Karl's new found love

By Mark

Published on May 8, 2004



This story is fiction and not intended to imply anything about the real sexuality of the celebrities mentioned.

Karl sat on his couch watching TV. He was bored flipping the channels waiting for something interesting to watch. His wife was out somewhere and he was all alone in the house. Just then a truck pulled up across the street. He looked out to see a removal truck in front of the house. He then saw a couple of guys get out and open the back of the truck. Lou was already in front of the house talking to the guys that were moving into the house. The guys looked to be somewhere in their 20 to 30s. Karl thought that he would be a good neighbour and go and help with the moving. So he went across the street to see how he could help. Lou greeted him and asked if Karl was here to help. Lou then said that these guys were going to be our new neighbours and began to introduced them. He started with this tall skinny guy named Peter, then introduced him to Jim, Rod and Ewan. Karl shook all their hands and welcomed them to the street then he helped them unload their furniture.

Jim was about to pick up a large table and Karl hurried over to him to help him. He took the other end of the table and carried it inside. Jim then directed Karl to help him move the table into his room. Once inside the room Jim told Karl that this is where he wanted the table and they both put it down. Then Jim winked at Karl and thanked him for the help. As Jim walked out of the room he brushed past Karl and hit him softly on his butt but enough for Karl to feel it. Karl got the feeling that Jim was interested in him and he was quite aroused by it. He then followed Jim out of the house to help with the other furniture. After a couple of hours later they had all finished.

To thank Karl for all his help the housemates asked if he wanted to stay for a couple of drinks. Karl said "thankyou but I should get back to my house my wife is due home pretty soon" Rod then said "oh ok maybe another time then" and went to the fridge to get a couple of beers for the rest of the guys. Karl could then see that Jim was really disappointed and wondered if it was because he had a wife or because he was going now. Anyways Karl left the house and walked across the street to his house. Karl then sat back on the couch and couldn't get Jim out of his mind. I fantisied about Jim naked and sucking his dick and sticking his hard thick dick into Jim's arse. His day dream then got broken by the front door opening and his wife entering into the house. He quickly got up from the couch and tried to hide his hard on that he had got. He then went over to Susan and kissed her pasionatly on the lips. Susan was quite taken back by this and asked "what was that for?" Karl then replied "what's wrong can't I just kiss my beautiful wife because she's back?". Susan then just said "oh ok" then went to the kitchen to put away some food that she brought. She then said "so did you have a good day". Karl just grunted "yeah but it was pretty boring". Then Karl enquired of his wife if he saw the people that moved next door. She said that she had and they look like nice people.

Karl then told his wife that he wanted to go for a walk. He left the house and outside he could hear the loud music from the house where Jim and his housemates were. He smiled and thought at least they are having fun. He walked down the street and passed Harold in his garden and waved and said "hello" Harold waved back and said "can you believe those young people with their loud music?" "I should go over there and tell them to turn it down" Karl replied "oh they are just having fun, leave them alone" then Karl walked on.

Karl then found himself at the pub and walked in. There weren't that many people in the pub at that moment and Max was serving some customers some drinks. He then saw Jim playing pool with some other guys. He was about to walk up to Jim and talk to him when Izzy out of no where walked up to him and started talking to him. He said hello and started asking Karl how he was and started flirting with him. She kept on talking and talking to him and couldn't get away from her. He really wanted to talk to Jim some more and flirt with him instead. After awhile Izzy said that she had to go but they should catch up sometime. Karl said "yeah sometime" and Izzy left the pub. Karl then walked up to Jim and said started talking to him. Jim reconized Karl from before and said "hi Karl" and winked. Then he said "hey you should play pool with us" Karl then said "oh ok I'll go and get a drink and come back" he then went to the bar and got a drink. While he was getting a drink Max asked who those guys playing pool are. Karl replied by saying oh that guy shooting pool now is Jim he and some housemates just moved in to number 34. The others I don't know but they must be his friends. Karl then got his drink paid for it and went towards the pool table. He then started talking more to Jim and they got to know each other better. Jim then said is that girl that he talked to when he entered the pub his wife? Karl just said no that she was just a friend. Jim then said that she seemed more friendly than a friend and winked at Karl again. Then Karl asked Jim what about your love life? Jim said oh that's a long story I haven't dated anyone for a long time. He said I'm just cruising and if someone came alone then maybe I might get into it again. That's when Karl said oh there are quite a few single women in the street that you could end up liking. Jim didn't say anything for a moment then said oh it's not woman that I'm really looking for and winked at Karl again. Karl stopped for a moment and Jim could see Karl's surprised expression on his face. That's when Jim out of the blue said you like guys too don't you? I saw the way you were looking at me when you were helping us move stuff. He said I know you have a wife but you must be into guys too! Karl didn't really know what to say but after awhile replied in a not very strong voice well yeah. Then they continued playing a pool.

