on the two outer walls where huge windows with large sills (more like built in shelves) to place things on. The only furniture in the room are the two beds, two desks, and two dressers. The beds were the type that could be converted into bunkbeds it needed.

The day of the movein Ross was anxious. He had a few gay friends and had no problem with it but was a bit worried about having to live with one. He just hoped this guys wouldn't try anything funny with him. Ross had his truck packed up with all of his stuff and was waiting at his parents house in Warren till Kyle called him to let him know he was almost to the dorm. When he pulled into the parking lot there were suprisingly a lot of cars around but he figured out which one was Kyle since it was the only one with a guy standing next to it and packed with boxes. Ross was a bit suprised by Kyles apperence not at all what he was expecting. After talking to Kyle on the phone he was figuring some jock type by the way he expressed himself and his selfsure attitude. Kyle was shorter then Ross's 6'2"s at only 5'9" and was kinda bulky not fat but beefy. He had red hair and green eyes kinda a weird combination for this guy. For Kyle it was a bit of a shock he knew comming to the middle of Detroit he would meet a lot of African Americans but it never occured to him that his roommate was, then is hit him the deep baratone voice and that homey comment. He didnt want to think of steriotypes cause thats not a part of who he was but Ross fit the bill. Tall lean perfect body for a basketball player.

R "So you must be Kyle."

K "Yup, that would make you Ross."

R "Well my parents actually made me Ross." he said with a strait face.

K "Oh a smartass huh? Well I think we will get along just fine then." with a cheesy grin.

R "We shall see about that. So let start hulling stuff up there and get it over with good thing we are only on the second floor."

K "Got that right I have a thing about heights. How about we load all the heavy stuff on the elevator and we can just carry the light stuff up could be quicker."

R "Ok lets get this over with."

It only took about and hour and a half to get everthing into thier room and boy was it cramped. Both realised that they may have brought to much stuff but hoped once everything was arranged and put away it would work out.

K "I've got an idea how about we put the beds togather and put them up against the bathroom wall?"

R "Man Im all fine with you being gay but I don"t think we could sleep in the same bed."

At this Kyle just burst out laughing it took him about two minutes to stop but a sharp slightly miffed look from Ross brought him out of it.

K "I didn't mean slide the beds next to eachother I ment stacking them into bunkbeds dufus." he said with a shake of his head.

R "I am so sorry I took that way the wrong way. Guess I havn't quiet got used to the idea of you being gay yet." he said ashamed.

K "It's alright im not easily offended but I am easy to piss off if that makes any sence. But as I was saying we put the (making quote marks with his fingers in the air) BUNKBEDS against the bathroom wall and the dressers in the opposite corners then the desks under the windows it will leave us with plenty of room.

R "Im fine with that and since your afraid of hieghts ill take the top bunk." with a big ole grin.

After another two hours they had everything figured out and put away, but now with all their stuff put up the place seemed alot more like home. As they were finishing up things took a strange turn. They started out small like is seemed they both had alot of the same cd's except for odd stuff that Kyle liked from around the world even the same movies. It was when they pulled out the sheets and blankets to make the beds that made it weird. Kyle had deep purple sheets with hunter green blanket while Ross had hunter green sheets and a deep purple blanket.

R "You didn't call my grandma and ask here about me did you?"

K "No I guess whoever pair us must be really good at their job though. Mind if I put up a few posters?"

R "Sure as long as there not like half naked men or anything. It will take a while before im that comfortable with you."

K "No jackass they are of men but they have way to much clothes on."

Kyle pulled out two poster of the Red Wings and one of Stanley the octopus. And incase you didn't know and should be shot if you don't they are the NHL team for Detroit otherwise known as Hockeytown.

R "Hey you are from the Chicago right? Why would you have those?"

K "I may be from Chicago but my heart has always been with the Wings. Its just to bad they have lost thier edge since Scotty Bowmen left."

R "Ehh I dont get into hockey so much but Im always catching the Pistons kickass."

K "Oi vey I figured you to be a hoop man. But to each their own."

R "I didn't know you were jewish."

K "Who said that I was?"

R "But you just said Oi vey?"

K "Oh that well see my best friend lived nextdoor to me her family is jewish, and whenever her mom used to hear me swear of say something off color she would whack me upside the head. Well to mock her I would shout Oi vey when she did. After doing it for so long it just stuck on me so now I swear a lot less and say Oi vey alot more.

R "Ok I guess that makes sence, I guess."

When they were finished it was around 4pm and since Kyle had brought everthing in boxes they gathered them all up and tossed them in the dumpster in the lot. But Ross had brought everthing in suitcases and they still took up to much room. So Ross sugessted since his house was only ten minutes away they could drive up there and drop them off. That way Kyle could meet his family and get it over with and they could grab a bite at one of his favorite restaurants. Turns out noone was home so they just stashed the cases and made there way over to a Coney. The first thought Kyle had was oh no not another hole in the wall coney with greasy food and let Ross know this.

