Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Sep 20, 2023


Eric led Billy into their cell and sat on the bed. He closed the door over so they would have a little privacy, and sat back down next to Billy. Wishing he could put his arm around him, he instead gave him a brotherly nudge with his shoulder. "Man, I know this place is awful and unbelievable, but just do what they say, hopefully you'll be out of here in less than a week, and you can go to gen pop and keep your head down." Again Billy wanted to cry. "Man, you'll be outta here in no time," Eric went on, "and you can forget all about this place. I still have three months."

"What the hell did you do?" Billy wanted to know. "It was stupid. Me and some friends were doing a prank at the school for sophomore sneak day. Me and some other guys from the soccer team..."

"You play soccer?" Billy interrupted.

"Yeah, do you? Well at least I used to," Eric replied.

"Yeah, I am starting striker, and run track in the spring before summer select league."

"Awesome," Eric said, "Yeah I was a middie, sometimes played forward. Anyway, me and these guys went up on the roof to put this banner up, and we were going to paint our class nickname on this lower part of the roof in flour that you would've seen from all the classrooms. Anyway, my buddy and me were up there, and he fell off and broke his back.

They blamed me because I had given him a few beers I snuck from my parents, and they said it was that which made him fall. Bullshit, I had more beers than he did, and I felt fine. So even though I apologized and even he and his parents forgave me and asked the prosecutor to leave it alone, they got me for felony vandalism and assault and all these other things. I got four years, but three were suspended. Still I am in here for at least a year, don't know if I'll ever get back on track with school. Sucks too, I was near the top of my class and was going to go to college."

"Shit man, that sucks," was all Billy could think to say.

"Whatever, it is what it is. I just wanna get the hell out of here and forget punishment even exists," Eric said with a sigh. "These guards are so fucked up, I can't believe it. Goddam perverts. There's this one, he's a real sicko. Sometimes in gen pop, usually in here, he picks one guy and puts this big butt plug up him. Oh yeah, that's another thing, we have to wear them in here on weekends, and tomorrow is Friday." Billy shot him a horrified look, but Eric continued, "anyway this sicko picks this boy and puts the plug in him-he's usually got a few going at a time. The plugs are pretty big so you can definitely feel it and they have this eyelet on the bottom part that sticks out of your ass that a chain goes through and locks to your waist chain...tight."

"So anyway, there's no way to get the plug out, and the chain that runs under you really mangles your balls and hurts when you're sitting. But that's not the worst part. He lets you suffer for two or more days with your shit building up till you can barely move. I heard of one kid that he noticed use the toilet all the time in gen pop who he left it in for four days. So anyway, the bad part. This guy is real sick and loves shit. So after you've had this thing up your ricker for a few days, he'll sneak into your cell in the middle of the night, unlock it, pull the thing out and shoves his dick up there. So he fucks the hell out of you, pushing against a few days worth of shit. When he pulls all the way out, there's no way to help it, so poo comes out onto your bed. He fucks like that for a long time, letting shit out, then going back in. I heard of one kid who didn't leak any poo, which made him mad so he punched the kid in the side a few times, then it all came out. Then he just leaves you there in a shit covered bed."

"Don't worry about it, probably won't happen to you since you'll be here so short. The buttplug thing isn't too bad. There's a lot less COs around on the weekends, so it means less fucking, and anyway most of them don't like the extra step of unlocking the plug and pulling the stinky thing out of you then waiting for you to clean out your ass. Means more sucking, but that's not so bad."

"Jesus," was all Billy could say. At that point he let out a little sniffle, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Cheer up man," Eric said warmly, "It's awful, but at least we're in it together. Man, we could have been good friends on the outside, maybe we can when we're out of here." With that, the only affection Billy had gotten since he got to this hell, he let loose and the tears flowed. It seemed like he had been in here for years, and it hadn't even barely been 12 hours. Eric shushed him, and told him to stop crying. "Someone might see you," he whispered. Billy got the tears under control and Eric scooted closer to him on the bed, close enough that he could sort of rub the small of his back with his cuffed hand. Not being able to control his hand very well, Eric was giving Billy comforting rubs on his back, the top of his crack, and on his left buttock. Billy calmed down and relaxed.