After playing pool Jim's friends said they had to go and left Jim and Karl by the pool table. Karl suggested that they sit at a table and talk some more. Then asked Jim if he wanted another beer. Jim said that would be nice and Karl went to the bar to order another two beers and quickly came back. They talked for a long while and enjoyed each others company. Then Karl looked at his watch and said oh I probably should get going my wife will wonder where I am. Jim said he probably should get going to and they finished up the beers that they had and walked out of the pub. It was really dark outside as they walked down the path. Outside the pub. As they pasted some bushes Karl pushed Jim beside one of the bushes and they stood there alone. The bushes covered any view that anyone would be able to see them. The stood face to face for awhile looking into each others eyes. Then Karl reached forward and touched Jim's face and said you have a cute smooth face. I would like to kiss you if you don't mind. Jim looked back at him and said I don't mind. Then they locked lips together and kissed each other for awhile. Jim then put his tongue into Karl's mouth and moved it all around. Karl loved this and put his tongue into Jim's mouth and did the same. Then they both stopped and just looked into each others eyes again. Then Karl said we should catch each other again and left.

Karl soon got home and opened the front door walked inside and then closed it. Then he looked around the house and found Susan watching TV. Susan called out is that you Karl? Where have you been? Karl just said that he was at the pub with a few friends. Susan just said ok and turned off the TV and said ok let's just go to bed I'm tired. They turned off all the lights in the house and went to bed.

The next morning Karl got up and got some breakfast and was just about to have a shower when Susan got up. He said good morning to her and went to have a shower. While in the shower he again started to think about Jim and his dick grew bigger. He then thought he might have a wank thinking about having sex with Jim. After awhile he came with a huge explosion of cum all over the shower floor. It went with the water down the drain so Susan couldn't have seen what Karl had been up to in the shower. He then dried himself off and went into the bedroom and got dressed. He was glad that Susan was still having breakfast in the kitchen. Once dressed he went into the main room and picked up his suit case. Then he said goodbye to Susan and left the house. Susan called out have a nice day as Karl left the house. As he walked out of his yard he saw Jim picking up the morning paper. As he stood up he saw Karl and smiled and waved. He then walked up to Karl and asked if he could talk to him for a second. Karl smiled and said sure and asked what was up. Jim replied that he heard that Karl was a doctor and asked if he could make an appointment with him today. Karl said sure and said why don't you come by the medical centre about 1pm. Then he touched Jim on the back and patted him and winked at Jim. Jim winked back and walked back to his house.

Karl got to the medical centre and walked though the door. He then saw Lillian busy at her desk doing the paper work. Karl said wow you're here early your pretty dedicated. She then said well I have a lot of work to do today so I thought I might as well get at it. Karl smiled and walked into his room. Karl sat in his chair at his desk and sighed and tried to compose himself for the day. He knew he had a busy day but he wondered if he would ever get Jim out of his mind. Then he wondered if he wanted to. Jim was a very attractive man and someone that he wanted to know a lot better and have sex with. Although he thought to himself that he's never been with a guy or ever been attracted with guys that he thought the whole situation was weird. He though it doesn't matter there is always a first and Jim is one of a kind. Just then Lillian walked in the door and up to his desk and said these are the appointments that you have today. Karl said thanks and said he'd better get on with his work and Lillian left.

