Karl and Scott

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Mar 21, 2021


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to AtlantisGuy@aol.com


Karl and Scott -- Best Friends Become More, Part III

I have no idea how long I was out of it, just that the thin film of cum splashed all over me had started to dry. Man, I needed a towel.

I couldn't help reflecting, as I laid there staring at the ceiling, that this was shaping into a waaaaay-outside-the norm, record-breaking day of sex for me. Back last fall, the last time my folks had let me house sit for them, I brought my then-girlfriend Liz for a romantic getaway of our own. We made the most of our time, but still only managed a very small number of rendezvous while she was here, and those were proceeded by a heaping dose of romancing and seduction.

Karl and I, on the other hand, were fucking horndogs in heat. It was like we were like puppies who had discovered a great new toy and were going to Run. It. Into. The. Ground. Had I been that starved for sex? For intimacy? Had I been bottling up all kinds of feelings I didn't even know I had?

Was one of the reasons we were so energetically throwing ourselves into sex so that we wouldn't have time to stop and think about what we were doing...?

"Je-sus," Karl exclaimed, breaking me out of my mental spiral. He was right about something he said earlier... I did have a tendency to overthink things.

I turned my head to look at him. "Having a religious moment over there, bud?"

"Nah, man, it's just... I mean, they've been telling us since forever that butt-sex is nasty. And dirty. And makes you less of a man. Jesus fucking Christ, have they ever tried it?"

I snorted out a laugh. "Who knows, they may like it a bit too much and are trying to throw us off the scent." I propped myself up on an elbow, looked at my very naked best friend Karl splayed next to me on the bed, and asked what was suddenly a very burning question for me: "So, was that... good for you? The way things started I wasn't sure."

After a moment, he sat up, rubbing his hand lazily across the stubble on his jawline thoughtfully. "It was... I don't know exactly how to describe it. It's like trying to describe fucking a pussy, if you've only ever jerked off. It's just... a different universe. When you first popped my cherry there was this... icy sharp pain like I was being ripped in half. It... didn't entirely go away, but after I started relaxing it just got rolled into this... wave of... like, warm-hot pleasure. That just kept going. It was like I was just about to cum, but it... just kept going and getting bigger. Then I really was cumming on top of it, and it was... crazy. Like cumming times 2, or cumming squared, I don't know. And then you pulled out and suddenly I felt... empty."

He playfully rubbed my upper thigh with his right hand before continuing, "You did good, stud. You did good. You sure you haven't done this before?"

I made a dismissive chortle. "Never. I guess having the hottest stud around in bed with me must have been an inspiration" I said... teasing, rather than seducing.

"Me?" he retorted, in a scandalized voice. "You're the one everyone has the hots for! I've never been able to compete!"

Karl's tone was... still somewhat teasing, as if we were in ball-busting mode. But there was something else there, too. As if he was starting to say something he really wanted to say, but was still trying to maintain a level of plausible deniability. Curious.

"Say Karl," I went on, shifting sails to take a somewhat different tack. "I mean... well, I know the plan was to sleep in and then get you back to campus sometime after breakfast. Do you want to, maybe, stay and have lunch? I mean, you don't have to get back right away?"

This was both a perfectly normal question to ask, and a perfectly normal thing to do... but somehow it felt... bigger.

"You sure know your way to a man's heart... lunch is good! And nothing's going on back on campus that can't wait!" Karl answered with a big grin.

We clamored off the bed. Not bothering with clothes this time, we headed back downstairs toward the kitchen.

And Jesus Christ my horndog best friend was feeling frisky. The man had no sense of personal space, hanging all over me, hands everywhere. At one point, I swear to God he pinched--pinched!--my bare ass, causing me to try and twist his nipple in retaliation. His high spirits were infectious. Apparently I was taking too long rooting through the refrigerator for sandwich fixings, causing him to call out "Shut the door, dill-hole--the cold will cause shrinkage, and you barely have enough man meat as it is!" He was lucky I didn't squirt mustard all over his cock.

As we loaded up on our sandwiches, we decided not to despoil my mom's furniture with our naked selves, and just went back upstairs to set up a picnic on the guest room bed. Damn, I had spent more time there in the last 24 hours than I had in the last 20-some years. The guest room had a decent TV connected to our cable, so while we ate we found another raunchy comedy to keep us entertained.

It was wild. Earlier at breakfast, there was an element of... caution to our banter. As if we were still sizing up the situation. Here, we were back to our normal, irreverent selves, making wise-cracks about the movie and shouting advice to the characters... even boasting about how we would respond if we found ourselves in the raunchy activities depicted.