After some time of this back rub, Billy's eyes had closed. What Billy just realized and what Eric had been watching was the large bulge that had grown in Billy's tight undies. The head of his dick was poking the left side of the briefs, beyond the side of his thigh. With narrow hips like Billy had, eight and a half hard inches reaches a long way to the side when trapped in torturously tight briefs. Eric kind of chuckled as Billy opened his eyes and both were looking at his rock hard dick. Billy instinctively moved to cover himself, only to be rewarded with the sound of clinking chains as his wrists were caught by his waist chain. This caused another little laugh from Eric. "Its not what you think," Billy stammered.

"Its ok dude, don't worry about it. Don't feel bad. It doesn't mean anything. It happens to a lot of the guys even when they're getting fucked, it's natural, something about your prostrate or postate or something like that. It's that little lump inside your asshole behind your balls." Billy looked at Eric's crotch and could see the strong outline of his hard dong which was pressed to the side like his, but which had poked up out of the waistband, revealing a pink moist head and some bunched up foreskin that looked uncomfortable.

"I know what will make you feel better," Eric said standing up. "Come over here. Face out the window and tell me if anyone comes over." Billy did as he was told. Eric crouched down on his knees with his back to the door.

"Whoa, what's going on?!" Billy said.

"Relax, you'll love it," Eric said, "It doesn't mean anything, a lot of the guys in here do it to help each other out. Don't worry." With all that had happened since he awoke at 0430, this was the least weird, so Billy figured what the hell. Eric took this as a sign, and leaned in to Billy's straining crotch. He grabbed the head of the big dick with his mouth through the undies. Billy moaned and leaned back, losing his balance slightly. Not wanting to get the undies wet and give others a clue what had been going on, Eric concentrated on getting them down.

Billy was in heaven just feeling the motions around his sensitive cock head. "Little help here," Eric said sarcastically. Billy realized what was going on, and shifted his thumbs into the waistband of the briefs. He was able to make some space between his smooth abs and the tight elastic, allowing Eric to grab on with his teeth and yank them down on one side. With the same maneuver on the other side, Billy's big leaking dick snapped up and hit him above the belly button, leaving a splotch of precum on the faint blond treasure trail that extended a few inches above his navel. The tight briefs were now snugly packed beneath Billy's nuts, which were lifted and pushed forward by the tight elastic band, making them look huge even to Billy who saw them every day. "Nice," Eric said, apparently speaking to Billy's penis. He craned his neck up to try to reach the head, but couldn't, so Billy bent his knees a little and lowered his cock down.

Eric's smooth pink tongue darted out of his mouth and make a little circle on Billy's piss hole, lapping up the precum that had pooled there. Eric's skin covered about half his head when he was hard, and Eric was working to get his tongue under the tight hood, sending pangs of pleasure from Billy's dick to his brain. Eric was really going to town on the big cock. He loved the huge bluish vein running dead center down the top of the cock, before branching off into many little veins along the foreskin.

Eric finally succeeded in getting his tongue under the skin hood, and Billy almost went weak in the knees as he felt the tongue circling around his big bell shaped cockhead. But Eric was keen to get onto the main course. He took the head in his mouth and really gave it tongue and sucking action, bringing a low moan from Billy. Damn waist cuffs, Eric thought. He would love to be able to grab the shaft and work it while he sucked on the tip and to tug on those giant nuts.

Eric had perfected his practice in gen pop when he had a cocky jock cellmate for a few months. Eric had fooled around a little with some team mates. But the boredom and horniness created by jail brought out something new in him. At first he and his cellie Chad had traded bj's on a strict even reciprocity basis. Eventually though, Chad demanded more and more bjs, and rarely returned the favor.

Sometimes, Chad would demand four or five bjs per day, which really isn't much when Pine Creek was on lockdown and the boys were in their cells 24 hours a day. Even on a normal day, the boys were only out of their cells for a few hours, leaving ample time for Chad to get his meat worked on by his cute jock cellie with top oral skills. Even Chad wasn't nearly as hot as Billy and Billy didn't have that mean streak that Chad did. Chad rarely spoke to Eric after he stopped returning bjs. He would just throw a towel on the floor by the door and snap his fingers. Eric would kneel on the towel and blow Chad as long as he wanted, unless he turned around. He liked backdoor service and Eric obliged him, even though it worried him because it was harder to keep lookout.

Eric had wished Chad was friendlier to him. Jail is a lonely place, especially if your cellie doesn't talk with you. But the cocky jock attitude that allowed Chad to put Eric to use also made him stand out to the guards. Like most COs, the ones at Pine Creek, even though handpicked, had mostly been bullied in school, and loved to put a jock or tough guy in his place. On top of that was the sadism than ran through the whole place. Guards picked on and fucked the guys who would hate it most. If a boy liked it or was indifferent, what was the fun in that....unless he was really hot.