Karl had a really busy morning one patient after awhile and he thought that he wouldn't be able to get through them all. By the last patient for the morning he sat back on his chair and though wow I didn't end up thinking about Jim that much. Then he though that reminds me he's coming to see me after lunch. Then he thought that he was pretty hungry and though he should go to the coffee shop to get something to eat. Just as he left he told Lillian that he was going to lunch and asked her if she wanted something. Lillian replied that she had sandwiches and that she would eat at the centre. Karl waved and walked out the door.

When he got to the coffee shop he opened the door and saw that it was busy of customers. He saw some of Jim's housemates there and he stopped to say hello. They said hello and talked to Karl for awhile. Then Karl went up to the counter to get what he wanted to eat. Harold asked how his morning was and Karl replied that he was pretty busy and it's good that he has some rest before his patients in the afternoon. Then he walked out of the coffee shop and back to his centre. He sat at his desk and ate his lunch. Then it was soon time for him to see his patients again.

Karl walked out and saw who was next to see him and saw Jim. He then smiled at him and directed him into his office. After Jim had taken a seat Karl closed the door and went to sit in chair. They looked at each other for a while and smiled and then Karl asked what he could do for him. Jim said that he wanted a flu shot because winter was coming and he didn't want a cold. Karl then went up to him gave him the flu shot and then sat on the desk next to him. He then asked how are you really? Jim then said that he really enjoyed last night and he thought Karl was the best kisser. Karl said he really enjoyed last night too. He then said there is something that I need to talk about. He continued on by saying that had never been attracted to guys before but once he had come into the street he couldn't stop thinking about Jim. He said he was really attracted to Jim and wondered if they could plan something to do together. Jim quickly replied that he would love that. Karl then said that his wife was going to be away at some meeting tonight so said that it would be good if Jim came over. Jim smiled and seemed to get really excited about the idea. Then Karl bent over closer to Jim and started kissing him on the lips. They locked lips for awhile and put each others arms around each other. Then Karl pulled away and Jim got up and said see you later and walked out the door.

Karl was pretty pleased that the afternoon went really fast and he was really excited to see Jim again. Just as he was about to leave the phone rang. He picked up the phone and said hello. Susan then told him that she was about to go out to her meeting and said that there were some left overs in the fridge for him to eat. She then said that she loved him and said goodbye. Karl said love you also and say bye have a good night. He then walked out of his office. By this time Lillian had left so he looked up the centre and left.

Eventually he got home opened his door and put his brief case on the dining room table, undid his tie a bit and went to the fridge. He then looked at what left over he had and put it in the microwave to heat it up. Then he turned on some music and sat on the couch. He then went to the microwave and got his meal out and sat on the couch again to eat it. He sat back for awhile and thought about Jim again and got really excited and his dick began to grow. Just as he finished his meal the door bell rang. He went to the door to open it and it was Jim standing there in a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Karl greeted him and said to come in. Jim looked around the house and said it was a nice place! He said he was lucky to have a place like this. Then he followed Karl to the couch and sat beside him. They then kissed each other deeply and used their tongues again. Karl then opened Jim's zipper and pulled out his dick and played with it. Jim did the same to Karl. They then stopped kissing and Karl looked down at his grown big dick. He then looked at Jim and said do you want to suck it. Jim nodded and bent down and began sucking Karl's dick. Karl groaned with please and enjoyed every moment of it. He lay back and shut his eyes and didn't want it to stop. Then he looked down and knew that he had just cum in Jim's mouth and was pleased. Jim then sat up on the couch and said that was the best dick that he's ever sucked. Then he said to Karl that he would love his dick to be sucked. Karl had never done it before but was ready to try. So he bent down and started to suck Jim's dick. He seemed to do a really good job because from Jim's groaning he knew that he loved the feeling. Then after awhile Jim came in Karl's mouth and he loved the taste of Jim's cum! He was disappointed that it had all finished. He then sat up and put his arms around Jim and looked deep into his eyes. Then Jim rested his head on Karl's chest and they watched TV for awhile. They didn't mind what they watched they just loved each others company.

