Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Published on May 10, 2022


Kappa Kappa Cocksucker 10

Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Chapter 10: People Talkin' `Bout Me Behind My Back

I was having an extraordinary experience of college and an introduction to my grownup sex life, living out experiences and fantasies I'd never expected to admit to, let alone let happen, or ultimately, pursue. The Black-Mans'-dicks-and-loads were becoming addictive—and magical—and hypnotic-- and consuming. I started getting erections from daydreams of the smells and flavors of dicks and crotches all the time, becoming dizzy remembering their orders and thanks and groans and springing wood in the middle of classes, and most especially, jacking off from sense memories of their hands on the back of my head.

First it was Dante, clocking me as a hungry cocksucker and doing something about it. Then it was both Dante and his best friend Darnell getting serviced at the same time. Then the three of us got busted with me sucking their dicks and Dante managed not only to keep us out of trouble by offering my skills as a cocksucker to the man who caught us, but in the process finding brand new safe space where I would regularly service all three of them. Dante and Darnell schedules were to be serviced twice a day, Mr. J. at least once every morning when he started work and sometimes more. As if that wasn't enough wildness for a just-out black man's service-oriented cocksucker newly discovering sex AND a passion for black men, Dante brought in another black dude to use my mouth and throat to suck his nut out... and even that was a first step in a strategy to make me service his whole fraternity!

And that was just what I knew about in all this erotic turmoil. There was a lot going on about which I didn't know. If I could have been a fly on the wall or follow Dante around all the time, I might have just lost my mind from the rush of testosterone and excitement it would have caused me. People were talking about me behind my back, and it ended up generating geometrical explosions of the excitement and joy I was experiencing. But you can know what was being said behind my back...

Dante and Marcus, Wednesday morning, on the way to class

"You sure into getting yo' cock sucked, brutha," said Dante, aware of Marcus' accelerated pace as they walked across campus to get serviced together before morning classes.

"Hell yeah, man. My shit been on lockdown all my life up to now back in my Daddy's church town. Your nasty asses grew up where everybody was fuckin' and suckin'. Head is the fuckin' bomb," sighed Marcus. "Hey, is pussy better than head?" he asked.

"They jus' different. For me, it's more of a mood thing," proposed Dante. "Ain't nuthin' like pussy, and the man upstairs wouldn't have given us bruthas so much dick if he ain't wanting us to use `em. Head is easier to get than pussy, plus ain't nobody gettin' pregnant offa nut juice all down they throat and on their tonsils. Plus getting head is less work for a nigga...he can just hold still and make the bitch do all the work, or he can grab up a bitch he trained to deepthroat him and fuck that bitch in the face til he nut and STILL ain't no babies comin' out of that. Plus I'd let a bitch I wouldn't fuck suck my dick, but fuckin' bitches' pussies is like a bigger thing to me. They gotta be fly for me to lay a bitch. There's more to it and shit...blow jobs ain't that complicated. Plus I was getting' mah dick sucked before I got any pussy, so I think I got used to having head whenever I fuckin' wanted it."

"How'd you find a ho' who likes suckin' dick so much?" asked Marcus.

"Caught the bitch checkin' out my junk and walked up on the whore and told her I was gonna let her suck my dick. And I tole' her ass that if she was good at it I'd let her suck my cuz," laughed Dante.

"No fuckin' shit!!??" marveled Marcus. "Jus' like that?"

"Yeah. Jus' like dat. `Course, I've been getting my dick wet since I was 14 so I know what a cock and cum-hungry bitch look like. It's in they eyes, all kinda scared and hungry as fuck at the same time. Real ho's be checkin' out your junk to see what you got. Most females control that shit so a brutha never clocks `em, but ho's can't help themselves. They in love wid dick," offered Dante. "Give it a while and you can clock `em too."

"Fuck, that would be awesome," said Marcus. "I would fuckin' LOVE a cocksuckin' bitch of my own," Marcus nearly shouted. He turned sheepish when Dante looked at him, taking note of the emphasis of Marcus' wish.

"You ain't ready for that yet, youngblood," advised Dante.

