Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Published on May 27, 2022


Kappa Kappa Cocksucker 12

Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Chapter 12: You Like How That Nut Taste, Baby?

I felt as if I was being slowly pulled into those eyes that were holding me spellbound while his hand continued to stroke my hair and four of the fingers of his other hand were in my mouth being cleaned while pressing against the depth of my throat. I felt incredibly turned on, yes, but something else too. Maybe some hybrid of hunger and a unfamiliar, incredibly powerful, devotion? I was like a dog on point and I'm surprised I wasn't also wiggling like an excited pet. Everything felt electric, even the taste of Marcus' dick drool made me want more. Being alone with Marcus, the way he stroked and touched me and talked to me and controlled me and used me somehow tuned me up into more turn-on than my horny little new life had ever conjured up to that point. I'd never known that level of submission while simultaneously fuckin driven to please someone, desperate for approval. I began to crave his nut real bad.

"You doin' real good, baby," Marcus continued his cooing and stroking. It occurred to me I might cum from what was happening. "You look sooo fuckin' good down there baby, lookin' up at me, sucking the slop cumming outta my dick offa my fingers like it was candy." I had to do something, I was being driven a little mad by the way I was feeling turned out, like I was ready to explode in a way I didn't understand. And so I started to try to work his fingers deeper, swallowing on them steadily and fast and using my tongue on his palm. I think my eyes became pleading.

"Muthafuckin' BITCH! Goddamn I love it when you get cum-hungry. FUCK that's hot...ugh, shit...if my dick was in yo' throat right now that shit you doin' would get you fed," Marcus said in response. "Mmmm...hole still a minute," he said, using the stroking hand to grasp a clump of hair and tilt my head back, his fingers bunched in four and literally stroking my tongue just about the spot where a normal cocksucker's gag reflex would interrupt things. "That shit good but I got to slow yo' pretty ass down. You used to gettin' niggas dicks to spit at you when you fuckin' want the nut but today that shit gonna be different. You gonna have to work for this nut, and I'm gonna wanna enjoy myself watching you test out all kinda new ways to make my shit feel gooood."

I of course had stopped my fast paced attack on the dick-like fingers playing with my throat, but listening to him, the not-once unbroken eye contact, his incredible grin still made me feel crazy hot. And when he announced what was happening and how he was going to use me I couldn't help myself, a noise escaped from me that could only be called a begging kind of whimper. It was organic, not intended to turn Marcus on even more, but it did.

"Damn, shit baby. You don't know how hard my dick is right now. It ain't neva been harder and that's for you baby, thass how you gonna get all the cum up outta my balls, treating the dick right and learning how Marcus' dick needs to be done. You work hard and long for the cum babygurl and you gonna git an extra big reward, too," Marcus continued.

I whimpered again, and gulped. Every one of the four black men I was now servicing, except Mr. J, who liked nutting fast and taking longer for the second load, had complained about my stealing their nuts outta them faster than they wanted. For a submissive cocksucker, I pretty often got what I wanted and I knew Marcus' controlling my access to his load with an idea toward making it last and build up an ever bigger torrent of cum was gonna be tough on me.

"We gonna put you to work on them balls too," Marcus added, talking slow, pulling his fingers out of my mouth, not yet knowing that even his deep voice in that kinda erotic unhurried bass telling me what to do and how I was going to do it was making my own dick pump little clumps of clear precum into my shorts. I noticed he wiped his wet fingers on his own jeans rather than on me or my clothes, and some part of my internal awareness firmly entrenched in a kind of foggy mental background noted this and liked him for it. But then he seemed to pause, still looking down at me with those same hypnotic eyes, just looking at me for a minute. I was so hyper turned on I think I wasn't even holding still. After a few seconds of what seemed to be his contemplating me with interest, his grin spread wider and he put both his hands on my head, gently actually, each hand covering an ear but the thumbs slowly and softly rubbing my temples while he started talking to me again.