R "Trust me this is no hole in the wall the family that owns this place has them all over the area they have like twenty restaruants in all. National is almost bigger then Micky D's here."

K "Then lead the way my good sir."

As soon as they walked in you could smell the chili and hotdogs making Kyles mouth water. And someone sitting in the first booth jump up and grabbed Ross's had giving him some weird hand shake.

"Yo dogg whaz up havnt seen you around much this summer."

R "Well ive been busy getting ready for school and all."

"Shit I can't believe your still going to school you such a foo' you could have been hangin with us all summer."

R "Sorry guys I want to actually do something more then be here all my life. Your lucky you come from money."

Kyle watched this exchange and thought Im really going to have to get used to this place noone talked like that back in my neighborhood. Then if finally dawned on Ross that Kyle was still there for a second he had forgot about him.

R "Oh hey guys this is my new roommate Kyle, Kyle this is my old friend Dez and his crew.

Before Kyle could even get a "Hey" out Dez spoke up.

D "Dam man I can't believe they hooked you up with a white boy. Don't they know brothers need to stick together?"

At that remark Kyle's face turned bright red like a tomatoe and since he was so pale to begin with it really showed. He balled up his fists got right in Dez's face and said.

K "Ya im white and irish and gay and if you ask some people I might even be jewish (as he stole a glare at Ross). If you got a problem with that you can fuck off cause I don't put up with any bullshit assholes for nothing."

At that he turned around at went to the far end of the counter and sat. He was so red and breathing so hard it looked like he was ready to explode. The whole episode left Ross and Dez in shock, who knew all that rage could come from someone as fraile looking as Kyle. All Ross said was

R "Look I better go check on him if im going to be living with him I need to stay on his goodside."

D "Fine we gonna bounce anyway catch ya laterz."

Ross went and took the seat next to Kyle for a few minutes noone said a word till the waitress came and took their order.

R "I thought you wern't easily offended he really didn't mean it to sound like that."

K "It didn't offend me but just looking into his eyes I could see he was my judge, jury, and if he had the chance he would be my executioner. His intentions weren't to offend me they were to hurt me. And like I said I don't take that kind of shit from anyone."

R "You don't know him like I do he has had it rough with his dad. He always told Dez that the white man couldn't be trusted and I guess Dez has taken that a bit to heart but he's not a bad guy. You can't just look at him and know what he was really talking about."

K "I didn't just look at him I looked into his eyes. I could see he ment every word. Ever since I was little all I had to do is look into someones eyes and tell exactly how they feel or when they are trying to lie or pull something on me."

R "Oh ya then what am I feeling now?"

K After a moment "Your hurt because I won't just take your word for it about your friend. And at the same time your ashamed about how he acted. Your concerned about how upset I am and now its not going to go so well between us. And I think at this very moment your a bit shocked cause Im right."

R "Your right thats kinda creepy."

K "Its a gift and a curse cause since I read people so well everytime some has tried to suprise me and do something nice Ive ruined it for them. That and ive lost alot of friends because I know how they always really felt about me the and the only two people in my life I never could read was the one who hurt me the most. Both ripped my heart out."

R "Wanna talk about it?"

K "No. I think we have had enough drama for one day."

R "Are we goin to be Ok then cause I really do feel bad about this."

K With a big grin, "Yo man we cool."

For the rest of the time at National they just ate and talked about nothing. When they were leaving it was still only around 6:30 or so and Ross suggested they try his house again to meet his family. but Kyle said he was to tired and just wanted to go back to the room and crash. Ross was a bit disapointed so Kyle said they can always do it this weekend and that cheered Ross back up.

R "Mind if I watch TV I'll keep it down?"

K "No go ahead im going to finish seting up my computer and check some e-mail then hit the shower."

R "That sounds like a good idea while you doing your computer thing I'll take mine now."

It only took Kyle five minutes to have his computer up and running and was already signing into his yahoo account. There were a few e-mails from his friends wishing him well and good luck. A shit load of spam good thing he had the filter on. And two from guy he had contacted throught manhunt asking whe they were going to get the chance to meet. See there still was one thing about Kyle that noone even his ex knew and if anything it was his ex'es fault well kinda. Kyle had a huge sex drive it seemed he could never get enough and that asshole Dave rarely wanted to do anything but Kyle never pressured him. Instead Kyle had the internet sure porn was great but its always better to have another guys take care of your needs rosey palm can only go so far. Kyle also had a dominate side to him in bed he liked to be aggressive taking charge and letting whoever he was fucking that he would take care of everthing. On the other hand anyone that just knew him would never think that other then a bit of a short temper Kyle was so sweet and innocent. Since it was only Wednsday he made arrangements to see one of the guys on friday and the other on saturday. All they needed to do was give him directions and be ready for him when he got there its been almost 2 weeks since Kyle has gotten any and he was pumped. Before he came to Detroit he went on crusingforsex.com and found all the cruisy places around this is going to be his year he just knew it.