"Why?" asked Marcus. "Ain't I been feedin' the bitch some good dick and respectin' the rules?"

"Oh hell yeah, man, you bringin' it," laughed Dante. "Matter of fact, I been getting' a kick out of how much you love it. It ain't about that."

"Well, what then?" Marcus wanted to know.

"It's a kind of... I don't know... being grown, gettin' a little experience under your belt... like a kind of sophistication you get from getting' it regular," reasoned Dante.

"You mean like letting a DUDE suck yo' dick and not caring because the head is so fuckin' good?" queried Marcus, a little smart-ass showing in his voice.

"WHOA!!... where the fuck did that come from??" piped up Dante, turning to look Marcus in the eyes... and to study them.

"Well, how long did you think I was gonna' fall for that `female who like to suck dick but ain't nobody can see her shit'?' `She' don't sound female. At first I didn't think you do that to a Kappa brutha, spring some freaky shit on him like that. Then I figured you and Darnell got enough sex experience maybe I ought to follow along," announced Marcus, honestly, looking Dante in the eyes as real as Dante was looking at him.

"And now?" Dante wanted to know.

"Fuck man, I don't even give a shit anymore `cept I wish I didn't have to wait for you or Darnell to be ready to get some head," responded Marcus. "I'll tell you for real I could get my dick sucked three or four times a day, hell, five."

"For real?" asked Dante.

"Fuck man, I'm for sure not lyin'. I been holding off on beating my meat since I started getting my dick sucked `cuz I got a cocksucker to feed... a nice warm wet mouth and throat to dump my nut in, and it's fuckin' AWWWESOME. I ain't tryin' to fuck this up, though, man," Marcus quickly added, "for real, I'm saying THANK YOU. Getting my dick sucked on the regular is rockin' my world. Man, everything is better; school, studying, being horny and not getting any... all that shit chill as fuck now. If you want me to keep actin' like it's a female I'm down with that."

"Naw, man," Dante cracked up_. "Me and Darnell just figured you'd be freaked out to know we was having you serviced by a dude. I guess you right, you sophisticated enough right now!"_

"So this mean I can use the cocksucker on my own now, whenever I want?" Marcus wanted to know.

"Well, pretty much though he got duties on both Darnell and I so it has to fit in with that," explained Dante. "Plus he gotta take care of the dude that got us keys to the janitor closet, and he got classes and work too."

"So the white boy suckin' our dicks gpes to school here?" asked Marcus.

"Yeah, man. Actually...you even met him already," responded Dante.

"For real? Wait... is it that white boy we ran into on the way to gettin' our dicks sucked the other night?" asked Marcus.

"Why you ask about him?" said Dante.

"I dunno... somethin' about the way he acted and looked at us," said Marcus. "That's a pretty white boy, too. I can't wait to watch his face crammed up against my pubes. That's gonna be hot bustin' nuts down his throat."

"Damn, bro, you on the fast track ain't you?!" Dante grinned. "See, you already clockin' when you come across a hungry fag wishin' he was suckin' yo' dick."

"Yeah? COOL. You got a lot of white boys suckin' yo' dick?" Marcus wanted to know.

"Naw, mostly soft dudes from the hood who you can tell want some dick," said Dante. "You know the ones that got a little sugar in they tank? But I have had white dudes suck my dick before. Old white dudes even give up some chedda for a chance to suck off a young and hung brutha and I gotta tell you, them old white fucks SURE know how to suck some dick and they all about making your dick happy."

"You gonna branch out and get some other white boys suckin' yo' dick?" asked Marcus, though it was only the first half of a question he wasn't ready to ask yet.

"Naw, I don't think so. First off, this little dude hungry for all the dick and nut he can get so it ain't like I can't get it when I want it. He keepin' FOUR hung bruthas happy and that is some for real shit," answered Dante. "Plus, and I ain't lyin', I had about twenny or thirty different ho's suckin' my dick up to now, and this little cocksucker THE BEST."

"So you sayin' if I was to let another cocksucker get on my shit he wouldn't do as good?" asked Marcus.