"You fuckin' lit up, ain't you baby? You `bout ready to nut from me working you like this ain't you?" came his question. I nodded, actually thinking it was the start of his taking pity on me and relenting from his current strategy to make me work a long time for his nut enough to face fuck me til his nuts emptied, starting right now. In my mind I thought he was aware of how spun out I was and realized how much I needed him to pump his nut down my throat and because he was aware of it that he was going to take pity. I was only half-right.

He was aware of how turned on I was, but that was not going to change his plans. But it did seem to give him an idea that he liked, given that grin.

He kept my head cradled and his thumbs gently stroking my temple while he talked to me.

"I know what this is," he said, looking deeply into my eyes. "I know what the fuck is going on. I know it `cuz of summers on my cousin's farm and riding their thoroughbreds. You like an animal and all stirred up and wild and you need someone to calm you down so you can act right and do right."

I guess the animal nature made sense, I sure the fuck was feeling pretty fuckin' primal and hungry to be controlled. And I was locked into some edgy conflict between jumping at his crotch and hope that the passion of it would get his dick out, and giving up what I wanted to be schooled on how he wanted me to be. My nature lent me toward the former, but his sliding into gentleness in his voice and the soft simultaneous touches of his thumbs traveling slowly back and forth on my temples and my head being cradled in his hands, they were having the effect he wanted. And those fucking eyes. He never let me get away from them and I felt more and more captured by him with his eyes as the beginning of the end of my resistance.

This next part made me want to lunge forward with my arms around him, to pledge permanent and undying devotion to every drop ever to leave his nuts. What he did was move slowly to leveling himself with me, eye level, bending at the knees and squatting on the balls of his feet. He never removed his hands or stopped the caressing.

"You a thoroughbred, alright," he said, inches from my face and balanced in a crouching position. "You pretty as shit and you got something animal in you that pops off wheneva a nigga dick in play. But you a special kind of thoroughbred. You a Black Man's Cocksucker Thoroughbred, and you gonna be making niggas happy with that pussymouth yo' whol' life I expect."

Intent on his words, on his eyes, on the delicious touch of his hands and thumbs, on his proximity to me, it all worked. I calmed way down and a part of me accepted that no matter what I wanted, how bad I wanted as many black dicks as possible shooting down my throat as fast as possible, Marcus was effectively seducing me into total submission with him. I didn't realize at that exact moment this yielding was only for him, something he brewed and nourished in me, something inextricably linked to my psyche and the cum-hungry spots deep down my throat.

"I'm right, ain't I baby," he asked, staring into my eyes like he wasn't sure, the question sincere. Though, as he found it and named it in me, I wasn't sure why he would need to ask. I nodded, unsure of what sound I would make if I tried to talk.

"Sweeeet," he grinned wide again, "Fuckin' awesome, in fact," which he punctuated with a tighter squeeze of my head as he leaned forward. I almost backed away, never having had my face so close to another man's face. So much crazy had gone on this morning I thought for a minute I was about to be kissed, that thought immediately followed by telling myself how insane it would be to expect it. He did kiss me though, but not on the lips. He kept my head in his hands, leaned forward and kissed me sweetly on the forehead, and as he rose from his crouched position he said, slowly and in concert with a long exhale, "I got you, baby."

In standing he had released my head and moved to walk past me, landing in the desk chair Mr. J. used in the office. You could tell the moment we'd just had was broken, the mood changed when we separated from that proximity to one another.

"Turn around," he said, "Face me but stay on your knees. Thass' a good look for you," he laughed.

I did as instructed. He looked at me again, and I saw his eyes had changed as well as the smile being gone. "You know my knowing how to work you doesn't change any of the cocksucker rules Dante and Darnell set up, right?"

"OK," I said, unsure where this was going. I hadn't thought once about anything but Marcus for the whole time we were alone together.

"I know you suckin' a lotta dick," he began, "and thass aiight. You wanna suck a lotta dick and I wanna git my dick sucked all the time. Thass shit good, thass a match-up. And I ain't trying to change any of that. You keep them bruthas happy but now we got to talk about how you gonna keep me happy."

"I want to," I blurted out.

