Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Billy walked over to the kid who had cleaned the cum out of Per's eye on the sucktable. He introduced him to the kid who said his name was Loren Hooymann and went to Billy's high school's big rival. He said he played soccer, and Billy immediately realized why he looked familiar. "We totally whipped you guys back in October! I scored two that day."

"Yeah, I heard about that," Loren said, "but I was in here unfortunately. I haven't played since last season, but yeah you look familiar too. I hope they let me back on the team when I get out of here."

"That was nice what you did for that kid on the table," Billy said.

"Yeah, he'd do it for me," Loren replied, "we're all in this together in here." Now that the boys were all naked again, Billy was looking around with new found interest. He and Loren settled into some chairs against a wall, and Billy took a look around the room. It really was a very good looking bunch of boys. Looked like a sports team maybe a basketball team or something, with all the lean, mostly tall guys. There was no one fat or with pimples, or who was otherwise bad looking. It seemed like they were chosen on purpose. Just about any of the guys in the room would have been considered among the hottest at Billy's high school, as he was.

Billy's eyes ranged back to Loren, and he found himself staring at the ample cock resting on top of a big sack of balls that were dangling over the hard plastic edge of the chair. It was an awful big dick, and Billy found himself wondering if Loren was a 'shower,' one of those guys whose dicks don't get much longer when they get hard. Billy's almost doubled in length when he got hard, if Loren's did too, that would be quite some dick! Loren had the similar soccer build to Billy, not too developed but very fit upper body, strong abs and stomach, and killer lean slightly bowed legs.

Eric came walking over. Billy didn't even notice until he saw his stomach right in front of him. His eyes dropped down to Eric's big dick with the half inch of knotted up skin over the end. It looked a little bit bigger than it had before. He looked back over at Loren's package. Maybe it was because he was circumcised that it looked so big. Billy couldn't believe he was having all these thoughts about other dudes' cocks. "Hey man," Eric said to him, "will you piss me?" Billy didn't know what he meant. "Come to the grate with me, I need you to skin me back," Eric explained. As they walked over to the grate Eric said "yeah us guys with 'hoodies' have it tough in here," and gave a little laugh.

Once they got to the grate, Billy stood beside Eric and shuffled around till he caught hold of his dick. He pulled the skin back like he'd done his own a million times, and Eric sighed and began a heavy stream into the grating where they had emptied out their assfulls of water early that morning. Eric pissed for a good 45 seconds. When the stream stopped Billy worked the skin back and forth like he did his own, getting all the spare drops off. He kept skinning the prick back and forth in somewhat exaggerated motions for a lot longer than necessary, and felt the heavy tube jump in his hand. "Careful tiger," Eric said with a big smile.

"You better get some rest before day shift gets here in a couple hours," Eric said with a hint of concern. They walked over to their cell and lay on their beds. Billy wasn't aware until he hit the sheets how tired he was, and drifted off a bit. He dreamed about all that had happened, and thought about the friends he'd made in the one day he'd been in jail.

He had a short dream where he and Eric were at the beach somewhere, horsing around in the water, naked. They got out and gave each other a big hug, Eric patting him on the butt. It seemed so natural, but also so weird that they could hug. With the damn cuffs, they had barely been able to touch each other, not even shake hands or anything. Billy also realized he was hard as a rock, his dick pointing painfully at the ceiling. He looked over at Eric, who was looking at him. Was he getting a crush on this dude?

Billy swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked at Eric. "Dude, about earlier..."

Eric cut him off. "Billy, don't worry about it. I wanted to do that for you. If it makes you uncomfortable, just forget about it, it won't happen again." Eric looked a bit crestfallen.

"No, its not that. I want to do it for you," Billy replied.

"You don't have to do that bro, really. This place messes you up. You're a big straight sports stud. You'll be out of here in a few weeks."

Billy cut back in: "No I really want to."

By this time Eric too was sitting on the side of the bed. Billy walked the one or two steps between the beds and dropped to his knees. He slowly moved his head down to Eric's big knotted foreskin and gave it a tentative lick inside the opening. Eric sighed and opened his legs a bit more. The prick was warm and growing firmer. Billy grew bolder and stuck his tongue inside the hood, as Eric had done for him. Being a bigger and looser skin, he had a lot less trouble than had Eric. The head of Eric's dick was pink and moist. It had an aroma and slight taste, but not at all unpleasant. Billy pulled his tongue out of the skin and took the head into his mouth.

