Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Published on Feb 27, 2017


Kappa Kappa Cocksucker 4

Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Chapter 4: Paying For the Keys


"What the sam hell is going on in here!!?" shouted the janitor staring in at the three of us, all in one bathroom stall. Two young black men and a white boy sitting cross legged on top of a toilet.

Now the three of us had just been caught by a janitor while having sex in a public bathroom. I was fuckin' frozen stiff with a buttload of terror going on. Being caught sucking dicks of two black men in a public bathroom within a week of college starting made visions of expulsion and the exposure I'd spent my life trying to keep hidden now seemed to be falling apart in front of my eyes. I couldn't look up. You know that expression `my head was spinning?' It's a real thing.

Dante was incredible. Darnell and I were frozen in fear, and Dante simply turned a quarter of the way around to make eye contact with the man, profiling for the janitor a fat and slimy, drooling, 9 inch dick arcing down at about a 45-degree angle. Dante never lost his cool, or a beat.

"Oh, hello Sir. Me and my friend apologize to have you come up on this and surprise you like this," Dante started. I noticed the dis-inclusion of any reference to me. "Well, matter of fact what is going on here is that my buddy D and I are training this white-boy cocksucker to suck a black man's dick RIGHT." Dante emphasized the `do it right' sentiment, offering an extended flat palm to a still stunned Darnell, who joined in a beat behind and slapped Dante's palm agreeing "That's what's up, my brother."

Dante went on, "No disrespect intended Sir... Mr. Johnson," (noticing the name tag patch on the man's uniform), "but we were looking for a cocksucker to take care of keeping our dicks happy and our nuts empty when we got to college and I caught this one just staring at my crotch. We can't have this cocksucker in our dorm room and for sure there's no way we're going to be clocked going to his, so we found this spot. I know it's wrong to be up to this shit in a public bathroom but I'll tell you what, too, Sir. THIS muthafucka can SUCK a dick! Way better even than the cocksucker we used to get our horny asses through high school without getting caught up in some pussy and having some kids before we wanted them."

"Well," said Mr. Johnson, whose tone was a bit unsteady even if he had already calmed a bit, likely as a reaction to Dante's respectful behavior, "I can't have this kind of shit going on in here. You are going to have to take it someplace else. You're lucky I don't call security."

Dante, who I suddenly realized spoke in perfect English and syntax when he wasn't talking smack to me about getting his dick sucked, stepped in easily to deal with the situation. In so doing Dante delivered one of my first lessons as a cross-culture traveling white-boy. It's easy to drop into assumptions, even to start with them without realizing it. Some turn-ons actually depend upon stereotypically erotic buttons built of long ago established ideas. Ideas and turn-ons created long before logic and sophistication help carve our characters. I'd learn there are things popping off out of one's Freudian Id that would also require the learned ability to enjoy them without extrapolating them too far from the specifics of the environment. Like, it might be hot to imagine Dante as a street thuggish kid from the south side of Chicago, but I'd eventually learn Dante was whip-crack smart, brilliant on his feet, ambitious and extraordinarily gifted at seeing opportunity. Working Mr. Johnson so perfectly and fearlessly was one of the many examples I'd have of his talent.

"You're right, Mr. Johnson, and we are going to respect whatever you want us to do. But here's the thing...neither of us EVER had our dicks sucked THIS good and like I was telling you, we've been getting our dicks sucked ever since my Daddy took us to a cocksucker to get our nuts drained at 15. It worked too, Mr. Johnson," Dante kept the pace of his storytelling a little urgent. "My Daddy was smart teaching us early on about cocksuckers. Both Darnell's brothers and his sister got kids in high school, and one of them didn't even finish. I had a steady girl and I think she was trying to get pregnant and keep me from leaving for college because she kept trying to get me to skip the condom. But anytime I got too crazy horny and feeling like her pussy had too much influence on a brother, I put that cocksucker on his knees and got serviced until I busted. You know that feeling, right, Mr. Johnson? Being calm after busting a nut and realizing you were about to jump into some crazy stuff because you were so horny? You know that feeling Mr. Johnson?"

By now I recovered enough to look up into the janitor's face. I couldn't read his expression. If I had to guess, Mr. Johnson was a little taken aback by this ballsy kid's demeanor, Dante standing there with his dick sticking out, discussing training white boys to suck he and his buddy's dicks as a strategy to avoid the influence of pussy and premature pregnancies. I didn't look directly at Mr. Johnson, but it seemed to me that his face relaxed a bit.