Then there was a knock on the door and Karl quickly got up and said it's too early for Susan to get back I wonder who it is. He got to the door and opened it. It was Max at the door and he said that he wondered what he was up to tonight. He said he knew Karl was going to be alone that night and wondered if he wanted company. Before Karl said anything Max walked in the door and saw Jim sitting on the couch. Max said hi to Jim and said oh you've got someone here already! Then he said you guys having a blokes night huh? And jokingly said why didn't you invite me? Karl then said yes and said do you want a beer? He didn't want Max around but didn't know how to get rid of him. Max said he didn't feel like a beer and probably should go and see how Izzy is doing with the kids and left. Karl shut the door and said don't know what he was up to sorry about that. Jim said that's cool and Karl sat on the couch again. Jim rested his head on Karls chest and continued watching TV. After awhile Jim looked at his watch and said it's probably time to go home. Karl was a bit disappointed but said yeah my wife will be home soon but I hope I can see you soon. I love spending time with you. They both kissed each other and Karl went to the door and opened it. Karl then went up to Jim and hugged him and kissed him before he left. Sometime later Susan come home asked Karl if he had a good night and said she was tired and went to bed. Soon afterwards Karl followed her.

The next morning Karl got up late and saw that Susan had gone already. He relised that he slept in and quickly got dressed and ran out of the house. He didn't have time to get breakfast so stopped by the coffee shop. He saw Jim sitting outside eating his breakfast and it made his day to see Jim. He greeted Jim and said he would be back that he was just getting something to eat. Then he quickly ran in the coffee shop got what he wanted and sat outside with Jim. They talked for awhile and Karl told Jim that he had a great time last night. He said he was in heaven when Jim sucked his dick and hoped that he could experance it again. Jim just smiled and said I'm sure you will get an opportunity. When they had both finished their breakfast Karl said come walk with me for awhile before I got to the centre. They both walked off down a path and towards a park. Once they got to a place that was deserted they both locked lips and started kissing each other deeply. They then moved their arms around exploring each others body and almost starting taking each others cloths off. Then Karl stopped and said this isn't a good idea during the day but I'm sure they will have other chances of doing this. Then they both started kissing each other and Karl said that he had to get going but they'll catch up with each other later. They then parted ways and said their goodbyes.

Karl was almost at his medical centre when Izzy caught up to him. She asked how he was and Karl said that he was late for work and needed to get going. Izzy said that she would cut to the chase then. She said she saw him and Jim kissing and wondered what the story was. Karl then said defensively that he had no idea what she was talking about and said that he had to get to work. Izzy told him to cut the crap and stop playing dumb. She said if Karl doesn't go out with her tonight then she was going to tell Susan. Karl then said there is no way that Susan would believe Izzy. She said then that we'll see and does he want to risk her finding out. He then said oh ok I'll go out with you tonight if that's the way you want it. In a really bad mood Karl opened the door the medical centre and started work.

Karl couldn't keep his mind on his work much because he kept thinking about what Izzy said and also couldn't stop thinking about Jim. He wasn't in the very best mood but tried to handle his patients in the most professional way. Then about lunch time there was a knock on the door and Jim walked into his room. He said Karl if he was doing anything tonight and said that they should catch up. That's when Karl explained what Izzy had said to him early in the day. Jim was angry and said I should have words with that medalling woman she has no right doing that. Karl tried to calm him down and said I'll do what she says and she should get over it soon. Jim reminded him that Izzy gets what she wants and this is only the start and they should stop this before anything else happens. Karl agreed but said there is nothing that we can do about it. Jim then said this will cheer you up and walked up to Karl and kissed him on the lips and started moving his hands around his body. Karl loved this and kissed him back. He was in heaven again and all his problems seem to disappear. Then as Jim left the room Karl said don't worry we'll sort this out but please don't do anything stupid that you will regret. As Jim left he said don't worry I wont.

