Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Published on Apr 12, 2022


Kappa Kappa Cocksucker 8

Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Chapter 8: The Plan is Hatched

So now I'm regularly servicing four grown, hung, black men. And giddy fuckin' high off all the buckets of nut I was getting to swallow, really, on average, six times a day. Dante and Darnell always demanded two nuts a day; it was an expectation made clear to me that every day I had to make time to suck off Dante and Darnell, alone or together, twice a day. Now that I had my throat loaned out to two other black men, increased coordination was necessary, but Darnell and Dante were clear to establish their primacy in the arrangements. Their fallback position for any conflict in schedules was that I was to tell whoever it was that I had to service whichever one—or both—of them first, but that if the dude (it would have been either Mr. J., or Marcus), wanted to tag along and wait to get serviced until after either—or both—of them were done. My new normal was fuckin' awesome.

Darnell was the only one that had a predictable specific habit, which was that he liked to bust a nut and then be in bed no more than ten minutes later. For him to get his nut and still be within ten minutes of his own bed means he had to find another private place to put me on my knees and expect the kind of service he'd cum to expect. We tried the basement of his dorm the first time, but seemed like there were security cameras too many places. Darnell said he wasn't having video exist of him dragging around a cocksucker. Next he found the door open to a hallway that lead to the underground central power center for the four dorms that made up his complex. There were lots of places in there without security cameras, but the noise was loud (Darnell had an attitude about cocksuckers who don't do what they are told the moment they are told to do it) and I couldn't hear all his commands. Plus that door wasn't regularly unlocked, it must have been a fluke that night.

Finally he had me meet him in a spot outdoors near the service entrance for the complex on the backside of the building. Trash bins, truck ports for unloading, some industrial vehicles. At best a temporary solution. It was only September but brutal cold weather was in the wings. He took me behind a van that had left about ten feet between itself and the dock and said "Hit yo' knees, bitch, and make me cum. Fast, too. No bullshit, bitch. I want the two minute job."

I ignored the fact I was about to kneel on cement and dropped in front of him. Normally he made me play with his dick inside his pants and tease me about letting me at it. Tonight he tore open his pants so fast his leather belt ended up smacking me as he unbuckled and flipped it out of the loops. "I should smack up your pretty white cocksucker face, just to remind you you lucky to be getting' THIS nigga's nut."

Something about Darnell's mood was rougher tonight than usual. He pretty much always was like that when I was servicing him alone without Dante. Alone he seemed to enjoy the swagger and the smack talk more than he used it when we were with Dante, but it definitely turned me on and I suspect him too. His size and the way he made me work for his nut really fired my sub side, and made it all that much more intense a match because of his Dom side. For the first time, though, I actually was a little concerned he'd start smacking me around because he might find it hot. I would not. But I remembered that Dante had said to me earlier on that I was to learn to respect private secret shit between me and my black man, any black man, all black men, I would ever service and never talk about what anybody else liked, or even that I was sucking their dick or anybody's dick. He said I didn't have to pretend I wasn't sucking black men's dicks when a black man wanted to know, I just had to absolutely protect the complete privacy of any man I was servicing. He also said he knows Darnell gets wild and that if I was ever worried about anything I was to come to Dante and we'd `get that shit worked out.'

I developed a theory that Darnell was basically mad at how much he was loving getting sucked off so much by a dude and it made him feel better to posture and snarl a bit. Underscoring that "I was lucky," talking about how females were "a whole lotta trouble but they ain't NUTHIN' better than a wet pussy," got repeated a lot. Still, I knew something about his schedule and between pledging and classes and studying I don't know when he would have time to pursue a female.

I, on the other hand, had no trouble LOVING what was happening to my sex life. It's odd in all this it never even occurred to me that my dick was getting no action. From me of course, gloriously and frequently, it was; but both my lack of experience of sex with other gay men, and a growing identity of submission that was ever pressing forward to enunciate itself in my consciousness, I never once even wondered if they gave a shit about my dick. Eventually I'd find out how much diversity and freak there is out there.