"Never can tell," opined Dante, "but in my experience it's better to get a dependable one and train `em up to do yo dick the way you want. Less hassle."

"So we cool?" asked Marcus. "I can still git mah dick sucked by the same cocksucka you usin'?"

Dante enjoyed a private grin thinking about he and Darnell worrying that Marcus would freak out over getting sucked off by a dude. Actually, Marcus was worried about not getting sucked off by the dude. "Yeah, we cool," agreed Dante.

"What you smilin' about?" worried Marcus, still anxious not to make any missteps. He thought maybe Dante and Darnell didn't want him to know they was using a dude cocksucker.

"Just grinnin' at the way things ain't always what you think they are," answered Dante. "And I'm diggin' how cool you bein'," added Dante, lifting an arm across Marcus' shoulders.

"So when can I face fuck that white boy?" Marcus wanted to know.

"Soon as we get there, my man," replied Dante. "We'll still go in together, but follow my lead from there."

"Cool," said Marcus. "But my shit all hard already."

Five minutes later I heard the key in the door and scrambled up to my knees behind the glory hole. I'd done without cum for about 9 hours since sucking out Darnell's nut on the loading docks again last night, and already I was jonesin' for more.

"Yo, bitch! The game has changed, cocksucker. Come on up outta there from behind that glory hole... yeah, thass right, I ain't foolin'. But stay on yo' muthafuckin' knees, bitch, `cuz me and Marcus got some face fuckin' to do. He say he wanna see them pretty blue eyes lookin' up at him while he got his dick stuffed down yo' throat..."

Dante and Mr. J., Wednesday afternoon, Janitor's Office

"Naw, I wasn't foolin'. That shit for real. Me and Darnell both," Dante told Mr. J.

"I cain't hardly believe `dat," Mr. J. said as he shook his head. "Your own Daddy hooked you up with a cocksuckin' fag the day after your 15th birthday... That's some shit. But you ain't mad `bout it? You glad?"

"Hell yeah," affirmed Dante. "I hardly never had to beat off in high school, so I could leave that kid shit behind and get my dick wet like a man. And I stayed cool over pussy. I could still get pussy, I still wanted pussy, but I could handle myself right and not lose my mind behind some female trying to catch me with pussy. You got to know there some hard bitches in the hood looking to tag along on any brutha that looks like he goin' places, and saddling niggas with babies fuck all that up."

"Hey man, I know dat the truth," nodded Mr. J.

"Why you bring me here in private to ask about this shit?" wondered Dante.

"Well... Here's the thing. I got a boy `bout to turn 15. He tall already and plays bball and he got females sniffing up on him. And I'm his Daddy so I know he got what all the men in my family got, and he gonna wanna use it. Shit he may already be usin' it for all I know, not sure he'd tell me."

"Yeah, man, now I'm gettin' it. You wanna know if I think my Dad did right or if it was fucked up? Thass really what you want to know ain't it?" Dante asked.

"Yeah, I guess it is. I love my son and I want to do right by him, help him avoid the mistakes I made. It's just natural for a father to wanna do right by his kid, help him do better than he did," explained Mr. J. "But I don't want him to think I'm trying to make him a fag or fuck him up in the head."

"I'll tell you fo' real, Mr. J.," responded Dante. "I think my Dad was fuckin' brilliant. First off, I started gettin' my dick sucked just when my hormones was going crazy and my nuts was filling up and needing to get emptied. A lot. I got my dick sucked anytime I wanted. I never had to beat off to get satisfied, I was cool, calm and collected and not some horny crazed teenage muthafucka chasin' pussy or getting no bitches pregnant and fucking up my life. I think it helped me grow up and get some shit learned about sex and life in ways most of the kids my age had to wait to figure out. I even learned to control busting my nuts longer by training holding off on cumming while the cocksuckas worked on my shit so that when I was up in some pussy I could last a long time. Females fuckin' loved that. And I wouldn't gotten that practice for control without access to a full time cocksucka. You can ask Darnell too, he was like a step kid in our family and Daddy took him too"

"Naw, man, frankly the fewer people that know about it the better," decided Mr. J.