"Yes, son, I do know that feeling. Who the hell don't? Any nigga ever looking for pussy and not finding it knows that feeling. I've been caught up behind some shit like that," Mr. Johnson said. "I know that shit real well. Just never occurred to me to put a queer little white boy cocksucker on the job. You say this was your Daddy's idea?"

"Word!" suddenly joined in Darnell. "He took both of us and on the way in the car he told us about his uncle in the Navy in WW II getting his dick sucked on the regular by punk ass white officers on the ship. When his uncle came back he swore up and down about how good that pussymouth was and always had him at least one cocksucker on the side who would drop whatever he was doing to hit his knees and drain my uncle's nuts."

Now the storytelling had all of us transfixed, even though there was one black dude with a bouncing hard 9-inch dick stirring and drooling right out in the open air, one black dude with his pants undone and a wet spot where his dickhead was visible, a white boy sitting cross legged on top of a toilet seat awaiting further use-- a little terrified and a lot turned on--- and, of course, the janitor himself. The janitor was a black man nearly as tall as Darnell, fit, probably 35 or so, in a clean and pressed uniform and a soul patch of hair on his chin. Less terrified, able to glance at him, I realized he was a very sexy fucker. Bright eyes, and a deep voice that made it seem like his balls were full now, and full all the time.

Darnell hurried along his story. "So Dante's Dad schools us on the way that his uncle took him to one of his own private cocksuckers and told him to let the fag suck his dick and bust that shit down the fag's throat. He said his uncle told him that fags, especially white fags, can't get enough dick, especially black dick, and that you could almost always bet a white fag cocksucker was going to give you the better head than most females. And without a shitload of female hassles."

The tenor in the room had definitely changed. I was still not included, secondary to the discussion going on, but the three black men were definitely warming up to what was being talked about. I actually think they forgot we were still in a kind of dangerous position.

"I done heard that about white fags before," said Mr. Johnson. "I just never figured that they was gonna be any use to a hung straight brutha who could get all the pussy he want. But you know what?" he went on, "MY ass done got caught up behind my girl getting pregnant in my first year of college. You can see how that shit turned out," laughed Mr. Johnson. I was glad that he'd made some sort of peace with those historical turns of events. And the Queen's English was once again abandoned in the reverie of men who share unique cultural experiences and language. That was definitely part of how the heat in the situation began to rise again.

"Damn, Mr. J.," Dante now joined in, "that's some shit. So you see what we doin'. PLUS, maaaan, Mr. J., most of the time even bitches who will put out won't suck a brutha's dick. Or they do it fast for a minute and whine about it. They don't want to swallow a brotha's nut. BUT a fag ALWAYS swallows a brutha's nut. They fuckin' LOVE suckin' nigga dick They know they luck y to get it. That's how me and Darnell train `em. They gotta suck our dicks whenever we tell `em, they gotta be able to do as much deepthroat as we want every time, and they can't never miss a drop of the nut."

"No fuckin' shit?" blurted out Mr. J., knowingly or absentmindedly crossing his left hand over the lump on the right side of his thigh.

"Hell fuckin' YEAH," added Dante. "Matter of fact, this cocksucker owes me another blow job and that got interrupted. He got to drain me again today for my second nut, and then Darnell for his second nut, before he done for the day. Hit your knees, biiiaattch" Dante directed at me, "Let's show Mr. J. how good you are at treating a brutha's dick right." This he punctuated with his left arm getting behind my head and directing me down on my knees. "Now you gonna SEE some shit, Mr. J." promised Dante, moving sideways to be directly in front of my face.

"Now wait a minute, young blood. I can't be havin' this goin' on here. But... I got an idea," said Mr. Johnson. "Hold up a minute," he said, disappearing around the corner. I watched him go, trying to figure out what the fuck was coming next.

"Yo, bitch!" Dante tapped the side of my head with some force. ""Where that dick s'pose to be? Wassup bitch, you slippin' up on the job," laughed Dante, with Darnell finding it funny as well.

"_Mmmmmmgggggghhhhfffft_t---" was the next audible sound; it was the noise I made when unprepared Dante shoved all 9 inches deep using his hands on my head for a backdrop. It hurt but I wasn't gonna shortchange him anything. He held me deep and gathered up a wad of hair, and he started a small rotation all around like he was trying to widen my throat hole. But he was talking to Darnell and not all that focused on me.

"Hey D Man," said Dante, "I think J-dude wants to get his dick sucked. You see him rubbin' his shit while was talkin'?"

"Yeah," answered Darnell.

"Here's what I'm thinking," said Dante. "We tell him we'll let him use our cocksucker if he will help us find a place where we can have the bitch on his knees as long as we want so we don't never gotta hurry or worry about being caught."

