
By Kristen Abrhams

Published on Apr 20, 2000


Old Self 2

Admittedly, I was nervous.

Whenever a person takes a lover, half the excitement is in planning the ruse. Planning the 'cover' to keep the loved ones in the dark. Up to this point, I'd been discrete. Now, however, I was bold.

As far as James and the girls were concerned, I was going for a long "girls weekend" with Kailen and some friends. I told the girls we'd talk and shop for hours. This was enough to get them to glaze over... though they liked the idea of room service and the hotel pool. I told James we'd spend lots of time talking and shopping. He, of course, gave the patented "That's nice... glad I won't be involved" sigh.

In truth, it was going to be a "girls weekend". Me, Alex, Kailen, Maria (from college) and Kailen's husband, Robert. Robert? "I thought this was all girls," you ask. Well, yes. Robert was included for two reasons: 1.) He wanted to play golf, 2.) He could keep a secret. Apparently, Robert had very little problem knowing his wife was a lesbian.

Kailen said, "As long as I fill him in on everything and fuck him on a regular basis, he's happy as a clam. He also knows that if he talks about any of it to anyone, I've got some secrets of his I can reveal."

I looked at her in anticipation.

"Hey," she said, "I can keep secrets too."

So, there we were: four dykes and a phallus on our way to Las Vegas.

"You brought it, didn't you?" Alex was concerned. We had something special planned. She wanted to make sure I brought a special piece of clothing.

"Don't worry, baby. I've got it. And I even fit in it. Kailen says I still look hot in it." I'd dieted forever. I exercised like a freak. I lost about fifteen pounds. I was damned sexy and I was determined not to disappoint.

The first night, Kailen and I saw to all of the arrangements. Once we were sure we had everything in place, we went out with the group. Meals. Dancing. Shows. We were having a blast. Alex even insisted that I blow on her dice while she played craps. She was the high roller and I was her little casino bimbo.

As we drifted to our beds, I was full of anxiety. Was I doing the right thing? After all, I was in Las Vegas with my lover. "Of course, you're doing the right thing," I said to myself. Since Kailen's wedding, I've been on top of the world and that's because I've been seeing Alex. I felt better about my life. I felt better about my husband. The girls knew I was different. I wasn't as quick to scold and berate. I was no sex-drunk pushover either, but I was a lot easier to be with. Lord knows, my husband felt better about us too.

He gets more sex now that I've been with Alex. Actually, that's not important. What IS IMPORTANT is that I feel like having sex a lot more since I've been with Alex, and his abilities to please me haven't diminished... although his stamina has.

The night of our wedding, I wasn't even able to take advantage of that short stamina. You see, James had too much to drink. Let me rephrase: James got shitfaced, puked and passed out before the reception was over. So, here I was, a new bride on the first night of her married life, sexual fantasies that competed with any porno dancing in her head, with a passed out spouse who couldn't get it up if I were willing to fuck him in his sleep. To add insult to injury, his best man fell asleep on the floor next to the bed. So, even if I were willing to "perform" on my comatose husband, the smell of puke from two guys was enough to tame even the most hardened libido.

Eventually, Kailen stopped by. She knew what had happened and wanted to make sure I was OK. After I cried on her shoulder for a while, she invited me to her room with all the rest of the bridesmaids. Now, I was hesitant. I knew what was up in there, but I had my heart set on fucking my husband (I loved saying that!) and not the sisters of my Sapphic sorority.

"OK. You can only watch. I'm not going to have you sitting here all mopey on your wedding night. And no one's going to keep you from James's cock. Just sit, relax and enjoy what you see and hear. We've got toys. You can pretend they're James. I don't care... I'm just not going to let you utter the sentence, 'I spent my wedding night with my unconscious husband and his best man.' OK?"

And so, I spent my wedding night watching my best friend Kailen be the mistress of ceremonies at an all-girl orgy. In attendance were Kailen, Maria, Donna, Terry and Helen. Terry and Helen were the only real girl-couple, but it had been weird for several reasons... most of which had to do with Kailen.

But I digress.

The next afternoon, I finally saw James. It seems his father had a problem with his son "falling down on the job". All I know is that his mother heard about what happened and asked how I was. I said the evening wasn't "all I'd dreamt". She nodded knowingly and walked off. A moment later, she came back and asked for the key to the room.