"Thass cool," agreed Dante. "Whatcha' gonna do?"

"I dunno," claimed Mr. J. "Boy turns 15 next week."

Dante and Cousin "T", Phone call, Thursday afternoon

Dante was glad to have a message from his cuz `T-Rex' when he got back from class on Thursday. The message said "call collect / no emergency," so Dante knew he wasn't calling about any family problems. Dante and T-Rex had been tight since they were babies, T-Rex just one year older than him. T-Rex was a nickname he got in juvie, `cuz he was tall and big as fuck and his first and middle names were Thomas Rex. Dante and T-Rex went different ways, but there was never any bad blood between them and the bond had them both knowing they would always have each other's back.

"Yo' cuz! Great to hear from you man. Thanks for letting me call collect. Everything cool?" Dante started the conversation.

"Yeah, all's good man and you call me anytime you want collect. Yo' ass can count on me... you need anything, you hit me up. Props for college, youngblood, glad to help a young black man getting an education. Fuck man, counting on you to be President someday!" T-Rex responded, smiling and proud of his cousin from the other end of the line.

"So wassup wit' you man?" followed up Dante.

"Yo, your letter is wassup my brutha! That shit was hot as fuck and I didn't even know you got that much gangsta in you. You runnin' a white boy bitch the FIRST fuckin' week of school? AND he got mad skills? AND you put him on Darnell's dick too right off, PLUS that janitor dude? That's some T-Rex brand shit goin' on right there. You the same kinda playa as me in the joint, putting them white boys on the suck-a-niggas'-dick program."

Dante laughed and responded "It ain't like that, it just kinda happened. I figured I'd get a cocksucker bitch while I was here but I wasn't trying to get that goin' from the jump. Just saw an opportunity and took it."

"Thass right, thass exactly right my brutha. You saw an opportunity and you just fuckin' took it; that's gangsta. Rolling up on the dude and just telling him to follow you and he was gonna suck yo' dick. Awesome dude. Fuckin' awesome. And he priddy too?"

"Yeah, he is. Tight little body, big blue eyes. And he crazy fo' nigga dick," answered Dante.

"Daaaayyuum. You telllin' me he ain't never said no, he handlin' all three of you bruthas and swallowin' 12" no problem? That is some muthafuckin' shit, I gotta tell you. In the joint I'd have made a lot of coin offa bitch like that."

"You know I ain't trying to work him like that," laughed Dante, "and it's four bruthas now. Plus I got a plan to put him in the frat house basement behind a glory hole and let the whole fuckin' house get they dicks sucked."

"Gawd daaaayyyuuum," groaned T-Rex. "You got my shit boned and drippin' talking that shit. Man, what that ass llike?"

"You'd definitely like it," Dante grinned to himself. "It's high and like them bubble butts you always talklin' `bout."

"And you ain't hit it yet?" T-Rex wanted to know.

"You know I don't roll like that, my brutha. Love me some white boys on they knees, but I ain't trying to fuck `em in the ass. I like pussy fo' that," answered Dante. "Besides, that way you can stretch open all them boypussies you wanna and I ain't gonna be takin' none of them away from you."

"Fuck man, thass' some good lookin' out for yo' cuz, blood," laughed T-Rex. "You know I love me some boypussy to open up and train how to do a nigga right. You sho' he ain't never been fucked?"

"Yeah, he said he thinks about it but it ain't never happened," answered Dante.

"And Darnell and them other bruthas ain't never fucked the boy neither?" T-Rex wanted to know.

"Naw, you know Darnell don't roll like that neither and I'd know about it if them other dudes were gettin' up in the pussy," answered Dante.

"Muthafucka, my shit is dancin' trying to get out of my draws over that shit," said T-Rex. "I wanna be the muthafucka that opens up that boy's pussy."

"S'alright with me dude, but don't know how you going to get to it. He down here and you in Chicago," answered Dante.