He smiled at that. "I like that," he answered to my outburst. "But yo' pussmouth gonna be pretty fuckin' busy, AND you ain't even been put on Kappa Kappa dicksuckin' duty like Dante talkin' `bout yet, so we gotta get some shit understood between us."

"OK," I responded, but the knot in my stomach was beginning. I wondered quickly again if there might be some special chemical in a black man's nut that made his cocksuckers addicted to it, but brought my attention back to Marcus.

"So here's what I'm thinkin'," Marcus began. "You got dicksuckin' dates two times a day with me, Dante and Darnell, right?"

I nodded.

"How `bout the dude you servicin' to get us keys to this spot?" Marcus wanted to know.

"Most times it's once in the morning before he starts his shift. He comes in half an hour early for head and I suck his dick every morning at 11:30," I answered.

"That it, once a day at 11:30?" Marcus asked.

"Mostly," I said. "A couple times he called up Dante to see if I could suck him off before he leaves at 8, but that doesn't happen often. Plus he's not here on the weekends though once he set it up so I could suck him off on a Sunday, but only once so far."

"Wait," Marcus wanted to know. "He don't have your number? He gotta go through Dante to set up getting his dick sucked if he want more than his morning suck off?"

"Yeah," I responded.

"Daaayum," whistled Marcus. "Every time I think Dante the smartest muthafucka I know he does somethin' else fuckin' smarter than the last time. He keepin' that pussymouth handy for the Kappa bruthas."

"I guess," I said, then realized I had something pertinent I ought to add. "But Dante said earlier on the phone that I may have to make some more time for Mr. J. than we was giving him so far."

"Aaaiight, we worry `bout that later." Marcus was talking to me from the desk chair, his hands still busy on his junk and still visibly hard in his pants. He seemed to especially like using the heel of his hand in a rough pressing motion up and down the length of it. He saw me watching him do it.

"My dicksnot still running, baby doll. Ever' time I move my hand along it more drool comes out and messes up my drawers with all that tasty slobber you gonna get to enjoy in a minute," his horny, sexy, macho stance back and having the same effect on me.

"You getting' hungry fo' it, ain't you baby? You likin' my dicksnot doncha? You did a good job suckin' it up offa my fingers. You cravin' it right fuckin' now ain't you?" Marcus teased.

I nodded once again, simultaneously feeling that same pulse and dick-need spike he walked me down from earlier.

"Aaaaiiggght," Marcus said. "You gonna get it fo' shure, I ain't lying or teasin' you, that golden throat made for this shit. But let's get our business done first."

I didn't feel consulted about one more time walking back from clamping my face into his crotch so we could discuss his plans and arrangements, but that immediate cringe at his dick staying out of my mouth still jumped up and objected in my thumping heart.

"OK," I said, the pang of desperation still on me. He noticed.

"See? See that right there? That unstoppable hurry to get my junk into yo' mouf' is fuckin' AWESOME. That shit makes my dick hard ever fuckin' time, and ever since you began sucking that nut outta me, my shit drool when I'm turned on too."

"So what's the business to be settled?" my asking not ably masking how bad I wanted to get his dick.

"Fuck yeah," Marcus said again, I understood it was in appreciation for my bald hunger, this time using both hands to manipulate his hard dick in his pants. "Aaaiight_, here it is. You know that cocksucker rule where `cept for putting bruthas dicks in it you keep yo' mouf shut?_

"Yeah," I answered.

"Well that shit's especially important to me, so you ever talk about what we do with anybody else and you gonna ain't never get on this dick again," Marcus said it like he meant it while personally doubting he could keep his dick outta this cocksucka's mouth if the chance presented itself. But it had his desired effect on me, and he saw it in my eyes.

"We cool on that?" Marcus asked.

"Absolutely," I agreed.

"Cool," he said, continuing. "The second thing is you gotta find me a two hour block of time twice a week where they ain't nothing going on but you working on my dick. No hurry, no other appointments, two hours for me to just use that throat as I see fit to git my nut."

I liked the idea, instantly.

"But we can't hang out here, this don't work for what I'm talkin' `bout. We need a bed and somewhere we ain't gonna be interrupted. Think you can work that out?" he finished.

