Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 10, 2023


"Poor bastard," Conrad said again, referring to Jake, the boy who had just been whipped and fucked. "He's probably going to get it again from the shitheads in his wing." I hope he gets whoever snitched him."

"What do you mean?" Billy asked.

"Well," Conrad said, "someone had to have snitched him, how else would he have ended up in here. Just like my shithead cellie."

"What did he do?" Billy asked.

"Well that asshole broke the sprinkler in our cell. He hung his pants to dry on it and it broke and flooded our cell and a few others. Of course the guards asked us who did it. I said I didn't, and he of course said it was me. So I got to come to punishment, and he's up there enjoying a single cell. I am going to fuck his ass like a freight train when I get back there."

"Don't do that," Billy said, "isn't all this awful enough without you raping someone else?"

"You don't get it Billy," Conrad shot back, raising his voice somewhat.

"That fucker knew exactly what would happen to me and what happens down here. I've had 20 times worse in the five days I've been in here than I could ever give him. He deserves to feel a little bit of what happens to us in here."

"I guess you're right," Billy said, "but wouldn't that be weird, I mean, fucking a dude?"

"Sure happens enough in here," Conrad said, "and there are some mean fucks in gen pop. Come in here, I want to tell you something."

Conrad made his way towards his cell, and Billy followed, noticing that Eric shot him a glance. Once in the cell they sat on the bed. "I didn't tell you before," Conrad began, "but I was in here before when I was a kid. A lot of bad stuff happened to me that first time, so I kinda lied to you when I said this was new to me. Don't get me wrong, this is my first time in punishment, but I don't even think it was like this when I was here before, but I don't know.

When I was 13, my stepdad was hitting my mom, and I hit him in the head with a piece of lumber. That fuck always hated me, and pressed charges. I had to come here for six months for assault. I was a lot smaller and weaker back then, so you know, the older guys really fucked around with me. Like one time, I was on cleaning duty with this older guy, I remember his name, Brian Haag. He was much bigger than me, like 18 or so, and was famous around this place for having the biggest dick anyone had seen.

Anyway, we were cleaning this bathroom, and the whole time I was mopping I could feel him looking at me from behind. I think it must have been my ass. I had grown like five inches the first few months I was in here, so my sweats were really tight. Anyway, after a while, he stopped cleaning and was just sitting on one of the sinks jacking off this huge dick. I don't know how big it was, way bigger than mine at the time. Guys said it was almost a foot long, but I don't know if it was really that big. Finally he told me to come over."

"Now I know you're new here, but generally the way things work is if a bigger older guy tells you to do something, you do it. He said he wanted a bj, but I protested. Back then I couldn't suck dick at all. A guy on my wing had made me suck him off and I puked all over his dick. I thought I could get out of it with Brian by telling him that, but he just shrugged and said 'fine, your ass then.'

He stood up off the sink, put his hands around me, and pushed my sweats and undies to the floor. He told me to get rid of them, and then he started rubbing his finger up and down my asscrack. His dick looked enormous, and was making a ton of pre. He reached back to the sink and squirted a few loads of handsoap onto his hands, and rubbed it all over his huge prick. He squirted some more, and roughly jabbed two fingers into my hole with it.

He bent me over, and really just forced that huge prick into me. I thought I was going to die. He fucked me hard and fast for what seemed like hours. Then a door slammed in the distance and I guess he got nervous because he went really fast for a minute, and then I could feel his cum just flooding my ass. I could barely sit down for a week, and his cum leaked out of my ass for a whole day."

"That was only one day of many where stuff like that happened. I am telling you, this is a rotten place, and my cellie deserves it. Anyway, being in here now, bigger and older, I can do stuff like that, although I am never cruel and awful like those guys were to me. The worst thing is, the last few years I've felt like I needed it a bit. It sounds totally gay, but the feeling of rough guy sex. I had girlfriends, but sex with them isn't like that. Not the total aggression you get with guys. Luckily I found a guy on my team who would do those things to me. Its nothing like in here, but he's aggressive, and knows what to do when I really need to get fucked down."

Billy was astonished at what Conrad was telling him. He thought about what Conrad said earlier about worrying that what went on in here would seem normal or become permanent. It seemed now that Conrad was telling him exactly what had happened, and Billy began to freak out that the same thing would happen to him. I mean what if he needed cock in his ass after he got out of here? It was unimaginable. Billy also realized that his dick was painfully hard again. What the hell was wrong with him.

"You're different than the other guys in here," Conrad said. "You are a nice guy and I can talk to you. I've never told anyone all that stuff I just told you. I dunno why. By the way, why'd you grab my junk out there before?" Billy didn't know what to say, and just shrugged it off. "You know," Conrad began again, "it doesn't have to be like with the fucking COs. It can just be buddies making eachother feel good. Let me do something for you."

Conrad shifted off the bed and onto the floor on his knees. He put his mouth down to Billy's raging boner and began to nibble it through the fabric. "OK?" Conrad asked. Billy just nodded, already enjoying the sensations. Being high-cuffed, Conrad was able to easily get Billy's undies down to his knees which Billy aided by lifting his butt. Conrad went to work on Billy's big pole again, taking special care with the tip and wide piss slit, and then swallowing the whole thing to the root in one go.

For a guy who hadn't been able to suck at all a few years before, he was certainly doing a good job. Having just cum an hour before, Billy enjoyed the suck for a long time. Conrad kept up much more suction than Eric had, and it was driving Billy crazy feeling his foreskin travel back and forth with Conrad's expert mouth work. When Conrad would take the big log down his throat, Billy began thrusting his hips and thought he could actually feel the head of his dick rubbing past Conrad's tonsils. Wow. Billy couldn't hold back anymore, and finally bucked one last time before depositing a lesser but still large load of sperm into Conrad's mouth.

Conrad pulled Billy's briefs back up and they headed back out to the day room. The door buzzed and all the boys got onto the yellow line. A CO came and led them out for exercise. It was a chilly day, so not much fun to be outside in briefs. As Eric had said, the boys in gen pop who were out in the yard pointed at the boys freezing in their briefs. There wasn't much to do, you can't really jog or do anything except stand around with your hands cuffed. After an hour they went back to the punishment wing where a trustee was fucking Per's mouth on the suck table. Not even paying attention to the boys walking in, he pumped Per's mouth for another minute before bucking his hips and beginning to cum. He shot one or two gobs in Per's mouth, then pulled out and shot the rest right in his eyes. It was a nasty thing to do, because Per of course couldn't get the gunk out with his hands cuffed.

Once the trustee wiped his dick in Per's hair, he stuffed his meat back in his sweats and walked over to a laundry basket. The boys lined up, and one by one they walked past the trustee who pulled their briefs down to the floor then picked them up once they stepped out of them. One of the boys, whom Billy hadn't met yet, walked over to the suck table and bent over Per, carefully licking the cum out of his eyes. Per said thanks to him, obviously touched that someone would go out of their way for him. Billy was astonished, but then thought about it. They all had cum being pumped into every hole in the body all the time, so what was a little bit more to help out a buddy? It made perfect sense.

Next: Chapter 9

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