Juvey Lockup

By charlie

Published on Apr 1, 2011


fiction by charlie comments welcome charles.whaley@comcast.net

juvey lockup-3

Todd was running through a dark alley at the edge of his neighborhood. There were some bad characters around here. He had lost track of his little brother, Jackie, and had to find him before..

"OK gentlemen, it's another day in paradise" Jerry said as he walked into the room.

For a moment Todd was in vertigo, lost between the dream and the reality of bright lights and the sight of other boys getting up. At home he would lie in his dark room until at least the second time his mother came in and shook him awake.

"How's everything Todd?" Jerry asked.


"That's good. I knew you would be ok. Just keep your studies up and you've got it dicked" Jerry said with a smile.

"That's not all he's got dicked" added Maxey. "He's making lots of little friends."

"Yea, he's got a fan club already" said Pete.

Jerry laughed as he saw Todd's face flush red. "Nice to be popular eh Todd?"


"Come on Maxey, get up!" Jerry yelled.

"I am up, see?" Maxey threw off his covers to reveal a boner in his shorts. He laughed and ran to the bathroom to pee.

"Sometimes I'm not at all sure about that boy" Jerry said as he left the room.

"I'm sure, loco pendejo." said Rico.

The boys went through the routine which led to the walk to the showers. Todd was comfortable walking nude with the other boys although he noticed he was not very horny this morning. The sight of the firm round boy butts in front of him was not as fascinating as it had been yesterday. Sometimes at home he had days when he didn't jerk off, although they were few. In the showers he almost chose to go to the less crowded showers in the front. He didn't think he would be masturbating.

It was the laughter coming from the back which peaked his curiosity. Laughter was mixed with shouts of encouragement. Hesitating only a moment more, Todd walked to the back.

The first few boys he passed were staring towards a group of boys on the far end of the room. Some of the boys he passed were hard. The sight of the fully erect penises finally made his dick wake up. A couple of the boys were really cute, but Todd walked on to check out the action in the back.

At first he could only see the wet backsides of several boys circled around something. Whatever they were watching had all of them jerking off. There was a lot of chatter and laughter. As Todd walked toward the group he thought he heard someone say "Yea fuck him!" Todd's dick stirred more as he got closer.

He moved around the group until he look over a shorter boy and see a black boy behind a young white boy. Although Todd could see them only from the back, it was obvious that the black boy was fucking the other boy up the ass. He turned and smiled at his friends as he rammed the younger boy. The white kid was bent over at the waist with his left hand holding the shower control knob and his right hand stroking his soapy penis. He was clearly enjoying the sex and the attention of the older boys. Todd suddenly realized that he was fully hard with his hand on his dick. So much for not jerking off. He started to stroke himself.

Then he saw another pair further back. There was a young Latino giving head to a taller white boy. Was it? Yes, it was Jimmy who was receiving the favor. He had a dreamy expression on his face as the brown boy bobbed up and down. Jimmy really did have a nice long dick. Todd remembered how hard it had felt in his hand last night. He stiffened more.

As his attention shifted back to the two boys fucking, he noticed the young boy to his left was stroking his buddy's penis. They looked about thirteen or fourteen. The boy next turned his head and began to stare at Todd's hard dick. Then he stroked his own boner for a few strokes. "Can I give you a hand with that?" he asked, looking up hopefully.

"Sure, I guess, go for it" Todd said with a smile.

The boy took Todd's meat and began stroking him with both hands. "Look at this dick!" he said to his friend. The other boy moved around to Todd's right and began to lightly stroke his balls as his buddy pumped his rod.

"yea" said Todd softly as he watched the black boy fuck the white kid. He put his hand on the shoulder of the kid who was jerking him and pulled him close. Looking over at Jimmy, he could see that his friend was close to orgasm. His hips were rocking and his face was contorted in ecstasy. A couple of the boys gathered around the show were already squirting. Todd was getting closer.

With a loud moan, Jimmy erupted in the brown boy's mouth. As he pulled out he hit him on the side of his chin with another large blast before turning away. The Latino was smiling at the group. As he stood, he opened his mouth and showed a pool of cum in his mouth. He then let the juice drip out of his mouth onto his own hard penis. He used the cum for lube as he rapidly jerked his rod. Todd reached down and started to stroke the boy who was rubbing his balls. The smaller penis felt so hard in his hand.

The two youngsters were energetically jerking him off and the two boys were still fucking. Todd saw a cute brown skinned boy watching the boys masturbate him. The boy flashed a smile at Todd and then started to cum. It was the boy that Todd had seen dancing in his room. The boy aimed his long fat dick towards a drain. Todd looked back at the boy who had sucked Jimmy off. His dick was so shinny with the cum on it. "Gonna cum" he said to the boys before erupting with a spurt that arced through the air.