"Fuck yeah," I insisted even though in that moment I had no idea where we'd find the time or the privacy or the setup he was talking about. Obviously my dorm room would work but of course I had a roommate.

"It's been about an hour and a half this morning of me working and training you so you can count this one for one of the times this week, " he responded. "But I need a bed to lay down in so I can watch you suckin' mah dick while I'm laying down."

I nodded, though I still had no idea where or how I'd pull it off. A hotel room occurred to me, of course but I didn't have money like that, putting myself through college and working part time.

"So now it's time for you to git yo' faggity ass over here and start making my dick happy," Marcus said, changing the energy in the room once more and definitely into a mood state where I got dick in my mouth.

Still on my knees, I covered the distance scooting forward like a man with somewhere to go. I would have thought that Marcus would have been amused by that, but I could see in his eyes it was all about his cock now.

I reached up to pull his pants down since they were already open, but he stopped me. "No hands," he said. "Only your mouf'." He assisted by standing and shucking his pants all the way off, one leg after another after kicking his shoes off. He sat down and exaggeratedly spread his legs wide. "There you go, baby," he said, "all for you. Now chow down on that dick and them nuts like a good bitch." One arm reached out and met me with a hand on the back of my head as I leaned in and sank into his ramrod hard crotch, getting my cheek wet with all that dick drool he'd been talking about earlier. He was right, there was a lot of it pooled in his drawers right near his dick head and a couple other places where the dickhead had moved around in his pants. I quickly clamped a tight sucking circle on the thickest of the pool and began sucking it in. I was surprised I hadn't focused on precum before, because it was an amazing taste and I started sucking and licking harder, now interested in getting all of it sucked up much more than just following orders.

His hand on my head was once again rubbing and moving around my head, though he was from time to time using it to press down when he also pushed up, cramming my face into the dickdrool spots and the hardness of his dick. He was moaning more than usual too, and I fuckin' loved it.

"Yeah, thass right baby, you doin' real good," he slowly drew out the words, "you really a good cocksucker, baby." Now that I knew he knew how to work me, it made me all the hotter to know he knew he was building the fire in me.

I kept working hard for the remnants of the dick slime which were fast disappearing. I think I made a noise of frustration as my lips began to realize there was no more to suck up and I moved about trying to find other puddles of precum.

"Baby like that shit, don't you? You like slurping up all the dickdrool from this dick, much as you can get, huh baby?" Marcus asked.

"Yessss," I drew out my answer, still hovering my lips over the cloth covering his erection. His hand on the back of my head made me change from facing his dick to facing him.

"You like how that shit tastes, baby?" he asked, knowing the answer but grinning and wanting to hear it anyway.

"You got the best tasting jizz and dick drool I ever tasted!" I said, meaning it and realizing it simultaneously.

That elicited a near-guffaw from Marcus, along with a "HELLYEAH!" he matched with another hard crunch of my face into his cock.

"Thass your surprise baby!"he grinned, holding me in place looking at him while he talked. "You remember I tole you I had a surprise for yo' ass?"

"Yeah," I said. I'd fantasized about it to the point I was going crazy and had actually forced myself to stop. The idea that some straight hung macho black dude was doing something especially for me had driven me to distraction a number of times since he mentioned it.

"And that nut juice taste good to you?" he asked again.

"Yeah, better than anybody else's," I repeated.

"Well, there's a reason for that. I been drinkin' pineapple juice four or five times a day since you been sucking my loads outta my dick. Been doin' it fo' yo' ass just to make my cum taste good to you." His grin meant almost as much to me as his action.

"No shit!?" I exclaimed. "You been doin' that for me?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "Read up on it and started drinkin pineapple juice like four or five days ago." He seemed pretty proud of himself, and I remembered that he was a chemistry major. He sure as fuck had chemistry going for him now.

A more experienced person would recognize what was happening in my head and heart. I didn't recognize it, didn't have a name for it, but suddenly Marcus's pleasure expanded in importance to me geometrically.