Karl sat back at his desk and was worried what Jim might do. He thought to himself that there is nothing that he can do because of the work that he had. So he thought that nothing would happen anyways and not to worry. Then later on just as Karl was packing up to leave the medical centre Izzy walked in the door and asked if he was ready for their date. He said no and that Susan and him were going to have a quiet night together. Izzy then said well you're probably lying about that and picked up the phone and said should I call Susan now. Karl not knowing what to do said oh ok I'll go out with you but we'll just to the pub and that's it. Izzy sighed and said not very romantic but I guess that's something. So she waited for Karl to pack up the centre and went with Karl to the local pub.

They went into the pub and there were quite a few people there. Izzy found a seat and said sit down and stop being so nervous. She then looked at the menu and said the chicken looks nice what do you think you'll have? Karl said lets get this over and done with so I can get home to my wife. Izzy replied calm down and stop being stressed this can be fun if you want it to be. Lou came over and said ok what do you people want? Then said to Karl so your wife is out again and winked at Karl. Karl replied something like that. Then Izzy did the meal order and said oh yeah we would like a bottle of your finest wine too. Lou wrote everything down and left. Just then Lyn walked in to the pub. She looked at Karl and Izzy and wondered what they were up to. She walked over to their table and said hello and then said to Karl I saw Susan a few minutes ago how come your not on your way home? I hope your not cheating on her. Izzy remarked well you never know what our good doctor is up to these days. Lyn didn't like that remark and walked away. Karl said you didn't have to say that now she's going to tell Susan everything. Izzy said well at least she doesn't know about your REAL secret! They finally finished eating and Karl said ok that's it I'm going home now. Izzy said not so fast. We still have desert to go. Karl said I'm finished here it's time for me to go home. Then Karl quickly left the pub and walked home as fast as he could.

Susan was there waiting for him to come home. As soon as Karl walked in the door she said where have you been? Karl said he was at the pub and Susan replied yes and with who! Karl said with no one. Susan said yeah right I heard all about it. Why don't you just be honest with me. You were with that horrible Izzy. You know she's suduce anyone and everyone. You've probably been seeing her behind my back while I've been doing things at night. How could you do this too me! We've been married for a long time and you cheat on me now! Then she ran to her room crying. Karl didn't know what to do and just stood in the middle of the room. He then got really angry at Izzy and angry at himself about what he did. He thought it wasn't best to got into their bedroom so he slept on the couch.

He was still sleeping on the couch when Susan came out of their room. She woke Karl up and said thank goodness that you slept on the couch because I was really angry last night. Then said how could you do that too me???? Karl kept on saying that he didn't do anything all he did was have dinner with Izzy. She said yeah but you never told me about it and I cooked dinner for us both and you never bothered to come home and eat it. Also you never bothered to ring and say that you were going to be late. Karl kept on saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll never do it again! Susan then said she had to go and left Karl in the house.

Then Karl got ready for walk and ran out of the house. He went over to Jim's place to see what he was up to. He was really upset and wanted to talk to someone. He felt comfort in Jim's presents. He knocked on the door and Rod opened the door. Karl asked if Jim was around. Rod then said that Jim was out but could he leave a message. Karl said just tell him I stopped by and I'll catch up with him later. Rod winked at Karl and closed the door. Karl then knew that everyone in the house probably knew what was happening and probably all the street will probably know. As Karl was nearly at the medical centre he saw Jim walking on the other side of the road. Karl crossed the road and had a talk to Jim. He told him everything that happened and Jim tried to console him as much as possible. Then he said don't worry we'll work it out. Karl said that it was good that he didn't do anything stupid in Izzy's case. Jim then said that he knows that Karl wouldn't like that so he thought better of the idea. Karl thanked him once more and went to work.