"That's smart, bro," agreed Darnell. "Dude prolly got keys to everywhere and knows what's being used and what's not. Or even put a "restroom closed" sign in front of the door."

"So you got any problem with me offering our cocksucker's skills to the dude?" asked Dante.

"Hell naw," grunted Darnell. "Not saying the bitch needs dicksuckin' practice," he laughed. "But if the shit gets a regular place to get our junk swallowed I'd be down with that. Plus he ain't thrown us out or called security neither. I'm thinkin' he cool."

Satisfied the next steps had been worked out, Dante returned his focus to poking my throat. "You doin' GOOD, bitch!" he now spoke to me directly. "Yo' Daddy pleased with how good you suckin' both our dicks today. Plus you may get to show Mr. Johnson how good that throatpussy is too." With that he seemed to decide to move his throat pummeling up to a gallop. I had the impression he was going to try and nut this time, even though he kept telling me he was letting me get these nuts too damn easy. "Fuckyeah bitch! That's the way... you taking my shit jus' right... you may get paid soon too, baby. My nuts beginning to feel that tingle..."

This got interrupted by the arrival of Mr. J. "Aaaaaiiigghtt boys, follow me," we heard and Dante stopped pumping but I think he hesitated a second before deciding to actually pull his dick out. ""Don't cry, baby," cooed Dante. "You still gonna get you some more nut from your Daddy's horny balls. You gonna be sendin' my shit home DRAINED~" Dante and Darnell both chuckled at that.

I had to wait for Dante and Darnell to leave before I could even stand up, so I was last to exit. I noticed that neither of them waited for me or paid attention to my progress. I don't know, I felt some kind of way about that. I think the couple moments Dante made me feel like a girl and my liking it was on my mind. But then I remembered that stuff happened when we were alone, and, thank you very fucking much, I had no interest in being a woman.

I caught up with the three of them in the vestibule between the outer door from the hallway into the bathroom and the inner door into the bathroom itself. I hadn't noticed it before, but there was a locked steel door there that said "Custodian." Mr. J. had already unlocked it and stood to the side as the three of us sauntered in. Mr. J. locked the door behind us.

It was a pretty big room, probably 30 feet long and 15 feet wide, T-shaped with the room expanding to about 20 feet wide at the back. It was cement cinder blocked walls, shelves with storage items lining the long axis. In the back part where it expanded, you could see not only was it Mr. J.'s office, but that he had made it a kind of cozy escape. There was a small TV, a VCR and a couple remotes, a single size cot, blanket and pillow in the corner. You could see there were some skin mags laying out, evidence that nobody but Mr. J. ever came in here.

"So, I got a proposition for you young bloods," started out Mr. J. "You put that little pretty white boy on his knees in front of me and tell him to suck a load outta my dick, and I will let the two of you finish up getting your second nuts in here."

I noticed, but it seemed on nobody else's radar, that no one asked me, addressed me, or even paid any attention to me.

"Yeah, we down with that Mr. J. And you gonna get some sweet head, thas' for real! But we was wondering what it would take to be able to have you turn us on to a spot here in this building where we can run this bitch on his knees without worrying about getting busted."

"Yeah, man, you got the hookup that could help out a couple young bruthas trying to get an education and do good out in the world," added Darnell. Darnell jumping in to advocate for free and clear access to my throat kinda made me proud. Hot... and proud. Pulling on Mr. J.'s sense of community was a nice touch I thought.

"I don't know about all that, fellas," countered Mr. J. "I can't be risking my job, I got a wife and kids..." He started in reply, then faltered. "I got a wife aaaaiiight. And she don't put out anywhere near as much as when we dated or were first married. And I ain't had my dick sucked since Christmas...even then she ain't good at it."

"Brutha need his dick sucked," added Dante.

"True dat," added Darnell. "Plus your ass working hard every day to take care of your family, SUMBUDDY ought to be suckin' yo' dick on the regular."

"And it ain't like you cheatin' on her ass. You can't cheat with a dude. Cheatin' would be with a female, not a cocksucker around just to drain yo' nuts," prompted Dante. "I'll tell you what... Darnell and I will step out and you take your first ride in this cocksucka's throat and then let us know if you want another."

"That's a deal, young blood. I sure as fuck could use some good head," agreed Mr. J. "But I want you two to stick around. I ain't never used a fag cocsucker before and you two got `xperience."

"Coo," said both Dante and Darnell in unison. "I'll be makin' sure the little fag bringing his `A' game on yo' shit, my brutha," added Dante.