"Shit," he started explaining to me, "I ain't never had a regular dicksucka before and I knew you was doing three other dudes. And of course I didn't have free access to them lips til today. So I started thinking about how I was gonna make you like my cum the best to make you want my dick the most, so I did some research on it. Now you getting' sweet cum outta my dick ever time it drools and ever time I bust my nut deep in yo' throat." He was beaming. So was I.

I think for different reasons though. I was getting a rush from the idea that it felt like I was sorta being treated like a girlfriend--- which I knew better than to think but it did give me a rush--- and he was feeling impressed with himself at the efficacy of his plan.

"I fuckin' LOVE your nut," I offered enthusiastically. "And your dick," worried that the afterthought of it might be noticed.

"Good. So you know what you gettin' when I wanna get serviced and you gonna love it. You gonna want it all the time right?" laughed Marcus.

"Yes. I want it bad," I said. "I'm gonna be perpetually horny for suckin' you off," I continued.

"You know what?" asked Marcus. "I think it's time you got your reward, baby. You done good and you been good." With that he rose from the chair and slid down his drawers. He went over to the cot and stretched out along it. "Come over here, babygurl, and you take what's yours," he told me.

I LOVED that he called his dick "mine." I started to head for the end of the cot but he stopped me and told me to take off my shirt and lower my pants down past my ass. "I want to feel that baby smooth skin while you suckin' on my dick," he explained, and then had more to add. "Come at it from the side of the cot, lean over my stomach and suck my dick that way," he directed. I maneuvered myself the way he wanted, this time without a shirt on with my pants pulled down past my ass. I kept my dick covered up front, it just seemed to me it ought to stay out of the equation. I bent over and approached his sticky hot dick that was trying to lay down on his belly but kept jumpin' and bouncin', and there was fresh dick drool drops calling out to me. I'd never realized – simplicity itself, really--- that coming onto a dick with even a slight banana curve up (like Marcus's had) from above, approaching it from the torso instead of frontwards on my knees in front of it, created a natural advantage to deepthroating it. You are matching up the two curves; the curve of the dick and the curve of the throat, both curving in corresponding directions. It was a brilliant move on Marcus' part and for a second it made me doubt his lack of experience. Still, he had some pretty awesome and convincing swagger that one wouldn't necessarily expect from someone new to sex.

Anyway, it was brilliant. I was already bubbling with hormones and bristling from the forced delays. This new angle meant I went deeper and instantly, I went past where his dick joined his body and actually was able to shove more of my throat onto his hard dark column. Marcus literally howled, instantly springing up at the waist and roughly clamping a hand hard on my head and pulling down on it more intensely than I'd ever felt. That position of his torso rising up fast made his upper body land on top of mine, bent over his hips as I was, and the effect of that was his realizing the weight he was putting on me was pushing me ever harder and deeper onto his dick. He realized it and took advantage of it, grunts following the howl and now occurring in time to his pressing his body forward onto mine and creating his own up and down motion using my throat like a tool. He was full of one-syllable words, swearing and encouraging. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! HELLyeah..oh shit...NO YOU DIDN'T...YOU RIGHT! YOU RIGHT! AWESOME! FUCKIN' AWESOME. Ugh UGH UGH ughhhh...THAT SHIT SOOO FUCKIN' GOOD! GAWD DAAAYUUMMM BABY..."

I was having a fucking awesome time, feeling so powerful and happy and treasured, I became and have always/will always be a sucker for compliments and encouragement. Spikes my arousal like a bomb. It has to be sincere, though, and that was absolutely no problem for Marcus. After staying down deeper than ever before and mangling the dick with my busy tongue and swallowing up and down using the walls of my throat plus my lips trying to get his balls in and feeling the heat of how amazingly I was blowing his mind, I could have gone on forever. It was like being suspended in what was a combination of a zen-state fused with that lingering sweet pull one feels 45 seconds just before one cums. I could have danced there forever, but I couldn't stand not seeing his face after ministering to him like this. I pulled up and his arm slid down my back to land leisurely on my hip right above my exposed ass.

