Karl and Scott

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Mar 16, 2021


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to AtlantisGuy@aol.com


Karl and Scott -- Best Friends Become More, Part II

In truth, I don't remember much about my dream, other than it was a good one. I think I was at an amusement park or fair or something, riding a rollercoaster and having a good time.

And then I started feeling good. I mean good. It was this great emotional high as if everything was going my way and the entire sky was vibrating in energy. But it wasn't just euphoria, I was feeling it physically too... like, the most amazing sensations of my life were throbbing through my body. All that feeling overwhelmed the dream itself, and with a shock I opened my eyes and realized I was awake.

There was a second of disorientation--where was I? I mean, the place seemed familiar but I wasn't in my dorm, any of the couches I regularly crashed on, or....

And that incredible feeling that tore me from my dream washed over me all over again. Pure instinct, I could do nothing but release a deep-throated, rumbling purr.

After a few moments, I raised my head and suddenly everything was clear. I was lying in my folks' guest room bed, and Karl, my best friend in the whole world, was kneeling between my naked legs, with my granite-hard dick halfway down his throat.

"Karl, ... FUUUUUUUCK" Whatever thought I had was driven from my mind as my buddy's mouth drove down my cock.

Karl released my dick, looked up and said with a smirk, "Aha, Sleeping Beauty awakes."

Now, like many young guys, Karl's and my friendship had always been based on a fair amount of wise-ass banter and snarky come-backs. Right there, right then, I had nothing to throw back. Nothing but desperation: "Oh God buddy, don't stop. Don't... stop..."

His mouth returned, wrapping around my dickhead, bobbing fast and hard. I arched my back and let out a growl as raw electricity ripped across my body. But he was just getting started. After a second he drove down, twisting his fingers down my shaft as he went. The jumbled words I cried out were likely blasphemous in five or six major religions.

At that point, Karl pulled back, looked me in the eye and said in a husky voice, "Scott, my friend... you have a mighty thick dick."

And like that, he shifted to a completely different assault. He turned his head so that rather than me essentially fucking his mouth like a well-lubed hole, his mouth was sliding sideways up and down my shaft. Fuck that was good. He next raised his head and started tickling my piss-slit with rapid-fire flicks of his tongue, driving me absolutely crazy. When I thought I was going to scream, he went back to diving down on my cock as far as he could. I roared in encouragement.

Karl then moved into a rhythm of using his mouth in every which way he could, shifting tactics like lighting, never letting me gain my bearings. All the while, he used his fingers up and down my shaft to get at places his mouth couldn't go. God I was in heaven. My best bud, in the course of an evening, had given me the best fucking blowjobs of my life... and this one was better than anything, far better than the blowjobs of every woman I had ever been with. Collectively.

I realized that as all this had been going on, I had spread my arms wide, and was clutching the sheets harder than a Jaws of Life prying open a wrecked car. I was just trying to hang on. I deliberately released my right hand, and slowly brought it down to Karl's head. The gesture was an instinctive one--I often held the heads of gals sucking me and tried to guide them as to what I wanted. But this was... different. Instead of gripping him, I found myself... holding him. Massaging him. Running my fingers through his tousled hair. In some corner of my mind, the intimacy of my own gesture startled me. Curiously, Karl responded in kind. One hand continued to work my dick, but the other slowly started caressing my abdomen, running through my treasure trail, and slowly working its way up to tease my hairy nipples. I moved my other hand on top of his and started rubbing our fingers together, essentially holding hands as he worked my chest.

With a slurping plop, he pulled his mouth off my cock, causing me to gasp lightly. Before I could whine out a complaint, Karl said "Let me try something here." In a bit of awkward grace, Karl hoisted himself over my legs, onto his hands and knees beside me. At this point, he shifted direction so that he was kneeling with his head toward my feet, with his knees at my right side. From there, he leaned forward and took me back into his mouth. The new position allowed him to drive down much further, causing me to yelp appreciatively as he went.

"Better?" he asked?