"Trust me. His father will make it right," was her reply.

They won't talk about it to this day, but James showed up looking hung over and roughed up. He apologized profusely for passing out. "Inexcusable," he said. I stood and just nodded. He's being humble. Why interrupt? Next, he said he wanted me to start our honeymoon with Kailen and Maria and he'd catch up a day late. No, they hadn't planned on coming with us. But, as James put it, "I have to answer for more than you'll ever know, so there's no reason you should suffer for it. Plus, I'll be so sober when I show up, you won't have to worry about anything."

And so, my honeymoon started much like the wedding night. I watched Kailen and Maria. Maria and Kailen watched me.

Finally, James showed and was more than eager to please. I took advantage of the situation and finally got the satisfaction I'd craved.

That continued for six years and three children. Then, being a mommy got draining. Taking care of the kids, the house, the finances, our lives... and James wanted to fuck? For a while, I'd have been happy if he had a girlfriend. At least I wouldn't have to be bothered.

But the prospect of Kailen's wedding changed my attitude. Thinking about how Kailen and I became lovers and our circle of friends expanded... WOW! I'd turned from a heinous wench of a wife to the slutty missus.

That's why I was so down about him not going to the wedding.

That's also part of the reason why I've fallen for Alex.

She was there. He wasn't.

The next day, Kailen, Maria and I went to get the whole treatment. Hair, nails, make-up. Alex played golf with Robert. No disrespect to Alex, but if she were with us, we might as well have had Robert too. I love her, but she's nowhere girly enough for "the salon".

Finally, we all converged on our meeting place for the evening. We had a 9:00 PM appointment and couldn't be late. Maria and Kailen helped me get ready. I was a bundle of nerves. This was going to be fun. This was going to be fantasy.

This had me sick to my stomach.

Finally, the knock came. They were ready.

Kailen took my arm and assured me it would all be fine. She held my hand and kissed me on the cheek. "Trust me."

I was so nervous as the music began that she even had to lower my veil for me. Maria walked slowly ahead toward the front of the chapel and joined Alex and Robert up front. They both looked sexy in their tuxedos.

Kailen and I followed as they started "Here Comes the Bride".

The clergyman (don't ask what denomination) spoke:

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today at the Sapphic Temple of Love and Commitment to witness the joining of these two people. They wish to profess their love in front of their friends and loved ones...

I'm sorry, but that's about where my mind stopped paying attention. I focused on Alex. She was shaking, as was I. Kailen said afterwards that Maria had to get us to hold hands just to calm us down. So, we were a nervous wreck. Alex placed my regular wedding band on my fingers as well as a new one we bought just for us. I managed to get a matching band on her hand as well.

The rest I know from the tape. The ceremony spoke of love and commitment. Needing a person because of what they bring to your life. That "Shelly and Alex bring so much to their relationship that they had to declare it in front of everyone." It was really beautiful.

Finally, after the awkward "the bride may kiss the bride" part, the clergyman said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Shelly and Alex. Committed partners. Committed lovers."

There was applause. There was music. Next thing I knew, we were all in a limo going to the "reception". The entire way, we kept passing around the "certificate". It wasn't a legal marriage, but it felt like it. "Holy shit," I screamed. "I'm a married woman! I'm a married lesbian!" Alex just smiled and told me how happy she was.


The "reception" was a table at a friendly club. We walked in a drew all sorts of looks. We drank. We danced. I spent a huge portion of the time sitting on Alex's lap and making out with her. We talked. We partied. Hell, I was so out of my mind that I almost legally changed my name to "Mrs. Alexandra Gallagher". When Maria pointed out that Alex was, technically, already Mrs. Alexandra Gallagher, I laughed. "Well, I guess I'll have to stick with my first married name."

Alex and I retired to the Honeymoon Suite.

It was large and spacious, but I was only interested in one thing: Alex.

She carried me over the threshold and I just held her and held her. I couldn't let go. Finally, she lowered me to the ground and looked approvingly. The city lights illuminated me in the darkness. The white satin. The lace. My wedding dress was just as beautiful as the day I wore it to marry James.

"How do you feel, my wife?" Alex looked at me.

