
By Kristen Abrhams

Published on Feb 26, 2000


----------------------------------------------- Kailen - 7 -----------------------------------------------

----------- 1.) Pursuit -----------

It took a little while, but I untangled myself from the girls and got out of bed. Even though we'd spend a large portion of the night having sex, I only slept for an hour or two. Everyone else was dead to the world.

I needed to see who was up at this hour in this big sorority house.

All I wanted to do was walk around. Maybe check out the lounge. See if I could hear the telltale signs of sex. But all I had to wear was the dress from the night before.

"You need something to wear?" Donna was awake... barely.

"Yeah. A t-shirt or something."

"No, you'll need a little more than that." Donna slipped out of bed and walked over to her dresser. She pulled out a small box and handed it to me.

"What's this?"

"Open it," she said with half surprise and half fatigue.

It was bra and panty set. Black lace. "You didn't need to do this. And it's the right size, too. Great." I was impressed and flattered.

"I got the idea after our first time. Somehow, I knew you'd end up seducing Maria as well as, I'm sure, many others. And I just thought that a girl's first time with you, they should see you with black underwear on. And, I just wanted to make sure it was from me."

I pulled her close and kissed her softly on the mouth. "Thank you, sweetie. But, um," I felt our breasts pressing against each other. I could have stayed like that for a long time. "What do you mean by 'many others'? And why are you giving this to me now?"

She reached up and tweaked my nipples and made them excruciatingly hard. "You, Kailen, are in a house of closet lesbians and straight whores who fuck so many guys, they'll eventually become lesbians. I have a feeling you're gonna find someone new."

"You think?"

"I know. And if you do, don't be bashful about bringing her back here. I'm sure we'll be occupied enough to leave you two alone... for a while."

So, Donna helped me dress and let me borrow her silk robe. I was off down the hallway. Slowly, I walked past the collection of doors and rooms. Behind some, I heard music. Behind some, I heard heavy breathing. All of the doors were decorated in one way or another. One that belonged to the president of the sorority had a couple of pictures of her and her roomie looking chummy. Now maybe I was drawing the wrong conclusion, but if I ever wanted to join this sorority, I figured I could pay a visit to this president and use those powers of persuasion Donna had just talked about.

Finally, I got to the TV lounge. It was practically empty except for someone's boyfriend sleeping on a sofa in the back and a girl drawing in her sketchbook. The TV, itself, had the news channel on. I asked the girl, "Do you mind if I change it?" She waved me off. In effect, she was saying, "I don't care." So, I switched it to the music video channel. VH1, MTV, something else. I don't know hat it was, but it had videos. That's about all I could handle at that point.

I sat on the front sofa in plain sight of the girl. Folding my legs so I could sit on my feet and keep them warm had another benefit. The way I was sitting, from where the girl could see me, I was an eyeful.

It only took a few minutes before she started noticing me. At first, she'd just glance over. Then, she started studying me. Then, she turned to a new page.

Now, I'd become a subject of art.

She was no slouch either. Kind of waifish, her long, auburn hair was tied tight behind her head. Even from across the room, I could see her stunning green eyes.

Maybe Donna was right. I'm constantly on the prowl. Forget "maybe". This girl had that special something. I could tell. Time to work my own "j'ne sais qua"(1).

After waiting long enough for her to get about half way through her drawing (I assumed that's what she was doing), I shifted in my seat from one side of the couch to the other. Here, she'd get the back of my head. Now, we'd see if she actually was drawing me or if my ego was way too big for my own good. After a minute, I heard her sigh, get up and move to one of the seats behind me where she could get a better view.

My mouth curled into a smile... on the side of my face she could not see.

Five minutes later, I switched again. Again, she had nothing. This was risky. Either she'd come up and get into a new position or she'd give up.

"Excuse me," she said. She was standing right next to me with a chair in her hands. "I'm Morgan. I'm assuming you're a friend of someone here?"

"Hi Morgan." I extended my hand. "I'm Kailen. Yeah, I'm a friend of Donna and Maria."

"Nice to meet you, Kailen. Listen, I hope you don't mind, but I started drawing you when you walked in," she indicated her sketch pad, "and I'm almost finished. However, I was wondering if you'd mind if I sat right here for a couple of minutes. I'm almost done and just need to finish a couple of details."

"Of course, no problem. Do you need me to sit any particular way?"

"Nope. Just like you are. Just don't move."

Again, I smiled inside. She wanted me to sit still. She had to ask for it.

As she worked, I noticed her facial expressions. Concentration. Determination. Maybe a hint of passion? I wondered if this was the same way she made love.

After a few minutes, she looked like she was finished. A detail here. A detail there. "Ta da."

She turned the pad around. There I was in all my glory. Pretty little girl curled up in a bell on the couch. "Wow! I'm impressed."