By this time Eric was pretty hard, and had scooted forward on the bed so his big nuts hung down against the bed frame. Billy grew more ambitious and had a good four inches of Eric's cock in his mouth. He was trying to suck and work his mouth and tongue around the big dick like Eric and Conrad had done for him. Eric was moaning now, and Billy started to feel the head of his dick tapping against his throat, still sore from the captain's dick battering its way into that opening. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth wide, pushing forward to let the nine inch monster down his gullet. It was a lot easier than it had been his first time this morning, and he soon found his nose buried in Eric's wispy blond pubes.

Billy did everything he could think of to make his buddy feel good, but then there was some noise outside the door, making Eric jerk away. "We better do this by the door," he said. Billy moved over and knelt with his back to the door, and Eric stood facing the window. He reinserted his schlong into Billy's mouth, and thrust gently into the novice, but very skilled mouth. Billy was pushed back a little and felt the door on the back of his head. Eric picked up the pace a little bit, fucking into Billy's mouth and throat now that it was held firm by the door. Billy worked his tongue on the underside of the big dick as well as he could.

After a few more minutes, Eric's pace increased again and his breathing got a bit heavy. With a few quick thrusts, he groaned and dumped the first shot or two straight down Billy's throat before pulling back and putting five or six more squirts onto Billy's tongue. Billy hadn't figured out how to swallow while still having a dick in his mouth, so had an entire mouthful of cum by the time Eric pulled his meat out of the kneeling jock's mouth. With a big gulp, Billy swallowed the load and then leaned forward to clean Eric's dick like he had been forced to do several times that day.

Eric had a big smile on his face. "That was awesome buddy. The best." Billy smiled back with an odd pride in having made his friend feel good. It was actually exhilarating to feel that big cock firing its ammo into him. Not at all scary and awful like it had been that morning. "Not much time dude, we better get you shitted and cleaned," Eric continued.

"But I don't have to shit," Billy replied.

"Well you better try. If there's anything up there you'll end up eating it off of one of these assholes' dicks, you know that." Eric was right and the two walked over to the filthy toilet. Eric sat down first and grunted a bit before making a couple little splashes. The two boys switched places, neither thinking it odd in this awful place to be conversing with another boy shitting two feet away. Billy sat on the pot and pushed. His asshole still hurt a lot from its torment earlier, and he was surprised at the aches and pains in his hole, and how far up inside him he could feel them. Finally, a couple of turds gave way.

It wasn't the usual feeling Billy was used to where you feel the poo push its way out your hole. His ass was so stretched out and loose the poops kind of fell out once they got moving, it was only the splashes that let Billy know he had evacuated them. Looking into the bowl after standing up Billy saw the little wad of fabric had been propelled out of him by the shit. He didn't see any blood, and Eric made him bend over so he could take a look.

The two walked over to the butt washer. Billy got on first, feeling the cold steel hit his hole and slide in a few inches. It barely registered like it had that morning with everything that had been shoved up there since. Eric helpfully stepped on the water pedal, and the pain returned to Billy as the water filled up his ass tube and pressed it in sore places. They traded places again and Billy struggled to hold the water in while he filled Eric for about 20 seconds. The two walked gingerly over to the grating, squatted down and shot out the dirty water. Chris walked over to them and said hi. "How's the first day Billy?" he asked.

"I dunno man," Billy replied, "I don't think I can get used to this place, its awful."

"Well you're right there," Chris said, "maybe you'll get lucky and get an easy fuck this afternoon. The captain's probably gone home if he was here so early. He was the one who really had it out for you."

The three boys walked over to where Reiner still lay on the floor hogtied. His hands were pretty red, and they were worried about him. He seemed to be sleeping or passed out, and all wondered to themselves how he could possibly sleep in the position. "Hey Reiner," Eric called out, "you ok man? They'll probably let you out of those when they come in for afternoon fuck." Reiner kind of grunted thanks and put his head back down.

Next: Chapter 10

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