"Aaaaiiggghhhttt, look at me," Dante said in my direction. "First off, why you standing up when they's three black men in the room. Yo pretty ass ought to be on your knees waiting for a chance to give a brutha some pleasure."

I got on my knees on the spot I stood.

"Now, bitch, you gonna suck Mr. J.'s dick first, and THAT SHIT BEST BE PRIMO. Brutha ain't never felt the skills of a whilte boy on his knees in front of him, and you lucky to be his first. I ain't bullshittin, now, BITCH. DO YO' JOB AND DO A GOOD FUCKIN' JOB."

I sure as shit wanted to. Mr. J. was sexy, Dante wanted to show off his running a fag, and even Darnell seemed to be invested in my making this man love my head skills.

"What do I do?" asked Mr. J.

"How you like yo' dick sucked, Mr. J.? Standing up? Sitting down? Laying down?"

"I like bitches on they knees in front of me suckin' my dick," confirmed Mr. J.

"Dayum, my brutha, this is yo' fuckin' lucky day. This bitch hella-good at that shit. My favorite too. Why don't you back up Mr. J. and lean against that wall? Darnell and I are gonna chill over here on this bed. We can watch and direct the shit and make sure you getting' what you want," said Dante.

He turned his attention to me once again. "Yo, bitch get over there in front of this man," instructed Dante. It didn't occur to me to stand up so I crawled over there on my knees. I was beginning already to zone in visually on Mr. J's growing lump, and I noticed that me on my knees crawling over to him was making his junk thicken.

Just before I got to the right spot in front of him, Dante tossed a folded up paint tarp onto the floor in front of Mr. J. "Bitch still got three nuts to pull out before he done for the day. Don't want his knees giving out. I'm getting this bitch on my dick again tomorrow, that's for sure."

"Yo, me too, Dante," chimed in Darnell.

"So you wanna school the cocksucker on what you like, Mr. J.?" asked Dante. "I like to give the bitch instructions ahead of time but some bruthas just wanna see what a bitch can do freestyle and train a bitch as she go."

"Oh man, NO FUCKIN' TEETH! I hates feeling teeth on my shit," said Mr. J. "I need the bitch to know I don't wanna feel NO TEETH."

"True dat!" came again from Darnell, who was leaning back and rubbing his palm over his cock in his drawers.

"And, I ain't never been deepthroated," said Mr. J. "I have always wanted to be deepthroated, but no bitch could ever do it," he complained . "If this bitch can deepthroat my shit, and stay on it, make me nut AND swallow all my nut, then we got a deal."

Dante whooped, Darnell grinned at me and winked. My shit puffed up about another 10%, and I don't know where that extra came from `cuz my dick had been bone hard for the last hour.

"Aaaaiiight, bitch," instructed Dante, "let's start this shit out by you showing some respect to this hard working brother's dick. Get all friendly with it, make it talk to you. Make that shit wanna come up outta his draws and feed you," and I leaned in to plant my nose and lips against the mid-section of the log spreading down his thigh. I did what I did with Darnell earlier, I used my teeth to nudge gently along and held it nestled between my teeth while pressing my tongue against the fabric. Mr. J. groaned, soft but encouragingly.

"Now ask him if you can please take his dick out and suck on it," said Dante. "Promise him you gonna do a good job and you gonna deepthroat him and you gonna swallow every drop of his nut."

I pressed my hand into the spot my teeth and tongue used to be and stroked with a bit of pressure up and down the ever-growing dick. I looked up at him and asked the questions I was told to ask, and made the promises I was told to make.

"Go ahead," Mr. J. said to the first question, and "We'll see," to the promises.

I lowered the zipper of his work pants and put my fingers in the top of his boxer drawers. I pulled down slower than I wanted to but the incremental exposure was busting with aphrodisiacal inspiration. I loved the tight curls of pubic hair, the flat mons pubus moist from the warmth, the smells starting to emanate with the heat focused in that part of his body. And the increasingly unveiled deep dark black hog of a dick. As it became uncovered I counted three angry-looking huge veins across the top. His shit was firm and firming more, but when I finally freed it, that dick was longer and thicker than either Dante's or Darnell's. And it wasn't fully hard yet. I began to panic about doing the kind of job Dante and Darnell were expecting me to do, that I wanted to do. This could easily be the biggest dick I'd ever encountered. I'd say 11" at this point, it was beautiful and intimidating as fuck. And uncut... I was really beginning to love uncut meat. His dickhead smelled like a hit of poppers, and it had the same effect.

"Daaaaayyyyuuuummmmmmmm Mr. J.!" exclaimed Dante. "No fuckin' wonder you ain't never been deepthroated!" exclaimed Dante. "You the MAN, dude!"

