Karens Family Play

Published on Sep 28, 2022


Karen's Family Play - 04 Why trust Karl

Author's note: This is a work of total fiction, a sexual fantasy. The acts, thoughts, and relationships in this document never happened, the people are figments of the author's imagination, and the author does not suggest that anyone has, does, or ever should do any of these actions. Your constructive comments and reviews are always appreciated.

Karen's Family Play - 04 Why trust Karl

Karen looked at her son and his roommate, standing there holding each other's cocks. She had amazement on her face, and then she turned her glance to her husband Brad. He too looked surprised, but also had a deep look of concern on his face.

Brad looked directly at John, glanced at his wife and children and then spoke. "Karl, would you please excuse me and Karen and John for a few minutes, we need to have a private conversation."

Karen stood and left the dining room with her husband and older son, they entered the kitchen and closed the sliding door to the dining room. John still had his dick sticking straight out from his pants, which he was holding up with one hand.

"John", his dad said in a very serious voice, "you know, you have known for years, how much we love you and your siblings. But you also know that what we do at home, our way of loving in the family is not accepted practice in our society. We have been very careful to never share our secrets with anyone."

"Dad, I can . . "

"John" his mother said, "listen to your father! And put your cock away, zip up your pants. We, the family, can not afford to have our loving relationship known by others, they just would not understand. Your dad and I could be imprisoned for child abuse, you could too, now that you are over 18."

"But Mom . . ."

Brad continued "your younger brother and your sisters would be split up and sent to foster homes, homes with no loving feelings. You have taken a very big step to betraying our secrets, we love you, but we must be careful, we must stay private."

"There is more" John continued. "Karl and I did not tell you the full story in there. May I please have just a few minutes to explain why I trusted him."

"All right we will listen" Brad said, "I hope you are correct in your judgment, but pulling your cocks out in front of the twins and David, we had to stop you then, before Karl gets much more idea of the relations in our family."

"That is what I am trying to tell you, Dad. I truly believe our family secret is safe with Karl. When I saw him jacking off, when I jacked off on him, well we became more trusting, We talked, we shared what type of porn we like to watch. You know that I have many family pictures saved, very securely, on my lap-top pc. The thing is, Karl also has a lot of porn on his pc, I had just seen a little tiny bit of it. Over the next few weeks, we began masturbating together."

"We began not just masturbating together, but jerking off each other's cocks. Then we started giving each other blow jobs, and sixty-nining. And yes, we have each fucked the other one in the ass a few times. But I know that won't explain why I trust him with the knowledge of our family. That came after he shared some of his porn with me. We shared our porn, at first he only showed me professional porn, but I told him that I really get off on `amatuer' porn, and he then said that he really likes porn of younger people, he likes kids. You know that admitting that is almost as private as what we share as a family. Anyway, he told me that he had some pictures and videos of younger kids, and some of kids with adults. You know that stuff is illegal, you just can't find it on the internet, but he said that he had some. I told him that sounded really interesting to me. I was thinking of the twins, wondering if he had pics or vids of girls their age."

"Ok", Karen said, "I can see that he trusted you with his pedophilic interests, but how does that make you trust him not to reveal our family secrets."

"Mom, as he showed me some of these I saw adults your age, and then I saw some teens, and he had some pre-teen porn. But what seemed very curious to me, was that all his porn of younger kids was confined to just a very few kids. There were lots of pictures, some pretty kinky, but only the same two boys and three girls. None of this stuff looked professional, it just looked like homemade. Honestly it reminded me very much of our home videos, the ones that I keep encrypted on my laptop."

"About two weeks ago, we were in our room, we had a few beers, and we were laying in my bed, naked watching his porn, and slowly playing with each other's cocks. He started sucking my cock, so he also gave me the computer mouse and told me to pick the next video from his collection. When I did, well that was what convinced me that introducing him to you would be ok. What I saw was a video of an adult, a man about Dad's age, with two girls, one looked about 13 or 14, cute small boobies, what I would call puffies, and one who was a pre-teen, I guessed her to be about 8 or maybe 9, but no more than that, they were all sitting on a couch, just snuggling together, the 8 year old was fondling the man's cock and his balls. All three of them were naked."

"The younger girl in the video looked at the man and said, `Daddy, what should we give Karl as his going away present?'"

"Their daddy replied. `Abby, I think he would just like to have a taste of all his girl lovers. Why don't you go get a big pitcher, like we put beer into, and then you, Anne, Amy, and your Mom can all pee into it. We will pour that into his thermos bottle while it is still warm, and he can drink it while he drives back to State College tomorrow morning.' "

John continued "Then the picture in the video panned to the left and there was another girl, her back to the camera, she was sitting astride the legs of a guy, but I couldn't see his face at first. Then the camera moved and zoomed in. The guy was Karl, my roommate! The girl had barely any breasts, she looked to be about 12 years old, she just had nipples that were beginning to develop. She had no breasts, just swollen nipples, so unbelievably cute. As I saw her nipples, and realized that she was riding the cock of the guy who had his lips around my cock at that very moment . . . Well that was all it took for me to blow my load straight down Karl's throat. And hearing that he liked to drink piss, as soon as I finished cumming, I just let go my bladder and filled him with a load of my pee. He swallowed the cum and the pee just as naturally as can be."

"Then Karl looked right in my eyes and asked 'Which video are you watching, how did you know I like piss?'"

"I replied with my own question, `Karl, you were in the video, was that you Dad and your younger sisters? Are your family all sharing sex?'"

"He stopped sucking my dick and looked at me with shock on his face, "Oh shit! I forgot that video was in that directory. That is . . . how do I say this, that is like "top secret" to our family, I've sworn not to ever let anyone know that my parents fuck all of us kids. Oh SHIT, I am gonna be in real trouble at home if my folks even think that anyone outside of our family knows about this.'"

"So Mom, Dad I know that Karl's family shares the same secret that we share in our family. His family does not know that I know, they don't know that I have told you all of this. But because of what I know about his family now, I thought, that while I haven't TOLD him that we share that secret, I thought it would be safe to bring him here today, and for us to 'come out' to you and the rest of our family as the 'college gay lovers' that we have become."

"Why did you think it would be OK for you two to just pull your cocks out at the dinner table, you must have told Karl something for him to join you in telling that story, and whipping it out like that."

"I thought long and hard about how to do this. And I took a chance, I knew Karl would figure something out, and I thought he would go along with this as he really does like to show off his cock. He often has a hardon that he doesn't hide at school, and I just thought it would be better to show it to all of you rather than try to talk about what we have been doing. I thought the message to you about him and me, and to him about all of us would just be easier this way."

Brad and Karen just looked at each other in complete shock.

Finally Karen said "Well, he does have a very nice cock, I bet he would be great to suck on, and I'd sure love to have him fuck me. What do you think Brad, should we invite Karl to be an honorary member of our family?"

(I do welcome any comments and will try to respond to all I get at oldfizzywig@gmail.com. Please remember that NIFTY needs your support. If you want the stories to continue, it's up to you to donate at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html)

Next: Chapter 5

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