Darnell grabbed my head sooner than usual and shoved me past the customary dickhead slobbing and kissing and made me go balls deep. Again, usually he'd have had it soak and rock from side to side a bit grinding around in my throat, even in the two minute job, while he was balls deep. He said he "liked stretchin' it" before he "rode it good." Sometimes he said "Stay down deep on my shit, bitch, and get yo' tongue working on my balls...unnnggghhh. Slower. SLOWER! Yeahhhh..." Tonight he rode my throat like he had a score to settle and basically made my head hurt from his tugging a wad of hair into one of his fists and shove-bouncing his meat waaaaay deep, rough and fast. He also nutted faster than the two minutes, and speaking as someone who was regularly on the receiving end of his emptying nut load, he busted a nut fatter and thicker and hotter than I was used to feeling. I fuckin' LOVED it.

You know I stayed balls deep while he chilled and drained his long fleshy cock in my throat. He made a groan I'd not heard before. It was louder and deeper and more booming than the groan of satisfaction he usually had while his dick soaked in my throat after a nut. It was a roar of frustration. He also punctuated it with another forceful shove of his crotch, basically spreading my open mouth wider as he pressed more of himself into the oral cavity. I felt him twitch his cock in my throat and thought... "Hellyeah... Make me take another nut," but that hope was short-lived.

"Needed that," breathed out a much-calmer Darnell, for the first time slackening the grip on the clump of hair as well as the fingers closed around the back of my neck. "Nasty-ass cunt in my dorm was messing with me all day, grabbin' my shit, talkin' like she was gonna give me some, and then the `ho backed out. Said my shit was `too big.' FUCK dat! Thass' why the bitch wanted the shit in the first place. "

I, of course, knew better than to try and move my throat off his cock, but it was getting so rubbery I had to swallow and clamp to keep it in.

He kept talking. "How a bitch gonna have a baby slide on up outta that pussy and then front at a brutha like his shit is too big for the pussy?!?"

I felt like I ought to say something since he kept talking to me, so I tried "mmmmm hmmmmmm."

That was instantly popular..."Damn!" Darnell grunted. "Keep doin' that shit, moan real low on the shit. Them vibrations the shits baby... You `bout to start some trouble again, baby gurl...swallow and clamp on it hard and then hum that shit...louder...yeah. Holy fuck baby, you got to remember this move. But---" he announced, pulling out his wet sloppy piece, "I need to get my ass in bed!". The "Thank you man," that slipped out surprised both of us as soon as he said it, but I knew enough not to draw attention to it. "Loved it," was all I said, making an excuse not to look him in the eyes. I soon realized anyone interested in dating and pleasing men is really well served by learning how to help them float their favorite illusions.

Dante was dressed, moving slowly. He stopped at the door. "Yo'," he asked, "Dante still getting Marcus' dick sucked for him? Bringing him along when he comes? Using the glory hole?

"Yeah," I said.

"Dante need to school that brutha on the real 411 `bout who's really suckin' his dick."

I felt the same. It had been five days since Dante ran the glory hole scam on Marcus, and we were using it every morning when Marcus got his nut right after Dante. Marcus was actually a good time, nice fat pole of a dick and he was so new and into it he was always wanting to try something new. "Kiss them nuts for me baby... yeah, soft and sweet like that... use yo' tongue all `round `em... FUCK that's sweet... You know what's in there doncha' baby? Do you baby gurl...? Thass' yo' next snack bitch. You gonna get all the chunk done grown in there since you sucked my balls empty yesterday..." It kind of turned me on he was such a horny pig about it. Whether he was influenced by how Dante and Darnell worked me, or whether he was discovering his own innate sex personality, he was good at it and a couple times I fear I moaned and it couldn't have sounded female. The novelty of lipstick and perfume had worn off on me and I just felt like we weren't acting right running this scam on Marcus (Mr. J, however, was into it. He loved me putting on lipstick and using the glory hole and seeing smears of red lipstick in his pubes and on his dick). And, I admit, I was a little afraid of the reaction of a small town preacher's kid to discovering he'd busted a nut every day for most of a week down a male cocksucker's throat. I'm sure he'd say a fag's throat.