"It ain't all a fuckin' party, young blood. Lotsa bitches ran from it when I was out hitting fresh pussy on the regular, none of them bitches even wanted to try and suck it, and of course none of them could do shit with it in they mouths. Fuck, I couldn't even whale on my own wife's pussy til after she had our first kid," Mr. J. complained. "I hope this cocksucka the one that can do it."

Normally if I have a dick that I'm worried will present any kind of a challenge, I try to swallow it whole when it's flaccid and nurse it to full strength while it's buried deep. I've found in the past that seems to help establishing the stretch fat ones need. But in this case, that ship had sailed. It may have been 11" but I could tell there was some small percentage to go. And it was lifting towards me like a metronome while the blood pumped into it.

"We gonna make sure of `dat, my brutha," said Dante, rising up from the cot nearby and coming around behind me. He grabbed a handful of my hair again and tilted my head back far enough he could make me look straight into his eyes. "OK, bitch, here's the deal. This hardworking brutha ain't never had his dick deepthroated, and that ain't right. You `bout to fix that. And, if you ain't do it right, we may not find a place to feed you on the regular like I know you want, so if you want these dicks bitch you gonna have to make this brutha nut balls deep. All the way fuckin' down yo' throat and remember you don't come up offa the dick til the brutha tells you you done. You got me?"

I sure as fuck did. And I wondered if it was possible for a human white boy hard dick to tear through Levis. I actually did begin to panic, `cuz a lot seemed to be riding on my doing this huge fuckin dick right.

"Aaaaiight Mr. J.," started Dante. "I got the bitch's head and I'm gonna hold it so she can't back off. You put that shit in them pussy lips and keep pushin' slow, and I'll make sure you don't got to stop."

"Aaaight young blood. Don't let that bitch's teeth tear my shit up now," said Mr. J., reaching down to lift his now rock-hard, and lookin' to be 12" dick with a wet pair of dick lips and a shiny knob showing up hidden behind some tasty skin, ready to aim it into my mouth. I spread my mouth wide open and closed my eyes.

"C'mon, gurrl, do that shit," Darnell spoke up. It sounded encouraging, but you could hear the hopefulness and doubting as well. I'm telling you, this sauntering Dante and Darnell were doing between thuggish `you-just-a-cockhole-to-us-here-for-us-to-use' and the times they made me feel like they were appreciating my suckin' their dicks and following their program, was making me crazy. It was like they found nipples in my brain and were messing with them.

Mr. J. bent his straight out dick down to my open mouth and pushed it in, just the head at first. I closed my lips and mouth around it, and used my tongue to swab left and right on the bottom of his dickhead. The taste was incredible... like an uncut dick that got showered in the morning that day and was now about 6 hours into brewing the taste I was getting now. I think we both moaned, in the same way at the same time.

"Yeah, that's a good bitch," said Mr. J., mostly to himself I think but as Dante and Darnell were listening they chimed in.

"I ain't gonna lie, Mr. J.," said Dante. "I had me a sweet fat lipped little chubby cocksucker in the hood I fed on the regular for almost four years, plus a shit load of female bitches I put this dick up in they face trying to get that good head. THIS bitch, this bitch right here betta than ALL of `em."

"True `dat," chimed in Darnell once more with his favorite commentary.

Dante's grip on my head became tighter. "OK, bitch. Take a deep fuckin' breath and hol' it," he said. "You goin' for the gold here cocksucka," he announced as he took it upon himself to begin pushing me forward onto Mr. J's rock-hard dick. I really wanted to succeed, and I was really worried I wouldn't be able to deepthroat the man.

Of course the first 9 or 10 were no problem, wouldn't have been even if Dante and Darnell hadn't just been pushing space open in my throat the last 45 minutes or so. I knew it was the 11th and 12th inch I had to figure out.

Mr. J. liked what was going on so far. "Bitch scapin' you with his teeth?" queried Dante.

"Naw, man, shit is smooth and sweet and just like stickin' my dick in a tight buttered pussy," breathed out Mr. J. "He already doin' better than my wife."

Dante appeared to be hesitating, I suspect giving me a chance to prepare for the challenge of the last-inches plunge. But I had a shot of confidence and saw a way to be a star again. Without prompting, I pushed balls deep and once there stuck my tongue out to touch Mr. J."s balls, I gulped a swallow or two, wanting him to feel his dick being nursed on and as deep as it would go.

"Muthaaaa fuuuuccckkkaaa," eased out of Mr. J.'s mouth. "Yes. Goddamn hellyeah YES. Man, I been lookin for this shit FOREVA."