I was grinning like a Cheshire cat, my eyes watering, my lips wet and I was breathing heavy. He was motionless, having lain back down, his eyes closed, his other arm dangling over the other side of the cot. He had the most extraordinary look of exquisite rapture, and I wondered if somehow I missed him busting his nut. Nah, that would never happen. He was breathing fast too, but slowing down and the vision of him stretched out, beautiful dark skin, warm and sensual in those places our skin touched, is a permanently-etched recollection of my discoveries about sex. I waited silently, but my grin never subsided.

Finally, he opened his eyes and smiled at me. "You need to warn a nigga first next time!" he laughed. I didn't say anything but my grin grew wider. He was looking at me through slit eyes. "I almost nutted a coupla times, dayum. You been holding out on me, where'd you learn to do that?"

"From you, right then, right now," I said. "From being crazy hungry for your load and for the way I want to do everything I can to make you and your dick happy, to make it talk to me and spit at me. So I can get all the nut from it, so maybe nobody but me gets to suck your dick.. well, maybe the only white boy that gets to suck your dick. I know you gonna be fuckin' females, but I still wish that EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to cum you find me and make me suck it out. I want you to know you don't ever have to waste one fuckin' drop of your cum ever again." I surprised myself with that speech, was a little worried it was too much for a straight man to deal with, and then realized Marcus had opened me up so completely I didn't have any interest in pretending or hiding the truth from him in any way about how badly I wanted to suck his dick and that I wanted to do it all the time. I also noticed, a couple minutes after the fact, a very profound thing. I wasn't ashamed of any of it. I suddenly felt lighter, simpler, and more in concert with humanity.

Marcus laid back looking at me while I rolled through the impromptu speech, all caught up in myself but now that it was over, a little scared of having done it.

We kept looking at one another but there was an extended silence occurring between us. I was doing my best to look like I intended to say everything I said and was intentionally tossing down a gauntlet and being daring without regret, awaiting his response. I've always been told I'm easy to read through my eyes, so I had no idea if I was selling it.

He raised himself to his elbows. I still couldn't read what was going on in his eyes. "Well," he started out. "Now that's some shit for a brutha to take in."

I wasn't able to hang on to my bravado. "Yeah, sorry man. I didn't actually mean to say all that shit, it just sort of came out. Did I freak you out? Sorry?"

"Maybe," he said, not instantly letting me off the hook as I wanted. "All that shit true, what you said?" he wanted to know.

"Well... yeah," I admitted, screwing up my face to indicate the chagrin I felt.

"So you sayin' you want to suck my dick ever time I want to bust a nut, you always gonna suck it out for me if I let you at it? You sayin' I don't ever gotta waste a drop of nut again `cuz you want all of it? Thass what you sayin'?" he asked.

Hearing it back made it sound worse to me than it had being said. "You know what?" I blurted out. "Never mind. I was talking crazy, just all revved up from how good your dick tastes," I tried to back out of it.

"Hell naw, you said it and I ain't lettin' you take it back," Marcus announced, his tone more serious than the banter I was trying to kick off, like it was a joke or something. "What? You afraid I'm mad or somethin'?"

"Yes," I answered like of course I was scared of that.

"Then it's time fo' yo' ass to start following directions again," he answered, and it felt like a subject change.

"Alright," I conceded, wishing I hadn't said shit and feeling like I fucked up a good thing.

"First instruction is to turn round and look at my dick," he told me.

I did. It was waving up and down off of his belly with the dick head shiny with the clear precum I loved.

"Now say that shit again `bout how you will suck the nut outta my dick any fuckin' time I want you to," he instructed me again. "And keep yo' eyes on my dickhead."

I stared at his waving dick and wanted to have the drool in my mouth again, as I always did, but I said what he wanted me to say: "I want to be able to get every drop of your nut juice you ever make and I want to keep them balls empty and you satisfied. I don't want you to ever have to go without blow jobs ever again. I wanna be your on-call cocksucker for anytime you want head."

I watched his dick twitch. I heard him groan just a little, and then a fresh pearl of clear dick drool came out with a push, more like a small orgasm than precum slipping out. It was hot as fuck to see, especially timed with my swearing cocksucker loyalty to him.

