Karl and me, locker

By Me

Published on Nov 1, 2004



WARNING: m/m oral

This story is made up, and isn't copyrighted, so whatever you want to do with it is fine.

--------------------------------Karl and me------------------------------

My name isn't important, but let me tell you about myself. I have barely any muscle whatsoever, and am so skinny that it would appear as though I could be broken in half with a single punch. And, it may turn out that way if I ever have the unlucky situation where I am punched.

My first class in high school is gym, and it just so happens that my bus was late. Because of this, I was nearly alone when I went to change into my gym uniform. I say nearly, because it turns out that Karl, who rides the same bus as I do, went to change at the same time.

He is the football player type, and so he weighs a lot, and is very strong and fleshy. As he changed, letting his shorts fall to the ground, I couldn't help but notice how nicely his butt filled his breifs. I also noticed how his nine inch, fairly thick peice of meat was barely contained by the worn, translucent breifs.

He on the other hand, must have noticed me noticing his stuff, because he glared at me and said "Does my cock turn you on, faggot?". I didn't answer him, because he slammed me down against the bench and straddled me against it, his huge, warm monster dick pressing against me.

There wasn't much I could do. So, what I ended up doing is slamming my open palm against his nose, with a super-quick jab. His head wrenched around, and a small streak of blood flew through the air. He had some on his face as well. This didn't knock him out, but it certainly surprised him, which was the desried effect, because for the split-second after I hit him, he was semi-dazed, and so it was easy to push him onto the floor.

His head hit the tile floor with a thud, and I was free of his weight. In one swift movement, I flipped up onto my feet. I might be a twink, but at least I am smart, and a good fighter. Karl on the other hand, was not, despite his body mass. This was made clear, when he stood up clumsily, and charged at me. For a second time, I slammed my open hand against his nose, but this time it made a juicy cracking sound, and he landed on his back.

I yelled at him, "Why are the dorks always submissive to the dumb, hulking jocks in gay erotic stories?!"

He gazed up at me from the floor, and asked "what the hell are you talking about?"

I didn't want to insult his intelligence, thus enraging him further, so I simply stated "I don't know. I just felt like asking."

"Oh." he replied, in a meek way.

I pounced on him, and I made sure to pin his arms down to the floor as well as his body. With my free hands, I forcefully opened his mouth, and slid my ten incher into his throat.

"Wait" he said. "how can you put your dick in my mouth without taking your pants off first?"

"I don't know" I said. "but you shouldn't be complaining, because at least you can still talk, despite having my meat in your mouth"

"fair enough" he responded.

After that breif exchange of words, I started going faster and faster, and then I groaned, and tilted my head backwards.

"Oh yeah... You do this like a pro" I said, mockingly.

Within seconds, I could feel my cum... well... coming, and when I did, it lasted about 25 spurts, so it filled his mouth and ran all over his face, and there was a huge puddle of it all over the floor.

When he finally got up, he didn't try to hurt me, or anything like that, probably from shock from what he had just experienced. I never saw him again.

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