I don't know what kind of incoherent sound I made in response, but it was most definitely better. Karl was now able to get more of me down his throat, but I quickly realized another way it was most definitely better: from this new position, I got an incredible view of the hottest ass I had ever seen.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure I'd seen Karl's butt before; best friends usually see each other in various kinds of undress all the time. But Karl and I had never been roommates, and in fact lived on opposite sides of campus. If we showered after some activity, we usually just did it in our respective dorms. Plus, at that time and place, it was a risky move to check out a guy's ass--for all intents and purposes, you were on safer ground checking out his girlfriend's ass than his. And of course, in our frenzied sex last night, I was too focused on his cock to ever see his backside. I'm sure as fuck that if I had realized how hot it was I would have remembered.

But I got an eyeful now... and if anything, checking it out made my dick get even harder. I mean, holy fuck the guy could have gotten work in Hollywood as a butt double. The ass cheeks were perfectly round, pure muscle. They were lightly hairy, but the hair became denser into his asscrack, dancing around his hole.

Without a second thought, I knew I had to explore it. I slowly, gently moved my hand and began massaging his butt. I needed more. So much more. But there was no time... everything was too much, and Karl's assault on my cock had brought me to the breaking point. I couldn't hold back and began to thrash violently. "I'M FUCKING GONNA CUM! I'M FUCKING.....UUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHH!"

Rope after rope of cum exploded out of my cock as I came so hard I think I lifted a half foot off the bed. Karl gobbled up as much of it as he could--impressive, given the circumstances--and let anything he couldn't swallow dribble from his mouth and down his chest. My body stopped convulsing, but he didn't immediately let my spent cock drop from his mouth. Instead, he gently milked me for a few minutes. I luxuriated in the sensation as long as I could, but soon became way too sensitive and gently urged his head back. He rested back on his haunches, and languidly stroked my chest as my breathing settled.

"You ok, Scott?"

I chuckled as a responded. "I don't think I've ever been this ok in my life!" We looked intently at each other for a second, then my eyes narrowed and I said with a smirk, "And buddy, it is time to even the score!"

Karl let out a rumble of extreme anticipation as I roused myself, gripped him and manhandled him into a position flat on his back, spread-eagle style.

And then, I took my buddy in, in all his physical glory. As I said, we didn't see much of each other naked, and the chances I did were usually minor and fleeting... and on the sly. Last night it was too dark, and we were way to horny for anything but direct action and immediate release. But now in morning light, I was able to fully appreciate just how fucking hot he was. We were both in the category of All-American Guys. He was active, and had been since before college. I wouldn't call it a gym body--it wasn't that intentionally developed. No, he had a great build just from living an active life. Like me, he had respectable amount of hair on him--not a Yeti, but not smooth. Enough fur on his chest so you knew he was all guy. From the way he was laying, I could also see the hairs of his armpits. The fur also dusted his lower abdomen, darkening into a treasure trail and an impressive man-bush surrounding his cock.

And what a cock it was. Fully hard, he was easily 8 inches, easily beating mine at closer to 7. But his had less girth than mine--Karl was right that I was pretty thick.

I wanted to explore my buddy's incredible, and incredibly masculine body. I started in on his nipples, sucking them like I was a baby starved for milk. He groaned in appreciation, and slowly moved his right hand to his cock. I blocked him from stroking himself, and he grunted in frustration... but dammit, he and his cock were mine. I next did wide sweeping arcs across his chest, running from hairy nipple to hairy nipple, before sliding down in an obscenely wet slurp right down the middle of his chest, stopping only to work his navel. I was again amazed at how different this was than with a woman--his muscles made for a firmer chest with more rises and falls... more texture. And speaking of that, I was falling in love with the texture of his chest hair as my tongue rolled over it. Fuck, this guy was the textbook definition of A Man.

Also curious, from watching Karl's reaction, I could tell he was digging the stubble on my jaw as moved across his skin. I kept circling his body, playing off my wet tongue and my sharper stubble to set his skin on fire. While doing so, my fingers continued down, lightly teasing him as I drew circles around his crotch, ever closer. I just lightly brushed his hairy balls... and that's where Karl's patience snapped.