"Yo ass still worried baby?" he asked, more gentleness in his voice again but with him intentionally bouncing his hard-on up and down against his stomach and that unbroken string of dick drool catching the light and expanding and retracting while he danced his dick up and down, knowing what it was doing to me. I was distracted, now that I knew he wasn't mad a hard dick took precedence to speaking back and forth.

He realized he wasn't going to get a clear answer so he changed his approach. "You think you worked hard enough today to be fed my nut, baby?"

Of course I did. Emphatically. It was like there was only so much time between loads my body could do without processing black man nut and I needed my fix.

"I hope so," is the answer I offered, afraid if I was too aggressive he'd put me off from sucking the cum outta his nuts again.

"Then you go get it, baby. Thass your dick down there waiting for its pussymouth to dump a load in. You earned it aiiight," he told me. I started my move to bend back over his hip and his hand joined my head and followed me down. I started with the puddle of dick drool on his belly, but he moved me off it. "You can lick that shit up later, baby, it's time for you to get all the way down on this fuckin' dick and stay there fo' a minute." He used both hands to bring about what he wanted, forcing me to go slower by having a tight grasp on my head to keep me from going down until he wanted, and before going balls deep he played around by pop-fucking his dick in and out of my mouth for a couple minutes. "Yo," he said, "I'm gonna keep doin' this with you coming up offa my dick while I stroke yo' head up and down on my dick, but I'm gonna hesitate just a minute right before it comes out when just the dickhead is in yo' mouf' and I want you to get a real good tight suck around the dick head so when I pull it out it makes that popping noise. That shit hot as fuck and it feels good." I followed these instructions for a couple minutes, his dialogue continuing with timing guidelines and more instructions as he tried out things, and my new favorite phrase, "good fuckin' job, baby."

Marcus continued trying out new angles and finally abandoned his directions and hands on my head. He called it `freestylin_'"_ and of course I liked it most. After the invitation to go freestyle for a minute or two he pulled himself up and then leaned over me and put pressure on my body again. He didn't say anything but I took it upon myself to replicate the position I was in before where he almost lost his nut, allowing his body position to press me even further on his dick.

"Motherfuckin' shiiiiit, that's some hella good head" he spoke out loud as I sank back into position and he thrust up hard knockin' the wind out of me and causing me to choke and cough a bit. I started to pull up but he said real loud "NAW. I want you to stay right where you at," and he kept me clamped down so I couldn't get off it. I recovered, proudly without letting the dick outta my mouth, and he complimented me on being such a good little bitch. "Yo, I wish I knew yo' cocksuckin' ass when I was in high school. "Bout broke my fuckin' arm trying not to lose my mind from being horny all the damn time. And you'd have LOVED my basketball team, them bruthas could bring some dick to the situation," Marcus continuing talking to himself as much as me while holding me balls deep in his new favorite cocksucker position. The talk, more fantasies about black men wanting my mouth, being physically manhandled by Marcus and feeling the heat of our skins touching one another. He'd asked me to take off my shirt and drop my draws enough for him to play with my ass, and he'd been stroking his hands and arm up and down my back for the last few minutes while he talked whatever shit he felt like while I worked to make his nuts empty. "You got nice skin, baby, I like that," Marcus added to the dialogue, lazily dipping his hand and arm strokes to the top of my ass. "You know what? That's some ass fo' a white boy. Skin feels especially nice back here."

I don't know why, but it made me uncomfortable having him pay attention to my ass. I stepped up the pace and the swallow action on his dick and once again pushed myself hard down the column. I think my face literally pushed into his body just to cram as many inches down my throat as was possible.

