Karens Family Play

Published on Sep 14, 2022


Karen's Family Playing - 02

Author's note: This is a work of total fiction, a sexual fantasy. The acts, thoughts, and relationships in this document never happened, the people are figments of the author's imagination, and the author does not suggest that anyone has, does, or ever should do any of these actions.

Karen's Family Playing - 02 Shower

Karen sauntered into the master bath, wiggling her ass so that Brad would follow her. This was bigger than your average master bath and had a few very nice features. First off, the shower was not just a single stall, it was an area, with two shower heads with separate controls on the wall, and a third rain type shower head in the ceiling. There was also a whirlpool bath, large enough for four people to fit very comfortably. Two sinks along one long mirrored wall, and finally a toilet, bidet and urinal all next to each other in a smaller semi private room.

And follow Karen he did, his hard cock pointing the way. She walked over to the shower area and turned on the raining shower head in the ceiling. Then she looked directly at his hard penis, threw a bath towel onto the floor and sank to her knees on the towel.

Brad walked straight to her, as she opened her mouth to accept his lovely, and very hard, cock into her mouth. He had hardly gotten wet, walking to her, and she could taste the big drop of pre-cum that had formed at his piss hole.

"I love your cock." she meowed at him, hardly letting it out from between her lips enough for her to talk.

"You give me the best blow jobs." He replied.

Her lips formed a bit of a seal around his shaft and she sucked hard. He could feel the blood rush into his cock head. He felt her tongue swirl around and around his glans. She placed her tongue tip right on his piss hole, wiggling it just a bit, almost trying to slip it into his narrow pee pipe. She hummed, causing his cock to seemingly jump a little.

He looked down at her. Her dark brown hair was now wet and matted down to her head as the water rained on them. It only came down to her neck, as she hated having to spend long hours taking care of it. She loved just giving it a quick wash and dry and leaving it alone. She was so cute. His cock gave another little jump in her mouth as he enjoyed seeing her face, his hard cock in her mouth. He enjoyed the feeling she gave him as she slurped up his precum.


The bathroom door burst open, it was all Karen could do not to take a small bite of Brad's big cock. She was so surprised.

He too had been shocked and damn near rammed his cock farther down her throat. Causing a bit of a gag.

Shelly had burst in on them, still in her old short nightie.

"Don't mind me." she said, looking at them with a very knowing smile on her face. She walked over to the sink, and opened the cupboard door below it. She pulled out a box of tampons. "We only have the very small ones in the their bathroom." She informed them.

"Mom, next time you buy little girl tampons for Debbie and Laurie, how about getting something a little bigger for me?"

Karen let Brad's cock slip out from between her lips, and responded. "Dear, I thought we had both sizes in both bathrooms. You know I use the same kind you do."

"Yeah, Mom, but we're out. I've got the last one in me now." Shelly, backed up to the counter between the two sinks, and with only the slightest jump, she sat on the counter, with her legs spread wide. Brad looked at her, still in her little girl nightie, with her legs spread wide, and her pussy on full display. Sure enough there was a little white string hanging out of her pussy.

"Daddy" Shelly cooed in her softest little girl voice, trying to sound like a seven year old instead of a seventeen year old.

"Daddy, will you help me take this thingie out of my cunnie?" As she said this she gave a little sake of her head, and flipped her hair back off her chest and neck and around from her left shoulder onto her back.

Karen, looked up at Brad. She knew only too well that one of his "perversions" was that he enjoyed her period, and occasionally "helped" the girls when they were "on the rag". Karen, had thought early in their marriage that he was some type of freak for wanting to help her change a tampon, but now, well now she really appreciated his help. He was such a dear about it.

Karen took his cock once more into her mouth for just a moment, and then gave him a small wink and nod.

"Shelly, my dear" Brad said, "I would love to help you in any way that I can with your special time of month."

Shelly just sat back a little, but scooted her arse and cunt forward on the counter. She had the biggest grin on her face, knowing that her dad was going to help with this task which so many women and girls found disgusting, but which her dad loved.

Her DAD! Not only did she have a guy to change her tampon, but it was her dad! How could any girl possibly be happier, and be in a more loving family.

Karen came along with Brad as he approached Shelly. Karen got a little foot stool to sit on so she could watch, and so that she could play with Brad's cock as he assisted Shell.