"Fucking SUCK me, Scott! C'mon, fucking SUCK me!"

I obliged.

The funny thing is I never thought I'd be so fucking aroused by sucking someone else's dick. Having just shot a huge load myself, the edge of my primal, animal hunger had subsided somewhat, and I was able to study it... really drinking it in. His dick was both harder, and somewhat softer than I thought it would be. I loved taking it deep into my mouth, and feeling his hardness as I rubbed my tongue around it. I pulled out and licked all the way down the shaft, ending with my nose buried in his bush. The scent there, stronger than last night, flipped switches in my libido that I didn't know I had. It was the smell of raw man, of raw sex, completely unfiltered.

Since I was there, I went to work on his balls, while slowly stoking his spit-slick shaft with my hand to keep him honest. The balls were a mouthful of a meal, and I rolled each one in turn around my mouth with my tongue. I could tell Karl was enjoying it... you could tell by his unending groans that the man was in heat.

Remembering our conversation from last night, I raised his balls gently, and then started flicking that magic spot behind them, prompting a few appreciative "FUCK YEAHS" from my bud. Again, his scent was at its thickest, and the whole experience was driving me as a crazy as it was him. Mostly by accident, as I was working my mouth behind his balls, my tongue shot out and ended up doing a bit of a long dive even further, slurring its way toward his asshole.

The response was instant, and remarkable. "Oh FUCK!!" he barked, louder than I ever heard him. More amazingly, his entire body literally convulsed, as if he had just shot the biggest load of his life. Interesting. I went back to playing with his balls in my mouth, but tried again, shooting a long tongue-shot down his taint toward his ass. If anything, the previous effect was bigger. He about jumped off the bed, howling in raw need.

I wanted to explore more, but fuck it... he and I were both in serious need for a big finale. I pulled back and went to town on his cock, pulling out every trick I could think of. He was way, way too far gone to hold back. "OH God, I'm gonna... Oh God, Oh God...OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I could barely hold back the tide of cum that hit me. It flooded my throat, forcing me to pull back. The next shot gushed all over my face, and sprayed all over our chests, even reaching his face.

Still catching our breath, we both fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The moment lengthened, and lengthened some more. Silence except for our mutual panting. I didn't have anything to really say... or maybe more accurately, realized there was just too much to say and I had no idea where to start. Finally, Karl swung his hand over in my direction, lightly patting my chest. "Still alive over there?"

"Yeah," I responded, "and feeling good." Another pause lengthened, and finally I filled the gap the only way I knew how. "I gotta go to the bathroom. Since I'm getting up, I'm heading downstairs to make some bacon and eggs. You in?"

"Yeah, man. Just give me a sec to catch my breath."

I got up and looked around at our clothes, wildly thrown around and intermingled. Having no interest in getting fully dressed, I just grabbed a robe from my bedroom next door. Better for frying bacon anyway.

Just about the time breakfast was all done, the smell of frying bacon seemed to draw out Karl. He wandered into the kitchen still slightly disheveled, wearing nothing but his underwear. We loaded up our plates, and like the crass barbarians we are, we wolfed down everything in seconds while mumbling out some forgettable breakfast banter.

When we were done, we both leaned back, and I figured I'd rip the band-aid off. "So. Are we... are we... good?"

Karl cocked his head slightly, and said "Well, we're sitting here with each other's dried cum caked in our chest hair. I'd say we're pretty tight."

"That's not what I mean, ass wipe!" I admonished as I threw piece of uneaten toast at him. "I mean, is this gonna be weird? Last night before passing out I had a moment of fear that this was going to be like one of those hook ups where you regret everything as soon as you shoot, and start counting the minutes until you can make your escape. And I mean... I've never done anything like this with a guy. What does any of this mean? Did we just royally fuck things up?"

"You always overthink things," he pointed out levelly.

I glowered. "You never think things through."