"I'm fine husband." I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her softly. Washed away in a dream, I only know that she lifted me up and took me to the bedroom where she placed me on our "marital bed". Nothing of the kind was actually said. No one actually uttered the words "marital bed". But they kept appearing in my mind. "...with my new husband in our marital bed..."

She unbuttoned the dress carefully and placed it aside. It was important to me and she knew it. That's why she insisted I wear it instead of getting something new.

As I watched her walk back, I stood. Just my panties, stockings and bra on, I wanted her to be on even footing. Kissing her, I unbuttoned her tuxedo shirt and uncovered her angelic skin. She undressed me too.

Finally, it was just us. Alex pushed forward, and I let her. I fell to the bed and let her take in my body. I let her lead. Kissing my neck. Kissing my face. Kissing my belly. Sucking lightly on my nipples. "Oh, husband" was all I could say. She'd reply with a husky, "My wife." In retrospect, we probably sounded like an all-girl Amish family. Oh well... it was hot.

Alex turned me on my tummy and started to massage my back. Straddling my buttocks, I could feel her "cock" between my cheeks. She'd massage. She'd thrust a little. She'd massage my breasts from behind and kiss me passionately. She'd thrust a little.

Inch by inch, the massage got lower. Shoulders. Back. Waist. Finally, she massaged my thighs and parted my legs. Kisses melted their way up my legs to my sex. Even from behind, she could touch me with her lips. She'd made sure to put some pillows under my waist. And so, she kissed my pussy long and passionately. The passion coursed through my veins and directly to my heart.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

My heart pounded and sent every sound I could utter through my throat. Moans. Screams. Cries of delight.

After a small series of mini-orgasms, Alex turned me over and climbed closer. I reached down to stroke the phallus between her legs. The cock I'd grown accustomed to. The cock that brought me to pleasure. "Are you ready, darling," asked Alex. I responded by raising my hand to her mouth. She extended her tongue and licked it. I returned the hand to the cock and stroked it slowly. We repeated this like we had so many lovemaking rituals. I was making her cock wet before she pushed inside of me.

Finally, I could wait no more. "I'm ready," I said as I pulled the head of the cock to my pussy. I burned the fire that engulfs and envelops sexual partners. She slid in all the way and I screamed with my first orgasm. Small, but big enough to count.

In and out. I felt her pulse through my flesh and my being. Wave after wave of pleasure kept me tossing and turning. Pleasure and sensation mixed into a vast pool. I felt her cock inside of me while her tongue swirled about my nipples. Kisses and caresses merged and carried me higher and higher.

I felt my love on top of me like a good husband should make love to her wife. I laid top of my husband as we made love when she got tired. I expressed my affection and passion in actions rather that words. Kisses. Caresses. Sucking on her nipples. Pressing against her clit as I rode her cock.

Finally, the symphony crescendoed. She was once against on top of me. I was screaming. "Please husband, fuck me. Love me. Cum inside of me. Spill your seed in the womb of your wife. Let me feel you deep inside of me long after you've gone. Let me carry your child. Let me feel your baby growing at my very core." Yeah, a little too poetic for an orgasm, but that's how it always played out in the fantasy.

"Oh, yes, wife. I will. I'll give you my seed and my child to carry with love and passion. Beautiful wife. Beautiful mother."

Explosion. Fire. White light. Glow.

We came like never before. Neither could move or wanted to move. Every precious second we needed to feel this perfect orgasm. This orgasm that said why God thought of sex.

In the morning, Kailen showed up with a room service cart. She said her hellos and left abruptly. "Don't want to interrupt the newlyweds."

On the cart was a card. Your usual sappy, "congratulations" card, it also said, in Kailen's handwriting, "Shelly, Congratulations on finally having a real wedding night. I know you've wanted it for a long time. I'm just glad you let me make it happen. Alex, take good care of Shell. You may be my cousin, but she's my "sister"." At the bottom, it said, "Remember, this may not be the legal marriage, but I think it's the right one... even if it is just for fantasy."


Comments and suggestions are welcome at msraspberryswirl@yahoo.com

------------------------------------------------------------ Read more about Shelly and Kailen in "The Kailen Stories". Go to http://www.nifty.org. They're filed under LESBIAN/COLLEGE/KAILEN.

Next: Chapter 12: Old Self 3

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