But there was something else going on, too. An undercurrent. There was a sexual vibe to everything... touches, looks, comments made on the fly. But everything was anchored in an assurance we had with each other. We were... comfortable. It's like we weren't really seducing each other... because we knew we already had each other. It was rather an unspoken, low-grade round of foreplay. Finally we swept everything off the bed, and made motions to "watch the movie." But we were way, way too far beyond that point.

I don't new quite how we got going again, as everything was flowing naturally together. And it didn't really matter. At one point we found ourselves sitting facing each other, in a deep and passionate kiss. I used the remote to kill the TV, then threw the remote somewhere to be found later. It was so hot making out with Karl... the intensity from our first time hadn't abated one bit. Slowly, we widened our mouths' attentions, using our lips to awaken each other's necks, ears, and more.

At one point I had Karl laying on his back, with his outstretched arm over his head. I was laying sloppy, determined tongue-strokes around his hairy nipples--a place I knew he loved. His deep sighs confirmed his relaxed sense of bliss. His position opened up new possibilities, however, and I took advantage of something I had been thinking about since our earlier shower. Slowly, deliberately, I widened my tongue circles to sweep around his pecs, and finally into the hair of his arm pit. I nuzzled my nose there for a second, and didn't mind one bit--the earlier scent of soap was replaced by a musk that was indelibly Karl. Not BO, just raw masculine essence. He began gurgling with pleasure, and his breathing was starting to come out in gasps.

After a few minutes, sexual hunger took him over, and he rolled me over and went to work on me. It was his attention to detail that was so remarkable. He learned how to use that brush of stubble on his chin to its best effect, combining it with his tongue to awaken my skin. I loved it, and was surprisingly in love with just the closeness of him as he pleasured me... the feel of his skin on mine. I mean, his hands yes, as they ran across me... but, like the simple contact of his chest against my torso as he suckled my nipples. I loved the heat of his body, the gentle tickle of his chest hair. The reassuring feeling of him.

Horny as he was, he finally made his way to my crotch, and redoubled his efforts. Fuck, the flicks of his tongue were bringing my balls to life, churning out new cum ready to be released and shared. My cock had uncoiled to its full length and thickness, demanding attention that Karl willingly provided.

I was way too horny myself to let this go unanswered. I recalled on our first night together how incredible it was to pleasure him as he was pleasuring me, and I wrenched us into a position to better take advantage of that. I loved it when we were 69ing on our side, but I wanted something new--so with me still on my back, I wrestled him onto his knees kneeling above me, and took his cock as deep into my throat as I could.

Again, he was pretty big, and as a newbie I wasn't able to manage his full length, but God as My Witness I was going to try. We closely followed each other's motions, sucking, sucking hard and worshiping each other's cocks. It was fucking epic.

But the angle and body position also made it easy, maybe easier, to give his meaty balls the tongue bath they deserved. Arousal and exertion had woken up his natural musk, and I fucking loved breathing in his scent as I worked him. It was such a fucking masculine experience, especially when played over the running soundtrack of our animal growls.

But then I realized I had another opportunity. I shifted myself a bit further back, which meant he had slightly less access to my cock... but in response I was able to set eyes on that glorious, fucking grade-A Man Ass. God DAMN I loved his hairy ass, and that pink pucker of an asshole drove me out of my mind. I dove in ready to make it mine.

And it was every bit as hot as I remembered. In fact, better. When I ate his ass before, the fact that we were right out of the shower meant that I got a mouthful--and nose full--of soap. His ass now was by no means nasty, but had a distinct Karl, a distinct masculine scent. Maybe I was some dirty boy, but these manly, real scents were fucking blowing my mind. I unleashed a fucking tsunami of tongue action on him. Karl was howling in desire, sparking the most amazing feeling--as he growled while going down on me, it was like is mouth and throat became a vibrator set to "high," making my cock sing in appreciation.

After a few minutes, Karl decided to return the favor, sliding further down to unleash an oral assault on my own puckered hole. This was the first time I had ever, ever had anything touch it, and I immediately understood what got him so fucking hot. Jesus, how is it that every fucking straight guy in America isn't demanding their women work their endzones like this? Or, hell, find some gay guy to do it if their woman wouldn't? I don't think the sounds either of us were making were even human at that point.

A new thought, which I had been toying with, was muscling its way to the front of my mind. As I was failing my wet hole against Karl's mouth, I knew I, too, needed to get fucked. Earlier the idea had scared me... this was the ultimate point of no return. My mind could have come with some justification, however flimsy for everything we had done to this point, but getting fucked would be GAY, in all capital letters. No explanation could walk that back. Gay. Period.