After a second, Karl sighed, backing down. "Fair. To your point... no, I've never done anything like this. I've never seen myself doing anything like this. So, its all new to me too. I have no idea what it `means.'"

"Should we talk about it?" I ventured.

Karl was surprisingly pensive... not his usual MO. "I don't know what there is to say, really. I liked what we did. A lot. Like... a fucking shit ton. But yeah, it's all a bit surreal. But... I'm not upset. Really."

"I liked it too. I mean, yeah, I really liked it. But I...." I paused here, not sure what I was asking. Not even sure what I was thinking. "And I wanna say that I didn't invite you here as part of some sex trap or seduction or anything. I was just...." I trailed off again, even less sure what I was thinking. "Look, we are just finally working things out between us. I don't want to ruin things with by making a big mistake."

Karl gave a small smile and nodded. "All I'm gonna say is that... I've made my share of... sexual mistakes." He gave a nearly imperceptible wince as he said this. I graciously looked down. "But this didn't feel like one of them. I woke up this morning thinking that same thing: like, what just happened? But then I saw you lying there sleeping with your massive morning wood, and all I knew is I had just shared the best blowjob of my life with my best friend in the world--a guy who had every right to kick my ass for all I've done, but for some reason didn't. It felt... deep. It felt right. And all I wanted was... more."

A fair amount of tension went out of my shoulders. I may have blushed, then a leering grin spread across my face. "Not gonna lie.... Everything said and done, I was kinda... hoping you'd say that. At least my dick was! Thinking about what we did, thinking about... well, you... and well, I'm popping out of my robe here!"

"I'm tenting pretty good myself just checking you out. But here's the thing. We're both a bit crusty, and I have to believe I'm pretty damn ripe. We should shower up first."

My voice was starting to get thicker as excitement, and testosterone, starting flooding my body. "Better idea, stud. No sense wasting water. You want to shower together?"

Karl stood up, tenting indeed. "Do I ever."

I don't know how we didn't break our necks running upstairs, with us both simultaneously feeling each other's bodies, trying to strip down... and so horny I don't know how we saw straight. I think I remember getting the warm water going, and pulling Karl into the bathtub shower with me.

It was somewhat odd... once we were in under that warm water, some of the frenzy of the situation evaporated. We were standing there, face-to-face and only inches apart, with our eyes locked. Despite the steam and rushing water all around us, everything felt very, very still.

Slowly, deliberately, our mouths moved together and we began to kiss. And then, to fucking kiss. Part of my mind noted that unlike our previous, desperate kisses, this one was... sensual. Given and received and shared, for the simple joy of the pleasure it gave us. His hand, which had been resting on my chest, reached up and caressed my cheek. He was gently rubbing my jaw with his palm while his fingers slid behind my ear to gently run though hair. It was so... intimate, so shockingly intimate... especially in that 24 hours ago any touch between us would have been more along the lines of a casual cuff to the head or a good-natured punch in the arm. And I'm not ashamed to admit that as he was doing this, I had freaking butterflies in my stomach.

The kiss broke, and he moved in for a hug... much like the magical one that started last night, although now we were naked skin to naked skin, and our rock-hard cocks were comfortably nesting in each other's bushes. His mouth was right next to my ear and he said something--it was a quiet, low voice almost impossible to hear over the shower. I didn't catch the words, just that it was deeply personal.

He pulled back somewhat, and gave me a syrupy look that, had I or any of our other male friends seen him give a girl, would have sparked endless taunting. But seeing him give it to me? Right there and right then? I fucking believed it, and absolutely melted.

He reached around for the soap, and moved toward our stated business of cleaning each other up. It was like being with another Karl, one I had never met before. Showing a side of himself that he only showed to the women he was intimate with. His hands were strong, yet gentle as he lathered up and began massaging the suds across my skin. There was an intensity of his gaze, as he flicked from watching what he was doing, to looking back up into my eyes. The warmth, the sensual feel of his hands, all combined to put me into a something of a trance. At one point he raised up my arm to soap up my hairy arm pit. I expected it to tickle, but no... it just elicited a hugely satisfied groan. As the water washed away the soap, he leaned in gently and swirled his tongue there instead. This was sex on a higher level than could have thought.