Marcus read my mind and whispered "I got you baby," before joining my ministrations to him doing a sort of deepthroat hip rotation and all that sweet talk about what a good pussy mouth I had. He was telling me as it was happening, but speaking as the dicksucker on the dick I could tell I was about to get fed. "Ooooohhh shit baby, you `bout to get fed. I can feel it wanting to pop, oh hellyeah, you got good throat... thass a golden throat you got there, fucking golden...oh shit it's happening. Suck harder baby suck harder ooohhh oh Shit I'm gonna nutI'm gonna fuckin nut.here you go baby YEAH FUCKIN YEAH GIT ALL OF IT UGH UGH! UGH! Ugghhhnnnnhhhhhhhhh." The last of his sounds, the long `uuuunnnggghhh" he drew out was low and deep and because I was folded into his midsection I was able to feel the breath of every exhale, the sound of every groan, and the taste of every slimy drop as it coursed outta his dick. While he was nutting, he was actually convulsing and the retractions of his body matched the shots of cum firing outta his dick. Those shots were hard and hot, the first ones exploding and the next several coming out thick and plentiful. I kept swallowing and he just laid on top of my back, skin to skin, and held me in place while he caught his breath. "Lotta nut baby? You get a lotta nut outta me?" he asked.

I gulped hard on his not-quickly deflating dick and toyed with the idea of working out another load. But the symmetry and poetry of the morning and the intense way he nutted and his afterglow seemed complete. I mumbled "lotta nut," while on his dick, but of course it came out sounding like "la la ut," which made him laugh. "You got my dick all the way down yo' fuckin' throat, you sucked a big nut outta it already and now you getting all the little drops left behind in my dicktube between my nuts and my dick head, and I can still understand yo' ass when I ask you a question while you got my dick balls deep. Now THASS a GOOD bitch." I swallowed again, hard, appreciating that he was talking this shit aware it turned me on.

We stayed in that position a while, I actually was beginning to cramp but it was so wonderful to be all caught up inside him like that; dick in my mouth, my face in his crotch, my forehead against his thigh and his whole upper body on top of me while I was folded into him. The warmth was both literal and figurative.

"You need to move baby?" he asked, sweet and sincere, I suppose guessing it couldn't be all that comfortable cramped like I was. I nodded, my head moving against his thigh and my cheeks along his pubes.

"OK, baby gurl, gimme just one minute. This shit feels good to a brutha who just busted a big ass nut." It was more than a minute I'm sure before he unloaded himself from on top of me but even then he put his hand on my head to keep his dick in my mouth. "You just don't know how good you look with my dick in yo' mouth and my hand on top of yo' pretty head," he commented before sighing and releasing me. I stood and straightened my back, which I needed to do very badly.

He saw me stretching out my discomfort and said "Sorry baby, but this on you. If you didn't suck my dick so good I wouldn't be holding you down on it so long," Marcus laughed, looking at me.

"I ain't mad," I said, which made him crack up even more since he realized I was picking up things from them.

We both started getting dressed, moving slowly and feeling that closeness great sex (that's great for both partners) can make a couple completely at ease with one another. Eventually they were both dressed and ready to go but in the last couple hours this cement janitors closet had been the birthplace of the most intimate sex I think we'd both ever had. We got to the door and I hesitated, then turned around and said "thank you," though the simplicity of the words belied emotion in them. He put his arms around me in a bear hug which was too tight to be intimate and matched it with that ever-popular patting thing guys do when male-male intimacy frightens them. I think the look of disappointment showed, though I'd not wanted that. He put my face in his hands one more time and leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks," he repeated, and just before he disappeared behind the door (I would leave a few minutes later) he stuck his head back around to make eye contact and laughed, "I hope yo' ass is ready for how much dick you gonna be gettin'!" and disappeared. I couldn't tell if he was talking about how much time he intended to spend with his dick down my throat, or upcoming stuff. But the warning turned me on either way.


Let's remember to thank Nifty with donations for creating this free, freeing, rowdy, and empowering forum. Thanks!

I own this story and it may not be reproduced anywhere else in part or parcel without my express permission.

Supportive comments coming in have been most welcome and appreciated, thanks. Thanks for reading. I am happily discovering I have fans of this my first erotica work, and that feels great. I've been asked a lot about the time between chapters. The story and plot lines live in my head but the muse strikes randomly. Since my work is being enjoyed by some I will make a sincere effort to write and submit chapters more quickly.



Los Angeles CA

Next: Chapter 13

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