"Wow" said the kid who was jerking him. Smiling, he put out a finger in front of the shooting penis. It was soon covered by Todd's warm juice. Looking at the other boys, he slowly raised the finger over his mouth and put a large drop on his tongue. He then closed his mouth and swallowed before sticking his tongue out again to show the boys that the cum was gone. Todd gave both of the boys a hug as the rest of his juice mixed with that of other boys running to the drain.

Freddie was model cute and he knew it. He brushed the light red silky hair that girls would die for. He studied his pretty face for blemishes.

"Do you think I should change this cut?" Jamie asked from the sink next to Freddie's. "I look like a fucking poodle or something."

Freddie laughed. "No, i like it. It's cute like that. If you change it you won't get any more dick."

"Well, since you put it like that, I guess it's ok."

This was their routine. The other two boys in the room had to fight to get the two of them away from the mirrors. But finally, it was time to go to breakfast. Freddie and Jamie timed their walk to the cafeteria so they would pass some of the boys coming from the showers. 'The morning inspection', they called it.

Freddie was a natural born flirt. "Oh look at that one! It's swinging! Happy dick happy dick. And here come some young up and cumers. Ooooh look, there's a fat brown burrito. Yum!"

"I could make breakfast out of that!" added Jamie.

"And it cums with a drink! And look at that one, somebody could get hurt by that big thing. I would" Freddie got that much out before the boy who was attached to the large member turned into his path. Freddie looked up and had just enough time to recognize that hot new boy, Todd, who was leaning in.. was he going to whisper?

Todd kissed Freddie full on the mouth as he put his hand on Freddie's back. Stunned only for a heart beat, Freddie kissed him back, his hands running up Todd's hard naked back. He pulled his body against Todd's hard naked front. This was so right..

Todd pulled back, looked into Freddie's eyes, flashed him the quickest of smiles, and turned to leave.

"Wha... what?" Freddie stammered after him.

Todd looked back "Don't worry about it" he smiled. He was gone.

After a hearty breakfast, Todd's morning classes passed quickly. He was meeting a lot of new boys as he was introduced to his new classes. He recognized a few boys from 'D' wing. Again he found the classes were often split into groups, sometimes with more proficient students helping others with their work.

In his English class, after the instructor had reviewed Todd's records he put him with a group of boys who were working with some Latino boys on their English. Todd immediately recognized the cute boy he had seen dancing in his room, and again jerking off in the showers this morning.

"Hey" Todd said as he pulled a chair over so he could sit by the boy.

"Hi" said the boy smiling.

"You are in 'D' wing. What's your name?"

"Ale is what I'm called. My name is Alejandro, but call me Ale. And you are Todd."

"So you're from Mexico? You speak English very well."

"Thank you. No we are from Brazil. I studied English in school in Brazil. I speak Portuguese, Spanish, and English, but I need to improve in all of them" he said smiling.

"You are my dancer" Todd said smiling back.

"Dancer? What do you mean?"

"I passed your room yesterday and you were dancing. You looked so free. It was cool. You made me feel good."

"Oh" said Ale laughing. "I get in silly moods sometimes. I was watching you in the showers this morning. Those boys had you going good eh?"

"Yes, very nice of them. Yea, I saw you in there. You've got a nice dick."

"Yours is really big!"

"I tell you what Ale, I just got here two days ago and I've already had more and better sex than I ever had in a month back in Indy. How about you? Are the boys doing you all the time?"

"No. I don't know, I'm a little shy about such things I guess. I don't know what to say. And I'm not circumcised."

"That doesn't matter. My roommate Rico is uncircumcised and he has tons of sex. You haven't done anything in here?"

"Yes, but not for a while."

"So you do like it, you know say if a boy sucks your dick?"

"Oh yea, that is wonderful."

"I've got an idea. My friend Jimmy has a really cute friend, Micco. He's Latino. He's a really nice gay boy and I'm sure he would like to meet you, if you want."

"Yes, I guess." Micco smiled and looked down. "Do you think he would, you know, suck me?"

"I think he would love to suck you. Tell ya what, I'll see Jimmy in my math class. I'll try to arrange for the four of us to get together, and if you like Micco, we can probably go to their room for some fun."

"Cool, I would like some, uh, fun."

They returned to their studies and the rest of the morning passed quickly.

Lunch was a plate of two hot dogs smothered with chili and melted cheese, a pack of potato chips, and soda.