More was to come. I felt his strong hands run down my back, and to my ass. He turned me around, and it was raw pleasure to feel his soap-slick fingers insistently work their way down between my asscheeks. Like him, my butt is dusted with hair, which becomes darker and denser in my crack before nestling around my hole. I can't explain the tingling I was getting from his fingers. My girlfriend Liz thought that a hairy male butt was the very definition of ugly and disgusting; she avoided it as much as possible. Having Karl luxuriate in it was something of a revelation... as were the feelings he was eliciting with his fingers. It was like a whole new horizon of possibilities was opening up to me.

And as he ran his sensual fingers around my ass, I was now thinking of his... and growing more and more desperate to renew my acquaintance with it.

Finally, Karl turned me back around and started working on my cock. Gently, sensually, swirling his fingers through my curly pubes poling through the suds, allowing me to feel the slickness of the soap as he gently jacked me. I felt a growing need, a growing hunger for him to get on to business... why wasn't he just taking me in his mouth? Why wasn't he just....

At that point, Karl stood up and with a look of pure lust planted a huge kiss on my panting mouth. His fingers continued their gentle jerking of my cock. I was in heaven. Still slightly teasing my cock with his hand, he pulled back again, looked me in the eye and said in a low growl, "Hey Scott? I don't suppose you'd like to clean me off too...?"

As much as I wanted animal release, I followed his lead, in lathering his body with my hands, and exploring every inch of his All-American frame. I had never actually done shower sex with anyone before--our dorms didn't really lend themselves to that--but I surprised myself with my own inventiveness. I was everywhere, using both hands, my tongue, my lips, and my stubble-laden jaw to get to know the real Karl. Most of all, I tried my level best to hit multiple areas at once, shifting points of contact so he never knew where I was going next. I lavished attention on his hairy nipples particularly, loving the rise I was getting out of him. I followed his lead and gave his underarms a massive tongue bath... staying there longer, and thoroughly enjoying my time there. It was so fucking intimate, and I knew I wanted to explore there outside our shower. If there was any chance I could have managed it without breaking both our necks, I would've suckled his toes... but that would have to wait.

His ass was a particular source of fascination for me... I found myself only a breath away from his hairy crack, running my fingers there while he moaned out an aria of desire. I couldn't keep my hands off of it, gently kneading his muscled cheeks, fevered by the chance to explore this part of him.

I very pointedly left his rock-hard dick until last, and even when I finally turned my attention there, it was only a cursory soapy rub.

I had other plans.

Mimicking his approach from before, I finally stood up and gave him the most sensual kiss I knew how to give, all the while slowly jacking his cock. I broke off, and then moved to his ear... which I gave a completely obscene once-over with my tongue. Then I tempted him, "I wanna take this to the bed, so I can really get to work on your cock."

I didn't expect him to say "no," but the speed of which he moved to wrap up our shower and move to the bedroom surprised me. I daresay he was even hornier than I was... and that's saying a lot.

I had high hopes for what was to come, but even I was surprised by the intensity of what happened next.

We crash landed on the bed, boiling over with testosterone and in desperate need for release. I had held myself back for far too long, and as soon as I had thrown him on the bed, limbs splayed, I drove down hard on his dick. He was hard enough to cut through titanium, and that was just what I was looking for.

I was a quick study, and after all our talk and subsequent experiences blowing each other, I was ready to apply my best blowjob ideas onto a grateful subject. But I didn't just want to provide overwhelmingly good sex, but to provide Karl with overwhelmingly good sex. To connect with my best friend in a primal, all-consuming way. To share this glorious experience together. I don't know if it was love I was feeling, but God Damn I wanted to fucking connect with my buddy.