"Tole' ya' us young bloods know how to train a cocksucking bitch to do a black man's dick right," boasted Dante. Seemed like he was taking a lot of credit for my skills, but he did bring all of this about. I never would have had the courage to respond to the hunger and the cravings he showed me I had. Dante removed his hands now that I was chin to nuts, and I hadn't intended to go anywhere, but Mr. J. didn't know that. He quick-popped his hands from his side to replace Dante's. And his grip was a whole lot stronger. "Don't move fo' another minute baby... I want to get used to this shit."

"Hell," said Darnell from the sidelines. "That bitch can breathe through her ears. She LOVE being right where she at and she LOVE having a brutha control the bitch's throat too." His swag and bravado reappeared now that he saw I made it to balls deep.

"Thass a good bitch, right there," commented Dante, ruffling the hair on top of my head that wasn't caught in Mr. J.'s tight grip around my ears. "Daddy proud of you gurrl." Up to then I hadn't pre-cummed a lot in my sexual escapades, but that little move and comment by Dante made a couple drops squeeze up and roll out.

"Now what?" asked Mr. J., "This shit feel good and I don't wanna move."

"You don't got to," proposed Dante. "That bitch trained to give you his throat to do with what you want. Hold the bitch down and let yo' dick soak in that sweet mouthpussy. Train her to get used to yo' shit hanging out in that throat balls deep and yo' ass setting the pace. Hol' the bitch down deep and face fuck it like a cunt til you bust balls deep and the bitch gotta swallow yo' nut. Back her off and make her put in some time on yo' dickhead with them sweet lips and tongue. Make the fag lick yo' balls. Thass' the thing about a white boy cocksucka trained to service the bruthas; she open her cunt throat and you use it how you want and as long as you want. Bitch hungry for yo' nut and trained not to miss a drop of all that fine Mother-Africa seed we bruthas packin'."

"Yo, man, I ain't all that far away from busting this nut," said Mr. J. "But this shit so good I wanna make it last."

I didn't see it, but Dante grinned and winked at Darnell. "Well, your horny horse-hung ass wouldn't have to worry `bout that shit if we work out some kinda' arrangement here," smiled Dante. "Plus yo' ass said if the bitch could do yo' dick right you'd make a deal so we could have a spot to face fuck this mouthcunt whenever we like. Part of the deal is you get access to the cocksucka's throat much as you want. Bitch got work and classes and gonna have to fit you in between our getting our dicks sucked, but you could never have to deal with full nuts that ain't getting no attention eva' again."

"I said if the bitch COULD deepthroat me, STAY on it, AND swallow all my nut, we would have a deal," pointed out Mr. J. "That shit ain't all happened just yet."

"Aaaaiight, my brutha, I got chu'," said Darnell. He dropped down in a squatting position to the side of me and spoke directly into my ear. "Don't move, baby. You keep that man's shit balls deep down yo' throat. But I'm telling you to make this nigga cum. Make him cum hard, make that dick talk to you and spit at you baby. I want you to suck the nut outta this brutha. I want him to have the best nutt of his LIFE up in that golden throat of yours."

Interesting dilemma. I'm all about making dicks happy and I happened to know this one wanted this shit to last. But Dante had claims on me, was responsible for some of the hottest shit ever to happen in my life, and I wanted to do what he told me. Somewhere in the process of getting busted sucking dick in a public restroom, I came to realize Dante considered my throat a commodity and one that was his to control.

I started my swallowing clamping motion, not coming up at all offa his dick, moving from side to side in slow pivot some but not up and down so none of the dick came out. I heard Mr. J. say something but couldn't understand it, but I knew what that tremble in his thighs meant.

"No you muthafuckin' DIDN'T," said Mr. J., loudly. I could tell he wasn't going to be able to fight the urge to cum, and once he realized that as well he decided to pump my face hard. His hands on the sides of my head became vice-like, until he decided to move one hand in back for better pummel leverage.

The pre-cum was flowing, and I was loving the taste of it as well as his urgent grunted and choppy breathing and his "oh shit" becoming a run on sentence. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit ohhhh shhhiiiitttt OH OH OH OH Shitttttttttttttttt!!" The nut started popping hard, and I knew it was thick and heated from what I could feel. I sure couldn't have counted the number of times his dick jumped and emptied cum way deep past my tonsils. Poor Mr. J., seemed ready to collapse, breathing heavy and basically slumped forward bent at the waist, trapping my head onto his dick, and with the back of my head in both his hands and his upper torso forcing me not to come up off his dick.