"'Cuz you gonna hook me up," replied T-Rex. "I'm gonna come down there and show that hot little muthafucka what that pussy for. I'll give you $500 dollas for hooking me up and keeping that pussy cherry til I get there."

"Shit, `cuz, you know I ain't trying to be pimpin' the dude out," said Dante.

"You mean you tryin' to tell me a hard-working going-to-school brutha don't need no $500?" questioned T-Rex.

"Hell naw, it ain't that. I like the little dude and don't wanna fuck up our situation," said Dante.

"That ain't gonna fuck nothin' up," insisted T-Rex. "He already tole you he been thinkin' about it. You know another muthafucka good as me at opening up boypussy who ain't even your cousin who you know love opening up white boy pussy? You know I'd do it right."

It was funny, Dante was thinking, that T came up with that $500 figure because it was the exact fundraising goal the pledge class was obliged to raise to "improve the lives of the bruthas living in the house," an obligation every pledge class had to take on. And he and Darnell had been talking about how they could build a really good glory hole box for the basement, and Darnell would need funds to make it.

"Aaaigght," said Dante. "I'll take the $500 but it ain't for me, it's for the frat `cuz the pledge class gotta raise that much. Plus, I ain't trying to make the dude agree to this without him wanting to do it. How's zat?"

"Fuck man, that's awesome. I'm down with that. But at least put in a good word for me, make the dude understand I LOVE boy pussy, `specially fresh boy pussy, and that I'll treat him right and he gonna love it," asked T-Rex.

"Yeah, I'll do that for ya'," laughed Dante.

"Damn, brutha, you one good muthafuckin' cousin! That's for real!" T-Rex happily announced.

"So how we gonna work this out?" Dante wanted to know.

"I was thinkin' `bout comin' down there the weekend after next," replied T-Rex. "I'm gonna book a coupla' suites at a good hotel down there and I'm gonna bring Chanisse with me so you can hole up with that girl and get your pussy pokin' on. I know you like that, `less you got some other female you want me to bring? Or you already got one down there?"

"Naw, man, that would be fuckin' awesome. She down with that?" Dante asked.

"Hell yeah, brah, already talked to her about it. Maybe even do a little business while I'm down there. You know they's gotta be some ganja-lovin fuckers on that college campus," reasoned T-Rex.

"Yo' man, you know I can't be caught up in any of that shit," Dante quickly insisted.

"Oh, hellyeah, brutha. I know. You know I ain't gonna get you anywheres near bizness. Gonna bring `Big Dog' with me, he gonna handle the business while you and I holed up in some fine ass hotel workin' some holes ourselves," T-Rex said. "You know I got yo' back."

"True dat, `cuz," replied Dante.

"Hellyeah, man, this shit is gonna be WHACKED, can't fuckin' wait to see you and open up that good pussy hole for yo' new bitch," T-Rex said, enthusiasm in his voice and pre-cum crustin' up his silk draws. "They's a couple things I want you to do, though, beforehand."

"Wass that?" Dante wanted to know.

"I'm gonna send you a Polaroid camera man, and a couple pictures I want you to give the boy. Then I want you to...

Dante, Marcus, the Frat President and the Pledge Captain, Kappa House, Thursday night

"So what's so special `bout you arrangin' to get our dicks sucked?" Martin, Pledge Captain, wanted to know. "You ain't the first pledge class to think about getting the bruthas laid for they house project. It ain't all that new."

"Plus you talkin' about just one bitch?" Terrence, Kappa Kappa President chimed in. "You know I don't hang with just any ole' ho' comin' to a frat house to put out. My women fine, and ain't no one bitch gonna be able to service 20 dudes."

"I hear ya'," responded Dante. "But it ain't gonna be like that. This situation definitely unique, and the bitch can handle a lotta dick. And I ain't talking about the bitch giving up pussy, the bitch just gonna suck dick. Marcus can tell you, the ho' got skills. Bitch been suckin' my dick, Darnell's dick, AND Marcus' dick and we can definitely say the head is the bomb.'

"It fo' sure is," agreed Marcus. "For real, the bitch got a golden throat and loves suckin' nut outta black dudes."