And the blowjob I unleashed on him was a testament to that desire. As I settled in between his hairy, naked legs, I unleashed the Kraken. One thing I realized completely drove him crazy was to give heavy, massive slurps of my tongue starting at the base of his cockhead and obscenely slathering my way up to his piss slit. That spot drove him crazy, as evidenced by the stream of obscenities he screamed out. I loved taking his cockhead in my mouth, and rapidly rolling my tongue around the head. The stream of vulgarities he shouted out greatly expanded my vocabulary.

I worked his shaft for several minutes, then settled into his hairy balls. Fuck this was good. Whatever rise I was getting out of him was amplified 10-fold for me. His balls, I could endlessly roll in my mouth, especially as I roughly dragged my hands up and down his flanks, setting his skin afire with my touch.

Finally, I had enough, and wanted to put into place the idea that had burning in my mind all morning. Without any warning, I hoisted his hips upward, showing me his unbearably sexy, hairy ass. Before he could react, I dove in... locking my mouth around his asshole, and driving my tongue as far into his ass as I could. I started to make a meal of his incredibly hot male butt.

As soon as I did so, he let out a cry that almost scared me in its intensity. It was immediately followed with a clearly audible shout, "What the FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"

Concerned, I pulled my face away from his hole, and asked, "Is this ok...?"

There was no verbal answer... instead, he grabbed my head with both his hands, and drove my face back into his crack hard, mashing my mouth against his hole.

I took the hint.

One thing to consider... I had a big reputation around campus for being an unparalleled expert in eating a woman's pussy. My exes met and talked appreciatively about my skills, noting that no other college-age guys rose to my level.

Well, I applied those same lessons to Karl's incomparable ass. I can't convey how much I got into it. I started with sucking the fuck out of his hole with my mouth, then running my tongue wildly around his pucker, driving my tongue as far as I could inside him. I would pull back and lap around the edges, and then go for a long nasty lick that started at the top of his cleft and worked to his hole. Whipping my face side to side, sliding my lips against his hole. My tongue wildly lapped around him in slurping, obscene circles, and then I locked lips with his hole and sucked him into my mouth as hard as I could. I had never done anything like this, never with an asshole... but I. Could. Not. Get. Enough. of him. His hairy ass trench unleashed a hormonal fury in me beyond anything I could think of.

Karl, for his part, had similarly never experienced anything like my assault, feeling an awakening of a hunger he didn't know he had. He didn't know what to scream out, or what to do... but by God he was experiencing pleasure on a colossal scale. His shouts had dissolved into semi-coherent wails as I kept working him, and working him. He was spiraling into a level of ecstasy he didn't know existed.

Finally, I knew he hit his breaking point. His inchoate moans focused on one clear, easily understood phrase: "Fuck me. FUCK me, Scott! FUCK ME!!!"

I raised my head from his ass and looked him dead in the eye. This was something I never, not even in my most vulgar fantasies, ever expected to hear. "Karl... are you sure?"


I was far, far too gone on my own testosterone-laden path to refuse. But at the same time, I had no real-world experience about what to do. I just had raw hormonal demand that I needed his ass, I needed to drive my cock there, and I needed to explode in cum with my cock inside him.

In a desperate bid to smooth things along, I violently hacked up enough lubricating liquid from my throat that I could manage, spitting it into my hand, then swirling around my throbbing cock. As I did so, I also started probing his twitching asshole with another spit-slicked finger, hoping to somehow get him to relax. As he growled encouragement, I slid into position, resting my knees right at his hips with his butt hoisted into the air. Our eyes locked and he gave a slight nod. I got my cock into position... and pushed.

At first nothing happened, and we both grunted in frustration. I scooched closer, tried again. I held my cock with my hand to keep it from flying out of position, and with my body weight bearing down and hand pushing, gave it another go.

And holy fuck. The pressure released, and my cockhead drove through his hairy, puckered hole. It was the most intense pleasure I had felt.

Karl, however, had a different perspective, at least at first. "Whooaaaaa! Hold on! Wait a second!"

"You ok?"

"Jesus, you're so fucking big. It hurts like a motherfucker! Don't move!"