Shelly leaned back on the counter and lifted both her legs up spreading her cute little cunt even wider. She had nicely trimmed blond hair in the form of a slight line straight up from her slit, but she was clean shaven next to her pussy lips. Shelly's lips were only slightly protruding from her slit. Unlike her mom who had fairly large cunt lips, Shelly's only stuck out from her slit a little bit. But what Shelly didn't have in pussy lips, she made up for in a bigger clit than her mom. Her clit stood out from her slit almost a half an inch. When she was excited, it grew almost like a guys cock.

Brad leaned in close looking at her pussy. He saw the white string just hanging out between her lips. He leaned even closer and licked up one side and then the other side of her cute cunnie lips. He could feel his wife leaning against his side, her hand reaching down and gently stroking his still dripping cock as he licked their daughter's cunt.

Brad moved his head slightly up and sucked the tip of Shelly's little love bud into his mouth. It was almost, but not quite, like sucking a little tiny cock. His tongue swirled around her clitty for a minute and then he trailed it down her pussy trying to spread her labia just a little with his tongue.

He sucked on her pussy lips, licked some more and finally his tongue found the string. He swirled the string around his tongue. Sucking the string straight onto his tongue, he lightly closed his teeth on it in a gentle bite. Then he leaned back, putting a little bit of tension on the string. Slowly he pulled, very slowly so as not to lose his grip on the string, but just enough. He looked up into Shelly's eyes and saw her smile. Bit by bit he could feel that he was pulling the little string a bit more out of Shelly.

Soon he could see the tip of the cotton tampon just at the opening of her cunt. How sweet that looked to him, that little white . . . no it wasn't completely white any more, he could see some redish brown spots on it too. Brad kept pulling slowly until maybe a quarter inch of the tampon was sticking out of Shelly's cunt. He loved doing this, Shelly and Karen both knew it, and while Karen thought it odd, something to put up with, Shelly enjoyed letting her dad help her with her period.

Brad's head moved closer and he managed to get his teeth to just grab the tip of the tampon itself, he closed his lips a little and pulled some more. Now that the tip was out, the tampon slid much more easily and Brad was able to get a little better grip on it. He sucked it into his mouth a bit more and leaned back. There hanging from his mouth, a little off to one side, it looked like a stubby cigar, in color tones of white, and red and rust. With a big smile on his face he moved the savory piece of cotton around his lips. He chomped on it a bit and inhaled the slightly sour odor of pussy, menstrual blood and mucus. He chewed the absorbent cotton wad a bit more into his mouth, tasting his own daughters discharges, relishing the flavor.

Then he reached up with his hand and took the tampon out, and tossed it into the wastebasket in the corner. He leaned forward and licked up and down a few times on Shelly's lovely pussy lips. Karen meanwhile had retrieved a new tampon from the box under the sink, and handed it to Brad. He carefully slid it into Shelly's cute little cunt using the cardboard applicator to assist with getting it in. Pushing on cotton has just never worked. With the new tampon in place he tossed the cardboard in the basket, arranged the string so that instead of just hanging, it lay along the length of Shelly's slit, and the tip of the string rested by her clit.

"Daddy, you've got a messy face, there is some funny red stuff on your nose and your lips. I think I should wash your face off." Shelly put her fingers down to her pussy, and spread her labia wide, then she pissed right into her dad's face.

"Thanks Dad", Shelly announced as she jumped down from the countertop. She kissed him tenderly on his lips, licked a few drops of piss from the tip of his nose, and sauntered out of the bathroom. Karen looked down at Brads cock, which if anything had gotten even harder as he had been helping their grown up little girl. She used his cock as her little handle to pull him back under the shower and resumed her loving sucking of his tool.

With as excited as Brad had become while playing with Shelly's tampon, and Karen's expert sucking, it was only moments before his cum was spurting up his shaft and onto Karen's tongue. Spurt after spurt of his slippery white sperm gushed down Karen's waiting throat. But she didn't swallow all of his seed. As she sucked the last few squirts, she held them in her mouth, enjoying the flavor and the thoughts of what she was doing.

Then standing, she leaned in to kiss Brad on his lips, their mouths opened and they shared his seed.

(I do welcome any comments and will try to respond to all I get at oldfizzywig@gmail.com. Please remember that NIFTY needs your support. If you want the stories to continue, it's up to you to donate at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html)

Next: Chapter 3

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