She blushed. "Thanks. I wanted to try to draw you full length. If the person stays still long enough, I can manage that regardless of what they're doing, but you started shifting around. That's why I asked if it was OK. I really wanted to finish this without having to be sneaky."

"Well, I'm glad you asked, Morgan. You really wanted to draw me full length?"

"Yeah, I like drawing the female form in a reclining position. Men are better standing up. They're better nude. But we can't always have what we want."

I asked myself, "How do I manage to pick them?"

"What was it that made you want tot draw me? I'm just curious because no one's ever done this for me."

"Well, you're face, really, Kailen. I loved your face." She reached out to brush the back of her hand against my cheekbones and chin. "The whole package is really breathtaking." I reached up and pressed her hand against my cheek before she pulled it away.

She gasped.

"You really wanted to draw me reclined and nude?"

She barely nodded her head. This was too good to be true for her.

"We can do that, but you have to promise you won't be shocked by anything you see. O.K.?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know that there are some people here that aren't exactly straight arrows. Whatever you see stays with you. You don't tell anyone."

Again, she nodded.

I took her hand and lead her down the hallway to Donna and Maria's room.

------------- 2.) Seduction -------------

Walking into the room, I could tell that they'd been busy. Before, all three had been a little scattered on the bed. Now, they were closer than soupspoons in a drawer.

Morgan whispered to herself, "Oh, my God."

We went to the far side of the room and I sat her in one of the desk chairs. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the belt of the robe loose. Slowly, I pulled the robe off of my shoulders and revealed my chest to my personal artist. Standing up, I pulled the robe completely off and stood to put it back in Donna's closet.

Standing in front of Morgan, I presented my back and looked over my shoulder. "Would you mind?"

She fumbled with the clasp for a moment, but a moment later, my breasts were free. I laid the bra over the arm of the chair. "Keep track of this for me," I said.

Back on the bed, I lay on my side and raised my head on a few pillows. From this angle, my breasts would look much larger than they would be standing up. Plus, she could get my hips and my legs. If she wasn't too excited to finish, this would be a great drawing. Soon, the passion and determination I'd seen before returned. All I had to do was wait.

"DO you need help," asked a voice behind me. Donna was awake and right behind me.

Morgan's expression betrayed a lack of concentration with Donna in the picture. "Just me, Morgan. Focus on me. She's not really here."

I felt Donna's hot flesh press against my back. Her soft breasts against my rib cage. Her hips pressed against my ass. Her fingers delicately caressed my hips and the flesh where my breasts met my ribs just below my shoulders. If Morgan weren't here, I'd let her have her way with me. But Morgan was here, and I wanted to have my way with her.

"You got Morgan?"


"She's what Maria and I call a 'drunk-dyke'. Usually, she's with her boyfriend, but if she's alone and she's been drinking, it doesn't take a lot to get her into bed."

"Yeah," I said, "but she's sober tonight."

"Which makes it all the more amazing." Donna's fingers continued their travels until they got to my waist and the elastic on the black panties. "Do you want these off?"

"Not now. If she wants them off, she'll have to take them off."

Donna chuckled and continued to molest me in plain sight of Morgan who continued to work furiously. My breasts stood at attention and my nipples could cut steel. That's how hard Donna made them. My pussy was ready. Donna reached beneath from behind to fondle my sex and my clit. It took all of the control I had to keep from opening my legs wide and letting her have me in front of Morgan.

Again, I had to focus on what I really wanted.

After what seemed like hours of torture, Morgan turned to show me the final product. I gasped. So did Donna. It was breathtaking. I was like the goddess of sexuality and love. For a moment, I felt like I was that girl in TITANIC... except without the really expensive diamond.

I got up to thank her with a really big hug. She wrapped her arms around me too. I whispered, "Thank you so much. May I keep it?"

"Yeah, but let me make some copies for my portfolio. OK?"

"Sure. May I do something to thank you?"

"Of course," she swallowed hard. "What did you have in mind?"

Looking her straight in the eyes, I moved closer to kiss her softly on the lips. She responded hesitantly, but she didn't fight. Slowly, I opened my mouth some more. Gradually, I felt her tongue extend to my lips. I met it with my own tongue. Soon, it was a full out, bigger than life kiss. Slowly, I pulled back, so as to not overwhelm her.

Breaking the kiss, I looked in her eyes. "More?"


----------- 3.) Capture -----------

"Stand up for me," I said. She did as I asked, and I lead her to the bed. Donna had moved back to the side with Shelly and Maria who had started their own little party... again.

Reaching for the bottom of her top, I pulled it over her head to reveal her pert breasts. They were smaller that anyone else's in the room, but she had these huge nipples that stuck out in the most erotic way. I lowered my lips to them and sucked gently to gauge her reaction.