"I don't know about you guys, but they are going to have to drag me out of this place kicking and screaming. I've never eaten this good" Todd said to Maxey and Rico as he took another big bite.

"know what you mean. I'm ready to go, but I'll miss this place. Don't tell any of the staff I said that" said Maxey.

"In the vault."

"I see you've made two new little friends in the shower" said Rico, smiling at Todd.

"Well, they were so helpful."

Maxey looked at Rico and said "I think we should pimp him out."

Rico burst out laughing "There you go. Todd gets the sex and we get the money."

"Now, now" said Todd.

"We'll start tonight" said Maxey. "Sell him by the inch."

"Actually, I've already got plans for tonight." said Todd.

"You whore!" said Maxey with mock astonishment."Don't you ever give that thing a rest?"

"Nope. Got to stay in shape for the Sex Olympics if I'm going to bring home the gold."

"Now that would be an Olympics that I would watch" said Rico.

"Wouldn't the pole-vaulting be painful?" asked Maxey.

"No pole-vaulting. They'll have whore-hoping instead" replied Todd.

"Pete would get the gold for the smallest dick" said Rico. The boys laughed.

As soon as he had a chance in his math class, Todd talked to Jimmy about his match making idea.

"That could work" said Jimmy, "Micco needs somebody. He's a little shy too."

"Good thing you don't have that problem" Todd smiled at Jimmy.

Jimmy reached over and pinched Todd on the dick. "What makes you say that? I'm just a shy little wallflower."

As Todd reached over and gave Jimmy's penis a squeeze he said "Me too."

Instead of the normal afternoon classes, Todd and a large number of boys were loaded onto two school busses. They were driven away from Morgan Hill through more populated areas as they got closer to Logansport. After about a twenty minute ride they reached a sub-division where new homes were being built.

The owner of the construction company took them from a lot where the dirt was being leveled and the initial plumbing was being installed to a lot where a framing crew was framing the first floor of a house. They next went to a house that was fully framed and had electricians and plumbers working inside while a landscaping crew was planting bushes and laying sod outside. Next they went to a house that had a painting crew working on the inside of the house. Finally they went to a finished home. At each stage the company owner and his foreman explained how the blueprints for each house dictated the work being done.

As they began the drive back, Todd thought over all he had just seen.

"That was pretty cool" said the young boy sitting nest to him.

"Yea, really. I'd never even thought about what all was involved in building a house."

Laughter broke out in the seat in front of them. The boy sitting nest to Todd laughed and pointed to two boys sitting across the aisle. The one next to the window was a young Latino. He was making his dick jump in his pants. He obviously had an extra large penis. It was sticking down his pants leg more than halfway to his knee. The boy siting nest to him was laughing but the Latino kid was playing it cool, looking around innocently as he made it jump again. All the boys laughed including Todd. Todd felt his dick swell.

"Alright, you guys back there are having too much fun" said one of the staff members from the front of the buss.

The kid looked out the window and made his dick jump again drawing muffled laughter.

They got back to Morgan Hill a few minutes before dinner. Todd walked back to his room. He entered to see Pete sitting at the table with a couple of books open and Maxey laying on his bed masturbating.

"You whore" said Todd. "Don't you ever give that thing a rest?"


I beat my dick like a cheap whore

I beat my dick and beat it some more

I beat my dick until it gets sore

Then I give it a rest

Then I beat it some more" Maxey raped without slowing his task.

"There you go Maxey" said Pete. "you could be a star. 'Maxey the nude masturbating raper'. I'll be your manager and handle the money for you."

"What a buddy!" said Maxey.

Todd sat at the table and told Pete about the trip to the housing development.

"Yea, you might get a trip out about every two or three weeks. Sometimes they'll have trades people come here and do a workshop" said Pete.

At dinner, Todd found Ale and brought him to the table with Jimmy and Micco. The two Latinos hit it off immediately. Todd and Jimmy smiled as the two chatted in Spanish. They made a very attractive couple. Both were very good looking young kids.

Todd cut a bite off one of the the salmon cakes on his plate. They were covered by a brown mushroom sauce and were delicious. He felt something rub his leg and looked down to see it was Jimmy's foot. He looked up to see him sucking suggestively on his index finger. He stopped to say "You've done good and deserve a reward" Jimmy continued to suck on the finger, moving his head slightly up and down as he did so.

Although he knew the boy was playing, Todd felt a swelling in his crotch. "You're absolutely right."

That brought a snort of laughter from Jimmy. The Latinos stopped their conversation, looking over briefly before continuing. After having a bite, Jimmy said "I shall introduce you to the world famous Jimmy blow job."