"Yeah!" shouted Darnell. "Now that's how you show a brutha what a white boy cocksucka with a pussy throat can do!"

"Thass what I'm SAYIN'!" added Dante, talking to Darnell. "You know thass OUR bitch, right? Our bitch. Plus bitch got natural skills, and we still early on in training the bitch. This bitch is a fuckin' GOLDMINE."

"Yeah, man. Good lookin' out. How `bout my getting that second nut now bro? My shit is stiff and my balls cramping with fresh nut. Who turn is it?"

"Nice try my brutha," chortled Dante. "MY second nut of the day is next. And I'm ready." Dante turned his attention to Mr. J., whose recovery period was finally catching up with his breathing, though he still had me clamped and stuck in his crotch with his dick softening and draining nut down my throat. He'd moved his hands to his knees while bent over for support. ""Yo', Mr. J., what chu' think about this throatpussy we done brought you? You done with him yet? Darnell and I both gotta pump out another nut each before this ho' done for the day."

"Damn, man, I ain't neva had my shit eaten and took like that. Neva!" exclaimed Mr. J. "You right, this cocksucka the bomb and I ain't gonna be able to be satisfied with just this one nut. And 35-years waiting to be sucked off this good is bullshit. I wanna make the bitch my regular cocksucker. Matta' fact, I think maybe I wanna bust again right now. My shit still hard and bitch ain't even tried to come up off it," announced Mr. J.

"'Course not," said Darnell. "Bitch know NEVA to come up offa brutha's dick til he either pull it out or tell the bitch to come up off it."

"Y'all muthafuckas got a good thing going on here," said Mr. J., straightening his back but putting one hand back on the back of my head to keep me planted as he did it.

"So what `chu gonna do fo' us?" inquired Dante. "How you gonna' keep yo' part of the deal?"

"I don't rightly know, young blood," admitted Mr J. "I can't be setting aside any of these here bathrooms in this building so y'all can git yo' dicks sucked. And I'm only in charge of this building."

"What about this office, my man? Anybody else got keys to it? Anybody else come up in here?" asked Dante.

"Yeah, my boss got keys, but he ain't been down here in years. He don't give a shit `bout nothin' long as I am doin' my job and he ain't getting complaints," said Mr. J.

"Sweeeeeeeeet," said Dante. "All you gotta do is put a slide bolt lock on the inside of this door and ain't nobody gonna be able to come in and bother none of us while we in here getting our joints slobbered on and our nuts drained. Yo', Mr. J., this here the perfect spot."

Mr. J. seemed hesitant while he thought about it. "It's cool, though," said Dante. "If regular access to this cocksucker's throat ain't of interest to you, Darnell and I jus' gonna put our last two nuts of the day into the bitch and we be gone. We don't gotta bother you no more."

"Regular access you say? Not just today's blow jobs?" clarified Mr. J.

"Fo' shure' Mr. J.," Dante went on. "We figure out a standing appointment thass good for you and me and Darnell will know he gonna be busy every week suckin' yo' dick at that time. And if they any specific time we can't be up in here using this spot to face fuck our bitch, tell us that too. We gonna respect you and the space. Hell, we want this shit to work out too."

"What the fuck," decided Mr. J. "That shit was hella good, and I been waiting to bust up in a bitch's throat balls deep ever since I got my dick wet at 13. Cain't deny thass you boys' doin.' But you can't NEVER tell nobody `bout this shit and if I'm in here chillin' when you want to get serviced I ain't leavin' and cocksucka got to service me too." Having set his terms Mr. J. straightened up and backed his long sloppy snake outta my throat. I could breathe and see again.

"Deal!" Dante agreed emphatically, turning to Darnell, who met his open palm this time with some fancier variation on how they'd been palm slapping before. I counted four separate smacks and a "thass how WE roll," spoken in unison by Dante and Darnell, matched with a move where they puffed out their chests and did a quick hulk pose. "We gonna need a key," said Dante. "Or really, we gonna need three of `em."

"No problem," said Mr. J. "Got a key copy machine right the fuck in here," he said, clearing away some stuff from a corner table. He flipped on the machine and the whir of a spinning cylinder became the loudest sound in the room. Mr. J. busied himself starting to cut a blank key.

It was the only sound that is until Darnell shouted "FUCK! Fuck fuck fuck, Dante. Now neither of us gonna get that second nut we fucked around so long. We got to check out that fraternity open house shit, and we was warned it wasn't cool to come in late. That shit starts at 4."

"Damn, that's fucked up," agreed Dante. "Thass alright. Let's snap up these keys and then we feed the bitch again tomorrow." Dante turned his attention to me. "What time yo' ass done with work tomorrow?"