"Ohhhhhh." Morgan ran her fingers through my hair. She'd stroke the top of my head to let me know she appreciated what I was doing. At the same time, she pulled my closer to make sure I wouldn't leave her wanting. First one nipple and then the other. I swear that I was so turned on that I could've cum just from the tit sucking alone... and my tits weren't even being sucked!

The more I sucked, the more Morgan's hips thrust against me. She wanted more attention. I knew how to do that.

I worked my way down her belly to her shorts. Playing with the waistband, I'd pull it down enough to kiss the flesh underneath. Then, I'd let it go and move a few inches to the left or right. Again, pull the band and kiss. All the while, Morgan's hips thrust like I was doing something wrong. I knew what it was... I was driving her crazy.

"Kailen, please."

"Please, what?"

"Please. You know."

"No, Morgan. What do you want?"

"Tell her what you want, Morgan," Donna had been listening. "She'll give you whatever you need. You just need to ask."

Morgan looked at Donna and then looked at me. Her hips had been convulsing and thrusting the whole time.

"Go down on me, please."

I smiled. Donna smiled.

I pulled her shorts down over her hips. Morgan forced them the rest of the way off her legs and wrapped those luscious legs around my next. My tongue dove in immediately and parted her wet sex flesh. Her moans and cries filled the air. Within moments, I could feel the flesh of her sex pulse with release. It spasmed in ecstasy. I sucked on her clit... swollen, engorged, wonderful. Soon, she came down and released a contented sigh.

I lifted my head and licked my lips. "You think you're done, sister?"

I went back to work. Within no time, Morgan was again bucking and thrashing on the bed. My mouth was glued to her sex and sucked up all of her love. Some girls get wet. Morgan was like a fire hose. My hands caressed her breasts and her nipples. They seemed to be wired tightly to her clit. The more I pulled and squeezed her nipples, the more sensitive she was to my tongue on her clit or deep inside her pussy.

The spasms started again. The shaking. The moaning. The cries to God for help. "Oh God, sweet Jesus, my Lord, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

I climbed up and pulled her close. Morgan didn't seem to know what to do or say except to kiss me softly on the lips. After a few moments of resting her tired head on my breasts, she had that look of determination and passion I saw in her drawing.

Looking down at my waist, she tugged on the waistband of my panties and said, "This for me to unwrap?"

I nodded. "Any time you want."

With that, she pulled my panties down over my legs and past my ankles. Tentatively, she nuzzled my bare sex and inhaled its musky scent. "Mmmmmm." Then her tongue invaded me.

I was expecting a timid little creature intrigued by the thought of physical love with another woman. Not quite true. This was the tongue of an experienced woman. A woman that, if she was a 'drunk dyke', remembered everything she did and enjoyed it. Her tongue swelled inside of me and contracted. Her little nose pressed against my clit gently but firmly.

Soon, my legs were over her shoulders and she was up rubbing her pussy against mine. Meanwhile, she sucked on my breasts like they were food from heaven. Rarely had someone's passion managed to draw such a raw, animal response from me. The light brush of her public hair against my clit jacked my responses up. Each thrust moved me up and up and up. Higher toward that sexual release. Closer to the explosion of passion I'd seen from her. Closer to the explosion of ecstasy I knew I was capable of.

"Cum for me Kailen. Cum. You've made me cum so many times before."

I thought, "What?"

"Tonight. And just about every night since you and your girlfriend fucked outside the house. I saw that and played with myself that whole night wishing I could've been with you. I've played with myself every night since then. Oh, God, Kailen. It's wonderful that you've managed to come into my life. Please cum for me baby. Please cum."

How many people actually saw us? How many people had pleasured themselves to the image of Shelly and I fucking each other? How I wanted to know. I just imagined a giant mob. A swelling crowd of people, both men and women (mostly), who saw us and wanted to fuck us. She thrust and thrust. A tornado of thought and sound and sensation engulfed me. Twisting, turning, unending. Every sensation. Every thought. Thrusts. Caresses. My nipples burned with fire and begged to give release. I fed Morgan's passion with my breasts as I would feed a baby needing nourishment. All of this building to a screaming crescendo. A pillar of release.

The pillar collapsed under an explosion of joy.

We spooned and held each other tight before noticing the other girls watching us. They smiled and winked.

That's when Donna asked, "Can Morgan come over and play?"

Morgan looked at me. I smiled and patted her on the butt. "Go."

That's when the three of them began Morgan's initiation into our little club.

----------------------------------------------- THE END ----------------------------------------------- (1) Supposed to be the French phrase that means "I don't know what". It's another way to say "certain special something" without repeating myself. Apologies if I managed to mangle it. ----------------------------------------------- Comments and suggestions are always welcome at "msraspberryswirl@yahoo.com"

Next: Chapter 8

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