Fuck it. If Karl can do it, I can do it.

But then I had another important insight. Maybe we could make this a bit easier. As I mentioned, I had had Liz here for a romantic escape; I had brought special lube for the occasion, and stashed it in my room in anticipation for other rounds in the future. I think it was "Special Warming" or "Special Cooling" or something fun she wanted to try... I didn't care, as long as it got me inside her snatch. Whatever it was, it would do.

I pulled back from him, slid away and dashed toward my bedroom. Karl, bewildered, shouted after me, "Where are you going?" I ran back, lobbed the bottle of lube at him, and got back on the bed, laying down flat on my stomach, my ass facing upwards.

"You're gonna fuck me."

I couldn't see Karl's face, but I sensed a moment of confusion, followed by a glorious realization. "Are... are you sure?"

"As sure as I'll ever be. Get going before I chicken out."

He didn't wait. I felt his hands start reworking my ass, kneading it. His hands may not have been entirely steady. I heard him open the bottle I had just tossed him, and a second later felt a cool drizzle of fluid on my hairy crack. Slowly, but firmly, he used his fingers to push into my crack, searching for my hole. One he found it, the slick fingertips started circling my pucker, pushing slightly... slightly... until finally his greased up index finger slipped through and entered me.

I hissed in satisfaction. This was fucking unreal. My butt was terra incognita for me, nothing more than a never-seen chute you emptied out every morning. His tongue fire had been a revelation, but this entry took it up a notch. Reflexively I clamped down at the intruder, but wanted it far, far deeper. The sensation felt... gooooood.

Karl whispered seductively, "Stud, you have the hottest fucking ass... but its being a little shy. I think it needs more convincing." He pulled his finger out a little, added a bit more lube and slid it in again. He tried this maneuver several more times in rapid succession. Not only did it feel great, but with each entry I relaxed a bit more. Finally, he slid in deeper... and kept going.

I gasped. "Yeah man, yeah that feels so fucking good." He ended up twisting the well-lubed finger, exploring me... and finally finding my magic spot. That felt insanely good. Exciting. Warming. Electric.

He kept up the process, adding another finger and finally loosening me up with four. At this point, I was sweating like a whore in church, writhing my body in pleasure as I let out a low undulating moan. I started pushing back with my ass, trying to get his fingers in deeper. He finally figured I was ready.

Was I fucking ever.

His cockhead slid inside me, and all the Bells of Paris went off in unison in my mind. Mercifully, my ass adjusted to Karl's cock faster than his did to mine. Maybe it was that he wasn't as thick, maybe his prep helped, but he was able to get inside of me faster, with far less pain. Don't get me wrong--it still stung at first. But I got what he said, that having a dick back there unleashed waves of.... Incredibly good feelings that ultimately overwhelmed the pain. And the thing is these waves of feelings weren't just in my ass... no, the warmth was washing over me head to toe. It was fucking everywhere inside me, all at once. I think the hairs of my arm were standing on edge.

Karl then shifted slightly to try fucking me a different way. He slid his legs outside of mine, and started slow, relentless, deep thrusts inside me. FUUUUUUUUUCK it felt good when he bottomed out inside me, I could feel the bush of his pubes against my hole, but more I could tell that as I relaxed his cockhead was going deeper inside me than I could imagine. It was physical pleasure on a different plane.

But Karl did something that took it up notch. Shifting positions again, he laid out flat on top of me, his hairy chest on my back, while he hooked his arms around mine. His stubbled jaw was now laying next to mine, the hoarseness of his pants directly in my ear. And he started pounding harder.


We were... connected. In a primitive, primal way. Skin on skin. I could feel the gentle scour of his chest hairs as he moved, before the friction lessened slightly from our sweat. The contact, the fucking intimate contact was heightening my senses, and made it all... erotic. To the incredible felling inside, I was getting hit with a sense of... euphoria. I can't explain it.

And Karl just kept working my ass in ways I never thought possible... his groans making his whole body vibrate. He shifted from just straight up pounding, to grinding his cock in me in circular hip swirls, hitting parts of me I didn't know were hot zones. He then started sloppily kissing me--my cheeks, my ears, my neck, anything he could lock his lips on. It was clumsy, but holy fuck was it effective. He at one point unhooked his arm from under my shoulder, extending it above my head to better balance himself. In doing so, his hairy pit moved right above my face, giving me the scent of his musk. That scent, with the feel of his chest hair grinding across my back, while he growled in pleasure, was flooding my mind all at once. The experience overwhelmed me, and seared that mighty fuck into my mind forever.