"See you tomorrow, regular lunch spot," I heard from Darnell as he took off, closing up his pants while in motion. I pulled myself together, standing and taking a minute and re-adjusting all my clothes as well as forcing my cock south so the hard-on wouldn't be so prominent.

This was long before cell phones or even widely utilized pagers, so there wasn't any way to connect with someone unless they were near a phone or you saw them in person. Accordingly, Marcus (who'd bugged Dante relentlessly so he could get another blowjob appointment after the pledge meeting) and Dante had few options once I wasn't at my dorm phone number. Dante knew Darnell cut out to meet me, but didn't know it wasn't going to be in the janitor's office. So he and Marcus started out toward the place hoping to catch me ready and available. Dante figured he'd go in first and make sure the GH was set up. Instead, we crossed paths in the middle of campus, face to face, the three of us. My first reaction was to be scared the jig was up, then I realized Marcus had no way to recognize me. Dante, always mutha-fuckin-fast-on-his-feet, instantly developed a plan.

He said something to Marcus I couldn't hear (which was, "hol' up a minute, I wanna talk to this cat". He a friend of mine."). "Wassup, man?" said Dante slowing the two of them and stopping in front of me. "This is my pledge brother Marcus." He gave Marcus my name, introducing the two of us and we shook hands. I was pretty fuckin' nervous. Dante, cool and on track. He lead the conversation, referencing some of the details of the class like that's how we knew one another. Enough of that to cover, then: "We're headed over to the English building," winking with the eye opposite the one Marcus could see. "Where are you headed?"

"Headed back to dorm from the library, guess I'm just gonna chill, hang out in the lobby and kick it with folks," I responded, making sure the fact that I was free was obvious to Dante.

"Cool, cool," responded Dante, that shit-eatin' grin fightin' not to spring, "see you soon." Hot. Horny, hot shit just kept poppin' off around me, all `cuz of Dante. I smiled thinking that Dante's dick turned out to be Pandora's Box for me.

I let them walk away and waited to sneak behind a building. Dante had stopped the two of them walking, ostensibly because of the content of the conversation required that kind of focus, and I ran around the back of the building and got in front of them. I reached the building and sprinted into place, trying to get the setup ready as fast as possible. I didn't realize Dante would have been smart enough to come in by himself first. Man, was I sprung. My dick leakin' and my heart pounding and fucking rushing to make my `ho throat available for two more loads, after five loads in my belly so far for the day and the freshest one less than twenty minutes old. I think it was Marcus' pushy piggy-ness that generated the hormone rush of the moment. But hell, I was turned on all time, my senses seemed to always be on point, there was a really high percentage of protein straight outta black men's nuts in my diet, and my consumption habits were steadily climbing. I think the changes in me started to be fuckin' chemical as well as all the other ways.

Dante tapped at the door before opening it, but even though I suspected it would be the both of them, I mistakenly said in a louder than average voice, "Gimme a second!"

Dante came in anyway and said, "Dude, you messed up. It's cool though. I left Marcus upstairs waiting while I check things out. That was definitely not a female ho's voice, though," he laughed. "So, you ready to suck the nut outta a couple more bruthas?"

"Yeah, I sure as fuck am," I admitted, excitedly. I looked at him directly, like he might be able to explain what I was about to say. "I can't believe how horny my ass is all the damn fuckin' time. It's like I'm never not ready to suck any of your dicks."

"Yeah, you was a lucky find," Dante admitted, deftly making it about what mattered to him. I think my expression convinced him I was waiting for more. He got that I was once again asking him about sex, and offered the following. "I figure you a `ho. Thass what's natural for some muthafuckas. Obviously they's lotsa `ho's out there, and they there for a reason. I love me some real `ho's, and my new favorite is a white boy cocksuckin' `ho. You, sugarlips. You my new favorite cocksuckin' `ho'. Ain't nothin' wrong with being who you are, baby gurl."