Karl tried to work during the morning but he was too upset with how things had gone so far. So he went to the reception and told Lillian that he was leaving work early and to tell the patients to go to another centre or to make another appointment. She said ok not really knowing what to say and Karl left. Karl then found a park and walked around a bit and sat down on the ground and thought about life and where he was going. He then thought that he can't let Izzy control his life and that Jim was the sexiest man ever and that he thought he was beginning to have feelings for him. He started thinking that he had to go with his heart if he was going to be happy. He thought about Susan and thought about what a good marriage they had up to now but thought that he hadn't really been that happy in his marriage. He then started to relise that this isn't really the first time he had been attracted to other guys. He remembered for as long as he remembered that he had actually been attracted to the same sex. Then he questioned himself why he was so surprised that he was attracted by Jim. He then thought of the reasons he married Susan and that was because he wanted to be like any other guy. He didn't want to be attracted to the same sex. He wanted a normal life. He then got up from the ground and started walking around the park.

A little later he found himself walking towards the pub. As he was he found Jim again. It was amazing the amount of times he saw Jim. But he thought about the connection that he thought they had. He called out to Jim and said hi. Jim was said hi and talked to Karl. Karl said come back to my house Susan isn't home and we should get together. So Jim followed Karl home. When they got home Karl opened and shut the front really quickly. Then Karl started to kiss Jim and took his t-shirt off and was starting on his pants. While he was doing this Jim undid Karl's tie and started unbuttoning Karl's shirt. They then left all their clothes on the floor and slowly made their way to the couch. Then Jim bent over the couch with his arse in the air. Karl went over to his trousers pocket and got out a packet of condoms and put it on his big hard dick. Then walked over to Jim and got some lube and put it on his dick and also in Jim's arse. Then he inserted his dick in Jim's arse and started to pump his arse. He then put his arms around Jim's back to steady him. Jim was enjoying this greatly with moaning sounds and every so often said more. Oh yeah do me more oh yeah come into my arse. Karl kept pumping his arse as hard as he could, and couldn't wait to cum into Jim's arse. Eventually he did and it was greatest sensation that he ever felt. As Karl was taking out his dick Jim turned around facing Karl. He then kissed Karl on the lips very passionately and said thankyou. Karl replied with my pleasure and gave a big grin back. Then Jim went towards Karl's dick and started to suck him off. Karl loved it when Jim this too him and he wanted him to go on forever. Eventually though Karl came and Jim swallowed it all up. Then they kissed some more and just sat on the couch for awhile not saying anything. Just enjoying each others company. Then Karl said that Susan would be home soon and that they should get dressed.

Karl and Jim went for their clothes and were getting them on. Just then the door opened and in walked Susan. She looked at Jim half dressed and Karl just about dressed. She couldn't believe her eyes. After awhile she said what have you too been up to? Then she ran into the bedroom crying. Jim got quickly dressed and said to Karl I better go. Karl nodded and Jim was out of the door. Karl, once he was dressed walked into the bedroom to see Susan on the bed. He then said I'm sorry honey. Susan ignored him for awhile and then said how could you! First Izzy and now the new guy! Which one are you really with and why are you still married to me? Karl then said I'm sorry again. Susan screamed is that all you can say? How is sorry going to make it better? And how come I never picked up your gay? Karl quickly replied I'm not gay I just got carried away with Jim. It doesn't mean anything. Susan cried out it doesn't mean anything? I saw the condom on the floor you can't tell me that you never had sex with him! How could you!!!!!!! Karl then just stood there not knowing what to say . Susan then said get out I don't ever want to see you again. If your into guy you can do it somewhere else. Oh and one more thing I WANT A DIVORCE! Now get out! Karl thought it was best to do just that so he just went.

Karl went out for a couple of hours just walking the streets not knowing where he was going. He thought that he might work something out if he just walked around. After about 4 hours of walking around he thought he should go home and see how Susan was and to get some clothes and somethings so he could live away from home. When he got home Susan wasn't around so he packed his bags got everything he needed and headed for the door. Just as he was leaving Susan came home and saw Karl heading for the door. She said I hope you have only come for your belonging and are going to get out of her. Karl nodded and walked out of the door. She screamed out after him and DON'T COME BACK! And then slammed the door. Karl then got in his car and drove off not really knowing where he was going. He ended up at some hotel somewhere and stayed there for the night.

Karl entered his hotel room not knowing what to do net. He went to the mini bar and got a drink and sat down to have a drink in front of the TV. He then got up and found the phone and called up his friend. He told him everything that happened and that he needed to find a place to live. His friend said the he would do his best to find him a place. Then he put down the phone finished his drink and went to bed.