I was getting hotter and hotter, devolving into animalistic need. My whole body was radioactive with my need to cum, my need to release. There was nothing in the world but my hunger.

Karl went back to pistoning me harder and harder, faster and faster. His cries got louder, and then he hit the point of no return. His thrusts became more frenzied but less controlled. His cock was twitching in my hole. His hands gripping me hard enough to break bones. Finally, release. The loudest, sweatiest, cummiest release he likely ever experienced. Still groaning, he continued to keep driving his cock into my hole for some minutes, refusing to let the incredible sensations he felt go away.

I had not yet cum myself, and my hunger had raised to dangerous heights. I had never felt this need so badly. As Karl slowly relaxed and more or less melted on top of me, I rolled out from under him. I grabbed the lube bottle and smeared a desperate handful on my rock-hard cock. Karl lay on his stomach, unable... and likely unwilling to resist my assault. I grabbed and pulled his hips upward, getting him on his knees with his head and shoulders still on the bed. His hairy ass open to all the world.

And then I fucked the shit out of him.

There was no romance. There was no magic. There was me fucking him like a dog in the street. Relaxed, he gave no resistance to my dick, and in fact barely had time to scream "Fuck YEAHHHHHHHHH!" before I was pounding in earnest. I couldn't have lasted long... soon I was roaring out an orgasm like Thor thundering down a mountain ready for battle. The intensity almost scared me.

After the last shuddering cum blasts had subsided, I pulled out with a wet plop and crashed down next to him. Next to my spent best friend. We leaned together and started kissing... no, that's not the right word. Our mouths met and attacked each other with the same savagely intensity as we had been fucking each other minutes before. But in time, we ended up finding ourselves in each other... then losing ourselves in the other. Our kisses slowly cooled from white-hot passion, to tenderness.

Finally, we broke apart, looked deeply at each other... and started laughing. Open, warm laughter that rolled off us in waves and filled the room.

The laughter finally died away to low rumbling chuckles, and we looked at each other. I mean really looked at each other. Karl smiled and said, "You have the most amazing eyes."

It was the last thing I'd ever expect him to say. I was somewhat taken aback, and started laughing again. "What the fuck are you talking about? You're the guy with the killer baby blues. Everyone loves them! Who the hell gives a thought about brown eyes like mine?"

"Your eyes are... alive. Deep. Like there's an old soul behind them."

"Oh ho. So is that what first attracted you to me? My eyes?"

Karl made a half sneer. "Who says I'm attracted to you... you nasty, sweaty scumbag. Jesus. Everything I'm doing is simply out of pity."

That did it, somehow Karl's taunt revived us enough to begin a serious wrestling match right there on the bed. We were indeed still sweaty enough, and doused in cum, that we couldn't seriously hold each other, but I was somewhat able to pin him by laying my naked torso across his chest. He gave my bare ass a hard slap, causing me to yelp and roll free. We ended up making out all over again.

After we came up for air again, Karl with more seriousness asked, "So... did you like getting fucked?"

"You're fishing for complements, aren't you...?" Karl cartoonishly flickered his eyebrows up and down and grinned shamelessly.

"Truth is, I think my asshole feels about 2 sizes too big right now. But that was... the most fucking amazing thing I've ever felt. It was like a whole new world of excitement opened up. Once I got used to it, I couldn't get enough."

"Did you like getting plowed, or doing the plowing better?" Karl asked.

"That's an excellent question." I gave some serious thought to things. "Call me a horndog, but I don't think I can give an answer after only one go of it."

Karl burst out in a snort of derisive laughter. "You fucking pig, you!"

"No seriously. This is so... new. I'm totally out of my league here. But sex with you was the most intense experience of my life. Both giving and getting. I wanna...."

It's weird. In spite of where we were, in spite of all we had done, for the first time since last night's memorable kiss, I suddenly felt... well, naked. Vulnerable. I cautiously continued. "I want to keep exploring. With you. If you... you know... want to."

A crooked smile slowly broke out across his face. "You're damn straight I want to explore with you!"

This was turning into the best fucking day of my life.

Despite our ample interest in starting a whole new round of fun, however, we were feeling pretty well spent at that point... and neither our libido nor bravado could change that fact. We gathered up the remains of our lunch and headed back downstair, and generally cleaned up a bit. After a bit we ended up back in the guest room--forever after branded in my mind as The Sex Room--and decided to see what kind of movie we could find. Something agreeable popped onto the screen and we went with it. I won't lie--I dozed off after a few minutes, and I suspect Karl did the same.