I told him I was done at 10 am, and had a class at 2 pm.

"Cool. Plenny of time to get our dicks worked. Be here at 10:30, bitch, and not a minute later. Darnell, that shit work fo' you, 10:30 am tomorrow?" Dante inquired of Darnell.

"I can't be here til about 11:15, but I'll be there then. I'm gonna jack my shit tonight too but not bust, that'll work up a really big load in my nuts and that bitch better know she got to suck my dick til it ain't shooting any nut out any more" announced Darnell.

"Thass whass up my brotha," laughed Dante. "Yo! Mr. J.!" Dante shouted over the machine. Mr. J. stopped what he was doing and looked over. Dante went on with checking out the plans for access to the office. Mr. J. said he wouldn't be here til noon tomorrow, but that he was gonna get some more head too when he got here "for sure."

"We on, then," said Dante as he tucked in his pants and attended to straightening his clothes. Darnell was doing the same thing and they both caught me staring at their crotches. Darnell called attention to it.

"Dayuuum, Dante, look at that shit. Bitch had three loads from three dicks down his throat in the last hour and a half, and still jonesin' for more. Can't take his eyes off our shit!" marveled Darnell.

"I ain't mad," laughed Dante_. "That ho's hunger for brutha dick is how I clocked the bitch and caught us a primo cocksucker. Took less than a week to, fuckin' first day of classes. Who the man, D man?_

"YOU the man!" agreed Darnell.

`Yo', Mr. J.," Dante said again. "Wassup with those keys? We gotta roll."

"Two done and working on the third," responded Mr. J.

"Cool, we gonna take those two and book," answered Dante. Mr. J. handed them to Dante, who in turn handed one to Darnell. "I'm leaving our bitch behind to get her that third key and we be back at 10:30 tomorrow morning."

Dante now turned to me and said "We leavin' you here to git yo' own key. We be here tomorrow, and you best be here by 10:30 sharp `cuz I'm definitely gonna want you to be on my shit by 10:35. Got that?"

I nodded. Dante raised his voice loud enough for Mr. J. to hear over the sound of the grinding machine, and said "And lissen up bitch. If this brutha right here wants his dick sucked again before you leave, you get that shit done. Thass yo' job now, taking care of brutha's dicks."

Mr. J. stopped the machine as he heard himself referenced and the order that I suck his dick again if he wanted before I leave.

"Peace! We outta here," announced Dante as he and Darnell moved toward the door, leaving me inside with Mr. J. as they left.

I sat quietly and it wasn't long before the key was ready and Mr. J. handed it to me. "Did you suck bruthas dicks in high school to keep them from getting they girls pregnant?" he asked.

I realize the story about how Dante got schooled to use cocksuckers was an interesting one—I found it hot, too--- but it seemed a non-sequitur to me.

"No," I acknowledged. "I sucked dick in HS but it was never organized like Dante is talking about. Wish one of the fathers in my home town had thought about doing that. I'd have loved that. I'd have done the father too," I mused.

"That's an interesting idea," said Mr. J. "I'm gonna have to think on that while you get another nut sucked up outta' `dis dick. I LOVED it, by the way. You a crazy good cocksucker baby," he added, rubbing my head. "Now git you another nut," he ordered, this time unbuckling his pants and belt and dropping his pants and boxers all the way to the floor. He put his hands on his hips, an absolutely inspiring pose when a man got his pants around his ankles and his dick hanging free.

He didn't really take all that long for that second nut, but he was a lot rowdier and aggressive, all of it peppered with comments about `what a good bitch cocksucker I was.' Being alone with me, or maybe it was because it was only the second time he ever felt his dick deepthroated, but he got a lot wilder and aggressive and he was waaaaay louder when he busted his second nut.

Mr. J. also took less time to recover this time. I think it had something to do with feeling a bit awkward being alone with a man who just sucked his dick. He had said he wanted Dante and Darnell to stay when they offered him privacy.

The last thing he said to me was, "Yeah... I got to do some thinkin' on that shit they done told us about how they Daddy was keeping them from getting girls pregnant in high school.. I for sure got to think about that."

Even though he brought it up again, I thought it was out of place and maybe I was missing something. I was missing something; the fact that Mr. J. had a son about to turn 15.. And that wasn't the only foreshadowing reference that ended up having meaning that afternoon in the janitor's closet on my knees draining loads from black man dick. That fraternity meeting Dante and Darnell left for was soon going to figure pretty prominently in my ever-growing black dick sucker obligations.

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Thanks for reading,


Next: Chapter 5

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