The next morning he got dressed and went to work. He didn't feel like going to work after everything that happened to him. Although he thought it might be best to get his mind off his personal life. The morning was really busy so he didn't have time to think about anything. Then just as he was going to stop working for lunch Jim came into his room. He was pleased to see him. Jim said hi and closed the door and smiled at Karl and sat down. He told Karl that he's very sorry for everything that has happen. He said that he is here for him and asked if there is anything that he can do. Karl just asked Jim to come and sit by him and when he did he came close to him and kissed him deeply. They locked lips for a couple of minutes and everything around them seemed to disappear. At that moment Lillian knocked on the door and was about to call out Karl's name. When she found Karl and Jim kissing she got really embarrassed and didn't know what to do. When Karl saw her come in he yelled out don't I get any privacy in here. Please come back later! Lillian said sorry and walked out of the room and closed the door. Jim then said it's ok don't mind her and continued to kiss Karl. After awhile they stopped and stared into each others eyes. They couldn't take their eyes off each other. Then Jim said he had to go but didn't really want to. Although he said that they would catch up soon. The rest of the afternoon went pretty fast and soon Karl was finished his work. Just as Karl was about to pack up and leave the phone rang. Karl said annoyed now what bad thing is going to happen to me. He picked up the phone and said hello. He then heard his friends voice on the other end of the line. His friend said he had good news he was able to find Karl a place to live. Karl said great and said that he would meet his friend there.

Karl quickly packed up his things and went to the place where his friend was. His friend was waiting for him when he got there. Karl said hi to his friend Tom and said nice place. Tom said wait till you see what's inside. Karl walked around the place for awhile and said yep nice place I want it. So Tom arranged everything for him and this was Karl's place. Later on in the night Karl had moved everything in his new place. He quickly found the phone and called Jim. He told Jim the good news that he had found a new place to live and asked him to come over. Jim said he would be there as soon as possible.

Soon the door bell rang and Jim was standing at the door. Karl motioned him in and closed the door. Then they locked lips and Karl said so what do you think of my new place. Jim looked around and said this is an amazing place! You sure find really nice places to live. Karl looked back at Jim and smiled. Then asked Jim if he wanted a beer and went to the fridge. Jim said why not and sat at on the couch. Then Karl came back and sat right next to Jim. He handed him a beer and drank a bit of his and put it on the table and Jim did the same. Then they started kissing and taking off each others clothes. Then Karl looked at Jim's nice hard dick and bent down and sucked Jim off. Every so often Karl would stop and start wanking Jim and look into his eyes and then suck Jim off some more until he came. Then Karl asked if Jim wanted to bend over the couch. Jim bent over the couch an Karl got a condom and put it on his nice hard dick and entered Jim's arse and started pumping it nice and hard. He did a few thrusts and finally came into Jim's arse. Jim loved every moment of it and like Karl's hot cum. Then Jim turned around and they both sat quietly watching TV and drinking beer with both their arms around each other. After awhile Karl asked Jim in a serious voice, would you consider living here with me? Jim looked at Karl and said I thought you would never ask. I've thought about living with you ever since I've met you. Karl smiled and said great let's do it and they made arrangements for moving in together. Karl then said it's probably time to get ready for bed. Karl then asked Jim if he wanted to stay over night. Jim just smiled and followed Karl into the bedroom. They both got on the bed together and got under the sheets and blankets. Then they got into each others arms, Karl turned off the light and they went to sleep.

The next morning Karl awoke about the same time as Jim. Karl then asked if he had a good sleep and Jim said he had the best sleep he has had for ages and winked at Karl. They then got dressed and had breakfast together. While they were having breakfast they made plans to move in. Jim said he would get his stuff today and move his stuff in. He told Karl that he didn't have that much and would be able to get his stuff in the flat without much help. Karl smiled and kissed Jim on his lips and then thank you for being there for me. Jim smiled back and said for you anything! They then lived happily ever after!


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