Much later, we stirred and went back to that second most important thing on young guys' minds... food. The nice thing is that my mom equated love with food, and had ridiculously overstocked the fridge for me to enjoy while staying there. I mean, we could have hosted an Italian wedding reception with all the stuff she had left for us. And by God we made the most of it.

Later, much later, we started feeling frisky again. I couldn't help it... I couldn't get enough of my buddy's body, nor he enough of mine. One thing was different this go-around: I had had more time to think about what I wanted. I loved, LOVED fucking Karl, but there was something so wildly, weirdly, wonderfully strange about the sensations I felt when he fucked me, and I wanted to explore some more. I wanted him inside me again, pushing buttons and pulling levers I didn't know I had. I wanted this session to last longer, and I wanted to look him in the eye as he slid in and out of me... I wanted that connection. I wanted something sensual, and intimate.

And so I made my move.

We had started off trading some serious sucking action, when I pulled him off my dick and hauled him into a seated position, sitting on his bare ass with his legs angled in front of him. I climbed in front of him, leering. He looked at me in excited anticipation, and I kissed him passionately before pulling back and whispering, "Trust me. I have an idea."

I grabbed the bottle of lube, squeezed a dollop out and started seriously working his rock-hard dick. The sliding pressure of my hands had an immediate reaction, and Karl threw his head back and hissed, "FUUUUCK." I worked his cock over until it was well and truly coated, and then reached back and furiously worked more of the fluid into my hole.

Slicked up and ready to go, I rose up and positioned my hungry hole over his cockhead, and slowly sat down on it, letting my weight drive him deep inside my guts. We locked eyes as I slid down and did not let go. His mouth opened wordlessly in a silent cry of passion... but I couldn't have been silent if I tried. I let out a gasping moan as I felt him dickhead pop inside of me. That moment of pain was still there, but it was swept away in other sensations I could barely understand, let alone explain. I started rocking myself up and down on his dick, rotating my hips as I did so. Fucking GOD his cock felt so fucking good. We rocked against each other again and again, and again and again, savoring everything. Slowly we fell into a luxurious rhythm: slow and sensual, deep and inevitable. There was this new universe of sensations hitting me all at once. It was like all my nerve endings were firing at once.

The best way for me to describe what was going on inside my body and mind is to think about what it's like playing in the waves when you're at the beach. There's a fundamental rhythm as the waves hit your body, but the sensations don't stop there. There's the feeling of the seafoam as it fizzes across your skin, the taste of the salt, and the gentle scouring of the churning sand in the water. There's the deep feeling of the undertow as it sucks your body, and the dizzying head rush as you clear a wave. All these wonderful, varied feelings happen at once, adding up to a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

Now, take those feelings and multiply them by 1,000. That was me getting fucked by Karl.

FUCK if this wasn't the greatest fucking ride of my life! It was like I had fucking become sex. My earlier feelings of euphoria dialed up to 11... at that moment Karl could have literally asked me for anything and I would have given it without question.

Karl, for his part, had leaned into me as was violently kissing my chest, my neck, anything he could get his mouth around. His hands, carrying his passion as much as any other part of him, where rubbing frantically across my skin, desperate for the feel of my flesh under his fingers. All these sensations added to the unstoppable, desperate feeling of his dick as it massaged my innards. I needed him. I fucking NEEDED him. I wrenched up his head, leaned in and kissed him as savagely as I could, trying to convey my hunger for him, my need. Precum ran down my dick as my balls boiled in anticipation.

I had no idea how long we fucked... the fuck had become everything.

Finally a new sensation built up, building and building beyond anything I had experienced yet. The dam suddenly burst, and I came like a lighting bolt. I threw my head back and let my balls explode. In doing so, I drove Karl to come inside me, too, flooding me with his spunk. If anything, he was louder than I was.

It was the most intimate moment of my life. I had given, completely given myself to my best friend, and gotten in return the greatest sex of I had ever experienced. My whole idea of sex had just been entirely rewritten.

Was this the start of something... something amazing?

We kept slowly fucking long after we had both shot our loads, and I was still savoring the feeling of his softening cock inside me. We ultimately dissolved into a deeply felt kiss. We broke apart, and Karl reached over and brushed a swirl of tousled hair back from my face. Silence fell between us, but the silence was warm and somehow swirled with life... and possibilities.

"You have the most amazing eyes," he repeated, softly.

Next: Chapter 4

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