"I think I'd rather be famous for curing aids or something."

"Hey, a good blow job is important! It's an art form. And it's therapeutic for hard joints. Got any hard joints?" Again Jimmy's foot was rubbing up and down Todd's lower calf.

"Yes doctor, all hard up." He wasn't kidding. "Gonna need intensive care."

"Your in good hands, and lips."

After their meal, the four boys made their way back to Jimmy's room. Todd and Jimmy led the way. Ale and Micco followed still chatting in Spanish. Inside Todd and Jimmy sat on Jimmy's bed. The other two sat on the opposite bed.

Jimmy at once started rubbing Todd's crotch. Todd unlatched his belt and Jimmy unzipped his pants. Todd looked up to see the two Latinos watching in embarrassed silence. Ale had a big bulge in his pants. Noticing Todd's gaze, Jimmy looked over at the boys.

"What?" Jimmy got up and walked over to them. "Micco, you've got to quit being so damn shy." Jimmy took Micco's hand and put it on the lump in Ale's pants. Both of the boys laughed. "Now rub that around, then take his pants down and suck his dick. If you're not sure what to do, just look at what I'm doing to Todd.""

Todd's pants and shorts were down when Jimmy returned. "Here's how the bird gets the worm" said Jimmy as he extended his arms like wings and fell onto Todd's lap taking the erect pole in his mouth. Jimmy moved slowly at first, maintaining suction which made the big penis strain. Then he ran his tongue lightly under the head while stroking the shaft with his hand.

"Is this your first time?" asked Todd.

That brought another snort of laughter from Jimmy. "First time with you." Jimmy energetically bobbed up and down. Todd looked over to see that Micco now had Ale's fat brown dick in his mouth. Ale looked back at Todd with a wide smile. "The first time I ever sucked a dick, I was twelve" said Jimmy.

"The most we ever did was jerk each other off" said Todd. Jimmy was very good at what he was doing.

After swirling his tongue around and around Jimmy asked "So did you ever know a boy who you wanted to suck his dick?"


"So why didn't you."

"I don't know, thought about it, just never really had the opportunity I guess."

Jimmy stood up in front of him, his dick right in front of Todd's face. "Opportunity." Todd just stared at the nice big pole for a few seconds. "But if you don't want to" Jimmy said as he started to sit back down.

Todd's hand shot out and grabbed Jimmy's dick. "Come here with that. I was just asking myself if I really wanted to do this. I just got the answer." Todd took Jimmy into his mouth, rocking back and forth as he beat his dick. He didn't know what to expect. From listening to other boys, he had always thought that there must be something gross about sucking another boy but he was relieved to find there was no funky taste or anything bad. The rod slid over his tongue and he tried to imitate Jimmy's maneuvers.

"That feels sooo good" said Jimmy softly. He was holding Todd's shoulders and rocking his hips slightly to Todd's rhythm. Todd felt the big penis grow and harden in his mouth. After a few more seconds, Jimmy pulled out and went down on him. "What do ya think?"

"Hey, that's kinda fun" said Todd. He was even more excited now by the new sexual experience. As Jimmy bobbed rapidly on his penis he saw that Ale was now standing in front of Micco. One of Ale's hands was on the back of Micco's neck as he pushed in and out of the young boy's mouth. Ale's face was looking up although his eyes were closed.

Jimmy stroked Todd rapidly with his hand as his mouth moved up and down on the head. Todd quickly approached orgasm as he thought about how the big dick had filled his mouth, how it had hardened with Jimmy's pleasure. Although he had jerked boys off before, this seemed to be a more personal control of another boy's pleasure. Todd heard Ale make a high sound. The young brown boy pulled out of Micco's mouth and started to shoot stream after stream of cum. He had a dreamy smile on his face.

Todd's nuts were now pulled up tight and his dick was incredibly hard as he warned "Look out, here it comes."

Jimmy continued to suck him until the first blast hit his mouth. Then he jerked him off rapidly. For a split second in the midst of his pleasure, Todd seemed to be out of body, suspended over the sexy scene and connected mysteriously to the other three boys. Then he was back on the bed with Jimmy stroking his still spurting penis.

He looked up to see that Micco was now also standing and the boys were locked in a kiss. Jimmy pushed the cum out of his mouth and let it run down his chin with a silly smile on his face. Todd leaned in and kissed him. He tasted his own cum. He thought again about having the hard dick in his mouth. Suddenly he wished it was another boy's cum he was tasting. 'One things for sure' he thought as his tongue pressed against Jimmy's 'that's not the last time I'm going to suck a dick.'

Next: Chapter 4

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