Just as Kyle was finishing up on his computer Ross came back into the room with just his towel around his waist and Kyle could see him out of the corner of his eye. He turned around in his chair and blatently gave Ross the once over makeing sure Ross noticed. Ross got this really worried look on his face and since he was so light skinned Kyle could just make out a blush. Ross was compleatly smooth other then for his pits and head a light dusting on his arms and legs not a hair could be found on his body.

K "Don't worry so much I figured Id just check you out once and get it out of your system, besides your really not my type." and Kyle started laughing his ass off.

For a second Ross actually looked hurt then miffed.

R "Hey im a fine ass black man and dont you forget it. Beside now I have to know what exactly is your type."

K "Well for one I dont like guys that are that much taller then me. Second your straight and I dont go for guys I can have. Third your to skinny I like a guy to have some meat on his bones not just bones. And all you got is some definition nothing I can grab and hold onto. And last I like guys to be my age or a bit older but not old enough to be my dad."

R "Wait to a little to much info maybe I shouldn't have asked. But what do you mean your age you cant be that much older then me?"

K "Um I just turned 21 last week."

R "You just graduated highschool how can you be 21?"

K "I had some health problems when I was younger and missed a lot of school I was held back three times. It didnt help having a summer birthday. I wasn't easy being the oldest in my class but I think the fact that I still did so well to bounce back each time that helped me get my scholership."

R "Dam sorry to hear that. What is wrong with you?"

K "Oh im ok now it can't really get anyworse and I learned I have a high tolerance for pain. I have chrones disease. Don't worry unless one of your parents were a carrier of the gene you can't get it. It's not contagious."

R "Well thats always good to know but what did it do to you."

K "Its when your imune and digestive systems dont work with eachother. Im at high risk for anykind of digestive problems like ulcers which is amazing I dont have any already. And have to get checked regularly for polops and cancer. At my worst point I got an infection in my intestens and it got so bad so fast they had to remove some."

R "I can't imagine what you went through, you said some how much did they take out?"

K "A third of the large so my whole acending colon, and about 2 feet of the small right where they connect I came close to having to get a colostimy bag."

R "It looks like your fine now though."

K "Ya for the most part the hardest thing now is my weight. When I was little I was huge I was a fat little butterball. Then when I got the infection I was only an inch shorter then I am now and weighed 90 pounds I was skinnier then you. Now im on all these pills including steroids and have a hard time keeping my weight in check so I try to exercise at least twice a week."

R "I can help you out with that except for today I go to this gym mondays wednsdays and fridays I can get you in easy."

K "Thanks I can use all the help I can get. But for now im tired and sore im going to go take my shower and get to bed. With me out of the room you can finally get some clothes on."

Kyle jumped up and went into the bathroom for his shower leaving a once again blushing Ross. He couldn't believe he just stood their almost completly naked for the past half hour as they talked. I guess this may workout after all Ross thought. He really only did give me the once over and ive been standing here exposed to him and he has kept his eyes on mine the whole time. Maybe I should just throw caution to the wind and sleep naked like I usualy do no need to put some boxers on right?

In the bathroom Kyle thought to himself he has a nice body but it just does nothing for me. Its a good thing though would hate to have a crush on my roomy it would only hurt us in the end. Kyle looked at himself in the mirror not to bad I guess a nice beefy but not fat body with a trimmed rug of red hair on his chest and stomach. A nice dusting on his legs and arms not really a bear at all but you could call him a cub. Because he was sick it stunted his growth he was the shortest on both sides of the family but even at 21 he still looked 17 a blessing for when he gets older but a curse now. He took his time in the shower washing the grim of the day away. And jacked off real quick to releave some tension so he could sleep better.

When he walked out Ross was already on his bunk pastout its was warm still so one of the windows was open and Ross just had the sheet covering him. Kyle looked up and saw Ross laying on his side facing away from him the sheet barly covering his ass. Kyle thought for such a skinny guy he sure have a nice bubble butt. Wait a sec.... hes naked guess I dont have to worry about my boxers either then. So Kyle jumped into bed and was fast asleep.

So how is everyone likeing the story so far still no sex yet but gave you some good teases. Like I said before give me some feedback guys Ill take it either way good or bad and feel free to give me some suggestions it doesnt mean ill use them but ill keep an open mind after all my imagination can only take me so far. I only got a few comments from the first chapter hopefully I get some more from this one. Once again the email address is ujinmo@yahoo.com Also I hope everyone likes the way im doing the dialog between the characters and there will be a lot more in coming chapters. Im trying to make it clear who is saying what. I hate it when im reading some stories on here and get confused cause you can't tell who is saying what. Till next time enjoy.

Next: Chapter 3

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