Karma's a Bitch

By Kyle Soderberg (Ujinmo)

Published on Sep 6, 2006


As with most stories on this website/archive if your not old enough to read this then dont. I like to base my stories on experiences in my own life by all means doesnt mean everything in my writings are fact. If all goes well and I get a good responce ill continue on with it.

CHAPTER I "Homey?"

Ahh college for most it means a chance at freedom and independence. For Kyle its a way to start over. See Kyle was not happy with his life this last spring at his graduation ceremony in front of everyone he grabbed his boyfriend Dave of 2 years and kissed him. He was out to his family and a few close friends but noone else knew about him letalone Dave. Kyle just needed to do it he couldn't just hide it anymore he hated himself for having to lie all the time. Kyle told Dave a few months earlier that he wanted to get it over with before he graduated and had to leave Chicago for Detroit. So as Kyle pulled back and looked in Dave's eyes he didn't like what he saw. Hurt, anger, tears, and worst of all shame then all went black as Dave haulled off and decked him in the face cold cocking him in one hit. As he came to a minute later his sister was kneeling there holding his head.

"Hey you ok there?" Joann said. "I can't believe he did that to you."

"I think it was a long way comming myself." Kyle turned his head to see Dave's brother Danny.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Kyle asked.

"Well Dave hasnt been to happy having to keep stringing you along. He told me he was going to break up with you tomarrow and to tell you he wont be joining you in Detroit." Danny said way to smuggly.

A week later after having his heart crushed and being the but of everyones jokes Kyle had had enough he made up his mind. When he got to Detroit things had to change. He let people walk over him his whole life, well not anymore Kyle is taking charge of his life no more hiding who he was (which was Daves idea). No more letting everyone make decisions for him. To start he went through his orentation packet to get his new roommates address. Kyle wrote to him telling him about himself. After telling him a brief background including his family and about what he is going to school for he added that he was very anti-drug but wasnt some prude we went on to explain while he stayed away from anything he didnt care what others did as long as they respected his choice. And to end it off he let him know that he was gay and if he had a problem with it they should contact the housing board and make arrangements to change rooms but he was not willing to give up the room he was assigned since he had already seen it and how lucky they were to get the room they got. He also included his cell number so they could have a real conversation.

A few days later as Kyle was leaving the restaurant where he cooks at his cell started ringing playing Walkie Talkie Man by Sterieogram (gotta love ringtones). The number showed an area code of 586 Kyle thought where the hell is 586 at. But he answered anyway gotta find out who this was.

R Hello is this Kyle?" Came a deep baratone voice.

K "Yes. Who is this?"

R "I'm Ross I'll be your new roomy at WSU."

K "Oh hi I was hoping you would call me someday didn't expect it to be so soon."

R "Well your letter was very interesting I had to call and give you a responce. Is this not a good time do you need me to call back later?"

K "No its your fine I actually just got off work."

R "Good well let me start off by telling you I have no problem with you being gay I have several friends that are and as long as you dont hit on me or anything like that we should have no issues."

K "Don't worry about that I have a few rules I follow by and one of those rules is dont mess with anyone you work or live with it only leads to trouble."

R "That sounds like a good Idea wish I would have thought of it before my last girlfriend." Ross said with a light laugh. "Would have saved me from having to deal with her bitchy ass at work after I caught her cheating on me."

K "Im sorry to hear that just got out a bad relationship myself but lets not get into that now."

R "Im going to be upfront and tell you I do smoke up on the odd occation but its like maybe once a month or so and I wont be doing it in our room I have a friends I go to to do that with."

K "Then it shouldn't be an issue then Im just glad you told me and got it out in the open." "So whats with the area code I thought Detroit is 313?"

R "Oh Im originally from just north of Detroit." "I can drive from my house to downtown detroit in like 15 to 20 min depending on traffic Im just staying with my grandma over the summer to help out."

K "Thats cool it shows you have good character to help her out like that." "But why are you going to be living in the dorms if you live so close to the campus?"

R "To be hounst I just need to get out on my own and right now I can't afford a place and I have to get away from my stepmom she makes my life miserable."

K "I can feel you pain I have a stepbitch myself." "Listen im coming over there a few weeks early so I can get settled in and find a job can we get togather and get to know eachother a bit."

R "That sounds great. You ever been here before?"

K "Just my visit to the campus last year. We drove the few hours there got a look at the place and got all my scholership stuff worked out but didnt have time to look around the city before we had to head back."

R "Good then I can show you around Ive lived here my whole life and can show you everything there is to know about the great Motorcity."

K "Im looking forward to it I'll call you when I know when im coming."

R "I'll look forward to it. Talk to ya later homey."

After Ross hung up Kyle just stared at his phone. Did he just say homey? he thought. Well this should be an interesting year.

Well if you like where this story is going drop me an email and let me know Im always happy to get some feedback weather it be good or bad. Sorry to disapoint anyone that there were no sex scenes in this chapter but I promise if I get a good enough responce there will be in further chapters. You can contact me at ujinmo@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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