"So the bitch got skills," replied Terrence. "That still don't answer whether me or Martin or any of the bruthas gonna like how she look."

"Got that handled," answered Dante. "If you two dig the setup, then what my pledge class is bringin' to the table is a on-call dicksuckin' bitch, who here by appointment on her ho' knees to take care of any brutha that wants to slide up into the basement and feed a ho some nut. No hassle, great head, swallowin' cum-hungry cocksucker." Dante noticed Martin squeeze his junk absentmindedly while he was listening. "And, I was thinking we break the bitch in on finals week. That way they's a cocksucking ho available in the basement any time a brutha wants to come break one off. I figure it's gonna help bruthas stay in the house and study, not havin' to head out and get laid somewhere else."

"Dayum, Nigga, thass a muthafuckin' idea at that," piped up Martin, no longer absentmindedly messing with his junk, but actually squeezing it hard and rubbin' up and down on it. Dante wasn't gay, but he knew from lookin' when a brutha was packin'. Martin was packin'. "Wish that ho' was here right fuckin' now."

"Only got to wait til tomorrow," said Marcus. "Then you gonna git yo' dick sucked right."

"I fuckin' hope so," said Martin. "Bitch better be good though," he added. "Pisses me off when a bitch wanna get on a brutha's dick then can't take all the shit and `spectin' you to be all fuckin' grateful like they did sumthin'."

"Well, my brutha, I can personally guarantee the bitch can deepthroat 12"," grinned Dante, cupping and squeezing his dick when he said it. He exchanged looks with Marcus who smiled too at what Dante was implying about his own junk.

"You still ain't said shit about how you gonna find a bitch that all the bruthas gonna be into," repeated Terrance.

"You right, and this is the best part of the plan. You'll see tomorrow night," responded Dante. "Either of you muthafuckas ever heard of a `Glory Hole'?"

Darnell and Derek, Campus Security Guard, Friday 12:30 am

Darnell was headed back up to his dorm room after yet another perfect just-before-bed blow job in the back loading docks when he passed a security guard from the building he'd seen around but with whom he never talked. Darnell was a big muthafucka himself, but this dude was a tank. Huge fuckin' arms and thick worked out body, black as midnight, with a rough-looking face that always seemed to be featuring a look designed to be intimidating. Darnell gave him a head nod as he walked by, even though the brutha kept his eyes on him and said nothing as he walked by. Darnell was afraid he was gonna say something about being in this part of the building.

"Yo', brutha. Hol' up. They's something I wanna show you," the security guard said.

Darnell didn't like this. He stopped and turned around. "Wassup?" he asked.

"Come on in here, they's something you ought to see in here," the guard said.

Darnell felt a little panic rising up. For the first time it occurred to him he hadn't found a spot out back that wasn't covered by security cameras.

"Look, man, I ain't tryin' to mess you up, but you gotta see this," insisted the guard.

"Aaaiight," acquiesced Darnell, turning back to follow the guard into the security office, not liking where this seemed to be going. What the fuck happened to a freshman who got caught getting his dick sucked?

Once in, the security guard directed Darnell's attention to a bank of monitors for the security cameras. He pointed at one in the upper left corner, which clearly showed the spot Darnell had been using to get sucked off for the last couple nights.

"So?" Darnell asked, with a little attitude. He wasn't going to admit to nuthin'.

"So I know you been puttin' some white boy on his knees back there for the last few nights and making him suck yo' dick," he responded.

"So what if I have?" countered Darnell. "It ain't against the law."

"I ain't tryin' to jam you up, youngblood," he said. "Just got one question for you."

"What?" asked Darnell, belligerence still evident in his voice.

"Is that pretty little white boy your personal private cocksucker or can a brutha get in on that?" the guard wanted to know.

To be continued...

Let's remember to thank Nifty with donations for creating this free, freeing, rowdy, and empowering forum. Thanks!

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Really appreciate the supportive comments coming in and they do help me feel inspired. They are always welcome and appreciated, thanks. Thanks for reading.


Los Angeles CA

Next: Chapter 11

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