"It's ok bud, it's ok. I don't want to hurt you. I can hold on. See? I'm not moving at all. It's cool, man." Fuck, from my perspective it was far better than cool... there was an intense heat inside him, and incredible pressure. It was tighter than any pussy could ever be, and it was taking all, all my concentration not to dive in. "I just want to stay here for a second. Just let you get used to it. Is that cool? It feels fantastic."

"You don't have a telephone pole up your ass, fucker."

"No, just relax. Relax. I won't move. And it will feel better." I hoped to God it would. To try and help him relax, I turned by spit-slick hands to his dick, that had deflated considerably. Gently, persistently, I massaged it just how he liked it, in a desperate attempt to get him to open up.

True to my word, I didn't move a muscle. And after a few minutes, I could tell by his body language the worst had passed. "Better, bud?"

"Yeah," Karl hissed, still through tight lips. Sweat had beaded his forehead, and his face and neck flushed hard. "It's getting better."

"Keep breathing. Keep breathing."

He fell back into a more regular breathing, and his body visibly relaxed. "Yeah, its definitely better. Try moving it."

Fuck yeah, I exulted inside my mind. Gently--very gently--I started rocking ever so slightly, little waves of motion. He continued to encourage me and I pushed forward slightly, sliding another inch of my hungry cock inside him. Again I held it steady while he got used to it, and kept up the process, jerking him as I went. I could tell that it was getting a lot more enjoyable. "How's that bud? You're taking my cock...."

"Yeah, man. It's... good. It's... different. I don't know how to.... WHOA! What did you just do? Do that again!"

In my mind I realized I had just hit his prostate, and decided to have some fun. I fucked him slowly, gently, my mini thrusts hitting that same spot again and again. Oh yeah... he was into that. His demeanor changed, and his cock rapidly went from a semi to rock hard. I think he actually started cooing. "Yeah... yeah... right there... right there... yeah...."

I took it as a good sign, and decided to drive more of my cock in, more forcefully. He responded, but not in pain. "Jesus, dude aren't you fully in yet?"

"A couple inches to go, man."

"Oh, fuuuuuuck. Just give it to me. Give me everything. Give me your whole dick."

No need to ask me twice. I drove in as far as I could, filling his entire hole and we both bellowed in pleasure. My pubes were completely tangled in the hair around his hole, my balls nestled in his crack. His eyes locked onto mine and we both continued a slow rumbling growl. There were no words anymore. Just need.

I pulled back, and drove into him again, and he jerked his head back as he moaned. I pulled back again and started long-dicking him--forceful, intent strokes going all in and all out, which got his whole body undulating as he matched my thrusts. "Fuck me, Scott. FUCK ME."

The incredible pressure on my cock was completely overwhelming, as was the sight of my best buddy's torso rolling on the bed, back arched and hands tangling and sheets as he gripped and released them in time with my strokes. He started bearing down even harder on my cock as I pulled out, which drove me absolutely wild. I suspected fucking a guy would be hard and passionate, but I had no idea it would be so sensual.

But need kept building. The sensations on my cock were driving me wild, and my balls were roiling in desperate need for release. I picked up the pace, grabbed his hips and started drilling him faster, faster, and faster, while our groans rose up to animal howls. To my shock, after a few more minutes of pile driving, Karl's cock started to jerk wildly, and without either of us touching it, it suddenly exploded cum all over both of us. Karl's whole torso rose off the bed as his eyes rolled back and he screamed his pleasure to the mountain tops.

In doing so, his well-fucked ass clamped down on my cock like a steel vice. The pressure drove absolute fire in me, and in response I erupted into a screaming orgasm of my own that felt like a nuclear missile had just gone off in my skull.

I was spent, sexually, physically and mentally. I barely remember the next few minutes, other than I somehow landed on my side right next to him, with our lips nearly touching as we panted desperately for breath.

I think I gently kissed him, before surrendering to the fog of a sweet, heedless stupor.

Next: Chapter 3

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