Guards would visit their cell every few days. Sometimes they would take Chad to the break room, one of their favorite fuck spots with all the couches, or would just fuck him right there on the bed in front of Eric. Eric had been to punishment once already at that point, and was surprised that the guards never fucked him like they did Chad. One time he even felt a bit jealous. But, who knows why the guards did what they did. Probably they just wanted to humiliate Chad. Eric was by far better looking than Chad, even though he was a hottie too. But yet the guards let him be during that period.

Eric worked Billy's head for a little while, and then, almost to show off his skills, he took all eight and a half inches down in one gulp so his lower lip was pressed into Billy's elevated nuts. Billy gasped as Eric worked his cum tube with his tongue, and used his throat muscles to squeeze and rub the head. Billy could feel his foreskin getting worked back and forth by Eric's throat. Fucking awesome. No wonder those guards were choking him with their dicks, this feels super.

Eric worked the dick deep for a long time, never coming up for air, making Billy wonder how he did it, remember his own suffocation earlier that morning. "Here switch around," Eric said, motioning for Bill to stay still while he got up and went to the other side of Billy and knelt down facing his ass. "Make sure to keep a lookout but bend forward." Billy did as told, not even thinking about what was happening. "Looks a bit better back here," Eric said, "This will help. Just like dogs lick their wounds." With that Billy nearly jumped as he felt Eric's warm tongue touch his tender butthole. Eric licked around the ravaged orifice and them up the crack and down the crack pushing the briefs lower with his chin. Billy giggled when he felt the tongue pushing on the bottom of his ballsac.

Eric went back to work on the hole, cleaning out the remnants of cum and lube, still very odorous. He found the wad of fabric with his tongue, but could not see if it was bloodstained. There wasn't any visible blood around the butthole, so that was a good sign. He felt very protective of Billy, and wanted to heal him and make him feel better. Eric worked on Billy's hole for 15 or so minutes. It was clean and covered in a layer of moisturizing saliva when Eric shifted back around to the throbbing cock on the front of Billy.

There was a small puddle of precum on the floor in front of Billy and plenty more on the bulbous head and caught in the foreskin. Eric gulped the cock down again, and really went to work. People would be wondering about them soon as it was cleaning time, and so the odds of someone coming to the door were growing higher. It wouldn't have been the end of the world if they were caught, but etiquette was to keep these things private, except sometimes, but that's a different story. Billy was caught up in the ecstasy of having his schlong so expertly worshipped. One of his girlfriends had tried to blow him once but couldn't even get the head in her mouth and complained about the skin. Billy had fucked another girl a few times, but had never felt anything like this on his dick before.

Eric was picking up the pace, using his tongue mouth and throat to work the big dick for all he was worth. The end of Billy's dick was buried about 4 inches down Eric's throat when Eric felt the tell-tale stiffening and twitching of the prick so hard he could feel it on the back of his adams apple. He pulled the cock out of his throat so just the big head was in his mouth and worked the dick as fast and hard as he could, rubbing the skin back and forth. Billy groaned and jerked his hips, almost making his dick fall out of Eric's mouth. He erupted with a fountain of cum. He hadn't jerked off for more than a week before his court date out of nervousness, and now was pumping his only friend's mouth full of jizz. Eric counted nine big shots, and was swallowing while the pile of cum on his tongue was replenished. Eric couldn't remember a cum load this big, he himself didn't cum that much, and Chad had never had much of an opportunity to build much up.

Eric worked on the big now-softening dick for another minute, cleaning up the cum that was stuck to it and giving his friend a last bit of pleasure. Finally he let the piece drop out of his mouth. It hung there, held outward by the bunched up testicles. It was a beaut, about six inches now semi soft, with that big head and perfect vein. Eric hoped they could do that some more, but it was tough to get privacy in punishment and he doubted they'd see eachother again in gen pop.

"Should I do you?" Billy asked quietly.

"Nah, thanks though," Eric replied, "I wanted to do that for you, my pleasure. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do, there's enough of that around here as is. Let's get those undies up and get back out in the day room before people start wondering." He bit down on the elastic and hiked the undies up to where Billy could get his thumbs in them and pull them up.

"Thanks man, that was awesome," Billy said.

"Glad you liked it bro," replied Eric.

Next: Chapter 7

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