I was right to ask him. He smiled at my grinning, and my getting the GH setup put together.

"Hey, I wanted to ask," I started. "What's the plan with Marcus. We gonna permanently try to make him think I'm a woman?" I asked, successfully communicating my disdain for the idea. "Plus, you know his ass wants his own direct access to me without having to wait for you or Darnell to bring him here."

"I'm working that out still," responded Dante. "But he's the first step in a bigger plan. And you gonna get plenny of fresh black dick, too, baby, if all goes well."

"How?" I quickly wanted to know.

"I'm gonna put up a glory hole in the boiler room in the basement of the frat. You gonna be behind it. I'm gonna bring the Pledge Master and the Frat President down there and you gonna make them think a female cocksucker on the other side. You gonna give them yo' best throatpussy and make them nut hard. I want you to be nasty and HUNGRY for them niggas' nuts. If that goes well, I'll let you know what happens next."

"Fuck, that's hottttttttttt," I moaned. "When you think about getting that shit to happen?"

"This Friday, midnight. Darnell or I will figure out how we gonna sneak you in and we'll work that out. Bring along the perfume and lipstick. You still got enough? Never had to stock a cocksucker with lipstick before," laughed Dante. "It's all good," he said, smile on his face. "You fo' shure worth it. My nuts ain't been this comfy and empty eva. They like lighter or somethin', all the time. This whole thing we got goin' on right here," he commented. "This shit WORKIN'!"

"I live to serve," I responded, said in the least ironic way I'd ever said it.

"Win Win Win, golden throat," he winked. "I'm `bout to go snag up Marcus and bring him down here," said Dante. "But you know what? Don't mess with the perfume or the lipstick. We'll see if he notices anything or says anything."

"Hey, you think he'll freak out, you know, if he knows? I mean, he's a preachers kid and all," I asked.

"Naw, I used to wonder but I don't think so anymore. You can't see it but dude always keeps his eyes closed no matter what he's saying or doin'. He already imagining whatever the fuck he want," replied Dante.

"OK, I could see that helpin'" I said.

"Plus, you SPOILIN' that muthafucka's dick. That dude is sprung on blow jobs, not sure I ever saw anybody love a dick suckin' the way he do. He gone from virgin to `dumpin' `bout a quart of nut down your cocksucker throat in like a week. He ALWAYS talking to me or Darnell about getting sucked off and buggin' one of us to bring him over. I don't think he gonna wanna give that up."

"Plus," I said, logically, "once he knows he can access my throat by himself any time he wants," deftly making it about what mattered to me.

"Daaaaaayyyuuum, baby," Dante grinned, raising one eyebrow, "we done turned yo' ass into a black man's load junkie."

"Be hard to argue otherwise," I smiled.

"Aaaiight, we'll be right back," said Dante, closing the door behind him.

I squatted there, behind the tarp curtain that made me a private, on-call, cocksucker available to any one or group of four black men. Slow, steady breathing, deep... horny and waiting. Always hated the wait in the dark behind a glory hole. I started daydreaming about the Friday night fresh dicks I was getting set up to enjoy, and while thinking about it I began grinding my palm into my hard dick, maneuvering my dick head slit that was droolin' into the cotton ribbing of my jockeys. That shit felt gooood.

The sound of the door opening stopped my reverie and I moved my knees to the ground and began to hope Marcus would go first. That usually meant he stayed for a second nut after Dante bust. Marcus did go first, halleluiah, but somewhere in the nasty shit he was saying and the tang of his dick drool, I began to wonder what the tastes of the cum of the new bruthas would taste like. The idea of being on my knees behind a glory hole in a black fraternity full of straight hung dudes who'd let me suck the nut outta their dicks made me delirious. I made both Dante and Marcus bust (Marcus twice), but once that Friday-night image got launched in my testosterone pool, it was like a friggin' obsession with nothing but fantasies to feed it.

And Friday was still three fuckin' days off.

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Next: Chapter 9

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